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1028 Penn Street, P.O. Box 84, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 Email: hburgcob@gmail.com 814-695-0072 Web: hburgcob.org

May 2017 Flock Flyer

Hollidaysburg Church of the Brethren is a family

of believers sharing the teaching and example

of Jesus with all people.

Pastor—Marlys Hershberger Editor—Daisy Decker

Youth Sunday will be rec-ognized this year on May 7. Please join us in a wor-ship service focusing on Psalm 145:4, Acts 2:42-47 and the theme Generations, Celebrating Faith. A spe-cial feature this year is the Children’s Choir, singing during the worship service and led by Tim Jimenez.

Donut Fellowship Sunday will also be on May 7 (instead of the usual 3rd Sunday of the month). Everyone is invited downstairs for fel-lowship with donuts, fruit and a beverage fol-lowing worship.

2017 Graduation Banquet Sunday, May 21

Fellowship Hall at 11:45 a.m.

Join us for a lasagna dinner in honor of our high school graduates. Graduating seniors include Courtney Byrnes, Alexis Wagner, Austin Finochio and Natalie Shawley. Please be sure to sign up on the narthex table (or call the church office).

Youth Sunday—May 7, 2017

In 1907, a lady in Philadelphia, Anna Jarvis, began lobbying for a day when our nation would honor mothers. She persuaded the leaders of the church her mother attended to designate the sec-ond Sunday of May as Mothers’ Day. After Mrs. Jarvis had written countless letters to political authorities across the nation, by 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson pro-claimed Mother’s Day a national holi-day. He chose the second Sunday in May for the annual celebration. The second Sunday in May was the anniver-sary of the death of Mrs. Jarvis’ mother.

—Newsletter Newsletter, May 1999

Hollidaysburg COB Events


Bible Study & Life Discussions with Pastor Marlys on Wednesday evenings continue at 6:30 p.m. in the parlor. Kids’ Night for children in Grades K-5 on Friday, May 26 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. (Note date change from third Friday for this month). This is a time for supper, games and Bible stories. Call/text Beth Neely (312-7211) or call the office by Wed., May 24 if you are able to attend.

The Village at Morrisons Cove

50th Annual Chicken BBQ Saturday, May 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Morrisons Cove Memorial Park Alley Kitchen. Tickets are $8. Cookies Needed: The Village is asking for our an-nual donation of 25 dozen cookies needed for the Chicken BBQ. Cookies need to be at the church by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 5. A sign-up sheet is on the long nar-thex table. Contact person: Bev Hoffman (for tickets/cookies).


On Palm Sun-day, April 9, four people were welcomed as new mem-bers into Holli-d a y s b u r g Church of the

Brethren. Rich and Beckie Zeek, Joe Wyant and Scott Cherry. We are blessed by their presence among us.

May Youth News For the Whole Congregation To Know. . . —Submitted by Rita Murphy

One generation shall laud thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.

—Psalm 145:4

Youth Sunday will be recognized this year on May 7. Please join us in a worship service focusing on the theme “Generations Celebrating Faith.” Special music will be provided by our Children’s Choir.

The Graduation Banquet will be held on May 21. Join us in celebrating the high school graduation of our youth: Courtney Byrnes, Austin Finochio, Natalie Shawley, and Lexi Wagner.

Hollidaysburg Area Senior High will celebrate Baccalaureate on Sunday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium. You are welcome to attend the Christian blessing of all of our seniors.

Youth will help serve food at the Church/Community Yard Sale on Saturday, June 3. One-third of the proceeds go to the National Youth Conference Fund.

National Junior High Conference is on June 9-11 at Elizabethtown College. Alison Geist, Jordyn Wag-ner and Kamryn Wagner will travel with Pastor Marlys.

National Youth Conference Summer of 2018 Youth currently in grades 8-11 are encouraged to begin their decision-making about this spiritual journey.

Camp Blue Diamond has a camp for You! Get a form today!

Yes, we still collect aluminum cans!

Sunday School is held each week in the Youth Room. Come, enjoy the strengthening of your walk with Christ.

If you have any questions, need forms or have ideas to share, please let Rita Murphy know. Thanks again to all those willing to help make these events a success.

May Christ’s message of love and hope be found in us.

New HCOB Members


News for all from Women’s Fellowship —submitted by Rita Murphy

Thank you so much to everyone who helped give a make-over to the Children’s Activity Bags! They are great! Also, the Teen Shelter was very appreciative of the 12 dozen cookies we baked and delivered to them! Campers at Camp Blue Diamond will really enjoy the frozen cookie batter we sent their way, too! It is such a joy to be able to be a blessing to others!

Please mark your calendar now for the upcoming Church/Community Yard Sale on Saturday, June 3. Volunteers will be needed to help prepare food, set up the parking lot and about 10 other jobs! Be sure to sign up to help. The proceeds are equally divided between Women’s Fellowship, Youth, and a mission outreach.

Plan to join the June 19 trip to SERRV (New Windsor, Maryland). We will be working in the SERRV shop to help process goods from Third World countries to be sold in our country. We will leave the church parking lot at 6 a.m., work from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., stop at the Hagerstown outlets on the way home, and return to the church around 9 p.m. Men, women, and youth (12 and up) are invited to attend.

We will serve the Saturday free lunch/meal, referred to as Love Feast, at the Simpson Temple United Par-ish (a Methodist and Lutheran joined church) at 2212 Sixth Avenue Altoona on Saturday, July 8. Many hands will be needed to help cook, serve, and clean.

Women’s Fellowship is always looking for new friends and new ideas.

Feel free to join us in serving our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Saturday, June 3 8:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Church parking lot

Set up will start at 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning or you may choose to set up Friday evening. (No overnight security will be provided). We are asking for a $10.00 donation to reserve a 10’x10’ spot to sell your own items. You provide your own tables or the church can provide tables for a $5.00 dona-tion per table. Canopies are welcome. Remember, this sale is taking place at the church. With this in mind, we ask that all items being sold are rated “PG” (no inappropriate, vulgar or unmentionable items). We also ask that no food or drink, including water be sold.


Your monetary donations will go toward advertising and other costs of the yard sale. The remaining money will go toward the church’s youth programs, Women’s Ministry, and the Church of the Brethren’s mission support fund. Please fill out a registration form as soon as possible. There will be a limited number of spaces available. Checks and money orders should be made out to HCOB with yard sale in the memo line. Along with the community spots, the church itself will be selling donated items and refreshments. Any items in the church lost and found box or unclaimed kitchen items will be donated to the yard sale.

If you have any questions, please call Abby at 312-8315 or Shari at 942-5575.

HCOB Community Yard Sale


n our church parlor a repro-duction of a famous painting domi-nates the room. It is Peter Zund’s 1877 painting, The Road to Emmaus. As I consider preaching from the Bi-ble text that inspired this painting, Luke 24:13-35, I am reading the story many times, from many angles. I put myself in the story. I wonder how Jesus’ walking companions could miss the marvel of the living, loving Christ in their midst. But in my pondering I realize that I miss so much every day. I miss out on the peace that Jesus, the living Christ, offers every day. Too often I am clouded in my view, limited in my vision. In the midst of my work and daily liv-ing, I turn my focus inward. I am often focused on desires for my own comfort—desires to feel good. Sometimes the desire is to have an ecstatic thrill, but most often it is just a desire to be free from guilt and hurt. Those desires aren’t bad, are they? No. But I do think that in this attitude of an inward focus and wishing, wishing, wishing to feel good, I too easily miss out on the spirit of Christ at work all around me. I too easily miss out on the spirit of Christ moving in the places and people around me. I miss out on the spirit of Christ waiting to break in to gift me with pieces of peace. God’s peace. Wonderful peace. Pieces of peace that come in unexpected ways, even in the routine acts of sitting together as the three in the painting end up doing. I think about how often I want to pull inward, even in the Sunday morning setting. I want to be comfortable and feel good. You too?! Yes, we all want Sunday mornings and our other church time to make us feel good and to be worth our time. We want the “best” parking places and the “best” seats so we can be sure we get the most out of our church experiences. We want to be sure to sing our favorite songs so we can feel uplifted. We don’t want the preacher to make us feel bad by mentioning money or . . . Oops. I better stop. I’ll say something—if I haven’t already—to cause dis-comfort. The Emmaus Road story is just one of many accounts of Jesus’ companions finding new and unfa-thomable comfort when they were uncomfortable enough to scooch over a bit, to shift focus from an inward slant to one up and beyond their preoccupied view. Pieces of peace fall into place. May we pray not for our comfort and ease, not for the easy road, not for a life without trouble. May we seek God’s help through life experiences that better shape us and join us to the heart of God, filling us with a marvelous sense of God’s peace and well-being while we live in the midst of a hurting world.

From Pastor Marlys


Church of the Brethren Annual Conference

Annual Conference 2017 June 28-July 2, 2017

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Why is it important for my congregation to send a delegate to Annual Conference?

Sending a delegate to Annual Conference is the only way to ensure your congregation has a say in de-cisions that affect the whole church. The Annual Conference delegate body is one of the most impor-tant—if not the highest—level of decision making in the Church of the Brethren. Each congregation may play a vital part in Annual Conference by sending a delegate or delegates. The number of dele-gates a congregation may send is relative to the number of members in the congregation.

Who can be a delegate and how many delegates dour our congregation get?

Each congregation may choose who their delegate(s) may be, and all delegates must be full members of the Church of the Brethren. The pastor of a congregation is not automatically a delegate. The number of delegates allowed per congregation is based on its membership statistics as reported in the Church of the Brethren Yearbook. (1-200 members=1 delegate)

What do delegates and their congregations get from Annual Conference?

Delegates benefit personally from the opportunities for spiritual renewal, continuing education, and faith formation. Their congregations benefit from the spiritual growth that their church leadership may bring back and share with the church. In addition to business sessions, each Conference features daily worship services, Bible studies, insight sessions on a wide variety of topics, support groups, meal events, an exhibit hall with booths and many free resources, a Brethren Press bookstore, and much more. All of theses are open to every Conference attendee. Every congregation that sends a delegate will also receive a copy of that year’s Annual Conference minutes.

Annual Conference Briefing Thursday, May 25 at 7:00 p.m.

Stone Church of the Brethren, Huntingdon with Carol Scheppard, Annual Conference Moderator.

All interested persons are welcome.


‘Feetwashing’ in the garden: The most meaningful love feast ever! —By Martin Hutchison in Church of the Brethren Newsline April 21.

In my 27 years of pastoral ministry tonight was the most meaningful Maundy Thursday love feast experience ever for me! Any other church I have been part of would have fired me on the spot for messing with the “Holy Ground,” but not Community of Joy.

Normally on the Thursday of Holy Week we host a love feast which is attended by 20 to 25 people. It is a “holy huddle” for the church, and for many is a high moment in our worship life as a congregation. It consists of a simple meal, washing one another’s feet, and communion. It is mod-eled after Jesus’ last meal with his followers found in John 13.

On Palm Sunday, I shared the Lord’s instructions to the disciples when he sent them to get a donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem. He told them un-tie it and, if asked why they were doing that, to say, “The Lord needs it.” I challenged the church to figure out what we had to untie to become ves-sels for Jesus in the world--and sometimes that means untying ourselves from our past and our traditions. Then I announced that we would be un-tying love feast. Instead of huddling, we would open the ministry center for half an hour for drop by quiet time with God and communion. Then we would arrive at the community garden at 6 p.m. for a simple meal, which Sharon and I provided. Then the “feetwashing” would be to work in the garden.

Upon arriving at the garden, I was swarmed by 12 to 15 children, all wanting to help and all hungry and want-ing to eat with us. We had made provisions to have enough for all. In total, with church folk and community folk, we had between 40 and 45 people engaged in the love feast. One family of four I met by “God-incidence” on Wednesday in the garden, and they were looking for a church to connect with. The kids knew me from my work at Pinehurst Elementary School and from a field trip to the garden last year.

We enjoyed eating together and then worked until dark, with kids coming and going, many engaging in deep ways in the work and in the ever-deepening of relationships. It was indeed a holy moment where the church left the building to put into practice Jesus’ command to love one another as he loves us, and to become known by our love.

— Martin Hutchison is pastor of Community of Joy Church of the Brethren and founder of Camden Commu-nity Garden in Salisbury, Md. This is from an e-mail he sent to Jeff Boshart, manager of the Global Food Ini-tiative which has given grants in support of the community garden. In a closing note to Boshart and other friends of the church and the community garden, he wrote: “Thank you for your role in our lives and for sup-porting our crazy ideas to follow Jesus out of our building and into our community where we are growing more than veggies!” Find out more about the Global Food Initiative at www.brethren.org/gfi .

Church of the Brethren Denomination News

Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully...Simply...Together


American Rescue Workers HCOB Representative: Shirley Leister.

Tiger Pack Program HCOB Representative: Connie Bert

The ARW truck will be in the parking lot on Satur-day, May 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is an opportunity to drop off non-perishable foods and clothing. Sign up to help. Sign-up sheets are on the narthex table.


Other items needed: Peanut Butter

Mac and Cheese Hamburger Helper

Thank you for all of your dona-tions! We are filling up lots of backpacks! For May please bring plastic jars of grape jelly, canned tuna, canned chicken, cans of soup, and macaroni & cheese. Donated items may be placed in the Corinthians Sunday School classroom (by the mailboxes). Tiger Pack will continue to col-lect food items over the summer.


Bird Walk Saturday, May 27

Gather at Camp Blue Diamond and beyond as the morning is spent sighting and learning about many different local birds. Gabe Imler, one of Camp’s best counselors and bird enthusiast, is the host for the day.

Meet at Camp Blue Diamond at 7:00 a.m. and spend time looking at the birds around Camp. Travel to a local Bald Eagle’s nest and take a trip to Shaver’s Creek for more Birding. The day concludes with picnic lunch at Camp Blue Diamond.

$10 cost includes lunch and transportation on site. For questions or to RSVP please contact the Camp Blue Diamond office at (814) 667- 2355 or camp-bluediamond@verizon.net. Transportation will be provided once you arrive at Camp Blue Diamond. Please RSVP by Sunday, May 21.

Senior Adult Day is on Friday, June 2. Be inspired with David Radcliff, Director of New Community Project. David’s passion for God’s people and the created world in-spires him to find ways to change the world by changing the way we relate to the planet and its people. The day begins at 9:00 with coffee and a hymn sing and concludes at 3:30. Reg-istration forms are on the long narthex table with complete de-tails and costs.

Graduates from college include Jason Mobley, Emmett Eldred and Gabe Imler. If you know of anyone else graduating, please be sure to let the church office know. Congratulations!


In His Service for May

Greeters Pat & Bev Hoffman

Newcomer Greeter

Shirley Leister

Flock Leaders

Tom & Beth Neely

Deacon On Call

Shirley Merritts

Head Usher George Wright


7-Alayna Johnson 14-Derek Wright 21-Gavin Wright 28-Derek Wright

Date Worship

Attendance Sunday Offering

2-Apr. 88 $4,623.00

9-Apr. 125 $4,640.00

16-Apr. 135 $3,755.00

23-Apr. 92 $3,380.00

30-Apr. May Flock Flyer

Statistics and Finances

1-Mason Kephart 3-Ron Byrnes 6-Bonnie Robeson 7-Carly Finochio 7-Aiden Johnson 9-Katie Dodson 9-Dex Meadows 10-Bryan Beckel 12-Joseph Robeson 13-ShirleyMerritts 14-Terry Bickel 14-Brooke Frederick 16-Bridget Delozier 16-Christine Hess 20-Terry Hershber-


21-Abby Frazier 21-Becky Glass 21-Emma McCall 21-Colleen Murphy 22-Sam Rhodes 24-Hannah Beckel 24-Brittian Flatt 26-Stephanie Her-

shberger 27-Josh Hajnosz 27-Korttnee Shelow 28-Peightyn

Pacheco 30-Shirley Onkst 30-Liz Yoder 31-Lauren Hajnosz

Samuel Andrew Weyant

was born on Friday, April 14, 2017.

Congratulations to proud parents

Stacy and Andy Weyant!

We extend our sympathy to the family

of Art Pacheco, father of Kele, Paco & Sara Jo

Stuver-Pacheco, who died last week.

6-Rob & Tina Beatty

20-Byran & Abby Beckel

22-Zac & Ann Kephart

23-Ethan & Grace Eldred

25-Samuel & Gail Gill


MAY 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




6:30 Bible Study

7:45 Choir


6:30 Core Team

5 6

10:00-2:00 ARW truck

7 Youth


Donut Fellowship






Bible Study

7:45 Choir


7:00 Leadership Team Mtg.




15 16



Bible Study

7:45 Choir




21 Graduation

Sunday 11:45 Ban-

quet 6:30 Deacon

Mtg. 7:00 Bacca-


22 23


6:30 Bible Study

7:45 Choir


7:00 Annual Conf. Briefing at Stone COB


6:00 Kids’ Night






6:30 Bible Study

7:45 Choir

Others Using Our Building

Tuesday, May 2—Brethren Brass 7:00-9:00 in the sanctuary

Wednesday, May 17—Mom’s Club 10:30-11:30 in the nursery

Saturday, May 20—Recital rehearsal 9:00-12:00 in the sanctuary

Sunday, May 21—Recital 2:00-4:00 in the sanctuary and fellowship hall

DEACON CALL: Names will be received for consideration on Sunday, June 4. Those who accept a call to become deacons will be affirmed in a brief Congregational Forum. Please see May 14, 21, 28 bul-letins for details.

Hollidaysburg Church of the Brethren 1028 Penn Street, P.O. Box 84 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

Address Service Requested


In the Lady Chapel of Liverpool Cathedral are two windows dedicated to some of history’s outstanding women, but there is one among them whose name you almost certainly will not know. Kitty Wilkinson is pic-tured with the gnarled hands of a woman beaten by rheumatism. But they were also the tender hands of a woman who mothered the motherless. In all she fos-tered forty-five orphaned children and scrubbed floors

in other people’s homes to raise money to keep them.

The hands of Jesus were God’s answer to hard work. They became toil-worn in the carpenter’s shop at Nazareth, but they were also tender. They were pierced with nails—the cost of our redemption. Our hands should be given to the Lord Jesus in the service of others in love and devotion.

—Maurice Barnett in The Upper Room, photo: http:// www.liverpoolexpress.co.uk/cathedral-launches-kitty-wilkinson-tours/