Holistic Healing - West Los Angeles CA Area … · (Wellness Flow) People: ... Neoplasms form and...


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Holistic Healing Healing from the inside out: Understand how you get sick & options for getting better

Rachel Jones DVM,CVCP,PScDMarina Veterinary CenterHolistic & Traditional Veterinary Carewww.marinavet.comvet4nyc@gmail.com

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Holistic Healing Overview

● Intro to Jin Shin Jyutsu● Starter Flow (Movement Flow)● Immunity Flow (Wellness Flow)

● Overview of Holistic Healing● Holistic Healing Basics● Progression of Illness● Diagnostics● Healing Modalities

Holistic Healing

Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ)

Japanese healing art that harmonizes energy in body.Recognizes #26 safety energy locks

Hold area to move energy

Starting Flow(Movement flow)

Always have to bend the knee to move forwardMoving forward getting out of being stuck in life & idea patterns


People: #1 HoldsHold 1 for 30 min a day for a year your life will change

Pet: #1 & #2 same sideStomach Spleen energy

First depth

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Immunity Flow(Wellness Flow)

Immunity Flow(Wellness Flow)

People: #19 & L middlePanic attacks, headaches moves energy down the front of

your body and out of head, good when overloaded especially in mind

Pet: #10 & #13 Best starting place calms pet down, good for fearful animals, separation anxiety, shock relief, comforting and securing flow

that was done during rehab of Mike Vick dogs

Holistic Healing

Holistic Healing




Scar breakdown: Wheat Germ Oil and Cold LaserLaser on Amazon $189 medical laser

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Energy flows up the back to top of head and down front Scar (#2)will block flow and cause energy pattern to short


Perhaps the greatest gift an animal has to offer is a permanent reminder of who we really are.”

― Dr. Nick Trout, Love Is the Best Medicine: What Two Dogs Taught One Veterinarian about Hope, Humility, and Everyday Miracles

Holistic Healing

Jin Shin JyutsuEnergetic connection between you & your pet?

You must keep your own health in order if you want your pet to be healthy.

Holistic Healing

Jin Shin JyutsuFind a practitioner near you:

www.jsjinc.netJed Schwartz845-679-5177


Holistic Healing

What is Holistic Healing?

Looking at the whole body to see what is going on and needs correction and then addressing it in a way that gets the body back to being auto regulated so that health can be restored. Proper nutrition is necessary to provide building blocks for body to restore itself.Food IS your medicine.

What is holistic healing?Basics

● Each patient must be looked at individually along with individual symptoms

● Addressing issue at the root cause ● Body heals from inside out & Top to bottom● Gets sick from outside in Excretion- Inflammation –Deposition

CROSS OVER Impregnation-Degeneration-Dediffereniation

Holistic Healing

Holistic Healing


Non anesthetic dentals are like having a mint condition car with a bad engine.

Proper anesthetic cleanings and dental radiographs are important#1 reason for chronic health issues.

Dental HealthEvery tooth of the dog goes directly to an organ meridian.Infection, abscesses & broken roots all contribute to poor health

Holistic Healing

Getting Sick & 7 Biological Stressors

Body’s Response to toxins:




Holistic Healing

Holistic HealingDisclaimer:

● Utilize allopathic medicine and Advanced diagnostics

Severely ill dogs require severe life saving measures.

● Choice of approach should be based on where dog is in healing cycle.

Holistic Healing

Progression of illness Dr Hans Reckeweg

● Excretion: Bodily fluids are expressed to expel toxins. ● Inflammation: Fever, diarrhea, inflammation occurs in body’s attempt to expel toxins.● Deposition: Toxins deposited into connective tissue bc could not be expelled. Also

fatty tissue/lipomas & vascular system (connective tissue) ● BIOLOGICAL CROSS OVER

Holistic Healing

Progression of illness BIOLOGICAL CROSS OVER

● Impregnation: Toxins actually go into the cell itself. Toxins collect around organs structure. Chronic inflammation present. Connective tissue from Deposition phase reacts with inflammatory layer response to organ(s). If no detoxification process started decline of the patient. This is point that bowel permeability begins leading to leaky gut, IBD, other GI disease and weak immune system.

● Degneration:.● Toxins that are causing chronic inflammation around organ structure are now affecting organ’s function. Irreversible

damage begins. Glands are being Impregnated by toxins.

● Dedifferentiation:. Phase reached when organ can no longer survive on a cellular level. Neoplasms form and energy low.


Holistic Healing

Holistic Healing:Diagnostics

Diagnostics & Information Gathering

● Advanced Diagnostics: Blood tests, Radiographs, CT, MRI, EKG, Thermography

● History from owner● Nutritional Response Testing (NRT)*- APPLIED KINESIOLOGY(Nutritional

Medicine) NOT DIAGNOTIC but INFORMATIVE TO NEEDS OF BODY● Identify weak organs/areas● Pulse and grade it from 1-10● Determine what toxin is stressing organ/area out (Fungus, virus, bacteria, parasite, heavy metal, chemicals or food)● Design a personalized detox program: Select supplement and determine a dose

and for how long.

*IMO The building block of getting started with a healing program.

Address 3 Areas/Issues:Nutritional Issues & underlying disease/problem

Structure IssuesEnergy/Emotions Issues

Relapses will occur if all are not addressed at the same time.

(Dentistry & Scar)

Holistic Healing

Healing ModalitiesIncorporates one or more of the following:

Nutritional Medicine / Nutritional Response Testing: Foods

● Supplements (Whole Food ex: Standard Process, Designs for Health, Doctors Research…) Herbal Medicine: Plant Based

● Herbal Blends: Medi-herbs, Marco Pharma, Physica Energetix, etc● Chinese herbs: According to TCM principles● Ayurvedic herbs:ChiropracticUpper cervical-Spinal manipulation-Bio energetic techniques (similar to Network)

Energetic Medicine/Frequency Medicine● Acupuncture: Needles, electrostimulation moxibustion (mugort) to points● Bicom/Cyber Scan/ Rife Machine● Chiropractic● Cold Lasers: Microlight 830/Erconia Laser● Cranial Sacral Therapy*● Homeopathy-Law of similars/nanopharmacology● Homotoxicology● JSJ/Healing touch/Reiki ● Ozone

What holistic medicine is NOT: The use of herbs to heal everything.Holistic Herbs & Homeopathy

Holistic Healing


FOOD &WHOLE FOOD ● Nutritional Medicine: Detox body of stressors (Heavy Metals, chemicals,

Parasites, Fungus, Bacteria, Virus, Food.) to restore health. Slow and gentle. ● Drainage is key to any detox or healing program (Asparagus, celery &

parsley) or supplements

Fresh Food & Ancient Wisdom by Dr Ihor Basko

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

Nutritional MedicineNutritional Response Testing (NRT)

“Buddy” 9 yo mc Golden Retriever Kidney Disease: Chemical Stressor

Whole Food Supplements

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

5/4/17 5/18/17 BUN: 42 24 mg/dLCREAT: 2.4 0.9 mg/dL


●Herbal Blends: Mediherbs, Marco Pharma●Chinese herbs: TCM principles●Ayurvedic herbs

Caution with herbs when using homeopathy can antidote remedies . Can also be hard on the system depending on how ill patient is.

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

Energetic MedicineFrequency Medicine

Chiropractic medicine Is not just one technique it has many techniques that address the many different connections of the nervous system to the brain.

Upper Cervical: Brain Stem corrects placement of Atlas & OcciputSpinal Manipulation: Spine Cord & VertebraeBio Energetic Connection/Network Chiropractic: Energetic Pathways.Myofascial Release: Fascial System


ACUPUNCTURE• Acupuncture: Needles, electrostimulation, moxibustion (mugwort) to

acupuncture points. Depending on what is going on with the dog determines which approach would best serve the case.

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

No acupuncture with Classical Homeopathy

ENERGETIC MEDICINE FREQUENCIES. Bicom Cyber Scan Rife Electromagnetic scalar electromagnetic

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

Detailed diagnostic abilities

Invert frequencies into water or liquid remedies

Cold Lasers

Stimulate mitochondria (cells power source) reduces inflammation.

Microlight 830 Cold Laser (www.microlightcorp.com: Used to treat pain and inflammation. Can also be used to deeply stimulate acupuncture points in place of needles and pressure.

Erconia Laser 400-650 nm wavelength Pre set and input specific frequencies for specific conditions.

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities


Cranial Sacral Therapy A hands on energy healing that focuses on the flow of cerebral spinal fluids by affecting the dura matter. Most animals can started in lumbar sacral area.Release of this area will help cervical/neck area.

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities


Law of similars… like cures like.

Classical HomeopathyAn alternative practice where extremely dilute amounts of a certain natural substance is used to treat various physical and emotional ailments.6C 9C 12C, 30C, 200C, 1M and upPhysical to mental emotional

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

No Herbs & No Acupuncture

“Monroe “ 9 yo Acanthotic epulis

of mouth


Blend of homeopathic dilutions

HomotoxicologyA treatment that integrates the principles of homeopathy to detoxify the body and restore natural biorhythms. Utilizes a blend of homeopathic cords.This modality combines modern convention medicine with a holistic approach.

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

Energetic Medicine Frequency Medicine JSJ/Healing

Energetic touch-Utilizing universal energy to move energy within body to enhance self healing and propagate energy flow along meridian channels.

OzoneHighly reactive form of pure oxygen that stimulates a curative response in the body. Oil topically, IV, SQ with blood, rectally as gas or suppositories. Releases oxygen molecule that is toxic to cancer cells. Kills infection, MRSA, virus & fungus.

Final Case Report

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities

“Clarence” Smartz 9yo Lab3 days of intense ozone therapy

Cleared a septic abdomenDecrease inflamed lymph nodes

Holistic Healing: Healing Modalities


Take Home Review By addressing all of the following components of the disease process all at the same time one gets the best chance of complete resolution of disease without relapse. Nutritional and medical needs are met

● Ex: Diet & Medication/supplements/herbsStructural problems are corrected ● Ex: Chiropractic/Surgery/Cranial SacralEmotional component is addressed● Ex Bach Flower/homeopathy/Myofascial release/Prayer & IntentionDental issuesSevere scar tissue

Be mindful of your own personal health.

Choose modalities that feel RIGHT for YOU & YOUR PET


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