HND701 Pathophysiology of Diabetes Unit Guide Trimester 1...


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HND701 Pathophysiology of DiabetesUnit Guide

Trimester 1, 2017

This unit guide is applicable for the year and teaching period specified above only.

WelcomeWelcome to the unit HND701 The Pathophysiology of Diabetes. This unit provides you with the foundations to build your knowledge and understanding of diabetes and the disease processes. For many students this will include new information, and some of you will not have studied for some time. However, there are many resources to help you prepare for, and succeed in this course. The online discussions are an important aspect of this unit and are designed to deepen your learning and promote interaction with your fellow students, who bring experience from a range of disciplines.

This Unit Guide provides you with the key information about this Unit, including contact details, learning outcomes and assessments. Please make sure you read these before the Unit commences, and refer to them throughout the trimester.

I work at Deakin University Wednesday to Friday, but have other teaching duties in addition to this unit, so it is best to contact me by email. I hope you enjoy learning in this unit.

Virginia Hagger

This Unit Guide provides you with the key information about this Unit. For the best chance of success, you should read it very carefully and refer to it frequently throughout the trimester. Your Unit site (inside DeakinSync) also provides information about your rights and responsibilities. We will assume you have read this before the Unit commences, and we expect you to refer to it throughout the trimester.

About this UnitThis unit develops an understanding of the anatomy, physiology and pathology of Diabetes Mellit us (DM) and its complications. It enables the student to understand the complexities of the pathophysiology and methods of treatment of DM. On completion of the unit, students will be aware of the epidemiology and its complications and their impact in macroeconomic and social contexts. Students will understand the importance of health maintenance in the context of DM and will gain knowledge of how to reduce the risk of diabetes complications.

This unit explores the pathophysiological pathways that occur leading to a diagnosis of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The Unit material has been written by experts in their particular field and draws on current research and theory to explain the complexities behind diabetes and its complications.

The unit begins with an historical perspective encompassing the discovery of diabetes, the initial use of insulin in humans and explaining the distinction between the different types of diabetes. An epidemiological perspective shows how diabetes has evolved from a little known condition to a household word with many people in our communities touched somehow by some type of diabetes.

Unit development in response to student feedbackEvery trimester, we ask students to tell us, through eVALUate, what helped and hindered their learning in each Unit. You are strongly encouraged to provide constructive feedback for this Unit when eVALUate opens (you will be emailed a link).In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the Unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes:

• Posting questions and responses

• Video explanations of concepts are helpful for understanding complex concepts.

They have also made suggestions for improvement, and so this is what we have done:

• Included more video presentations and animations

• Updated and reduced the volume of readings included in the course material

• Designed more active learning activities around each learning concept to help students deepen, practice and apply their learning

• Designed more opportunities for students to interact with each other and discuss their learning in the Discussions.

If you have any concerns about the Unit during the trimester, please contact the unit teaching team - preferably early in the trimester - so we can discuss your concerns, and make adjustments, if appropriate.

Who is the Unit team?Unit Chair and Lead Educator: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit.

Unit Chair and Lead Educator Virginia Hagger

School School of Nursing and MidwiferyFaculty of Health

Campus Melbourne Burwood Campus221 Burwood HighwayBURWOOD VIC 3125

Phone +61 3 924 68824


Other members of the team and how to contact them

Throughout the unit you can post comments and questions. You are encouraged to do this including helping other students. You may want to contact the Unit Chair/Lead Educator if you have any questions about the unit and especially if you need some assistance.

Course Director Dr Rhonda Brown

Phone +61 3 9251 7026


Your course and Deakin’s Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)

GLO1 Discipline knowledge and capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession

GLO2 Communication: using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change

GLO3 Digital literacy: using technologies to find, use and disseminate information

GLO4 Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment

GLO5 Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems

GLO6 Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal

GLO7 Teamwork: working and learning with others from different disciplines and backgrounds

GLO8 Global citizenship: engaging ethically and productively in the professional context and with diverse communities and cultures in a global context

Each Deakin course has Course Learning Outcomes which explain what the Deakin Learning Outcomes mean in your discipline. Learning in each unit builds towards the course learning outcomes.

Your Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs)Each Unit in your course is a building block towards these Graduate Learning Outcomes - not all Units developand assess every Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO).

These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this Unit At the completion of this Unit, successful students can:

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes

ULO 1 Explain diabetes mellitus in local and global contexts: definition, historic trends, epidemiology, diagnosis and classifications

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilitiesGLO4: Critical thinkingGLO8: Global citizenship

ULO2 Describe the actions of the major hormones involved in the regulation of blood glucose and the factors involved in the insulin pathway

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilitiesGLO2: Communication

ULO3 Utilise credible digital information in order to compare normal carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, and the metabolic abnormalities occurring in diabetes.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilitiesGLO3 Digital literacyGLO4: Critical thinking

ULO4 Apply knowledge of human metabolism to practical situations that affect people with diabetes

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilitiesGLO5 Problem solving

ULO5 Critically analyse the pathogenesis and possible methods of treatment/prevention for long term complications with diabetes.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilitiesGLO4: Critical thinkingGLO5 Problem solving

ULO6 Explain multidisciplinary approaches to contemporary risk management to safely manage patients with diabetes and reduce risk of developing long-term complications

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilitiesGLO4: Critical thinkingGLO5 Problem solving

Assessing your achievement of the Unit learning outcomes

OverviewIn brief, these are the assessment tasks for this Unit (details below):Assessment task 1: Written assignment 1 (2000 words) 40%Assessment task 2: Written assignment 2 (3000 words) 60%

Summative assessments(tasks that will be graded or marked)NOTE: It is your responsibility to keep a backup copy of every written assignment. In the unusual event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit the backup copy. Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.

Summative assessment task 1

Brief description of assessment task

Individual written assignment

Detail of student output 2000 words

Grading and weighting (% total mark for unit)


This task assesses your achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)

ULO1, ULO2, ULO3Outcomes designed to contextualise diabetes from a global perspective. Outcomes including the pathophysiology of normal metabolism and the changes that occur with diabetes

This task assesses your achievement of these Graduate Learning Outcome(s)

GLOs 1,3,4,8Critical thinking and applying diabetes specific knowledge to realistic diabetes related scenarios

How and when you will receive feedback on your work

Students will receive written & /or audio feedback (marking rubric and comments) on their assessment

When and how to submit your work

Online submission, Wednesday 19 April 2017, 5pm

Summative assessment task 1

Summative assessment task 2

Brief description of assessment task

Individual written assignment

Detail of student output 3000 words

Grading and weighting (% total mark for unit)


This task assesses your achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)

ULO 4, ULO5, ULO6Relating outcomes to pathophysiology, presentation and prevention of diabetes complications

This task assesses your achievement of these Graduate Learning Outcome(s)

GLOs 1,4,5,8Outcomes will incorporate sound knowledge of the pathophysiology of diabetes and it’s complications to practical scenarios providing the basis for applying effective diabetes education principles.

How and when you will receive feedback on your work

Students will receive written & /or audio feedback (marking rubric and comments) on their assessment

When and how to submit your work

Online submission, Monday 5 June 2017, 5pm

Summative assessment task 2

There will be a number of Multiple Choice Quizzes (MCQ) throughout the trimester for you to check your understanding of the course content.

This task assesses your achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)

ULOs 1-6.

When and how to submit your work

Ongoing, at key checkpoints throughout the trimester

How and when you will receive feedback on your work

You will receive explanatory feedback on your answers for each quiz.

Formative assessment 1: MCQ

Formative assessment (for practice and feedback rather than marks and grades)In addition to the above, you will have a better chance of success in this Unit if you complete these tasks – you will get valuable experience and feedback.

You will receive feedback from the lead educator and mentor(s) via the discussions in this unit. Importantly, you will also receive feedback from your peers – it is through this active interaction with your peers that valuable learning can take place.

This task assesses your achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)

ULOs 1-6.

When and how to submit your work

Ongoing interaction with online discussions

How and when you will receive feedback on your work

You will receive feedback from the lead educator and mentor(s) via the discussions in this unit. Importantly, you will also receive feedback from your peers – it is through this active interaction with your peers that valuable learning can take place.

Formative assessment 2: Ongoing discussions

Your learning experiences in this Unit - and your expected commitmentTo be successful in this unit, you must:

• Read all materials in preparation for your classes or seminars, and follow up each with further study and research on the topic;

• Start your assessment tasks well ahead of the due date;

• Read or listen to all feedback carefully, and use it in your future work;

• Attend and engage in all timetabled learning experiences.

Contact HoursLearning experiences are via FutureLearn

This is an online unit. Learning experiences are via FutureLearn. Students will be expected to follow the unit guide, as well as the self-directed learning, on a week-by-week basis from the material and activities provided via FutureLearn. In addition, students will be expected to access and read the relevant research articles relating to each topic. Students are advised to source additional information as well, and not just limit readings to those provided. Students have access to a vast range of additional resources via FutureLearn.

At the end of each week, you will be invited to complete a short quiz which is designed for you to check your understanding of the learning material. The quizzes are not part of the unit assessment, and feedback isprovided with the correct answer to clarify information. We encourage you to engage with your fellow students on the FutureLearn and to share your ideas and join in discussions. Discussion will be facilitated by academic staff involved in teaching who will prompt your thinking, help guide your learning and clarify any misconceptions. However, we encourage you to consider the teaching staff and your fellow students as members of a learning community where you can engage in peer learning, asking and answering your fellow students’ questions, constructively, and with curiosity and compassion.

For personal or private matters, please email the unit chair rather than use the online discussion areas. We will endeavour to respond to students specific questions within 2 working days.


At Deakin,

• Lectures are referred to as classes (definition: a general meeting for all students, for which students do not need to register and where students are engaged through presentations and learning activities)

• Tutorials, workshops and seminars are referred to as seminars (definition: more interactive meetings for smaller groups of students).

• For the complete list of agreed definitions for learning experiences, see the Course Design and Delivery Procedure (

Unit Learning ResourcesYour unit learning resources are available online.

Essential learning resourcesBilous, R & Donnell y, R. 2010. Handbook of Diabetes (4th edition). Wiley-Blackwell, UK.

Available as an eBook in the Deakin library.Further resources to support your learning will be provided throughout the trimester.

Key dates for this trimester

Trimester 1 begins (classes begin) Monday 6 March 2017

Intra-trimester break (a short break during trimester) Monday 10 -Tuesday 18 April 2017

Trimester ends (classes cease) Friday 26 May 2017

Study period (examination preparation period) Saturday 27 May - Sunday 4 June 2017

Examinations begin Monday 5 June 2017

Examinations end Friday 16 June 2017

Inter-trimester break (the period between trimesters) Monday 19 June - Friday 7 July 2017

Unit results released Thursday 6 July 2017, 6pm

^ Easter vacation/intra-trimester break: Monday 10 April - Tuesday 18 April 2017 inclusive (between weeks 5 and 6)*ANZAC Day observed, Tuesday 25 April - University closed

8-10 hrs pw6 Mar 2 Weeks


Explore the latest research with experienced clinicians to understand the causes, types and treatments of diabetes.

20 Mar 2 Weeks 8-10 hrs pw


Explore the metabolism, symptoms and diagnosis of diabetes.

3 Apr 3 Weeks 8-10 hrs pw


Explore diabetes type 2 pathophysiology and complications, and the lived experience of complications.

24 Apr 2 Weeks 8-10 hrs pw


Examine the biochemical pathways and microvascular complications of diabetes.

10 Apr – BREAK

Learning Activities This unit is delivered through five FutureLearn courses.

8 May 2 Weeks 8-10 hrs pw


Explore screening, diagnosis and treatments of retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy.


5 Jun – 17 Jun EXAM PERIOD


