Hmv radioshowreview


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HMV Radio show review

The show I did for HMV radio was the second and my last show out of all of them and overall one of my favourite to do. The reason I liked it more than the last one I did was because it had a wide selection of artists I really did enjoy producing it and listening to it as the song choices were more of a range of songs relating to TV and Film than my previous which was centred around a certain genre though I did want to include some songs from the last one as I really did enjoy some of them, like the Feed Me song for example.

I’m going to start with the bad things of the show then move on to the good, firstly the thing I didn’t like was how I messed it up multiple times at the start and quite a few times during the full recording, they may not be very noticeable as a mess up but it did annoy me because when I do something like this I want it to be all perfect and no mess ups but mistakes happen, even on actual radio shows the DJ messes up but carries on which is what I did. I Thought nothing of it and just carried on with the show.

Like I said in the opening paragraph, this was one of my favourite shows to do one the two as it was a wide selection of songs I really liked and they suited the show as well which made it even better for the situation and it made it better for me as it was really fun to listen to. One thing i really did enjoy doing was advertising specific products like Shows and Films that are on sale, it was something different and in my opinion spiced it up compared to the E6 radio show which was just front selling and back selling tracks where in this i also got to speak about advertisements.

So overall i really did enjoy doing this, it was a really fun show to do and this time i wasn’t this nervous so that really helped me aswell.
