History w3l1


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20th Century History Week 3, Lesson 1

Monday, 11 February 13


Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (28th June) Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia (28th July)

Russia Mobilised their Army (30th July)Germany declared war on Russia (1st August)

Germany invaded Belgium (3rd August) Britain declared war on Germany (4th August)

Australia declared support of the Allies (6th August)

Monday, 11 February 13

Add to your timeline:

August 6th: Austria - Hungary declares war on Russia, and Serbia declares war on Germany....

A Domino effect/The Alliance System.

Monday, 11 February 13

The War to End all Wars

The Great War

Total War

Why did it have these names?

Monday, 11 February 13

Total War

Monday, 11 February 13

* Women * Conscription * Propaganda

Monday, 11 February 13

Monday, 11 February 13

Next Lesson: Friday P4 No lesson on Thursday due to Teacher’s Strike

Friday: Western Front

Monday, 11 February 13
