History & Trend of Cyber...


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History & Trend of Cyber Warfare



§ Panelists as

– Mr. Fumiaki Yamasaki, Chief Researcher, Institute of Information Assurance for National Security Japan

– Mr. Takashi Inoue, Technical Writer

– Dr. Fabio Rugge, Counselor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy

§ Moderator as

– Dr. Hiroshi Itoh, CTO, FireEye K. K.


Perform the following setup

• What is cyber warfare?

• History of cyber warfare

• The current state of cyber warfare

• The future of cyber warfare

Talking about the theme of cyber warfare from past to future


Hiroshi Itoh, Ph. D.


4 HIROSHI ITOH, PH. D. FIREEYE K.K. CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER In 1980, he started his career with Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) and acted as a commander or a staff in technology,

intelligence, and system field. Last responsibility at GSDF was the

first commanding officer of System Protection Unit. After the

retirement from GSDF, 2007, joined Symantec Japan Research

Institute as chief analyst, Associate Senior Director of LAC Co., Ltd. Director, National Security Laboratory and appointed to the Deputy

Director-General for Cybersecurity and Information Technology,

METI, GoJ, at May, 2016. After retirement of METI at May, 2018, and

to the current job at July.

He has published several books including:

Fifth Battlefield – Threats of Cyber-warfare


Cyber War


Cyber technology Changes our society

Modern military uses Cyber technology


Modern military uses Cyber technology


Command and control system from situation judgment to planning

Communications system from soldiers' smartphones to satellite communications

Detection system from radar to UAV and radio signal interception

Weapon system from ballistic calculation to weapon allocation and target assignment

Guidance system from bullet guidance to Global Positioning System

Logistics system from distribution and transportation of resource to their planning

And more, telemedicine, education and training, public relations, advertising, psychological warfare

The fields used are diverse, complex and intermingled.

• For example, conducting reconnaissance using electronic means to know hostility.

• The result is sent to the command post through the network.

• At the command post, the information obtained is analyzed using a computer and contributes to the decision of the commander.

• The order is transmitted to the unit using the network.

• The units attack the enemy using a weapon system.

The way of fighting in modern warfare is changing

The speed of the battle has increased.


•  Armed forces can now use their cyber technology to

carry out war / combat more efficiently.

•  By utilizing cyber technology mainly in the field of

command and control, the units will be able to know

quickly, decide quickly and act quickly.

•  However, the use of cyber technology itself creates new

weaknesses to themselfs.

•  A new battle was born that targeted the system itself.

Cyber warfare

Cyber warfare Use computer and network technology (cyber technology) for war and battle

As special battle procedures / areas such as electronic warfare and chemical warfare Understand the concept



Cyber Warfare Guidelines

○ Automated attacks

Virus, worm, timed logic bomb / kill switch, DoS attack,

data rewriting etc.

→ System down and obstruction of enemy use

○ Manual attack as Hacking

→ Information theft, deception, installation of logical

bombs, etc.

→ System down itself


• Unknown attacker

• Distance is ignored

• Time is extremely fast

• Asymmetric


Characteristics of “Cyber Attack”

Battle Advantages Disadvantages

Tanks •  Direct destruction •  Can confirm battle results

•  Own damage •  Powerless to distant


Artillery •  Can be attacked from a

distance •  Direct destruction

•  Need target information •  Unknown degree of


EW •  Can be attacked from a

distance •  No ammunition required

•  Transient •  Need target information

Cyber • Low cost • Secrecy • Engagement distance


•  The same hands do not work twice

•  Pre-effect prediction is difficult

•  Attack your allies? 13

Comparison of cyber warfare and various battles

CLASSIFICATION OF CYBER WARFARE l  Tactical cyber attack and Strategic cyber attack

(tentative) l  Tactical cyber attack

l  It is basically an extension or enhancement of the current general attack, and can be considered as an analogy of electronic warfare (for example)

l  Strategic cyber attack l  As B29 burned down Japanese cities, it will damage the

city functions and infrastructure of the target country l  From the viewpoint of international law, it has problems

to use “Strategic cyber attack”

Cyber technology changes the way we fight

THANK YOU! To be continued,,,,,,,

