History is written by the victors, but true history repeats...


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History is written by the victors, but true history repeats itself.

It has always been a question as to how and why the Persian after the invasion of the Arabs, converted

to Islam. The biased historians and scholars have made the Iranian people and even the remaining

Zarathustis believe that the Sassanians dynasty and the Zarathusti Mobeds (priests) were so bad, that

the Iranians were waiting for the Arabs and welcomed them with open arms.

This has always been hard to believe for the Arab culture was a very backward culture. When God who

could not pronounce the word “P” was revealing the Koran in a cave the Persian had a world famous

University called Gondh e Shapour where scholars and seekers of knowledge from all over the world

would come together. The Persian Empire had changed the face of civilization they had replaced

superstition with knowledge. 3300 years before Galileo they knew that the Earth revolved round the sun

and was not the center of the universe. They celebrated the equinox and solstices for they followed the

teachings of Zarathustra who professed the use of the Good Mind (Vohu Mana) to seek knowledge and

progress towards perfection (Hurvatata). Their only reward was Immortality (Ameretata) achieved by

being remembered for generations for their good work. This can clearly be seen in the deeds and the

name and fame of the miniscule Zarathustis population that today live among a billion Indians.

It has always been a question, how such a progressive culture would accept Islam which replaced

libraries and universities with mosques. Biased scholars play down the Arab historian Tabari’s account of

the genocide committed by the Arab who merely followed the dictates of the Koran namely that a non-

Muslim is an infidel (Kafar) and has only three choices. 1- To convert to Islam. 2- To pay the infidel tax

Jaziyeh or 3- To be put to the sword if they don’t pay or ever miss the yearly instalment of the Jaziyeh.

Deception and lies is promoted in Islam on the pretext of misleading the infidel, and the infidel world

today is duped to believe that Islam means peace. The politically correct have divided them into radicals

and non-radicals. The fact is that the non-radical is not a Muslim for the constitution demands of its

followers to stand up against a Kafir, convert them or kill them with the sword or with the tax. The

whole of the Middle East which was divided between the Persian and the Roman Empires in the 7th

century and included civilizations like the Egyptian civilization that still fascinates scholars with its

Pyramids, suffered the same faith. Today they call themselves Arabs and have no pride in their glorious

past for all pre Islamic cultures are considered barbarians and non-existing.

What was being done discreetly in the last century is now being done openly. Today in 2014 the real

history is once again repeating itself and world governments and super powers are watching


Boko Haram abducted 200 Christian girls and converted them and the world is still watching. The ISIS

Caliphate is driving out the Christians and the Yazidis from their motherland empty handed and not even

the Pope has dared say a word. They come to the West as refugees and demand rights as citizens you go

to the East and they consider you as infidels with no right even to exist for you pollute the earth.

Read how the Persian were converted and if you need proof read the news of


On the flip side read of the Genocide that is coming for HISTORY IS REPEATING



Here below is the history unfolding in 2014 for you to read first hand.


18 July 2014 Last updated at 18:56 ET

Iraqi Christians flee after Isis issue Mosul ultimatum

The Islamist militant group Isis has told Christians in Mosul to convert to

Islam as Jiyar Gol reports.

Continue reading the main story

Iraqi Christians are fleeing Mosul after Islamist militants threatened to kill them unless they

converted to Islam or paid a "protection tax".

A statement issued by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) was read out at the city's


It called on Christians to comply by midday on Saturday or face death if they did not leave the

northern city.

Isis has control of large parts of Syria and Iraq and said last month it was creating an Islamic


The ultimatum cited a historic contract known as "dhimma," under which non-Muslims in Islamic societies who refuse to convert are offered protection if they pay a fee, called a "jizya".

"We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract - involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword," the Isis statement said.

The Islamist militant group Isis has told Christians in Mosul to convert to Islam, pay a tax or be killed

Isis has declared the creation of an Islamic state in the parts of Syria and Iraq that is controls

A senior Christian cleric said the Islamist militants had been seen tagging Christian houses in the city

"Christian families are on their way to Dohuk and Irbil," in the neighbouring autonomous region

of Kurdistan, Patriarch Louis Sako told the AFP news agency.

"For the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians," he said.

The patriarch, one of the most senior Christian clerics in Iraq, said militants had been seen

tagging Christian houses with the letter N for "Nassarah", a term used for Christians in the


Community destroyed

Iraq is home to one of the world's most ancient Christian communities but its population has

dwindled amid growing sectarian violence since the US-led invasion in 2003.

Prior to 2003, the number of Christians in the city had been as high as 60,000, but that had

dropped to about 35,000 by June this year, Mr Sako said.

He said another 10,000 fled Mosul after Isis took control at the beginning of June and numbers

dropped have fallen rapidly since.

Isis issued a similar ultimatum in the Syrian city of Raqqa in February, calling on Christians to

pay about half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety

July 21st, 2014

08:14 AM ET

ISIS to Christians in Mosul: convert, pay or


Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) - Just days after the militant group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria said

they killed hundreds of Syrians, dozens of Iraqi Christian families are now fleeing the ISIS-

controlled city of Mosul, hoping to avoid a similar fate.

On Friday, the al Qaeda splinter group issued an ultimatum to Iraqi Christians living in Mosul -

by Saturday they must convert to Islam, pay a fine or face "death by the sword."

A total of 52 Christian families left the city of Mosul early Saturday morning, with an armed

group prohibiting some of them from taking anything but the clothes on their backs.

"They told us, 'You to leave all of your money, gold, jewelry and go out with only the clothes on

you,'" Wadie Salim told CNN.

Images obtained exclusively by CNN show that the phrase "property of ISIS" scrawled in black

paint on a number of the homes that were abandoned.

Some of the families headed for Irbil - which is currently controlled by Kurdish forces - and

others toward the Dohuk province. The majority went to Dohuk, which is 140 kilometers (87

miles) north of Mosul.

"We did not know how to act," said another Mosul resident, Um Nazik. "Are we going to get


ISIS was able to take over large swaths of land due to the lack of centralized authority in both

Iraq and war-torn Syria. The Sunni militants hope to establish an Islamic state throughout the

region it currently controls.




شود. ها و کردها به تصویر کشیده می ها، عرب بحران عراق معموال درقالب کشمکش میان شیعیان، سنی

های کنند که خود را گرفتار خشونت و چانه زنی های زیاد دیگری زندگی می اقلیتولی در میانه این بحران

شان است. یابند که که خارج از کنترل سیاسی می



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