History Has Roots Eeking Out a Life


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• English Blog• Everyday Edit• Video clips• Discussion• Write Reflection Connections. Write the next

paragraph in your classwork notebook; start with “Today, airplanes are important because…

Copy this in your classwork notebook

• On the left side of the line or fold, copy the Test Practice items 1-6 also 3 and 4 of Constructed Response. PAGE 55!

• On the right side of the line or fold, write the correct answers. Write the letter and the answer. Text evidence required for CR 3 and 4

Textbooks and Homework

• Text books are being given out today. You are responsible for your book.

• Write your name on next available line inside the front cover. PRINT; use a Sharpie™

• Homework: What you don’t finish in class is homework! (Finish classwork in your CLASSWORK notebook.)

Tone words for the HW article

Word Play

• Both “Eeking Out a Life” and “History Has Roots” are titles that have “double meanings.”

• Turn and talk with someone near you about the double meaning each title might have.

• Write about the double meaning in your classwork notebook

New Words from the Article

• Diverseadjective1.of a different kind, form, character, etc unlike: a wide range of diverse opinions. 2.of various kinds or forms; multiform.• Proximitynoun1.nearness in place, time, order, occur-rence, or relation. Origin:Latin proximitās          nearness, vicinity.

More New Words

• Restoration (noun) 1.the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablish-ment.2. the state or fact of being restored.3.a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.4. restitution of something taken away or lost.5. something that is restored, as by renovating.6.a reconstruction or reproduction of an ancient building, extinct animal, or the like, showing it in its original state.7.a putting back into a former position, dignity, etc.

Another New Word

• Synergy (noun)1.the interaction of elements that when combined produce a_total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual_elements, contributions, etc.; synergism.2.Physiology, Medicine/Medical. the cooperative action of two or more muscles, nerves, or the like.3.Biochemistry, Pharmacology. the cooperative action of twoor more stimuli or drugs.

In one sentence…

• Tell someone near you one surprising or new thing you learned in “History Has Roots.”

Review the Elements of a Newspaper

• Draw an INVERTED triangle on the next clean space or page in your classwork notebook.

Label the three parts of a news article in your

inverted triangle.See page 52.

Copy this in your classwork notebook

• On the left side of the line or fold, copy the Test Practice items 1-6 also 3 and 4 of Constructed Response. PAGE 55!

• On the right side of the line or fold, write the correct answers. Write the letter and the answer. Text evidence required for CR 3 and 4

Working the Article

• Read pages 53-54 in your text book. • In your classwork notebook, create a page for

Cornell Notes—probably the next clean page.• On the left side of the line or fold, copy the Test

Practice items 1-6 also 3 and 4 of Constructed Response.

• On the right side of the line or fold, write the correct answers. Write the letter and the answer. Text evidence required for CR 3 and 4

Read silently
