His music video’s, documentaries, and Golden Lee...


Citation preview


Duncan: (Laughs) Her Dad was pretty good at makin’ all sorts of goodies. I can’t re-member how long it used to take me to ride out there. I used to ride from the middle of Toowoomba to a place called Meringandan. About half way there was an angry, horrible dog that used to chase me. Other than that it was a pretty cruisy ride, a few hills here and there. The first thing I used to do was go straight in that fridge and grab a drink and a cream donut or something.

SR: Your early career was spent as a guitar man. You went on to work with folks like

Adam Brand, Kasey Chambers, and Troy Cassar-Daley. Who inspired you most with your guitar playing?

Duncan: Way back when, I got guitar lessons off your Dad (Owen Ray). I used to

love watching him play. He really inspired me. And even you with your band Workin’ Overtime, I used to think that was cool - I’d love to tour around with a band one day.

And with Lyn Bowtell and my brother (Andy Toombs), we ended up doing that. One

of my all-time favourite guitarists would be Danny Gatton. He’s just incredible. There’s something about his playing. His heart and his emotion is connected to his fingers.

SR: I guess you like the Hellecasters too?

Duncan: The Hellecasters are great. There’s so

many out there. Especially with the internet these days with YouTube. It’s such a small world. You see so many amazingly talented musicians out there.

SR: One of my favourites is Johnny Hiland. Have you seen much of his work? CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


The V.I.P. Lounge - Con�nued .......... 2,6

This Months Birthdays ..................... 3

Winners And Grinners ...................... 3

This Months Events .......................... 4

Next Months Events ......................... 5

Gig Guide ......................................... 8,9

Gig Guide - Con�nued ...................... 10

Final Workshop ................................ 11

CMC Music Awards 2016 ................. 12

SECMA Country Music Fes�val ........ 13

Dad and Dave ................................... 14

Tickled Green ................................... 14

Coming Events (Horsham CMF) ....... 15

Membership Form ........................... 16

Commi8ee Informa�on ................... 16


• The Annual CMC Music awards on

page 12—Loads of talent !!!!

Stewart Ray: Welcome again to the V.I.P Lounge, and welcome to todays special guest, the award winning film

director and musician Duncan Toombs.

Duncan Toombs: Gidday Stew. How ya goin?

SR: Good thanks Mate. Make yourself comfortable. Help yourself to the Fantales, Jelly Babies, and Mentos. We

did have M & Ms, but Lyn Bowtell ate them all (laughs).

Duncan: This lounge is comfy. I think I might sleep the night if that’s alright (laughs).

SR: Duncan and I go way back when we worked together at International Music in Toowoomba. I taught him everything he doesn’t know (laughs). We would often get industry legends come in and talk to us about the amaz-ing gigs they did, the places they went and that kind of stuff. How does it feel to be part of all that now?

Duncan: Since then I’ve gone on to do a lot of different gigs all over the world. I love what I do, and love every opportunity that comes my way, and always try my best. For the most part it’s worked out well.

SR: Lyn Bowtell nominated you as our guest. Lyn said when you two were growing up, you used to ride your

bike a long way to visit her – but the first thing that you’d do is stop in the bakery fridge to sneak something.

March/April 2016 - No: 273

Monthly newsle8er proudly

showcasing and suppor�ng the

Country Music of today.

www.gawlercountrymusicclub.com.au www.facebook.com/CountryMusicToday

Here is one of the most in demand people in Country Music; not just for his musical prowess, but for his contribution to film production with his

production company Filmery. His music video’s, documentaries, and

short films are legendary - setting a record by winning 7 successive Golden Guitars for "Music Video of the Year" for his work with Lee Kerna-ghan, Sara Storer and The McClymonts. For over 20 years he has been a highly sought after guitarist, having played and toured extensively with many of Australia’s biggest country music stars.

He is also a member of the Golden Guitar winning, the Adam Eckersley Band. You have all seen his work. Now we get to know the man behind the scenes - Duncan Toombs.


Duncan: Mate, I have. There’s actually talk of him coming out to Tamworth and doing some gigs with us

(The Adam Eckersley Band). We were over in Nash-

ville last year, and Adam (Eckersley) did some song writing with his keyboard player - his name escapes me at the moment. I probably shouldn’t be telling you about

this (laughs). If Johnny Hiland comes out, I know there will be a lot of guitarists wanting to see him play. Who knows, he may even do some touring. Anyway, that’s just between us - and whoever’s listening. (Whispers). It’s just our little secret.

SR: Speaking of The Adam Eckersley Band. They’ve really got a nice edgy grit to their sound. That must be fun playing with them?

Duncan: Yeah, I really enjoy playing with the band. I did 6 years with Adam Brand, Beccy Cole, Adam Harvey,

Troy (Cassar-Daley), and Lee (Kernaghan) here and there, Sara (Storer) and The Songbirds and all that stuff – which I really enjoyed. I’ve sort of come full circle, which has been really cool for me to experience again. Being in a band and rehearsing together, getting to know each others playing – there’s nothing like it. You can play some amazing gigs with awesome musicians and it’s great, but things happen when you get to know each others playing. Everyone starts taking a few chances because they can actually read you really well and know where you’re going with something. That’s where the magic happens.

SR: That is cool, actually. These days most of your focus is on your production company Filmery. Filmery has gone from strength to strength in a relatively short length of time I guess. What is it now, 7 consecutive golden gui-tars?

Duncan: I shake my head when I think about that. I can still remember shooting a video for Stuie French and Ca-

mille Te Nahu with a really old crappy Sony camera. We used a 2 dollar tripod and stuck it in my young boys

pram as a dolly and tracked them on the side of a bridge. That’s going back 10 or 11 years ago. I made that with a

friend of mine, Glenn Wilson. Ever since then I’d found a new passion with film and music mixed together. It ig-nited a passion that I never knew that I had. Yeah, winning 7 in a row for ‘Music Video Of The Year’ is something that I shake my head at. I feel very lucky and very blessed.

SR: So, how did you get into film production?

Duncan: That was pretty much it. My wife now – Amanda, back when we were going out, she had this camera,

and computers just started having video editing platforms. I started finding myself sitting up until 5 in the morning just sitting there editing. After a while I just got the bug. I’d have a bit of fun with it, and people liked watching it. The rest is history. One by one I’d have artists come to me and ask ‘Can you make a video for me?’. These days, between October last year and now, we’ve probably made about 25 videos. It’s really grown. I’ve got a team of 6 or 7 people around me.

SR: You’ve done some awesome clips with Sara Storer, Troy Cassar-Daley, Lee Kernaghan, and so many others.

I like ‘Piece Of Me’ from The McClymonts – that’s a cracker.

Duncan: That was heaps of fun to film with the girls. We shot that in my warehouse. I’m sure you know Rod

McCormack, and Jeff McCormack?

SR: Yeah, sure.

Duncan: Jeffs’ wife actually painted the walls of the warehouse with this forest effect. We brought props and actual trees in, filled it full of fog, then brought the girls in - all of a sudden we are in this magical forest; but we were really in this warehouse in West Gosford. It’s amazing what you can do with a few lights and a bit of paint (laughs).

SR: It’s all smoke and mirrors (laughs). What film clip of yours is your favourite, and why?

Duncan: That’s tough. They are all like my children. Like if you talk to a song writer and ask ‘What’s your fa-

vourite song that you’ve written?’ You like different songs for different reasons. It’s the same for videos. People come to me with their song and say ‘What can you do with this?’ I create what I think would match. I listen to the way that a song makes me feel emotionally, and then I think if you took away the music and film something, what would give you that same emotion. And if you marry that perfectly, the music and the video unite and become more powerful than they ever could have been separately. I’m really proud of each and every one of them.


Duncan Toombs — Continued

Winning 7 in a row for ‘Music Video Of The Year’ is something that I shake my

head at. I feel very lucky and very blessed.


March 4

th Rhonda Helbig


Geraldine Ra8ew


Terrance Lomman


David Waples


Dorothy Ogilvie


Be8y Francis


Barbara McLellan


Raelz Gebhardt


Rhonda Byrne


Kaylene Waples


Terence Bateman


June Everes


Ron Lang


Kath Mason


Janet Talbot

PresidentsReport BirthdaysG’Day Members and Friends.

What a great �me we had for our February show.

The Jukebox Boys were fantas�c. The dance floor

was full all day with everyone having a great �me.

The boys from Pt. Pirie were worth wai�ng for. We

are being quizzed each month about moving to a

new venue. George and I have had a mee�ng with

the Playford Council and we hope to have some sort

of news by our next Club show.

Moving onto our March show - we will have

Workin’ Over�me with special guest ar�st’s Derani

& Cassie Sanders. This will be another great show.

Don’t forget we are s�ll looking for a Newsle*er edi-

tor. If you know of someone, or you would like to

take on the job please let me know. So un�l next


So un�l then.


Keith Warren President/Entertainment Officer


Hi friends and Country Music fans.

First of all, Welcome to the very first Bi-monthly newsle!er. It has been interes�ng trying to create a layout to suit 2

months and cover everything without being too busy, or boring—and yet keep all of your favourite bits that you ask

for. It will take a li8le while to se8le into a new format, and decide if it is working well or not. Please pass on your

feedback, as we love to hear from you.

The guys and gals in Workin’ Over�me (me included) are really looking forward entertaining you at

this months show. We have had quite a few requests in advance which we are happy to oblige;

and with Derani and Cassie Sanders as guests it’s going to be a lots of fun. See you there !!.

Peace to all. Stewart Ray

April 2

nd Kay Dobie


Roger Howard


Syvia Marshall


Josie Evans


Roslyn Edmunds


Robert Chapman


Yvonne Tinsley


Gloria Jolly


Tania Ma8ner


Robert Kennedy


Patrieian Chris�an


Carlene Oliver


Louise Vardon


Fay Scone


Peter Tomlinson


Sue Margo


Jill Hendri Betty Errock

Yvonne Mitchel Liz

Raelene Rosemary Bell Niel Mitchel

Junice Dorothy

Lucky Envelopes Gerry R.

Jill Hendri Dorothy RSB

Kay Dobie Rozz

Monte Carlo

Jessie Dickie and Margaret Kennedy

Barbara C. Liz

Helen Payne

Door Prize Joan Robertson

Members Draw

Maxine Bugg

Disclaimer The club newsle*er is a monthly publica�on designed to keep members informed on the ac�vi�es of the club and other

func�ons. Opinions and views expressed in the newsle*er are not necessarily those of the publishers.


Proudly sponsored by KFC ‘We like it like that!’

March Events

Entry: Members - $6.00, Non Members - $8.00

Tea and Coffee - $1.00 Food and drinks available

Walkups Welcome Contact Keith Warren for enquiries: 8255 8920

Sunday March 20th

12 - 4 pm Gawler Country Music Club

The Grenville Centre. 10 Playford Boulevard. Elizabeth

(Across from the Civic Centre)

Featuring guest

artists Derani

& Cassie Sanders

All of your favourite

Country tunes with a

fresh flavour.

Guaranteed to get

you dancing.


April Events

Entry: Members - $6.00, Non Members - $8.00

Tea and Coffee - $1.00 Food and drinks available

Walkups Welcome Contact Keith Warren for enquiries: 8255 8920


Sunday April 17th

12 - 4 pm Gawler Country Music Club

The Grenville Centre. 10 Playford Boulevard. Elizabeth

(Across from the Civic Centre)


SR: Tim Daley – the program director for the CMC (Country Music Channel) is quoted as saying ‘If a Country artist wants to build a career in Australia, then having a good film clip is absolutely essential’. What do you think makes a good film clip?

Duncan: A good film clip supports the story of the song. If you are looking at a song which takes people and makes them stop and think, and listen to the words – If your video can do the same visually; if it makes people think ‘Wow !, that’s powerful’- that’s a great video. Sometimes it’s just a matter of sitting down the artist on a seat and putting one light on them, because it’s just an acoustic guitar and a vocal, and the words of the song are so powerful. You don’t wanna do too much to it. You want to let the song speak for itself.

SR: You’re pretty busy these days. What do you like doing when you are not working?

Duncan: I love hanging out with my kids. You don’t get to spend enough time with them really – as much as you

should, so any chance I get I like hanging out with them. They like playing soccer, so I go and watch them play soccer. Sometimes I play a bit of computer games, if I get a spare chance I’ll versus them on Star Wars, or some-thing like that, and they’ll tell me how crap I am at it, ‘Dad, you can’t even shoot straight!!’. And maybe goin’ fishin’ sometimes.

SR: If you had to rush off to do a tour, what is the one piece of music equipment that you would bring?

Duncan: Geez, that’s a tough one. If I could sneak the banjo I’d wanna take that. I’d sit in the motel room and

pick on the banjo. It probably annoys most people, but for some reason it’s a bit of a mid life crisis. I like just

mucking around on it. I’d throw out the spare tire and put it underneath the car.

SR: Much to the disgust of the rest of the crew (laughs). What’s your next major project?

Duncan: Well, actually; just today we’ve just put a treatment together for Graham Connors’ new video. Hope-

fully they say ‘We like that’ and they don’t think I’m too crazy, and we’ll be making a video on Tuesday. Other

than videos, this year I am doing tours with my brother (Andy) on cruise ships. I think around June we do the top

end of Australia and start in Brisbane and go right around to Indonesia and down to Perth. And then after that,

Andy and I do a European cruise, and then The Adam Eckersley Band – we are in Europe for all of September.

We probably won’t make much money in Europe because the boys tend to drink a lot of beer. We’ll probably

come home and make some money and try to chill out

over Christmas. So this year’s gonna fly by. It’s gon-

na be a busy year.

SR: That’s for sure. It has been a real treat catching up with you again and having you here in the V.I.P. Lounge. Duncan: Yeah, it sure has mate. I remember when you called me and said ‘Guess who?’ Every time you ring, you always say ‘Can you pick the voice?’ And I

always get it (laughs). And if the Johnny Hiland tour pans out I’ll let you know. Take care, and I’ll talk to ya soon. See ya Bud.

Duncan Toombs — Continued




The JUKEBOX BOYS were in excellent form, and

kept the dance floor full all day with a good se-

lec�on of country, and at �mes the old 50s &

60s music that kept all the dancers on their

toes. I would say it will be a day we will all re-

member - and there was a big response for

GCMC to have them back. Thank you JUKE-

BOYS for a wonderful day. George Dobie

Photo Credits: Rob Chapman


March 2016 Gig Guide

Friday 4th

6 -11:30 pm Adam Brand & the Outlaws - Old Mill Hotel, 98 Mains St, Hahndorf 8388 7888

Friday 4th

6 pm Passive Minds (with Guest Ar�st) - Elizabeth RSL, Crn: Midway & Halsey Rds, Elizabeth East 8255 7670

Friday 4th

3 pm

Saturday 5th

7 pm

Sunday 6th

5 pm

Ted Egan with Me 'n Me Mates - GOODWOOD INSTITUTE THEATRE 166 Goodwood Rd. 1300 621 255

Friday 4th

8 - 10:30 pm Amber Joy Poulton - The Palais Hotel, The Esplanade Semaphore 8341 6333

Saturday 5th

Gawler CM Club Music Workshop

Finished. No more to be held. See the ar�cle in this newsle8er for more details.

Fred Payne:

8255 9248 or

0417 851 609

Saturday 5th

12 - 5 pm Amber Joy Poulton - Opening by Juliet Oliver

Fringe in the Vale, Woodstock Estate - 215 Douglas Gully Road, McLaren Flat 8383 0156

Saturday 5th

12 - 1 pm

Sunday 6th

1 - 4 pm Angela Easson - Woodstock Winery, McLaren Vale

Saturday 5th

The Steve Bartel Band - Croa�a Soccer Club Whyalla 8645 9186

Sunday 6th

12 - 5 pm Graeme Hugo & Tru Country plus guest ar�st Bill Ordway

Willaston CM Club. Willaston Football Clubrooms, Gawler River Rd, Willaston 0403 008 537

Sunday 6rh

12:30 - 4:30 pm Craig Giles - backed by Heartland guest ar?st Juliet Oliver

Adelaide CM Club Inc., 11 LaSalle St, Slovenian Club, Dudley Park

(08) 8258 7110

0409 692 434

Sunday 6rh

11 - 4 pm Jay J Shannon and Winchester - NCMA Birthday at 28 Afford Rd, Port Pirie 8633 2302 or

0408 334 086

Monday 7th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

Friday 11th

& Saturday 12th

Cowell Music Fes?val - Sandie Dodd, Ma8 Manning, Graeme Hugo, Steve Bartel, Bev Branson, Tiff Reynolds,

Kimberly Nitschke, Gavin Chandler and Sound Services, Andrew Hugo, Fine Form, Noel Simpson, Eric Murray

8628 5028 or

0418 835 471

Saturday 12th

Sunday 13th

SECMA Fes?val - Sat. 7.30 - Cabaret with Hernry Czerwonka's Band, Sandra Humphries and Marceau Camille.

Sun. 9am - Talent Quest (if sufficient entries received by 26th Feb). Concert from 12pm: Kim Richie, Owen Blun-

dell, Taylor Pfeiffer, Craig Giles, Trevor Keilar, Sandra Humphries, Lawrance Country

Ros: 8725 5762

Acc: 1800 087 187

Mt Gambier Tourism

Saturday 12th

11 am - 4.30 pm

Gawler CM Club Open Mike

We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd

and 4th

Saturday of each month.

Entry: $4.00 per person for all a8ending. Tea and coffee are provided.

BYO Nibbles to share. Everyone is welcome !!

Anglican Parish Hall. 26 Cowan Street, Gawler

Fred Payne:

8255 9248 or

0417 851 609

Saturday 12th

8 - 11:30pm The Hoffmans - Castle Entertainment Centre, Wingfield 8347 4090

Sunday 13th

1 - 5pm City Cowboys plus guest ar�st Dean E8ridge (Deano)

Southern CM Club, Clovelly Park Memorial Community Centre, 16 York Avenue, Clovelly Park

0408 891 512

or 8358 0014

Sunday 13th

11 am - 4pm Jay Jay Shannon and Winchester - Barossa CM Club. Nuriootpa Bowling Club, Buna Terrace, Nuriootpa 0408 763 326

Sunday 13th

1 - 5pm Al's Pals - The Grenville Hub, 10 Playford Boulevard, Elizabeth gold coin dona�on

Monday 14th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

Thursday 17th

7:30 pm Brian LeCon in concert with Special Guest Nev Molloy - Hallet Hall, SA

Friday 18th

8 pm Brian LeCon in concert with Special Guest Nev Molloy

Hindmarsh Valley Hall, Hindmarsh Tiers Rd, Hindmarsh Valley

Friday 18th

8 - Midnight Blackhats - Castle Entertainment Centre, Wingfield 8347 4090

Saturday 19th

7 pm Brian LeCon in concert with Special Guest Nev Molloy - Gawler Elderly Centre, Gawler

Sunday 20th

12 - 4 pm

Workin' Over?me with Guest Ar�sts Derani & Cassie Sanders Gawler Country Music Club

The Grenville Centre. 10 Playford Boulevard

Elizabeth (Across from the Civic Centre)

8255 8920

Sunday 20th

1 - 5 pm Eddie Edwards & Friends guest ar�st Big Jim (The Irishman)

Railroad CM Club, at S.A. Sea Rescue Squadron, Barcoo Road, West Beach 0413-522-516


March 2016 Gig Guide—Continued

Sunday 20th

1:30 - 5:30 pm Billy Dee and Friends with Guest Walk Ups ‘Come as a Guest - Leave as a Friend’

Plympton and Glenelg RSL. 464 Marion Rd, Plympton Park. Meals available from 12:30 8352 4046

Sunday 20th

2 pm Brian LeCon in concert with Special Guest Nev Molloy - Rendelsham Town Hall

Monday 21st

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

Sunday 27th

1– 5 pm Tru Country - Kilburn R.S.L. CM Func�ons, Way Street, Kilburn 8449 4743

Monday 28th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

March 31st

to April 3rd

Horsham Country Music Fes?val - Kales� Butler, Brian Le8on, Charlie McCracken, Kiara Rodrigues, Tracey Rains.

Gavin Chatellier, Cynthia Lawrance, Amber Joy Poulton, Graham Rodger, Joe Musico 03 5381 1995

Sunday 27th

11 am - 4 pm Bernie & the Bandits - Murray Bridge CM Club, Imperial Football Club Johnstone Pk. Murray Bridge 8535 4317

Thursday 24th

- Monday 28th

Na?onal Folk Fes?val: Canberra - Taylor Pfeiffer plus many, many more

April 2016 Gig Guide Saturday 3


7 pm

Allan Webster and The Country Gentlemen Band

The Castle Entertainment Centre, 13/15 Davis Street, Wingfield.

Bookings 8347 4090

$10.00 p.p.

Sunday 3rd

12 - 5 pm Heartland with guest ar�st Angela Easson

Willaston CM Club. Willaston Football Clubrooms, Gawler River Rd, Willaston 0403 008 537

Sunday 3rd

12:30 - 4:30 pm Allan Webster and the Country Gentlemen - guest ar�st Roger Howard

Adelaide CM Club Inc., 11 LaSalle St, Slovenian Club, Dudley Park

(08) 8258 7110

0409 692 434

Monday 4th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

Saturday 9th

11 am - 4.30 pm

Gawler CM Club Open Mike

We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd

and 4th

Saturday of each month.

Entry: $4.00 per person for all a8ending. Tea and coffee are provided.

BYO Nibbles to share. Everyone is welcome !!

Anglican Parish Hall. 26 Cowan Street, Gawler

Fred Payne:

8255 9248 or

0417 851 609

Saturday 9th

7:30 pm The Hoffmans plus DJ Ron - 8th Birthday Party

West Thebarton Community Centre, Crn South & Ashwin Rd, Torrensville. Suppor�ng Make A Wish 0409 898 256

Saturday 9th

7:30 - 11:30 pm Palomino Deluxe for Adelaide Chris�an Singles

West Croydon & Kilkenny RSL/Community Club, 19 Rose8a Street, West Croydon 0401 436 956

Sunday 10th

1 - 5pm Blackhats With Guest Ar�st Joe Musico

Southern CM Club, Clovelly Park Memorial Community Centre, 16 York Avenue, Clovelly Park

0408 891 512

or 8358 0014

Sunday 10th

11 am - 4pm Buddies Four - Barossa CM Club. Nuriootpa Bowling Club, Buna Terrace, Nuriootpa 0408 763 326

Sunday 10th

8pm Tom Maxwell - Hindmarsh Valley Hall, Hindmarsh Tiers Rd, Hindmarsh Valley

Monday 11th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

Friday 15th

1:20 - 3 pm The Hoffmans - Bordertown Over 50s, Hall, Bordertown. All welcome

April 15th

- 17th

Yakka Park Music Fes?val - Lucindale: Heartland Band, Tom Maxwell, The Hoffmans, Trevor Keilar,

Allan Webster, Charlie McCracken, Robyn Gleeson, Cindy Cross, Kelly Bri8en, Malcolm Doyle, 'Gummy' Bill 0428 696 037

Saturday 16th

11 am - 4.30 pm

Gawler CM Club Open Mike

We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd

and 4th

Saturday of each month.

Entry: $4.00 per person for all a8ending. Tea and coffee are provided.

BYO Nibbles to share. Everyone is welcome !!

Anglican Parish Hall. 26 Cowan Street, Gawler

Fred Payne:

8255 9248 or

0417 851 609

Saturday 16th

8 pm

Sunday 17th

2 pm

Good Times Rock`n Roll with comedian Rodney Vincent

Barossa Fund Raisers for Cancer. Venue Vine Inn Hotel. Nuriootpa - Flyer

Sue: 0419 856 138

$25 p.p.

Sunday 17th

12 - 4 pm

Sidetracked Gawler Country Music Club

The Grenville Centre. 10 Playford Boulevard

Elizabeth (Across from the Civic Centre)

8255 8920

Con�nued on the next page...


April 2016 Gig Guide—Continued

Sunday 17th

1 - 5 pm Amber Joy Poulton - Railroad CM Club, at S.A. Sea Rescue Squadron, Barcoo Road, West Beach 0413-522-516

Sunday 17th

1:30 - 5:30 pm Billy Dee and Friends with Guest Walk Ups ‘Come as a Guest - Leave as a Friend’

Plympton and Glenelg RSL. 464 Marion Rd, Plympton Park. Meals available from 12:30 8352 4046

Monday 18th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

April 22nd

- 24th

Swan Reach Country Music Fes?val - Swan Reach Oval, Swan Reach. Louise Adams & The Tornados, Sandra

Humphries & The Sherrahs, Hur�n 4, Deidre Reed, Dave Verrall & The Blackhats, Heartland, Angela Easson,

Penny Burke, Mark ‘S�x’ Coleman & Forté

0427 662 037

Saturday 23rd

7:30 pm Graeme Hugo & The Steve Bartel Band - Central Whyalla Football Club, Whyalla 8644 1144

Sunday 24th

11 am - 4 pm City Cowboys plus Joe Musico- Murray Bridge CM Club, Imperial Football Club Johnstone Pk. Murray Bridge 8535 4317

Sunday 24th

1– 5 pm The Hoffmans - Kilburn R.S.L. CM Func�ons, Way Street, Kilburn 8449 4743

Monday 25th

8 - 9 pm Hillbilly Hoot - Linde Reserve. Nelson St, Stephney

April 29th

- May 1st

Lameroo Country Music Fes?val, Lameroo. Craig Giles, Roland Storm, Angela Eason, Allan Carroll, Kinta,

Bernie & The Bandits, Heartland, Jay J Shannon, Cross Country, Gary Daniel, Graeme Hugo, George8e Berry

(08) 8576 3395


other enquiries

0408 597 307

A special thank you to Ian Fisk for taking care of the Gig Guide.

Phone: (08) 8296 3350 or visit here

hCp://country.ianfisk.org/gigguide/gigguide.htm for updates.

Everybody's welcome to get

up and sing a song or two &

Only $4.00 entry - Tea and Coffee available - BYO Nibbles

2nd and 4th Saturday of each month - 11 am to 4.30 pm

Anglican Parish Hall 26 Cowan Street Gawler

For further informa?on contact Fred: 0417 851 609

Looking for all of the hottest Country shows and festivals?

Check out http://itscountry.com.au/

Register for regular updates, or even post your own events for others to see !!


Hi Folks,

The Gawler Country Music club Workshop ran its last one on the 6th

of February. The Workshop lasted

for ten years but due to a drop off in numbers and my new commitment to bringing up grandkids some-

thing in my life had to go so it was the workshop.

Over those ten years we had many come through with some youngsters go on to become very accom-

plished musicians , I am not saying that was because of us, but we were able to play a small part in their

musical journey.

I have had many helpers over the ten years and would like to thank them very much for their valuable

�me, it is here however I would like to give a very special thanks to two people. One who has been there

from the very start to the end and that is Brian Moore and the other has been there from about the sec-

ond or third one and then �ll the end and that is no other than Raelz thank you so much.

We managed to collect a fair amount of equipment for the workshop, which belongs to the Gawler

Country Music club but now will be in the care of the Gawler Country Music Club open

mic, the funds that accumulated will be put to very good use in �me to come, by the

Gawler Country Music Club and will not be given to a charity.

Fred Payne

Hi Everyone, About 10 or so years ago, Roger Howard tried to get another country music workshop going, and as

much as he tried his darndest, things didn't work out right. There was just nothing like a workshop any-

where in the northern suburbs of Adelaide centering on country music. But thanks go Roger for getting us

motivated in that direction. So then Fred Payne stepped up to the plate and after a bit of research and seconding me, a hall was found,

and the Gawler Country Music Workshop was born around 2004. Fred & I gave the project about 18

months....you never know do you...lol. Little did we realize how much interest was forthcoming about this new event. But we were very enthusi-

astic and after word had got around, we had people donating money or even musical instruments or equip-

ment such as mic stands, and other items to make life easy for Fred and I. In the beginning Fred and I used our own mics, stands etc., and Fred his trusty Ashton PA system which

was used for some time till we saved enough money from the workshop entry fees to buy a system for the

workshop, which was in use till the very last workshop. As Fred mentioned, there is a lot of people to thank, especially those inaugural members, including Roger

Howard. We have all had fun over the years, but also lost a few members who had sadly passed away. But

the show went on so to speak. But those who attended are richer for the experience having learnt from those who are so much more ex-

perienced in the music game. I certainly have, despite having been in the music game for about 30 or so

years. You are never too good, or too old to learn something new. Fred and I will have no hesitation thank-

ing those, too numerous to mention, who have shown us a few tricks or two on guitar. And we still keep

on learning new guitar tricks. We, as have other members, learnt a lot about the workings of the instru-

ments as well. Who knows, a new workshop may start up again somewhere, someplace, somehow and maybe under a

different style or system, but I wish it all the luck, and success possible. And hopefully the new one will be

connected with our great country music club, Gawler Country Music Club Inc. I have to add, while the workshop was operating, it has been proudly associated in an official sense, to the

Gawler Country Music Club. Cheers, Brian Moore

Final GCMC Workshop


ATer six huge weeks of vo�ng, the finalists for the 6th Annual CMC Music

Awards have been announced. The winners will be revealed next week

from QPAC Brisbane, Thursday March 10 during the LIVE broadcast on CMC.

The awards will be encored on FOX8, Sunday March 13 at 4.30pm.

CMC New Oz Ar?st Of The Year

Caitlyn Shadbolt, Deep Creek Road, Fanny Lumsden, Geor-

gia Fall, Jody Direen

CMC Group Or Duo Of The Year

Adam Brand & The Outlaws, Adam Eckersley Band,

O'Shea, The Wolfe Brothers, Viper Creek Band

CMC Australian Video Of The Year

Adam Brand - My Side of the Street, Aleyce Simmonds -


Amber Lawrence - I Will Love You, Caitlyn Shadbolt - Shoot

out the Lights, Lee Kernaghan - Spirit of the Anzacs

CMC Interna?onal Video Of The Year

Carrie Underwood- Smoke Break, Keith Urban & Eric

Church- Raise 'em Up, Kelsea Ballerini- Love Me Like You

Mean it, Li8le Big Town- Girl Crush, Reba McEn�re- Going

Out Like That

Foxtel also announced today the presenter line-up for the awards including Australia's own wildlife con-

serva?onist and award winning celebrity Bindi Irwin, Brisbane Broncos' captain Corey Parker who both

join local country music favourites Adam Brand, Amber Lawrence, Beccy Cole, Catherine BriC, Jasmine Rae,

Lee Kernaghan, Morgan Evans, The Wolfe Brothers, Travis Collins and Troy Cassar-Daley, as well as visi�ng

US country music ar�sts Florida Georgia Line, Drake White, Kelsea Ballerini and Kip Moore, who will all

take to the stage to present the awards. The finalists for The 6th Annual CMC Music Awards 2016 are:

CMC Oz Ar?st Of The Year

Adam Brand, Amber Lawrence, Chris�e Lamb, Lee Kerna-

ghan, Viper Creek Band

CMC Interna?onal Ar?st Of The Year

Carrie Underwood, Jason Aldean, Keith Urban, Kelsea

Ballerini, Miranda Lambert

CMC Male Oz Ar?st Of The Year

Adam Brand, Adam Harvey, Lee Kernaghan, Morgan Ev-

ans, Troy Cassar-Daley

CMC Female Oz Ar?st Of The Year

Amber Lawrence, Beccy Cole, Caitlyn Shadbolt, Chris�e

Lamb, Jasmine Rae

The 6th Annual CMC Music Awards 2016 will feature first class interna�onal and local ar�sts performing

live, including country music superstar Jason Aldean, the world's ho8est country duo Florida Georgia Line

and rising country star Kelsea Ballerini, who all hit Australian soil for the first �me. Rounding up the line-up

are local country stars Adam Harvey, Shane Nicholson and Beccy Cole.

Tickets for The Annual CMC Music Awards have almost sold out. Limited �ckets s�ll available via

www.qpac.com.au or 136 246.



“So Dad” asked Dave, “your

marriage to dear ol’ Mum is

legendary. Everyone talks

about how you two get along

so well and never fight. Plus

you have been happily mar-

ried for over fifty years.

What’s the secret to your

marital success?” “Well” said Dad after taking

a puff on his pipe “It all

started on the way home

from our wedding. We had-

n’t gone but a mile or so

down the road when the

horse started giving us a bit

of trouble. I gave the horse

a little whip - and that’s

when I heard your Mum say

in a stern low voice ‘That’s

strike one.’ A little bit later

the horse stopped again

‘That’s strike two’ she said.

The third time it stopped,

without any hesitation she

grabbed my shotgun out of

my holster and shot it in the

head while saying ‘That’s

strike three!’. In a state of

shock, I yelled furiously at

her ‘What in the blazes did

ya do that for - ya flamin’

idiot?’ I was wild... And that’s when I heard

your Mum say in a stern low

voice “That’s strike one.

That is what I owe our

marital success


Mick and Paddy are reading head stones at a

nearby cemetery. Mick says "Crikey! There's a bloke here who was

152!" Paddy says "What's his name?"

Mick replies "Miles, from London!".

Paddy calls Easyjet to book a flight. The operator asks "How many people

are flying with you?" Paddy replies "I don't know! It's your bloody plane!"

Paddy takes his new wife to bed on their wedding

night. She undresses, lies across the bed and says

to Paddy in a sexy voice "You know what I want,

don't you?"

"Yeah," says Paddy. "The whole bloomin’ bed by

the looks of it!"

Paddy the electrician got sacked from the U.S.

prison service for not servicing the electric

chair. He said in his professional opinion it was

a death trap!

Paddy and his wife are lying in bed when the dog

in the neighbours' yard starts barking like mad.

Paddy says "To hell with this!" and storms off.

He comes back upstairs 5 minutes later and his

wife asks "What did you do? It’s s�ll barking!” Paddy replies "I've put the dog in our yard.

Let's see how they like it!"


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