Hickory United GROWING UPWARD NOVEMBER SERMONS …As the Family of God Growing Together Hickory...


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As the Family of God

Growing Together

Hickory United Evangelical Presbyterian Church


Deadlines are the 2nd Monday of the month, prior to the newsletter publication. December Deadline is November 11th

Submit all items to lisa.alexander@HickoryUnitedEPC.org





E Sermons, Pastoral Search Committee, Christmas Page 2Eve Service Time, Children’s Christmas Program &Pine Springs LettersDeacon’s Corner Page 3 Roths CRU Updates Pages 4&5 Hickory Christian School Pages 6&7Hearts for Haiti Page 8 Session Updates Page 9

Operation Christmas Child Page 10 Upward Basketball & New Members/EPC Class Page 11 Hanging of the Greens & Living Nativity Page 12McDonald Food Bank, Nursery Help, Soldier Angels Page 13 & CE Note Birthdays & Thank You Letters Page 14November Calendar Page 15



Congratulations to all of these kids who had perfect attendance for Sunday School for the month of September! We are so proud of their commitment and they each got to pick a prize from the treasure chest! We can't wait to see who has perfect attendance next month!

“ADVENT CANDLE” The children's Sunday School Christmas program, "Advent Candle" will be held on Sunday evening December 8 at 6:30pm in the church sanctuary with refreshments following the program.


October 2019 Update


11/3 Mark 1:40-45 The Touch That Transforms 11/10 Mark 2:1-17

When Jesus Is In The House

11/17 Mark 2:18-22 The Scandal Over Eating

11/24 Mark 2:23-28 The Scandal Over The Sabbath

The Pastoral Search Committee has received an additional application. We also spent two days, the week of October 14, in a face-to-face interview with another applicant and his wife. After the visit to our church and community, discussions with staff and the PSC, we have decided to take several days to process all that we learned from each other, to pray for God’s clear direction, and to meet as a team to review the new applicant and decide on future steps with the pastor that we met with.

This summer we had 7 campers who went to Pine Springs. Here are some of their comments and Thank You's to enjoy.

"Another favorite part of going to camp is learning more about God. I definitely got a lot closer to God this summer at camp. One thing I realized was that growing in my faith also made be feel better. I never knew how wonderful God truly was. Again, thank you so much for being my church family and helping

me make sure that I grow in my faith and relationship with God." - Ella Steele "Most importantly, I truly had a vital encounter with Jesus that has resulted in my spiritual growth. Since returning home, I've focused more on Him - praying more and spending more time in the Word. Thank you

again for supporting me and my HUEPC friends! - Julia Wasco "We learned about all sins are the same, and the only way to get clean of those sins is Jesus 'wiping' them away. All and all, I can say that this is one of my best years at Pine Spring and I wanted to thank you for helping me go." - Charisma Rowan "We all developed lifelong friendships and strengthened preexisting ones. Everyone was kind, supportive, and respectful of others. I learn more about the Bible in the one week that I was at Pine Springs that I normally do in two months. The Bible learning time was so often, the environment so nurturing, and the other campers and counselors so supportive that it was easy to grow stronger in the knowledge of God." - Angelina Scott "While learning about how God cleansed our sins, there were also many opportunities to have fun and bond with the other kids in my camp. I would like to thank you again for helping to send me to camp this year and provide me with a fun, memorable experience. It was one that I will never forget." - Amy Alrutz








COMMUNION The next Communion date will be December 1, 2019

We will be collecting cereal and pasta for the food bank on Communion Sunday.

The Thanksgiving Baskets will be distributed to our families on November 23, 2019.


Thank you for your generous contributions of Meat & Protein items collected in October for the FC Helping Hands program.

Bereavement Dinners – Our goal as members of the Bereavement Committee is to allow the families time, after the funeral of their love one, to gather and share memories while enjoying a meal together before going

their separate ways. With the assistance of the good cooks in our congregation, we are able to prepare for these families. We keep a list of people willing to donate food which is constantly having names deleted and/or

added. If you would be willing to help us (sometimes on very short notice) please drop a note in the offering plate or send an e-mail to the church. The Deacons would like to convey our sincere appreciation

and thanks to the many people who donate food and time for the dinners served at the church.

COMMITTEE FOCUS – FAMILY OUTREACH This committee is responsible for reaching out to households in our church and community. Families for this program are required to fill out an application and need is based on the PA Dept. of Agriculture’s Emergency Food Assistance Program guidelines. All families are mailed the church newsletter and receive invitations to church sponsored events. We provide “Back to School” items for those households with children, Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets, Gift Certificates for groceries for Easter and small Easter baskets or a gift card for the children. If a family that is “outside our list of families” is brought to our attention, the committee can donate to that family to help for a temporary specific need or to be given an application to be included with our other families.

Christmas Angel Tree Last year we did something a little different for our Angel Tree and had “Green Angels” requesting monetary gifts. We were able to donate $500 to FC Helping Hands to assist in their Christmas distribution. Due to the success and appreciation from the school for our donation, we will again have our tree decorated with green angels. Please consider taking an angel or two when the tree goes up this year.

Please watch for more information in the weekly church bulletin.

The Deacons would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all!

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11

Poinsettia Orders

The Order Envelopes for purchasing poinsettias will be available November24th. If you would like to place a poinsettia in the church for Christmas, in memory of a loved one, please see one of the ushers or pick up an envelope located on the table in the church greeting area. After filling out the form and including your payment, the envelope can be placed in the offering plate, given to Deb Stevenson or dropped off at the church office. Each plant is $7.00 please make checks payable to “Hickory U.E.P. Church.”



The Sovereignty of God is the biblical teaching that all things are under God's rule and control, and that

nothing happens without His direction or permission. – Theopedia

Ah, Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You. – Jeremiah 32:17

I had the opportunity of helping to lead a mission project to New Caledonia in August to try to share the Gospel with university students. From a human perspective, the odds of success were slim. Only one of our team members speaks French, the language of New Caledonia. We did not have permission to be on the campus of the Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, which was on a holiday break period during our visit. And, we didn’t know a local person who could help us do ministry. However, we went forward in faith, trusting that God would use us.

We arrived on a Saturday afternoon and settled into our place of lodging. On Sunday morning we found our way to one of the few evangelical churches in the country – a small French-speaking church with only about 25 people.

The pastor asked our group to stand before the congregation. Gracie, our only French speaking member, introduced us and told the congregation about what we intended to do. After the service concluded there was a fellowship time outside of the church building, where our project members did their best to interact with the French speaking members.

I noticed that there was an animated conversation going on between Gracie and a church member named Esther Noémie. When our group stood before the congregation, Esther immediately recognized Gracie from a photo she had seen on Facebook!

You might not be familiar with how Facebook works. Facebook enables you to “friend” people, which means that you can regularly share information with each other. You can also recommend a friend of yours to another person. In addition to this, Facebook uses a complex set of algorithms to try to connect you with people with whom you might have common interests. This might include people who attended the same schools as you, or people who have the same friends as you, or people with the same life experiences.

Months earlier, Esther had begun praying for God to bring people to New Caledonia to help share the Gospel at the university that she attended. One day she received a suggested “friend” notice from Facebook. Esther wondered why she would get this request, since she had absolutely nothing in common with this foreigner from New Zealand. There were no common friends or experiences, so she didn’t friend her. The person was Gracie. However, for some reason, she remembered the picture she saw of Gracie on Facebook and immediately recognized Gracie when we visited the church.

Esther spent the rest of the week with our team sharing the Gospel with students. She said it was one of the best weeks of her life! The only explanation that makes sense to Gracie and Esther about their connection on Facebook is that our sovereign God orchestrated a miracle to bring us together to answer Esther’s specific prayers.

Thanks for enabling us to serve a sovereign God! Don


The Roths * 91 Pemberton Ave * Bayview, Auckland 0629 * don.roths@cru.org * melanie.roths@cru.org

Dear Friends,

In the attached newsletter, I share the story about how our sovereign God did an amazing thing during my recent mission trip to New Caledonia. God orchestrated a miraculous connection with a key new person in a way that defies human reason.

The trip was a great ministry success even though the odds were stacked against us. It was exciting to see how God went before us and prepared the way. Not only did He answer our prayers by using us to lead some people to Christ, but we learned how our team was the direct answer to someone else's specific prayers.

Melanie and I appreciate your partnership with us in the Pacific.


Don, Melanie, & Jack Roths 91 Pemberton Ave * Bayview, Auckland 0629 * NEW ZEALAND

don.roths@cru.org melanie.roths@cru.org

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2)

Dear Friends, October, 2019

Over here in the Oceania region of the world, I’ve gotten to be a part of something special for the last 18 months or so called the “Emerging Leaders Initiative”. In order to help our young staff members thrive in their ministries, the leadership from Australia, New Zealand, and the Island countries organized this program. I was invited (back in late 2017) to be on the “Design Team” to help put together the 2018-2019 ELI program. Tomorrow, I am flying to Fiji to attend Module 4. What was the commitment asked for? Both delegates and coaches committed to attending four Modules (two each year during 2018/2019). They committed to working together on a special project with about three others to help further our Gospel outreach across the region. Each delegate was asked to commit three hours per week, plus, potentially, more time for

the gathering of resources needed for their project. In addition, our delegates made a commitment to pursue leadership opportunities within Cru for two years beyond the completion of the Initiative. The coaches for the small groups committed to helping mentor the three or so young staff members under their care. We (five of us) on the Design Team helped to coordinate all of these happenings. When have these ELI modules taken place? Module 1: May 28-June 1, 2018 – Auckland, NZ. Module 2: Sept 2-7, 2018 – Brisbane, Australia. Module 3: May 27-31, 2019 – Auckland, NZ. Module 4: Oct 21-25, 2019 – Fiji.

So, Friends – this is a special blessing for me to have the privilege of helping to equip these young staff members for their future ministries. YOU have a big part in this, too, as you faithfully give and pray for our work in the South Pacific. THANK YOU!

P.S. While I’m away, Don is holding down the fort back in Auckland. -

ELI Participants During Module 3


Our days here at Hickory Christian School have been busy and full. We have all gotten to know each other better and have worked hard to set routines and become familiar with classroom expectations.

The Three Year-Old Preschool Class has been learning the alphabet with the help of some animal friends like Alexander Alligator, Betsy Bee and Connie Cow. Each week the children are excited to look into my Bible Surprise Box to see if they can guess what’s inside. At the end of the story, they tell me how the object in the box pertains to the lesson. We have had fun learning about Creation, Adam and Eve, and Noah.

Did you know that letters talk and live in houses? The Pre K 4 Year-Old Class has been learning the short vowels. They are learning what each letter says (the sound it makes) and how to write each one (where to put them in their line houses). They have also had fun learning about some different places around the world. They learned about the different animals of Africa and enjoyed some tea and biscuits while learning about the country of England. This month they will continue their journey around the world.

In Kindergarten we have reviewed the short vowel sounds and are beginning to blend each consonant with the vowels to make blend ladders. We enjoy reading books and looking and listening for rhyming words. The students just finished a math unit on patterns. They had fun identifying different pattern types, identifying patterns in nature, and creating some patterns of their own. In Social Studies, we have been learning about communities and several different community helpers. We have learned how to call 911 and will continue to work on memorizing our phone numbers and addresses.

Last month we visited The Springhouse for an all-school field trip. We had fun picking pumpkins, playing on the slides and in the corn maze. Praise God, the weather was perfect! We had a great time enjoying God’s beautiful creation, the change of seasons, and getting to know our families.

This month we look forward to exploring the themes of Harvest and Thanksgiving. Upcoming events include a Pie Sale (orders are due November 6th) and an all-school Thanksgiving Celebration on Monday, November 25th. With Thanksgiving on the horizon, we would like to say a special thanks to you, our friends at Hickory United EPC, and to all our Hickory Christian School families for being part of our preschool community.

Maria Moore, Director

Hickory Christian SchoolA Ministry of the Hickory United Evangelical Presbyterian

Growing together as the children of God

Current School Fundraisers

Order by November 6Delivery Date November 22


Pies arrive Frozen

VARIETIES: Apple Caramel Walnut, Apple, Cherry, Peach, Pumpkin, Blackberry,

Coconut Meringue, Chocolate Cream

Order via: The school, 724-356-7337, visit the order table in the lobby on Sunday morning or order from

your favorite preschooler!

Order by November 22Delivery Date December 13

There are 50 varieties of DELICIOUS candies you

may choose from!

Order via: The school, 724-356-7337, visit the order table in the lobby on Sunday morning or order from

your favorite preschooler!


www.SarrisCandiesFundraising.comSchool’s Group ID# 10-1157

Earn Cash For Our SchoolFor more information on how to participate in any of these ongoing fundraisers please call the school director, Maria Moore,

724-356-7337. A collection box will be available in the lobby.

Hickory Christian SchoolA Ministry of the Hickory United Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Growing together as the children of God

The following is from Pastor Pierre who is in Florida

“The situation back home is going from worse to worst. Roads are barricaded. Businesses are closed. Government offices are closed. Bank if opened has no cash. Whatever amount of money you have they don't give you more than $100.00.

Some friends like Dave Errett, Gretta at Hickory United Evangelical Presbyterian Church and other churches, moved by Mercy, wanted to act in behalf of the starving in Lacroix and vicinity. But due to the current situation if food would be delivered by US Marines or Military, the mission will become a target for the gangs and will be at great risk. One needs to know that the Government stands down and the Gangs stand up. What can you do? There is no one to call in case of an attack. We are on our own. Gangs have taken over with the green light of those in authority. Why? I don't know. You know how I would love to give food to my people.

Let me translate a note that one of the N.T. employees sent me today when I asked him how are they doing?

“We are struggling with awful experience of life, no electricity, no fuel for vehicle not even propane to cook with, garbage are piled up so high in the streets that they constitute barricades. All people breathe is smoke from burning tires. Gangs are armed in the streets all day long. School is not in session.

Every night you can hear bullet shots. Darkness all over the city, everyone is exposed. No one is safe. If one got sick if it is serious, he can die because there is no way to get to a hospital. Even if you manage to get to the hospital there is no power, there are no doctors. Someone like that will more likely die. This is the way that Haitians are living in Haiti now. No one is well let alone healthy. People live in permanent stress. What makes the situation worse is the fact that we don't know how long it is going to remain like that. Nothing is said about when things are going to improve. We are in God's hands. It is the only hope that we have. May God come to our rescue!"

I am so sorry to share this with you but it is the reality.

Your prayers are needed for the country. Thank you for all that you do,

God bless.



Please Continue To Keep Haiti In Your Prayers!


Session Update – Bruce Sharpnack, Clerk

Here’s a quick update of our last meeting September 18.

• Acknowledged the transfer of Robert “Bob” Smith to the Church Triumphant August 26, 2019. • Discussed the May 1-2, 2020, Presbytery of the Alleghenies meeting which will be hosted by

Hickory United. Approximately 150 people will attend. Two meals will be provided. There will also be two worship services and several work sessions which will involve AV needs. Marlene Becker, Presbytery Administrative Assistant, will be our contact person at presbytery.

• Approved the return of the Hickory United EPC Dartball Team to the church from the Community Center.

• Approved communion dates for October 20, 2019 and December 1, 2019, both services. • Approved a single service with communion on Christmas Eve, 2019 at 7:00 PM. • Received the report of Executive Servant, Ron Stewart. • Session affirmed the essential requirement that all persons working with children or youth have

appropriate state clearances. This includes staff and members of Building and Properties who are in the church during school hours or youth group hours. Sign in and sign out sheets for persons in the building and Photo ID badges are being developed. Paula Steele, Office Administrator, is the coordinator for clearances. There are budgeted funds for this work.

• Ron reported and session affirmed the great work being done by Sexton, Mark May. This is a new position combining the housekeeper position with some new responsibilities for facility maintenance coordinated with Building and Properties committee.

• Approved the Church Firearm Carry Policy from Security Team of Building and Property. • Approved Phil Chandler’s, Music Director, request to celebrate 28 days of prayer with a brief,

noon time prayer service. This will dovetail with Kids’ Kingdom which aims to develop and strengthen prayer times for individuals and families. Daily order of services will be printed for use at the church and at home. The services will be recorded and uploaded to the website for offsite use by God’s people. The 28 live services will occur at noon in the sanctuary Tuesday through Friday over 7 weeks, October thru November.

We appreciate your continued prayers and welcome your input. While most questions are best answered through the church office, feel free to check with one of us.

Class of 2020 Tim Growden, Greg Kotyk, Suzanne Stewart Class of 2021 Chuck Fluharty, Patty Hamilton, Greg Melone, Bruce Sharpnack Class of 2022 Lynn Davis, Bobbie Rasel, Wynn Stevenson

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


As we see God working around us, His Spirit asks us to join Him. He then works through us to accomplish His will. Some of His work is done through our church session.



(Both Services)

Hickory United Evangelical Presbyterian Church will once again sponsor the Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Project. 2019 marks our 22nd year as a partner with this special project through the Samaritan’s Purse.

Each year many of us look forward to this very special project. What’s really inside each shoe box gift you prepare? Not just toys and other small gifts, but the love, hope, joy and an opportunity to share the gospel message with hurting children and their families.

There are still many bargains on back to school supplies and other items for packing your shoe box. When you pick up something for your own children, grandchildren or for yourself, pick up an extra item for your shoe box. Before you know it, your box will be ready and filled for the November 17th collection.

GIFT SUGGESTIONS School Supplies: crayons, markers, pens, pencils & sharpeners, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculator, coloring & picture books, etc.Toys: small cars, dolls, stuffed animals, balls, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small etch a sketch, toys that light up or make music with extract batteries, slinky, etc. Hygiene Items: toothbrush and holder, mild bar soap and plastic soap dish with a cover, comb, brush, washcloth, etc.Other: T-shirt, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, inexpensive jewelry or watch, flashlights with extra batteries, etc.

Thank-you and God bless you for your past support with this ministry. Last year we collected 171 gift boxes here at our church. 19,690 shoe boxes were collected from churches and organizations in our area and delivered to 5 different collection sites here in Washington County. From there, they went on to Charlotte NC to be processed and shipped around the world. 8,801,607 shoe boxes were collected from the USA and the World wide total collection was 10,623,776 shoe boxes. Praise the Lord!

We will soon have shoe boxes from Operation Christmas Child available for those who would like to use them in our main entrance area. If you prefer to use your own box, whether cardboard or plastic, please be sure that it is a standard size shoe box. If you wrap your box, please wrap the lid and box separately

We prayerfully look forward to another successful and blessed year of giving, bringing the good news and love of Jesus into lives of millions of children in need around the globe.

If you have any questions, please contact Sue Alrutz at 412-576-5773.


Would you like to know more about the EPC or interested in finding out more about becoming a member of the Hickory United Evangelical

Presbyterian Church family?

Please contact the church office at 724-356-4424. Date and time for classes will be determined based on interest.

& EPC Informational Class

It’s That Time of Year!

11/2/19 - Evaluations 10am -1pm

12/2/19 - First Practice

**Games Will Start In January 2020**

More Information To Follow

11 12

Hanging of the Greens


Please Join Us In Decorating The Sanctuary For Christmas We Will Meet At 9am On Saturday, November 30

Hickory United EPC is proud to put on the 3rd Annual Living Nativity event. Bring your friends and family to celebrate and tell the story of our King’s birth.

We are looking for volunteers to help support our event either by being a cast member or hospitality crew. Please call the church office at 724-356-4424 or email us at office@hickoryunitedEPC.org to see how you can be part of this event.


From the Christian Education Committee about Adult ClassesIf you are planning to start a new class or bible study you need to contact Mary Jordan, 724-356-7774

Food Pantry

The McDonald Food Pantry is looking for help. We meet once a month on the fourth Wednesday at the McDonald Municipal building, at which time we to help distribute the food (packing in boxes or taking it to the cars on a dolly for the recipients. If you can’t help every month that’s okay, we need people when the regulator volunteers can’t make it. Please contact the co-coordinators Molly Errett, 724-288-8262 or Mary Jordan, 724-356-7774

I have three little ones most Sundays and would love to share the joy of watching them grow. If you can’t do it every Sunday that’s

okay, you can just drop in or call Mary Jordan, 724-356-7774.  You will need child

clearances. Thanks so much.

I Need Assistance In The Nursery!


We are so excited to announce that Chick-fil-A Washington is an official

drop-off site for Soldiers Angels Official Treats for Troops program! This great program collects excess

Halloween candy and ships it to deployed service members and hands it out to veterans in VA

Hospitals across the country! Chick-fil-A Washington will be collecting

candy November 1 - 16.


Thank you to our church family for your kind words of encouragement, your support, your cards and especially your prayers in our difficult times. — Alan and Sandy Shepherd

Dear Hickory UEPC congregation,Thank you for your recent donation to the City Mission. We cannot thank you enough for your faithful and continued support of all we do here at the Mission. Your church has been a treasured partner in helping us to provide the services to those in need, both our residents and throughout our community. Thank you for always answering the call.— Shelley Kubincanek, Church/Community Relations

To the Hickory UEPC family,My brother Randy and I thank the church family for their kindness and support after the passing of our father, Robert Smith. We appreciate the help with his memorial service and the wonderful luncheon. — Suzanne Smith

Dear friends at Hickory UEPC,“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10)Greetings in the precious name of Jesus. Thank you so much for what you are doing for us. Thank you for your recent check. Thank you for receiving Pastor Evens in your midst. He said that he was blessed. Thank you for hosting him. He had a great experience in Western Pennsylvania. Thank you for your prayers for Haiti. The greatest need of Haiti is Jesus. We need a nation wide spiritual awakening. — Pastor Vaugelas Pierre


1 Tim Growden 2 Marianne Shumaker Dick Smith 3 Emma Brown Dave Errett Debbie Schaub Tom White 4 Jack Creighton 5 Larry Heckman, Sr. 10 Addam Kanish Bruce Sharpnack 11 Ed Laurick, Jr. Kim Spencer 14 Dave Jacobs 15 Molly Errett 18 Blake Barton 19 Mac Carter

20 Blake Grove Bob Jordan Lori Wagner 21 William L. Dinsmore 22 Jean Laurick Bonnie McClure Elizabeth Staley 26 James Torboli 27 Trish Goodwin Pam Staley Paula Steele Mary Ann Stewart 28 Stephen Semerod Chris Spitler

30 Colleen Allison Richard White Ping Kerns

Golden Age 2 Marianne Shumaker Dick Smith 3 Emma Brown


The Officers and Members of the McDonald Volunteer Fire Department thank you very much for your donation to our department — Joseph Rehak, President


Dear church family,Thank you for the many cards, phone calls, thoughts and prayers during the time I was in the hospital and after. Thanks to my Secret Sister for the flowers and Lou for his visits. Gary and I praise God for your support and kindness. — Judy Augustine


Nov. 2 (Saturday)10am-1pm Upward Evaluations (CC) Nov. 3 (Sunday)Daylight Savings Time Ends Memorial Sunday (both services)1pm-4pm Girl Scouts (CC)Nov. 4 (Monday)7:00pm CE Meeting (L)

Nov. 5 (Tuesday) 7:00pm Dartball League (CC)Nov. 7 (Thursday)7:00pm Cub Scout Committee (FH) Nov. 8 (Friday)6:30pm Girl Scout Leaders (L)Nov. 10 (Sunday)5pm-7pm Youth Grp - Archery Tag (CC) Nov. 11 (Monday)7:00 pm Stewardship Meeting (RL)

Nov. 12 (Tuesday) 7:00pm Dartball League (CC)Nov. 13 (Wednesday)7:00pm B&P Meeting (L) Nov. 14 (Thursday)7:00pm Cub Scouts Den Meeting (FH)Nov. 17 (Sunday)Shoe Box. Sunday - both Nov. 20 (Wednesday)7:00pm Session Meeting (L) 7:00pm Women’s Ministry (L)

Nov. 21 (Thursday)7:00pm Cub Scout Pack Meeting (FH)

Sundays8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship (S) 9:00 a.m. Kingdom Kids 9:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School (Various Locations) 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship (S)

Mondays 9:15 a.m. Fit Club (CC) 5:30 p.m. Health & Wellness Grp. (P) 7:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball (CC) 7:00 p.m. Security (S)

Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting (L) 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (FH)

Wednesdays 9:15 a.m. Fit Club (CC) 7:00 p.m. Praise Band (S) 7:00 p.m. Jr. High Youth Grp. (CC)

Thursdays 7:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball (CC) 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice (CR)

Fridays 9:15 a.m. Fit Club (CC)

Saturdays 9:00 a.m. Yoga (CC) 9:00 - 10:30am Women’s Bible Study (RL)

Other Events & Meetings Weekly Recurring Events/ Meetings

(CC) Covenant Center (CR) Choir Room (FH) Fellowship Hall (L) Library 1st Floor (P) Parlor (RL) 3rd Floor Ref. Library (S) Sanctuary (YR) Youth Rm.


Nov. 23 (Saturday)8am - Noon Deacons Thanksgiving Distribution (FH)Nov. 25 (Monday)10am -1pm Hickory School Thanksgiving Feast (CC)7:00pm Deacon’s Meeting (L)Nov. 28 & 29 (Thursday & Friday)Office Closed - Happy Thanksgiving Nov. 30 (Saturday)9:00am Hanging of the Greens (S)

Mary Engelbreit


Lou Templeton, (724) 356-7835





TREASURER Linda Carter








Will Smith


DIRECTOR: MARIA MOORE hickorypreschool@hickoryunitedepc.org

(724) 356-7337

OFFICE HOURS Mon. – Fri. 9:00am - 3:30pm


Phone requests to: Sharon Mechtel, (412) 496-9147

Email requests to: Sharon Merckle,


Office: (724) 356-4424 Fax: (724) 356-2300 E-Mail: office@hickoryunitedepc.org Website: www.hickoryunitedepc.orgFacebook www.facebook.com/hickorychuch

Hickory United EvangelicalPresbyterian Church

P.O. Box 97Hickory, PA 15340
