Hi, welcome to the webinar everyone. I’m Ken Burge, VP of...


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Hi, welcome to the webinar everyone. I’m Ken Burge, VP of Operations for Marketing Dot Com. Today I want to introduce you to Mike Filsaime. Mike started Internet Marketing in 2002, went full time on August 5th, 2004 and became a Millionaire in just 3 short years. His business had now grown from a spare bedroom to a 2nd new office and a staff of 36 people that help him run 50 + sites. He has generated over $30,000,000 in online sales in the last 5 years, and holds the distinction of having the record for million dollar launches, he has generated over 2,000,000 opt ins, and has consulted top experts like Tony Robbins and The Donald Trump Organization. It’s no secret among the marketing elite that Mike has become one of the savviest innovators in the online marketing world. He’s been seen on NBC Nightly News, Fox News and written about in the New York Post and Los Angeles Times. Obviously, Mike knows his stuff. I’m sure you’re excited to hear his unique profit generating advice… so here’s Mike Filsaime. Thank you for that introduction. Let’s get started right away with The Franchise Model secret: the secret used by the wealthy 1% of marketers that you can learn and use today. We’re going to talk about why 95% of all Internet marketers are failing and why businesses that use The Franchise Model are 14 times more likely to succeed than entrepreneurs like you that start their own small business. I think the graphic underneath this slide really tells a story. Why is it that the delicatessen in the shopping center has gone out of business three times in the last ten years, yet franchises like Subway and McDonald’s are growing in more locations all over the United States and all over the world? Everywhere you look is another successful McDonald’s and another successful Subway and they keep on opening stores and being more and more successful. We’re going to explore what a franchise has that the regular entrepreneur doesn’t. What is it that the franchise is doing that makes it so successful and is nearly guaranteeing the success of the entrepreneur as opposed to the very risky business that a normal entrepreneur takes when starting on their own and is almost certain to fail? Let’s talk about you for a second and your relationship with Internet marketing. Do any of these relate to you?

• You’re sick and tired of being pitched the next sure fire secret only to find out that you’ve been lied to by very greedy marketers with very good copywriters.

• You’ve seen people making money online and they’re not that much smarter than you, if they’re smarter than you at all, and it’s starting to get a little bit frustrating.

• You see 29 different ways to make money online from eBay to AdSense to pay

per click to affiliate marketing and you’re really not sure which the right direction is for you.

• You’re ready to have a real business that can work for you if you supply the CEO

role. If you can relate to any of those, then this webinar is for you. If that’s the case, here’s my official promise to you: I, Mike Filsaime, promise to share with you the exact business model that allows me to earn over $1 million a year online. You’re not going to have to pay anything for that. I promise you, by the end of this webinar, to allow you to run the same exact business model yourself within 24 hours of this webinar. I promise to show you how this business model will allow you to generate over $2,000 per month each and every month and grow more each month. I promise to you the same chance of success as if you were to have your own successful franchise like McDonald’s or Subway. Finally, I promise you more fun out of life and the ability to provide your family and yourself with everything that you want out of life and the peace of mind that comes with it. Is that a bold promise? Yes, it absolutely is. I intend to keep it and I will keep it. I’ve done some pretty incredible things online, but I don’t want to assume that you know who I am. Most likely you were invited here by either me or one of my close friends and maybe you just got online six months ago or three months ago or even just a few days ago and you might not know who I am. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. Number one: I’ve been featured in media like Fox News, NBC, Fox Business News, The New York Post, and countless other media. I’ve done consulting for many different people. One of them that you’re seeing right here is Tony Robbins. I had the opportunity to go to San Diego a little while back and talk with Tony Robbins and help him with his business.

Here’s the “thank you” that he gave me after I flew out to his office in San Diego and gave him consulting: Hey Mike, it’s Tony Robbins. Listen, I just wanted to send you a thank you and let you know that I deeply, deeply appreciate the fact that you took the time both in person here in San Diego and all that time on the phone that day to give me your marketing insights. I don’t take that lightly; I don’t take anybody’s time lightly, least of all somebody with your caring insight and marketing genius. I hope we will be able to do some things in the future together and find some ways to partner so I can give some benefit back to you as well. I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate it and I look forward to our paths crossing again sometime soon. Again, I apologize for the delay with this thank you note, but there’s no delay with my appreciation. Thanks buddy. Talk to you soon. Bye. Also, I’ve been featured in the news. Here I am at the NBC studios at Rockefeller Center in New York at the New York Nightly News with anchorman Chuck Scarborough. They asked me to speak on Twitter. I’m known as a social media expert in the United States and around the world. They sought me out and invited me out to the studio to talk about Twitter and what the big fascination was. I thought it was kind of funny when I got the phone call that they needed an expert to get on the news to talk about Twitter, but hey, I’m not going to complain. I’ve been featured in many books that you can find at Amazon. I’ve been on the radio and I even had my own radio show. I’ve been in countless newspaper articles that have been written about me or in ones that I have given advice. I’ve consulted people like The Donald Trump Organization, and I’ve consulted the leading Internet marketing gurus on their Internet businesses. Let me show you some of them. Here’s me; that’s a picture of me on the left. Here’s what Brad Fallon from StomperNet had to say: “I always take the time to talk to Mike Filsaime when I’m looking to get on the move with my business.” There’s a little bit more there that you can read; I’m not going to bore you by reading this all to you.” Brad Fallon and StomperNet have gone on to build a very, very incredible business. Marlon Sanders, one of the Internet marketers who has been around for a very long time who is very successful, says: “He’s the real deal. Mike Filsaime delivers! That’s what I can say. I know first hand that Mike commands a ton of traffic and his list size and responsiveness is a force to be reckoned with.”

Here’s one of the smartest and most popular markets on the Internet today: Richard Schefren. He considers me one of his go-to guys. Rich goes on to say: “Nobody, and I mean nobody, knows how to take a raw rookie online and show them the specific steps to make money fast better than Mike Filsaime. If I had a younger brother who wanted to start making money online quickly, I’d send him to Mike. If you’re trying to make sense of the incredible complexity of Internet Marketing, listen to Mike. He’ll not only make it simple, he’ll make it very profitable.” Let me tell you about why I’m considered an expert or one of the leading experts, if not the leading expert in Internet Marketing. Let me share some of my stats with you and why some people have even referred to me as a guru. I have sales generated in excess of $30,000,000 in the last five years. Here are some more points. I’ve had eight $1 million launches. That’s a record in Internet marketing. There is no other Internet Marketer who has launched as many product launches as I have that have each done over $1 million. I have over 2,000,000 opt-ins. That means that two million people have entered their name and email address and hit “submit” on my websites and opt-in forms all over the Internet. Over 800,000 of those people are still active subscribers. So, when I send out an email and say, “Check out this new blog post,” or, “Here’s a product review of something that you should buy,” then it has my affiliate link, that goes out to 800,000 of my subscribers that I have a relationship with who know, like, and trust me. In fact, I was able to generate over $350,000 in sales for just one affiliate product that I promoted using just email earlier this year. I’ve developed leading sites in our industry like PayDotCom, PayPeopleOnline, The Upsell Network, PayGlide, and my Twitter product called TweetGlide. I’ve had very, very successful products such as Butterfly Marketing and The Seven Figure Code over the years and those are some of the things that have made me such a successful marketer. I don’t want to go over my full resume. So, before we talk about you, we need to have a duel commitment. This may be the most important 90 minutes of your life. Call it luck, call it fate, call it destiny, or call it whatever you want. But, today, right now, is a defining moment in your life. I think you will forever look back at the information I’m about to share with you today as a breakthrough and realize that you have found the process that you can step into right away in the next 24 hours and start seeing income that really makes a difference. I need your full attention and commitment that you will stay engaged. I will make sure to move fast and only show you what is important and what you can use right away to start making money in your business. So, make sure to tell everyone in your house or your

office that you cannot be disturbed. Please. Shut down all other programs on your computer. Shut down email, Skype, messenger, and even put your cell phone on silent like mine is. And let’s both agree not to text while we’re here. I certainly won’t. If this webinar is truly a turning point in your life… and think about that… if this webinar is truly a breakthrough and it’s really that important, isn’t it even more important to make sure that nothing can distract you and take away the chance of you having a breakthrough tonight? Great. So, let’s move on. Let me tell you about my beginnings. I didn’t know what tactics to use or what technology to use. I did some pretty embarrassing things when I first got started. I didn’t know how to create a product and I was wasting money on every product course out there. I didn’t know what direction to go in and I felt like I was falling behind on the treadmill. Not just walking on the treadmill, but actually falling behind. If you can imagine somebody on a treadmill starting to fall behind, you can imagine how dangerous that is. Talk about information overload – I was just getting more and more frustrated. I was even making mistakes that made my websites get shut down and losing my Internet access at my house just following directions that I was getting from other ebooks. I was losing money with advertising and I just couldn’t figure it out – I couldn’t figure out how things worked. The worst part was that my family started to get very upset with me. I was spending money I didn’t have and I was falling behind on my bills for the second time in my life. I had gone bankrupt in 1995 and here I am in 2000 and things are really, really bad for me. Then, I start Internet marketing in 2002 and I started spending money that I didn’t have. It looked like the cycle was about to start all over again. Self-doubt really started to creep into my brain. I started thinking, “Is it me?” I saw so many people having success by reading sales letter after sales letter after sales letter. I was even thinking, “I’m smarter than some of these people, or at least as smart as some of them.” Does this sound familiar to you? If so, don’t worry. I’ll explain why very soon. If my story sounds like your story or your story sounds like my old story, this is good news. You see, your confusion and frustration means that you’re experiencing something that only people who are seeking to improve themselves feel.

Let’s face it, people who sit at home on the couch watching Jon & Kate Plus Eight or the Jersey Shore are not feeling this pain; they’ve already given up on life, or worse, they’ve never even tried. Let’s talk about what all this stuff really means and why you should be excited today. Here’s your pain point: you’re confused about what direction to go in. There is actually a positive trait to that: our thinking and our framing. If you’re confused about what direction to go in, the positive trait means that you are simply trying to find out what the best business you can identify with is. If you have a point that says you’re wasting time without results, that really means (your positive trait is) you’re willing to sacrifice for your family and for your future. If your pain point is experiencing information overload, the positive trait that you should celebrate is that you’re a person who wants to learn and will have the knowledge to use when the right opportunity comes along. If your pain point is that you started questioning if you have what it takes to be a success, the positive trait is that you take personal accountability and responsibility and you don’t blame others for your struggles. If your pain point is that you’re embarrassed about what your family is thinking about you, the positive trait is that you want to be the best for your family and you will take the risk to provide for them what you know is best when they may not. So, it’s okay to have these feelings. I felt them too. Really, those are the same exact feelings that every successful person has felt right before they had a breakthrough. So, celebrate it. Okay, great. Let’s jump right in. Let’s get started. Why is it that businesses that have used The Franchise Model have success nearly 100% of the time? Well, here it is: they have a quality product the market wants with a proven, tested track record. They have proper tools and equipment so they can be effective. They have technology made easy and customized for their exact business model. They have a proven no failed marketing system. Here’s the most important thing: they have a proven and easy to duplicate system. I wrote system as an acronym. Why should you use a system? S.Y.S.T.E.M as an acronym means: save yourself time, energy, and money. Why do most marketers fail even though there is so much information out there? Here is why: they lack a quality product that the market wants. Maybe they’ll develop one that’s not going to give them everything. Most marketers fail at least because they

don’t have a quality product. They failed because they don’t have the proper tools. Technology is very complicated. You have to know your way around websites with FTP and Amazon servers and things like that. You have to be able to get proper graphics, work your way around hosting, video, shopping carts, learn how to run and manage affiliate programs and email and autoresponders and all those different things. They have no marketing strategy at all; maybe they’ll just put up a WordPress blog and don’t know where to go from there. They have little or no systems at all in place. And, unfortunately, with marketers going into the business this way, there’s no opportunity for success. Let’s look at this franchise. We’re going to look at McDonald’s right here. Let’s see. Things are easy to implement. The process is so easy that a 14 year old can understand and follow through to perfect success every time at every location around the world. They have consistency: a good product with a focus on a quality standard. I’ve been to Paris, Romania, Amsterdam, New Zealand, and Australia and I’ve been to McDonald’s at all these places and their burgers taste the same way as they do in New York or New Jersey or California or Florida or Texas. Consistency is key for the success of a business. Of course, McDonald’s has a very good monetization strategy, as do all good franchises. They have a tested and proven front end products with additional products to upsell and cross-sell to allow maximum profit, and understand core metrics. They have integrated suppliers. This is very important. This is going to come back a little bit later in the presentation. They work with quality partners and distribution outlets to synchronize the end product for the consumer. McDonald’s is the largest buyer of Coca Cola in the world. They’re also the largest buyer of potatoes. You might be surprised to know that McDonald’s is also the largest buyer of apples in the entire world. They’re certainly the largest buyers of beef and the second largest buyer of chicken. They don’t actually grow the apples, they don’t own Coca Cola, and they don’t own potato farms. But, they work with the distribution outlets to synchronize all of this and get the product to the end consumer. This is very important and we’ll talk about it later. Finally, branding. Franchises use branding to gain trust and loyalty, which allows customers to buy with confidence at all the independent locations and become repeat raving fans. McDonald’s does a great job doing the branding so that their independent franchises can have the success when somebody is driving down the interstate or the road on a trip or going to work or whatever it is and they see Joe’s Donut Shop and they see McDonald’s, the branding is going to make McDonald’s win nine times out of ten.

Let’s look at this company; it has a slightly different “M.” Let’s look at some of the systems that I use. I have here, starting from the left, a quality product, a high converting website with video, a high quality monthly newsletter that delivers great content and great value, a very high converting upsell, and my monetization strategy also includes a call center from maximum back end products. This is one of my systems, but it is the direction that I’m moving my entire company. If you’ve been following what I’m doing online, you’ve seen that. Let me break this down a little bit more because I want to make something very, very clear. It took me five years to figure out what I’m about to share with you right now. For you, it is not about the journey; it is about the destination. See, a business is a lot like what you do to stay healthy. Take a treadmill for example. It’s not the assembling of a treadmill that you need to be proud of; it’s getting on the treadmill and getting the results of a healthy and fit body. With your business, it’s not about the building of the business that’s important; it’s the systems and the processes that make you money. So, to be clear, I don’t think you want to learn how to build a treadmill. You want the results. As they say, “Don’t tell me about the labor pains, just show me the baby.” What I want to do from here is show you how you can shortcut your way into a business. Don’t worry about building a business. I want to show you how you can shortcut your way into a business that is profitable in the first week, rather then telling you about staffing and hiring and all that jazz. Fair enough? Here’s the secret formula to succeeding with an online business. You’re going to need to make sure you have a pen and legal pad ready because here’s where it gets complicated. Ready? There is something called the quadratic formula. Believe it or not, I’m just teasing you. That is the quadratic formula that you may have learned in high school. What I’m talking about is a little bit easier. The quadratic formula that I’m going to go over with you is as easy as one, two, three, four. The fourth is a very, very key component that’s very difficult for a lot of marketers. That’s why I drew it out like that. This is the quadratic formula. There are four parts to it. Number one is that you need a free offer of a quality product with shipping and handling.

Number two is continuity for recurring income. If these things seem like things you’re not going to get started with in 24 or 48 hours, don’t worry. Bear with me because this model is so incredible and I don’t want you to feel that this doesn’t include you. As I said, you’re going to be up and running in 24 hours with what I’m going to be showing you today. So, remember, one is having a free offer with shipping and handling. Number two is having continuity for recurring income. Three, a high converting upsell path. Number four, a high ticket, high quality back end. That is the quadratic formula. Let me show you my use of the quadratic formula. Remember in the previous example I showed you some different things. Let’s see how it breaks down. Number one: free offer with shipping and handling. I give away the 7 Figure Secrets Report, which is a report based on my 7 Figure Code product that was a $5,000 seminar. We summarized all the DVDs into a report and I give that away for free. It’s a $297 value that I give away for free and all people pay is shipping and handling. Number two: I have a newsletter called MDC Monthly. It’s a 34-page full color newsletter written by me and leading marketers in the industry. People pay me $29.95 a month and I have thousands of people paying. You do the math. That gives me very easy recurring income. Number three: the blue number three there that you see is a high converting upsell path. Number four: a high ticket and high quality back end. I have a call center that I work with/partnered with. We have prices ranging anywhere from $1,500 up to $8,000. It’s some of the best high ticket quality mentoring that money can buy. Let me break this quadratic formula down for you just a little bit more. Number one: a free offer with shipping and handling. This must be a high quality product at approximately a $50 value. In other words, this must be something that someone would pay $47 for and that your competitors would go crazy and freak out trying to compete with you because not only is your product better, but you’re also giving it away for free and they’re trying to sell it. This will give you an advantage and I will show you why in just a second.

Number two: continuity for recurring income. This is where you add a pre-checked, optional value added item that is of high quality to your customer that you deliver to them once per month. This creates residual income. Why do something once and then have to do it over and over and over again when you can do something one time and get paid over and over and over again? These charges are recurring monthly into your merchant or PayPal account and the ideal price that I found is $29.95. With just 100 members paying you $29.95 a month, it is going to give you $3,000 a month in income. It’s that simple. You simply get 100 people to take you up on your free offer, then take your continuity item, and you’re making $3,000 a month. It’s pretty easy to get 100 customers. I’ll show you how to get thousands in just a minute. Right there is $36,000 a year with just 100 customers. All you have to do is give something away for free. Let’s move on to number three: the high converting upsell path. This is where you make the customer additional offers after you get their credit card, but before you complete the order. You should offer multiple upsells and downsells, in fact. These offers complement the first product and can be anywhere from $50 to $500. This is where your immediate cash flow comes in. That’s why this part, number three, is so important in the quadratic formula. Number two is your recurring and residual income, but that takes 30 days to come and then that money comes in the future. It’s great money, but this part, number three, is where the cash flow comes in. That’s important because that’s how you pay your affiliates. We’ll get to that in just a moment. Finally, there’s number four: the high ticket, high quality back end. This is one of the hardest things to do because you need to get a quality back end product that your best customers want. This needs to be a high ticket and a high converting product. Normally between $3,000 and $8,000. The problem that most marketers face is that they cannot create that kind of value so they cannot offer it to their clients. That also means they cannot get the metrics needed for success. The alternative is to use a quality professional call center. But, you need to be able to provide call centers with a minimum of 500 to 1,000 leads per month. Call centers usually only work with the top lead generating marketers. If you’re doing 100 sales or 150 sales a month, you have a great need for a quality call center, but, unfortunately, they’re not going to work with you. That’s just the way it is.

There are ways around it and I’ll show you that a little bit later in the presentation. Let’s move on for now. Here’s the sad truth – the reality is, you’ve been lied to. Marketers have lied to you and no one wants to tell marketers the truth… especially the newbies. Nobody is talking about this. Here it is; I’m going to share the truth with you: you cannot make real money with a $47 product other than the money you make with your own sales from accidental search engine traffic and emails to your own list. Let me explain that for you. A $47 product does not have the metrics needed to get super affiliates unless you give away all the profits at 75%. So, what’s left for you? Now, take a look at the screenshot on the left. Here are some of the top converting products over at ClickBank. I highlighted and am pointing what they are paying out. These pay 75% commission just to get affiliates to promote the product. If you’re paying your affiliates 75% and ClickBank’s fee is 7%, that leaves you with about 18%. That’s your profit: 18%. You still have overhead and costs like your hosting and maybe your support staff and there are going to be refunds. So, you’ll be lucky to keep between 5% and 10%. But, no one is telling you this. After all, it’s not sexy. People want to tell you how to have that information product that sells for $47. But, if you’re giving away your money to your affiliates and merchant account at ClickBank, getting 5%-10% is not sexy and it’s very difficult to make money with that. Let’s take a look here. Advertising will never work with a $47 product. I’ve never found anyone who was able to make it work in the current Google AdWords fashion and make it scale. Thus, your affiliates can’t make money for you unless you pay out huge money. Think about it: it’s going to be tough for you to make money with AdWords. So, you turn it over to your affiliates, but you have to give them the lion’s share of the profit. You’re giving them 75% just so they can make it work. That leaves you with 5%-10%. Note that you can’t make money; it’s possible. You can make money, but you need a really good front end product to drive your sales with a very good back end funnel. If you’re only making 5% selling your product, you’re going to sell thousands of products and not really make any money. So, you need the front end product to drive the sales, but you need a back end marketing funnel. This funnel needs to pay out quickly (and not over a long period) of time so you can get your money in place. Here’s why the front end model works better when the front end product is free.

Let’s compare the old model to the new model. In the old model, you sell something for $47. $47 of revenue in, and, as I showed you before, $5 profit out. That’s about 10% that is left for you. You sell something for $47 and after you pay your affiliates and merchant account fees and overhead, $5 profit out. Your only option now is to find a new lead. With the new model, you start with free. With the power of free as your front end product, you increase your conversions, sometimes by a factor of ten (even though they’re still paying for the shipping and handling). Let’s compare the old model versus the new model. In the old, you sell something for $47 and, on average, it will have a 1% conversion rate. In the new model, you offer the same exact product for free, but now you will have a 10% conversion. So, for every 100 visitors, you make ten new customers instead of one new customer. Now, with the psychological laws of commitment and consistency, you can now get ten customers to make a small action with their credit card. But, now they’re more likely to flip into a buyers trance and buy products as they go through your cart. I can explain why this works but, if you ever went into a store to buy a pair of shoes and walked out with a whole new wardrobe, I think you know what I mean by buyers trance. The fact is that people love to buy but they hate to be sold. So, when you’re making a $47 sale, you have to do a lot of selling and it turns people off. You need a lot of sales copy for that. But, if you let them make a decision for a free product, and all they do is pay the shipping and handling, all of a sudden they go into buy mode. They feel like they’re in control and they keep clicking add to cart, add to cart, add to cart. In the new model, you now get more customers by a factor of ten, which also means a larger email list and a larger offline database. The good thing is you break even on the front end. For example, you put a product on a CD-ROM instead of offering a digital download. This allows you to collect shipping and handling when you ship it to them, which is your hook to getting their credit card and full postal information like their name, address, telephone number, and all that good stuff. They pay about $7.99 for shipping and handling, which covers your entire production cost and shipping. So, by giving away this CD-ROM as the product, you break even on the front end. But, you get a lead, and that cost you nothing. You have their name and email address and there’s so much more you can do with that.

It doesn’t stop there. Let me break down the math. This is called finding your DPL and your VV. DPL stands for dollar per lead and VV stands for visitor value. Once you know your dollar per lead and your visitor value, you can take over a market. You can completely take over a market, put your competitors out of business, and become insanely rich. I’ve done it over and over. You can pay your affiliates top dollars. Who are they going to promote for? The guy who is paying $5 or $10 a sale, or the guy who is paying $50 a sale? Also, you pay for advertising where you spend $1 to make $2. You see, if you have a higher visitor value or a higher dollar per lead, you can actually lose money on your front end product and make a fortune on the back end. Guys who don’t have this model can’t make advertising work for them. It just won’t work. I was able to calculate my DPL for one of my campaigns and I’m going to show you in a minute how I was able to make $150 per lead for every free product I gave away. So, when I gave away a free product, I made $150. I paid my JV (joint venture) partners and my affiliates $50 for every free report buyer that they sent me that simply paid the shipping and handling. Each time they sent me a customer who spent $7.95 on shipping and handling, I paid them $50. They asked me, “Mike, are you sure? You’re going to lose money. You’re going to lose a fortune.” They didn’t know about what I’m sharing with you: the quadratic formula. Before we go forward, I want to let you know that this may be a bit advanced. If you read the free report when you registered for this webinar called The Franchise Model Secret: The Preamble to the Quadratic Formula, I went into detail about this next section. If you didn’t read it, that’s okay too. Basically, I’m going to cover some stats types of numbers. If you don’t understand all of that, that’s okay. You don’t have to understand gravity to know that it works. With The Profit Platform that I’m going to show you, it’s the same way: you don’t have to know how it works, it just does. With that said, I’m going to go over some numbers and explain why it works and how it makes you so much money. If you follow along, cool, if it’s a bit over your head, don’t worry. If you have no clue about what I’m about to explain, again don’t worry. These next eight slides are maybe the ones that have you scratching your head a little bit. Most of you will understand, but once again, it’s not a big deal if you don’t.

I put this little yellow confused looking M&M guy to let you know that when you see it on the slides, it’s okay not to understand 100%. But, still try, okay? You’ll see this little yellow friend for the next eight slides, then I promise it gets back to the really easy stuff that makes you money. Ready? Let’s continue. My affiliates didn’t know that I calculated my metrics. That’s what allowed me to pay them so much money. We all profited from that. I calculated my DPL, dollar per lead. For every free CD I gave away, that was a new lead. For every CD I gave away, I made $150. I paid my JV partners $50 and I profited $100 per lead. In a very short period of time, I generated 15,000 leads from these affiliates and I grossed $1.5 million. After paying my affiliates, I netted $1 million in profit. This is the math with the quadratic formula. Number one: ten times conversion on customer acquisition at zero cost. Now, this is with no affiliate and no advertising. We’ll get to the affiliates and the traffic later. Number two: I offer a pre checked monthly newsletter. That’s the content. 50% of the people who take the free CD take the newsletter at $29.95 a month. And, there’s an average four-month stick rate. I’ll explain what that means, but it basically means that everybody who comes on my newsletter, on average, stays four months. Some stay on for eight months, 12 months, two years, or some get out before the billing starts on the free trial. But, the average is four months. Number three in the quadratic formula is that I offer a $97 upsell and a downsell that gets me immediate cash flow and that pays me today. These upsells convert at 7% of every free CD offer. Number four: my leads automatically on the back end (without me doing anything) go to my call center and I get checks up to $1,600 in my mailbox simply for giving away a free CD. I open up my mailbox and sometimes see a check for $1,600 just for that. I want to compare the profits from the $47 sale compared to giving away the product for free on a CD with 200 web visitors to get my dollar per lead. The old way, with a 1% conversion rate on a $47 product, with 200 visitors times 1% conversion rate meant that I made two sales. So, my profit rate was two sales times $47 left me with $94. So, my DPL is $47. Now, let me show you how to calculate the visitor value. To calculate the visitor value, you take that $94 profit and dividing it by the visitors. That means that my visitor value was $.47 per visitor. In a nutshell, for every visitor that comes to my website where I’m selling a $47 product, the visitor is worth $.47 to me.

Now, let’s look at it with the free way. Now it goes from a 1% conversion rate to a 10% conversion rate. Obviously, because we’re not selling; we’re giving away for free. So, with the free offers, two visitors times 10% take rate for the CD means I’m going to get 20 customers. Now, remember, I break even. I get a paid customer in my database so I can email them different offers, but that’s for another story. At this point, I break even because what they pay me for the shipping and handling covers the cost of the shipping and the CD. Now, let’s look at the continuity. 50% of the people who requested the CD (ten people) are going to take the newsletter option that is prechecked in the shopping cart. They can check it off, which is where the other 50% go out. The ten people who stay on make me $23 each for each newsletter. The average time they’re going to stay on is four months, and that means ten new subscribers at $23 profit times four months means I’m going to make $920. Now the upsell, remember? 7% will take the $97 upsell and with 20 customers seeing this upsell, a 7% conversion rate means approximately 1.4 buyers at $97 means that my upsell for every 200 visitors is going to net me $135. And, now, finally the call center. Generally the call center is worth between $25 and $75 depending on what they pay. Now, they can pay for a $47 product or a $100 product or a $500 product. Since these are low price point risk-free shipping and handling leads, it’s best to figure and assume the lowest possible value of a call center of $25. So, now I have 20 leads that I can give to the call center and an average lead is $25, I’m going to average from those 200 visitors $500. Let’s put it all together. I break even on the risk-free trials, but I’ve acquired 20 new customers. My continuity income will be worth $920. My immediate income from my cash flow from the upsell is worth $135. The call center income that comes in very quick is going to be worth $500. If we add all that up, the total profit is $1,555. So, my DPL is $1,555 divided by 20 means that I’m getting $77 per lead. Here’s where it gets really important: to get my visitor value, I take the $1,555 profit and I divide it by those $200 visitors and that means I’m getting $7.75 for every visitor to my website. Now, let’s compare that. The old way, I was profiting $94. The new way, with the same 200 visitors, I’m profiting $1,555. The old way, my dollar per lead was $47 and the new way my dollar per lead is $77. The most important thing here is the visitor value to my website. The old way was $.47. The new way, each visitor to my website is worth $7.75.

I know this sounds hard to believe, but it just works. Trust me, when I saw the results, I did not argue with the math when I saw this happen. I went out and I created more front ends and kept having the same results. It was like Christmas every day here in my office. Every day we’d come in and see 30-50 people joining our sites that are one year old or two years old and we’d have $50 to $100 per lead and we’d make $3,000 to $5,000 a day with these five different websites that we have out there. So, if you want to know why I started giving away my software at GetMySoftwareFree.com and why I gave away Butterfly Marketing 2.0, and why I gave away the 7 Figure Code, and why I gave away 7 Figure Secrets, now you know. These are all thousand dollars products. Sure, I took the good will reputation that came with, “Hey Mike. Thanks for giving away your $2,000 product for free.” But, as you can see, I was laughing all the way to the bank. We never made so much money in our office ever. We now have $7.75 compared to $.47 per lead. We put a lot of people through this process. We put literally tens of thousands of people through this process. We have an offline database where we send direct mail to thousands of people. We have an email list of over 50,000 buyers. And, we have a huge customer base of people who absolutely love us. So, when I saw this working, I started giving away all my stuff for free. First, I started with the 7 Figure Secret and we acquired 11,000 new customers. Then, we did it with Get My Software Free and we acquired 5,000 new customers. We did it with Instant Affiliate Website and brought in 6,000 new customers. Then, I gave away my $2,000 product Butterfly Marketing 2.0 and we acquired 15,000 new customers. Then, I did it with the 7 Figure Code, my $1,297, and we acquired 9,000 new customers. So, that’s 46,000 customers just from these sites. Yes, if you do the math, with my DPL at $125 per lead, it is over $5.75 million in cash. I don’t think you need to think about giving away 46,000 free items. But, I did it in two years. What if it took you ten years? Still not too bad, right? Or, what if it was just 4,000 people in two years? That’s over $200,000 per year. Trust me, I know a lot of people who came from nothing that had thousands of new customers in just months using this model. I’m going to share it with you very soon. Let’s look at some simple math in case you didn’t see this. Basically, this breaks down to this: for every ten people that are active on my newsletter, I make $230 a month. For

every 100 people I have on my newsletter, I make $2,300 a month. And for every 1,000 people active on my newsletter, I make $23,000 a month. I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I have thousands of people on my newsletter (not just 1,000). So, you can imagine how much money this model is making for me. Remember, that doesn’t even include all the money I made from the upsells, all the money I made from the call center, or the money I make clicking “send” a few days a week in an email. As I told you earlier, I make over $100,000 a month just from sending emails to my buyer list filled with hot buying leads. I’m not telling you this to brag; I’m giving you the hidden secret to the only way you’ll only have everything you want out of life with an easy business model. Would you like to have hundreds of people in the same model or even 1,000 people in this model so you’d make $23,000 a month? This is a reality, folks. This is the system. I found the simple secret. If you’re wondering how this all applies to you and how you can fast track, you need to stay with me here. I promise the most exciting news is coming in just a few minutes. I have an incredible demo to show you. Just wait; I promise it will blow you away. Before we go on, I just want to let you know about the miscellaneous income. Don’t forget about these free money streams. Remember, this builds a list of people I email other products to and I make thousands of dollars as an affiliate selling other people’s products at the click of a button by sending an email. I do cross sells for other people’s products in my members’ area, and I have a list that I can mail or send postcards to for special offers. I can launch new products and future products to these customers. This is what is referred to as ECHO money. It comes in after the sale of the products and it comes in over times for months or even years. So, it is not to be counted as part of your DPL. But, it is a lot of money, so I call it gravy. This is the stuff that pays for the cars and the vacations and other cool toys. See the confused little M&M guy on the bottom right corner? Well, he’s gone. Our little friend is gone and now we’re back to the easy stuff and the fun stuff. That was some of the confusing stuff, but that is the quadratic formula. I’m pretty sure it made sense to you, so don’t worry about the math. Trust me: giving away free stuff makes you a lot of money.

I want you to know that it took me five years to put that into place. That was five long years. I had to do live events just to create the product and I had to amass a lot of knowledge to be able to share the information people wanted. I had to make a monthly newsletter. That newsletter cost me $20,000 a month just to go to print. I had to get all the technology built, the sites designed and up and running, and I had to get enough volume to get my newsletter rates down. I had to have enough leads go to the call center for them to take me seriously. The truth is, getting here was not easy. In fact, I give a lot of credit to anyone who can get this far. In fact, once you do, the world is your oyster and you literally have the keys to the castle. Once you create a front end, you go out and do it again and again and again and again with the same recurring model and back end model behind every new front end. Remember, I said the glory is not in the building of the company in the five years that it took me. Glory comes from the profit when it all comes together. So, stick with me. If you’re excited about the potential, yet worried about the time it takes to build an empire like this, remember that I made you a bold promise at the beginning of this webinar and I promised to blow you away with an opportunity to fast track you into this business model and be up and running in just 24 hours. So, just stick with me, okay? This demo is coming and it is mind-blowing. The question was: with this system that I had that I’ve done with six different websites, could others duplicate this system? That was the real question. Did I strike gold? Does it only work for me, or could others do the same thing? Here’s a little case study for a website called Internet Selling For Newbies. My friend Omar Martin and I met for the very first time at an event in Orlando, Florida. He told me about his new site, Internet Selling For Newbies and he wanted to sell it as a digital project for download at, you guessed it, $47. I pulled Omar aside and told him about this quadratic formula that I stumbled upon and told him, “Dude, you’d be better off giving away this product for free then actually selling it.”

I told him about the technology I had to get a site up and running in just 24 hours and not a year or 90 days if he was lucky. He was skeptical at first like anyone would be when you tell him to take the product that they just worked so hard on and give it away for free. He saw the math when I showed it to him on a piece of paper, and he took the leap of faith. Here are his results. Omar gave away 1,000 CDs in his first month with just his own JV partners. That was before I ever even mailed to my list. His dollar per lead was over $75 per lead. Now, the site made gross sales over $75,000 in his first month and put Omar Martin on the map as an Internet guru, literally overnight. The recurring income became Omar Martin’s best friend. The guy was absolutely blown away. What did it mean for me, though? Why would I get excited to work with Omar? Well, check this out. At one time, we had over 1,000 people on the recurring newsletter from this site. Omar didn’t have the newsletter infrastructure, so I told him, “I’ll build it for you and you can use my newsletter. I’ll show you how we can get the leads to the call center.” The deal I made with Omar was to pay me $7 for each newsletter that he sold for $29.95 and he kept the $23 profit. He only had to pay me after he collected the $29.95. Imagine that: he collects $29.95, gives me $7, and keeps $23. It’s not like he had to buy inventory or anything. So, with 1,000 people, Omar was making money. But the cool thing for me was that I was making $7,000 a month just for licensing my newsletter. This was the easiest money I’ve ever made. He’s doing all the work and making a lot of money and I’m doing nothing because my newsletter is already made, and I’m making $7,000 a month. It’s the easiest money I’ve ever made. I got this big idea. I started thinking, “Wow, this is pretty cool. I’m making $7,000 a month for doing nothing, and all I did was license my product to someone. All of a sudden, we’re partners.” He was making most of the money. This was his business and his life has changed. I provided the means to monetize his free product and I got him in with the call center. Then, boom, he started getting big checks and his life was changed forever. Little old me was quietly making $7,000 a month for doing nothing.

So, I started to think, “How can I go out and find more partners?” I’m a big thinker. I wanted to clone this idea. Not only clone partners, but I wanted to make it easy. I wanted to get partners that I could put in business that I could make rich. They would make all the money and I would take a very small licensing fee only when they made the money selling the newsletter. In this model, The Franchise Model, their success was my success. The better they did, the better I did. I needed to make this perfect; I needed to make this right or I would be wasting my time. And make it right I did. Remember earlier I talked to you about The Franchise Model? And remember I showed you how McDonald’s had the system and let others be partners with them, etc? Well, this works the same way. Watch. I created the next best thing. It’s called The Licensed Reseller Program of The Profit Platform. So, basically, you become my partner. Your success, like Omar Martin, is my success. If I can get you to 1,000 people per month, I’ll have you making $23,000 a month, and I make $7,000 a month. That means that if I could find partners who were doing 1,000 recurring, I would only need ten quality partners to do what I did with Omar and what he did so easily. I would make $70,000 per month simply finding ten partners. I would be making this month after month. I’d be making small amounts while my partners were making large amounts. So, if one site owner was making $23,000, I would make $7,000. I just needed ten partners and I would make $70,000 a month. Talk about a win, win situation. Welcome to The Profit Platform. Okay guys, this is where it’s going to get really exciting. Make sure you have your eyes on the screen. The Profit Platform has 45 different sites for you to chose from that are plug and play ready just like Omar Martin in a box. I was excited about this and I wanted to find some partners. So, I got hard to work and created 45 different products for you to chose from to go into business. Now you’re just like me and Omar Martin. I created the technology that allows you to be in business in the next 30 minutes. In fact, in just three minutes, your site is ready. The other 27 minutes is you getting set up with the partner distribution, but more on that later. My goal was to create something that was easy for you but identical to my business model. In order to power my license to a reseller partner, I had to build them a profit platform. Partners simply drive the platform to generate the leads and we make the rest simple for them.

It had to have all of the following: it had to be a clone of my technology. In fact, it had to be the same exact technology that I use in my sites. It had to be easy so I could get you up and running in 30 minutes. It needed to be professionally designed. Most of all, it needed to have the elements of the successful quadratic formula. Number one: my partners would have a quality product to give away. Number two: they could now sell my newsletter for $34.95 and keep $23 after paying the $11.95 cost. The licensing fee to me is $7 and the production fee is $2.50 and shipping and handling is $4.95. So, the partner keeps $23. Number three: it had to have a pre-made, high converting upsell where they keep all the profits. Number four: I needed to have an automated way to have their leads called by a quality call center when one sale would pay them $500 to $1,600 in their mailbox just for giving away a CD. 18 months later, it’s done. Let me show you how this works. Here you will start with your dashboard. On your dashboard you can see all of your sites that are making you money. Each site is a moneymaking business. You can have one or more than one; the choice is up to you. The dashboard gives you all the information you need to see for your sites. One quick log-in to your admin panel or your website. For advanced marketers, you can get access to your cPanel and email and even FTP. You don’t even really need to worry about that, trust me. We provide you with free hosting for life. The dashboard also has all the training tutorials and support and website traffic courses and bonus materials all in one beautiful, easy to use, graphic interface all in one place. You also use the dashboard to build a new site in about three minutes flat. Instantly, you have a new business. All you do is send the traffic there. Let’s take a look at how easy it is to build a site. I will do a live demo in a moment, but let me first walk you through with screenshots. Here’s how my partners are up and running with a real moneymaking business. This is not a website; this is a real moneymaking business. This is how they’re up and running in just one day. First, you chose from one of the 45 different websites from the products that I made for you. There are 45 pre-made products with graphics, inventory, the whole nine yards. Number two: you buy a domain for about ten bucks at Go Daddy. Since I would provide my partner with free hosting, you simply give my server details at checkout. We provide you all those details in the dashboard. Let’s move on to number three.

Number three is complicated: you simply enter your name and email address. Number four: you enter your PayPal email address so that you can get paid right to your PayPal account. This isn’t something where you’re an affiliate of mine; this is your own business. You collect the money. This is everything for you here. Number five: click a button. Boom. Your site is built instantly in just five easy steps. So, let’s take a look at what one of those sites would look like that would get built in, seriously, three seconds once you hit that submit button. On the front end, you get a high converting website. Then, they click the “Ship me the free CD” and they get a high converting order page that puts people on to the newsletter where you’re going to make $23 a month just for giving something away for free. This is the easiest money you’ve ever made. This is optional continuity. If the customer wants to opt out of the cart for the newsletter, they can, and they still get one absolutely free. You then break even and you gathered a lead. They also still see your upsells and still go to the call center. Also, in the third column there, it bills you a very easy to use Plug N Play admin panel where you’re like, “Here’s my email address and here’s my PayPal email address.” Very simple. After you build a site, you to into your admin panel and you confirm if you want to use my high quality video or use your own. If you want to use your own, I’ll show you that in just a minute. You can use your Flip Video or your webcam or your iPhone video or whatever and record your own video where you stand in front of a wall and say, “Hi, my name is Mike and I’d like to give you this for free. Enter your details.” In fact, we even give you the script where you can put it into a free teleprompter. You can also use the high converting video we’ve made for every website where I hired a producer to produce the video and a voice over talent to make the video. If you want to be famous, go ahead and swap it out with your talking head video. No problem. Number two: you plug in your AWeber user ID so you can mail your customers. You can use One Shopping Cart, Mail Champ, Get Response, Unica, ProSender, or basically any third party email service. You can mail from our admin panel but most users like to import their users over to a quality service like AWeber. You simply drop down, select one, put your user ID you get from AWeber, and you’re done. Next step is number three: you fill out a form and you fax a W9 if you’re in the U.S. so you can get paid on the back end from my partner call center up to $1,600 for just giving away one free CD. You will see those checks coming in the mail. Trust me. I see them all the time. This is exciting stuff. Next, your upsell settings. Simply confirm your upsell. We made a high converting upsell for you. If you want to create your own or go to TheUpsellNetwork.com, and find another upsell that you like better or that starts converting better since The Upsell

Network is growing, simply swap out that option just by clicking a little button. It’s that simple. Next, we start the shipping price for you at $10, so you confirm that. If you want to move it up to $11 or $12 so you can profit, go right ahead. If you want to increase your conversions and move it down to $7.99 or whatever, simply change the price right there and it dynamically changes on your website for you. It’s that simple. Number six: confirm the amount that you want to pay your affiliates per lead. You’re not paying commissions; this is what’s called CPA or cost per action or pay per lead. You simply tell your affiliates for every CD they give away, you give them this. This is great when you know your metrics. You can make $75 per lead or more as I showed you and you pay people $10 to send you the lead. So, you’ll take as much traffic as you can get from affiliates. This was my secret. This was how I got my JVs to promote. Remember, I paid up to $50 a lead. We set it at $10 for you. Now, affiliates love easy money, so they’re going to love to promote giving away a CD for you where you can pay them $10 for every CD they give away and you make $75 or more per lead. Number seven: you order your inventory. You need a minimum of 25 CDs from our partners at Disk.com. I don’t know what they cost. I think they’re about $5 a CD or something like that. So, you’re looking at about $125 in inventory. This is a real business so, when you start selling, you need inventory. Again, the cool thing is that the deal I made with Disk.com is that you don’t have to buy 1,000 or 2,000 CDs. This isn’t some back end program where we’re making money selling inflated CDs. I use Disk.com. They’re giving it to you for the same rate that I pay. You’re going to use the same exact rate charts that I pay. And, they’ll get you started for only 25 CDs for your sku. Here’s a little hint: the reason why is that they have a lot of these CDs made up already, so they just take 25 of them and make a sku up for you so you’re start selling. How cool is that? The final step is step number eight. Log into your PayPal account and allow us to partner with you. That allows you to collect the money to your PayPal account at $29.95 and you pay us the $7 and you net the $23 per sale. That’s only after you collect the money. I’ll explain a little bit about that in a minute. Let me show you a real time demo. This is what is going to blow you away. This is really exciting. I’m about to show you how I’m going to build a site in about three minutes. Ready? Let’s watch.

Here I am at PlugNPlaySite.com for The Profit Platform. I’m going to log in with my credentials. You’re seeing four websites that I’ve previously built. One is called Auction Website Demo and let me show that to you right now. This website sells video tutorials teaching people how to make money with eBay. This website is designed to give the product away for free on a CD-ROM. You’re looking at the free trial pre checked for the newsletter. Let’s go back to the admin dashboard and look at another product called Online Copywriting Pro. This is one more of the 45 different websites that we have. As you can see, it’s very similar. It’s an information product on a CD-ROM. When they go to the order page, same options. Let’s close that and check out another one. Here’s one for Podcast Profits. Again, information product given away on a CD-ROM. Let’s check out the last one of the four that we’ve had pre made. This one is called Build Your Own Squeeze Pages. A lot of people are looking to make squeeze pages and landing pages. Again, this is just one of the 45 different websites that we have on information marketing for Internet marketing. Let’s look at what the admin panels look like. As you can see, there are different settings. Here we have the PayPal settings where you would set your PayPal email address. Here you see the settings for the sales video. We pre made one for you, but you can change it if you want. Of course, you’re going to need an autoresponder. We have all of the popular shopping carts but, in this case, we’re using AWeber. Next, is the profit center. Here is where you integrate with the call center. You’re going to need to activate this. This is one of the most important steps you need to do besides the admin. Then, you simply go down and tell us who to make the checks payable to and where to mail them. This is very important. You’re also going to want to fill out this W9 form, then fax it to the number you see below. Next, you want to set up your upsell. Remember with this first option you get to keep all the profits. Here’s a preview of what this upsell looks like. This is one of my highest converting upsells and you have the rights to use it. This is a very targeted offer for Internet marketers and will do very well for you. I’ve also included an upsell for one of my products, if you want to partner with me on that. This one sells for $497. You can also choose to use the Upsell Network. The Upsell Network has dozens and dozens of targeted upsells for Internet marketing. And, of course, you can design your own. I’m going to check back the private label rights. Shipping price is where you can adjust the shipping and handling. Finally, lead pay out is where we have the built in affiliate

module. What’s really cool about the lead pay out is that for every free CD you give away, you’ll be making between $50 and $75. We set it to $5, but here I am changing it to $10. By raising it to $10, I’ll be able to get more JV partners because I can pay them $10 for every referral they send me that takes a free CD. Finally is the fulfillment integration. This is very simple. We already worked this out with Disk.com. All you simply need to do is contact this phone number and ask to speak with Cindy. We’ve also included her email for you so you can communicate with her that way as well. When you contact her, give her the sku for your product. In this case, my sku number is listed below for my eBay product. We’ve even included the graphic files for you just in case you ever want to use a different fulfillment company. We also provide lots of training for you in the training center module. So, those are the four sites I’ve already had made. Let me build one for you live right now with a site called TweetSiteDemo.com. I’m going to go back to The Profit Platform and see how many sites I have remaining. I’m going to click “Add A Site” and I’m going to build a site live. Let me put in the name TweetSiteDemo.com. Obviously I would never use the word demo in a domain name, but I’m doing it because this is a demo for you. The next stop is to log into my Name Cheap or Go Daddy account and set the name servers to these name server settings. Remember, at my company, I’m going to provide you with free hosting for life. I simply click on “Domain Name Server Setup,” put in the details that we said on the previous page, and I click “Save Changes.” That’s all that’s needed for that domain and again it allows my company to provide free hosting for you for life. I need to set up an email address at TweetSiteDemo.com, so we’re going to use Mike@TweetSiteDemo.com. I’m going to put in my name for my “from” emails for things like lost passwords. Now, I get to choose from one of these 45 different sites. I want to select to use the MDC Monthly as the recurring product. As you can also see, I have my own products and graphics. That means that you can use your own product for this, but most people are going to want to use one of our 45 preset products. I’m obviously going to chose the Twitter product because my website is called TweetSiteDemo.com. Now I scroll to the bottom and click “Process.” Watch this. In about three seconds, my website is completely built. It’s giving me access to my cPanel, email accounts, and admin passwords. I don’t even have to worry about storing this because it was just emailed to me. The best thing is that it’s all stored for me inside my account in my dashboard at The Profit Platform any time I need it. Now, let’s go look at the site live. I’m just going to hit “Enter” and there you see it. TweetSiteDemo.com is live and it’s ready to take orders. If you go there right now, you’ll actually see this website. The site was built instantly for us.

There are some settings that we need to do. We need to go into the admin panel. Remember that it’s one click access to the admin panel. Here it was before: I wanted to show you that it wasn’t even live and we got an error page before. Now I go in and click the link for my admin. The password for the admin was given to me in my dashboard. I’m just going to save it here in my 1Password, which is what I use to store my passwords. I’m just going to hit save. Here I am inside my admin panel. Let’s take a look at the site again. Remember we needed to change a couple of things? Let me show you an example of how that works with something like the shipping price. Let’s scroll down. See the shipping price is $10? Well, that, like many things, is dynamic in this website. So, maybe I want to increase the conversions and lower my shipping and handling price down to $8. I just make the change, hit “do changes,” and go back to the website and hit “refresh.” Watch what happens to that $10. Did you see that? It sent to $8 just like that. That’s how simple it is. Now, of course, we need to put my actual PayPal email address in there so I can actually take orders and make money. So, I’m going to make it say PayPal@MikeFilsaime.com and click “Do Changes.” There you have it. My site is done and ready to take orders right now on the Internet. You can go to TweetSiteDemo.com and check it out. Check out the sales video. We hired a professional video company to create that marketing video for you. We even hired a professional voice over talent. That video is yours and that video will work on any of the 45 websites you choose. There you have it. That’s how The Profit Platform works. I know you’re excited but I’m sure you have some questions. Before we go further, let me give you some facts about your profit platform. Number one: you are a licensed reseller of my newsletter. You get an actual license and certificate. You are a licensed reseller of my newsletter. Number two: you get a website built in minutes with my exclusive instant partner technology. Number three: you choose one of the 45 quality information products. Yes, you can choose more if you want to. The products are all complete with design and ready at the fulfillment company. You don’t need to do anything. They are quality information products that teach on whatever particular subject that you decide to go in when you chose which site. They teach in screen cast video tutorials. They are all $47 value and you will be giving them away for free and they will be flying off the shelves.

Let me show you what some of these sites look like. Here’s an example: one is a Twitter product. One is a product launch product. On the bottom here you’re seeing Podcast Profits, Celebrity Blogging, Affiliate System Explosion, One Time Offer Secrets, Build Your Own Squeeze Page (that’s a good one), and Go High Ticket. Copywriting Pro is a great course that I actually went through myself. There are great tips on there. People are going to be looking for this information, find you in the search engines, through advertising, or from your JV partners, and they’re just going to be like, “What? I can get this for free?” And boom, buyers trance. Add to cart, pay monthly for this cool newsletter. Really cool stuff. More sites include: How To Freelance, How To Make Money On EBay, Promo Video Secrets, Responsive Email Marketing, Outsourcing… that one is a free product on outsourcing. In fact, you may even want some of these products, right? List Building, The Sales Video Formula, Outsource Synergy, ClickBank Review Blogging… I think you get the picture. There are 45 and those are just a few of the examples. So, let’s see how all of this ties in with the quadratic formula. Remember I said it had to tie in. So, number one: your site is ready to take orders once you order your minimum inventory. It’s that simple. This is a real business and you get real customers and they’re your customers. You process the orders, the fulfillment company automatically ships the orders for you and you don’t do anything; it’s all taken care of with the website, technology, and the fulfillment company. You process all the money and you collect all of the money for the newsletter at no risk to you. You collect $34.95 and after all the costs and everything and $7 to me, you keep $23 profit. In the next slide I’m going to show you a little more about the newsletter for the continuity. First, I’m going to tell you that the first problem that most marketers face when trying to create a continuity program is being able to come up with fresh, interesting, appealing content month after month. Finding the time to do it is also hard. Think about it: getting three months worth of content is what most of us can do. But, once you’re done, you have to get content for the next month. We’re talking about what will satisfy people in 34 pages of content. After all, your customers are paying and they don’t want it to be late. Heck, for most of us making a blog post one to two times a month is tough with all that we have going on. We’re running a business and some of us have other things going on in our lives too. Some people even have jobs or are parents or go to school or whatever.

The worst thing that you could imagine, and I’ve seen this happen many times, is having to kill your recurring billing and stop charging people because you run 60 or 90 days behind and you can’t create a newsletter that you’ve promised people. With our newsletter, we take the time to write the best marketing newsletter on the planet. Trust me, it is. You can be really proud to stand behind it and you don’t have to do anything; it’s all hands off. Step number two in the quadratic formula is that you need a newsletter or some type of continuity. You’re looking at some screen covers of the last ten MDC Monthly newsletters. The MDC Monthly newsletter is 34 pages and made by my team. It’s a full color newsletter and it’s made every month several months in advance. You don’t have to really do anything. It has articles from me, Anik Singal, Stephen Pierce, Robert Puddy, George Brown, and many, many more. Let me show you a sample of what one of these newsletters looks like. This is the front cover and back cover that you’re seeing here. Inside cover, table of contents, editor’s note by me, and great articles laid out very well. Here’s an article by Mike Young, who’s an Internet attorney. There’s my article there. Omar Martin wrote Blog Traffic Made Easy. Here’s something that you’re seeing that has blue karate icon in the top left corner. That means this is for intermediate people. If I go back, you see the green means it’s for beginners. Red means it’s for experts. You can find out where you are in your stage or where the reader is in his or her stage and they know if it’s a beginner, intermediate, or expert article. Here’s an article by Anik Singal that’s written for an expert marketer. Step three is that we have a high converting upsell path for you, which is built right into your site. As soon as you hit the build button three seconds later, it’s live. You keep 100% of the profits. It has instant fulfillment on the website because they’re digital products. Remember, this is all your cash flow. This is where your instant money comes in. Finally, step four, a high ticket quality back end product. We set you up with a call center. Your customer leads are automatically sent to the call center. Every person who takes your free offer and pays the shipping and handling is sent real time to the call center with our technology. There is nothing that you need to do. We offer one-on-one mentoring and the price is based on how much time the customer wants to buy. You will receive checks in the mail for $500 to $1,600. This is the most exciting part of the business. When I first started out, I reached out to some call centers because I knew that’s what allowed you to make the larger profits.

Every time I went to work with them, they said, “Look Mike, unless you can guarantee 500 paid customers a month, we can’t work with you.” So, I suffered the chance to be profitable because I simply didn’t have the volume. They only work with the big movers, and it makes sense. For them to train their staff, they need a steady lead flow for all these different types of products out there. I did the stupid thing and tried to create my own call center. I got a second office, signed a lease, got furniture, hired staff, and trained that staff. Then, I had to do fulfillment. It was honestly the worst business decision of my career. I wasted 18 months of my time and I spent over $200,000 of my money. So, I just closed it down. Finally, my business started doing well and I was able to start to work with a quality call center. Now, every day, I open up my mail and see checks for $500 to $1,600 and I don’t do anything to get this money. My technology automatically sends the customer lead data to the call center and the checks just show up in the mail. Some days I have so many checks that they total over $10,000. This is great. All I’m doing is giving stuff away for free and people pay the $7.99 shipping and handling. The leads are then sent to the call center and in just days they call the customer to offer them mentoring. I open my mailbox and smile because someone who asked for a free CD and paid $8 was then called You see why this is the best business out there? You don’t have to do anything other than give stuff away for free and let your partners and distribution channels make you the money. Now, I have such a good relationship with the call centers that I took the best one and I created a company with them and a partnership with them. I have a legal business now with them. That means that you don’t have to do 500 sales a month. You can do 25 or 50 or 100 and they’ll take your leads. Remember, at 100 sales a month, you have a $10,000 a month business only because of the call center. So, you get your leads to them on your very first customer. If it takes you two weeks before you get another one, your lead volume is never an issue. You’re in business from day one. Let me go over some cool features of The Profit Platform. It has a built in shopping cart and reporting to allow you to take orders via PayPal. Yes, you need to have a PayPal account in order to make this work. There will be a phone number if you don’t so you can contact us and we can show you how to work that out. You have to have a PayPal account. That’s the only restriction. Next, you get your money on the spot and can transfer it right into your checking account, or you can use a debit card that PayPal gives you, or you can do both.

You don’t have to wait for your money because it’s your business. It has a full-featured admin panel so you can search for your customers. It integrates with AWeber and all the others that allows you to email your members and earn affiliate commissions on top of everything else. It has a built in affiliate module just like my site, so you can get affiliate to promote for you. Your site is built using the Butterfly Marketing engine and trust me, that’s how I built my business and many other marketers have as well. That means it turns your customers into affiliates. It gives every person that joins your site a free CD. Your customers now get a link to promote your site. So, your sites go viral. You average about $75 a lead and you pay out $10 per lead with our built in pay per lead affiliate module. This is included with every site you build. Your site will go viral once you get your first customer for a free product. They will be given a link to get more referrals and so on and so on and so on. We call this The Franchise Model, so how does this relate? Let’s recap the reasons for success. Franchises have a quality product the market wants with a proven, tested track record. Now, you do. Franchises use proper tools and equipment to be effective. Now, you will. Franchises have technology made easy and customize for their exact business model. Now, you have that. Franchises have a proven no fail marketing strategy. Now, with the quadratic formula, you also do. And, most importantly, franchises have a proven easy to duplicate system. Now, you do too. Remember, franchise models have to be easy to implement. The process is so easy that a 14 year old could understand and follow through to perfect success every time at every location all around the world. With mine, I showed you how you could build a site in just minutes. Consistency. A good product made with focus on quality standard. Well, we create the quality product for you and the quality content every month so you can focus on your marketing. A monetization strategy is needed for a franchise model. Well, we have tested, proven front end products with additional products to upsell and cross sell to allow maximum profits understanding core metrics. Well, I proved to you how the quadratic formula has worked every time without fail, no exceptions. This is the same exact system that I use and now it’s yours. Franchise model integrate with suppliers. They work with quality partners and distribution outlets to synchronize the end product for the consumer. They focus on the

profits. You work with us for the newsletter, Disk.com for fulfillment, and my partner call center for maximum back end profits. Branding. Franchises use branding to gain trust and loyalty, which allows customers to buy with confidence and become repeat, raving fans. You’re now working with MikeFilsaime.com, Inc’s brand. You are a licensed reseller of our MDC monthly newsletter. Now, you have an unfair advantage right out of the gate. I want to talk to you about the opportunity. I’m looking for partners. Here’s what you get as a licensed reseller. I’m looking for people to partner with me to run a business like I run. I want to offer you the same opportunity I did with Omar Martin that made him wealthy. You will have the rights to resell my newsletter and collect the money. The fulfillment is automated. You collect $34.95 and pay me the production cost of $2.50 and the license fee of $7. You profit $23 after the shipping costs. You only pay me per unit after you make the money. You keep all the profits from the upsell. This is done automatically as part of the process. You share nothing with me. The partnership I made with the call center… they will call the leads for you. The checks you get are yours to keep and you don’t have to send any of that money to me when you get it. This is your business. This means that you own the domain and you keep it for life. This is not a franchise. Once you have a license, you own it for life. I provide you with free hosting for life. You have no minimum sales you have to make and you have no annual fee. Since this is not a franchise, you have no franchise fees. It’s simply a franchise model. You keep all of the profits other than the per unit license fee of $7 and you only pay that to me after you make the sale. You have your own account with Disk.com and it’s all managed in your dashboard hands off. You have a lifetime relationship with the call center. You keep all of the profits from the upsell. You can sell the sites if you want because this is your own business. The buyer only has to pay us a licensing fee. You can see our terms of service in the members’ area for that.

There are a few more things you’ll want to know. You don’t need any technical skills; it is all done for you. You saw that. Everything, fact. Anyone that was able to watch this webinar today has what is needed to have the same success as Omar Martin. This franchise model and the quadratic formula works better in the current economy as people are looking for ways to make money online and you’re offering it to them for free. You don’t need a product or an existing business. This is just that. You own a product now and it’s your business. You don’t need to be an expert; these products are already done. You give it away for free and the customer gets the CD automatically shipped in the mail. They also get instant access to it streaming in your pre made members’ area with your website business. I even pay the hosting for the streaming videos for you. They get it in the mail and get instant access. This is just like the way I do it. Remember, we do it all for you. This next one is important. This webinar that you’re watching is a limited event. I am only looking for a select number of partners and that is why this webinar was just for these days this week. You are fortunate to be on this webinar because others will not have the chance that you have. In a matter of hours, this opportunity goes way. A couple more things that I want you to know that are important, then I’ll tell you how to get started. You don’t have to quit your full-time job; you can do this part-time with just a few hours per week. Obviously, the more time you put in, the more money you can make, of course. This doesn’t have to be your only business. If you’re passionate about other types of marketing, let this be the profit center you use to fund whatever else you also enjoy. You can have more than just one of these businesses. If you wish to have multiple sites, you can, and you’ll make more money. The choice is up to you. This business can run on autopilot. So, even if you don’t want to run your own business, it contains many set and forget features. Once you automate the traffic, the rest is taken care of with just a few hours per week. Think about it: I run my business with many different things going on in my business. These models are just set and forget for me.

Even though it does not cost much at all to get started, you can start seeing profits right away. This is a fast start and turnkey business and I made it that way so we can both make money right out of the gate. You don’t need to hire anyone or have any staff. This is all set up to run itself with minimal attention by you other than supplying the marketing and traffic. Other business types are hard and flawed. This is the one business that gives you an unfair advantage. You’ve seen that. Your success is my success so I have a vested interest in your success. You won’t need to buy anything else to make this work. You don’t need to buy hosting or anything. You may want an autoresponder for $19 a month, but any marketer needs that. If you have one already, you don’t need a new one because it will work with this. After you buy your license today, all you’ll need to do is buy a $10 domain name and your CD inventory. You don’t have to buy expensive inventory, as I told you before. It’s pay as you go at 25 CD packs at a time. CD packs are maybe a couple hundred bucks at the most. But, it is needed for when your site is ready and you get your first few sales so we could ship those CDs out for you at Disk.com. Remember, you can’t sell what you don’t have. Now you have a real business. The cost. You’re probably wondering what the investment price is. I will get to the cost in just a minute. Having a business that is ready to make you money is not going to make you money unless you have people at your website, right? You need traffic. So, before I get to the cost, I want to go over some cool things for you as well. This Profit Platform comes with the traffic course package. We’re going to get you traffic to your website. We give you Traffic Course Package Number 1. It’s how you can get traffic from Facebook. We’re going to give you access to the Facebook Ad Formula. This is a course that was part of my Affiliate Dot Com program. It is a Facebook product that will be sold by me and Brian Bagnall in the coming months. Brian makes his full-time income with getting traffic from Facebook. Once you have access to this, you will be able to get visitors to your website the same day. With your high DPL, you will be making profits the same day as well. Traffic Course Package Number 2. This is another course out of my Affiliate Dot Com program. This course teaches you how to get people to land on your sites for pennies per click in just one day. Trust me when I tell you that people are looking for these products. With your high visitor value, you can spend a few pennies on clicks and make profit from every visitor that lands on your site. People have paid to get access to just this and you

get it as part of your license. Remember, your success is my success so I’m doing what I can to make you make several sales a day. That makes sense, right? Traffic Course Package Number 3 covers all traffic other than Google. Here’s another program right out of my Affiliate Dot Com program. This is called the No Slap Traffic System. This teaches you how to do traffic buys from every source other than Google. Some people find Google a bit hard. So, if that’s you, you’ll love this. You go to these sites, chose a target that matches your product, write an ad, fund the account, and get visitors. With your high visitor rates, targeted traffic will convert well and make you hundreds of dollars a day in sales. Remember, you only need to give away two to three CDs to make a few hundred dollars a day. Traffic Course Package Number 4: Leslie Rohde. This was also an exclusive part of my Affiliate Dot Com coaching program. Remember, people paid $2,000 to be in this program. Leslie Rohde is one of the leading search engine specialists in the world. He will teach you free traffic methods. So, if you don’t want to buy traffic, use this to get content ranked in the search engines that will drive traffic to your money site. This method is so step-by-step easy. All you have to do is follow it and very soon you’ll start seeing results. With the power of free, your website will start making you money as soon as the visitors arrive. Just one of these people might end up as a check in your mailbox from the call center where you get paid $1,600 commission. Now, let’s get to the cost. As I said, you’re probably wondering what the investment price is. Look, it’s very important that we’re very, very clear on this. I’ve said it a few times and I’m sure I’ll say it again: your success is my success. So, the good news is that this is not going to cost you anything like you’d pay for a Subway franchise or a McDonald’s franchise. Those aren’t even risk-free like this is. They don’t offer refunds or guarantees. I do because I’m looking or a partner; I’m not looking to make a sale. A franchise costs about $250,000 to $500,000 and you need to have a lot of that cash liquid as well as good credit and, well, you get the picture. Why do people pay so much for a franchise? Well, you have a near 100% success rate.

Look at it this way: if you were going to go into the deli business not knowing anything about the deli business in the next 24 hours, how would you rate your chances of still being in business one year from now? Excellent? Good? Fair? Or, without a doubt broke and out of business? Well, if you’re like me, it would be the last one: broke and out of business. But, if you were given a turnkey system and training for say, a Subway franchise, and they taught you how thin to slice the tomatoes and all that system stuff, how would you rate your chances of success now? Well, if you’re like me, I bet you would say excellent and it would also be very profitable. That is what this opportunity is all about. As I said before, most marketers fail and will fail because marketers don’t have a system, a quality product, the right technology, a website designed for conversion, a back end product, or a good brand. Well, now you do, and now you have an unfair advantage. That is why I’m looking for partners. Like a franchise, your success is my success. The fact of the matter is that I am only one distribution channel and I have several other businesses I’m trying to run. So, when Omar Martin made $23,000 and I made $7,000, I said, “I need more Omar Martins.” So, I’m sure you know that I’m not going to be pricing this at $250,000. But, if I did, and your business made $250,000 every year, would I be wrong to ask for that? No, not at all. It would just be a matter of affordability. But, no the price is not a quarter of a million dollars. You are probably expecting this licensing reseller program and access to The Profit Platform to be $5,000. If you guessed that price, you were right. I say were right, because that was the price I sold this for at a live event. It was a best seller at that event, by the way, and I’m sure you can see why. But, I did some math and realized that it’s not in my best interest. It focuses on short-term profits and not long-term wealth. Again, I’m not looking to make a sale or make money selling this; I’m looking to make my money just as you make your money. Remember, for every $23 you make, I make $7. So, when you make $2,300, I make $700. God willing you make $23,000 in a month, I’d make $7,000. If that’s every month, that’s every month for both of us. So, I would be penny wise and dollar foolish to price this where you can’t afford it because then not only do you not buy it, but you don’t make money for us. In the long run, we both lose. I can’t stress this enough: I have a vested interest in your success.

That is why we have such good training videos to teach you how to get traffic to your site. I teach you both free and paid methods, and every new customer is very profitable. It is a win-win situation for you and for me. For this to work for me, I had to make you the best converting site with the best technology and the best designs. I spent a small fortune getting it to this point. It was a great idea and I made it and we are here and this is good stuff. And, I made professional videos for your marketing. I hired a video producer to make the sales video. I even hired a voice actor. I cut deals with Disk.com and formed a legal partnership with a call center. Finally, it has all come to plan. Now the time is yours to finally have your own business; you can have a real business that is exactly like mine. Just like Omar Martin was blown away with success, you will too. There are over five million people looking for this information. I can’t reach them all. But, together, we can reach a lot of them and make money together. So, the price is just right to get serious partners, yet it’s affordable to anyone. In fact, as you will see on the next page, you can get five sites for just one payment today of just $389. So, let’s look at the licensing costs. One site license and the platform to become a licensed reseller is a one-time payment of $997. There is no payment plan on the one site license. If you want a multi-site license, you get five sites. That price is $1,997. The multi-site license comes with a payment plan option. That payment plan option is just six easy payments of just $389. One today, then one for the next five months. It’s that simple. At this $2,000 compared to the $1,000 a site license above, you’re saving $3,000. Finally, we have an unlimited site license. You get all 45 of our sites. If we add more, you get those for free. That option is still $1,997. So, if you pay in full, you get 45 sites. I’m going to recap that for you. If you want to get started today with just one business, it’s $997 and you can buy each new business for $997. If you want our five-site license, you can go for the $1,997 option with the payment plan of just $389. So, for $389, you’re in business today and you can build five businesses.

If you want to pay in full, you get the unlimited site license and you pay $1,997. With that, you get to build 45 businesses and never pay anything else after that one payment. The only thing you need to do now is get started. To get started, go to 1DaySale.com. Open up a new browser and go to 1DaySale.com. Remember that this is very limited and that there are a limited number of licenses available. This offer for the single site license is only guaranteed to be available for the next 48 hours. The multi-site license and the unlimited site license options may disappear as soon as tomorrow. So, if you want to get started, open up a new browser window and get started right now by going to www.1DaySale.com. I also want to let you know that this comes with a 100% money back guarantee for 30 days. So, if for any reason you’re not happy, you can get your money back within 30 days. Simply contact us. No monkey business and no questions asked. We will always refund your money. So you see, there is no risk to you. You get started with your own business and you can start making money. With 100 customers… you get the deal. I’ll go over a little bit more of that. I’m going to bring back up this slide for you here. You can get started today for just $997 for a one-site license, $1,997 gets you all 45 sites, and if you want to go with the payment plan of $389 times six, you can get a multi-site, five-site license. Remember, you can get started today for just $389 and you can build a site by this afternoon or tomorrow morning or later this evening depending on where you are in the world, and you can be in business by tomorrow. There are no monthly fees, ongoing royalty or franchise fees (because it’s not a franchise), and no ongoing licensing fees. It is a one and done deal and you own it for life. Remember, for just one lead that goes to the call center, you can get a $1,600 check and you have your investment back right there. Half the people who request a free CD will go on the newsletter where you’ll make $23 a month. If you give away 100 CDs where they keep the newsletter, just that is $2,300 a month every single month. You can do the math if it was 1,000 this whole year. If you’re bad at math, that’s $23,000 a month.

You will make an average of about $75 for every CD you give away for free when the customer pays just the shipping and handling. So, it will be easy to get this going right away. Again, you can start this today for just $389 to get a five-site license for five businesses. I’m giving you a 30-day money back guarantee with no questions asked. So, there’s really no risk here. You can also get started on the traffic courses as soon as your payment is made and complete. You will build your business in five minutes and in about one hour, you will have enough knowledge to get traffic to your website. Remember, you keep $23 profit for every $29.95 newsletter. You keep all the profit on the upsells that are pre-made for you. You also get to keep the checks that come to you in the mail. You don’t have to pay us any royalty of give me any of that money. Just think about how it will feel a few times a month when you open up your mailbox and you see a check with your name on it for $500 or $1,000 or $1,600. This is your own business. Time is running out. We’re just about done with this webinar; we’re less than a minute away here. You need to go to www.1DaySale.com now and get started. A five site license is just $389 with your first payment today. Time is running out so you don’t have much time to buy. Order now with no risk and have your own business and website up and running in the next few minutes. I hope you’re excited because I’m excited for you. This is the end of the webinar and I hope you enjoyed it. I hope I will be seeing you as my partner. If you have any questions, our contact information is on the order page at www.1DaySale.com. There is also an FAQ and a breakdown of what you get at that page so get started now. You’ve seen what it does. This was a great and informative webinar. You’ve learned a lot. Take advantage of this. Take care. Have a great day. Make sure to go the URL at www.1DaySale.com because the webinar is now over. Okay guys. This is the end of the webinar. I am about to close this down right now. So, please go to www.1DaySale.com and get started with your one site license or multi site license or your 45 site license. I would highly recommend going with the $389 payment and getting your five sites. If you have the money, pay up front for $1,997. This is like a $45,000 value of savings that you’re getting. For $1,997, you get all 45 sites and if we ever add more, you get them. Alright guys, remember there is a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee. Go to www.1DaySale.com and become my partner. Let’s make money together where you become an Omar Martin. I’ll see you on the other side. You’ll have your site up and running in 20 minutes after you go to www.1DaySale.com.

Just get started right now and let’s start making money together. Thank you very much.