HHC 2013: You Say More Than You Think


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Overview • Gauge others’ baseline and determine your own norm: head, shoulders, knees, and toes•What does body language mean?•Meaning vs. Perception•Accurately read people •Open ended questions•What messages are you giving off without saying a word: hand gestures, head tilts, stance, etc.


Develop •Building rapport is key to building baseline•What are you missing: Inattentive blindness•BBR: the belly button rule•Handshakes: upper handshake, palm up, palm down, hand hug, extended eye contact, left of picture•Framing and The Weakest Link

Decode •Full body surveillance•Face and micro expressions (1/15th of a second)•Lips disappear when we don’t like what we see or hear•Implosion and explosion•Three power zones, shoulder and hand shrugs, facial blocking, knees and toes•TSC and SFC: pushover vs. perceived power stance•Defying gravity: excitement•Congruent and incongruent body language

Deliver •Putting it all together: “Practice, Practice, Practice” •Remember: baseline, stop on hot spot, ask powerful questions•Powerful questions: Is there any reason why/maybe I am wrong here but...•Steepling: traditional, godfather, crown, handgun, and basketball•Overcoming limited beliefs•Reaching your potential

Saving lives by boosting Credibility, Confidence, and Careerswww.bodylanguageinstitute.com