hh Brooks &Peikins. Incorporated · -2 Report 554 h Brooks &Perkins, Incorporated. BROOKS...


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hh Brooks &Peikins. Incorporated


Report 554





| Prepared by:

; Leslie Mollon -

i Director - Nuclear Product

i DevelopmentBrooks & Perkins. Inc.


| 12633 Inkster Roadi Livonia, MI 48150





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|June 1, 1977





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l,! Brooks &- De rki'- .;.

I Spent Fue Stc ,

.Module Corr >s. ;r.


Report ji



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| 3109220448 810914PDR ADOCK 05000461'

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$h Brooks &Perkins.Incorpomted.


Brooks & Perkins, Inc. Spent Fuel StorageModule Corrosion Report No. 554

A determination is made from published data of the expected

life of a storage module following a rupture in the water barrier

cove ring. The environmental conditions external and internal to

the module are defined. The various types of corrosion which can

occur are also defined and their experimentally determined

corrosion rates are listed. Results show an expected life to be>

at least greater than fifty three (53) years and prob?bly greater

than sixty (60) years following the occurrence of the rupture to

the water barrier covering..









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2 Report 554-

h Brooks &Perkins, Incorporated.


PURPOSE: The pr.rpose of this report is to dete/u ine from publisheddata the extent of any deterioration that is likely to occur over a fortyyear period to tha shielding capability of a Brooks & Perkins, Inc. spentfuel storage module following a water leak in the stainless steel covering.

_ BACKGROUND: The spent fuel storage module (SFSM) is a slender sqmre-shaped tube with open ends that is used for the storing and the shielding ofone spent fuel assembly in a light water nuclear reactor storage pool. Thetube is constructed with the inside and outside coverings being made of type

304 stainle ss steel. These two stainless steel surfaces are welded tc,getherat the top and bottom of the tube over an inner layer of a thermal neutron

tshielding material called BORAL m,

.A group of SFSM's are assembled into a tightly packed array called ahigh-density storage rack. A network of horizontal and diagonal members


' separate the modules within the rack and provide the necessary lateralsupport. The racks stand in a vertical position on the bottom of a fortyfoot deep storage pool.

The water in the storage pools is constantly circulated through aseries of filters which causes a constant water flow within the pool.

J The water is monitored and controlled for pH and temperature withinspecific limits depending on the type of nuclear reactor.

| The quality of the water in the storage pool of the two types of reactors! is controlled within the following ranges:


Preasurized Water Reactor (PWR)|

| water type demine ralized


wa.ter temperature 70 to 150 F (21 to 66 C)0

pH at 77 F (25 C) 4. O to 8. 0 *

boron, ppm 1800 to 2200

chloride ion, ppm, max. O.1

* -(4. 5 to 10. 6 at Combustion Engineering Reactors)

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. -

Report 554'

-h Brooks & Perkins. Incorporated

fluoride ion, ppm, max. O. I

total suspended solids,ppm, max. 1. O

solids filtration, microns,

max. 25

Boiling Water Reactor (3WR)

water type demineralized

water temperature 70 to 150 F (21 to 66 C)L.


pH at 77 F (25 C) 5. 8 to 7. 5

chloride ion, ppm, max O. S

total heavy element, ppm, 1

max. O. I-

total suspended solids,ppm, max. 1. 0


solids filtration, microns,

max. 25 *

The thermal neut:-oa absorbing material BORAL " is a 9andwich typepanel that has outer surfaces of type 1100 aluminum and a core of boroncarbide uniformly dispersed in a matrix of type 1100 aluminum.

DISCUSSION: The shielding capability of a BORAL panel is due to itsability to capture thermal neutrons. The capture of thermal neutronsis accomplishcd by the B10 (boron-ten) isotopes that aic contained withinthe boron carbide particles. These boron carbide particles are chemicallyinert (unreactive), heat resistant, highly crystalline an ' nearly equivalentto diamond in hardness.

In order for corrosion to cause a reduction in the shielding capabilityof a BORAL panel, the boror. arbide particles have to be physically displacedfrom the pand. A displacement of the boron carbide particles to occurwould require the following sequence of events.


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,' Report 554.

B'aoks & Perkinz Incorporated

(1) the complete removal of the outer protective aluminum surfaceson the BORAL panel.

(2) the complete removal of the aluminum matrix surrounding eachboron carbide particit..

(3) the physical displacement of the boron carbide particles.

It in resting to note that BORAL has been used in fuel storagepools l since 1964 and samples have been subjected to many corrosion'

studies [3] [4] for long periods of time. In none of these exposures has iti been reported that any boron carbide parti :es we te displaced.

The progression of corrosion to the outer surface is directly dependentupon the area in contact with the water. The outer surface will reduce in

thickness at the same rate in mils per year as the edge will be attacked ifthe entire panel is in contact with the water. If only the edges of the B( RALare exposed to the water, the corrosion rate would be the same but a rr.ach,

longer period of time would be required for the total failure of the panel tooccur.

In order to effectively enrapolate from previous test results, it is oftennecessary to make reasonable interpolations or projecuons from the pub- .

lished data because of differences between test and actual conditions. It mustalso be kept in mind that most, if not all, tests are conducted with constant

- or precisely controlled conditions throughout the test period which would notbe the case in an actus11eak. '

( Alwitt et a1 [5] states, " Aluminum reacts readily with water to form ahydrcus oxide film. Depending upon the conditions of film formation, thefilm is more or less protective against subsequent corrosion. Growth occursin two states: a pseudoboehmite film is produced initially and then is covered

| with a layer of bayerite crystals. By analogy with the aging mechanism in ai celloidal suspension, it is thought that the pseudoboehmite dissolves and re-

precipitates as bayerite crystals. The growth of bayerite is inhibited athigher temperatures (800-100 C), presumably because the pseudoboehmiteis better crystalized and dissolves more slowly."

"The growth kinetics and properties of the pseudoboehmite film producedat 100 C have been studied extensively. Less is known about the layers pro-duced at low temperatures, but Hart has reported the weight gain and electrondiffraction analyses for aluminum samples immersed in water at tempera-

0tures between 20 and 80 C. "

' There are at least four significant changes that will occur immediatelyto the water that enters into the internal voids in the storage module. Thosechanges are as follows:


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I'.eport 554-

$-h Brooks &Perkins, Incorporated

1. Flow Rate. The pool water surrounding the storage module is constartlyflowing and therefore its chemistry, purity and temperature can be con-trolled within precise limits. The 17ater entering through a hole into theinternal voids of the storage module will cease flowing and will becomestagnant once the voids are filled. The internal water will change fromthe external water and will be the corrodent media to consider for the longterm affects of corrosion. As pointed out by Godard, [6] " Movement of thecorrosive liquid usually accelerates the rate of corrosion. "

2. Shift in pH. The internal water will react with the aluminum up.>n contactand cause the pH to change. The pH will increase or decreasF towards aeteady pH near neutral depending on whether the initial cond8. ion isacidic or alkaline. This change in pH is reported by the following:

A. Sedriks et al "The change of pH with time for initially acidic,

solutions (i. e. , pH < 2) in the p e sence of dissolving aluminum isshown in Figures 1 and 2 (The curves shown could be reproduced withint 0. 05 of a pH unit. ) In general, the change can '>e characterized by 'd

(1) an initial increase in pH, and (2) the subsequent attainment of aste&dy pH value. ",


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FIGURE 1 - The change of pH with time as a fune. tion of (a) FIGURE 2 - The change of pH with time as a function of (alinitial pH of solution, ib) presence of aluminum ions, and (c) elloy content, and (b) liquid / solid ratio.effect of oavgen.



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Report 554-


w %

$h Brooks &Perkins, Incorporated

"The steady pH value is related to the concentration of aluminum .

ions in solution. . . . and is associated with the onset of precipitationof aluminum hydroxide, AL (OH)3 "

E83 report that in sea water (pH 8. 2) the corrodentB. "Peterson et al

in crevices in Type 304 stainless steel was less than 2(pH). The pHat the growing front of exfoliation crevices in aluminum alloys doesnot appear to have been reported, but it is postulated to be acid,having a pH of possibly as low as 3.2 based upon meaaurementsof pH at the tips of stress corrosion cracks in aluminum alloys."

C. B. F. Brown. [9 3 "The acidity is caused by hydrolysis of one ormore components of the metal or alloy, and the acidity persists

because of the restricted interchange between the corrosion cell

and the bulk environment. " _

D. Peterson et al " Figures 3 and 4 show that regardless of theinitial potential and pH, the crevices on stainless steel polarized

the pH shifted in the alkaline direction to the domain where wateris unstable and hydrogen discharge would be expected. One wouldtherefore expect that cathodic protection has been achieved, sincethe potential of the surface has been shifted into a region wherestainless steel is known to be cathclically protected. In addition,the pH has shifted to a value vhich indicates that the solution withinthe crevice is benign to stainless steel. "

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FIGUAE 3 - Typ. so4 staine st ste.,s. cre .e. potatination ricone 4 - Typ. so4 Staini.ss si. . c, ic. poia,,natio.and pH data at various distanc.s from the crevice openeng and pH data at various distances from th, tite,ece openengand at various times. Shown on a partial Pourbasu diagram, and at various temas. Shown on a partsal Po.ad..'is diagram.The 0.6 M Nacl solution had an inetsal pH of 7.6 The 0.6 M Nacl sciution had are inities pH of 1.9.



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- ' Report 554.

$h Brooks &Perkins.Incorpormed

E. B &P Report No. 553 11

Samples of the SFSM were placed in water baths having a pH of4. 5 and 10. 5. Within a few hours the pH of the water that enteredthe SFSM had changed and was steady at 7.1 and 7. 7 respectively.


3. Oxycen Content. The content of dissolved oxygen in the internal water willbe depleted by the oxidation of the metal surfaces. The decelerating effecton th peactivity of the solution by this de-aeration can be seen in Figure1(c) J. The de-aerated solution required 38% more time to change pHfrom 1.0 to 3.0 and 80% more time to change from 1.0 to 4.0 than the solu-tion containing dissolved oxygen. This delay in reaction time is also caused'

by the development of a protective oxide film on the surface of the alumi-1.um which tends to arrest further corrosion action.

4. Ion Concentration. The volume of the internal water will be small com-

pared to the surface area of the metal faces and will therefore becomesaturated with ions very quickly. The further ionization of the aluminumsurfaces can proceed only to the extent that aluminum ions precipitate outof solution in the form of an insoluble compound. A study of a potential-pH diagram (Po b ix) for the aluminum-water system (see Figures 5 and

26 of MacDonald et al) discloses the following reaction will occur withina pH range of 3 to 8. 5 and a temperature range of 770 to 1400F.

2 Al + 6 H O -) A1 0 3H O 4 + 6H+ + 6 electrons2 3 3 2

A diseolved aluminum atom will react directly with water to form the

3H O).precipitate gibbsite and bayerite (A193 22


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hh Brooks &Perkins, incorporated


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Flo. 5 Potential.pH diagram fc; aluminium-wate* s> stem at 25'C. "'

(a) refers to the p!ir ci a 10-*m 011 solution. Fsc. 6 Potential-pH diagrm fair the aluminium.uater system at WC.(4 refers to the pile of a id'm Oli solutioes.


The precipitate is a hydrated oxide of aluminum which is stable up to135 C (275 F). The entrapped water will become saturated by the forming ofthe gibbsite ant. cayerite, and therefore would be a self-limiting influence to -the corro sion.



1. One year test results

water type BWR

pH 5. 6 to 7. 7

t emp. 68 to 78 F (20 to 26 C)

corrosion rate, mpy 0.28

expected life (at 15 mils thickness)* > 53 years

*10 Mils of Clad Plus 5 Mils of Matrix Holding Boundary Layers of B C.4

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,' Report 554,

,t~'f Brooks & Perkins. Incorporated.


b4)2. 2000 hour test results

water type BWR,

pH 7. 0

temp. 1900F (880C)'

corrosion rate, mpy 1. 2 to 2.1

estimated corrosion rate@ 700 to 1500F. , mpy .18 to . 32

expected life (at 15 milsthickne s s)* 745 years

3. Twelve years of service [Il

water type PWR

boron nil

pH 4. 0 to 8. 0 (est. )0

temp. 70 to 150 F (21 to 66 C) (est. )co rrosion rate, mpy nil '


iexpected life (at 15 milsthicknes s)* > 60 years


1. General Corrosion (13]

water type BWR or PWR'

! 7. 0 to 11pH

temp. 5720F (3000C)

oxygeri, ppm ( . 01 to 2chlorides, ppm (.Icorrosion rate, mpy (2estimated corrosion rate@ 150 F, mpy (.6expected life (at 60 milsthicknes s) p 60 years

* 10 mils of Clad plus 5 mils of Matrix Holding Boundary Layers of B C.4



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Repcit 554- -

[hh Brooks & Perkins. Incorporated

2. General Corrosion after 3000 hours EI4l

water type high purity, demineralized

hydrazine, ppm . 01 to . 07

oxygen, ppm ( .005

chlorine, ppm ( .05

pH 6. 95 to 9. 58

flow ra.e. gal /hr. 3. 5

temp. 320 F (160 C)

corrosion rate, mpy ,01

expected life (at 60 mils thickness) > 60 years;

EI4l3. Stress-Corrosion-Cracking after 3000 hours

water quality same as 2 above

stress % of . 2% yield 120

re sults " Meta 11ographic examination of selectedsamples also failed to reveal any cracking. "

expected life (at 60 mils thickness) > 60 years

ALUMINUM - tvoe 1100F

I1. General Corrosion after 14,200 hours

water type high purity, demineralized

oxygen, ppm 4 to 5

pH 5. 0 to 6. 0

flow rate, fps 7. 6

0te mp. 194 to 356 F (90 to 180 C)

corrosion rate, mpy 0.16

expected life (at 15 mils thickness) > 60 years

L . ... o-



Report 554- -

Wh Brooks &Perkins, Incorporated

STAINLESS STEEL (type 304) coupled with ALUMINUM f tvue 1100F)

1. Crevice and Galvanic Corrosion (15]

water type high , -ity, demineralized

oxygen, ppm 4 to 5

pH 5. O to 6. O

flow rate, fpm O. 5

te mp. 194 to 356 F (90 to 180 C)

time, hrs. 1100 1775 2000

Al max. pit depth, mils 2 <3 <5

Al corrosion rate, mpy 0 '. 0.1 0.1

S.S. Corrosion rate, mpy 0 0 0

expected life (at 15 mils > 60 yrs >60 yrs >60 yrsthickness of A1)

CONCLUSION: A thorough review of the published test data indicates themateriale used in the Brooks and Perkins Inc. spent fuel storage module(namely 304 Stainless Steel and 1100F Aluminum) provide adequate corrosion ,

resistance to achieve a life expectancy of forty years without a reduction ofneutron absorbing capability when used in a BWR or PWR storage pool witha rupture in the stainless steel covering.


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Report 554- -

hh Brooks &Perkins, Incorporated_



[ 1] Yankee-Rowe, Fuel Storage Rack, Part No. YM-H-1-2, Aug,1964

[ 2] Dai, riand Pov>er Cooperative, Lacrosse Plant, BWR, Mar,1975

[ 3] BLP Report No. 551, Corrosion Resistance of Boral to 1 Yr. Exposureto BWR Pool, Feb, 77

[ 4] L. Marti-Balaguer and W. R. Smalley, " Evaluation of Control RodMaterials: CVTR Project", CVNA - 86. Carolinas-Virginia NuclearPower As sociate s, Inc. (1960)

[ 5] R. . S. Alwitt & L. C. Archibald, Some Observations on the Hydrous OxideFilm on Aluminum Immersed in Warm Water, Corrosion Science, Vol. 13, pg.687

[ 6] , H. P. Godard, The Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum, NACE-Corrosion,i

Vol. 11, Dec. 19 55, pg. 55,

[ 7] A. J. Sedriks, J. A. S. Green and D. L. Novak. On the Chemistry ofthe Solution at Tips of Stress Corrosion Cracks in Al Alloys. NACE-Corrosion, Vol. 37, No. 5, May 71, pg.199

[ 8] M. H. Peterson, T. J. Lennox, Jr. , and R. E. Groover, A Study ofCrevice Corrosion in Type 304 Stainless Steel, Proceedings of 25th'

NACE Conference, 314-317, National Asscciation of Corrosion Enginee-rs,

Houston (1970). Quotation from [9].

[ 9] B. F. Brown. Concept of the Occluded Corrosion Cell. NA CE - Co rro sion,Vol. 26, No. 8, ~Aug. 70, pg. 249

[10] M. H. Peterson and T. J. Lennox, Jr. A Study of Cathodic Polarizationand pH Changes in Metal Crevices NACE-Corrosion, Vol. 29, No.10, get.

[11] B&P Report No. 553, pH Shift of Water Inside Spent Fuel Storage Module,Feb. , 77.

[12] D. D. MacDonald and P. Butler, The Thermodynamics of the Aluminum-W ter System at Elevated Temperatures. Corrosion Science 1973,Vol.13, pg. 265

[13] Ndional Assoc. of Corrosion Engineers, Corrosion DG Survey,1974,'

pp. 34 & 252

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.,. . .,

' * * Report 554

hh Brooks &Perkins, Incorporated':

[14] A. P. Larrick, Corrosion Studies in Simulated N-Reactor SecondarySyst;3m Water Encironment. Atomic Energy Comntission Research


and Development, Report HW-76358, Hanford Atomic Products;

Operation, May 1963, pg. 7,10 & 22.

[15] J. L. English and J. C. Griess, ~ Dynamic Corroiton for the High - Flux4

Isotope Reactor, ORNL - TM - 1030, September, 1966, pg. 1, 2, 3, 4,23, 26, 27, 31










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Brooks & Perkins " 3WW1 TJ'


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DENSITYS S Spent fuel storage expansion of on

site and central stort.Ye pools aremost cost effective with maximumdensification of fuel elements.Thegkey to this concept is the Brooks &

p d SPerkins's Spend Fuel Storage Module

which incorporates Brooks & Perkins' Scral-the most widely used neutron absorber for '

fuct storage applications, as well as for awide range of other applications.

@ Featuring Boral* neutron absorbing / shielding materiai and spent fuel storage modules.

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Pan cone scenuuei sma;e moewe assem mTyc7 mmer cme =m smane:s.

BonK Neutwn Absorbing / Shielding MaterialRa:m:P,e ra ena s vrze: . re r;sy ec;s'- A rere a er rj an:a rer:n ca c: s LTs fy re a cosmns n 2:n:n c nas

C' a:a':* ::J: g a : a Or*.C es. :t a Cr* : es. ;r'Fa r3." N;' ^:s t*N, '.:C 2e',ir% Mus ;s' steO senshe e ec' ;ric a^ ava9C FL Da j re;r: 's A - 3 an te*3 Cz* ; es d'e casj s* eCe s te a: wtj ' ? Tr: r: as s ;: ; an: s'ar3;e ccn" ne s ': ra:.rc ce a'eni sree s c' e:a s 's tr:s. an:a;n r ; , pe era ; a: Der:; a.e s e __ ..

nsa s;2' c=7rce Cn < ;3 a rais av V: s re se sa:a MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BORAL MATERIAlbsn e:n;cns ce r:n .. r := e:ar e r : ~ . . e r; ma:ena s D vac; us c' E'as'>ccy ce s c n Fe':ent E r;at :n M 2")


r;.te a:2:: r: e: :- G2mma ra:a on is m:s'e c .ey ars:Tec ty esa (75'F)r ;n-censva:e a s szn as eat sw anc =rc e:e "*e as:e e e~s': A w um 1:,1: Ammmar, 25

rer:n ren r:n re te:n r :m;en ..ne a cr; ur e.rer an: Br:n C": :e Eas t ' 57:n Crt.ce N/Ae

z ,enfere e sse sre,;m- c -re | Snea sre ;rY=: s e :c: mre a s u 'ea: : <s:: re2r:ns 02 a cr:" ", t:5' * 75*R kS4 75*R

:*0 :e se:rca p gr"-.a a,s trre5 ;i3 Ye','ra ;e T- s c ;m ren.res A ;-" am 13 u'O ian ea e:i | AW am 9 000 f annea e:1.

97:- Camce N/A | By:n Cro ce N/Afure s e: ;r: ca:0 ne :2 n 57:n:sLrc eir ns ace *,esn e Ort* e a' rer n w :2 ea.or; any s;1f. an rest a ra::a:: Te s e Svenrt-te e Com:nessen sve ;-


C5' 2 75*U M5' 2 75*NEa:, a r 50 e2:n rocrc cry cre so';amma a/0 '2 Ye A r-Amm 500p m a )an eas i 1 me: 3. e a .c e e P.e ;rzes- Ef annar ca ,,, p . um 5 CX ran ea e:> Byen Cartee 39e-414 L,e,a ca tce '.m,

sn e : r: e :s a 5,/eV ;a a ra, and ea.es a res cae of 'N ana:9,e

naas5::A s a ctw m c2:e a constn; cf to: :at a e.e sr : !!MCH ANIC AL STR EN GTHS O F BORAL PAN ELS (Min. 35%i,

a sec v. 9 a rar < f a tram rc cac <.a a s wm As use:" 1 ,,e ; :-T,: ca- C: ress : . Sre gr- 1'

SMC FLe Stran Y c;es ne;re s re cen *e; tyre carra : 52 C ress:n Face I

i : res. :'re cre! rc:re mm., ,,eric"re oc b L oe t-> rea e M5 /S: E) M50 ? f * B~

;re s; a:e s: a :re s ce rz :e:,.m aec ress rnac,- : =n- Th 77 2 45 2 45 Tr 177 1143' -

i - a .i*. "ce 1 s7 sc i v* 'gt 'j'*** *" '" '

|ter t TO. 2 Fe reu';n a e9 a n enra:: ens 05 re:essr, 'T tre

j p^ 'q* SFr-sMc:'c a= 2C- S 7 C ;e:'n s!a cr:sZesc:= As :20Jcnesa : vse n r - m a'g3;cnc:,em ' 7ts/.rr et *,~mn s r r:wn c. ecses c' 177 a C12m: 255e C15ir es Trese

a re r . x< f:r cre:re ce: .e3 T,na.noressesa sn.ra e- 3, ,77 u33 3 377 yuse m s e-* '.e: s' rage mcca ea cr c:rer a:D 'atc s re 7n 255 153: in 255 553

Tens e Sper;m-re:c F eva: ci engn-Ya. Be : ng v: ment

ns/m cf *c"O Unas/m at wcmp ev. - 05B': ( o' gace


Th 177 114, Tn 177Overall Panel Thickness '1;3 in 263 145 Intent nMper urit area 7_

Or.ches) , I Nimeters) (Grams /sq cm ) Femet E'enga:co m ?") | Yo 4.s c EList::ty# 50 * I

C75 t 91 010 --

Th 177 5 8x10t iTh 177 70CSS 2 16 -020110 2 79 030

'E5 45 in 265 4 4 s 10' :Th.

142 3 61 040 Stear Svengn Wa'er A: sorption )m cr.cnc'* Jn) (%)

178 4 52 C50(24 ers g (5 res #

215 5 46 060 g.W 2200 :s0Th 177 1142 'h 1770 G5 0 429M 265 1356 Th lE51940 0 E20 l

Ees ces ce m re manufa:'c e cf spe-t '.e! strage rnoc; es Bora: Pas g::r meeir': ma's r Bra' care s c rcerrq a: Dor.a pacuct pedocancea's: Men use: cure m er se:Zrs cf rea:tr st e cs.snu cce., cc-r:r r:cs c::e:m:ai eva re ma o assu acce cc-int us )r

. _ - . . - . - __ . . ._ . _ _ . .


.'- / ?



\,, ,



\ - ,''

. < ' < N

O Spent FuelJN |


Storage Modules T a,

patented gD '


!Brooks & Perkins' Spent Fuel Storage Modules consist of concentre inner-


and ou er square "shroucs" which integra3y encapsutate Boral reutron ._;'' I-

'j [ Fina!. ssemblyand formingabsorber plates...atso providtng the required structurat charactcnstes for .. gI


!use in sDent fLel storage racks. ,

The manufactuang process, develooed by Brooks & Perkins, utilizes the ft of the module utili:esthe , |

! most modern adaptaten of hydros, zing technoiogy in the nuclear industry i most modern adaptatior' ~,i,

|'f.,4:The fLxture. designed by B&P is over 25 fct long and we.ghs over 30 tons. It cw

g yr & rKins.uses extreme prsst res to form the mod.ia components into a high precision

sandwich type struture. '

j Tre Boral neutron absorber plates are encapsulated withm tne inner and- |



cuter shrouds with the ends of the snrouds formed togemei. . s interface is,

. then weided af each ec. Te structural design is further enhanced by thei

forming of convex stat'ening beads on V{i

the sides of the module. .<

Rigid inspecten is performed eneach finished rnocule, subsecuent te

~ .,

80RAINEUTRJN AR%RBER7the qua!Ity Controis implemented dur- ". - . - ,

ing the producton procedure, to see#

|NN that Vanations do not exceed Ine allow- I * ||at,'a inleances for the entire length. . .

! Modules are a!so selected at random ,35 Theinnerand outer shroudsi

a-$ ] the module are welded int| ,

and subjected to vanous types of NDEtube configurations on

testing. as specified, to assure the Brooks & Perkins-designet

} M ,Mu


adequacy of the We!ds and structure.?- ,

d 'hSu

OUTER g All inspecton follows the schedules ? a tud na seam e er,e " .y oenetration weld is 100f

|; and procedures as presenbet by e.visually inspected and perd'

CCNVEIBrooks & Perkins QuaLy Assurance .- ** odically examined by NCl' **Program.





T [ j| increased Storage Ca pacity. The Borai neutren ab.,rber in tne modu!e perm <s\ Jcloser siacing of spent fuel f 9ments withsi a rack.

High Strengin and Rigidity. Sandwich construction of the rnodu'e of'ers the [' ~ '. Eachmoduleisfullyinsoecte. O following tne procedures prh$ hest strenc*n-to-weight rato avaltable. f -

/~ '


; ~ * scribed by Brooks & Perkir-kiple Desigt.and Fabrication. The sandwith structure module can be readily i

rigid Quality Assurance Prdesigned to meet the ?ructural and shielding requirements at each storage 3- - gram,gsite and cN De easily and quickfy assembled into a "ack rth a m:ntmum of

welding.- . _


"^ U i J.J 'PLow Co';ts. Manufactunng costs are reduced as a result cf the eBcient form- ' '# * '


ing of the macules and s:mplified rack assembly of the high precision com- , ~ "

ponents. ,y .9 .

[ f r%g[- $ ' p,,.

# kI

h&j I__-e, L'


" . .i

' '1 ^ L- 'I 7 4'

Spent Fuel Storage Module Specifications. " ~~.} I

" -

Shroud Matertats- Type 304 Stainless Steet *,, #

(Cnoice of) Type 6061 Atummum,) J ,

.I o**t ;Type 5083 Aluminum


a g p8-#

| j'

| Cors Materia!- Boral ,

/ * v ,[ <f -<Dimensions-

Lengn: 120 to 192 in13048.0 to 4876.8 mm. 47 ,E Q c'J f;inner Shroud: .030 to .060 in30.52 mm.

a ' ,*

M. | vg ?

Outer Shroud: .030 to .110 in32.54 mm. <

Boral Thickness: .075 to .215 in11.91 to 5.4S mm.

##['O insice Dimension: 5.5 to 10.5 in11391 to 266 7 rnm. *

insice Corner '') fRadius: Typ. 25 in16.35 mm. * ;m,

Stiffening Bead/


Prc:rusen: Tyo. 125 in1118 mm.

End Configurations- Straight Reinforced s'

flared Cacoed >_


- - - _ _ _ .. - - - _ _ _

I BRO 0KS & PERKINSprovides a complete.-

fabricetion/ consultation service forproducing:

EDRAL" components...:


f Fabricating Boral plate into neutron shielding componentsrequires special knowledge as to its properties and ex-

| perience in working with this composite material. Brooks &Perkins has developed unique capabilities in working withBoral fabrication problems and offers a complete service toBoral customers. These include welding, cutting, shearing,punching, drilling, sawing, forming and countersinking.

Illustrated here are a few of the Boral components pro-duced by Brooks & Perkins or Brooks & Perkins customers.Whatever your needs, this expertise and experience is avall-able to you. Call orwrite, outlining yourspecific requirements.


,-s. 3' .c j,t. s 7-e gy.

['' . , , s '' .\ *c s - -|

I / .-, .. .

,.:g.-~ ,

| !W ', ;;,; .


3 e w . : ..j t,

i_ ,


This %'' thick Bora> plate was completelyi cut by plasma arc method, both on outerI edges and the circular hole. ,, ,


L..___._.... .s_ . ~.~..

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9% . ._ A "$



.S ,. ....1 . . . . .> . .

|1 f% *]f...p7, Boral components. .

A typical spent fuel storage pool with storage racks featu.ing Boralpanel construction.


You can te!! the leader by the facilities it serves:*

Zion 1 + 2 Yellow Creek 1 t-2 Dresden 2 + 3 Susquehanna 1 + 2 Hartsville 1 + 2Cook 1 + 2 Sequoyah 1 + 2 Duane Arnold 1 Peachbottom 2 + 3 Phipps Bend 1 + 2Maine Yankee Belefonte 1 + 2 Cooper Browns Ferry 1,2 +3 Hatch 1 + 2Salem 1 + 2 Pilgrim 1 Fitzpatrick Vermont Yankee Limerick 1 + 2Yankee Rowe Perry 1 + 2 Monticello Lacrosse Plus overseas facilities


8Brooks & Perkins U.s,.0,, ice: ee-ean otrice:BROOKS AND PERKINS,INC. BROWNLINE LIMITED

INCORPORATED Naciear eroducts aroup Tamian way,creen Lane12633 Inkster Road Hounsic v, MiddlesexLivonia. Michigar A3150 U.S.A. TW4 6BL, EnglandTel.:(313) 522 2000 Tel.:015724321

. _ _ _._

* \ f/ f' (**,

L tecnnical nuisetin' NOVEMBER,1975 f

qD ,. ~.

O f7 .

@$B1ATi103 |.

' 'c. - 4.a, . .Neutron Shielding Material * |


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5_ /.040" AL Min.1

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~ . i . y, ')- af N. .%\ 0h.e.. . s f-.

.,e [ 4 .085* cr.170* Core Min.' ' ' T. .* * Cp% '*'

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..x2 :.s. e 'o%- * 040' AL Min.. ,





Boral shielding material offers the unique ability to abs)rb only a soft gamma ray (0.42MeV) and an easily absorbedthermal neutrons without producing ha'rd gamma radi- alpha particle are emitted.

| ation. A dispersion of boron carbide,in aluminum that is Boral offers excellent neutron shielding capabilities forI

clad in 1100 aluminum sheets, Boral is a sandwich mate- a wide range of applications. It is being used extensivelyrial produced in standard sizes up to 48 x 120 , ang as a shield in spent fuel storage racks. It has also beenin standard mill thicknesses of .177, ( .012) and .265 used on inner section of reactor shields, shutdown con-


( .015). trol rods, as neutron curtains and shutters for thermal|

colun:ns. In addition, it has been fabricated into housingsThese sizes a,re in stock for immediate delivery. Other to shield sensitive electronic and avionic equipment and assizes up to168 in length can be specifiedsubjectio special shipping and storage containers for radioactive materials.;

inquiry. Boral plate is also available in several forms including:Boral absorbs slow neutrons with a minimum of secondary Stainless Steel Clad / Encapsulated . . . and with alumi-radiation being induced. With each neutron absorbed, num edge cladding / sealing.

* Patent applied for.

-_-______ _ - . - _ - _ . - _- _ _ _ __ _ .. __


, .,


R:dioactive materials produced by the nuclear industrytoday create a variety of radiation, including alpha par-ticles, beta particles, gamma rays, neutrinos and neutrons.Alpha and beta particles are earily shielded by relativelythin sheets of metals. Neutrinos, althot;gh highly pene- _ _ _ _ _

trating, appear to have !.'ttia physiological import ince. Only _ gpamma rays and neutrons require special shielding con- -


rills to provide radiatica protection. Gamma radiation is ~

js'ideration, with appreciable thi,,kness of shielding mate- " % =surnons- -- c* -- \-

most effectively absorbed by high-density materials such as 7 -

~''''-Ind, steel and co.icrete. The best elements for neutronattenuation are boron, hydrogc.1, lithium, along with vvaterend polyethylene.

Most shielding mdorials will readily absorb neutrons, but Nin doing so they ir 'e secondary gamma rays in the 5 to p. , -

10 MeV range. This, . ' turn, requires further shielding NsM$, 1NG" " "' '"*

and heat dissipJ.on. Boron is unique in its ability to shield stha thermal neu.ron without leaving any significant residual N

soft gamma ray (0.42 MeV) and an easily absorbed alpha \ . A' Kradioactivity. Each attenuated neutron produces only one N

pirticle in the process. By contrast, cadmium dieldMg N\cmits a 6 MeV gamma ray and leaves a reddue of tourr:dioactive isotopes. sBoron is available in several forms: crystalline, amorphousand boron carbide. Boron carbide offers the least expen-sivs form 9 highly concentrated boron. It is extremelyhard, atomically dense, light weight, chemically inert, witha high melting point and high compressive strength. .

.. . -- ,

Properties and Characteristics of BORALThe boron carbida in the core of the sandwich panel is evenly Boron Carbidedispersed throughout a matrix of aluminurr The outer clad- ttype 2. ASTMs

ding or " skins" of the sandwich panel is Mumsum. BORAlm C750-73T) 97.00% min. - Total boron and carbonpanels are ident fied by the nominal thickness of the total 77.00% max. - boron ~i

sandwich panel and the minimum percentage content of 70.00% min. - boronboron carbide in the core. 3.00% mar. - boron oxide

2.00% max. - iron19.75 % 3 .3 % isotope B5

Chemical Composition Corrosion ResistanceAluminum BORAlm offers the same excellent corrosion resista*.ce as(1100 Alloy) 99.00% min. - aluminum 1100 alloy aluminum. It provides unlimited service in boric

1.00% max. - silicon and iron acid solutions when the pH is controlled between 0 and 8.5..05 .20% max. - copper Corrosive attack to the aluminum cladd.ng will occur in strong

.05% max.- manganese alkaline solutions (pH 9.5) and at a temperature near boiling.10% max. - zine (212*F). For unlimited service in these environments, we.1P% max. - others recommend capsulating the BORALm in s'ainless steel.05% max. - others each sheathing.

-- -

. . - -

Physical Properties of Base Materie.ls

Density(gm/cc) Coefficient Of Thermal Expansion

Aluminum 2.71 (per *F)

Boron Carbide 2.51 Aluminum 13.1 x 104 (68-212' F)Core (35% B.C) 2.64 Boron Carbide 2.5 x 104 (68-1400' F)

Malting Temperature Range Specific Heat('F) (cal /gm/*C)

Atuminum 1190 to 1215 Aluminum 0.23Boron Carbide 4440 Boron , arbide 12.36

Therrnal Conduct:vity.

(cal /cm2/cm/*C/sec)Aluminum (77* F) 0.53Boron Carbide (77' F) 0.065

,. .-,

Mech:nical Prcpertins cf Bcsa Mat: rials

Modulus of Elasticity (tension) Percent Elongation (in 2*)(psi) (75' F)

(,,,/ Aluminum 10 x 10* Aluminum 35Boron Carbide 64 x 106 Boron Carbide N/A

Tensile Strength - Ultimate Shear Strength(psi @ 75* F) (psi @ 75' F)

Aluminum 13,000 (annealed) Aluminum 9,r00 (annealed)Boron Carbide N/A Boron Carbide N/A

Tensile S'rength - Yield Compression Strength*(psi @ 75' F) (psi @ 75' F)

Aluminum 5 000 (anneated) Aluminum 5,000 (annealed)Boron Carbide N/A Boron Carbide 398 - 414,000

. -- - _

Mechanical Strengths Of BORAL Panels (Min.35% B.C Core)

Weight-Typhal Compression Strength - Compression Failure(Ibs/sq. f t.)

. (lbs/ inch of width)Th. .177 2.46 2.45 Th. .177 1140Th. .265 3.67 3.65 Th. .265 2140

Tensite Strength - Ultimate Compression Strength - Buckling Failure(Ibs/ inch of width) (Ibs/ inch of width)

7 a. .177 1230 Th. .177 300Th. .265 1530 Th. .265 560

Tensil' Strength - Yief d Flexural Strength - Max. Bending Moment

[.',e}Th. .177

~(1bs/ inch of width)(in-lbs/ inch of width)

1140 Th. .177 95

Th. .265 1510 Th. .265 145-


Percent Elongation (in 2*) Modulus of Elasticity* * "

(75' F) Th. .177 5.8 x 10*Th. .177 7.0 Th. .265 4.4 x 105Th. .265 4.5


Water AbsorptionShear Strength

(Ibs/ inch of width) (24 hrs @ 0 psi) (5 mins. @ 2200 psi)*

| Th. .177 1142 Th. .177 0.295 0.429 *| Th. .265 1386 Th. .265 1.940 0.620

. . . . . - . - - - . - - --

,. - . . . - . - . - _ ., . - . .

| Shielding Properties of BORAL Panels (Min.35% B.C Core)'

Neutron Transmission Factor Removal Cross Section(Theoretical) (Theoretical)

Th. .177 1.74 x 10-' Th. .177 14.0 IN-'Th. .265 2.30 x 10-3 Th. .265 21.6 IN-8

,Neutron Transmission Factor Removal Cross Section

' (Experimental) (Experimental)min. nom.min. nom.

Th. .177 3.5 x 10-8 1.7 x 10 2 Th. .177 20.4 IN-' 23.2 IN 'Th. .265 11.5 x 10-8 5.5 x 10 Th. .265 26.0 IN-' 31.4 IN '

Heat Generation From Neutron - Alpha Reaction7.4 x 10 '' watts /sq. ft. x unit thermal neutron flux.

O)\~, " Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys in an Aqueous Solution of " Boron Carbide Production Properties, Application."Boric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide." Dr. Alfred Lipp; Reprint from "Technische Rundschau"Dr. E. H. Hollingsworth; Aluminum Company of America Nos.14, 28, 33 (1965) and 7 (1966).

"A Handbook on Baron Carbide and Elemental Boron." The data presented in this bulletin is, to the best of ourNorton Company knowledge, correct and up-to-date based on the above" Aluminum Standards and Data." The Aluminum Association references and our own independent laboratory tests. .


-, .

,. ..

Fabricating with BORAL Plata *

g% 'f,in fabricating Boral plate, it is recommended that formingoperations be limited because of the nature of the sandwich

.f g,,j


material of the plate. Generally, a %" plate may be formed at ,

f, , jf -90' right ingles providing a %" radius is held. In forming ';# --

9/,f._ _'

cylinders, z%" to 8' OD sizes may be made with tolerances 4, p >'of =M*; over 8" the tolerance is =%". When forming small M

* -f_,, ,,diameters, the sheet must be annealed during forming to f,' ,,

eh.; * *#.,

2 # ?- eprevent parting of the sandwich. / e4 ,a ,


Welding of Boral plate is not recommended if mhdmumstrength ,s re;utred. In most applications, are welding is done . .7,. ,

ito butt pistes together when widthe over 48' are needed, orwhen speual clips au required. For the tyst welds, cleanthe clad surfaces with a fine wire brush, then butt all jointsgs tight as possible. For large arev., pre-heat Boral plate to Borat plate can be welded by the heliarc process, as400*F. in an oven or on a hotplate; a torch should not be shown in these fabricated samples. Care should beused. The welding are must be held as close as possible to used to butt weld joints as close as possib!a.the Doral plate, use

Amperage settings for welders must be determined by trial.Other recommendations in fabrication of Boral plate. |

Drilling - Use carbide tip drills, slow speeds, high feed pres- ;-

sures. Drilling is recommended only when holes cannot bo t-


Countersinking - Use 4-flute carbide tip type at low speeds,\high feed pressures.

Punching - Use carbide tip punch and die of hardened tool ',,

steel. Punch and die must be kept sharp to maintain hole ',l ' % 4_.'

esizes to tolerances of 2.005* ?' 7f-OC g .s - C-i d?|i ,

Sawing - Use a 10 to 14-tooth blade, cutting at 75 feet per MEENNND NM " 9i ;.[J"gf*? C~O ^ ~'P ? : -Wminute. If c 111-inch blade is used, allow 24" per blade for


%" Boral and 36* for %" Boral plate. Tolerance for sawcuts is e.J15 : g.s .Shearing - Boral can be sheared on 8-foot-length tolerancesof &". Sharpen shear blades frequently. This %" thick Boral plate was ccmpletely cut by

Plasma arc cutting - Boral plate can be cut to special shapes plasma are method, both on outer edges and circularhole in the center.or sizes by plasma arc.

- --...:--- -

BROOKS & PERKINS A. ww. - .. w ' '" ~~T~'"

M ;1 VG TNProvides A Complete Fi .

f -a



' %Fabrication Service .

= A 4 .


For BORAL Components> &


' 1

" " ' * " " . 1

;p g- Q . --

p$ wFabricating Boral plate into neutron... , c;.EL p y ~ g''^~ *

shielding components requires special

h>$gf'M..adNMMMM.yh'*e . . _.j ]

-- * *

knowledge as to its properties and ex-perience in working with this compos- ,

!ite material. Brooks & Perkins has de- yThis- Boral-lined .neutronoshieldingy This 14 foot high spent ftel cell tmveloped unique capabilities in working y-Jacket was produc,:ed by welding Boral - age rack war built by Brooks & % i

( kins of Boral and Aluminum. |with Boral fabrication problems and geomponegat. Brooks &, pep ,

- - - - - - - - - --toffers a complete service to Boral

- - - - ~ - - - ~ -

- - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jcustomers.I

litustrated here are a few of the Boral %|components produced by Brooks & , - . , '' s

Perkins. Whatever your needs, this ex- ~

pertise and experience can be of. ,- ,

I \/ [d' p-. -



your specif,ou. Call or write, outliningbenefit to y '.(ic requ:rements. .

' '

Cesigned by Nu: lear ,^#,s- -'


Designed by NUS services Corp, i'

Two different configurations of Boral and aluminum spent fuel storage racks (samplesections) for BWR fuel assemblies,

q+y Brooks &PerkinsInc.

NUCLEAR PRODUCTS12633 Inkster Road . Livonia. Michigan 48150

(313) E22-2000Fabrir ntinn Cyt ??4 Anrni Panale Cvt 9G

.- - - - - - ~ . - - --. . . - . . ,. .
