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AJ)tIT!OII At D*1 PMID * 0 » l l


The W r»»a «»¡a Dt« Cn(<la<j

n * R'Ki t» *>• I*lo ti J»'7


ui«d tram e Grstbwa»

of the ta i lw y PeopU

Nr Ik* FlW *f

T > loiioèing rjjgardiog the proposed domes " f '» e JpnM*-v Tn.c.ionCoaj.iBy id th i cilÿ, erm e» from a geo'.ietoao ¡0 '§ * confident» o f therai.**»' r»°pl'ej tor h» thé ciiyj

He my*ihn’ telili» «»rh lbg ih »

«reel they (*lU cl of the prete#’ PH(■ompiliv. Chicli I10 »ImiiSO »» soon i per* ere miele oil of lira fit • veline ai

)■■■ ifot been vouchalb nettlesrranion Company in city from Fan wood

¿,v ¿ay of North itfeniie anil at the cor- n, r o lVau host sttnue ami East Third

1 uect with tbe track* held Street Railway mpany they intend

§ the necessary pa- Fiom the comer

il \Ve»t Front atreet It is tbtiir mUtniioRio • x end to Dunel- len au-us WO»t B rin ' street, and Irom tluat place to Hoik# Brook, which la to tie mail« 1 he terminus of one o f the OraneM»- Tfcay t|ll not go to Homer rile oS accopnt f ihe way iliey have been trialed by till Bridgewater Town-ship atilhoritte«. |

Tbeo'inpauy ti«i says also intend* exieodil'S 'heir imd to Melnclien They hsve neteralaoutfa In view, one Being hy wav o f PlisiifleJd avenue and South llaii. field, tlm other by way ol Arlington avfjiue, Bmd'-lpli read and Par* aveuue, and t|e other br way of South Second street, Dae alien New Martet *n<l Soul ti - p aii fleld. In allprobability the limi» - r< ate will be used.

!u making tlioir « (tension* he aayathe coui,jau> agrevf to macadamise all street» m ihe pity lo r a distance o f fourteen loet bn e ip er a tie of tbelr tract an* lurnoUa.j The rails will be the girder variety, s icn aa are now In use on Weal Front (treet anti they will be laid Oh heatv tie* In thuo Ireignl will be c •mail pan els and t Tice will he umtnla

The company be tbelr roafi in cbtnp Jersey thy to Bodni Newark, Ltizabelh first ol nan July.

the city limila limed oataide of

present local st>r-

jy a expects to bave fe operation from Brook, by way of

jd ibi* cur, by tbe

The San]The C4n rieri

morn.ngifri ui * corrit don broo^in uçross Sa Steamship Lucèrna.^fi

Small.d a letter '.his

ispondeut in Lon water on the

On this ’ trip tbeLuaaiiin broke (he wist bound reconl Biaitiug tie trip In i fluya 7 hour* and23 nimm tv TÌie le inierMiing in (rom I.ofifjoii ok ihe made. U w dH |iiiaie Saturday eveuik:; a€ 7 letter wuPbe imbiutili 1u a le » tisi a

r is all tbe more ade the joornev ate6t trip ever in London Ir.tt

o'clock- The in the Conner-

DO you want that yoû arc

istcrcd on Tues

vote ? See ¡properly reg- ly next.

Doable Qaick Time BatVaw Charrc* Boaids.

An alarm ol Bre la*‘ night from box 1 .1 , thia lime 00 tbe east aide, brought Ihe department oat to Manning’s wood yard on Elm place. E T . Van Winkle, who llvea nearly opposite, beard a frantic cry o f Are raised and mada all baale to the box at .Second ami Wash­ington el reel a. Tbe fire apparatnawa« on tbe spot in two and one-balf minute* from tbe fin e he pulled tbe box bat ita eervicn w » b not needed for a few palla n| water bad already ex- iinguiBhed tbe fire.

A family living near (he place badseen ■ light in the sbeil where Man-inng’ii eng-tie ia and looking cioeer aawa |>ortion o( the ahed barniug. Mr. Mantling ran to g e l hia horse oat o f tbe bat-o and ('red Itencklao and somt others harried alter water. The prompt discovery o f Ihe blase was a lucky one for a bad tire could have easily been esnaed bad it happened later in the night. As It was, only some of the interior el the partition was burned juat behind the boiler and the damsga w us »mall. I l l s supposed to have been caused by a piece of paper winch Mr. Manning lighted to look at ihe steam guage before closing up for the night. Thia may have Ignited eooie cobwei s ‘which were there and com- innalcated to tbe uinteiial.

Cqief Doane was bustled out o f bed, where he has been kept by tiluees lor a few days, i le says if this regularity in tires ia going to be kept up be might afe well ge l well ao aa to be on band mote readily.

—Gorton's Minatre*>Sunday io Ibis cl’ y at

— Save money>oey anil y lúgbt’a needs by tradipg

— Tbe maximum tei wa* 71. *^hg

irclng wa* 43.i — The large pine* lor extinguishing apparai Dori a have arrived.

— Tne cadet oorp« Captain Edward'« m last night, bat did ae«s

— A nnmber o f deyk* More wti] go by stage

ill atop over Ibe Grenada,

jour Saturday at Edsali’s.

tempera-u*e at mudiunm this

e automai ic Bre at Scott's life**

ting at on Doer street,

gfiectal basi­

la EdseU’s to New Bruns-

eadsy evening lor an even-wick \V ibg ride

.— Gorton's minstrels Band will parade fromnight at 6 30 p. m. covering the pnuci péti afecta

— The electric wire dratera in Pliny

md their Gold Music Wall to-

D°tyou want to vote ? See that you are properly reg­

istered on Tuesday next.

g the gaaligbl- g repairs and

e Acme Social waa held la* l young people


..J . W. Ban held, of Grove street, has returned from Europe.

. .James U. Field, o f Somerville, wa* the guest last night of L. W. Ban-

Tb« Mild SdtmBKtfhtloa Cssteat.In the content oler the eetate o f

Jacob Miles, lelprredito briefly !u yes-Moliy s (’our,< r(SoWrrwt cliunn" poaf]non for one month.Frank and Am leMilei pomtment *f W it tarn son. aa Adaiinirlfator, k»r* a diaisien-tyrd pi

F w toa* tail nek* fr*m little acorns grow,

•0 *ra»c plijiran-apiliaorpcra may follow•hgtit eye-tsouilti, aoq wisdom should F»»»pt you to copaull °»# si the first iadlcn ■»»t a p a l la »•»♦rae, »nd a ire* but •“ boo ain tt.|| v<lB r»*w> or nei. ' •

■ogate Huff, of loned his deci- [wo of Fie heira, i object to tb » ap- THe*, the oldest and applied to

jrsoQ appointed.

a reliable opti­li ot weakening

1er », 103 Park horoagb exam- tber you nerd

akkticui to tub

N«u vreqtieBdjy dij »kl be givetf to tin- vai J * * ^ » m Ihe Amocii ““ t'>tj National llaiikj J J * here and St-n»i

Bergen wilfiaasu


it a reception >ua Republican ion Hall over

All of them Voorbeea and in the apeecb-

*T mother »hpu’d Inow that croup a l>rfT,étivd. Tha Drat symptom k/** " Lnii I» lloarad ieaa. This la

aiprcnl|nr rc

lolph... Mrs. Pliny Fiak, of West Seventh

street, has returned Irom ¿ter »lay at tbe Adiroudacks during ihe Summer.

• L . B Ooddington, of WatcbuDg avenue nd East Fourth street, ia able to by out today after hit receut lllneas.

A Hallowe’en party will be given to a number o f friends, by Miss Wheel­er, o f Monutain avenue Wednesday night.

.M r and Mrs. George F. Edwardsand family, o f Duer street,went to Phil­adelphia this morning -for a visit with friends.

..M r. and Mr* J. P. Loire and daughter, of Eaat Fifth street, went to New York ibis morning tv vi«it friends until Monday.

Mis* Lizzie Wilson,of West Fourth street, n nijpi il home last night after a very pleasant visit lor a month in Philadelphia

A t the Houghlon-Hal.'penny wed­ding 10 Elizabeth on Thursday night, Mr and Miss Terry and Master Frank Terry were present.

. .Mr*. Jacob Blimm and son, Harry, of.Somerset »treet, returned home laat night after »[lending a few day* with friends in New York.

..J . P. Ryno, o f Weal Front street, spent the evening of tbe auuiversary of nls birthday with friends. A pleaaaul time wa* quietly enjoyed.

.. A lex Tttaworth, Guy Trealbrer, ia about to remove irom West Front street and Central avenoe, to tbe data at Fifth street and Wafehung ave­nue.

.. Wallace Sen-ell, o f Chicago, who came East to attend bis brother’* wed­ding in Jersey City and has been vialt- hia father CD Weat Front street, re­

turned home today. ,. .F . W illett Heath, of Want Fifth

•treet, and Walter Thorne, of Orchard place, expect to go Wednesday by sea, to Galveston, Texas, thence acroas country to California.

Mr. Vandeventer, of Eaat Fifth street, is very *ick atlh complication* arising from a bad attack of pnuemonia sometime ago. Tbe trouble settled in his throat and reduced his voice U> a whisper.

homestead,on Andrew Lat-

Fiak’s residence,inciodi1 in « wires, are uudergoi overhauling.

Η The annosi ball o f Otab o f New Brona-vi oijrhL Two «tags loads _fróm this e l'y wentoverjto attend IL

.— Exterior drm ni'ln»^ will be com­menced at E L Finch's! residence on Park svenne, Mooday. j Marsh, Ayers A |)o. have the contract ¡for doing the work.

■—It i* said by persutis who bave bojught handkerchief« cheap that none were ever Bold lor les» money than th+ae today on sale a l Funata A De- Griiw’a.

r~'Tuesday and Wednesday o f next week are tbe dates appointed for the an­nusi meetings of the VewÜerrev Baptist State and Education S^cietie* in the Fiijit Baptisi Church in t^is city.

4-Kinn*y A Wilson,!, o f Somersetal ree t, near Manning avenue, havethej n>b o f overbanilng an^ repairing thetin work at the KandolpWfiat Fourth street, ior kink-

-i-A Hallowe' on sale ©f homeniade cukes, [lies, canned fruity and candies w lfbe held in the vacapt store, 326 Paij* avenue, on Wednesfiaÿ, October 31 èli day long for the benefit o f the ’ •Yin” .

-•-Gor.atabie Moffett w^nt to Eliza­beth this Diornmr with George W»u»on, of Piscauway, who wa* ‘charged withstealing Muntele« from Eï R. Acker­man's property on WestJSighth streetsome lime ago. *•

—.Marsh Ayers A Co’a m ef will be- g'.o Work Monday on the hxterior mud ioleyior deeora'iug at E. A . ‘ Overton's honèe on Rockview avennn. The ktler- ior Will f*e finikhed witti handsome presfced goods, and Liocrfsta Walton

—¡Henry Windham, proprietor o f tbe Arlington alleys, li-gan thfe work yon- tardi y of overhauling iliei^ They are to b « planed, painted mud better light­ed ahd improved in eve*y-way. They alrefidy showed the effects of renovation last Sight

— It ia stated on the an'^orftr of a member o f the O C. M ats{>cl*ti»n that the organiz*11011 is about in organize a t-tnug band for regalar prketice witb the addition of a base drum for me coming Winter meeting«. I Toe Presi dent Will “ blow" the drum, j

— Beginning with thia eVeniug and eonlltiaing aulii further notice, a burnt cork |>etfornDaDce will be gikeu at tbe Arlington Hotel for sevèra! nights each week. The idea is a j novelty In Ibis pkrt of the «ooo iry and)* only done by proprietor Wmdbain for .the sake ol ■unaatng bis guests.

— Home, sweet borne, 4 cmq be ma<le brighter at Love’s corder of North and Waichnng avenue*.! The poet would have snog sweeter m i| If be bud ever toe i a borne papered from Love's

tèsas i

The flisaiaa light Ik« Fiamas •acenafallv.— la«s Laid at BlSO.OCO —P*, pi* PU* h t Their lavas.

(-HPBC1AL TO THE 00CK1KR.)N ew Y ork On. 37.— A big b its« in

ihe heart ol toe drygoods district oe- cured at 7 30 o'clock to-day, when the flve-story brown »tone structure at No. 349 Broadway, at the northwest corner o f Leonard street, caught fire ic seme mysterious way.

Tbe beat thrown out was so fierce that spectators feared to approach w.tbin naif a block o f tbe conflagration, and the firemen worked under great difflculuea. Several timet tbe'baiiding at No*. 345 and 347. occupied bv tbe firm of Townsend A Yale, o f which lha late Morgan 8. Taylor waa a o>< moer, caught fire, bat the flames were prompt­ly extinguished. It was tbe holiest blaze tbe dremen bod to deal with in a long time A ll the handings within a r-ugt o (200 feet were more or l< scorched sad blistered.

At eight 8 o’clock the roof fell in with a crash. Tea minutes later ibe firemen Wire master) < f the sitoa'ion. Tbe building is completely gutted. It wss occupied by a number of business firm*.

m time immemorial lha road lead- l id from New M ortal to 8 tel too baa been r* j dark at night ami tbe eearce o f mieb complaint oa tba pan o f those wf|p have bad to use It. Massive t

either side o f lb«f road In places s«8 alioi oat what lluie light »onId ot erwise illumine the road. Tbis bd St changed o f late, owing to tbe spates or Improvement which bos token lx * ! o f the gentlemen whose proper! I as lib& the road. They have bad tbe

braicbeaof the (res* cut off and few baudred le e to powerfei oil

lai#|> erected, which now lights op ibe glO no and mates drivibg on tbe road a ll Igbt a pleasure. The gentlemen codferoed In tbe movement for more llgl 1 are Mr. Tab*, Elba Osman, Wil- liai 1 V . Daobam, 0- jp. Blue, Frank V * filae, L. Harris and Freeholder Ha «7 Garretuoa. Naarly two milea o f \ lo wont pert of tb® road are now ilglgad aoder tbelr supervision and It ta thekp intention eventually to have tbe enOtea road lighted as for os Stellon, a distLsve ot over live miles.


SeeD O you want to vote?that you "are properly reg-|*D

istered on Tuesday next.


Yealerds? moraing at three o’clock, Charles F. Kneulen, one of Daaelleu'a most respected residents, died at tbe age of 54 years, niter an illness o f five hour* The cause o f bis death pleurisy 01 tbe hear', tbe result o f a severe cold. Mr Koealeo was about ibe r.reeta Thursday afternoon ioookiog quite well. Thai evening at ten o ’clock, he was taken a«ek and although med - cal aid was summoned he died five hours later He leaves a wile, two girls and a married son who lives In llobokeu He [»osaessed u soffleiehey o f ibis world's goods and was very much interested in anything that per mined to tbe advancement o f Daaeilen. Hia funeral » l i i be Held Monday after-noon al 00# o'clock at bit late residenceou ihe Bound Brook road.

ill be apecial music at Holy erodi Church tomorrow at both morn­ing' Ad afternoon service by tbe vested chrù ; under tbe direcuau o f organist

iilehoirmatter, George F. Hostings. T h « occasion will be a Harvest Festival andglic meaic will he appropriate to Ibel eaaon. The folio whig it the pro- g r a s ^ :

uoaxiNC u tv )c * .Procdmional hymn,

“ Come jre thankful people.'VenOp ...................... .......... ...tlvey

Dyke«TelM üBja F.....................a* I io-,, lu-t.iiii ......Ano

'3- . Ì.non in E flat........j,................. Eyre

bi in E fiat...........^.............^.Eyre

antheip.Th e Earth i< the Lora'a.” al Hymn 298.

AFTERNOON SERVICE y mas and offertory »Qthera e aa at the morning icrvice.

choiS «rill ling:


will b¿ In ad-

t in E flat..... .......... Oobb....... „Toter


ft___ - I " i .iltariCough I

. I •• soijQ M ; ,[)“ J ™»or evan alter Hie

boi.le«i(or i! ^ » » L P t r k »ti<i Nc

‘ '■ " 'w * . Manager.

igb cough. I f edy ta‘ given hild be*ximes ugh has de attack 35

e by Reynolds h A venues,

¡T SAVES Í SHOEleather


THESE! TIMES** m s D )

Say S h o s L é a th e r .

Mr. Spaac«ab*rt Hat a CaadiSal*

Mr. Bpongenherg reqneat* the Cour­ier to state- in reference lo the uoancemenl made in last night’s that he i* a candidate for tbe mayoralty nomination on tbe Iiemocrauc local ticket, that be is not a candidate tor that or any other offleo.

“A fearful crank, an awful eaoak.My wire has ewnu to be."

So «aid a rrteod. one dreary day.In oonUdenee to a a

"DM «* ere inquire.' «aid I lo biaa “ What pain« and aenea she know»’Aa like as not «be « tortured by 4od» o m of woman'■ «o t «

d e fin e dborder« especially depreaa the spirits and sap the eaer»te* and vital fovea.

tier slim complalata, functional irrerutartuea, unnatural diackarrea. oooataat taUna, weak kack, laaaHuOa, duUaean, atakla*

ad aU weakaeaaaa peculiar lo Dr. Pierce * Favorite Preaeriptian la

stock aitb bis beauuful-er biased pajier in tbelparor and some bright cheerml paperlin th* room waere" ibe familycircle gathers.

— Speaking o f vo era aegittenng, Farmer Jame* Martme aaldjihi* morn tng mol be hoped they woajd not be like GhiVer Clevrlsod m lids matter, who, by refnamg to regrat*r pas railed

avail himself o f lb « greatest boomtoconferred upon the Individual* of a re­public, and baa estranged arum him many friends thereby.

— Name* are some!ime* inUnomera or are ; misleading, as ! jr ioMisnce the

by any good coal

name* o f coal. Bnl a rijee other name ia oa sweet and antler any name is still «bod. Tbe kind advertised by Thorpe A Ivmt, tbe Watchaug avenue dealer*, a “ No. 3 is uot ibtended to imply No. ! I in grade but i* «imply an extra quality ot »moll size nut com, and because of (be size tatold a dollar less.

-----------■ -

— Ask your physician Mineral Water.

• o f tbe Citizen* o fIndiana are never wltboat a CbambeHam » Cougb booae." eava Jacop merchatít o fthe place. Thlt bas proven o f eo mucb valué and croup ia childreo that ‘ abo know ita wortb or* witboot it. For aaie by macv, Fkrt sed Nortb A 1 Arm'atroeg, Manager.


The ladle* o f the Park Avenae Bap. Uat Gborch gave a tea yesterday after- j noon at the residence o f 'Charles A. H tyne«, No. 836 Fir*t place, at which tbe attendance waa very good notwith­standing ihe unfavorable weather. Mrs. J W. Johnson, Mrs. James Mid- dleoitb. Mr*. GUarle* A HayDeo, Mr*.J W. Richardson, Mrs. Fred Ftah,Mlaaj Alice Guard, Mib* Annie Wyckofl, Mia*Alice L. Hay lien a.u«l AIim L*acil*a jPre:tie, »b o were pre*«nt, added mdtb 10 the occasion by their Mod attentions ] and music. The decormtiou* were very pretty.

First toeiab:« of ta* S«a»o&.The first sociable of tbe season by I

’he Christian Endeavor Society of the] Gotigregaiiooaf Church wa* held laid] me lit at the home ol Mrs VanAla’ync. of Watchung avenue. A very pleaaiug j programme o f toc*I and insirnmeutal music by some o f ihe excellent talent lo the society waa rendered and games,followed by reirescmenia, made the *o-|l iable complete





Ab«at That tutea Kidrosu Property.Frank Hollenbeck, who was charged

witb receiving stoleu gooo*,copper and mine from Cemrai R-ulroad employees pleaded uot guilty at Elizaoeth yester- lerday. Nolan, who was brld^on tne charge of complicity with him, pleaded guilty. -Keefe, who also waa tm-luded in tbe charge, but was not arrested, bos skipped oat. Tbe constable ha* »capias lor him.

following programme o f mnsie rendered In tbe First Presbyter-

b tomorrow under tbe dlrec- Frof. W. E. MacClymout:

morki.no.Andante, 9tb Sonata.. Merkel

I—‘ O Saviour of the World . . .Goa*

— Melody in D flat....... Monro—in D tumor. . . . . . . Lemaigre

¡ r a i KCantabiie, G in»jor. . OrisonAndante ReHeioso. Leybacb

lear tnv prayer” . . Winter madest earth and heaven"

. — Suelley1— Selected—from evening service In 0 .

— Schlcbi.

L. Goodrich wfil preach a I sermon tomorrow morning

• me* E. Holme*, of Mamaro- 1 occupy Rev. C. E. Herring'«

J Hobart Clark’s evening theme ' will be ‘ -The church anderumeiit.”W. Bolton, o f Palhamrille,

j^ll offlciate at ibe charco ol ivemy Rest tomorrow, firacle of the ratal a g o f Jairtu’

1* Rev D". Jocelyn Joun- tomurrow afternoon.F «y, from the Florence

{New York, wifi apeak at theMission Tomorrow night

I f Mr.ibe pontldaDO, compelled to powerful campaign 1 the auUoa at Greaawteb.leaving that pirn* oaNew York.

Aa old woman, a Mr-. Finn, him aa he stood upon tbe platform 1 gave him a Hula baneb o f Aalama flow-1 era, and tbe rood will that the g ift sug­gested teemed to plaaee tba President greatly, for although she wo* clearly one o f tbe poor and bambte, neverthe- lem be lifted bis bat politely to her. Then she said to Mm apeating very earnestly:

“ Mr. Olerolabd, wbea are you going 10 give ae a change of tbe limes Boom of a* have been pretty Dear starving lor tbe pest year.’ ’ Tbe President made no reply. He bowed again to tbe poor okl creature, and then tbe tratu coming la be was able to leave her without aasweriag her quest loo.— Philadelphia Pr

■ le a school 1 0 m

Tbe total attendance lo the whole school Thursday we>< 1304 out o f 1793 enrolled.

A t tbe regular weekly meeting o f tbe Kappa DeiU Phi yesterday, tbe “ High school Record" was not read as was ori-tunily tdteoded, and in piece o f it

sh member talked/or two minutes on any sunject be cboae Tbe speaker! and subject* were Morse '95, “ Outlook o f the Uepebiicsn Party” ; Eggerdtog ■96, “ The Bi ate o f tbe Nevtee of the W orld"; Horne, '#5, “ Aenal Navig*- tiona"; O o ig , ’96, “ Propoeed Byetem Jl Sewerage in Plainfield"; Rood, *9«, ‘Outlook of the Democratic party";

Ripaiye, *97, “ Tbe North fo ie ” ; Gml- ,nPi ’W, “ Tbe Bkill required to Carry Through a bewer By*tern"; Bookmen, ’ 95, “ Bewera and other Improvement* in Plainfield"; Crane, '97, “ Otvil Gov­ernment in the United Bute«". Elec­tion ot odicora followed O. B. Morse, ■95 was elected Preetdent; E Rapaiye, ’97, Vice-preaidcnt; Drake ’95, Becre- t*ry and Trooanrer; Baud, ' » 6, Critic, sad Craig, *96, BergsaM-at arm«. ▲ prot'r«uju»e was arranged lor each meet­ing tor three weeks

Tne proaramm* at the Lyeeona was a "Spots Talk". Fallowing are the speakers and the subjects. Bail, *96, GoVeruoc'a island", Cornwell, ’96, “ The Drinking Fuantaln* is the Halls"; Gal­lop, “ Marblehead” ; Horne, 75, '

Pcquoit, Mr.,” ; Nightingale, ‘96, “ TDe B»ptisl Graveyard at Scotch Plains” , being a number o f bumjrous luacrip- uooa from t ie tomb-siooes;Bnffern, ’9«,

Morris Putins Lunatic Asylum” ; Di-air, '95, “ Plymouin, M ata” The lo 10 *m g officer* were tneu elected, PresMj-ni, u, R Dr«|e, 75, Vice-pree- ideut, F . W. Corn well, ’96. Socrelsry,G. Horn-, '94, Trea»urer, B. K. Bebrlo/, 73, UntM', L . B. Moree, 75, Bergeuiil-al-ami«, E. Bufirrti, 77.

DO you want to vote ? See that yp u are properly reg­

istered on Tuesday next.

R*-v. ¡De. C. R Barnet' theme* tr ­

aboa; Geneva

■al neville, X)ttlo ol

in tbewo, th^ lending


That'* W im They Say Wkaa Thav Be It.Torre are a few Plainflelders yet

ubo have not taken the Courier but tbey are fast coming to i l Two of them this morning said they had always read I tomorrol ;

- - * ' ' ‘Spirti ¡Mot

meot oL -Me” ; eveuing “ I| Jeto* the ChrlaL”;

W all« 1 iMcGee « i i i apnek and amoie ctx if » t il sing at tbe Y. M C. A.mertingUZómoriow aliernoop al 4.15o'eloek.' ,

Rev. ; . B. Grovea, ofE I «abeih, and R»v. W: H. Giles, o f Newars. oerupy the palpl , a l Ml Zton A M. E Chureu

Oterg» Wkskirgtss, »«4 Other*.

Ali Piaintteld boa Ibteaed with de­light to H . H. Iiagau’s u ieao f Nature’s

ouderlaad, and ail PUiuticId will have chance to enjoy sod profit by new

ir«v*i «uirii-a, m the sen-s to be given in Mnaic Hall beginulag November 5.

Mr. Ragan will Br.t ir -«d tbe paths of the immortal Vt arbuigton, even over Ibe Plainfield loarney The great K « k will be one # i l i e fsui'liar views shown in perfection, end laolUesaly dcscrdied. Washlugiou alone is eeongu (or *• dol­lar, sod there are ottiar«

Toa Piad Co« n . r R «aderì t< tr r «a a r i.

A -»ut a word ad wa* inserted in ibe■ ------- .Conner last aigat notifying the publie

morrow Mill tie, moruiuR (Tne \>f g irj«* dog iieloogi-ig to A. U.

other papera bat on loosing over tbe Coaner, they bad Jiecome convinced that it was the beat paper in the city, and would now begin lo take it

Saaathiag > • « u tha Ipwartk Laagw*.Toe officera ol the Epwortb Leagee

o f tbe M ctlm llii Ohnrch are arrangmg for u etri»* of monihiy lectare* lo be ghren In Vincent etiapel to the me hera aod tbeir frieeda. Tbe ieciorea are (ree and vi!l be given by tbo*e wIi i h know ability wid inaura tbeir being very intcreeting.

Hew'« This IWc offer One Bun<irw4 Dalian Seward I

any caw of Cklarrta that cannot be eared byBfkU'fi C*lt»fTll (.XlPt.

P. J. CHKXBT * GO , Prop«. Toted i. 0We Ibe un* ralaoed. ba««kaowa V. J. I W r for tbe last 1» rmra, and believe k la per.

bnnorwbte la »11 btiatMa tran««rtloo. _)d finaaclaltf aWe lo marry out any ootlwa- tiotw laade by tbrir i t a .Waw a Truax. WkoluaW D n u ib tt Tot »do.

- - — irnii « Mai-rto Wbolaaale

muscir” and “ The Truth Seekèr” ^ fe tbe themes of Rev. H F Ramini pi > aermoQ* lo Gro«e M. E Choren t atorro*.

E. U . ’’ Pease will «peak ,at Wash Captain G eorg» D Mor- Mount Pleasant school

night.chardson'» (bette to-

iug will be “ B eased are evening theoM “ Re«t wish ’ by anyone ”

0. T. U. meeting In Mo»ic nw aUernoen, a J. D.osn, Mill ipeak. Rev. Mr. Scid-de. M edben

fc »läge


i of the Union

rather trust that medicine ctor I know o f," say« Mrs

o f Cbilton, Carter Go , »king o f Chamber!aia'« and Dtarvheea Remedy, eoid'a Phaqnary, Pork »uee, T. 3. Armstrong.

f t t , |o f Park avenae. Bwtom the paper w*a two boors old a you ig man from Scotch Plain* came 10 Mr. F lM ’a bouse with the dog, restore ! it to ihe owner aod Ihe latter ordered bi* ad oat to­day. I t doeeu’l make m-tke taacn dif- lerence where the “ loaU” or “ foaeda” are keoted, kf you only advertise id tbe Conner.


The lad-pendent Order of Forrweier» held a mt-eung last night and received seven epppetuoaff for mwnberahtp. lo ihe good aud welfare a pleasant hoar wa* spent. An order » » a given to pnrcboae a set of officer * badge* for a*a in the meeting« The financial c >ndi- uoo ol the c *m ea r foaud lo be floer- ithing Vieltora were present iromBotterviiie and Mctacbeu.

AD Abase* *•r »s ta r« I natai».

R B. Yorke now baa on b i« Hat twenty-two name* o f ptraotu who ere going to Elizabeth Monday for the •ecood nataroiizatioa paper and toarfor the first papers Tna train will leave Grant avenae station at 5 90 o’clock and any one aot already on toe

l can take tbe train Find Mr. Yorke and ho with the crowd.

— Ask y oar physician «boat Mineral Water.



pa bife last «n a in e * * «•“ T u ll »artian of Um Omaha 1

O nly the BentP A R L O R STO V E S JA.ND H R A T E R S . O T H E L L O R A N G » H A R D W A R E A N D H O T * * F U R N IS H IN G S . FU RNACE m H E A T E R W O R K , A N D 11N N 1N O A N D PLUM B I * «


A. M . Griffin.W innm iTC».

commission ba nh angra nun!« <fedenti rmjiloTi commission flail Ih m baa (tuen * nient In either

: W O L F .A t * . OO*. roCKTB »r .« « rH t t f r r ik Feinterpap« at t t « * • u

political assessments ofIn Philadelphia. The

alter investigation "that ry little attempt at aaaea•- he pu4 offl(« or cuatom »•djMttUfed •cttIc* U oon-

great majority ol the ic.. brio, left free to eon tarty a* they wished. In uiajoHir of the employe«

nil fur political rnaaoa« of the dominant party, re rewired circulars art tbute. and attain remind-

fall urn to contribute 11 I on the firat nqimt. Ap-

1 hieve**Can Ride

t o u r s ;:« f i f e d , the Tcrj clerk*, carrier«, « tribute to either | the mint thi- n > l weir men appelli I tram the n u b ;

between the chancellor and Count Zu Kulenberg ow tnf to the former'« Tie«-» in regard to the mtaauree to be •ubmltted to the reiehatag for the rv-prvsalon of « r ia l lam. The chancellor la In favor at pur entnir a moderate policy, while Count Zn Kulenberg bnlievia In the adoption of radieal m ram m to obtain the rad « n b l

Throughout the evening the streets Wer* thronged w ith excited crowd« In<|nir1n. for further new. in regard to the m in i« terial crista. intelligence of which bad spread through the city with great rapid­ity. Only one bm «paper puhlhtbed an ex­tra edition, which was largely bought.

I t ha« iiren definitety learned that the chancellor resigned before a meeting of


Register it with us and it won’t make anyEDUCATIONAL.

d iffe re n ce — T O Y O U .

BffisintiOD f a $i.w. Amroal Does, $i.w.

W . H . R O G E R S . A g e n t .THX W H E E L M E N ’» PR O T E C T IV E CC.,



1 809 East Front Strnftl,

KtH>prn Srpt. 101b.

Trad« Varmlj by a Scrlha.N ew OW.KAN». Oct. *7 —The wm*wro«ip

Inaugurated a «trike on the rtuy front yae torUay. The trouble grows out of the r#> cent difficulties between the white adp blacks. Trouble has been brewing be­tween them fur «onie time, and the «ppea^j a n » at the front uf firm* of negro atevffli dona hiring negro »crewmen has e r m i f§> accentuate it. A fortnight since the yb itg acivwmen held a meeting and decided net to work any longer for ship agenu 0» other employers uf negro labor. The id» suit n i that many of the negroes wefig’ knocked off. Yeeterday every «hip l o a d ­

ing in the port was »topped and all hand# laid off. The trade uf the port Is for Ufa time being practically paralysed.

iM traclio ] OfMtftUng. dread, Joá

Is now givan In Telegraphic For fall i»rtlcnl*rs, ad­

ii DnUiel, Principal, City.

states, which wm held yesterday after­noon. This meeting «bowed- the M l n w » of great dierord regarding the proporcd anti revolutionary bill. Count Zu Kuien- herg thereupon resigned Thus confronted byAhe double resignation Emperor W ill­iam abandoned his prupoacd visit to Blabk- i nburg. for which place he was to hhva •tarted yeeterday afternoon The fa * that the emperor had given up his trip w a an­nounced in the official Reich /iimrii^sr, without explanation. 1 -

The emperor has accepted the resigna­tion of both ( banceilor Von Caprivi and Count Zu Kulenberg. Such a Mart ling announcement has taken the political world in Berlin entirely by surprise. That for months last the chancellor'« «d o r-Miriet had been stralulng every nervtttoeffect hla downfall was well known, and though it guar be lest generally knoirn then- can be no doubt that about a fort­night ag i they had reason to believe that their object would lie attained. But when Count Von Caprivi returned from Kiss In­gen he had once more access to the am perur. from which he bad Iwen separated fora considerable time during the»life mer holidays, and the situation gradually changed.

Caprivi explained hi» view» to the em­peror, and pointed out with no niueh cogency the (Linger« of extreme ineasures in the reprsKton of the socialists, which mt aauras m ig'it open up a fresh era of in­ternal conflicts, that his nsguments. forthe time at ImmU. undoubtedly carried cob-vlctlon. His friends and opponents are agreed In stating that his opinions pre­vailed with the euiperor, and that even Count Zu Eulenls rg, the chief adv.Hrefe of more vigorous una-ures, »aw himself abandoned by his own immediate col leagues In the Prussian council.

As late as Tuesday last the emperor, dur­ing his visit to Count Von Caprivi, gads him tbs fullest assurance of his entire cod- fldencr and his approval of the policy which be. as chancellor, was about to sub- mit to the leading ministers of the federal states specially summoned to Berlin fur that purpose, ft was only yesterday t lfa these mUiUtor» held their conference under



N orth A ven u e , n ea rly opp oeite th e D e p o t


Rockview HomsAMO

Day Schooltreegrn Septem ber 10th, 18»4.KlSftKROARTKS. PRIMARY

A fD Ih’TKRMBDIATK.M PE C K , Principal*.H BOND, Kindergartener

•fast F r o n t S tre e t, irmi on Application.

Misa EDI1817

Frack Dny, by Teli [ tore 1Call up A.JC. Blslr or ManagerTIXXlXO. Ac.ifltw Y ork. Oct. 57.—General Booth, the

founder of the Sal (Jit Ion Army, started to­day on his tour, wfiich will embrace the principal places hetiveen here and Seattle, Wash, at which piper he hopes to arrive on Iter. 31. At thejPhiladelphia meeting John Wanamaker J will preside. Justice Strong is expected to set in a like capacity at the Washington meeting, on NoV. 6. A t Baltimore, on .tor. ft, the mayor will Introduce the gemlnl. and i l l along the route governors, liu yors and men in high standing hare const nted to-take part In


b K O C IE l IE

Sh a .vuRa i . Oct. 87.—It is reported here that Timghaks arc causing much troubld to the Japanese in Corea, especially In' Coushan. Chunrhow and Chola. The' i Tonghak* are said to be disposed to march! upon Seoul. Sense Coresn troops and Jap-' M099 gundArinr* were sent to qndl a dls-t turliaiioe caused by the Tongluiks, and, SC-V

ive w o r t . W e ll* driven,

pplled and repaired.f ROM



A V E N U »FtUA«d by the Ton^haki, nod, no-' ’muling to report from a Japanese Bouree.- •th#- rin«ltM»ftl«*r am! n lu ftr one rvbrlA w rrei

¡Y A WILSON To Lay a ! ’»rifle CaMe.S a if F r a n u a c o , C L*t. 2 7 —Sanford Firm­

ing. oninniimdoner f: oni the Canadian gor- eminent to Hawaii, in the Intaant of th« pmpoNed Canadian AUMtndion cable, ar- Htw! hero on the i Learner Alameda. In ao Inteniew Mr. ] 'leming declared that there w m nothin* Hum about their mle- •Ion. The govemnr rnta of Canada and Australia, he an id, h ive rmoired to lay a Pacific cable. Ther4 are a number of lxl- anda In pmanaiun uf Great Britain be­tween Australia an<$ Canada ae ro « which the cable might be >1 retched.

captured anil one of the leader* and 190! reboU wereAtilied in a conflict which took5 *

im r r s r t S t re e t , i teed Rati matea freely »rive.

HI PAM* TABI Ita or«* tb« faro* XrAt* «Im ko««« for lortirc»’U», N«MM<*ibv.(>astIyiiil«,s, l*»*r«-| slft.< fcreol« Ll»«r Vrvnbic». k)ir*U m> C..ACnsjp trt,fytrfilrr;, Birftsl«« krrvfls |*t' «il 4li>•r4crn mf Ufa »<«•«■•%> fa. Lt«< e t s .tfa.

BJponft Tab««« r Mata L toth* «M l Bello»« > f«Mi iiiuhda» Aio > fao-onf <jm•■feria^-ar s^rw r

pan.' «rspxu>,ar «y .reic S«ir|«« Im l j s i 'L AdJrmtTH C R tFA ffft CHEM ICAL CO.,

>» «vrcçl m .en , rm * nrr.

place on Oct. 5.

Cnn«table MrLradon's Uvfrass.Da b l IXOTOX. S. C „ Oct. 27.—The trial

of MrLrndon for murder, resulting fromthe operations bf the dispensary law. Was continued, the defense presenting their co«e. McLendon gave his testimony, and Mayor Oar gen was also on the stand. The ease will. It is expected, go to the jury this evening. The chargre preferred against W. J. Skinner, his son and Sheriff Scar­borough for effecting McLendon's <-scape from jail Immediately after the niunh-r were dismissed by the grand jury.

faO N T Y

til StoveI BE READY FOR THEL 0 W E A T H E R .


.ÄlasonScfemlini: p ia n ò

is tike (be y

àÏÏason$r¥)amItn 1 ORGAN,

Thorn the presidency of Count Von Caprivi. So unanimous was their Approval of his pro­gram. so entirely were they unaware at any impending change that they dUpoacA of the btibiDW« In on** Hitting and most of them left the cepitol a|mln, either l;w*-t night or thie morning. Thervforc it wtlj r»*odlly be undmUmd that In politioalctr rlee, whether friendly or unfriendly to Count Von Caprivi, there U «Iw ilu t^ lj no explanation fortbionlng of the rviuont which led to thi« Midden coup, and that it U Idle to eptcuiato at present on the oon- leqaenn«.

Hlnre hln ritlt to Count'Von Caprivi thdtn ipcm r ha* lw n thefpuMit of Count Ph ilip Zu Kulenberg. the German am lime ad or to V ien n a It niisht. therefore, be in fe rm l that the emper ir hod ylel led to the Influ-f ence* brought U> U ar upon him by the Zi* Enlenher« fim ilv u-itK wKI.-V, k.. k-a _« *

of Somerset street, baa them ini every style, variety aod size. ¡He ifl especially prepared this season to luridsh everything in that libc.

P r ia o re s A l l s t o bo M u r M o a M ond ay .

ST. PKTER8BVBB, Oct. -7 —1* is under­stood that I ’ rofoasor Grnbe has refused to operate upon the exar, not d<«lring to as­sume the responsibility of so doing. The crow » jewels are being forwarded to Uvadia from Moscow In order to be used at the marriage of the czarosrlts to Princess AJIx. of Hesse- Darmstadt, which ceremony ha* tx.-en fixed to take place on Monday next, although this date Is subject t o alteration in the event of unforeseen





bi t the ran h» «nsi the »nr» very bk*Otmt*. Tts«y can »•« |.urcla*a«d ou «. Tg w*y p« W U o# i«S M wit i the }*r1«i>^« uf |-<irdio«. ;Ñ «reroo iot : 13« Fifth A vu., > Y. U \OHU.SAYING J acksoR, Miss , Od i7. —( rovt-mor «tons

has addresaeu a lettoi to the governors of the cotton and grain growing states ask-In# them to Appoints two delegate*« fromeach congressional d rtrict and five fromthe «tut« at U rg« to :he anti-option oon-vention to be held 1 A Vicksburg on the9llch. The goTcmon e u a k n aud oon-gmisnien from the a vernl tUtos are alsoextended a cordial Ini Itation to be present.

WftAliInçion'« Rmallpoi Arare.WARHTNGToy, Oct 27.—Owing to the

smallpox sean» the Interior department w o«Cloeed flown rpetfrdny. Thrnie who havebeen partlt-nlarly exposed to Inflection by

! B A L S A MI terr O* th* Uft 1” woel f'uetk

« x o S t f t o T « O r t iEast Front Street.

contact with the people of the afflicted law division have hern granted leave of twelve days. The department w ill be opened on E H 3 3 B £ & ô Œ a

M B t T d f t f a . It r r ^ l l • V * * » CV*e>leiving deposita pay*

imami, with interest.

Posited on or before

1894, will drew In-

p that date.

Monday, bnt no clerk w ill be admitted who haf not been vaccinated, and mean­while the building w ill be fumigated.

T.rV nrt'H;, llritaifffl.ft h.TfeE R Ç O R N Ô .^TV r i i « :able on dj

Money d«

October l

tercai fTol

Movtoomkrt. Ala. Oct. 27 —A dwell­ing. the property ol Bollert Robinson, caught fire from the ‘xplnaionofa lamp in the hands o f the colored cook, Mary Hopkins. The dweili tg and its contents, worth about 96.000. , ere consumed, and the calk hnd her it rant child received serio «» injuries fermi the flames. The woman died soon afterwards. Rutiinaon and his family

N ew T ore . Oct 27 —The Panned line steamer Lucania. Captain Horatio Mc­Kay. arrived last evening from Liverpool, via Quecnwown having broken ber pre­vious and fastest passage on record by feventy-flve miaute». Hhc made the runJOHN W. URBAY, PraldeB'.

JUBBARD, Vice-Pres >PK, Ttwsanre-.

rep«] without Injury.J. F R A N K

E L I AB R 1

WAASS IUI» IJ OS " ---- -osgSly enjoy Ihr liortre ginetiaP of Ur mortal » Ma -sjábr Tks *► tlatif Type tadlestaS a " *» * hassSy sossn, .HkS (r-.-resplesfen is tW mat a t - •-> «*• !■” are at roa.», h u ip h r i » - ' i 1» fa rt i from Iks uriglas» I» “* '* .* ' Its f l a m r i I k ae .i c . ‘ • » '• ' IUrine cl,ar, pai,irrt » » * * ¡ f t « {grau r»» e r - ry j iA - f ' 11 r '• l) p »O .r» W ksiiic k r 1 là T-*i m of Uà» »Ugcrb v.dtkO m ; ;f s i u d - srri th* 'r e i- r - «a ro « Sanot be diattagalshed l " » , “srigiisL Be skis» tina an ri'ii-»**

K n o c k e d fr o m a T rata s a d K i l le d .

Scrantos , P a . Oct. 27.—A special from Olyphant, a town In l srkawanua county, six piilcs from ScranSc >. saya that Tuoinu Boehc. of Hawley, t 'syne county, wns knocked from a ftvlyh enr on the B. ar. I II. rand by a low brli no foil und -r the Car, and was so liat lv laangl-.l jmdh-d. He was on his way to X'ilkeelmrre to take a position on the new 'alley n t ln a L

-Mtu . |ij. an . KU1HTUes (foroopvlas <jr frai»- V g i f '

right auppieMentary I I B*-’drv'xua i r . » ulas pr re . I \ J —r We will mad also

‘ * P » i 0 til»|r f o r B e*---- -- c i i i n e r s " f9 ° pagesV

eO N TA f.rE * t r i i - ,. -* L'a'i.n - i.u .ra B. » Y- r k.

Dreamed Brad at th » Tabi».M rw rm s ., O -t. 27.—J à d g e S Vail lam G

Bro iL*. onopf i ’ «• roast milnout 1 »» yera In, tfassaiuth, a£ jd say.-an», d -n p p x ld ivx l r .tth s ■m«ip r taò l» inr-4ilnuinjh» ii. A lo , boo, night of ii-.irt dia-j»>. |i , was la n icSouth Carolina, but removud p. Also,u m, before the war and waa for y*m*m ou I he beuch. U rn a » cur.spicu'aas in soutócni affairs, both before and after Lu wa.*

Bsoi’ty and unxlcty of the publie mind ivli.ch (ienunay k » »uffrred «-- severely lnnroen* ycors will hardlr be allaycd by such » «Iselling manlfeotation of instahUlty In tbc supretne cou^uct of the state.

lt ts stated tkit Kmpcror William has telegrmphed to Prtnce Von Hohenlohe Hrhillingafurst. stoShalter of Alaare-Lore raine, rejureilng hitu to roeuiua iS*- chan- Cftllorship. HU iu.(je*ty also Inrited Uv. Mi>iu--1 to unnnl Count Zu Bulrnbrrg na Pft -idcot uf the Pruasian mlnistenal sdiMsril

lt U Micvrel hcre thal bo!h Count Von Ckprivi and Count Zu Eulcnhenr iweigned aa (bc naeon für tbrtr rc-signauoo» the hOpelraanis. of any «urreasful cooperatkm Mtwetiu theru. Not evrn Prtnc» Bla niarek » mofl loyal frienda thlnk he has any ehaare uf returnlag to nfhoa '

Count Von Caprivi l »aul by his inü mal* triands to be giad to eacape frum the enrre of the obancellorshlp. He offen ex ptvsas i adastrefti retire to mililare llfs, moä only nanained in offire fron, a eener o f dnty to his country He wUl. in s fcw rnav«. pevucsl tu Genera für bis hralth.

The Huestiun uf who will surreed Count Von Capetvtfe the »Object of graoral die cuniuo «vrrrs bare. A rumor ts lfl dm j lagia» that Dr. Johannes Mlqual. Prusslan afanfessr Of nognee, will he appoinufa bot DlUrcno« iS deciared on guod raGuwtty tu to uafuanrtsd. ln -s.ii.t~- Io g , l fL

U n d e rta k e and EmhuimtirA Cahitet (M ila «.

W ashington, Ort J7.—Yeeterdny the ; prrfflldnu held hl« ür t cabinet meeting sinew the first week In ieptcruber A ll of

‘.the member» wore prue moxuept Secretary 'Morton, who is ahaon* from Washington Naturally, they had m ich huslruve u> lavIx-fore tbs pnaidrnt thi 1 had aa unuilafedIn his absence frum Ws hington

T * «phon* IBM H AW IU ., Oct. 27.—JiMlrrv Brown has sustained iW grand lod-p-ol Knlgblst-f P j '.ulas In it* su t tem isi KiXTncr lodge fur propmy.j Koc.-o -r lodge ecrevWii Ije- ca*a* the ocprviiiso lodge ruwdvut tile G -r- Q ia rtiiisL It fcUcT.'^dcml its charter.bu* hoU its property. Tito ru:las L in fairor of the grand lodge A s appeal w ill baMoa lantP*

M utnus, Tran , Oct 27 —Henry BUI I*1»« . Jack BUIlngs and James Street, members o f a gang of whltecaps who have committed many outrages in Tipton Bounty, r r g found guilty at Covington.

and Pianos

Freight* Qka and B a^ e. R T A G EN orth A v nue

»a# Call 1ZL

THE STAND.Sheehan again o

C I» P a li« « CninmiMhMMnrrr Many

!N ew Y o ke . Oct. 27-A w if Shwlun «m< theIvnlay fur Mr. Goff's raf id fire gun«, and.

A u td e

Excitzmaat Cause« a Nat­ural Glackeulug,

Still Devastating a Large Stretchc f Territory.

•dir hilcmttnf Mr.tab i.« ipanted to tiw rvnn-t fuoo by hi* brnttMr, lieutenant H u m o r l bn4u>, who re­mained on Imerret^vl *p< -valor of the pm- esedlng*.

Vnder tho Ion- and prntmrtni rrna*•laminat oli which folio ved the cotnralO- »ttnicr «rriTTvl timen Sat r retasad to an • W»r qwsttons. on the | monel that they had no hearing on the >>lics, the Isgiti- ■iate work of the commi tee.

A fte r the «object of I r>ngr Inland CKy »n im ru h n d been thor mtrtaiy gone nowI’f Mr. Goff. resulting i i nothin? directly

A HUFCTSD M IL ^ EUBJED OVER,f t * T on «; *,M. «40. U *. «-<** Ü L »M . »AV Mi»

i, I k, un. • » ?jn. *m • »'. tan, IJ-ttM-’l KÚ. M «t

a « a ? <

M. M. DUNHAM’SFlo-luf for Their Line.

Gonnon, Neb., Get. 37. — The prairie Are* now n o rp ii i t over the nand hill* in Uil* vicinity are doing Immense damage. Th.- lliunee are traveling with almoet lightning rapidity and are ona«uming everything In their track. Thursday night the fire was driven by the wind through the central portion of Stg-ridan and Cherry count lea. In the track of th* flames were the Mg Osborns and Spade ranrtMa and a number of sinall>-r ones. N u l l vestige of tbeeo ranchee no » remain.

root Liberty **- mUT,njßt. lt.il a. i.H

;«a ‘-“ ¿•«re1JO. «.U. « . » . IM 7>» o. m_ BJ*. 1J», n »ai

»Ai *- a ; l*.l/no. t.v .

" 5 » 2 r aji. « ?in , m *. N»;w Y ork. Oct. ft.—H. G. Dnn St Co.** weekly review o f trade «ay*: Kn renasi ng political excitement In many of the state« caluce a natural slackening In arine kind* of business. But un the whole busi n o « Indica»Ions a ir rather mure favorable than t bey were a week ago. Gold export« have censed, quite a number of m ill* have gone loto operation and the demand for pro­ducts. If not equal to that of prosperous y ea «. U bitter than It has hern m od of the time this year. The priors of farm product* do not Improve much, and there are still some strikes to rawlst reduction of wages, so that the purchasing power of the people cannot have materially increased, but there is a muro hopeful spirit which prompts greater activity. On the other hand the record o f past transactions Is somewhat lea* favorable than of late. Payments through the principal clearing bouse* throughout the country chow a de­crease of 1.2 per cent, compared with lastyear, and a decrease o f 21.9 per m i . com­pared with the same week In 1SM9, the de­crease for four week* being 29 8per cent.

Cotton has sold at 5.H cents for middling upland«, and t ie large receipts at such low price« indicate clearly that the crop will at least be clpac to the largest. If not the largest, ever produced. The anticipated settlement of difficulties at Pall River has not been realised, and at present a good many swindles and looms are Idle. Bat strikes arc* temporary ; am ore lasting In­fluence is the large accumulation of «itton in tho world's markets, the stock of Amer­ican in sight now exceeding 2,000,««! hale*. It la interesting that In spite of the low price of the southern crop manufacturers and wholesale dealer« report rather moreImprovement In trade with the south thanwith any other ’ section. The wheat mar­ket I* a quarter lower, and nothing ap­peals to justify any important change.

In Iron and steel the west shows weak­ness. while eastern market« show more encouragement. Nothing of consequence is doing in rail*, the dellverie* for the yrar to Oct. 1 being only 510,000 tons, much be­low ordinary requirements for renewals alone. In structural work «urne moderate contracts are reported, but bar Iron U ex­tremely dull, and It U stated that the low price* reported last week, Vo cents for lion and $1 for steel, have been shaded In some transactions.

The failure* far the week were 231 In the United States, against 352 for the same week last year, and flfty-two In Canada against forty-four last year.

Brad.vtnets' review soys: Merchants In­terviewed In various

out v is it il i JBjIg■«¡Hu my li e," I* »Dal she said. ^ A r l

Try Gardner*» M. » . Bread. T ry (Im H' $ j » “ - Ci earn B rea«. **

confinami tita! ik rrt i t a firtU-cUut Bakery

W ashivuton, Oct. 27. - N o authorita­tive Information con be o tnlned here re­specting the direct quest!« n as to the presi­dent's purpose to w rit* c • not to write a letter announcing bis i wire that all IhVnornitt shonlil corn«« Jy support the P ^noqatlo state ticket in New York. K ik R tb e lm It Is the opli ion o f many of his friends that he w ill no In any way In­terfere In the New York ainpaign. One of the president's closest f lends made the statement today that Mr i "leveland could not law fully register or vc * In New York. Mr. Cleveland himself. 11 Is understood., has said that his legal r «idem-« v m In Washington. It can ho stated further that at the expiratioa of l Ir. Cleveland's nnM<l»ntinl term he w ill npt again take up hUkesidence In New York.

Ran F bascisco, Oct. S r.ceived from Same» by th >

Advice# r*-

meda report matters quit ; there. There have been no recent con flic « between the rival native hands. A ll tl e warrior* art •lilt under arms, however, snd the people o f Apia are pn-pan-d for at outbreak tooe cur'at any time. The Sara non land com-

VYiäiain J. Stephenson,

Burglar« Wreck a Bank.ojtARA, Oct. 27.—A spe dal from Mai*

venj says: The Farmers’ a id Mechanlca’ hank was visited by hurgli irs during the night, and It Is supposed that 12.000 In r.i#.it was stolen. NI to -g ly i rrine wss used In opening the vault«. Thi thieve« wera evidently men who did m it thoroughly understand the terrific effi «-ts of It* use, for the building was practlc illy blown to piroqs and the money and < ther contents went rrashtng into tho st vet. The ex­plosion amuse«! the whole neighborhood, and tho thieves left money cattered over the floor in their haste to g i't away.

portions of the country report in some instances the con­dition of business as not having realized, anticipations, and at other points that the mount bright outlook for trade is modified. Such advices arc t nos'd In part on the prac tical conclusion of the fall trade and de­lays In demand for holiday gauds. Dealers 1 In dry goods, clothing, groceries, shoes, hats and a few other linos have had rela lively the mure satisfactory volume ofbiulusa, although in inauy instance« faulthas been found with the totals shipped.

General trade continues checked through­out some portions of the regions supplied by Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha. Min­neapolis and ¡St. Paul, doe to unsoaauu- ably warm weather. A t the south low prices for «wttun continue to affect busi­ness anfavorably, nuuiy larger merchants being mom cautious as to granting cred­its to Interior merchants. Throughout a large portion of the region between Ohio and the northwest Interior Jobbers will continue to carry small stocks throughout the winter. Kastern dry goods jobber» re­port only low oust guuds moving with any freedom, and the outlook for a settlement of the Fall River strike less favorable.

A New WhiskyTíátNTOX. Oct. 27.—Pal

worked to it« fullest capacity* The supply of cutoty cars slone will 11ml production, os few of the collieries have facilities for storidg coal. Great quantitli s of coal <vre now moving both north an I west. The lmprWvlon here Is that ratgs cannot be maintained, that the war wll be short and

HoujUAYBBCItu, Pa., Oet.27.—The post- office at Roaring Springs, this county, was looted by thlev.-s daring the night. The office safe was blown open by dynamite, and 18,000 stamps and cosh and money orders amounting to H i » were taken T. Z. Keplogle's jewelry stem, which adjoins the office, was broken into and a large quantity of jewelry stolen.

i Anation w illsharp; altd that the coal comi soon reassert Itself.

Miss Heastnger May RimaisW ASH 1 SOTOS, Oct. 27.—los t evening

telegrkms were sent to the mmlgration inspivgor at Chicago and to Dr. ättoorr, the coiumlasionur o f 1 inmigra ion at New York, stating that In view of he peculiarclmiigstances surrounding :1m case ofh u tlM Henainger the « te n a ry directsthat <>n t'se payment of all ex lento* at El-

wlU be me-


PblUMlelphI» Ku hanrr«.Ntw Y ork. Oct as —Th« stock market w m

dull tfAlD today, th« rolaow of basltNUl bo* inr likhtrr Umd on yMUrtUy. Th« foatarwof tbf «pecalBtiAn w m th« continued wee A -net* of the coni «tockt, which w«re hkmmcixldown by Lite bnnre on offering» of short stock.Clotdng bid«:Lehigh Vklley----m i w . N. T. A Pn--.P*nn«ylr&nln----51H Brte.....................]9UKendtnff«--------- m D*. L. * W______m


Us Island the btWid in her cast cepted when approved.

> COLt-MBCs. led.. Out. 27.— Daniel Me Clint i t for four yrors post tl r trustee of C liftv township, and the deft «Usd Demo­cratic OamlMou- for county a »liter, oom- mituxlwuicid.' yesterday aften ous by tek- lng poktun at his home In Nc a born Hela kn<>Wa to be *4.00U or *5,<»»> short In his township accounts, and to hi re forged a

Lehigh Nsv------U li N. Y. Central-----SkiN. Y te S. E. pf. XI Lake Erie a W— Is) N«w Jersey Csa 1U*H Del. * Hudson ...IS»

General Markets.PRlUDttrniA . net. *«.—Plour wsak: win­

ter super . 22WX.IO; do. extras. gf-SAS.*); No. I Winter family. $i»«dl.5h; Penosyirnals roller strslffbl. g V>J3 «>: western winter, clear. «>. Wheat Arm. hlebsr. withM)«C. Md sad Mike, ssked for October. Corn nominal, with tiije. bid hod ts)*c. asked for October. Oats dull. weak, with »H e. Md and Be. asked for Onto her. Hast quiet, family, lid it 12: extra mess. M l* Vi pork dall. new msas. »IA7saK.sn: tnmlly. I l l SO: short clsar.•11 Lard lower; western steam. |7 S: city»t>.iOBA.tB!V*- Batter quiet; westers datey. llldUlvc-: do. creamery, I'-tlSV : do factory, liauw«- : Flxios. *Oqe : Imitstluo creamery. MWISO.: New York dairy. lOttSHc.; do. crvdlk» ery. 17«A2lt»c.; Pennsylvania erwamery prints, •xtrm, XAc.: do. choice Sic.; do. i«ir to goud,»-diic : prints Jobblag at Btgaic. CheesaArm; New York tans. whH«*r : do small, st* OHo.: part skims. *t»*7c.: fall skims. Vr&tc.

>Ve*t«rly incy ami Vernioet Graniten.


" ‘p opvn wrw Äir NM

»4, « .L'.g

; *.»n V.4I»

Lfl CAABfiOff'tM

C *■|M « I»._ 11..#» ilirrti.r*a : »•" Ú -*.• U«V.- SotD.- Will«WA« h.«». ‘ ht * AI » i.T». « > ; ».»1.«indu %t * “ ' ** * ' ',.ii t j* sjr> * »n °-

FL tI«fl«l

ira Boasnrtf.»».,«V 7J0. I A »-»», 4 « . 1.4V 4.W. i. A, I K »-ali H.2, lu js, UAS, P

|ir1*r Vu. R.Ä,).:• IB.11, UJt p. m.il. «V ii 1 . » TA»Lll.t V ni ; tt.47, 1.41

Ta. ‘ A . i-t% IL" P-n. IAO . LU. ».Mk

t «D SkSTOS.I -.T I’ (t l’V-.t •' I

X- il H u. m

K.itlun kl 1 1 «UUlA«

k»v ».

_ t Ic-tv

4A*. 72»l » 'P o>pi u«riB’>n k"*n

¡¿i .. p itia! *’ > * ’ '•lW E<T «*.(Ü

ri»# * 1 »nKfd'Unt. Hkrrlffj c>. ni -T I , t 1«r» »r*.

•.Hm.'n. K'*r «IMioi «adliuf f.»r •* «ailin'»vl* t —v *r

§g«i »n. Ht'ifor un i Ml$M T}hraii. n Ü. L. k.W. K.

hMUntf. Hirr'.lba'l, on-, T* uaihv l*o»t»ri *»or>«r®pr*nt«jn, ko. ThroajhlaiJun. t n f<*r <«U '

t m 1 - v o r KU«. . «pwnror, Al!nR«w1'ng. HtH^biirr

7. D.!0.i

m. a % j .b m:

W yUfcgb«■ rlor i\rBuffet P»r -»r » ’kr lo M

L»f»n m. wry fi»f ►H.grti »r!-1ge for stktfcrwi on HJ*bY l ' i p' ra.-For FJftn n*ton, lUsum, lleta-liA'iQ. A leaNwro. M* rb Chunk. tAoranUjn, W 'k i«k i»rr», 4>i»air>kln. (Baffe !

firVir cat to v r i itoa .l $.IU u m.—t’or r ie atn ton. iß »i ru — Kor Eh ‘«u . Tlidhiehdo». Alido-

«nvi, Mffon i lunk, Kvt Junrdnd H t irW m r f iX p. k . - f jr i^.iilobeai «ad Aligo*

r » .

The lira- broke out la g Monday In thesouth sand hills, about fifty miles south of this pit»—, and has burned already over a strip o f country 100 miles in length by forty mile* in width Th«- fire Is burning Inanmatterlydltartlon. The flames burned all the range clean an the Spmle ranch, be­longing to Richards and Calrnes, and about 3,000 tons of hay, leaving about 1,000 tons. This ranch has 7.0UU head of outle and 175 bead of honsvh-and it willnecessitate the moving of the hcnl and out­fit up the White river in South Dakota.

Ths next ranch to barn wiw Stanitires«S i l# »51 s m U.U Brtj«.', who lost all tLwhay ami all of their m Huo 1*7 st» 4V - rang.'. This ranch has 1,300 head of oattle.

The next was Len Osborn's rancluburnlng all his range and hay and Ms barn and outbuildings. The next was Miner’s ranch, burning 30» tons of hay. The next ranch to go was Woodruff's, burning 400 tons of buy and all hi-s range sheds. Mr. Baugh lost .Vinton« of hay. The next was Mason's, burning him out o f about 1.000 tons of hay Dttvl» lost l,3un tons o f hsr. This la a« far as the Are has gone. There are a nuiois-r of small ranches burned. The loss from this Ore at present w ill run up Into the millions.

Th«* flrv is reported to have reach«*d Pull* man. and th* whole country in that neigh­borhood is a raging furnace.

It I* not known whether any lives were lost yesterday, hut thousands o f head of rattle have peri idled. Pistple In the track of the fire are tleoing for their lives, leav­ing all their property to the mercy of the flames. . J_____________ ’

ASS Ht*>*7COVO,« s. ttu: Hil p. in.smcxiOA«,lytuu, I7t*»-*a, Alloa

Pottsvljle. Msuob vaqts. . to M vh Bridge, eon

j j s t i U rldse B ranca r is n ft . L. * w . K B, ten Chunk. ,lasim, HI* h Bridge

BAlton. A> «otnwn. ich Chunk; W lltsm«-

Snamokln, Naa- fhlgh, Wilke* acre,

h to W lliism tpon. L«i *a oon*D*otiw

on D. L«. Jc W . K. R. nin^ton,Drwo, Mftuuki Chunk.th iiiau u * . Bunh»»** > rm<1 Ss rmntOD, with tm Chunk*

on, c»j n pectin^

m. •'uit'iâfH—t oi|BHÛ#-»r, A fdWIffB, ÜIlh«rr- n ’t TA0’no.

L fu , in. S j n «lu in* —P' Maa n Chuuk. tVaa* Ihâaa pj'C kv. .

•.‘34 p m. .'iaakkjr*—J A leal jwn, Mda h Ch lac »ru! HirriHbjf*.

1.5 ÿ. m. 8un>lA 'ê —Fi ilra(OW0, Mhh ’% !Th«li

!bir<. k ' iad nt J Unctll/i«0 tírt\.v]|. uo

L*»ve PlAlafleld At A.8L ^ p. in. iHoj GruYf ) *• » u.

f>r »«»rth Amhaff, J.3T, U1AU UU.« ’•J. ÏM. 7

si; «U A4) p. lu.For AU»rit to CUT, 3J7 . F** Frwihoid—L it, 5.UI), i ’I AU

for B-i) atoa Ik-ACb 8.15,

¿•»«ton, BeLblühfa. àh C«unkg Wük««-

T h f I*m ld ffn ri ‘Snprrlor Officer.*•E lk Ton, -Md., Oct. 27.i—ThurHtlnj even­

ing a crank giving hi* name an Churl»** D. W tlten , of Atlnntic City, arrived in Klk- ton on the Colonial exprcua, the native train to which President Cieveiand’h Apt*cial car was attached. Walter», who U a tall and slender man. wear* a navy blue military coat, heavily braid«-d, and an army offleer’s cap. He say« he hat heen pnfclainied, major general of the army, adiniral of thw navy and a superior o f ln r over President Cleveland. He »ay« he U going, to W a h - ington to riftcuire hU puaitlon and draw

__________________hi* pay. The man did not know of then i Z - J P u ' u president U*ing on tlie train Thtir«day

1 " r . K* | t but expit’ta to ®ee him nt the capital

Basto«. A lootowua« Btiamokio, Wll-

Uang.ir. AOton, Tamaqua, hand-

•ton, Bethiebcm

(inora , aro«HJU, I V M a. m. L IA

Ih j , ( e i c d f t O oau i

SUU 11.34 a. m. g, m., 8uQdHji M2,

I Bâte 1-14 p. m. iJM A. D L | L M ,tll

ttOYAL BLLbar« Pinina- <1 tor PQ

U U4>, * u,: i d»-ÍJ *P -n.l.U >ivkt. St

p. m.f v T r « o : .-i t vy S.44 *.|

MT. 4. K > : i ’, *22. Ila v i. '« -1 Vi. G «t .«.a^Lt vgot..

Narrowly cacapctl I.yncltlng.P aducah, Ky., Qct ¿7.—W illiam Green,

the mt-rrhnnt cbargtsl with raping the 9- year-olt» daughter bf Max Suirmberg Mon day last, was held to auswer before the grand jury. His preliminary trial was ooncludl-tf yesterday, anti there Is much ex­citement. The mother of the victim at temptevf to shoot Grern on the struct while

wietpnis, A 4a, s.4i he 7 “ ,',k" n g-tb-iJ jU ) ' , « . i i .> V ered. but the prisoner was lauded In jail in ■Wys—4,4s, X.4A, s time to prevent lynching. Green is Na

years of age ami a |imminent tnetiHnw of the Cumberlantl Presbyterian clrarch. He Is the father of seventeen children.

1.34 A m.; 1.14, S.IÍ

I LINE.pots, its .

it* tit.I t.46 s m 12.41 p. tm, IJ* nigh',

:.JU\ S. 14", A f , p.

IMUs ti u ire And W as|u i j. tu.; s-

M4t. Sun Uv« j.H tm p. tn. 1.12 nltroti

tngtoo st S.S8 a. ot„p. tn . 1.12. ,

□». » A t EM*.

for Ct>4ti*-i') ><4, N“n fli ' .tornsnddCnuAtutO. w ifi iiireu

can■ tiip.'n UunUys4i|

Fur Burt.!.,, iI Must US


Orleans and «tastlttuied

th Valley Line,m. «

,1 all p o in ts W est, .22 p. in . Sunday

Scadi nri'cnniiciA lu,a. IN*. M i. « »4. L ft. IfcodAW 4 1

I m u t i t r i i i ., A44,lUZi « m l il


A Female Despemto.TAH1.BQt-AH. I. T.. Ot-S. 27.—A

has just arrived with the information that Sheriff Procter and a po~*e o f Cherokee« are hot on the trail of Cook nnd his gang of mhher*. being only half an hoar behind them. Thursday night Louisa A . Cook, a sister of the leader, rode Into Fort Gibson and terrorized the people of Wiat place by shooting Into housra and defying arrest

In tig- srer-tary of state’s ol ice yesterday jrhlcji indicate t he format on of a new whisky trust. The papers comprise the articles o f Incorporation of i concern to be known as ^he Great W hit Spirit com­pany, with a paid up capita of 16,000,000, the total authorized capita) tielng limited by ttSc charter to*S0.(iut>,000. The principal offict- and place of hoxlness ol the compttny outsiHe of the state of New lersey w ill be Boston. Mass., but It w ill an y on bust- m i« |n various other states ffnd territories of the t'niu-d States.

12.w nstiT: She filled the depot full of lead from her p ■ t* i i ■ ’ '* ** 8l“ *■ *“ * '** ' i Pistol- A fter driving the frightenol cltl

b .... ** an t Ohestnu« « «.12 v:u II.'Tl*. 'U* t. m„ 3L3k *. 1 -

leave Treotoa, B'Srren «JJI. 1 b, A m,

».'*• p. a l ktr, in.»;. ia.. 12,1**,

fUlntleid p v e iv n s i"» b|«•¡Wee i-srs ,t Unuud

o ro u s o ticket- til s ii pca*7 be k.d u'i Apptiuet.on]M t * M em st the station.

J. H .U L H A f . P. B iL O W lH ()«q-|

-7A1.» 17, ILU. zens off the street she galloped through a .m. Sundays'—U 4 ,1 squad of deputy marshals and ou t«. sownEiff LCW 111 true h<1IMlil quwn Htjie.

‘-.10, L&*

i*« M4, Os ft

Tucker 814^u u r, *

du•ytff'w-w- c- -

ttnu:*# marked

»u mt lowaai rat«« Advaace to Lkt

-«N.Ouo i Hupt. Are-i

PROFE.'ìSIAx a l

DCü iia m .

Ffrnrh Anun hUt* A f » l » TtirFfttralnt-PAKts. Oct. 27.—The Matin state

Information wa* recently received at the prefecture of police that anarchist« are pre­paring fur a French outrage. I t Is said that three men have rewoln-d to come to Paris from three points, Polssy, Lille and Lyons, for the purpose of blowing np the cham­ber of deputies. The Palais Bourbon 1* w'ntehcd by the police with redoubled vigi­lance, and strict surveillance D exercised over tali anarchist* and ftispected persons.

C rii Engineer ¿ni Strreyor.Ulft Park Ave

F*»blUhtT f>r Cl I y M«<Improvement«.

AAd Alla«.

W . •t. c v ìd u i .n ìq K i n ,

C O C N 8 K L Ú lii-A | '-L A W ,

No Case Against Mrs. Kremeta.B a l t i m o r e OCX 27. — Mrs. Augusta

Kremein. jointly lntUi-tj^l with her hns- band. Dr. John D. Kremein, tv ho has just begun a ten years' sentence In the peni­tentiary foe poisoning John Fornt and forging his name to a will, was yesterday released from jail. The state has altaui- donrd t l « case against her on the ground of no evidence.

J o h n(U rocsreo* to J ohn B e a u . )

Oiesspocis, Vaults, et«., Clean!2 5 Per Cent. Cheaper

UukD by aay o th e r----t

O l d N t n u n 3 6 «N rw »« s m

60UTH SECOND 8Tp u n i r m i ) , n . j .

P. O. Box 71 «____ be left st David F. K.n-

wcîf . 0» J. T.Vail, 17| Norik avenu«!, sad will ba

C A T E R E RRecepì ions, T#»as, W e d d in g s a n d P a r t ie s Í

Fflrni»hed with Every Requisite, i f f « NORTH AVENUE. Plainfield. N.J.

WALL PAPERP ieces t o be i losed oí-*, this Fa ll

defy competition.at prices tha

ass! Glass! Glass!O arp etíj W indow Shader, Stationery, P ein ts, P i l e , lim e h e e and K airo m in e .

Edward Love,C ars Stop at the Doo

^ il u a n h. no inr k

, Coua««Htir

F B»r W ftnt

e. run Ton

ATT' >KNHY-ATÌ * H * t T r s nt ftti-f.

J^»taoTK’r\y7iÑ-U w , M

Owir ? " *n'1 N," » iS-Om-n.r Prn-t sí]

I * . U t'«SU LKY.

« T A T E A N O

> » IW Street.

> A. J. Qi OLLmtm

ULL4r?. CArp«tA m j


■ 1.4 V . Sun AIM!'!*


o s . r u n *


•slafisld, N.J

■vasti n "P u X 'c .

“ s rk * «


d. N. i.n*i

and O*biselit tings sttedstata, 8hadetS»d put up. P*A to sJJ tends* to.


Shocks« ths nn lU isn rua.CHATTAKOOOA, Tenn., Oct. 27. — Paul

Alb«-rt, of the Chattanooga Upera House, was arrested, chargsd with -publicly «11«- playlng lmiecsvtt pictures." Ths police Liard praAlliiied the display on the bill lx Minis of the lithograph of s girl In bluetight*. Albert persisted and the arreitfollowed. The trial lssot for Morxlay.

nur TrtbT k M llR . Morocco. Oct. 27)—It Is

noum-dd that Muley Amin, who wa* or­ders«! try the sultan to go to J cl ill* with a force of 700 Infantry, TOO c ivalry andfour guns to mark out th« S anlah andMoorish frontier, which has hl! horte been prevented of accomplishment pr the R iff tribesman, has Indicted a cruel upon th* rebel* % ( |N U G G E T S O F NEW S.


One o f ths large wiurbooss of W illiam Dspring's reaper works at Chicago wa* burned yesterday. * Lous $1110,(WO.

Ths trial of the members of tho mob who lynched six negro«« near Millington. Tenn.. Aug. 31. has leeii set for Oct. 20.

On behalf of Steve O Donnell, Cham­pion Corbett areept* Peter Midler’s .chal­lenge to fight O Donnell for f 1U.0U0 a stair.

Tom orvuw prison Sunday w ill be ob- • served throughout the country under the auspices o f the various prison associations.

James ,J. Wood, a pwr carpenter, re­turned to Cleveland from Ireland with (MU.UUU. tain share of ths estate of his ancestors.

It Is stated that the universities of Ox­ford and Cambridge will oonfsr honorary degrees upon r ni tod States Ambassador Bayard on his return to London.

Negotiations far a Ute of steamer* to

I a rk thathas arrived at Cardiff reports that during tbs storm on Friday she sew at steamer) apparently of about burden, founder near Ilfraoom Je, Devon »hire A ll hauxis on board th > went down with her. The baife ■ « thedisaster too lots to rendor any

Positively the last week.

H ydu‘ want those ele-rant lots on East f’ rouj. ^t., opp; Sanford Ave., you will have to j-ay so this week.* JH

F t JUacl>onald9IS« l i l t Treat 8trt«L

Big Mark Down Sale

Oct. 13tb,

e international Pur Store,I 14 PARK AVENUE, ' -

To Test Woman «sg rags la fadstao.A lD ItK O , Inti., O ct 27—Twp hundred

and fifty members of the Woman's Chris­tian Tciaperam-e union passed liisolutiansl to go to the pulls in November ai)d attempt to vote, in order to aid in testing the con­stitutionality of Indiana's state law. (


In a few days.will ba



- ,

M o n u m en ta l and C e m e te ry W o rk .


u n d e r w e a r

Wm bare ü h Sjwpotokrai In* tha

lu da KI « • Mmr

R *ti«»v cm w*i (Irei tb«' j f l b k « « IM Sigbi. Tfl« • [« »U rn ■ f t * «ta ries N. F-wner. theeao.lMla;« f o r Comermm ; *an*tor Putter M . V «tor­be«* H d F r»o t Benftip. of &tz*t>eih. mmd Kftem ker C roat, C. N. Godding and bod Jobo H. Burgar, cud id ttM lor AawetiKil v William llOVbnl, lb « DCXl Coont; dork , also ap >*j -.

«A M I

I Mr*> and low mat« lknuld bar* ltheny toi jn k to the r iw ilw ttkeri. It bo rrfil- -o

I to toko l» r to m hto wile, abo ahonld k«V» (fee privilegio f lluln* him £100 ogle-« according to • il* ratelc, uuluas be «mil

I mak« it ap|«o that l,e « u 1I another «anta ». In whl'-h aat-- hu « .til I la free to reft* l After t!.o ilealit of Mn(I garot tba worn. n of Svtcbuid I«' .sftlrmi

Itroua for thair privilege*. nn<l V i Zi.eft - them another >ct of parllntnrnt allot ibetM to propia * rve-rjr foul th year *

The old rust >m of throwing aa onion | after a brkle la l>obtleM wi ll known. It

a the lan to o Igln na the old Sc* well ru- of thrown g a besom after a no* on | Ha wav to roar: :et—to avert the evil eye—

and tima tnaun lurk.There are sot at thin** that a bridu must

remember. He • bod loe man be high in the neck, her 1 Irena reach quite to her wrists, and hot (town must fall In full, unbroken foldsitnut abow the rtchnoaa of the material, an I Utero mnat be very little auRgooUon of si rlt frivolities aa frills or ribtnna of an; k ml

The weddlnir gown Meat rated Is of white satin, turn 0 In princesa style, with a long train. Tb 1 right aid« of tlxf akin la ornamented wlti a knot of white moles and a piquet of < ranga flowers. The darts of the bud toe ai ¡1 outlined with fine uni broidery, and th • corsage is out aquaru to •bow a gtiimpe at white moiiaaulina de sole. A satin rut ling borders the corsage, and the * 1,70* aim re* are draped hy pfqnwta of orange Cowers June CauLLET.

T hk Hah »ay Democrat prttiis ibis wee* a picture of John T . Dunn's ••friend Johnny," Mr. Alford B Gook, a Democratic candidate for Assembly from this county. We do not w|ab to be ubbeceaearily personal, bat we netice a lo w on “ Johnny's” face that 1« anxious; yea, more, that la scared Yea, even more fllhn that. Verily hi* lace beareth a loot largely rattled. Hut “ iriend Johnny'*” lace wi.l look worse tkm that when the return* come in. He'll wooder iheo eheiher be ran for office (til* Fall or whether M only

b AMMARI__(in Thursday. O ', S\ I'M.re« H. Mammari. la bis slat par.

Funeral arrvtee from bis 1st« real dene Elm Place, bund ay. Oexoaer » . at ASS jOFFICIAL T K S P E iU T l KE

vfcJ at Ihr Plainfield Weather Ob­serving Station. W i in t v a n d O ffe r s ,

1.1. - HEATED mpm4J7 Wert Front street

OcToem st1894

. .»7 1 M x m n t . .

..37 I M u t i « » . . . 8.00 I Ra in fa ll ..,

AN TE D —Position of any kind married man, (35) 15 year* X.

rferenees. Address G. Courier, at

5 tourna, 5JS W e»l Scccwö di. Apply lag Plainfield ve-W e have seen in oar time some

pretty tall political lying, but for pictur­esque prevarication* the sample* Which the New York Time* is serving dwflv to it* patroo* regarding New Jersey {poll- lie*, surpass anythitg within the knowledge o f mao. Tbli moraine Itassured the idle workiogtnsn o f Kl za- betl', Plkiofleld, New*rk. Paterson,Jer­sey City aud Passaic that b « really j is a

'H E W E A TH E R ..i*bt lo il Aoven; nul wiada, iqrth; r 1 change in temperatare. ANTED—By in t class dre-

wo.k at-hum. l * j East brunt strvtfe;lt$fil

R e p u b j i c a n N o m i n a t i o n s■

Por Coi

7 A N T E D — Board lor a gcMVmcn A' w it la a private family in Ptauifw^ anwood a sonar room, and good located >ircd *U1 e l cl ms location etc. Ad.ite^t Courier office. jy-uJ.;'

preaaman, Eighth District, R LE * N. FOWLRR,

OF ELIZABETH. Ask yonr pi yslclso aboot GenevaismI \F.tw_boay Ban. The experience of most

politicians with tbe workingman I* that he in a pr^ty hard man to fool. Tne Times can't make New Jersey working­men vote the Democratic ticket' by »ach nonsense as it I* allowing it* S e t Jersey political reporter to write for puOUcatioo. There was a lime, loug,

N I fcU— A women tu late wsshit home. Inquire J41 West bewuotfcrenwiisu, Third Duirict,


Iwtnhty, Somerset Connty, rH iX K W. SOMERS,


A m u ie m e n le ,

W ANTED—Party giving jp h ••res position fur hi. caschi

celimi h or se ai en and asciai abouAddress M. care Courier.

~V\TANTED—By I V V work by d y.


IN N BURGER, Pf Elizab e th .


UUI lull Ú New Orleans miUuiiuiuTbe Oldest, Blehrot and M>«t tue-.-d Mln-

steel ' Irvrnnm lion In Rxlstenoe.Our Corn diana: H. J Yorker. Ned Carita. < baa. B roe. Prod Abana ihir Vncatlsa* FradC.8rhmlM C.Ii Larkin. Tom Keating. Dm Maaeoo, aad the ianowned Croarent City Ouanrtta. MagnlkA-nt Ural Pa t Butina Oold Band Soto Ore irotro. Open Air Ootd Rand concert al lXo 'f'vk In front of Muslo Hall. Unif ,rtiied ! arada at UM o’rtuek.

LEAH ANT ROOMS board 43zWaichung svena,. j 5 ().

an Am seen at Ed Campbell's, oppa, ir Ground« 24 4t

00.00 to loen. . Harry C. Runyon, U Tney. i j jt. _ CPT ) OATS

w ith En s land's for -mo-l clown, Louis A UwUe. Ten great spec (al tiro. A ror load of trick prope'tt a and laeererv. a rrclorw of merriment f-om sisrato Snlsh. Uim-Bo the acting money, rr I or •, the dsnring darisnl. Cermenrtte. the fum lest donkey oo vrtb , Tbe as'ebnted flu in ply Dumply (Irrhaatru Watch for the Clown Rand parade on your

principal struct. ) under. October *•.Friers ».Ac, SOe, 75e and $1.00.

Reserved Bents now 40 sale at Bos lUMce. open daily from I t m. to * a. m.

Next Attra, tlon, "leie Trollry hr.lent."

J l . s r AS W E L L B A V E SOME 1 UK S A T U R D A Y N IG H T » NEEDSC k M S iitD looms and board at 5 La-

Gl en de avenue. |g 12!tbe German uewtpa; erimerYtlle, bus declar. u ft W Somers, for the P R SALE o exchange, nullmerr

doing a gòod ba,incus, ba-t locali. PlainheiiL keaauns fur selkog. 1 Knight, tlx West Front street.

iahed lisi of speakers at a llv lo be held in Eliza- day ulghl, the uarnes of peakcre appear.

ELL-EDUCATED yonag man u situation ta do almost any ihm,

1 penman, expert Accountant, and 1 pointed and intelligible letter.


'p o l . U T — Pr,»liege 1 Major Paul's liraut

East Front sunrt, up) Avenue; Mitlfoed. Brot er.

be tarili", a m o»ok- a by John T. Danti ta the futuro o f th« Democraticiis county ibis Fall.

are a Utile apt 10 forget that the p«oJ| I f l»le ol this State have not ve . passed J AK OrohwjildgOieut On the grealeat POliUcal ou'- \|AR. *k-Joseph Jeff, rage ever perpetrated in New Jereev. t i-An’^ V i ^ i L P l n^Wiely, the attrinpl o f tbe Democrats] -fa <>t»-rn Co. in •■»•«iri Ism Winter to steal the Senate at Tren- A PEii',d^ T w i . 11?

n ,b Re|,,QUK^ '1' D,Te “ ° l be« no - 2 £ 5 < K 5 hookM 00to keep f hai O w n h y pteee of work I Bank In chawbefore th« public eye u we thoQld. f*WCKH-rjiUit irmnil •aa not «Ri|ilt an stuck against the *“ *eleven Republican Seoaiort bat it v y I V. B.-seirctum of m u ft caiUo* blow at the h*fau o f voter in this S-ate, be he Repabliraa or £ u jm .iw he DemocrsL Tbe conduct ot tne*________lee I*emocraiic Senators was inspiredand directed by me Democratic leaders O Ain the Slate,tt was abetted, encouraged I k r t Hand made possible by a Democratic

mmercial Palace

Tuta is a elei parties IT tie «orse tattles al KepubiicA|i« c mbowt m«m.

HAND,i campaign bet warn ibe leen oc rala are saying mt the noe vea than the lid |>oa»ibiy tt.iuk up

Tur. priée palat IB- pulls weeIke Dearoorati« dacting tbe affa Vue uuea will ba out a Cali for i

question to be Bellied after next ta this; Is pariy rapable-of eon

m u s i c h a l l .

and tata same I'-roocratic Governor la In 'tie.cuair at Trenton Tb « Supreme Ooart property cnarmclerlaed tbe law. •esa acta of those tea Senators. The voter* Of the Stale mast rhararterixe it by tbelr votes on November f Every vole i « Union county east lor Cross, Godding and Barger, and every vote *» Nomeraet rest lor doom ra means a

again « that back guard ly eoo- •^•racy o f last Winter. Remember

M o n d a y , N o t cm be r A .“ Footprints of Geo« ge Washington.

W e d n e s d a y , N o te g ib e r 2H ,‘ Tk# Rhine a^d Switxerlaad.

S a t u r d a y . D e c e m b e r 8 .•*Tke Yoaemue and U e Yellowstone.

U rarliw ç AUeW km ,Oar Emalaioa o f CM Liver OÜ. wttk \ otk o f E rgA is nttmrting attention. Tbe best poimonary preparation on Che market. Cere* C mgbs and Colds qatefcly ' 54 mois a OotUa Sold only at

¿ou r physician abont Geneva

* *r

*e. |Tk Ff. Sa.

T r r 1 4 5 6I T 10 11 12 13116 17 13 19 20i23 34 oc ¿.J 126 27oC


6 f 2 1 fi «22SS.21 i ”4 ^ ! « ^ 28 p*

Fi r Oannty Clerk,W IL .1 AM HOWARD,

!»>r kABWAT.

Por Coroner,E R l i t NU Y C. PIERSON,

[of roseli.k .

D er Bu t e ! pnblisned a t I Itse lf fo r F n i A ttè n t o .

Ir TRE pubiDemocratic beili (Hirt, Moi uo Plkiutleld

“ M* AMInotu oionoi.isi only amusing campaign in ti

T ub-ItfdicaifcriH are that ii John T Danu waOts luibave a rauHcaitoa meet­ing here in Pi^ii'lleld he'll have lo hire a hail and m*ke an address to him Mir

j — l ■ -iJoh* T. D c i i will disc dm blmaeir,

tbe lar.ff,| and a.u .ct subjects in Kah- way next F n d * . IW H id Democrats are niauagiug k> wiggle along ailhout him

Mr. Georwe M U , t4 ■ays; “ I snffmrd from rteoaivLblrty years, and had w a u j

I hai aoro* o f my ¡rú iwiated out of attape. A t ume#(«m l irrrihle pam,ned, «»Uioagfr■ w y remedies, I never obtal. ¡«rtaanent relie.* until I procure» yon's Rheumatism CO re. The of this remedy mat wonderfnlly and, nfthoogh I have only taken qoanritv, I consider mysell pr

Mantoo's Rheumatism Care is ge ir anieed to cure rneumatiam in au ftpu tlo f tbe bndv. Acn.e or muacntarX

li-m cored In from one to dee ¿ « t . it oever fai * lo cure shar|s ahitoptiK palos In the arm«, legs, aidetk b 'ey or breast, or soieneas iu sny part cd.D'C body in lr»ui one to three hours, t i l Is guaranteed to promptly cere lamé^$hs. stiff and swollen Joints, St-ff buck. Rod all palos la the hipsabd loma Uuh/t.c rneninatiem, sciatica. Ioni Usuo, or f l« i» ¡o Ibe back *re »|ieeml> cored.

Monyon's H ossrptltiii Home edy Cooipkny. of Phliadeipbia, pi apeciAc* lor nearly every disease, are a<>id by all oroggtvia, moati) t > 2b eco a a borile.

----------- ------------------ >•— As* your pby* ciao aboot ( > r « y i

Minerai Water. - f i I

b lip .

Kl'K-V.-BN—At Dunene-. N J.. Oct. r*. Caa-lea V. Kuenivo. asrtd /ears, è and S da/».

FU lattr«^ an«l rrlf rwj» ar vt*ry rvanttoiful iliadlu aUtrdiFi funrrat k fTk*e at n rtwldcnco on Moiida> . Ooi. 2U%at 1 o'oiu

F u f p e r ’ s ,

“ N o . 2 ’ ’ a § ^ a i n . *We *ro having quite a run on our

at $4.00 per ton. Some

OldIN TO Y O L Kr . r rC A N TPa



ât !*eckm ore

Whra j o « can buy tae

Bist Gthkit Boltir,25 Gts.itA la rgo va rie ty o f C ra rk e ia just rccfcvred. Bold at p rice « n ever l>eforo known in P la in tic ld .

A big lot of hand picked Apple*, a ll . kinds, from 28 cent* per basket, and np.

t r Cali an'* set our '«trot price (at nw special ha saína.

or P.\o. sM y

it mixe«!, on«

rerhape it W ] ■AT

Boys' and Overcoata


on one liand,


“^ 111” at $4.50.

you try it

SAI-211 Vslrkiiff Aie

Fall and Winter Clothing


Men's Salt«,Ulsters at wholesale

kScliepflin, Schu ltzm a n u f a c t u r e r s ,

An Overcoat and Comforta Severe Cold on tbe other.

Which «III yoa choose? Our stock o f Overcoat* i« f Ulsters Is complete and our priees are within retd o f all. ^Remember, 25 per cent lower than rvw.


No. 109 East P r in t Street.


'o r Instance tA 'oottUi only To roch or S for SSc.* »htri. (Edsair.nprolal) tonlshtool, He1 « T.. Ä D~ w «re . * «ad «am e . . » a . troilxki robSH-An extro '»u -fb i a. pee « .W o o . 8h ^ an i Umwmn. vaia«. î*r. u.«tarht .stly Nk

ÓTuy l i . * • • " ‘»roioarod Hawckarch^r». i «m « æ tu sm. i«u«ta

A j i î S K V S S Z " " * — ° “ — ' HaodkwektA


J. preve to coal andapplyto 1PI.murivi, N. J.

AND WOOD YARD fur J» coat act a Uh C. R. R.

ti 11 « givmg hit pedonai attention . nd wm'vì bu. ne l Foiapply to T. I. Carey, 3S6 WewDl. - - ■*-■ « ■

r particalsrx. Front atre«.

• St

o.qnialattt *m.y hie.

A rosuiar »1 ss Kid O ova to-night only tte ___

A ^ . 'u V b 'a i ^ - * > « « « *A «ooi lUAllty of Biroched and l alnrooM Muailn to-nlahl only ie A d extra SUeaia to-ai*hi only kc. 1At i.un aody Booth Orrom Pvppennlnta as Sea box

ire-fay you towvin* In oor More U>-olrbt nod ana Uu, c,,-. ' . Your mime, will »0 f u r ih « « ^ S S i f t U f l S l l L J k S ^ 1“

E D S A L L ’SBabcock Building.


ior tbe f « t ia ooe of the prime nr-criMitlee of life. The lit o f * »hoe is iu glory. Our shoe« give «■oinfort without « luintineer. longWear with low price. Tbe Uttd novelty hi footwear that we art show ing ¡3 4 W on igo • I ’ nUrOt

4 0 « 1 L .* - , L**tber Boot, 7 l«rgt- buttons, our-.98, look End wear $4.00 worth, there's nothing In the town

|mrc with our Waterproof Storm Shoe« for men; hl~.k brown, dark tan in color, size« 6 to 11, widths B to E: Rnsor.

ly, Is.ndoo, New Yo^k and Cxnuioa Sense fjw . /toa co aid be salted I Try.

E; IV in ’ t yoo

& E D S A L L .

b e S A r k a b u I. v 3 f i i u aMr«. Derafek, M Trami mimmi

.wilding t ie da ) ont o f Low«.Mr« E A. Balduin, o f Hun street,

h*a been vietine «I Plainfield

OF R Î0&NT DATEBenjamin Carpenter attended a drilli « m T 30 and

tm e mSchewek's tiara le«rea Pkalnñetd from

Ute Conner orile* low l-g honra3.30 ft 3ft p


" tTr— V . f a . U.'M. f aaáar. «apc «U . 1

g »tatr»«* frei I»q . •{

i l l gayar Jaks Cum oa* ■- J.


with tke nimnat plea*T» TH* Prut.K- :

I J a c tno *lrd < fw m.ligful rare which Dr.

In m i Va»e. it'tflr -rar from pile»,

nod (lit­

are toeLijftitO'H < ffnriet

I k»>l tewi1 *ir^K. , ^,yr me ( » » ‘ « a l |iam

(JuniW n eilt) I Jnu years, at icni luaw o f iiliHwl andU«**

tapiri »ho irr»!ailb fty»X »»'1 •* ,,n*' r° ',,r>" of lD®púa tuBor« and koneu moved

•ec!am »benever my

•>( bis company s t 8-merville iati niant A. D. I'ufie. o f Plainfield, renewed

1 ild ac<tnaiataaeeani|M m town yeaier-! d*T-

. Mías Mar Roh» Ha, o Salem, bastn-en •pending the aeea with ber sister lutown.

The notice o f Mr. Koeu'en’s sudden leatb appear» eæ w bere la today'»pajier.

Mr». T. 0. B<-dnie, o f Du nel len wee- mi“ , i* entertaining company inun un of town.

Miw William«, one o f the acbool teachers,Oriel Visit

Leaves S inni«. m. 1 JO, 4 62 and ').30 pi m

3 00 and 6 00day» » .IS a m. I I i* m The »tage cotticela with Lebtgh Talley tram« every t ip .

Brook today Ten Eyck a narri»

Urge iMUeigiiiueiil of Mies Simili went

lo a pend a month wli^i 11 lends.Mr*, t i Packer,

public nursi oi her aiatei, Mra. Jones y«-s- Uns gone a way lor a j trrday.

rs. Amanda CTla irru

: « . • 'to

I trM roiisunt»' to get relief fromtay suffering«, hulite no purpose untilMr. lirvau, a triAd of mine, who badbeen cu-i\f by Br. Lighthill o f lb» same tronti'r, i ' ■ mended linn to me. and he effected u fiotnplele and radical care in in) r » » i «Jmj, and earned my iifeljng grstltnileJ


--------- 1------------TEE CASE or MR PETER O. EYCK, Of


Dr. f « *a r i«

a Completi Cart ciab* Bad t Ailed.

Ligbthi'l M i Whtra Ten fby

T* the Hick ScEFakiso axd A fflic te d : For m suy years past I have been af­

flicted wiki hlneijjinir pi lea. Every movement, of the fiBwl* was attended arlih Iom of blood mid wiih intense pain «inch lasted for h#ir» and sometime» all day. M v l-oudgion wua aggravated

nlHtMft u4 , 1

L Leach and Robert L-ach have r» . ! »b o bas I wen v'siuug turned Irtitn llie irvU li to Esat Simada- -dolph, hss relamed hi: me. barg Pa. Mra. E iz . Vanite a,

Mra Owen’a baby was very Bica last j p“ e i« ui M u m nomenigbt and not expected tolive until ibis ip » ! * i 'h brr sou Tin. mas.

trip 11

and Misa Goaaie on ibetr «beata Pi ««bold «od

miming. I M as Lenme Kuu ksWulter Siaty went hunting yesterday ![Morrla ez|>«cl to g<

aud succeeded la bagging a dozen tine Vue»il . j ou a English snipe. daiuetburg.

No elec trie liebu were Tisible last I ® 'r - Eroeat TnonAison wilt preach night on any ol the street» aoutb ot the fiomonow eveniug iron i the text in JosU- OeuuaJ Railroad. bscliaptet 7 veiae 2U

Mr. and Mr» Bennett, of Allred fVn -1 1,1


or Plainfield, w»a

ter, N’ . Y . , bsve been VisiPug their

by a prohi[>»e ot Jlhe rectum, which suffi

je most agonizinggavesometimes pain«

So grhst was myjtlisiresi and so bad oy coutliiiou that I ¡Bold tny larui, not being able to work at any longer. At one time the p-otrtmmg pile tumor» be­came so highly inltuned and awol len that they could noilbe replaced, aud Ibad to'go to bed, applying bot poal- tiecs l-ir three ujoiiHi» lielore 1 could gel relief.

d lugbter iu town.Mrr. William YanMIodlesworih. ac­

companied by her daughter, Alias Mu - nle, »pen: ye-terday with Piaintleid re l­ative».

lu the bow.hit game Thursday night, the Luuelieu u-aoi Uclcaicd the Gen >alKuiin ad euiployeca by a «core o f 1467to 1344.

I. W. Lane baa received a handsomeguu Case. I ruin a Red Buna Ineud The case is made ot huid wood and is fi.ud with all the ialtal improvements.

Isaac W. Lm o returned lasiuigtit from an extended uuumern trip. Hi wile wlioliaaOeeu vl-iuug in Red Bank, reached borne a lea hour» later.

'!be subject of the Itev. Mr Kinsey's sermon miiiorrov morning iu the Ale.a odialCnurrli will tie “ The Pei sou aud Woik ol the Holy Spirit” . The ser mou will be tbe second iu the series ou »be »object Xu the tfVeulua, the pre­mie win be “ A tiail* lor the Laud and

Order Lesgue” followed by a sermon on tue suoject **\Vbeul vs. GuaIT * Evaugt Italic services follow.

L is t evening iu the Presbyterian Church, the eighth anuiveisary o f the Chrirtisn Endeavor Society was held. The Uev. M-. Munin« provided in the absence o f tse President who is ill. The report o f the treasurer showed re- i-elpls to be 324(i.45, disbursement» 32U6 24, leaving a buiauce cu baud o «40 I t . Tue secretary's report wa* deferred until a future meelmg. The address of tbe eveniug was ih-llvereii by ibe Rev. J. Yf'. Tront, ol E izabeih, woo spoke on “ Good Gllizeusmp." iiis remarks were very nnerestiog. Tu-re was a large atleudauee and tue singing was uuusnily good. Tue pulpit was prettily decorated wi’tn cbryaaulhe- mums.

«Mise lilieiu.

W e belive la being fair, aod if know oaraelvea wa are fair. T lfe fact o f the editor ol the Leader Is-uig a pUtairian ol I he old school n m n r a m I acme |M»«>f Im lo ask why we kick quacks and quackery. W e do bale rhartolaaa tke »o ra l » » y . Thai’» a ¡eel. Bat every proprietary medicine isn 't» quack medicii e. In Borne of them we believe I

Ej-hTaim BoiCe pa J a visit to Bound »a devoutly as we do in calomel andquinine. There, for example, is Or

received another ihivid Kennedy'» Favorite Remedy.; real today. h»a our (ailb. W o knrw of its

Iodav to Brooklyn lller* l '®0,'c*1 b , r » “ 'i« of kno«l • edge o f lia efficacy. la the labors on il has rally approved haeir as contaio- lug just iboae mgiedieuta which every,physician allows ihe nialena medh^ lu ind cate lor the disoiders lor wbicn the

r. ot Pla'hffeld, Remedy la prwaenbed. In niatcai e *-j Mrs W . 1) Ran- |M«rieuueiM lurtuer pmol nav not l»eeo

w-auung, as we i-ave reason to know. | 'Ve have no oesilanry in saying t n*l « e shoaid prescribe tbe Uernedy lo any case wsere it ■» really luiKcated.

llr Divid Kennedy’s Fsvonie Rem­edy has no rival as a b o- d tmiider a n - uerve mwl. 11 lias mei wnu onpar- aileled since»» in the treatment of all disetisespf the »Aiu, liver, kidneys and the blood. U reaiorta the disordered liver lo*a healthy condition, and rffeo- m .lly cures tbe worst ca-es or habitual con»ii(>aiion. It baa cared cuea of Brigui’a Uiaea-e, erysipelas, rhea matism, dyspepsia, giavel, diabetes, tdadder aud urluary troubles, where all else has Iu led . It 1» » certaio 'cure lor ail tire diseases and weakncsuns pe collar to females and sfforJs great pro­tection from attacks ibat originate in change Ol life. Dr. Kennedy's Krnouie Remedy in lor sale try ail 'dealer» mmedicine at one dollar a bottle or sixhomes lor live dollar», whicb brings » ireatuieut w.tnm tue reach ol all.



i l .Ä h

U oU on d t red


iChe tulio Ca

Cover», 8 jarda aqnare,

, 8 1 4 ja rd a long,

$1 98 esch. 26 cU. each.

12.28 pair.

irgh & Son.B abcock Bu ild ing.


ot Alton, ex- toiaorroa alter a

21, kUbjeet “ Five

i Mmt .n N. Force, o jbe guest yesterday a. scion.I nate, T. tl. liung, business ami pleasure.: Eden Bun)on bus bi en annoyed coo «nit-r*bfy by boys wtioand Yestciday aitcnnou staned

Menlo Park, w»a eriioon ol hn old

on a trip ol

SWEET PO6 0 cents

« 32 cents a Half.

i f ic M a i l T e a a n d G r o c e r y C o i o p i n yH. T. WILLIAMS, Manager,

Xo. ]0i East Front Street, near Park Atìbd*

»leaf bia applesvo

a compiami ■ garnet, s »me o f


The New Market Twnuis Club are ar­ranging to give a pillow case oiasquer-

I had been under tsa different phynci York city, Evntnn, elsewhere, wiihnnl ever, soil hail given hopele*«, »hen. I ocof Dr. Li giithitl*« sksorh*-a*HN, andsen

, »ent, »illr the bapp effected a racical an Is lesi than four *Ud lossy that the gave me neither pain]

I consider mt cui ifcrhii, aud so do ail ■•bthtMra. I am•• W> case ol pile» ewinol cure.

PETkit G. EYCK, Bisse 11, llnlierdoD Co., N. J

«tie on Hallowe’en.Tbe foot bridge between the Lchi h

Yahey Railn ad and tne bridge shakes When walked upon and is In need of re­pair.

Mr. McGulnesa, o f New York, com poamler »ad proprietor o f McGaiue»»' Stoat, is vfsitiog nis irfend Peter0 . V»a borne.

The meeting o f tbe New Market Ten­nis Club called for last Wednesday evening was uol held, uo quorum be- mg present.

Nelson Dunn and bis sister, having tented tbeir place lor tbe Winter to a South Plaiuhvld man, nave gone to Newark to live.

Charles Sebnng, o f Greenbro >k, cart- up niv case as Bwa>' a11 « rra*eff electric llubie poles v for me 1 heard 10 tbla vlc,nllv to be used on tbe Rice and success jnH »rm i t Duuelleo.

¡go him for treat- Tomorrow evening in tbe First B*p- resuit ibat he| tist C'burcb, tbe Ker* Prank Fimctisr

will preach ou tbe aubjeci ot “ Obarch va. the Saloons. ”

Q ills a calamity hakpeUsd lo Henry Arrowsuiitn’» goat cariyestetdsr. The c»|ieii>ua animal took a »tart in spite ol 'Wsiraint and ran aw«^, »musUiug the Vehicle quite badly.

Tne attention of ibe Freeholders<W-ht to be called lo jhe coodi'ioti oftile road »1 ibe »pprofjcti to the bridirs ue»r the mill It is gpllied oat badly ind is Incoming a g rv »t LUioin-e locjuriagea.

' Tnere 1» great neei here to» tele-

Ife treatment of is, aim « o f New >’ a4hing*on and

nv benefit what- j

permanent cure s' lime; and I am entiru treatment nor distress ! perfectly won- luy friends and

nt that (hervíDr. LighthilP1

IQe need b comes morkappareul every •Iky. lu case o f si.-kiaess there is oo wav to csli a physK'iau except U> drive •t er one, especially at night.;Ghnr.es Tmgley, w to lived oo tbe

-Sarconiiier road, died esiVrday after- n ;on s f e ra long ll'nes» from conamnp- iM*n. He was a limtoe ■ o f John Tmg- tej, o f New Market He was about middle aged aud had ived where he • Hied .or many years. I ie was a Veter- aij o f the nut? war. Hii wile survives uiju.

iThcmss VauNees* fit Id o f celery la «bout the ouly remaiun g green pro­duce now visible hern. It has suffered so'uie Iroui the same .roQl’ ie that all cejery did this year, will the rust. He al4o ha* u qu.intltv o f lomaires and lubk a load ol tweuiy-lwo baskets to PtUlhOe.d ibis morning, ui nice ones as vpr were picked even ic August.T lie coign-gallon oT the Baptist

Otiurch are talking about having a uew r.wnu nu ll lor the 5nnda; ’ school. I l is very much needed for t ;ie present one is too rmall and i .convei lent to accom­modate Uie growing ci«J lea. It should be ananged so am to bav^ an attractive re«diug room connected| with It. Tbe move will probably t.» agitated uulil ibe ami is Ri-compiisbed

^ommencmg Tnaradayluext,tbe |>op- ular Lemgb Valley U. R.] will run new am) elegant twHve-acc ro im. suioEing room, and from New York and Nia trains 2 and 3. These lw ou - ol the Punmaiiauopa wt n sle • m anilligbt'eu wi *ne mimes »re Ltveri town, Hung Kong and am air use baa been made the steady increuse

Church D irectory .

ion drawing uffet sleeper* ara Falls ou

ir cara are just d are Ueated Fiutkcb gsa

Qaeena- H lodos la u.

eceasary by ic dem ludiog

better fac.lines lor the traveling pabtic.

—Gorton’s minstrels Baud will parade from mgbt at 6.30 p. iu. cover pal si reel*.

their Gold ■•ic Hail io-

tbe prloci-

• Hundajr flpeclaltl«*" on Page 1.W. C. T. 1. Medings. g a. n. at

roonifl, Wa chung ivrenc and Fourth BCreeu4 *5 P- ni. st Muuc Hall.

First Church of Chriat, preaching at to 45 *- m. »nd 745 P- m. Sunday School mt a.45 p. m. Ghnstian Endeavor at 7 p. m. • | 1

East Third Street Mission. Gospel meeting si 8 p. m. Sunday School at Z.30 p. m. Y. r . B. C E. meeting st 7 o'clock sharp.

Triaity Reformed Church, Rev. Cornelius Schenclt, pastor. Preaching at to.30 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Sunday School at a. 30 p. m.

At the Mission Church of the Heavenly Rest, Chilton avenue. Morning Prayer and : Sermon at I I > n. Sunday-acbool at 9,30

m.Park Avenue Baptist Church, Rev. J. W.

Richardson, pastor.' Service at to 30 a m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 1.30p. m.

German Lutheran Church ou Grove street will hold services at 10 a. m. aad 7.4) p. m Sunday-school at 9 a. m. Rev. kl Kionka, pastor.

First Baptist Church. Preaching at 1014; a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Rev. Li. J. Yerkes,j astor. Sunday School at a. jo p. m. Early prayer service at 9.30.

All Souls’ Church, Park avenue. Rev. Hobart Clark, pastor. Service» at 10.45 a. m. and 7.45 p m. All seats are free. Sunday-school at I I 45 a. m.

First Presbyterian Church. Rev. C. E. Herring, pastor. Services at IO.30 a. m. aod 7.45 P “ * Christian Endeavor meeting at b.45 p. m. Organ recital at J 30 p. m.

Congregational Cbarch, West 7th street, Rev. C. L- Goodrich, pastor. Morning service at to.30. Sunday School at a.45 P- a . Y. P. S. C. E. service at 7.30 p. m.

Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. i t Richards, V .h ., pastor. 10.30 a. a., preaching; Z-3op- m- Sabbath-sch ol; 7.30 p. m , preaching. Scats free at evening s.rvice.

w h a t B K IN G S R E L E A S E f r o m d i r t

A N D G R E A S E ? W H Y D 0 N T

! Y 0 D K N O W ?i



1 0 5 P i i r l c A v e .

TNAM & DEGRAWNo. 2 10 West Frcnt íítreét. .

A L L L IN E N 4 -PLYLC e lla rs

9 Cents each, 3 for 25 centsA L L U N E N 4-PLYJ


5cents pair, 3 pair for 25 cents


A Clergymaa • OpiAiaa.

W a tk iss , N Y . , N ov 16, 18M— “ It The town was overran yesterday with g iv«* me great pleasure j to speak o f

D'eraocralic politicians wno were d-ing me good results o f tbe ua# of Gilmor«’» ibe irk*»tu>ga iu vot«». They found Aromutic Wiue in my] lainily. My it awfully baru work. i oliioat daughter was lor u«ouiim sobject

Mr. l.ewi«, wnp has Itesn sfiending ■ to ague. We broke tne chill* with tbe M isioer in New York Slate, uas re- quiniue, b it tbey were sure to relarn.

1 lurnul aud Is atop.dug with bis uaugli- Updn yi ur recommendsliiu I tried tbe ] ter aiftl Rdu-in-mw, Mr., and Mrs Cl Aroinnie Wiue, and tue rare was im T. It igers. mt a i.te and i>ermanent.’ | Most sin

A few evenings ago, as Mr. Gaskill nerbly ytura, Rev At. C. ,Brooks. P.II Hebbard, 114 East Frpot S L , sella Gilutore’s Aromatic Wine.:

consulted dall;« f o n a l i OHRONL “ “ COM PL1G ATE tl ” au" ststem of wli

at his offh-e aii

(except Thurs- OBHTINATE

disuses o f tlje •ver name aud residence.


i was asqeiidmg ibe trout steps ol bia house, lie mu deiuged by a puli oi water « i tbe haRds o f bis wife, who mistook hun furs burglar.

W. J Davis bazoo exhibition in bis store five large ears ot corn Due owued by L. Harria, which bat 24 rows of kernels and weighs oue and a half poumlk, is said to be tue largest raised iu this vicinity.

A t the auotveraary o f ihg Firat Rap­ina Cbritdon Endeavor Society last j Tuesday eveuing, ad dr ease* were made;

Rev. Mr. Martiue end Mr. F ie l-1

/ . L . I k sw -13 S H O E .? '

O V A N ,---- CALF.

by Ibe

o frber * ami an excellent inusual pro-

£ a t - r rh ro a t 'a n « li*LuugsSsucceaa- « rs “ m6 *rMfilli tiwaied • Next Wed-ieoday afl-rnooo s t t v oJ ! « « of the moot »¿c rava t«! nature o’clock, the Sheriff wl l off r at imblic

aud rwruiahkouy cared ia a “ lB h>* oliio* lu 9 rtmawWa the * * * « ’»», without P4in or delenlioo tw,d Pre® ilM* iu **>»cataway town-

^ " * « 4. aB,j alXchor rectal dia- b e l * « « * T ( p B.. * * * * * * * *? • Gwwled With eonal aucceaa. : pi*'»“ «. ««1 B*«»uui P. Knapp, defaod- «. ,.aCUj Nervoi* 1 >eraagementa “ l-

l'ire »»»» A vhe jg j,, M )j The Courier is able fa announce defi- Rkeumatic, Neuralgic «od nilely Uiat the loug onaoed eieetrie

Affectloò« ligoi pol»s «re fa be wired for e Igeinelights. Tno wire has lie *» delivered toU r»r *£ * of lheILda^y am

»edle«! sktu I

Stomach, and Bladder


L a .

fa « Duuelleo E ieftric Laghi C om p ly «M l Ufa work o t itreichuig il will be

M a lew days

T . . *a . « « . T S iS / i . K U :

:zi G , « , ; «k ick anaccta r> MfMVaM high j t S S th. mKfdtemaa*» pro Ol

V-T.l»V" a Tutin* * 1 S r « Ih a* Ì Ì A Ì t l r « r » ( t o « for t h * ^ "

Methodist Fpiacopal Church. Rev. C. R. Barnes. D. D., pawor. Service at I0.30а. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School meets at A 30 pi in. Epworth prayer mecuag atб. 43 p-m.

Monroe Avenue Chapel. Morning service at at I Loo a. m., hunday School at 3.00 p. m.. Youag People's Meeting at 7 30 p. m., preaching at 8.00 p. m. Hubert B. M i » « » , pastor.

Grace Church, Rev. E, M. Rodman, Rec­to«. Early Celebratintx of Holy Communion at 7. Jo a. m. Vor ing Prayer and Sermon at 11.00 a. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Evening service at 5 p. m.

Church oi the Holy (..rasa. Rev. T. Logan Murphy, rector. Celebration of the Holy Commum a a! 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon al i l a. m. Sunday ScnooLat 3 p. m. Afternoon Service at 4 30 p. m.

Church of Our Saviour. (v Rev. S. P I Simpson; Holy Commum ml «1 7.30 a. m., Sunday School at 945 a. an. Morning Prayer. Liiany an- h o m o , at I I a. m., Evening Prkycr at 4.30 p. m. Free stages as


5 and 10 Cent Store,^Oa W est Front Street-


urnishing and ToysOf every dcacriptioo, and at low priées. New good« arriving every bay

= ■■ < ’ — ~ • ■

lties in: Cut Glass, Fancy Pottery and Bric-a-Brac

A T G A V E T T ’8 .

don’t like to wearI 4 • _

ers.Grace Methodnt Episcopal Chfrch, North

Plainfield, Rev. Ileibert K Randolph, pas­tor. Preaching at lo 30 a- m. and at 7.4s p, m. Sunday School a! 2 30 p. m. Epworth League service 7 p.m. Scats free and all welcome. \

Wanea Chapel Rev. Joa. O. McKelvev pastur. Celeb aiion of the Lord's Supper si i 10.30 s. m. Preaching service at 8 p. m Sunday School at >. 30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. 1 K. prajer meeting Tuesday, 8 p. us. Coagre- gattooal prayer meeting Friday 8 p. m. All j wexone.

Geroun Reformed Church. Craig place. North PlaitiMii, Rev. la Hauser, [astor Service st 10.3» m . and 7 45 p. m. Sunday School at 9.15 a. m Services Wednesday evening at 7.45. The V". P. S. C. E. will

ret on Friday night. >The Church of the Redeemer, P E.,

Grove street and Mererr avenue. The Rev. Dr. Joselyn Johnston-, rector. Mining service si IV.f); Sunday School st 3 p m.; Evening service at 4.30, There will be service Friday’evening at I p. ou, followed by the Rector'» Bible class.


I l l e t t , W o . 1 0 7 P a p i é

T. J. Carey, Auctioneer.

A * . »

- D O A N C r e Watchesi v *


' [*&

<JL. A A V * O O l t . Part

h i g h c o a u crew brought • musket 1» bear aa k'to and pat a ballet lo t» his aboaldex.

Ws had woo a victory. but th* ct p- Uin v i j do* yet a»tiafl«L W *h o .I*h »«i SO solid shot in (hr aagaaine. and sSamt- Id« back and forth nexoss the halts, aft Dear Jhe town w> w e dared apprnacifc they W «e sent whizzing iro n tbs brU f a n to knock th in «* into f n « a w W Every inhabitant fled to tha wood* (■ we oproed Era, and though we Wvro du| ■Klnic.h' t sh it tlovs or foar fire * .w **f kindled. and tha biggret part o f th%| •own was laid in ashss W e had ivsas|j firing for the want at ammun liksi v N a man was discovered oa share nn k ln ji signs to ns that he wanted to be tah»*'fj off. A look through the Rises proved

n d M a s o n 's M a t e r l A0|4e U days longer, a* 1 hie Wnso-a and ehil- ng medicinal roots 1« s kattlaa The captain to bold on a* lung as

C O A L .1 tCatcSung/

Dictionarythat be was a white man, and I « .<*] sent o ff w ith a hand in tbo small bowl

fear o f tinto resene him. There wi natives attacking ns i f we landed, us the roar o f the b ig gnu and the ha rod wrought by (lie cannon ball* had givei£ them a fright they « .m id dot get twoç

w ire he should b. brained w ith a dab. The king was ao< ompanted by three of his ( » a r t escort, i nd wo afterward re rocmbrrrd that tbi y appeared to be mo*» interested in the v Indiana cable and the spare STiufaor oo tl s ra il than in a ll els* about the craft. \ prrasing invitatioa was given ns to ai tend a royal feast am •h. tv that «resting a tort o f "b lo w o a t" to prove the fnrtn! |htp o f the islanders, bat as the captain |w m not feeling well be d td in td to, a o a p t Tom John and his friends appealed to be very much disappointed and abort that we were not

go, but when th.ir left the brig it wa» w ith the understanding that the least should como off a <Jny or tw o later.

The night came down very dark, w ith ige o f weather. Ev- sd two armed mencannon w;

(A M E tt lC A N IZ E D )

■ f.c a whole day. I found the man to bff 1 Captain John Orecne o f the schooner i WaTe above referred to.

The ««ory had gone out that the ettfirE • crew o f the schooner had been a n a ; ' (led , but the captain had escaped death to be held a prtsm er and to bo treated! worse than any slave. Tbe king ton Tost a gnud bit o f bis right thumb by a trK dent. As Captain Greene bad a m cdiJk cine chest and had dosed some o f tb e j« a iling natives, it was believed thnt h e ft could make the k ing's thumb grow ou t!', again. When the schooner wa* attack- ed. bo was spared from tbe slaughter, »J bat later on, when b e-con Id do nothing for tbe thumb, be wa* treated in the . most cruel manner and dally threatened »Y with death. During our stay he bad <•£ been hound hand and foot and confined ¿1 in a hut, h e r had seen and beard enough , a to-«uti-fy him that the king v m plan- ’ l ning our ficwvreotino. He waa le ft be- N-i hi ad when tbe natives ran away, and ] after an boor's work bad lonaened his j lined* and trawled down to the «here to i j j signal ns. W hat buildings had been M spam ! we nppli.d the torch to, and be- j f fore tbe brig sailed away everything ¿J was in flame*. Tbe plot to massacre us originated w ith tho king, who declared ’ ] that it c o ld not fail. The fact that it lj did fa il so inrvuaed tbe people against ‘.j Tom John that he lost his head before j tbe brig was ont o f sight. A s for the « boy Charlie D an. wo not only gave him a siftotantial proof o f oar gratitude ! for saving tlfe craft and all hands, bat 1 nprm oar return to Australia we fitted him out in p x d shape and sent him •' home Ijy a Teasel bound for N ew Yutk ' direct.

cry n ight w e bad |oa watch, wh ile thiw ith canicter and t| band In case o f au 80 canoe* drawn uj the adult male pop count«! up at least ft5<I. Ear arms they had a few old markets, bat depended mostly oa blow r a n , lanaes and bows aud arrow*. Aside from these every man had a knife. A * cook Charlie Dean had no work aloft *nd very little to 4c on deck except to pojl at a rope now and then, this night at | m idnight tbo boy went on dotv a* a sentinel on tho fo ’ - castle. A t about 1 (o'clock every thingaUiard and irehoru being qn irV the sailor who was acting as M filinel oa the quar­ter deck called tha lad to him and si aimed to bo i l l and went to his bank


M E S'St F U R N IS H E R S .

'atcher. and it was a that y»ung Dean I returned to hi*

he man who had s ridiculed far his : eturn to his stn-

and relate his

lllo l quietly ant [had gone down ere lift in g it off Ibrig be drifted W e cooldn’ t see

Q fefilLU U

197 North Avenu* ,


rat h » rr»contînt* rrro1*0 < «AFTS

tbe end o f tbo cablo wi

M A N U F CTUREKHe t »m t w * "h eap ” in precisely the

■ena* given it by people in southern In ­dians, ta Georgia, in Texaa and gen »Tally over a large part o f tbe United htalva This seoes o f the word le vesy prim itive. I believe the Century Dio

_ _ <• the ssnse o f a crow i f orthrong os tbe earliest meaning o f tbe word. It waa good when tbe Unit colon- ists ( Blue bat of England. It seems a little UMSiatruoa nowadays to hear a •peak that o f hi* oow ’s g iv in g " a heapo f m ilk a— . .7»r _ _____ ■

T en ïyck & H arris.

m a n th* yarn 1*90wa* mate and ha Wanderer, which craft brtwasu M

ltd•el o f 1 i*i t ( / harden, easily handled by a u ew oF iix men and she alway. sveni

1 • pri:.» pound ;na He suited, on s os to] I lata* flamber U * w»dreu were ga

1 exchange for (g lad

ypOJLMBU. Host Quality

G H C O A i

Kindling WoodÜV ea hand

i >rji V « i * w tfi W g I if 1 1 i n Vt*.| ia ,optx ICI. •

Runyon & Co4T>»e Em. D. J. to w »</i Ü. coos m B. a.

Dealers I*i

L U M B E f iMisoa’i Materica, Ac.,

« I t i l o P irt

[j.rep«r«d with w m e n v i (hsvtjjtj parchased the « t e a « »

A. D. Cook St Beo. v I o - le r i and solicit yosr pa!

Borea RCTflTOM 4iC;.

L a t e s t

M e n 1

H e a d g e a rj ETE M

@ 1 I t l>

This le ft only one a fortunate th ing for was wide awake an. port oo tbe fo'caslle, watch alone lass than felt, as he afterward satfietbing was w ron i with the ancboior cable. He aroused left tho deck, but wa fears and ordered totiou. Ten minutes Is 1er, having heardsuspicions noise* over tured to wake me nt>fevr«.a fter

I wentlistening

M. 1, OOTNE,

M erch an t T ailo rI « « 403*«4 I* .

r o a s i T a 3 T

J. i O B L >

n I»• ».J

■ Ü V Yr«t J nf

n'rJito • r*f?i>rvwith -<• «

TiLKPiin in Call IM A.

riâioflH «], l .J.

■ m I

«ritto It»«« Mn ttor) tout prupfitf •/M tom.

Opfi. k «W m ' tito«r

SON,Hot Wat

ting.!**•* Xtdlrtn M tH

«9BB UUtlrff pn*. ft*r the finviffnf«

132 North Are.

BE TKVITHKD TO W i l t V I VT I I S in iT JHIS F l i t s

p ivot and good sapply o f «n a il arms.There were no pirates to be afraid of. bat tbe nativ«* oo many o f the ialandi would not have hesitated to cat ou: thr» ota to securo the vessel and cargo*

Tbe voyage which I am going to tall yoo about wa# mink* in 1 W e w«Jre vv,, i„ . t _ h, _ lowltvi w ith sugar tolwnro, ro ... n i lT t b e m id^t, cloth.*, hu aud crockery ware. 1.000 should como off a iron c o o k n « ketttee, cutlery, flour, *>*r , The night came and l<ds o f other merchandise wante.1 theprom im of ael by idlAUfU-rs. In a b w im«Uucvti i f€ ' ornUd m il fnr ranII In otbcni wo indk dyewoods, copper ore. root*, barks, furs.

I spices and gums in exchange These ar-ticle* were conveyed to Aaxtrelia. andfrom theoce distributed a ll over tik

| world. W e had been out three day» when some o f tbe men heard a kn-jck • ug oa the midship batch, and upon tig fact being repeated to th « captain far ordered the cover taken off. When tbfa had been done, out crawled a boy about 14 years old who had Rtorwed himsell away the day wo left Melbourne. H :

1 Was ragged, nnwashed and gaunt as a Wolf. The aaptain was fo rg iv in g him «rope’s eudin/ at utioe, for a ll sailor» consider such an action a* deserving of severe punishment, but the lad lookedto miscrebly boHN-me and forlorn that u la im c d V b . i l l so I interceded for him. A fr.T u-n minutes ^ , Qnml in for ao f «w earing and threatening tbe captain let up. hat warned the lad that be would be le ft oa the first island we toaebtd at. i

When the boy had beeo washed and] fed, be presented a far more favorable appearance. He gave hi* name a* Charlie Dean, his age a* 14 and his native place as Rochester. He had run away from home a year before and gone to New York city and shipped on an American vessel bound for Australia HnTiad en countered such rough usage that he de­serted tbe «h ip on her arrival, and fm several mooths after was knocking about as « vagrant, being tw ice sent to ja il on abort *kutenors. Fu lly determined to go t. swsy St any hazanl, lie had come-HUmnl o f ua as we were taking in the last of tlih cargo and found opportunity to se­crete himself. The captain was a man to carry ont his word, but something happened to prevent. Tbe cook, whe was an American negro, was taken ill next day after tbe boy appeared, and Charlie not only promptly volunteer»«! to take hold, hot did so w ell under in-

| struntions as to win the captain's fa vor 'In about a wi ck the cook died, and then we had to depend on the boy. Ho was entered on the ship's papers aa cook at • » per month, fitted out w ith a suit at clothes cat over by one o f the men. and he soon became a general favorite aboard. You w ill perhaps think it Strange, bat he was a lad without vices.He neither «poked, chewed, drank nor used prof an«, language, and ooe more w illin g to oblige I never saw. H i* ex­cuse for leaving borne was that a drank en Ftepfather constantly abased bin», nnd I doabt not he told the truth.

We called at New Caledonia, touche«! at two o f the Loyalty islands and finally brought up at the isle o f Vatoa. which Is one o f the F ij i group. W e bad never visit-d this island before oo acconnt at it* bad repatatiua among traders It h a a population of about 4.000 people, who serin to lx> a soft o f eras* between a B *r- newe aud a negro. In the year 1 «79 they «-aptured a trading srhoonrr called the w a re and killed her crew o f five meu In the m h s year they attacked a brig trading frtob -Now Caledonia, but Were beaten off.

Tbe king o f the island went by the curious name o f Tom John. W e met bim at oue o f tlte Loyalty islan.l*, audhe assured us that his people hod seem -----------the err»r of their ways and ref crowd. '* * ? , '* * * ,ow* ** * ^ r•nil that h- was anxious thrt «h i.chrt.ge A ‘ ,,UHB m<*u ^ " ■ * ^at heart sboald be knows to all tredciA

Of the greatest, compietesi, large« and most authentic dictionary in the worfd, will be ready thi3 week. If.

on d o k w ith him, and

camesatiffled that*, going ou and called at once ordered tbe sk rpere among tbe crew to be turned oat. [

T b e black raxctl* w ^ e trying a trick Worthy o f a Yankee, j Tbe tide would begin to flow at t o'clock. Four of their iarguit canoe* had pad to tbe anchor, divers Wiih rope*, and they the ground to let ashore w ith tbe ride, ten feet into the night, I bat we cams to this oooclnxion from th f feel at things, and we didn't reach that conclosioo a minute too soon. I w i i t down into tbe qabie tier and softly ktiork- d oat the ta c k le pin. while the ¿tptani saw that

It’s the only that contains

padtHii Mj :»] u: >1

very llVord

dictionary in the world absolutely

in theIng’lish JLan^uag e

Theae are 250,000 of them in The F nc^clopjedie Dictionary. Here are w to other dictionaries contain

Of alt I

J o h n b e a g l e ,W . F i f t h S I

WILLIAM D.THICKSTUN — ;Eiai Fals a aod losaraom, * * 1

Ko- 1Ô7 Karth Jkvucu.*.

11« wanted )»jU o f giuda, and it was by his piresing invitatioa. t<aether w ith his ailemn assar.nxra o f praterrioa.

»• laid oar morse f<v tbe FijU . He reached borne half a day aheadef os ih his own native craft.

The ooJy hart. » in Ike island is on ■ih sidri and l^at is a fine osar-

The ssitrauer to it is not over aoo fett do, w ith heavy furert au either tank,

bat pace inside the boy opens oat like a lake and f i n » a basati a m ile or to aerosa A t the north end o f this basin >• the king's town, which is Bwngsrang. As a matter o f fast, it Is the »wily town

One may be a good lawyer and barely earn salt in N ew Vork, notwithstanding the buo and cry frequently raised about exorbitant law yer«' fees. T o be success­ful fn tbe fu ll sesm» o f the word a m# m l ir o f the profession must be a re­markable or eminent lawyer. There is any amount o f legal bosioeeato bo done; but, alas! fo* tha hopes of tbe numerous good bat unknown lawyeea the boaineas is placed in tbe hands o f a lim ited few, fn deference perhaps to the prevailing fad ur fashion which is encouraging the growth o f (rusts, nirporatioos and other huge btuineas combination*. O f coarse the fens asked by tho favored few wht have reached the point of eminence and reunwu are largo, often extraordinarily so, but then, again, the corporations that employ them are rich and liberal. I t is, however, an undeniable fact that oaly a lawyer o f proved ability, exalted repu tatiou and a long record o f soonsafu) m it* can secure the handling o f im portant eae ia— Unmv and Country.

Mtstakn ml Ilaak rinks.A ll tbe clerks in the Bank o f England

who are caocerned in th® payment oi ] money are allowed la l id . a day to cover mistakes. Aa a rale, a careful clerk ram manage to keep this intact fut himself, but them ore some serious ex­ceptions. A new clerk one day waa de­ficient in the sum o f £3, which he hod to make np, hut was overjoyed a few 1 daya later to discover he was exactly that sum to the good, having paid some oo* short. H ia Joy was somewhat dam p-' ed on finding tbat the bank did not al | low Rim to H-t o ff ooe amount against the other. So far the bank plays the ■ game <£ "heads I win, tails you Ia a a " l The hank clerks complain that, although they are daily asked to mak* np defi­ciencies which the puhlio say they suf­fer. there is not ou record a caqp where the public have brought back an over­payment.— Loudon Globa.

140.000 words116.000 “

Ceolory, 225,000all of cost"til© above

L liait tlie Ency-

cloDHedic Diet ionary.

same time men v ore sent aloft to jo oa-u the sail*, and w i got steerage Wfty OB tlie bng J M in lime to rev* he*. Botne at Ih* fellows i last have been nekrev than we im qgin d, fur as we headed acre«« the W i i « J try raised an alarm, a arare o f tie r bea wy-re lighted abàaltAti.Mus.'y, and thr»— ca n e « fu ll of

come d«M i.agat our | >rt bow. Th* captili.» wifi » Iiarlie Dca t slewed tbe guq^reio) .. ami puaredits eoatenta into ■ M ^ fiiU r t -h ln * »-rafts, and the dis- ch*rg»> Was W>,l».w «i by su h shrinks and yells «s 1 never want to hr tr again. We dmfcd not ru a the attempt to leave the

called h* * ’o rw ‘ th th ..d*rknesa« thick around i. 1.1 “ • * “ '1 Uh» brivae shifting ibout so un­

steadily. and for the next i w o boon wethe island. Th* kinga pilot w aiting to take os in. and . „ .fe llow inaiateli that we erma tha * ° * rk «*»7 m iareet

ad aneto» directly ia f r i » « o f the < . U* 1“1bCThis the aapsoin would not oua * * * “ to

A hoot th * cm ter at tha 1— •- aoeton ge in 30 f—c of water.wa brought np. Th# bay to- _ ____toad, wa did not ntow i^» *rel ,fv* ^ “ f

l l t m e m b e r rl f t i s :■

That you can always obtain tbe back number oi Tbe Encyclopaedic kDic- tionary lor One Coupon wb n ac­companied by Ten Cents for each part wanted.

^ nd its cost to Courier readers is only\ '

L ents and Coupon



T h e Courieri !

Coupon Depart

ADDINO TO p i g 8 H0 W



n j u m n c u ) . z i r j .

A First-class Family Hoed

t a b l e a n o


2 5 c . per Bottlew ar at

hUAWS-FlURJIACY,Street, opposite Part Avenue,

S L A IN FIALO , N . J .


t taka (mat pha trotbooslastlc pabilo Um strength u t ln«

le Informili ti»it I hrv i t iM t

Edw. G MILFORD,Real E s ta te And in su ra n ce .

. aggregaahun o / medical re inert le

Y ' nnd animal Intel rir^ngenoe by takli

on the only Sr * legged wolf ere

born In ■ «tata o captivity and pauoramr wblc,

_ ill la the anal w illgladness and aa

' toniahmentoa ab,•lowly unwind: baraelf by tbe ait

t-*0- of a boy and pee eenta plctur’ arte

of be Intelligent au

The fuat one ’pear* to ina to be a painltr of Uw Alpa. ” %

The Alpa! What dp 1 Leer fur tbt Alpef What I want ar’ clothes and grot and tool*! Pilgrim, ye ’pania ta her a tender heart. ” a ‘

"A a tender aa a child's ”‘ Then belp mo oat of this yen. Tek»

the tinea, and tba wagon, and the ponw rainy and gin me «10 In cash. ••

"A s hoaaea and wagons and

WEST SIDE - HOUSE, THEGEMother * al wart

judicious adverSo»iie way Br

hajipfn- *^*»1 *Be

tUer Im-cieds. I

J . T . V A I L ,R m I E s ta te an d I n s u r a n t

■ h 177 NORTH A VERVE.—A ta» »

B i s a S to rn e F u g g i n g . R t e

(Formerly BrltUlD*s Hotel)


H. H A N D , P ro p r ie to r

pamaainlaa ar* way down, owln to bard Hum, I ’ll gin ye *7. "

"Bey « 8, and the outfit ar1 yours, »no oa top tbe cash ye'll bey tba Mamin's o f a grateful man ’

I gin him «6 In rath and two bottles at my Cbeiokeo aaasypariUy, warranted *t tech the vital «i»ot If taken aeoordin to dlr.ik.bun», and be want away a happyand luvuorngtd

P. J. RichardsJndh'ioHB nitons many things.

Hotel Grenada panoramywill be a barber of my next stand. Il has plctur'* of tbe Alps, the Rhine, Nla gary falls, Parla, London and otbei p’ lnta, and 1 shall explain them to the au jeeoce In ooiincckahnn with the sale ol iny Cberokeo aavsyparllly and Magio ee- ment, both Wanted In every rezprctablifain ly I now feel that I her go* togetbe]

l n ä n r u o e , B o d E r t a t iSortie men licit or never advertise.

Men (who are » i t honest— w ho do not keep the® promises— whose gdvertisenlente fcislead »nd whose «tores disappoint— they had better let adi'crtiiing lilonc.

North Avenu«.it Class Attendance


Huai Calala aid Unnicia conibinashun of lntelleok, varrhew andenthooalasm which wlU rneoore me a boa tile welcome In every town and settlement in this Oklubotuy bentry.

Acana K exkx.PRACTttAL OPTICIANb. U S Kortfe A vo u e .

n in New Y o rk — j |f— who says that I to sell to the I •e. l i e uses all

best o f the deal M akes all the

pie one sale, be- 1 that the buyer I hack—that lie will

Thup' is a mi a fu rut taro deal he never eSpec I same ¡man1 twj means to gfet thi the first time, profit he can on cause lie know

W indhamWatches sboojd bo brought to VanEpa and t>e repaired tbe same day, or hhlle yon wait. No watches *efit to N ew Yort.


He#u lar ind tranaiert boarder«. Kir-Bt-ciaaa bar and «table« atucbnl TH E JEW ELER,



70 snd 72 Somerset Ml. North Plainfield


NoW it wónldj to advertise!,land he <l<xT t't ndvcrl

't pay that msn lie knows it a id *•’ I think Ir tbe case with tba pursoi

| «fibre me.""W h at’s bis best holt* • aez she, smlltr.

lW blandnes* at my woril i of praiae." A play In two banded luchre, ma'am.' ' ‘That's no etlilccnshtyi to brag about.

Hpw ar’ he on tbe tout?t’ The way« o f a hog a * gtnerally way.

of peace, ma'am, bat 1'n thlnkin K u iu lut might tako « y l - keer of bleeeir in g f a * c r l m m « g « . / ^ r u O *Malih« yer flvo _leggisl wolf might V N.be-wUbin to tac- Ikldhimi" J p

TT bat'd what ho s a r t i n l y CV_ wlihea, ami If ho *"UI ha d Tin! wol.r os can’t wreck the TIERCX.”Itfn of that ar' varmint lm Ide o f two min- Ita I 'l l go back on him foi -ver.”

'* Let him purceed to bli neaa, ma’am. 1 should hate to go back on my hog, fur h« plajys a fa ’ r game, but If ie’a the »art of critter to be downed hy a 11 re legged, hump badkrd wolf, who hasn't e ren got a sun­burned none to make him bewtiful, then I ’M no longer a friend o f da. Incite yer uStnlnt to wade In.”

She Incited, and Kamul is was tackled. Io i l io Inneruence of bis s| peril he wasn't »pet'tin anythin and was rolled over at ! the fust pop and pnrty nig i licked. Then* be reklvers from bis oat mlshment and humps hlaaelf, and SO ac »n d . arter tbe 1fin « turnip be had tlie wolf on the run.

**tVas it a fa’r foutf" sea I to tbe femalewhdn the conflict was over

"She w m ," sox she, "a r d ye Lin add I the ponkcred to yer collect ,hhn. 1 raised ' that wolf from a pup and ' ras on my way «' to Lost Chance to acll him to a sideshow mad fur «3 in Cosh. Take him ulong to enhance tbe enthooelasm ol yer show, fur , I wouldn't be found dead with anythin i which a bog could wallop!'

That's the way I cum by the wolf, I which halu’ t eddeeated uu r mooslcal nor up to tricks, but w ill n A c theless dangle b li dxtra log In a way to ai loose tbe chil­dren1 while thur parents 11 ten lo tbe lee- , tur' ^.deliver from the platl arm. On that ,

Culls,Culls, X X •

Primes. Primes, x x

76e p e r lO O

$LOO per IOO $ 1 2 6 p e r IOO 9 2 0 0 p e r IO O"But you don’t, Mr. Stone. One day

last week you didn’t come at all. '*lie paused to consider, wiping bla beat

ed brow with a checked sleeve.“ Law, ye»!’ ’ be tald Indulgently at

length. ’ Yen, I did too. Last Friday]came Thursday night.'*— Youth’» Com

232 West 2nd Stloncet business, yuan who keeps

of truth, it willlertire. lift EAST FRONT 8T



T’T ------ — —aa« »'C irrtfd «o the Ci'T Judge for proe- niyin.; Thcu C 'mnjisair’Tiers of p^»Al ;in CH»es of t xation will et,t in the C mneil ^liamher on e {ourtli Tuesday in November vW tije 27th), and sit from 2 •’ock p. m. until 5 ot.-loek p ni .

Wigfrr if fonnd b- eosnary to f all eas4>g submitted to cous’deratioiu

JOHN JOHNSON.Collector of Taxes.

_---» — —— — ws. • ww< i arn iino praise to make It kaoarn we bave all vanatlea, Inoludins tbe very lar— panera., and uu-n-ly aak In. ■ pectlou of oar geoda Tou will flnd

Tbe Last Heaort.Ho waa plunged into tbe vortex of per

plexlty, and the girl waa standing rcao lutely upon the brink, gazing down at him.

He looked up at her bdlpleasly, -“ And you object to my calling so fro

qnentlyf" he said“ Yc«,” «he nodded.*'And 1 mu uot to be your escort on all

occasions, aa heretoforet"

MARSH. AYBPS ft COSonje Im.dtK’sg in theif gtHttfnen

come ai U6i« to «“grandest," ¡ '“gr that thicy cafi| on] latives,

;ien nre careless. They have be­rating “ biggest,”»test,” “ best,” think in super-


HOTEL Bowling AlleysA RD%

Billiard ParlorsF IN E S T A B L E S A IT ACHED.

178 and 181 Somerset Street, JACOB HIPP, Prop.


“ Nor call yon by your first name?"“ No.”"N o r think of you any longer aa my

•Woct heart f ”“ No.”He garert upon her aa one standing upon

tbe aliorv gazes npon a receding ship.¡"W ell," be groaned, "tbe end of our n>

manco baa couie, aud we u u il get uiarvied.". Toe light thatthone In her face gleamed lb triumph.—Detroit Free Frees.

fe honest— prob- i jit’ merely care­ts the pri^e o f

i »erasing* May- ifljnre, but some-

I liey meati to »My are. Tliey less, aud failure cari'lestm-ss in ai be nut al imi] i|to f,th in g V ery s l jó r t i


VITED TO TRY TH E N .Flap Raattary Ptomkiag, H~t Water Heallag, Warm A ir fa r ia rM ,

t h e n *P T o r m i »MAJU-FACrCIUtD.

193 North Avenue.Kxperleeewd With Tabi««.

The hardalilp* of the cuisine wci

t tU IL B O tS .

Every advertiroaient should have careful eungidtudltLii. A ll the dis- ervpanties should |¡e eliminated-—


W . H. B R C K A W .


UesideMB, N«. M l Wmt Fr—t 8t ,

less statdments

E xcava to rs . C esspools and V h u lts c leaned and d is in ­

fected at short notice.Thorough work guaranteed. Order* left at E. C Malfonl'a, 169 North Ave. P. 0. Box 666. or retldetice, No. 46sKersingtuu A v e , jprar U U m de A . r

Æ.OEOMIF. BRLf'HEK,W atchung Avenue,

agent for Plalnteld. » . J.Pla in f ie ld . N. J•‘H t hikfi;time to' attend

'ertifinjjjá ref idly, better n- Cut off the parasites

Rate F ield '« Washington.

A nd th e Uaaamuck B roke Itew n .“ Hear the wind moaning through the

adchanl!” exelaiiurd tba artless girl. - It soupd« like »line unhappy spirit. Do you <iiui>|H«F. Mr. Hankiusun, that ghaats ever —ever fr*»|uerit apple tree-t"

" I tfii.it: It rvot at all unlit, ty," rrrjjuiiilrvi the «ILagrr^aLle young nujj" jTy their fru it* ye »ball (u.inu. • "*.':id tho Bight wind« moaned and

iL r je b e d thruuirJ. th e m e tup* l ik e a loottebl wiuUng ill aguuy.—Chkn pi Tribune.

Charles M. WilsonW«nt money,

' ' «*»1 « C'uokgW«nt Boardert,

Want a Partee-,Want a Situate»,Vaat • Servant OJrt,ant to «ell a Far», mt toaeü a II ojia, at ta rent a Iloaae,: to »ell Plants eg Grain.lo cichaigc anyth lue.0 «di Groceries or Drugs,1 sell or trade for anythin iad c— omert for anyth:;

w—programmes, wo whom you W to g e t rid o f ijf Cut off tho imp lo l>e good, 4 le your ad. at

• Chart os E. GUI,Carpenter it Builder.

Estimates furnished pti all grade*o f work Jvihhing prompt

l y a tten d ed . •20< West Fourth atrvef.

T h eod o re W ilson


Cheaper than by anybody. Order» can tie left at

O. H. V A 1T JiEST, „•Sonwtel 8L. or r*«r flty Mill-

r h f i t i t h e *tt n m u

t d?nl>f.-!:un cnt^ixuittsin a «jîAVxit tx>o out yrre inYiliimi'U kca TBEODOBE CBAÏ. ]

MASON AND COjflUCTOR,Estimates given aad repairing prompt'

ly attended to.RESIDEN CR. »7 HILLSIDE A VR

J y “ 1 o whenoet"I c > ' « I

“ I rw.k At that“ LOOK AT THAT AB* *T’ hbg*]' • b« ycD«.

? iio e tr "L o . k p i that ar*wagna! Look at tbe trii k that waa played on tho moot chiMtika reptile In all Cberufceo aa tbe abadden o f midnight lay upon fbe airth last night!”

" K t » I take il that sum gr at sorter baa entered yer aoufit” tea I as I gits ready to abad than with him.

■ ‘ O f ooarse ye kin. That*! what I ’ m a- coaaln abont and gr levin eveá Lm * night

W . J . T F N I S O N ,Oeaier ta

F lo o r , Orain,FE E D , H A Y , S T R A W ,

FraJt, VegeUUee,

A n d «11 C o u n t r y P r o d u c e .

■rrtantaBXUR Fred and Msal a «pecan I

pmeat in the more good— 0 price—than

‘ S°0’1 Hii vert.w in do

B U proportion »tl*c yon <■

Bishop YLnuem used to tell a story about bis sou, now grown to ueeful manhood, to wbctu he varai- -usb.iutdon leavlugAome to «ay, ’ ’ Remember wbosb boy you nit,” and who un eoe oeeaalon aaiictputed tbe eonerntional Injunction byaaylng: • «Aootl- by. pop» K’n.-eiulgr who* father jeu


COLUMNlit -R italively.

Bright— I should think you would be wild In that rough camel's hair under­wear. What did you get It for?

Oi*tc&— I'm Lvtming bow to dance — Clothier and Furnisher. BY IKCUSAND


School lor

which rcaul person* an broke out t o'clock ifel*

tlgatloo of

mod tbe _ bpdie* to bop«* that could Ideo

la the dealt) of lnotre Injury o f ibron more

We*» Kireet Hooaeone inf. A t three if clock

trot end *a lutea io* * M mede. AH tbe

hotel registrar, which t u m t m .

Tbc Gxar's Condition.

f w w l i . TO THR OOfTMBR.]

— T »o « * • ceat hot* oa Wart Front rtroet, received a Ierre lot o f o f « good* la .toraltle* of *11 sorte toy* ate. )

— Oa* o f PlalafisJd’a dragete»* ra-_______ eerily received a wntt*o order for

bejroad rceogniitoo e-*“ « “Ourlflulic »am.** Oar batic ««ahTided In *11 .» was meant.

— Oh let M*r*hii Pengbora I* eon. docung a sale o f doge at tbe SetM r-j wood Farm Keooela, to satisfy some dog board bill*.

— As pretty a line o f ladioa butes»were ever placed oo exhibition Id Plait-Held ran Ite area at Madam Koigb f* Pj) West Front «irret

decided to allow the lo «hare they were toproprietor of lb* bouse

them by means o f tbe

ST. ■ «patch from physician* bulletin;

The Orar are no «ont toma fTh* cremano.

arm;, Oct 27r— A de­rivadla «aya tbe Czar's

*e nutted tbe following

J’rrhap. ibe gr»----------- . . concern it ibe rare

— One weak fr o « Sunday evening the ■ »»ca l effect flrat anniversary o f the German Be- leader«__formed Ohn»tian Ei.dearer Society wffi • *•'’?* etdamtal i

fairly well. There or convulsive ajmp-

lema haa »omewbat in-

P r cuident ClevelandCan't Vote?r

(arccl Á TO THK cor «ER. JN ew T oi L Ort 27. — President

Cleveland no longer poaaeae* the right • o vote here, f ie haa Dot registered uniyear and will; lot do so, bis old law Arm having decide# tl change o f rem)

— j — — - —-

that be Is disqualified by lenca.

Four W fiite Caps Convicted

[krEciit to THR corn irr]i I nMmpfii«, (finn., Oct. 27 — Henry

Bil'inga* Jack§J»illings, Spruce Billings and Joints Stihet, mem tiers o f a gang of Wbité lape, were found guilty of out rage« in’Tipl#n County, at Covington, Tena., yjMicrdfey and sent to the peni- teotiary

-Servia ¿ M inistry Oat.[fiTECIAfcl To THE COCKIER J

BEMHjum, tìjèt.27.—The NicolaievU-h Ministry ihavejjjbsigned, and their resig- nations have litre accepted.

XBXtTKB THAI WE THOUGHT.The Hound Brook Chronicle corrects

a alight error |fecenlly printed in tbe Courier reganfiag the franchise grant ed to tbe New’ Jersey Traction Com p«nv It ssisj

“ Oor estewheil contemporary Is slightly In cr io r as to Somerville, which town hag granted the franchise aa baa also Ibe town o f Raritan. Bridge*ater toirnsblp la not yet In iioe, but will get ihujri’, and if Dunellen re- fuae* consent, fjk-w .Market would be glad to graut it|p

be ceiebraied in tbe church.— The arc light which baa been hang­

ing Id front o f Spencer’s rone on Som­erset street, baa been taken away 1» Chart** Sabring for aa* ia Hound Brook.

— There was a good attendance last night at tbe Fair ol Iona Council and some lively business wss done by Ana- iioi.eer WaaiphaL Toe fair wiU hecon turned tonight.

— At tbe special meeting of Perfibver- ance lodge which was called for the purchase of the property, nothing was done about the matter and all bust- beta w»a deferred until a lulu re meet­ing

— Tbe Union eonniy roads have raf, fared severely from the leeCnt storm,especially those part* that have lately been repaired between Cranford and Roselle. They are b idly washed, and ibe Dack mouutain road -ia lull o f gul- leys

— At t*»e meeting o f the Christian Endeavor Soc'ety o f the First Baptist Church last night, the reports of the recent New Brunswick convention were1 deferred until next Friday night, the. delegates not being ready.

— At the meeting o f the Christian! Endeavor Society of tbe German Re­formed Church last night, a delegation rono the Trinity Reformed Society was

present. Addresses were matte By the Rev. Comelios Selienck and President ¡¡t'jiith, and tbe staging was ltd by II J. Martin.

i popolar war«with both, and dt bis encore* be into jaat as oor greatest to gay, from lively went he is iw the > or a Schubert >ym rollicking off into or a lively and in way be varies tbe listener*, causing « and cry by turn*, whatever be does he and a fin oh and an the invariable aui That Sousa thoroughly dominates the aitever) movement,__cue from the leader, luxary of absolute c unman cd by concernresult. All undents.a leader they are sure have a good time oa l'

Sousa appears in M 17th. a< one of the a Vartan's grand course tainments.

charm of Sousa’,of w sale and of

Characterize them.lingutshed for theirc, and some lor the r ■a equally at home bis progranmes at 1 and alternates both,

lures go “ from grave fane.” At one mo- d a Wagner overture f, and the next he is ly plantation dance,

march. In this . —id emotions of bit so to speak, to Gogh

neither long. But with a perfection

•elf pqtse which are itea of the master,

compr hends and ia app rent in bis

lis audience taka its resigns itself to tl

:ent and enjoyment, apprehension for the that with Sousa for “ get there,” sad

: way.tic Hail on December tractions of Minagei

subscription enter

understand It." Three word* o f the. German poet Bad tbelr coerohoratlod in a recent paper o f Dr. Ir ir ti Boh a- »a t on •'•fate Physiognomy.-’ • or the; ecieare “ which treats o f tha interpre­tation o f habitual expression when the rooDtenaace B at rvrt."

Heneca observes “ that there ia no strong inward thought that does not betray itaeff In th.' eoanieitaacc.'’ but I>r. Roblaaoa o.utead* that every emo­tion. however e ight, send* an Impulse to the approprarr am soles. Even- trlviai nerve iiu|>iiInra. unsotevd bysubject bltuarlf and Imperceptible to


Arm w H aD ail th- in-,« - J * « a apvs'rsly ). PM punte»

indigestion habitualstek headache. Weipation a n d _____________

to send you a free sample. ThenJ/A* cau tell whether you »ou t to buy them or not. Address

I ML ). A DCAKH CP..E inasto.. New York.

TW, wa M wW « aa riegas, q cm.

*i n t u i r gem *.

Jooker»-oo. msy by fr»*qu*“Ot reputiti a *j bee# me efficient factor* In the, forma­tion o f *a hab’ rual east off counten­ance. Every expression o f the face !> »..--- ----- -«-- raff toit a ll. Iauvr. nv j rJSjw » ’ll W» tuv *wvcresalta front the contraction of <Mlglte' máseles by m m « of tbe nerve*, and ' as those mnac'es are uval strengthen- , ed which ere moat vxerrlaed it la May ;to infer the effect o f a long-continued - dominant, emotion on fbe face, even ’j(IGUliUBHk. rUIBIIUU lljr HtP, r»rnthough It may exist In an Indlvldnal

S TStASKSOtVISG'MtSa- a woman ia at her best, mentallgand illy, at a quratirn which receive« ade

-—. -M wrt at tha haada of aoeh reprment-itf women a* Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Mary

rWilkina, Mrs. Amelia F.. Barr. Mrs _rton Hamson. “Oct-ve Tbanet," "Gail

BaSiiiton," Mary Mapes Dodge, and others hi tie November I ad res’ lion Oo-xl bet ton is 1 tonic, and the i **A A> mister of the World,” bv Caiioltne

1 water Mason." for which William T.. • ...... ....... .V..... Komaaiey ns« pre

no well-bred to allow hia vl*age to be > grati ns, wiU pre distorted by tbe prevail ng passion. - 5 H , T. W hitney 1

Whenever the ihonxlits take thefr i 3»g r-Fnesdty L.

Iley has prepared some chartmng iilus- prove one of the best. Mrs A. y contributes another interest

.. —--- - — ----- — .w ----- — -- - y * rn ran iii Letter to Girt F1 tends,” andhabitue, direct no, n stream of nervnu* Mr», Bsrt n KingsUnd writes of the social Influence from the bram to the hlddsa ]|ra« which govern the “ Imroductum of a expreasioa-uiuscli« ia the Inevitable fjnllto Society.” The twelfth install

1 hiring the post l , ft els have played at <qaence in Manitoba,Columbia and theand northwestern port have ju t returned fro cessful .»our of the W t do bledly covers more and foreign, than any companies combined.

n e Bawling

Tbe applicati tbe Journal Ho Van Erubarg r of Trade oowll presented amo and accepted, the L'-Hgne

iR**lld*t|aa Zffrctad.

for Mlmittance to ding lea gu e by ireaenting the Board ctob in this city was the other applications The cxnaolldatiou Ol

effected comprise«


. Mrs. B. R. Western, o f Washlng-viait

. _ . 1 Ea ub*-the Alcyone’s, ibil Artuur Kolia, the Crantorri Coont* Glob, the El’cabetb Rowling*C2ab, the Flalnflelil Bowling Club, the West (Bid Club and tbe Y. M C. L A . df Eliabeth. Mr. VanEm- bnrg will go to llizabeth Tuesday night to attend the meating of the Bchedule Committee, f

—T . F. Vbeen mude arailway. •}•

, of Oahellen, hu >n fo the electric

ion avenue, haa returned I tomout of town.

. There ia a pretty girl baby one day old at l>r. Chat lea E. Ballman’a on Third place.

.. Frederick Lithgow, formerly of thia cltyf was in me city a short time this afternoon.

.Mr*. George E. Williams, a former resident o f thie City bat now o f Asbury Park, visited friends In town yesterday.

.. Amo* Andrew*, of North avenue, has relumed from Norwich, Goon., wt|*r« he attended the funeral o f hi*

Hat ry [lather.

• .Mrs. E. R Drake, of Samptown, who haa been viaitiog her son, Benja­min Hand, o f West Froot »tree», haa returned home

. .Joseph Bleu and Rudolph Spiegel, of Somerset street, attended the meet­ing 01 tbe National Scbeoizetibund in New York last night.

..F red L. Taylor, o f Cornell Univer­sity, came home today to see tbe H*rv*rd-Cornell loot ball game 10 New Yorg this afternoon.

. .The iofant daughter o f Peter Mc­Donough, or West Tnird street, .died this morning sfter a short illness, be giornug last night Toe funeral will be tomoirow afternoon.

companies combined, j They wi large house at Music HAU tonight.


Gorton's Min ■y point of con sc

'ugol Sound, British Hire Pscific Coastm of A ni erica, i hey a phenomenally sue Indits. Gorton un

(ountry. both native other five Minstrel They will have a

Komatk.ble Work of a jEamatL o i.

:kablo I osino

There is-no nrijd.cloe *o often need- * - in every hoft» nod oo admirably adapted to-tte irtrjtotes fur which It I* intended, us Ch^gitmrlain'a Puin Balm.Hardly • week phase* bat someb « r o f th e fa m ily lia s n eed o f toothache er headache may be cured

Jotaed th* Castrai Bswltsg Lssgme.At the meeting o f the Plainfield

i »aim Bowjiog Club last night, I» onus decided

mem- toJo,u üeDl^'‘ , » League,andI», A * ™ “ "> 'ib e , ol which U. VauEmburgb

- 1 w“ m» ‘u chairman, aod J. Emmona,

damo Star

1 LustIw« tig Iastpud of w malax.

evening on it » alleys at tbe

i rlineton Hotel, tli jbow ling team of» r*—--WWW —a-------- a -- J« Hotter Press W<wks detested the iicott Press team by 2* pins The game wss exciting throu^npot aud at one

Jime it looked as tboqgh the winners Would be the loser*. The result as follows:

ettlache may be cored 1! “ chairman, and J ___by At. a touch i f rheumatism or neu- T, B*rno«, J • W. Stephenson anti ralgi* quirted. The severe pain of * : " C «**rd , members, was appoint,burn or scald promptly relieved and e<i 10 «clect * le,u“ They will meet

Abe tore healed Ir much Jess time than olher co® “>'Re«« Monday mgbt to when medicine ha* to be sent fo r. a * schedule ol game*

nr* ---------- - ^ ■ — •sprain may be promptly treated before iatMunatioe se ll iu, which insures a cure le about o|te-Uiird o f-th e time other Wise r-quiywd. CuU aod bruiser •honld receive lOkfliediate treatment be­fore tbe peru txp m,- swollen, Which can ooly bei don# when Pain Halm is kept at band. sore throat may be C«r*<f before It^beroo’*'» «cri o-». A troubleeoa* corkmay be removed by applying R iwn-».» nay for a week or two. * *—“ ■

la J as lie» l u l l Court.

The case of Miller v*. Linke, the tr.ul lor right of property, ws* settled


HDbeoei.___M uir............Matthews...Heron..........Zeis*............■NWrley.........Russ.............



.. 146 ..123 . 108 .164 .114

áraith.............. 87VfAlz...............122BSrowu.............123


^PotU r* 127. 236, 37¿ 513, 636, 773, ÌS8. lo ts 11 -,n 1-1-9

---------- ^ O , 1002, 1126, 1251.Wmt u d io it ^ T í» f t — pM ii a OKio.

The F. F. V ., a sottd trein of Pul). - - --.— -~-r » wee* or vtm Ubule sleepere, dlning car a idA larte bril« may be cured and * “ 7 oomchmm, heated by «team, and’ ■* * “ 1 o f — - u—*■’ —1 *- L*— - " ‘ — —•eversi day

* pain in (Be * without paying a 50 cent o#ttle never regret It Pharmacy, Park R Armstrong,

Inabie time as red or In or chest relieved doctor bid. Procure

once and you will •ale b y , Reynolds

d North A venues,T. mger.

lighted by hleetrictty, New York to Unciunau and Louisville, via Waab-' ington, without extra fare, leaves New - York dully b , Pennsylvania !5.00 p. m., Philadelphia, 7.40 p. m. •arrives tlucinnuu, 4 p. m. o u t day; N>w O **«« . »b .. . . « . . . .

*-5i »»<1 ¡it S * m 0 r» » f f « Peel, per I 1 ___

fact It was in a G. Harder and

isrds are among tbe institution,

nre a noog

At the Crescent | Avenue. Church. Sunday evening, thei Industrial Chri*- tlan Alliance of New,York will tell tbe story of It* remarkable work during tbe past three yearn among the most helpless and, ordinarily considered, the mo»t hopeless class oj men In the met­ropolis. Plaiofleld people are interest ed In this work. I f sense born here. 1 Krs Lewis and Ric the iocorporulora ol

bile mauy of oor citizens Its financial supporter t ! The President o f ‘ the Alliance is George D. Macksv.i o f the banking house of Verm live A < O ., and many of New York’s heat men tre officially con­nected with IJ. Col. V. L Strong, tbe reform candidate for 3 ayor o f Gotham, beads the list o f lot orporator*, and from lu inception thi i>4 years ago be has been the largest fl isncial contribu­tor to work.

Sunday evening’s meeting will be *d- drewed by A . W Mntiury, Secretary of tjie Alliance,by several o f ita employes, and by Dr*. Lewis aud Richard*.

concomitant. The subject may b* un­warned a « to what Is going on, and tbe closest observer may not notice tbs vaguest tremor of movement. Tet, In the course o f years, the muscles sostimulated assert tbiwuclves over the other*, and a permanent fae'al Iro- pnssston in accwnlauce w th the men­tal character I* formed, e

Tbe ln<-c««ant. flow o f related lavo!- nntury qerrc-currcuts to Ibe facial muscle* apeouur« for tbe mid. similar­ity o f vlange among persons o f the

arocifion. and for the llketfhsa Which I* often displayed on the faces Of married couples. An unconscious ijtlm cry. moreover. In both cases la continually reactln* upon the muse'es of expre«>i|on in the <ime way as a rol'px [1a-iu .11 doev, apd this tendency to facial imitation 1* very general.

The connection bit ween ibe emotion­al centre* In th-> bra n and the coun­tenance is largely 'nit-pendent o f the fr ’Tq although, hy strung volition, any c..»sequent movisnent or change o f fealitre* may be prrvented or restrict­ed. That the s*«orHatlon t* -tnstlnctlvoand not acquired through individual or racist educvitlon J* shown by the fact that the facial change« which accom­pany the sentiments o f fear hatred,contempt, merriment or mockery arepractically ‘dpntic.il the world over.

The sigua by which to read a face are dlffi-redf. We natnraFy Interpret those on a young face a* merely pro­phetic. white those o f an old visage disclose a record. In Ihe one case ire proceed from the supposition that cer­tain feature* betray certain traits of moral and ta-ntsl character; In the other we perns - the facial inscription a* we read a book whose author we know. The types are. o f coarse, not nn form in sF case* and interpreta­tion Is difficult. Trouble or passion mfty b** record#* In tv.i!d characters iD ow Instance; In another In hardly risible trace«, and a lean face will be­tray emot oda! experience more read­ily than one covered with a mask of fat and a smooth skin.— Baltimore Sun.

William Draw Howell»' "M y Litsr- iom " is full of istocst sad charm,

Lyman Abbe», ia • Looking a W ife." define« the wisest position

in ihe love affairs of their

wxsexs-B naoAunr.Blól t s X coetribote« to the

Hai pci's s delightful attici-,Ke Í antlel 011 ika V e .» , li ..Issi "A t the Capital of the Vcsng Rr’pnl

i " F which be offer* glimpses of officiib-

"loalpnit u Washing on at the beginning of the

with ail the charm of wk- l 3 t * T ,nr“ * • period of real it. ter-'’ # • [ T V initial article in the same Number ¡ 2 » «Isoan American theme, and treats of ” 7 C<*to days — the days when searobbers

1" ' “ t'frd os what they termed

X ir r ie s H a r d P r i c e s L o w

Don’t forget the w «*| p ^ n,Htrvei

MillinerMRS. M. r . KK1GIITStop Id end get j-oer rtioice o f an*

t b i m m i dH ATS

before the beauties ere «II gone. th e. * go Its* ho» ceke*. ”


Mrs. L. Acfams, f a l l a n d

W IN T E R Millinery,Bon?rta*toJXV??r!!. Hata

Trimmsa Hut* from "Of d-illar un , , , _ Hr»m«s*klngand lire*« 0o.n«Up'111 E. Front Ha., underslst Nat Book

t Had tica Trade, regarding it a* a k rtth— ‘ -------ither than aa a crime; and “ agreeable

companionable pirates” (in a town that r Will, unforinnely, count among its of-

- .‘ 1* •’agreeab'e and companiotable” oer- jy * rvgard robbery as a buricas rather A 'i^T »eCr" * * S ,r* by Thomas

( A2íN0üiNC£MLNT.


Sitphen......... 125S< le u ,. .K t ie . . . .Ac sm s..P< pe.. . .Prtteraon.Co nptou .8 h irwood McKean . .

Sci ullz ..

...127 ...138 ... 131 .. 101 ^.106 .».131» .. 155 . ..113 ...125



Stiictly Cash Store in Town.

n im o x A K T c o u p o n .

@ $ i s 4 )w Itb 5>n Omte, T h* ( iu r# the «vider

i oponA presoffice,


PAR T 10

d Stentitles

copy of

0/ re# J

Enryrlifiirftty D ir t ie u r j

I f I» V jn hr ¿pat by mail thirteen crat» «ÏU be frqaired.

~IS of the work ess I C o rs ie * office.

----» ». a.si. Büd T v i cu i, p e r I I . .Lotus, 7.06 next morning. Th Cincin- Lemon Peel, per II .eeu express teures New York, weektMv» x * w Raisin*, 4 lbsa ™ * n T ’ ^dadelnbiu, 10 20 a. tZ* s *w L. M. Ksisms, per b . '/ . ’. . . “.due Cincin nati. 7.30 next 1__Fnenc-i Prvn«« k. . . '

. . .17c 17e 17e 25c

ClnclnnaU, 7.30 next morning, f?n*ocfl Frutiea, best, ib 1 1 c, 5 lb* 50c Chicago 6. asd 8». Loaia, 4.30 p. Gajitonila Apriaota, per b ......... j i .g i in g direct counnecUona to potnu be Bla Pfun^Uee, p< 1 lb . . . . ! ’ ' 14«

n w -c la * . U »;; ad rate* from E-ilA_ Pota? ^ ! , * * ...............oeOrto Cmcinnau, #16; L ou is v ille # ^ « « * , *<rknly frrsli, peVaoi............2fc

*2 ! M California one ¡Stoker'* S . p e r lu , , ; ^ “ ^

cb ^ k . at P e ^ S i ^ R ^ A V e « u « D.7 t 2 S 3 ' Fn, tJ M ° Slalion, Elizabeth J *• K- R ' cgeUOles at 20 pericen l less

Fau tx M oCongLL, P. A . * * * e Ii^ fcw» -Broadway, New York,

ri W. FTl.iw* Q y ^

Awe and « - I lu Dtsraau.There are three p.-riod* in adult life

when one seem* more liable to go wrong than at other times. The one is at thirty-six years of sgc, when thin people tend t>> become fat aod fat peo­ple thin; the next Is between f>rty-flve and fifty, when, one no longer Zlkea to «loop much and begin* to prefer rid 'ng to walking, and tbe next Is at t xty-one. when thp -tame phenomena appear more markedly. , With regard to the sexual distrlbut on of disease, one may say ihat ordinary kidney, luug and brain discs**-*, accidents of all aort*. m-arlet fever and late con- «nmptlon are most prera'ent among male«, and cuneer. diphtheria, typhoid fever and eerly consumption, among»-•male*. The lumi diatreusing causeof nerve breakd-rwn among unmarried women is tliftt Ku<l«1 n rhanjre o f clr- cumstanre* that enaues when a father die* who, through rsrcleeenesw or im­providence, h;i> neglected to malt«adequate pr jvi*:..u f.ir his uamarrieddaughter*.—l«eis u iv Hour.

fr. Joseph B. White desires to an . lOe that under the patronage of

t#e Park Clnb o f North PlainUeld,Nbw Jersey, be will resume bis Dauc-

lasaes on Tbitrtday, November Fotmer patrons and other*, de

g j t ° » » r , «honld *addreas the ' hCommittee on DaociDg, at tee _H ou *e,_ or Mr. White, East gifc, New” Jersey.


Souvenir Spoonsm— ,u i., o p e t - O N P i i i »Wiukbln* t«*n B^ck. i ftTtam Pftk ChiPch.JJM Qualur Mn h i .# (fonie,G nue Ckurvh*

. at Colliers,Established 1869. 103 Park Ave.

Cea lie r waat ads. paj.

Neuman Bros.,

sey Porka #d

Jersey LardFOR

J^fi ey People.THESE ARB


— AT—

1 4 4 N o rth A v e n u e -

Tbu Popular Wutehon, Arrau. «ram-l. low . M l , • large rixgmrm o f A p p « thenotnl rarietiw. Rbf.de l.i.od Or^ e l « ' Bell Flower«., he Tarme,-. M ,n aw>le<era spy, Baldwins, famous Pippin«, mnd other rarterieu A em piste Ilo* of rgney 0n>.* * " « • « “ d Fruits Sonatami, on hand, a large *hiumeet of our own brand Rapt» hynip Just received, quality unaxeslied.

-NEUM A-V BfiOS.,W atch -u xae A v e . G rocer


G E N E V A Mineral Water

Th« Strongest Lithia Watero y THE MARKET, AXD

AB SO LU TE LY FREE FROMo r g a n 10 m a t t e r

a l l

Positive Cure lor Kidney. Rheumatic and Stomach Troubles. «

T E S T IM O N IA I .To ]p n . w w*.?£**- W- A l•,,« fr#»*■• “ •!


?**i 5* " . ,ln,*s , '*raa rt to crutrhau. Hariac

bqet fnuBage «old In PlEieiekl.choices» cuts In Beef aod Lamb oa hand.

4--------------------- — ^------------


ftom * Men A ir« f u Hama.The Duchess of Westminster put

Into her gueSt chamber a curious Swig* click tu which wag «(¡ached a print­ed notice: “ Pl-a*e do not touch!"" ’ hen if. Joty, the Canadian Ubera’, r sited her grace he ventured to lfrl quire the reason for the prohibition. • iou are the twentieth man who ha* toted that question.'' replied the Duchess gleefully.

“ Women, you know, are supposed to be proverbially curious, and I put that plauardoon the clock to test the same fr r tk e e * in men, and I am happy to «ajr I find them not a whit leas curi­ous than women. I keep « li«t o f all the gentlemen who have asked me the question you have Just put. and there naa been only one exception among *E my guests who hare occupied the room; that was Mr. Fawcett, the late Po ilittu tfrQ ^Krai, iod be, poor mun wan blind.**

gas consumed on *nd after Nov. 894, tbe price will be #2.00 per LM*d cubic feet, le** 10 percent.

, i®ent wltbin ten dajs.A '* i 't d » l rate will be made where

abed exclusively for fuel.E. R. POPE, Pree.

f>et^041894. P. G. A E. L», Co.


V -* * " ™ “ ™ M> Kira It a trial. I au "••«•■y e f layUkla*

?i*,,ST of du*>' *° tTComtarad w f ' ** ■U■ «• to h » finta Bheumaitsis.Æ ..r îT «tota luetiiu«-!-m.

nat«.»-.- « iur. reoiuiira Ümlc” r ' * P»raunt and »gtwuM.

J AM ES P u« u viKnlchrehccker 1 « Co.. Centre 8L Dotk.

t se«l and pi escribed by hundreds of physicians. G el pi oof o f «bòve sod le a ik h ie r free g t

; C i& jR a A U D TOBACCO.


p ou » eta ora lu Mew Turk when

1*7 Worth Av*_ y coran t r i the

' v ir a s a m p -


h a v b t o o t h ir d

>in’s C« ga

•b~ '

Deiarest & Son,* 0 . s o « p A B K A v e n u e ,

Open Every Ev

i 1

Iratehe Sailed H m i .A frequent source o f danger la the

soiled clothing which awaits tbe week- ;F Mashing. Instead o f being tborough- *F rtred and dried in the sun. and kspg ia a room remote from the bed­chambers and bv ng room«, u ia thrown into a hamper kept standing in A bed-chamber, or la a pile in one coraar o f an adjoining coset damp with poisonous exhalations from the body, and here th* warmth ot the room generate* and throws off poison­ous germs which are Inhaled by the occupan t. In th* best governed hos­pital* aud etiaics o f the world linen U as much feared aa contagious cases, aad Isolated and fumigated or stertl-


foobbim j 1»

H ertu osrari »toos*, ¡naiad

Kk|H»rti(ri» G o ld e n K c e p t l

P A R K A N E N U F .

rsIP PO T , T U T TH EM.

A full ita* of To

OFFICE GENEVA MINERAL WATfR,0E* Broad S t , Ifrwark, S. J.

b o l d b v L . W . RANDOLPH.


14# W f i t F re it S t . PUU field . Jl .L



CITY OF FLA LNFLELI).A ? f.!7i” 71i*?<'*eTltl‘ . • »«W l’-m’-nt to “Aa •L i *l*eth>to.^*ppror<«l March

i i 'T '* r * iTrI1 timi the e»y- ? g i toaietrytafl ß «tloB of thet-ity of KUtuheid. wllf meet at rapollina piare« in the «aid d ty on

Tuesday, Urn I0(h U.y o f October.p o m i» '. « 4

i.* ^ " T W * . from our too^cjS^TtmiH gig , <rao*k tiT^uTTitlu* *fr*


. * homdy giri wIB Iore 70aesat. A pretty girl is so vain that aha ■ «ff ■ * acoeunt.—Atcumon nmfrr

» * W e s t t r e a t S t .

llama, i 4eShoulder*, 12e

. P w k , 14c“ Saoaage, 13«

Phil*. Scrapjile, 12e ^

.. M enarasteeid to be am.P o rk omip, »ad the paree»

......Tuesdey, the SOth Bay o f October,

s s'»nina i»x-o’clock in th«e evrnjaff in-

• S S ^ j s c sTire pinera of meetin« «Ib » no follow.lev W «u i. 1er

* H. Ö . A,offl<» of1STw “ • North A Tenue.

SitóiìKto ,7 ? £ rAt rrmd H“d‘f i 1*

o t'r"t^ ri ' 11» West gee-a Î T " * * * ïr iw v a ic T -W u . SW O ra n t I

Cil» C w A îrS L T- M i, Ml RRAY Vot i » *Tn.k City Clerk.


Is rich so* p « c

* b l a t z , E, E, 0 0 0 * E K .m s « l a m i a » p. a i
