Heuristics for Mobile phones Dave Maruszewski & Shirley Carvalhedo


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Heuristics for Mobile phones

Dave Maruszewski & Shirley Carvalhedo

Heuristics for Mobile phones Mobile interactions are often small steps

in part oflarger user goals. Many interactions must be intuitive and

rapid. For example, if we are searching for an address when late for an appointment, we will have a low threshold for learning, registering or other obstacles to retrieving the data and locating our destination.

HEURISTIC GUIDE FOR MOBILE DESIGN All mobile interactions are user-driven New mobile experiences compete with legacy user Models Ease of use is paramount Calm technology will be valued over constant disruptions The device as continuous companion opens the realm for

mobile experiences of different intensities and durations Mobile interactions can extend beyond the device Mobile interactions are often small steps in part of larger

user goals Peer-to-peer is the most trusted form of mobile marketing With GPS on the near horizon, the mobile phone will be

able to provide services that redefine our social networks and the places we inhabit

Mobile phones will not be limited to the processing capabilities of the device

Do One Thingand do it well

iPhone UI Design

Apple-Styledrink the Apple UI kool-aid

The 80/20 Rulefewer features = better experience

“At least 80 percent of your users will use a very limited number of features in an application, while less than 20 percent will use all the features.”

UI Elements as Real Objects

“When possible, model your application’s objects and actions on objects and actions in the real world.”

use what your users know

Multi-Touch Ergonomicsgive your users the finger

“Provide a fingertip-size target area for all tappable elements.”

“Put most frequently used information near the top, where it is most visible and accessible.”


Paper prototyping Working prototypes

1understand your users.


2be goal-oriented.

3add value everyware.

4design for mobility.

5privacy, please.

6be findable.

7measure once. measure twice.

8think big.

9start small (and fail often).

Heuristics for Mobile phones

Heuristics for Mobile phones

Heuristics for Mobile phones

Savio, Nadav and Braiterman, Jared. Design Sketch: The Context of Mobile Interaction.


iPhone UI Design & Prototyping

Anna Callahan


zen & the art of mobile application strategybryan maleszyksenior consultant, isobar north america/molecular
