Here is some great perspective on ebola




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  • 1. New mail log for past week, if your mail is not HERE, it got censored ISIS dividing Iraq up along lines drawn on Biden's map from years ago! Sep 22 2014 Here is some great perspective on Ebola JJMC wrote: Hey Jim, I (horrifically)agree the ebola theory could be the plan and I think most alternative media thought that was going to be the case back with the swine flu. I remember the national guard being set up at the San Diego border with quarantine tents but nothing happened. Alex was screaming about swine flu / martial law with Steve Qualyle but it fizzled out...dry run perhaps.. The only problem I have with the theory is the execution of this massive op being even remotely plausible, at least an execution that doesn't end up way to difficult for the "govt" to keep control of. Therefore they will have to do it in all out outbreak / round up would be impossible to control especially if there was no real virus getting people sick. They will have to 1st establish "legitamacy" amongst the public so that the "round up" would be feasible even though the "truthers" will be telling the public it is a is how I envision it: 1st---a REAL virus will need to be released. It can't be faked. Too many people will report all of the inconsistencies (nurses, EMT's firefighters, cops, hospitals, friends). PHASE 1---Ebola (or whatever they are using) starts to spread here in the US(1000 + cases, max 10,000) and emergency situations are announced via TV by CDC, Obama and military. People in general will be frozen with fear not knowing what to do as it won't be "seen" in their community yet. They go about their daily sheeple lives worried and believing that the govt has it under control. Word of vaccines will be pushed heavily by the media...."experimental trials are under way" yippie! PHASE 1 response- Independent media screams bloody murder it is a psy-op, a ruse, a false flag, and all the "true gun carrying patriots", say 10% (3.5 million people) know it as well. A lot of "on the fencer" public hear them (besides the 10%) and wonder if its true. The "fencers" will need to be won over by the govt. During Phase 1--TSA style bio-hazard / quarantine stations are set up in major cities as testing grounds to play nice, showing safety precautions. They will be authoritative yet halfway polite to gain public trust. Military style troops / NSA/ FEDS / soldiers (whatever they are) will be stationed around the US like a metastasized tumor. A couple dissidents begin to get dissapeared or taken openly as inciting lies about the govt that hurt national and public security. This will help place it in the public's mind that it is "ok and acceptable" that SOME people will need to dealt with as the situation is too detrimental. BUT they will not touch a person like ALEX, SAVAGE, LEVINE, etc because they are too big and will draw too much attention. INSTEAD, they will leave them alone to usher in phase 2.
  • 2. PHASE 1 end- Phase one will end quietly with reports of ebola being contained for the most part. Cases will be sporadic although some will continue to pop up, however the bio-hazard quarantine stations will need to be permanent in case of it resurfacing. The media will applaud the CDC, Obama, FEDS etc as they tout the new vaccine and or work of the govt in stopping (almost completely) the spread of ebola...probably right before elections... ALEX AND SAVAGE are maligned as conspiracy theorists and idiots as everything they predicted did not come martial law, no round up, no forced vaccinations...etc...people will believe it and the 10% will be maligned as crazy Waco style people that are dangerous to the public at this point...SNITCH CENTERS will be set up to identify with the public's help the crazy patriots...who will then be labeled dissenters to the cause and effort to truly help stop ebola...the public believes it (the govt hopes) and this causes the tipping point in the control-ability. The public will turn on the true patriots... PHASE 2--winter a year later...ebola kicks back up again quickly and mercilessly...people are panicked.... ALTERNATIVE MEDIA sings the same song about martial law...this time the public(those who were on the fence) doesn't buy it and they turn to government for full support. The stations are already set up the vaccine is ready, forced inoculations are announced or they even announce vaccine shortages to scare people into flocking to the nearest Walgreens. .. This is when the round up begins as the people doing the rounding up will truly believe they are doing a "good thing"....then full civil war and unrest truly begin..... Either way....sounds like a crappy future... Here was an article on INNFOWARS from SHTF with the same MO you proposed with some more details from executive orders already signed about incarceration... My response: We are dealing with psychopaths with an agenda. Therefore, though the end result will be the same, the methodology is not set in stone and your guess is as good as mine. I doubt this virus is real at this point but cannot definitely say it is not. But if needed it would quickly become real. I will leave it at that, thanks! Kjtruth sent: FINAL NAILS IN THE EBOLA SCAM COFFIN: The 2014 Ebola Outbreak is a PROVEN FRAUD, Here is the Evidence. I Am Sick and Tired of Repeating this FACT Over and Over Again! outbreak-is-a-proven-fraud-here-is-the-evidence-i-am-sick-and-tired-of-repeating-this-fact-over-and- over-again/ People who doubt or even deny until they drop that the 2014 ebola outbreak is being manufactured/scripted along the way as they, the UN, see it necessary in order to keep the world population fooled enough and the pockets and private bank account of Ban ki Moon filled royally enough, answer this question.: < 29, July (Bloomberg, recovered have outbreak the of Guinea, in epicenter, FIRST patients alleged 75% that possible it is how then ebola for cure no there if and 50-90% about rate death If>
  • 3. The fact that 75% of the alleged patients have recovered without a known cure since officially there is none should be big news, yet that fact(oid) has died a swift death. WHY? That FIRST epicenter would be the same as the one that the BBC reported about in August 2014 as having remained free of ebola, miraculously. Why and how did the United Nations switch the FIRST epicentre from Gueckedou, Guinea to Sierra Leones northeastern district of Kailahun, the SECOND and new epicenter? Who ordered that the hype and lies surrounding the 2014 ebola outbreak and ebola in general had to go on, no matter what? Who is collecting the multimillion-dollar checks for this? Or is it just about the total takeover of Africa? My response: I know full well any "ebola relief" is going straight into Jewish pockets and NONE will make it to the destination, real outbreak or not, and I am not just blowing smoke, there is serious precedent for this - Haiti earthquake relief Though billions were collected, almost all, and I am talking in the 98 percent range (and 100 percent that got donated to anything Jewish), got stolen. The only organizations that actually got to Haiti with any help at all were 100 percent churches, mostly small Christian churches in America with arguably the largest cohesive group showing up being the Church of Scientology. Hillary Clinton collected almost 100 million (by far the biggest chunk from direct donations) and not a single dime of it showed up in Haiti. In America, scammers went through the Latino community and collected MILLIONS from Latinos and not a dime of it showed up in Haiti. So even though overall several billion got collected globally, with 1.4 billion coming from America - more than enough to rebuild Haiti several times over, they still sit in ruins because the only groups that were not corrupt were too small to do it all by themselves. They needed honesty in the big guns, the large people and organizations, and since these are mostly all now Jewish, Haiti got robbed of help and you can bet that this Ebola outbreak will be used to steal funding and help money in exactly the same way, real or not. Sep 20 2014 Scottish Referendum Numerous people have asked me what I think. WELL, I think it went exactly the way the people counting the votes wanted it to. In this day and age, there is no excuse for rigged voting. All it would take to ensure an accurate count is for each ballot to have a number on it, and each ballot to be put online to show how the vote for that particular ballot went. If 52 people voted in a particular precinct, only 52 ballots should show up, and all 52 people who voted could get together and confirm their vote was counted correctly. And all it would take is a number on each ballot that the people casting the vote kept and cross checked later against a database. But we will NEVER see that. And having votes from each precinct be given a sum total that everyone who voted could get together and verify would keep dead people from voting.
  • 4. Obviously the Scottish vote was rigged, with perfectly stacked ballots being pulled out of a box on video. But in an area under jurisdiction of a corrupt Queen and Rothchild clan, what more could you expect? The year 2014 was added to the Georgia Guidestones You have probably heard of them - the "guidestones" which state in multiple languages that world population must be maintained at 500 million. WELL, here is something spooky - in 2009 a small section was cut out of the English guidestone, and recently 2014 was inserted into the cut out section. Could this be the year they begin culling the herd? Read more HERE Sep 19 2014 I hit severe resistance posting the following, they destroyed the original, I think I NAILED IT: WILL THE "EBOLA OUTBREAK" BE USED AS COVER FOR MURDERING DISSIDENTS? Permalink We all know the FEMA camps are real, yet the camps are sitting empty because the NWO/Agenda 21 crowd has concluded the American people are too well armed to take by force. But what if they avoid force by instead using a false flag disease with a huge mortality rate to provide plausible grounds for freedom loving patriots vanishing? Would that work to cull the herd without creating a raging stampede? Could this "outbreak" really be a ruse to provide plausible cover for the murder of millions if not billions of people the NSA has already profiled as being not desirable in the New World Order? The lack of photographic proof of any outbreak strongly suggests this may be the case. HERE IS THE SCENARIO: The NSA provides a profiled list of who lives and who dies to people who will go door to door vaccinating and evacuating people under the ploy of "Ebola". When these people come to your door, they make the decision who lives and dies right then and there. If you refuse a shot, off to the camps you go where you will "die from Ebola," and there will be no witnesses to say otherwise. If you are stupid and
  • 5. agree to the shot, and have been profiled as a patriot, your particular shot will be formulated to kill or destroy you. I really believe this is likely to be the plan, and quite frankly cannot see it any other way. The reason is simple: Liberia has 70 percent market penetration of cell phones, and those cell phones were used to show the police crack downs on the people with regard to this outbreak, yet those same cell phones never uploaded a single picture to the web that actually shows people with Ebola. If this "Ebola outbreak" was in any way real, there would be countless photos of the bloody stools, people bleeding from their skin, mouths and eyes, and bodies piling up yet with regard to this particular outbreak there is not a single selfie of an Ebola victim to be had, nor any other pictures of anyone who has anything even remotely close. And there are all the stories about people who have Ebola hiding in their homes. Lots of people dying of Ebola in their homes. And 70 percent of those people have cell phones, with cameras, AND NOT ONE HOME ANYWHERE EVER SENT OUT A PICTURE. I am only saying this because a shill might say, OH, the hospitals do not allow people in to take pictures. WELL THEN, what about all the homes, where people supposedly died of this? Would they not upload photos to loved ones on Facebook? Would they not at least try to tweet about this? Obviously they would, and the fact not a single one did is obvious proof the "outbreak" is a hoax with an agenda. An Agenda 21 agenda. What could be better for hiding the murder of millions, if not billions, than an "outbreak", to meet NWO depopulation schedules at an accelerated pace? Even just one agency - the DHS, has enough rounds of ammo to make it all happen, and in the aftermath there will be no evidence because everyone had to be cremated to "get rid of the disease". IT IS PERFECT, TOO PERFECT, FOLKS, I THINK I NAILED IT. The shills have used photos of people shot and run over by the police enforcing the ebola scam to PROVE people are "bleeding" from Ebola, do not fall for this! ISIS BEHEADING BLUEPRINT NAILED. Permalink This time the beheading was of a fictitious TV character in a Turkish television drama titled "WOLVES VALLEY", which was filmed in February of 2014.
  • 6. That's right folks, WE HAVE THE BLUE PRINT PRODUCTION USED FOR THE ISIS FAKES, THIS IS THE FINAL NAIL. You can view this HERE the relevant scene is at exactly 33 seconds. Claims are being made now by some people in the Arab world that Mossad front SITE contracted out to this film maker to produce the ISIS beheadings as well. However, that would be difficult to confirm and I am not certain it is even necessary. The dating of this trailer to Feb of this year pretty much sews this up in a body bag. Anti Islam ad campaign in New York Read the comments below THIS ARTICLE, they are shocking in their ignorance and what happens when a newspaper censors 90 plus percent of legitimate comments and leaves it up to Jewish students and paid shills to battle it out with each other. DISGUSTING! Congress approves military action in Syria. So they have voted for playing it fake right to the end. If ISIS is a lie, NEVER ADMIT TO THE LIE EVEN IF TOTALLY CAUGHT, just write something else in so you can beat your mythical lie . . . . . . and fulfil an agenda doing it! Take a look at the picture to the left - they are so spun up in their lies they cannot even always get a single screen to be consistent. Do not sweat the new stories about "outbreaks" I have received numerous stories about various different outbreaks of various different viruses, but in every case when I look into them, despite them being real, they are within statistical averages. There are a large number of spooky viruses out there in the wild in various parts of the world but they are exactly that - out there in the wild.
  • 7. One good example of such a virus is the Hanta virus, which is most prevalent in the four corners region of the U.S. (where Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona come together). Hanta virus is carried by mice and left in their feces, and if the dust gets into your lungs, your chances of living a normal life afterward are greatly reduced, Hanta has a huge fatality rate. Yet very few people get it, because most people keep mice out of their homes, the particular species is not common in homes and the human populations in the major Hanta areas is small. We are hearing lots about Hanta type outbreaks (but not Hanta in particular right now) simply because the media is focused on ALL outbreaks at this time, significant or not. There was one outbreak of a hemorrhagic virus in Venezuela, and when I looked into it, it just hit a few farmers in a remote region, farmers who have lots of exposure to pest animals that carry it. I myself am taking absolutely no precautions right now other than to stock up on Vitamin C, for the odd off chance remote possibility there is anything at all to the Ebola "outbreak" other than a scare campaign to force vaccinations on the public in the near future Someone sent me an "Ebola picture" My response: There were protests with people not believing the outbreak was real at all, and someone from the mind control crowd ran this man over with a car. That is where the blood is from, NOT EBOLA. I cannot be fooled by stuff like this, DO YOUR RESEARCH, I certainly do mine. And this picture of a man who was run over by a car made it to the web from Africa, WHICH IS COLD HARD PROOF Africans could get pictures
  • 8. of real Ebola out of there if it was really happening. Pictures of people bleeding because they have been shot, run over, or otherwise injured by people running and enforcing the Ebola scam DO NOT QUALIFY. HERE IS THE RELEVANT ARTICLE Gaza deaths being masked by "exodus" lie When Gaza's next census takes place, count on it landing somewhere between 700,000 and 1,200,000 with anywhere between 1.1 million and 700,000 people less than the previous census. FACT: THERE IS NO WAY ON EARTH THERE WERE ONLY 2,000 or so deaths in Gaza, my guess is that the number was over half a million, and now we are starting to see media posturing in the scamming ziopress to provide plausible grounds for what will obviously be an enormously lower census tally next time around. Here is a good mystery for people to solve: Why is it that in all the rubble photos there are so few people walking around? The destroyed areas had thousands and thousands of residents EACH, yet in the wreckage photos, where you would expect to see countless people digging through it all to find whatever was left (if there really were survivors), you will see only a few scattered people. Logic does not support that scenario, the only real possibility is that the populations are dead in the buildings and buried under rubble. If you set off a bomb in a concrete structure that is enough to blow the walls out, anyone in that structure will be vaporized, you will not find any large pieces afterwards and I am certain this is exactly what has happened, and is the real reason why, as I predicted earlier, the Ziopress is now hatching mass exodus stories - to account for the hundreds of thousands, if not over a million dead in Gaza. It was an extermination pure and simple, and now we are starting to see the cover up. According to the numbers stated in this fox news report by the time the next census in Gaza happens, 180,000 Gazans will have "left" Gaza, which will "explain" the census shortfall. Anything this does not cover will no doubt be attributed to "statistical error" which could easily soak up another 100,000. If the census is skipped this time which could be explained because "you cannot census rubble" then the numbers FOX states will account for a census shortfall of 657,000 next time around, which I actually think is closer to the real number of dead. One way or another, Israel is going to dream up whatever is needed to cover up virtually all of the atrocity committed and force it down the world's throat via the scamming ziopress. 2,000 dead? HA, what a laugh. Not possible, NO WAY AT ALL. Sep 17 2014
  • 9. The probable real reason for the "Ebola outbreak": Brain rape: Chemical compliance to the New World Order Permalink The swine flu scare of 2009 was no doubt the first attempt to use forced vaccination to gain compliance from the masses. But despite all the headlines, the outbreak was fake (as this current "Ebola" outbreak may be) and unwillingness of the greater population to accept a vaccine in 2009 was a major obstacle to making a fully compliant population a NWO reality. However, with Obama signing a 2012 mandate to shut down all web sites that speak out against forced vaccinations the next time an attempt to force them is made, the outcome next time around may be entirely different. The current Ebola outbreak is likely to be entirely fake, and if it is as advertised, no vaccine will work against it anyway. With the number of mutations now reported to be in excess of 400, there is no way any Ebola vaccine will work, no matter what anyone says or how it is advertised. But I have my doubts it is all real, because not one photograph from any doctor, cell phone upload, news report or anything else shows any illness even remotely resembling Ebola. Where are the pictures of the bloody stools? Where are the pictures of the bodies piling up? Where is proof of anything? The people fronting this Ebola scam are counting on people to be stupid enough to believe Africa is so backwards there is no such thing as internet and cell phone cams, which would, during any real outbreak fill the web up with cell phone shots of Ebola victims. In Liberia, where this outbreak is reported to be at its worst, cell phones have 70 percent market penetration and the internet is a well established reality. WHY THEN are there no cell phone pictures of bloody bodies piling up (or any bodies at all, for that matter) to be found ANYWHERE on the web? Go ahead and do a Google search dated to show anything after the beginning of this year. All you will find are re-posts of old Ebola pictures from the 70's and 80's. There is NOTHING from this outbreak AT ALL, and in the information age, that alone is a smoking gun that proves it all has to be fake. Not one doctor, not one teenager walking the streets, not one sad mother with a dead child, not one plumber, nurse, police officer, relief worker, soldier, security guard, dog catcher or ANYTHING ELSE has uploaded a SINGLE PHOTO that would confirm this outbreak is real. All we have is the scamming zio press uploading "Ebola photoscapes" that still show NOT ONE PICTURE of what they are talking about, you are just supposed to see a hospital with people in beds, showing no Ebola symptoms at all and a few doctors running around and believe the photos are legitimate. So FEMA ordered 150,000 haz mat suits. GREAT HEADLINE and a sacrifice for no one. And they may not have even ordered them, with the fake beheadings being fronted as real there is no way you can know if a FOX news report is not a pure fabrication. And suppose FEMA did order all those "Ebola suits", would 150,000 even be out of line for a normal purchase by an agency that large? If so, would it really need to mean anything when the agency gets it all for free anyway via your tax dollars?
  • 10. Bottom line: We are living in a nation where children are "murdered" in a school that has been closed for years, and it gets peddled off as real. We are living in a nation where at the Boston "bombing" Nick Vogue gets pushed back and forth in front of the cameras in a wheelchair with his "legs blown off" FIVE TIMES without getting loaded into an ambulance. We are living in a nation where at a "Bat Man" shooting, one of the "victims" tweets laughing about it only to get rewarded to a hideout with "five swimming pools and a lake", and in the case of the Bat Man "shooting" the theater gets subsequently bulldozed the same way Sandy Hook school was, obviously to forever bury the fact that nothing happened there AT ALL. Would it be too much of a stretch to believe that this "Ebola outbreak" could be a similar scam? And what if it is real? If it is real, it came from a lab. Ebola was among the most stable of all viruses known, with no mutations known of via fossil records for the last 50,000 years, why now this chameleon virus? ANSWER: If real, 400 plus mutations now means it came from a lab. You can create a vaccine that will work against a stable virus, not a chameleon so if population reduction was the real goal, a totally worthless "other purpose" "vaccination" is what the Agenda 21 crowd would want, so the surviving population has been given a shot that makes it compliant to NWO demands. "Chemical Compliance" to the New World Order, via tainted "vaccinations", fluoridation or any other method has long been the ultimate goal of the elite, to overlook this in the face of the fact that there cannot possibly be an effective vaccine with a virus that is mutating constantly would be foolish. Something other than protecting the public would have to be the real goal of any "forced vaccine" against a mutating virus, surely protecting the public could not possibly be the real purpose. If there really is an outbreak, but it is so changed from the original that no classic symptoms show, you do not want any "vaccine" offered for it because it cannot possibly work against a 400 X mutating strain and HAS TO be for a different agenda. In this way their own stories busted them, because "rapidly mutating" may sound spooky but it also at the same time says NO VACCINE WILL WORK. If this outbreak is as reported, it is precisely mimicking the dog virus Parvo. If there are any legitimate reports about this outbreak, it would, if legitimate and acting as reported, be mimicking Parvo in dogs. If this virus really only causes intestinal and stomach bleeding, it is effectively showing the symptoms of Parvo. And in that case, even if it is 400X mutating, Vitamin C is probably the best answer because I have, from experience, used Vitamin C to stop the bleeding in a puppy with Parvo after having a doctor write to this web site saying vitamin C stopped the bleeding from Ebola. And that puppy is now running around very happy, the unlikely parvo survivor. That alone was a breakthrough, Vitamin C will indeed stop bleeding from Parvo, (this link is to a major report that should be read) the same way a doctor who wrote to this web site said it would stop the bleeding from Ebola. So if this happens to be real, lab created or not, Vitamin C and other IL-6 cytokine inhibitors are likely to be the real answer, NOT VACCINATIONS. When it comes to web site shutdowns during a pandemic, Natural News nailed it:
  • 11. The possible web site shutdowns for any site calling B.S. on the vaccinations and overall Ebola scenario would be expected if the NWO crowd wanted a clandestine "vaccination" to hit the masses without resistance. The fact this legislative step was taken after the swine flu scam failed due to it going viral on the web rather than on the public speaks volumes, they do not want real reporting getting in the way of progress this time around, and they fully intend to ramrod the next attempt into reality, public will be damned. Sep 15 2014 This beheading video is HILARIOUS! "They lied" slideshow from For the record, it is NOT THE JESUITS Permalink I do not know who spawned all the Jesuit B.S. that is circulating the web, but I am tired of it and would like to state in no uncertain terms: It is NOT THE JESUITS doing fake beheadings, tainted vaccines, or anything else, such as running a scam "federal reserve" and stealing 90 percent of taxes. And I can prove this with ease, so easily that anyone with three or more functioning neurons could "get it". The Jesuits ARE NOT DOING IT ALL, because they do not own Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or any other media outlets, the Jews do, and if these outlets were running legitimate news, Isis would have been busted within three clock cycles of a broadcast compressor,(0.26 nanoseconds) and the fact that the media has sat there actively supporting the scam means that the same people running the media are running ISIS, and THAT would be the Jewish community. To those whos job it is to sit there trolling the blogs spreading Jesuit B.S. I would like them to consider something: Consider it is super easy to document it is NOT THE JESUITS OR ANYONE ELSE running these beheading scams, since the Jesuits are an obscure group they make an easy scapegoat to fool idiots with. However, ANYONE with a lick of sense would know that the silence in the media towards rigged elections, the illigitimate Federal Reserve, intentionally tainted autism causing vaccines, the shoddy state of the educational system, the destruction of the libraries, the real root behind the war on men, The 911 coverup and everything else we have been lied to about is COLD HARD PROOF THAT IT IS THE JEWS, THE JEWS AND NOTHING BUT THE JEWS DOING IT ALL, if they own the media and
  • 12. are negligently silent about all of these issues including these obviously fake beheadings it means they did it and that is all there is to it. And don't sit there saying they are stupid or too innocent to see it all and THAT is why they can't figure it out, the group that brought us abortion certainly is not too innocent and if they can engineer a new strain of Ebola, they certainly are not stupid. Sep 13 2014 ANOTHER FAKE BEHEADING Permalink This one was supposedly of British "hostage" David Haines. I really do not know what to do about another fake beheading, because people are so onto the B.S. by now that it probably will not matter to dig through whatever this next phony is and point out how and why it is fake. WHAT IS IMPORTANT HOWEVER is for Israel and the greater Jewish community to figure out that THIS TIME REPEATING A LIE WILL NOT WORK and will instead backfire. People are onto the psy ops, and more of the same will only incite hatred towards Israel, the Jewish community and the scamming MSM. A message to the greater Jewish community: You lost it with the first beheaded CPR doll, and the fact that SITE is releasing these when it is a known Mossad front company does not help. If in the future any beheadings look real, you can safely bet that all the psy op crew did was sub contract out to someone who would be GOOD at it, such as Steven Speilberg to help them speil a better phony. Not that good ol Steve would go along with it . . . . . This beheading video is HILARIOUS! Ebola uncertainties Jim wrote: There is not 1 picture of a verifiable patient with any signs or indications of an actual flourishing disease. Any "current images" show what appear to be just "people" lying in a bed being cared for. NO sweat visible, no lesions, no dramatic weight loss..nothing....besides...half of the pictures of the techs working in the make shift labs are not wearing goggles or face masks...its just not right. The Huff PO posted a lengthy "pictures" article and I looked thru it only to notice not one picture with a verifiable patient or a picture that looked like the doctors were following appropriate level 4 containment protocols...BUT GSK has a vaccine in the works... Every year brings a vaccine hype...SARS, SWINE, general FLU, now ebola with completely different symptoms, duration, and apparently recovery time...anyone with 1 year of med school knows this is wrong ...
  • 13. Here is the Huff PO article... photos-virus_n_5631405.html My response: You are right, and I myself am suspicious that it may all just be a hoax to get people to submit to forced vaccinations. However, if I am wrong in my suspicions, and this thing is real but a modified version that does not show classic symptoms, and I convince people to do nothing, then I would do a lot of damage. SO, to be responsible I strongly advise people to stock up on vitamin C. I feel this is a perfect middle ground. If it is not real, then you lost practically nothing by getting the vitamin C, and if you take it you lose nothing, and have everything to lose if you accept a vaccine from a system we all now know cannot be trusted after it was BUSTED IN FULL by a CDC whistleblower. I am doing what I can to protect people with proper information the best I can come up with, in the hopes of getting some very evil people to call off whatever they have planned with this "ebola", real or not, and if real, lab created to boot. For the record, Ebola is a huge virus that has been found in fossil form. From the fossils, they have been able to deduct that the five strains in existence have not mutated once in over 50,000 years. Ebola was a stable virus, why now has this new one according to the story line, morphed over 400 times? could it be that a bio lab released something totally new and unstable? If that is not the case, it is ALL A HOAX. Either way, the agenda 21 crowd is BUSTED and NO VACCINE WILL WORK against a 400X morphing virus real or not. UPDATE: Bill Gates is now funding the Ebola vaccine, and anyone who knows about Bill Gates and anti fertility vaccines knows what that means! Sep 12 2014 Did someone conduct an electronic weapon test? HOW could two fighter jets crash like this? I am at present undecided about whether or not the ebola outbreak is real or a hoax. But This is a great article, to offset the one below Ebola is my main topic of interest right now, I am trying to figure out if it is real or a hoax. IF Ebola is real, it is surpassing the 1.83 monthly expansion rate I spoke about earlier Mar, 2014 - Infected: 104 Dead: 62 Apr, 2014 - Infected: 194 Dead: 116 May, 2014 - Infected: 360 Dead: 216 Jun, 2014 - Infected: 670 Dead: 402 Jul, 2014 - Infected: 1,247 Dead: 748 Aug, 2014 - Infected: 2,319 Dead: 1,391 Sep 12, 2014: Already over 5,000 infected and 2400 dead - this is where it is obvious the curve is not being followed anymore. It appears to be going hockey stick.
  • 14. Old prediction for end of Sep, 2014 - Infected: 4,313 Dead: 2,588 (we are already there) Oct, 2014 - Infected: 8,022 Dead: 4,813 Nov, 2014 - Infected: 14,921 Dead: 8,953 Dec, 2014 - Infected: 27,753 Dead: 16,652 Jan, 2015 - Infected: 51,621 Dead: 30,973 Feb, 2015 - Infected: 96,016 Dead: 57,610 Mar, 2015 - Infected: 178,590 Dead: 107,154 Apr, 2015 - Infected: 332,177 Dead: 199,306
