Herbal Treatment to Stop Hair Loss for Women



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Herbal Treatment to Stop Hair Loss for Women

0 Comments PrintApr 29, 2010 | By Melanie Grimes

Photo Credit rosemary flowers image by Karin Lau from Fotolia.com

Hair loss occurs in women because of hormones, heredity, bad diet or hair treatments such as coloring. Age also increases hair loss, as do certain drugs such as steroids. Bacterial infection and other diseases can speed hair loss as well. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that certain herbs may stimulate the hair follicles, and therefore stop hair loss.

Step 1

Pick 1/2 cup of fresh rosemary and a 1/2 cup of nettles. Rosemary and nettles can be picked during the summer months. If no fresh herbs are available, use 1/4 cup of dry herbs. Rosemary may stimulate hair growth, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

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Step 2

Put 1 cup of the combined herbs in a pot along with 1 pint of water. Use a glass or metal (e.g., stainless steel) pot, as these types of materials will will not react with the herbs.

Step 3

Bring to a simmer. Do not boil as that will cause the oils in the plants to evaporate and not to seep into the water.

Step 4

Let the herbs steep in the water for 15 minutes. The water will turn green or brown at this point.

Step 5

Strain the herbs from the water and throw them away. Remove all of the vegetable matter from the liquid.

Step 6

Add 1/2 cup of the herb brew to 1/2 of olive oil. Stir quickly as oil and water can separate.

Step 7

Apply the mixture to the hair. Rub into the scalp.

Step 8

Leave the mixture on for a half hour. Wrap a towel around the head to prevent the mask from dripping onto clothing.

Step 9

Rinse hair and shampoo as usual. If the olive oil does not rinse out after one shampooing, repeat.

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Tips and Warnings

This mask can be repeated a few times a week as it is nourishing for the hair and scalp. Dry nettles and dry rosemary can be purchased at health food and specialty stores.

Things You'll Need

Rosemary Nettles Pot Strainer Olive oil Bowl Spoon Towel


University of Maryland Medical Center: Rosemary NYU: Alopecia - Disease, Condition, & Injury Fact Sheets Northwestern Health Science: Stay healthy

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/113891-herbal-treatment-stop-hair-loss/#ixzz2ElNrldOK
