Hemothorax following lung transplantation: incidence, risk · PDF fileORIGINAL RESEARCH...


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Hemothorax following lung transplantation:incidence, risk factors, and effect onmorbidity and mortalityAria Hong1, Christopher S. King2*, A. Whitney Walter Brown2, Shahzad Ahmad2, Oksana A. Shlobin2,Sandeep Khandhar3, Linda Bogar3, Anthony Rongione3 and Steven D. Nathan2


Background: Hemothorax after lung transplantation may result in increased post-operative morbidity and mortality.Risk factors for developing hemothorax and the outcomes of patients who develop hemothorax have not beenwell studied.

Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed on all patients who underwent lung transplantation at asingle center between March 2009 and July 2014. Comparison was made between patients with and withouthemothorax post-transplant.

Results: There were 132 lung transplantations performed during the study period. Hemothorax was a complicationin 17 (12.9 %) patients, occurring an average of 9 days after transplant. No difference was found between the hemothoraxand non-hemothorax groups with respect to age, preoperative anticoagulation, lung allocation score, prior thoracotomy,coagulation profile, use of cardiopulmonary bypass, ischemic time, or postoperative P/F ratio. There was atrend towards a higher incidence of hemothorax in patients with underlying sarcoidosis and re-transplantation(p = 0.13 and 0.17, respectively). Hemothorax developed early (<48 h post-operatively) in 5 patients and presented in adelayed manner (≥48 h post-operatively) in 12 patients. Delayed hemothorax occurred primarily in the settingof anticoagulation (10 out of 12 patients). The hemothorax group had decreased ventilator-free days (p = 0.006),increased ICU length of stay (p = 0.01) and increased hospital length of stay (p = 0.005). Hemothorax was alsoassociated with reduced 90-day survival (p = 0.001), but similar 1, 3, and 5-year survival (p = 0.63, p = 0.30, and p = 0.25),respectively).

Conclusion: The development of hemothorax is associated with increased morbidity and decreased short-termsurvival. Hemothorax may present either within the first 48 h after surgery or in a delayed fashion, most commonly inthe setting of anticoagulation.

Keywords: Hemothorax, Lung transplantation, Interstitial lung disease

BackgroundLung transplantation may be an option for patients withvarious forms of advanced lung disease and is under-taken with the goal of improving both survival as well asquality of life [1]. Although the procedure holds thepromise of improved outcomes, a number of complica-tions may arise including primary graft dysfunction,

infection, rejection, and venous thromboembolism. Post-transplant management often involves a delicate balancebetween the likelihood of various complications andthe potential risks of prophylactic therapies themselves.The most common example of the “transplantationtightrope” is the titration of immunosuppressive medi-cations to prevent rejection without exposing the trans-plant recipient to undue risk of infection. An equallycommon, but less discussed, balance which must beconsidered is the risk of bleeding versus thrombosis.Particular attention has been paid to the prevention of

* Correspondence: Christopher.king@inova.org2Advanced Lung Disease and Transplant Clinic, Inova Fairfax Hospital, FallsChurch, VA, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Hong et al. Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine (2016) 11:40 DOI 10.1186/s40248-016-0075-y

venous thromboembolism post-transplantation given areported high incidence and the potential for adverse out-comes [2]. Patients are also at risk for post-operativebleeding following lung transplantation given the need foranticoagulation and potential for thrombocytopenia andcoagulopathy associated with cardiopulmonary bypass, aswell as the extensive surgical resection required for nativelung extraction in many end-stage lung diseases [3].The development of hemothorax appears to be com-

mon, complicating 17.8 % of transplants in a series of107 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) [4]. The limited data available also suggest post-transplant hemothorax is associated with post-operativemorbidity and mortality. In a retrospective study of 100patients, hemothorax was shown to occur in 15 % of pa-tients after lung transplantation, with 46 % of patientsrequiring surgery for massive hemothorax and an associ-ated 40 % in hospital mortality [5]. In another series, 1month mortality after bilateral lung transplantation foremphysema was found to be higher in patients whodeveloped a hemothorax [6]. These results suggest thathemothorax is a serious complication that affects patientoutcomes and requires special clinical attention. Thepatient characteristics that increase the likelihood ofdeveloping hemothorax have not been well studied.Additionally, the impact of hemothorax on long-termsurvival remains unknown. We aimed to identify patientcharacteristics associated with the development of post-transplant hemothorax and study the impact of thiscomplication on patient morbidity and mortality.

MethodsStudy design and data collectionAn extensive chart review was conducted of all patientsreceiving a lung transplant at our tertiary care center be-tween March 2009 and July 2014. We limited our defin-ition of hemothorax to only those that were regarded as“significant”. We defined a significant hemothorax asone that required an intervention, including tube thora-costomy, surgery, vasopressors or transfusion. The diag-nosis of hemothorax based on sanguineous chest tubeoutput or radiographic findings alone were not includedgiven some variability in reporting and the knownexpectation of some bleeding post-operatively. Data col-lection was performed by one investigator (AH). If thediagnosis of hemothorax was questionable, the case wasreviewed by two attending pulmonologists (CK and SN)and a consensus was achieved. Transfusion and vaso-pressors were considered to be related to hemothorax ifthey were administered in the twelve hours before orafter intervention or discovery of the hemothorax. In theevent no procedural intervention was required, theperiod twelve hours prior to and after the clinical diag-nosis of hemothorax was scrutinized for medical

interventions deemed hemothorax-related. The outcomesstudied focused on morbidity and mortality and includedthe following: intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay(LOS), hospital LOS, ventilator-free days, and 90-day,1-year, 3-year, and 5-year survival.Baseline demographics including preoperative, intra-

operative, and postoperative characteristics of patientswho developed hemothorax were compared to thosewho did not. Demographic and other patient-specificvariables recorded included age, sex, lung allocationscore (LAS), pre-transplant hemoglobin and plateletcount, pre-operative use of prophylactic or therapeuticanticoagulation, pre-operative use of antiplatelet agents,history of prior thoracic surgery [excluding video-assistedthorascopic surgery (VATS) lung biopsy], underlying pri-mary lung disease, single or bilateral transplant, initialtransplant or re-transplantation, mean pulmonary arterypressure (mPAP), and pre-operative need for mechanicalventilation. Intra-operative and post-operative variablesassessed included ischemic time, surgical description ofadhesions (moderate or dense), need for cardiopulmonarybypass, need for and quantity of intra-operative packedred blood cell transfusion, post-operative internationalnormalized ratio (INR), partial thromboplastin time(PTT), hemoglobin, and platelet count, and 72 h pulmon-ary arterial oxygen saturation to fraction of inspired oxy-gen ratio (P/F ratio). The post-operative lab datareported was obtained from testing performed imme-diately upon arrival to the ICU from the operatingroom. In addition, we compared the characteristics of“early” (defined as < 48 h post-operatively) and “de-layed” (≥48 h post-transplant) hemothorax patients.Aspects of post-transplant morbidity assessed in-cluded ICU LOS, hospital LOS, chest tube duration,and ventilator-free days. This study was approved bythe institutional review board (IRB) of our institution(IRB# 13.1394).

Standard clinical practicesInitiation of prophylactic and therapeutic anticoagula-tion at our institution is individualized to patients aftera risk/benefit analysis by the transplant team. In gen-eral, chemical deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophy-laxis at our institution in the form of subcutaneousheparin 5000 units three times daily is initiated 48–72 h post-operatively. When therapeutic anticoagula-tion is indicated, it is typically initiated in the form ofan intravenous heparin infusion with a PTT goal of 60to 90 s. The decision to use cardiopulmonary bypass isindividualized and ultimately determined by the cardiacanesthesiologist and cardiothoracic surgeon performingthe transplant. Traditional cardiopulmonary bypass, ratherthan extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) sup-port, was used for all patients requiring cardiopulmonary

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bypass at our institution at the time of data collection.Single lung-transplantation is performed through a pos-terolateral thoracotomy and bilateral transplant is per-formed through anterior thoracosternotomy (“clamshellincision”). Post-operative resuscitation and correction ofcoagulopathy/thrombocytopenia is performed at the dis-cretion of the cardiothoracic/transplant surgery team afterconsideration of the degree of surgical bleeding.

Statistical analysisDescriptive statistics and bivariate analyses were per-formed using 2-sample t-tests for continuous patientcharacteristics and Fisher’s exact test for categorical pa-tient characteristics. Survival time was calculated fromthe time of lung transplantation. Kaplan- Meier survivalcurves were generated and compared using the Log-Rank test. Overall 90-day survival was first examined.Next, 1-year survival (overall and contingent on 90-daysurvival) as well as 3 and 5-year survival were examinedfor lung transplant recipients. Univariate and multivari-ate analyses using Cox proportional hazard modelingwere performed to further examine the relationship be-tween hemothorax and survival adjusted for baseline pa-tient characteristics. Survival analyses were performedusing STATA version 12 (StataCorp LP; College Station,TX, USA). All tests were two-tailed and p-values of lessthan 0.05 were considered significant.

ResultsA total of 132 lung transplantations in 129 patients (3 re-transplantations) were included in the review (Table 1).Significant hemothorax developed in 17 of the 132 cases(12.9 %) and occurred from 0 to 32 days after transplantwith a mean of 9.4 days and median of 8 days. Table 2provides individualized data about the 17 patients with he-mothorax. Veno-venous ECMO support was utilized pre-operatively for one patient and post-operatively for onepatient with primary graft dysfunction.Of the 17 patients who developed a significant hemotho-

rax, surgical re-exploration was deemed necessary in 11.The site of bleeding was identified in only three cases andincluded bleeding from a bronchial artery, an intercostal ar-tery and chest wall bleeding at the site of the thoracotomy.Of the remaining 6 patients, 3 required a new chest

tube and one had a thoracentesis. Patients required anaverage of 3 units of packed red blood cell around thetime of the hemothorax (up to 6 days before hemotho-rax and 2 days after hemothorax). The number of bloodtransfusions required for the hemothorax was determinedby review of the individual chart. Transfusion require-ments may be underestimated as some patients werenoted to have decreasing hemoglobin and hematocrit andwere transfused blood products for several days prior tothe diagnosis of hemothorax.

The patients who developed hemothorax were dividedinto two groups – early hemothorax (within 48 h post-transplant, N = 5) and delayed hemothorax (≥48 h post-transplant, N = 12). Most patients who developed a latehemothorax were on anticoagulation prior to developingthe hemothorax (10/12 or 83 %).

Association of patient characteristics with development ofhemothoraxPatient and pre-operative variablesCharacteristics of patients who did and did not developa hemothorax were compared (Table 1). The only statis-tically significant difference between the two groups was

Table 1 Patient characteristics of the hemothorax (HTX) andnon-hemothorax (No HTX) group with corresponding p values

Characteristics HTX (N = 17) No HTX(N = 115)


Age (years) 52 55 0.39

Gender (male) 13/17 (76 %) 55/114 (48 %) 0.038

LAS 57 51 0.27

Previous thoracotomy 7/17 (41 %) 33/115 (29 %) 0.40

Bilateral Lung Transplant 6/17 (35 %) 33/115 (29 %) 0.58

Pre-tx mPAP 27 29 0.41

Pre-tx Hemoglobin 12.7 12.3 0.51

Pre-tx Platelet 242,000 259,000 0.52

Pre-tx Full Anticoagulation 1/17 (6 %) 9/115 (8 %) 1.00

Pre-tx Aspirin 4/17 (24 %) 26/115 (23 %) 1.00

Pre-tx Mechanical Ventilation 1/17 (6 %) 4/115 (3 %) 0.50

Ischemic Time (minutes) 221 186 0.15

Use of Cardiopulmonary Bypass 11/17 (65 %) 65/115 (57 %) 0.61

Moderate-dense adhesions 7/17 (41 %) 33/115 (29 %) 0.40

Intraoperative Transfusion:Units of PRBCs

2.0 0.9 0.24

Post-tx Hemoglobin 10.5 10.6 0.78

Post-tx Platelet 157,000 168,000 0.49

Post-tx INR 1.3 1.4 (N = 113) 0.21

Post-tx PTT 40 37 0.66

P/F Nadir by 72 hours 224 256 0.19

Underlying Lung Disease:

COPD 1 19 NS

Bronchiectasis 0 4

IPF 6 39

ILD 3 32

Sarcoidosis 4 12

Re-transplantation 2 4

Other 1 5

COPD Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, ILD Interstitial lung disease, IPFIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, LAS lung allocation score, mPAP meanpulmonary artery pressure, NS Not significant, PRBCs packed red blood cells,P/F PaO2/FiO2 ratio, TX transplant

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there were more males (76 % vs. 48 %, p = 0.038) in thegroup with hemothorax. There were no significant dif-ferences in patient age between groups. The averagelung allocation score (LAS) was 57 in the hemothoraxgroup and 51 in the non-hemothorax group (p = 0.27).Forty-one percent of patients (7 out of 17) had priorchest surgery in the hemothorax group, compared to29 % (33 out of 115) in the non-hemothorax group (p =0.40). Thirty-five percent (6 out of 17) in the hemotho-rax group had a bilateral lung transplant as comparedwith 29 % (33 out of 115) in the non-hemothorax groupwho had a bilateral lung transplant (p = 0.58). The meanpre-transplant pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) was27 mmHg in the hemothorax group and 29 mmHg inthe non-hemothorax group (p = 0.41). There were nosignificant differences in pre-transplant hemoglobin (p =0.51), platelet count (p = 0.52), or post-transplanthemoglobin (p = 0.78), platelet count (p = 0.49), or INR(p = 0.21). There was also no difference in pre-transplantanticoagulation, with 6 % (1 out of 17) of the hemotho-rax group and 8 % (9 out of 115) in the non-hemothoraxgroup receiving therapeutic anticoagulation prior to trans-plant (p = 1.0). Likewise, treatment with aspirin was simi-lar pre-transplantation (4/17 or 24 %) in the hemothoraxand non-hemothorax groups (26/115 or 23 %) (p = 1.0).There was no difference in pre-transplant ventilator de-pendence, with 6 % (1/17) in the hemothorax group, and3 % (4/115) in the non-hemothorax group on mechanicalventilation prior to transplant (p = 0.50).

Perioperative variablesIschemic time was not different between the twogroups, although there was a trend towards significancewith the mean ischemic time of 221 min in the hemo-thorax group and 186 min in the non-hemothoraxgroup (p =0.15). Sixty-five percent (11/17) of the hemo-thorax group required cardiopulmonary bypass com-pared to 57 % (65/115) in the non-hemothorax group(p = 0.61). Operative reports were also studied to assessthe density of adhesions encountered during the lungtransplant. If the operative reports did not mention ad-hesions, it was assumed that the amount of adhesionswas minimal. Moderate to dense adhesions werepresent in 41 % (7/17) in the hemothorax group, and29 % (33/115) in the non-hemothorax group (p = 0.4).In addition, the average number of intraoperativepacked red blood cell transfusion was 2.0 in the hemo-thorax group compared to 0.9 in the non-hemothoraxgroup (p = 0.24).

Postoperative variablesPostoperatively, the effect of primary graft dysfunctionon the development of hemothorax was investigated bycomparison of the nadir P/F ratio at 72 h between thetwo study groups. There was no difference in P/F ratio,which was 224 in the hemothorax group and 256 in thenon-hemothorax group (p = 0.19). No statistically signifi-cant difference was found for postoperative hemoglobin,platelet count, INR, or PTT.

Table 2 Details of patients with hemothorax

Bleed date AC date AC AC Dosing PRBCs (units) Intervention

1 0 - - - 6 Thoracotomy

2 0 - - - 2 Thoracotomy

3 1 - - - 5 Thoracotomy

4 1 - - - 3 Thoracotomy

5 1 - - - 5 VATS

6 4 - - - 2 none

7 6 1 Heparin 0 VATS

8 6 2 Heparin Prophylactic 2 VATS

9 8 4 Heparin Prophylactic to therapeutic 0 Chest tube

10 8 - - - 8 VATS

11 9 2 Heparin Prophylactic 2 VATS

12 10 3 Heparin Prophylactic 2 VATS

13 13 3 Heparin then warfarin Prophylactic to therapeutic 8 Thoracotomy

14 15 3 Heparin Prophylactic to therapeutic 3 Chest tube

15 15 0 LMWH Prophylactic 0 Chest tube

16 31 4 Heparin to warfarin Therapeutic 2 Thoracentesis

17 32 4 Heparin Prophylactic to therapeutic 4 Died from hemothorax

AC Anticoagulation, BLTx Bilateral Lung Transplant, LMWH Low-molecular weight heparin, SLTx Single Lung Transplant, VATS Video-assisted thorascopic surgery

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Underlying lung diseaseThe rate of hemothorax based on underlying lung dis-ease was also evaluated. Hemothorax developed in 5 %of patients with COPD (1 out of 20), 0 % of patientswith bronchiectasis (0 out of 4), 13 % of patients withidiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) (6 out of 45), 9 % ofpatients with other interstitial lung disease (ILD) (3 outof 35), 25 % of patients with sarcoidosis (4 out of 16),33 % of re-transplants (2 out of 6), and 16 % of otherlung disease (1 out of 6). The other lung disease groupincluded one patient with bronchopulmonary dysplasia,one patient with alveolar proteinosis, 3 patients withlymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), and one patient withgraft versus host disease after a bone marrow transplant,which is the patient who developed hemothorax. There wasa trend toward increased risk of hemothorax in patientswith sarcoidosis (p = 0.13) and in re-transplantation(p = 0.17), compared to the other lung disease groups.

Morbidity and mortalityPatients who developed hemothorax experienced wors-ened morbidity (Table 3). Of the patients who developedhemothorax, 65 % required re-exploration in the operat-ing room, 76 % became hemodynamically unstable and53 % required vasopressors.Ventilator-free days, defined as days alive and free

from mechanical ventilation, was significantly shorterin the hemothorax group (17 days) compared to thenon-hemothorax group (27 days, p = 0.006). The pa-tients who developed hemothorax had a longer chesttube requirement from time of transplant of 14 dayscompared to 10 days in patients who did not develophemothorax (p = 0.028). Patients who developed he-mothorax had a significantly increased ICU length ofstay (27 days vs. 8 days, respectively, p = 0.010) andhospital length of stay (38 days vs. 17 days, respect-ively, p = 0.005) compared to those who did not.Effects of hemothorax on early, short-term and

long-term survival were analyzed. Two patients diedas a direct consequence of their hemothorax. Ninety-day survival was significantly reduced in patients de-veloping hemothorax (p = 0.001, Fig. 1). Overall 1-yearsurvival was also reduced (p = 0.011, Fig. 2). For

patients who survived beyond 90 days post-transplant,survival at 1 year was not significantly different betweenthose with and without hemothorax (p = 0.63, Fig. 3).There was no significant difference in 3 (p = 0.30, Fig. 4)or 5-year survival (p = 0.25, Fig. 5). Hemothorax didnot influence the overall survival of our lung trans-plant cohort using Cox proportional hazards modeling,even after adjusting for confounding variables of typeof transplant, underlying disease, and age (Table 4).

DiscussionIn this study we evaluated the incidence and down-stream consequences of significant hemothorax in aheterogeneous population of lung transplant recipi-ents. We provide an in-depth analysis of risk factorsfor hemothorax, as well as describe the incidence andimpact of this complication on both morbidity andsurvival.The primary finding of our retrospective review is that

post-operative hemothorax adversely affects earlysurvival in lung transplant recipients. With regards tosurvival, a prior study by Ferrer, et al. published in 2003analyzed acute and chronic pleural complications in 100lung transplant recipients and found that the develop-ment of hemothorax was associated with increasedmortality in a multivariate analysis [5]. The prior studydid not perform a rigorous evaluation of the manyvariables that may be associated with development ofhemothorax, which we attempted to do. Another studyby Ferrer and colleagues focused specifically on causesof death within 30 days of transplant in patients withCOPD [6]. This study found that 30 day mortality washigher in patients with post-operative hemothorax, but didnot evaluate the longer-term impact of hemothorax onsurvival. Our survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier method-ology allows an alternative means of looking at the effectsof hemothorax on post-transplant survival.It is unclear if the reduced 90 day survival of the

hemothorax group is due directly to the hemodynamicconsequences of the hemothorax or the downstreamsequelae of a more complex post-operative clinicalcourse. In fact, only two patients experienced cardiacarrest as a direct result of hemothorax. Clearly, multiplecomplications can arise as an indirect consequence ofhemothorax related to surgical re-exploration, longer timeon the ventilator, and longer hospital LOS, which may allnegatively impact survival in the short term. However, theimpact of these parameters on longer term survivalappears to dissipate over time. This may explain why 1, 3and 5-year survival curves in our hemothorax patientpopulation are similar to those without hemothorax.In addition to the effects on early survival, develop-

ment of hemothorax had a major impact of morbidity.Time on the ventilator and length of stay, both in the

Table 3 Morbidity and mortality in patients who developedhemothorax or not

Characteristics HTX (N = 17) No HTX (N = 115) P

Ventilator free days 17 27 0.006

Chest tube LOS (d) 14 10 0.028

ICU LOS (d) 27 8 0.01

Hospital LOS (d) 38 17 0.005

hemothorax (HTX) compared to those who did not develophemothorax (No HTX) and the corresponding p valuesD days, LOS length of stay

Hong et al. Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine (2016) 11:40 Page 5 of 9

ICU and hospital, were significantly increased. Althoughnot specifically studied, it is likely given these findingsthat the development of a hemothorax also increases thecost of hospitalization.Our study also adds to the existing medical literature

regarding the incidence of hemothorax post-lung trans-plant. The incidence of hemothorax post-transplantationhas not previously been well-reported and varies signifi-cantly amongst studies. Significant hemothorax occurredin 12.9 % of patients in our study. This is markedly dif-ferent from a review of pleural complications published

by Herridge and colleagues in 1995, who reported anincidence of only 1.4 % (1 subpleural hematoma and 1hemothorax in 138 patients) [7]. Hemothorax complicatedthe post-transplant course 15 % of the time in the previ-ously mentioned study by Ferrer et al. [5] and 17.9 % ofthe time in the study by Navarro and colleagues [2]. It isnot surprising that the reported rate of hemothorax variesamong studies given differences in the definition of hemo-thorax and populations studied.It is somewhat surprising that the only particular

patient or operative characteristic associated with the

Fig. 1 90-day survival after lung transplantation for patients with and without hemothorax

Fig. 2 One year survival after lung transplantation for patients with and without hemothorax

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development of hemothorax was male gender. It is un-clear if this represents a type II error or if male gendersomehow predisposes patients to the development ofhemothorax. Many characteristics considered traditionalrisk factors were not found to be significantly associatedwith the development of hemothorax in our cohort. Forinstance, the use of cardiopulmonary bypass has beendemonstrated to increase the need for intra-operativeblood products and to be associated with an increased riskfor post-operative bleeding, yet we failed to show an in-creased likelihood of hemothorax in patients transplantedon cardiopulmonary bypass [3, 8]. Certain disease states,

including sarcoidosis and re-transplantation, are classicallyassociated with more difficult surgical dissections, whichintuitively would seem to enhance the risk for post-operative hemothorax. Our study does show a trend to-ward increased risk of hemothorax in these populations,but this failed to reach statistical significance likely due tosmall numbers in these groups. Indeed, this likely repre-sents a type 1 error due to our relatively small sample size.Thus, further study in larger patient cohorts will help tofurther inform the literature.To our knowledge, our group is the first to address

the timing of the development of hemothorax post-

Fig. 3 One year survival after lung transplantation for patients with and without hemothorax conditional on survival to 90 days

Fig. 4 Three year survival after lung transplantation for patients with and without hemothorax

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transplant. Hemothorax is most commonly thought ofas a post-surgical complication that develops in the im-mediate peri-operative period. Somewhat surprisingly,70.5 % of the patients in our study who developed he-mothorax, did so greater than 48 h post-operatively. Infact, the median time to the development of hemothoraxpost-transplant was 8 days. The majority of patients with“delayed” hemothorax (83.3 %) were on some form ofanticoagulation. Given that hemothorax may present ina delayed fashion, at a time when transplant recipientsare at risk for other post-operative complications includ-ing nosocomial infection, acute rejection, and venousthromboembolism, clinicians must maintain a highindex of suspicion for this to ensure timely intervention.Anecdotally, even sizeable, clinically significant hemo-thoraces may be difficult to appreciate on chest radiog-raphy (Fig. 6). Clinicians should have a low threshold toobtain a chest CT in transplant recipients with any

hemodynamic instability, particularly in conjunctionwith unexplained drops in hemoglobin/hematocrit and/or dense pleural-based infiltrates.Our study has several limitations. All patient data

reviewed is from a single center which may limitgeneralizability. In particular, surgical techniques andmanagement of anticoagulants may vary amongst cen-ters and could impact the incidence of hemothoraxencountered. Additionally, our center performs a higherproportion of transplants for ILD than most centerswhich may influence generalizability. Our data setincludes very few patients managed with ECMO sup-port. Additional studies will be required in this specificpopulation to determine the effects on bleeding risk.The sample size is also relatively small, although on parwith prior studies. It is likely that we didn’t capture allhemothoraxes, specifically those that did not require anintervention. While it is generally expected that theremight be some bleeding post-operatively, how muchblood and at what point should this be regarded as apost-operative hemothorax is difficult to define. Weperhaps set the bar a little high in our definition of“significant hemothorax” and therefore cannot attest tothe incidence or impact of lesser hemothoraxes. Defini-tions of “clinically significant” hemothorax may varyamong studies. We feel that the definition we chose hasreal world applicability and is thus an appropriatedefinition which may be used as a standard for futuresimilar studies. Finally, the study is retrospective in natureand it is possible that cases of significant hemothorax weremissed. Given the definition used and the rigorous chartreview performed, we feel it is unlikely that cases meetingthe definition were not detected.

Fig. 5 Five year survival after lung transplantation for patients with and without hemothorax

Table 4 Unadjusted and adjusted hazard ratios for deathamong lung transplant patients

Hazard Ratio (95 % CI) P

Unadjusted: (N = 132)

Hemothorax 1.55 (0.73–3.28) 0.26

Adjusted*: (N = 132)

Hemothorax 1.69 (0.77–3.70) 0.19

Age 1.01 (0.98–1.04) 0.46

Gender 0.94 (0.54–1.63) 0.81

Type of Transplant 1.04 (0.85–1.27) 0.72

Underlying Disease 0.78 (0.38–1.59) 0.50

*Based on Cox proportional hazards model adjusted for hemothorax, age,gender, type of transplant, and underlying disease

Hong et al. Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine (2016) 11:40 Page 8 of 9

ConclusionsIn conclusion, a high index of suspicion for hemothoraxshould be maintained post-transplant as it negatively af-fects patient outcomes, particularly in the subsequentweeks to months. Hemothorax may develop in a delayedmanner, and therefore clinicians must remain vigilantoutside the immediate post-operative window, particu-larly in patients on anticoagulation. Future studies withlarger sample sizes are needed to further elucidate andabrogate risk factors for hemothorax. Equally importantare studies to guide patient specific risk stratification forpost-operative anticoagulation and optimize strategies tobest strike the tenuous balance of need for anticoagulationand risk of bleeding.

AbbreviationsCOPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DVT: Deep vein thrombosis;ICU: Intensive care unit; ILD: Interstitial lung disease; INR: Intentional normalizedratio; IPF: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; LAM: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis;LAS: Lung allocation system; LOS: Length of stay; mPAP: Mean pulmonaryartery pressure; P/F ratio: Pulmonary arterial oxygen saturation to fractionof inspired oxygen ratio; PTT: Partial thromboplastin time; VATS: Video-assistedthorascopic surgery

AcknowledgementsMatthew Libre assisted with data collection.

FundingNo funding was received to help with preparation of this manuscript.

Availability of data and materialsWe do not wish to share our data. The format of the raw data would bedifficult to navigate without understanding how the dataset was built andwhat individual fields are. If someone wishes to request access to our data,he may contact us directly.

Authors’ contributionsAH: Data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation. CK: Data collection,manuscript preparation. AWWB: Data analysis, manuscript preparation. OS:Manuscript preparation. SA Manuscript preparation. SK: Manuscript preparation.LB: Manuscript preparation. AR: Manuscript preparation. SN: Data analysis andmanuscript preparation. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Consent for publicationNo consent for publication is required.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThis study was approved by the institutional review board (IRB) of InovaFairfax Hospital (IRB# 13.1394).

Author details1Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, USA.2Advanced Lung Disease and Transplant Clinic, Inova Fairfax Hospital, FallsChurch, VA, USA. 3Cardiothoracic Surgery, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church,VA, USA.

Received: 28 April 2016 Accepted: 14 September 2016

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Fig. 6 Chest radiograph and CT scan of a patient with left hemothorax resulting in hemodynamic instability

Hong et al. Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine (2016) 11:40 Page 9 of 9
