Help Your Clients Stop the Insanity and Do the Work that ... · start to earn you more income –...


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Help Your Clients Stop the Insanity and Do the Work that Matters!

How to Help Your Clients Take Action And Reach Their Goals


Gina Hiatt, Ph.D. President Finish Agent® Inc



Get-It-Done Master Class II

Why Your Clients Don’t Take Action And How the Very Important Project Can Help

Action Guide

Help Clients Get From “That ’s a great idea; Wow!”

to “ I ’m tak ing act ion; Now!”



Get-It-Done Master Class II

Why Your Clients Don’t Take Action And How the Very Important Project Can Help

Action Guide

Welcome back!

I hope you learned something new from Class I. As a matter of fact, it will help consolidate your learning if you think about it now and write down what the most important thing was that you learned. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Maybe it was the Very Important Project Concept? Did the 5 Client Issues and 5 Success Traits help you realize that certain clients in certain situations have much more difficulty getting things done? Class 2 will give you some specific ways that you can help your clients get things done and become focused, productive and thrilled that they found you to coach them. We’ll talk about what you will need to teach them, and how to help structure their environment so they don’t have fall victim to the common problems that plague coaching clients. It will lead us to the perhaps surprising conclusion that the best way to meet all of your clients’ needs is to run coaching groups the right way, which will be the topic of Class 3.



Get-It-Done Master Class II

Why Your Clients Don’t Take Action And How the Very Important Project Can Help

Action Guide

1. What is the One Central Principle to teach your clients to help

them build Success Traits, Stop the Insanity and do more of the

work that matters?

_________ ______________ Actions Create ______________

__________-________ Results!

2. Does this principal help clients to be more creative in addition to

becoming more productive?

! Yes

! No



Get-It-Done Master Class II

Why Your Clients Don’t Take Action And How the Very Important Project Can Help

Action Guide

3. What is the best way to define a Small Daily


! It should be exactly an hour a day

! It should be 5 minutes a day

! Clients should decide each day what they’re in

the mood to do.

! It should be small enough that clients will

actually do it consistently.

4. What’s the best way to measure a Small Daily Action?

! Number of minutes of focused action

! How successful the client’s actions were

! Amount produced (such as number of words written or

number of sales made)

5. A VIP helps clients with all of the following except:

! Keeps the client moving forward instead of spiraling up and


! Stops the client from flipping from one task to another and

never finishing anything



Get-It-Done Master Class II

Why Your Clients Don’t Take Action And How the Very Important Project Can Help

Action Guide

! Reminds the client of what matters in the face of all the

possible distractions

! Helps the client work more hours a day so they’ll succeed


! Helps the client overcome resistance by bringing the client

face to face with it

6. We write in order to find out what we __________.

7. If your client says, “I did it, but I didn’t do a very good job of it,”

you will help model the principles taught in this class by saying,








Get-It-Done Master Class II

Why Your Clients Don’t Take Action And How the Very Important Project Can Help

Action Guide

What’s Coming up Next:

In the next “Get-It-Done” Master Class, entitled “Coaching Groups

That Help Your Clients Take Action & Meet Their Goals: How

Groups Run Right Can Help Your Clients Succeed,” I'm going to

start teaching you about how group coaching done the right way

can revolutionize your success rate with your clients, and can also

start to earn you more income – more leveraged, predictable,

recurring and passive income.

By the 4th Class, which will be live, I’ll be teaching you the secrets

that have led me to make nearly half a million dollars a year in

mostly passive income!

See you soon!
