Helen Coleman, Director Elizabeth Stegmaier, Associate Director LaTonya Webb, Assistant Director...


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  • Helen Coleman, Director Elizabeth Stegmaier, Associate Director LaTonya Webb, Assistant Director Fred Coleman, Director of Diversity July 2015 2015 Contractor Training Bidding Capital Project at the University of Illinois for Contractors July 2015 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1
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  • July 2015 2015 Contractor Training Comments from Allan Stratman, Executive Director of Facilities & Services
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  • July 2015 2015 Contractor Training Pre-Qualification Bid Checklist Material Deficiency Checklist Certs & Statutory Requirements Financial Disclosures MAFBE Overview Contract Preparation Upcoming Projects AGENDA
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  • Pre-Qualification 4 Register for the Vendor Services Application (VSA) VSA Help Document https://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/UserFiles/Servers/Server_7758/file/training/v sa/vsa_help_for_vendors.pdfhttps://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/UserFiles/Servers/Server_7758/file/training/v sa/vsa_help_for_vendors.pdf Submit Application in Contractor Annual Prequalification System (CAPS) Getting Started CAPS https://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/applications July 20152015 Contractor Training STATE FARM CENTERABBOTT POWER PLANT
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  • Navigation to VSA and CAPS July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 5 Source: http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/ 2015 Contractor Training
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  • VSA Application Main July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 6 Source: https://przm.apps.uillinois.edu/https://przm.apps.uillinois.edu/
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  • VSA Registration Page July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 7 Source: https://appserv6.admin.uillinois.edu/Ven dorRegistration/open/VendorSearch.jsp https://appserv6.admin.uillinois.edu/Ven dorRegistration/open/VendorSearch.jsp SURVEYING BUILDING
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  • VSA July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 8 Required Information Legal Vendor Name Vendor Type Type of Firm Name of Principal Officer State Incorporated Illinois Dept. of Human Rights # Vendor MAFBE Profile (If applicable) CMS Certification Type CMS Certification Expiration Date Registered Agent Information Organizational Profile (Name, address, phone, contact info.) User Profile (Name, Title, Email, Phone)
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  • Getting Started - CAPS July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 9
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  • Contractor Annual Prequalification (CAPS) July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 10 Registered agent information is inconsistent with Secretary of State business registration information IDHR # is expired or missing Documentation provided for legal disclosures is inadequate Insufficient experience in division of work for which applying Minimum of 10 projects provided with reference information. Must include at least 2 public works projects All projects were completed within the past 5 years Projects must have included work specific to the division of work for which applying Common Mistakes
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  • July 2015 2015 Contractor Training Surety letter and power of attorney are missing or insufficient. Attachments are missing or have errors. Required attachments include: Surety Letter and Power of Attorney Board of Elections Electronic Certificate Substance Abuse Policy Certification and Statutory Requirements Form Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Form Explanation of legal disclosures (if applicable) MBE/FBE CMS Certification documentation (if applicable) Substance abuse policy does not meet minimum state requirements. Common Mistakes
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  • CAPS Reference Links July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 12 http://www2.illinois.gov/dhr/Pages/default.aspx Illinois Dept. of Human Rights http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/ business_services/corp.htmlhttp://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/ business_services/corp.html Secretary of State Business Services Corporate Search http://www.elections.il.gov/InfoForBusinesses.as pxhttp://www.elections.il.gov/InfoForBusinesses.as px Board of Elections Registration http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?Act ID=2950&ChapterID=68http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?Act ID=2950&ChapterID=68 Substance Abuse Prevention on Public Works Projects Act (820 ILCS 265/)
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  • Bid Checklist July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 13 Source: http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contractshttp://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contracts
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  • Material Deficiency Checklist July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 14 Source: http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contractshttp://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contracts Section 00 22 00, 10.2.A Material Deficiencies
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  • Most Common Material Deficiencies July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 15 Source: http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contractshttp://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contracts Section 00 22 00, 10.2.A Material Deficiencies
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  • July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 16 As part of the requirements of Public Act 096-0795, bidders are required to complete certain certifications and disclosures for themselves, and upon award for their subcontractors. This is accomplished via the following forms: Certifications and Statutory Requirements Form Financial Disclosures and Potential Conflicts of Interest Form Fillable forms are located at: http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contracts http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contracts Senate Bill 51/Public Act 096-0795
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  • Certs & Statutory Requirements July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 17 Source: http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contractshttp://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contracts
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  • Certs & Statutory Requirements July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 18 Source: http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contractshttp://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contracts Failure to provide vendor name, IDHR # or IDHR expiration date (#18) Failure to check the non-applicable line if the vendor has
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  • Financial Disclosures July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 19 Source: http://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contractshttp://www.uocpres.uillinois.edu/contractors/contracts
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  • Financial Disclosures July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 20 Failure to provide Illinois Procurement Bulletin number Failure to select Instrument of ownership of beneficial interest (company type) from dropdown menu Failure to complete a separate form for all parent entities and/or owners that are companies or trusts Failure to check both ownership disclosure statements in Step 2 Failure to answer Step 4 7 for each owner listed in Step 2 and the company itself Common Mistakes
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  • Financial Disclosures July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 21 Failure to provide ALL information requested in Step 8 Failure to indicate procurement relationship (Prime of Sub) for each project listed in Step 8 and on attachment, if applicable Failure to provide Step 8 attachment in the same format as the table on the form and required information is missing, if applicable Common Mistakes
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  • Contract Execution Checklist July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 22
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  • Failure to submit all contract paperwork within the 15 days provided in the contract documents Failure to provide powers of attorney for each bond Failure to include executed Attachment A for each MBE/FBE used towards MAFBE goals Dollar value on Attachment A does not equal or exceed the value on Attachment B submitted with the bid Insurance and Builders Risk certificates are not executed correctly Failure to list Board of Trustee as additional insured Failure to provide waiver of subrogation clause Common Mistakes Contract Execution Checklist July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 23
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  • Failure to include project name and number Failure to provide coverage for entire project amount (BRI) Failure to include Earthquake and Flood Coverage when required (BRI) Failure to provide a properly executed sealed/signed corporate signature authority letter Failure to ensure to send the Project Labor Agreements to the East Central Illinois Building & Trades Counsel and are signed and submitted to our office Common Mistakes July 2015 2015 Contractor Training
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  • MBE/FBE/FMB Capital Construction Goals July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 25 - Established by University Board of Trustees September 2010- 15% in Urbana, Peoria and Springfield, 22% in Chicago - Goal is a combined goal and can be met using Tier I subcontractors and suppliers (Tier I = direct subcontractor/supplier to prime bidder only) - Goal applies to each division of work bid and any amount that is bid within a division of work - Goal applies to base bids and alternate(s) bid, combined or separately
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  • MBE/FBE/FMB Eligibility Requirements July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 26 - ONLY vendors certified by IL CMS BEP as MBE, FBE or FMB are recognized and counted towards MBE/FBE goals by the University. - Use the Illinois Central Management Services Business Enterprise Program (IL CMS BEP) Vendor Directory to confirm a vendors MBE/FBE/FMB status - IL CMS BEP Directory is found at: https://www.illinois.gov/cms/business/sell2/Pages/VendorSearch.aspx https://www.illinois.gov/cms/business/sell2/Pages/VendorSearch.aspx EVERITT LABLEVIS CENTER
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  • Bidding Requirements July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 27 - Must utilize Attachment B to list MBE/FBE/FMB and proposed utilization $ - IL CMS BEP Certification required for each vendor listed; otherwise no goal credit or a material deficiency - Proposed utilization in dollars will be converted to a percentage to determine if goal is met or not - Proposed utilization is maintained through contract award, schedule of values and utilization of MBE/FBE/FMB vendor on project
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  • Verification of MBE/FBE/FMB with Bid July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 28 MBE/FBE/FMB vendors certification status is found by viewing and printing the vendor profile Expiration date shown on IL CMS BEP profile must be a date in the future before bid opening date Submit IL CMS BEP vendor profile with bidding documents IL CMS BEP profile sample
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  • Good Faith Effort (GFE) When Goal Not Met July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 29 Invitation to Bid (ITB) identifies all scope prime advertises to MBE_FBE vendors in order to meet the goal ITB sent to MBE/FBE/FMB community 2X Phone calls placed to MBE/FBE/FMB list a minimum of 3 days prior to bid opening if goal not met ITB sent to any MBE/FBE/FMB vendor that can provide supplies or perform any work scope in the proposed University construction advertisementlocal and regional. Regions = Peoria, Springfield, Chicago, Danville, Decatur, and Bloomington GFE documentation compared to prime bidders that did meet the goal Expectation: GFE documentation due within 7 calendar days of bid opening. GFE begins with attendance at pre-bid meeting where resources to find MBE/FBE/FMB vendors is shared in pre-bid meeting packet
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  • Commercially Useful Function Policy July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 30 - Enterprises which might be considered pass-throughs or fronts are not permitted - University recognizes Illinois Central Management Services (IL CMS) does not address commercially useful function in minority and female business enterprise certification review process - CMS policy is for each agency to adopt their own rules for determining commercially useful functionUniversity is drafting a more comprehensive policy MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING NOYES LAB
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  • Upcoming Projects July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 31 http://www.fs.illinois.edu/services/capital- programs/contractor-informationhttp://www.fs.illinois.edu/services/capital- programs/contractor-information F&S website future projects http://www.procure.stateuniv.state.il.us/dsp_ind ex.cfm?CFID=2522677&CFTOKEN=19539345http://www.procure.stateuniv.state.il.us/dsp_ind ex.cfm?CFID=2522677&CFTOKEN=19539345 Illinois Public Higher Education Procurement Bulletin website - current ads
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  • Project Number Project Title Anticipated Bid Date Divisions of WorkProject Budget U13024CERL MAIN BUILDING ADDITION (Rebid)9/15/20151,2,3,4,5 $ 7,000,000 U14072SURVEYING BUILDING RENOVATION10/15/2015TBD$ 8,000,000 U14111ABBOTT POWER PLANT - GAS BOILER REPLACEMENT - PHASE 212/21/2015TBD $ 9,500,000 U14088 EVERITT LABORATORY RENOVATION - BIOENGINEERING GRAINGER ENGINEERING BREAKTHROUGHS INITIATIVE (Early Bid Package) 9/1/2015TBD $ 50,000,000 EVERITT LABORATORY SURVEYING BUILDING RENOVATION Upcoming Projects (Over $5M) July 2015 2015 Contractor Training 32
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  • Questions? Presentation will be available at: http://www.fs.illinois.edu/services/capital-programs/project-management July 2015 2015 Contractor Training
