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HELAA Reference Number


Site address 86/87 Blackwell Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383308 276954

Site Size 0.06

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 5

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Small site fronting ring road with temporary car sales on site. Adjacent plot being redeveloped as medical centre. Recent flats development also adjacent. Previous application for mixed retail and flats scheme withdrawn (07/0796/full). Potential air quality issues may mean small office development is more likely.

Availability Although not submitted through Call for Sites, site is in temporary use and could come forward. Could consider including adjacent land to improve viability.

Achievability Development is achievable subject to a viable scheme coming forward.

Site Status Developable beyond 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Bromsgrove Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383401 276568

Site Size 3.59

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 35 (mixed uses)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Large area of surface car parking with several large buildings which are vacant or soon to be vacated. In various public ownerships. Masterplanning underway. Mixed use development likely with leisure, retail, workshops and some residential uses together with car parking..

Availability Mostly in public ownership and will become surplus to requirements shortly. Allocated in KCAAP for mixed use development.

Achievability Development is achievable. Viability of different options being assessed.

Site Status Partly developable within 5 years. To be developed over several phases.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Lion Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383406 276750

Site Size 0.76

Approximate Developable Area

Estimated Yield

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Northern part of site contains shops and offices some of which are locally listed; southern part contains youth house and small area of car parking. Allocated for mixed uses in KCAAP.

Availability Youth House wishes to remain so only very small area of developable space available. Capacity for residential development unlikely.

Achievability Viability of different options being assessed as part of Masterplanning. Redevelopment is unlikely.

Site Status Not expected to be deliverable as a housing site.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Worcester Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383304 276697

Site Size 1.15

Approximate Developable Area

Estimated Yield

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Part of wider Eastern Gateway redevelopment area. Subject to masterplanning together with BHS/2 & BHS/3. Contains several vacant retail units and many others in temporary use. Long vacant building on Bromsgrove Street being refurbished. Plans to reopen Worcester Street to traffic. Allocated for mixed uses in KCAAP.

Availability Multiple ownerships may hamper redevelopment

Achievability Development is achievable. Viability of different options being assessed.

Site Status Developable beyond 5 years but unlikely to involve residential uses.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Land r/o 14 Church Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383049 276639

Site Size 0.06

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 6 (100dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Currently in use as private car parking for businesses on Church Street. Owned by WFDC and leased to third party.

Availability The site is owned by WFDC and is therefore considered available although no decision has been made by the Council about whether they wish to develop the site.

Achievability Development is achievable. However, development may affect viability of businesses on Church Street.

Site Status Not developable. Retain as car parking.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Church Street Car Park, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383028 276845

Site Size 0.09

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 14 (150dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Previous lapsed permission for mixed commercial and residential scheme. Site well used as pay and display car park. (Privately owned).

Availability Not submitted through Call for Sites so uncertain of landowner’s current plans.

Achievability Development is achievable subject to availability and viability.

Site Status Not considered deliverable as in viable use as car park for nearby offices.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Site adjacent Corn Exchange, New Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383209 276355

Site Size 0.06

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 8 (130 dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Lapsed permission for mixed use redevelopment of partly vacant site in edge of Primary Shopping Area. Car park to rear and opposite. Neighbouring site being refurbished.

Availability Currently up for sale. Sales particulars refer to lapsed scheme.

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Dalley’s Corner, New Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383238 276430

Site Size 0.13

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 6 (50dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Cleared retail site following fire in 2011. Adjacent Iceland and opposite public car parks. Currently used as temporary works compound. Culverted River Stour runs through site. Requires a landmark building on this prominent corner. Mixed use scheme preferable.

Availability Not submitted via Call for Sites. 2 different ownerships.

Achievability Development is achievable subject to viability.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Royal Exchange PH, New Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383223 276254

Site Size 0.1

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 9 (90dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Vacant pub on edge of town centre with large car park to rear. Planning application submitted for conversion of pub to 4 houses with 5 new build dwellings to rear.

Availability Site currently up for sale.

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Frank Stone Building, Green Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383323 276179

Site Size 0.32

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 16 (50 dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Vacant carpet manufactory building adjacent industrial estate and supermarket. Sketch proposals put forward for residential use but considered to be equally suited to small workshops. Within Conservation Area and on Local Heritage List. Policy requires frontage to be retained in any redevelopment scheme.

Availability Site currently up for sale.

Achievability Development is achievable. Viability likely to be an issue.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address WFDC Depot, Green Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383122 275851

Site Size 1.27

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Council Depot and offices adjacent ring road and DIY superstore. Potential for small development of workshops / starter units on front part of site.

Availability The site is owned by WFDC and is therefore considered available.

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Asda and Wilson Pets, New Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383017 275986

Site Size 0.68

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 0

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Allocated for mixed uses as part of wider Castle Wharf Area in KCAAP. This site is not considered suitable for residential uses. Southern part of car parking area may be better used for small commercial uses.

Availability Site was not submitted under Call for Sites so plans of owners are unknown. Any redevelopment would be as part of wider area including BHS/13/14.

Achievability Unlikely to come forward in this plan period.

Site Status Not considered to be deliverable. .

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Carters, Tram Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 382953 276011

Site Size 0.81

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 25 (50dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Site of furniture store lying between canal and River Stour. Allocated for mixed uses as part of wider Castle Wharf Area in KCAAP. Although l0.49Ha lies outside Flood zone 3, site access is in zone 3 so site is not considered suitable for residential uses.. Part of site within Green Street Conservation Area

Availability Site was not submitted under Call for Sites so plans of owners are unknown. Any redevelopment would be as part of wider area including BHS/12/14.

Achievability Development could be achieved subject to viability as part of wider masterplan.

Site Status Not considered to be undeliverable at this time owing to existing use and flooding issues..

HELAA Reference Number


Site address MCF complex, New Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383105 276122

Site Size 0.77

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 13(50dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Site has various retail and employment uses, some in converted carpet mills. Allocated for mixed uses as part of wider Castle Wharf Area in KCAAP. Castle Mills on Local Heritage List. Falls within Green Street Conservation Area. Potential for some residential use on upper floors of Castle Mills.

Availability Site was not submitted under Call for Sites so plans of owners are unknown. Any redevelopment would be as part of wider area including BHS/12/14.

Achievability Development could be achieved subject to viability as part of wider masterplan

Site Status Developable beyond 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Site of Old Parkers Arms, Park Lane, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 382992 276343

Site Size 0.05

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 7 (140dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Site of former pub which had been converted into flats. Lies adjacent to canal and a listed building in use as a real ale house. Lapsed permission from 2006 to build 7 townhouses.

Availability Site has recently been cleared and is available for redevelopment.

Achievability Development is achievable. Sites opposite have recently been redeveloped for flats and townhouses.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Park Lane Canalside, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 382889 276569

Site Size 3.47

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 180 (80 dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Timber yard and Matalan store adjacent to canal with wooded escarpment to rear. Previous residential application on part of site in 2006 refused – insufficient information. Weavers Wharf shopping centre on other side of canal. Matalan included in application for extension to shopping centre (13/0670/full) including provision for bridge across canal.

Availability Timber yard is thought to have extended its lease so site is not likely to be available in the short term.

Achievability Unless lease is terminated, site will not be available for redevelopment.

Site Status Developable but not considered deliverable in plan period unless timber yard relocates.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Park Street Industrial Estate and Rock Works, Park Lane, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 382766 276652

Site Size 2.17

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 20 (55dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Whole site currently allocated for mixed uses in KCAAP. Industrial estate at Park Street to be retained for employment uses with only Rock Works site suggested for residential use. Building is locally listed and adjoining building is Grade II listed.

Availability Although not submitted through Call for Sites, owner is believed to be keen to develop site.

Achievability Development is achievable subject to acquisition costs and viability of redeveloping site.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address County Buildings & Blakebrook School, Bewdley Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 382484 276666

Site Size 1.38

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 50 (40dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Site includes former Blakebrook Special School and County Registry Office. These facilities have been relocated elsewhere in Kidderminster. The former Grammar School Chapel is listed and will need to be retained. The site is considered to be suitable for residential use. There are several TPO trees on site.

Availability The site is vacant and up for sale. A developer is in discussion about a potential scheme.

Achievability Development is achievable subject to acquisition costs and viability of converting listed building. .

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Land off The Lea, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 381052 276249

Site Size 0.46

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 8 (22dph)

Green Belt Site in Green Belt

Suitability Site is currently used as pastureland. It is accessed off a residential road and abuts the western edge of the built-up area.

Availability The site has been submitted through the Call for Sites and is available.

Achievability Development is achievable but would require land to be taken out of Green Belt.

Site Status Potentially developable after 5 years. This would require the site to be released from the Green Belt and allocation for development via the current Local Plan Review (commenced 2015). The categorisation of the site will be re-examined in light of the Green Belt Study findings and other technical evidence that will become available prior to the preparation of the Preferred Option Consultation document.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Land at Ridgend, Bewdley Hill, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 380959 276073

Site Size 3.98

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 50 (20dph)

Green Belt Site in Green Belt

Suitability Site is currently used as pastureland. Site fronts Bewdley Hill.

Availability The site has been submitted through the Call for Sites and is available.

Achievability Development is achievable but would require land to be taken out of Green Belt.

Site Status Potentially developable after 5 years. This would require the site to be released from the Green Belt and allocation for development via the current Local Plan Review (commenced 2015). The categorisation of the site will be re-examined in light of the Green Belt Study findings and other technical evidence that will become available prior to the preparation of the Preferred Option Consultation document.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Land off Selba Drive, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 380933 276584

Site Size 0.54

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 9 (30dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Site is zoned as semi-natural open space. Lies opposite housing with mature trees within the site. It is well contained by surrounding trees. Land to south and west is Green Belt and very open.

Availability Site has not been submitted via Call for Sites. Availability uncertain.

Achievability Development is achievable but would require land to be specifically allocated.

Site Status Developable after 5 years subject to land being allocated through Local Plan and land being released for development.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Our Lady & St.Pius X Church, Canterbury Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 381156 276554

Site Size 0.48

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 20 (50dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Church and adjoining presbytery redundant and up for sale. Prominent corner site on residential estate with parade of shops nearby. Suitable for residential use. Site extended to include neighbouring St. John’s Church Hall.

Availability Site up for sale and developer interest.

Achievability Development is achievable subject to acquisition costs being reasonable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Garages, Westminster Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 380901 276743

Site Size 0.1

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 5 (50dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Site contains a small number of lock up garages with bungalows to rear. Access is quite narrow.

Availability Site in ownership of WFCH who are looking to redevelop.

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Coopers Arms PH, Canterbury Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 3811090 276607

Site Size 0.14

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 10 (70dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Vacant public house on residential estate with permission for partial conversion with new build to rear (13/0573)

Availability Site up for sale and developer interest.

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address 17-20 Vicar Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383132 276616

Site Size 0.11

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 9 (80dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Former offices above shops in Listed Building with permission to convert to flats (15/0171). Built as Barton’s Carpet Factory. Within Vicar Street Conservation Area.

Availability Permission in place.

Achievability Development is achievable. To be developed in conjunction with BHS/28

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address 21-26 Vicar Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383133 276645

Site Size 0.09

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 6 (65dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Former offices above shops Building with permission to convert to flats (13/3030). Within Vicar Street Conservation Area.

Availability Permission in place.

Achievability Development is achievable. To be developed in conjunction with BHS/27

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Corner of Park Lane/Castle Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 382995 276278

Site Size 0.07

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 8 (114dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Site cleared of small workshops in 2008. Permission in place for 8 townhouses. Surrounding plots recently redeveloped for flats. Edge of town centre site adjacent canal.

Availability Permission in place.

Achievability Development is achievable. Canal retaining wall recently rebuilt and start is expected shortly.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number BHS/30

Site address Elgar House, Green Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383263 276123

Site Size 0.11

Approximate Developable Area 0.11

Estimated Yield 48 (435dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Former offices with permission for conversion to flats

Availability Permission in place.(14/3049)

Achievability Development is achievable

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Woodfield House, Bewdley Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 382417 276598

Site Size 0.31

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 9 (30dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Offices with permission for conversion to flats. Woodfield House is a listed building in a residential area.

Availability Permission in place.(15/0067)

Achievability Development is achievable

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Carlton House, Marlborough Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383289 276506

Site Size 0.08

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 9 (110dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Vacant offices with permission for conversion to flats.(14/3049) Carlton House is situated at the end of Worcester Street and the upper floors have been vacant for some time.

Availability Permission in place.

Achievability Development is achievable. Adjacent offices at Worcester House and Oxford House have recently been converted to flats.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Land at Mill Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 382757 276806

Site Size 0.04

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 6(150dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Small area of unused land adjacent office building in mixed use area to north of Ring Road. Permission granted for mixed use scheme – retail with 6 flats over.

Availability Permission in place.(15/0241)

Achievability Development is achievable. Site now sold.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address 25/26 High Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383171 276672

Site Size 0.02

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 6(300dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Prominent building on corner of High Street and Vicar Street with permission to convert upper floors to residential use.

Availability Permission in place.(14/3023 & 14/3024) and conversion almost complete.

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address The Barrel, Bromsgrove Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383339 276720

Site Size 0.04

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 8 (200dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Prominent building on Bromsgrove Street adjacent to public car park which has been vacant for several years. Now being refurbished and extended to provide restaurant with 8 flats over. (15/0271)

Availability Under construction

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address 28 – 29 Worcester Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383314 276540

Site Size 0.06

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield 24 (400dph)

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Prominent building on end of Worcester Street currently being refurbished to bring upper floors back into use. A total of 24 flats / bedsits are proposed under various applications, with most already completed.

Availability Under construction

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Former Brintons Offices, Exchange Street, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383127 276512

Site Size 0.21

Approximate Developable Area

Estimated Yield

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Listed building previously used as offices for Brintons Carpets situated adjacent to Kidderminster Town Hall in centre of town. Planning permission for conversion and extension to provide various commercial uses (14/0390). Total floorspace of 1950sqm.

Availability Under construction

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable within 5 years.

HELAA Reference Number


Site address Kidderminster Fire Station, Castle Road, Kidderminster

Grid Reference 383079 276176

Site Size 0.38

Approximate Developable Area


Estimated Yield

Green Belt Site not in Green Belt

Suitability Fire Station on local list and within Green Street Conservation Area. Caldwell Hall (Grade II*) adjoins site. Site may potentially become available for development pending outcome of fire station review. Rear of site falls within Flood Zone 3 so is not developable. Adjoining site has recently been redeveloped for flats. Service yard for Tesco superstore opposite. Potentially suitable for employment uses.

Availability Decision on future of site due to be made during 2016. If decide to close station, then site would be marketed.

Achievability Development is achievable.

Site Status Developable beyond 5 years as would require allocation via Local Plan.