Hedgehog book test two



another test, of layout and images

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A Day in the Life of a Hedgehog

Madeline Jenkins

I live here in this garden,but I’m not confined to this area.

I’m helpful to have around.I will happily gobble the slugs & snails in your garden.

We sometimes attempt to climb,

But our bodies are not really

designed for this task.

I am not territorial. But prefer my own company.

This fooled the dog!

it tried pushing me along with its

nose but mysharp spines hurt it.

A small leap,and into the next

garden I travel.

The world outside the nest.

Often the gaps are toosmall for us adults

to fit through.

It’s not safe for the young hogs

to be out for a long time.

And so they are left in the nest to shelter.

We can travel through small gaps,As we flatten out our body’s and stretch through.

We have many predators.

We use our senses to carefully decide

on a new route.

I gobbled up the sweet contents. But when finished I found my spines were wedged inside. I luckily managed to rip free.

When the ground is soft we can create a way


Be tidy inthe garden.

We can easily get trapped and hurt.

If you find one ofmy friends who look

on the skinny side,please try to

fatten him orher up by
