Heaven help our worship pt 1




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Heaven Help Our WorshipHeavenʼs Effects on Earthly WorshipSelected Scriptures

INTRODUCTIONOne of the most impactful sermons for me as we attended the Shepherdsʼ Conference this past week was Dr. MacArthurʼs message on Jesusʼ attacking the temple in Mark 11:12.

- we have typically called Jesusʼ running the money changers out of the temple his “cleansing” the temple, but Dr. MacArthur was clear in demonstrating that “attacking” was in fact what Jesus did- Jesus was describing Godʼs coming judgment on

the temple by his actions of turning over the tables of the money changers.

Why? - because the temple was the central place of Godʼs public praise among His people.

- but Godʼs people had made that place nothing more than a den of thieves. Godʼs worship was devalued and made common - even sinful. People gave little attention to God and more attention to their own personal gain.

Jesus never attacked any place but the temple.


In fact, Jesus attacked the temple twice in his public ministry - at the beginning and at the end.Jesus

- indicating that the whole of his ministry focused upon how God was treated - how men worshiped and did not worship him.

The measure of any society is found in its worship.

In our present day, the church is the central place for the public praise of God - we are the temple of God. This gathering (not necessarily the building) - but this gathering of people is the house of God.

- If we call this Godʼs house, it better be His house, and not ours.

If we want to fool around with innovation, creativity, and popularity we must not do it with our stewardship of the Lordʼs temple.

The worship of God is most important to God and should also be to us as well.

This is clear throughout the Scriptures.

Worship is the purpose of your salvation

1Pet 2:9 (NASB) But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for [God's] own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Worship reveals the reality of your salvation

Phil 3:3 (NASB) for we are the [true] circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh,

Worship demonstrates the depth of your salvation

Roma 12:1 (NASB) I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, [which is] your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Worshipers are who God seeks – Becoming a Christian is becoming a worshiper of God

John 4:21-24 LOOK AND READ

But what is worship?! The word worship is a contraction of an old expression in the English language, woerth-scipe, denoting the ascription of reverence to someone or something of superlative worth.

When we talk worship as Christians – we are talking about how we value God – how we esteem Him – how we treasure, savor, love, enjoy God

There is so much we could say about the subject of worship

- and there is much we will say about worship

There are many different angles and avenues I could take in addressing the subject of worship

- I want to concentrate on aspect of the multifaceted and glimmering radiance of the subject of worship

o PUBLIC WORSHIP – what we do when we gather as a group on the Lordʼs Day

So – if worship – in general is valuing God – finding ultimate worth in God

Our public worship – is how we publicly and openly demonstrate – show – how much we value God

If an unbeliever were to walk into our service tonight- listen to our songs – follow all the words- hear us pray- hear us preach

If that unbeliever was to look at us –- see us sing – see us praying and see us

preaching or listening

What would they leave thinking about God?

Maybe they would have had a good time – were warmly received – made to feel welcome – enjoyed the sermon – thought the singing was fun

" But – what would they go away thinking about God

" OR – would our worship even cause them to think about God?

Would a visitor leave knowing more about God – humbled by what God is like – joyful because of what God has done – stunned by the nature, character, acts and immensity of God?

What would they leave thinking about what we think about God?

I am not convinced that these are the kinds of questions that come into our minds" - when we are looking for a church" - when we come to church

" - when we who are in leadership plan worship services

Why do I say this? - just to be critical?- no – that is not my aim- I say this because the contemporary worship

wars force me to believe that often there is very little thought about God in the planning of, participating in and evaluation of worship service

You know what Iʼm talking about when I speak of the worship wars- primarily over the issues of music and use of

instruments in church services

- some think the hymnals are just as valuable as Bible and that all projection screens are satanic

- some seem to think that Jesus only approves of classical music and worship is deeper when it is orchestral

- some assume that anything that was written in the 18th centuries should remain there.

- some think that all hymns are worthless and songs not placed on a screen but sung from a hymnal guarantees worship to be dry and pointless

- some get violently upset if anything other than a piano and organ are used in the service

- some get arrogantly annoyed if a piano and organ are used in the service

There is a major battle going on based upon music styles – traditional, contemporary, blended, etc.

Some bash the modern day religious music and argue for the religious music they enjoyed singing when they were younger, forgetting that there was controversy surrounding the tunes and beat of those songs by their own grandparents

I am convinced that very few people think about God when planning or participating in worship services based upon the discussions Iʼve had with visitors as to why they do or do not come to church

• very consumer driven – and style conscious• - very focused – I will only go somewhere where

the music sounds the way I want it to sound• Something canʼt be worshipful if it isnʼt what I like

to hear

So – we plan services and participate in services - based on what the crowd will think

I wonder – " - would we be comfortable doing our worship service in heaven?

I mean – the heaven described in the book of Revelation 4 & 5" - we have spent many weeks looking at these two chapters

- thinking a great deal about the subject of worship that surrounds the throne of God

" "- after what we have seen of how the angels and

all creation worship God from these chapterso would we feel comfortable taking our

service and conducting it within the throne room of God?

If we were to have our Sunday service in heaven – before the throne

- what would be the same or different about our worship?

That is why I entitled these messages- Heaven Help Our Worship

o Because we have seen much about the worship of God in Heaven

o How should heaven affect our own worship?

- Could heaven give us any help in how we should plan and participate in public worship?

Letʼs ask the question another way:- If you were to walk away from the worship scene

in Revelation 4 & 5o – what would you think about God?o – what would you think the people in

heaven think about God?

How much is God worth – from examining the worship of Revelation 4 & 5 in Heaven.

Beginning today and running for 2 more messages- I want us to think about our public worship – the

way we publicly and openly say what we believe about God and publicly and openly show how much we value God

We will first examine how heaven should affect our worship – from Rev 4 & 5

Next time - we will examine some of the Scriptural issues

about worship

Our final message – will discuss practical issues-

o Music – what songs should we sing – how should we sing them; what instruments does God approve; are hymnals sacred and screens satanic?

o Where does preaching fit with the subject of worship

o What about prayer, evangelism, the order of the service, etc

But first – what about heaven? – How should it affect our worship

- can the scenes of heaven help us in our own public worship?

We pray the Lordʼs prayer –" Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

" Do we conduct our services that way – thy worship be done on earth as it is in heaven?

How can Heaven Help our Worship?

I want to suggest 5 thoughts to consider about the worship of heaven and how it should make us think about our own worship


singularly directional

Recall where the throne is

Good illustration:79-80 – One of the saddest experiences of my childhood happened on my tenth birthday. Invitations to the celebration were mailed days in advance to eight friends. It was going to be my best

birthday ever. They all came to my house right after school. We played football and basketball outside until dark. My dad grilled hot dogs and hamburgers while my mother put the finishing touches on the birthday cake. After we had eaten all the icing and ice cream and most of the cake, it was time for the presents. Honestly, I canʼt recall even one of the gifts today, but I do remember the great time I was having with the guys who gave them to me. Since I had no brothers, the best part of the whole event was just being with the other boys. ! The climax of this grand celebration was a gift from me to them. Nothing was too good for my friends. Cost was immaterial. I was going to pay their way to the most exciting event in town – the high school basketball game. I can still see us spilling out of my parentsʼ station wagon with laughter on that cool evening and running up to the gymnasium. Standing at the window, paying for nine 25-cent tickets and surrounded by my friends – it was one of those simple but golden moments in life. The picture in my mind was the perfect ending to a ten-year-old boyʼs perfect birthday. Four friends on one side and four friends on the other, I would sit in the middle while we munched popcorn, punched each other, and cheered our high school heroes. As we went inside, I remember feeling happier than Jimmy Stewart in the closing scene of Itʼs a Wonderful Life.! Then the golden moment was shattered. Once in the gym, all my friends scattered and I never saw them again the rest of the night. There was no thanks for the fun, the food, or the tickets. Not even a “Happy Birthday, but Iʼm going to sit with someone else.” Without a word of gratitude or goodbye, they all left without looking back. So I spent the rest of my tenth birthday in the bleachers by myself, growing old alone. As I recall, it was a miserable ballgame.! I tell that story, not to gain sympathy for a painful childhood memory, but because it reminds me of the way we often treat God in worship. Though we come to an event where He is the Guest of Honor, it is possible to give Him a routine gift, sing a few customary songs to Him, and then totally neglect Him while we focus on others and enjoy the performance of those in front of us. Like my ten-year-old friends, we may leave without any twinge of conscience, without any awareness of our insensitivity, convinced we have fulfilled an obligation well.

How central is God in our worship?

How vertical is our worship – how horizontal is our worship

What is the Bible about? – God

How much is God the focus – the aim – the end – the sum total of our experience of worship- did you walk in here to focus all of your heart and

mind – with all your might upon God and His Son Christ, in the power of the indwelling Spirit?

Worship is about concentrating on and connecting with God"Worship should be more of a God-centered concentration that a man-pleasing concert

" Yes – there is etiquette when you attend a concert- but this is not a concert- we are not here to say how much we value the

performance or the performers

We are here to say how much we value the person of God Himself

Worship is not a concert to be played nor a consumer product to be used- Worship is a person to be adored and esteemed

and loved and treasured and valued in a public and vocal manner

True Worship does not centralize its celebration upon• A holiday, a home, our nation, world wars our

leaders, good times, warm feelings, traditional values – religious ideals – family values

True Worship is singular in its direction- it is focused upon God

What else – what more – dominates the scene in Revelation 4 & 5 than God

II. HEAVEN EXALTS THE AUTHORITY OF GOD – worship should be thoroughly biblical

We would be here a long time if we began to examine all of the biblical expressions of worship we see driving what was said and done in Heaven around the throne of God

The Bibleʼs truth – theological truth – was prominent in the worship of the angels – the 24 elders and all of creation

Did you sense the authority of God in the reading of Revelation 4 & 5- this was not – do your own thing time- this was not – be flippant about truth time

They were very careful about what they said about God

John 4:24NAU John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

This is a virtual non-issue in much of what goes on in the modern music scene especially

- Just a question – how much of what has gone on here today been driven by what Godʼs word says?

- from the prayers the preaching, the songs, the fellowship – every element – could you give Scriptural warrant for what and why you have done all you have today?

Heavenly worship is thoroughly founded upon and focused upon truth – is ours?

III. HEAVEN EMITS THE INTENSITY OF GOD – worship should be passionately emotional

Do you find intensity in the worship of Heaven in Rev 4& 5?

" V 8 4 living creatures begin – day and night" Vv 9-10 – 24 voices follow them

Watch it build in intensity in Rev 5" V 8-10 – 28 voices raise their praise" Vv 11-12 – add to it many angels – more than is imaginable" V 13 – then add everything in creation

There is profound intensity in their worship – it is a loud, emotion-filled display of the worth of God

Our worship should be intense:

How intense?"

NAU Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God.

NAU Psalm 63:1 O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. 2 Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory. 3 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You.

NAU Psalm 103:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name.

Piper-Now let's be specific. What are these feelings that make the outward acts of worship authentic? What are the feelings toward God that turn learned forms into genuine worship? For a sampling of the extraordinary rich emotional responses in worship, we do best to look into the world's richest book of worship, the book of Psalms. Some of the highest worship begins with the feeling of brokenness and contrition and grief for sin. "The sacrifice acceptable to God isa broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise" (Psalm 51:17). I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin"(Psalm 38:18). Mingled with the feeling of genuine contrition is the feeling of longing or desire. "As a hart longs for the flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God" (Ps. 42:1,2). Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides thee. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever (Psalm 73:25, 26). Also mingled with our sense of sin and our longing for his mercy is the feeling of fear and awe before the holiness and magnitude of God. "I will worship toward thy holy temple in the fear of thee" (Psalm 5:7). "Let all the earth fear the Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him" (Psalm 33:8). And as he approaches, forgiving all our iniquity, crowning us with honor, satisfying us with good (Ps. 103:3-5), our hearts well up with the feeling of gratitude. "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, and bless his name!" (Ps. 100:4). And mingled with our gratitude are the feelings of joy and hope. "Be glad in the Lord and rejoice and shout for joy all you upright in heart" (Ps. 32:11). "Why are you downcast, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God" (Ps. 42:5). These are examples of some of the feelings that come from God and move us to God in genuine worship: contrition, sorrow, longing, desire, fear, awe, gratitude, joy, hope. When these feelings are quickened, the heart is no longer far from God. Worship is no longer lip-service. It is genuine and authentic.

How intense is our worship – do we even allow for the expression of any emotion – or must we remain stoic?

I dare say – if you show your value of your spouse or your children without emotion or intensity" - they will not believe you" - and you will frustrate and hurt them

" I am not talking about emotionalism - but a focused and intense passion

IV. HEAVEN PRODUCES THE SEVERITY OF GOD – worship should be convincingly fearful

Recall the peals of thunder, etc

Psalm 97

Psalm 67:7 (ESV)" 7" God shall bless us; let all the ends of the earth fear him!

After hearing the message – after singing the songs – is there a sense of holy awe, reverence and even a degree of fear " - or have we been so slap happy and bouncy and playful – that we would never know or value the justice of God

Not to say that Godʼs severity is to dominate – but do we even contemplate the reality of it

Romans 11:22; Hebrews 10:26-31

Romans 11:22 (ESV)22 Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but Godʼs kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off.

Do you value God so much – that you value sin less

Do you see His severity and seriousness so much" - that you hate sin more" - long for sinners to be saved all the more" - long for the coming of God in all His glory more?

V. HEAVEN DISPLAYS THE MAJESTY OF GOD – worship should be stunningly regal

Just look at the colors and the amazing display of God (4:3)Look at what is said of Him – 4:8, 11; 5:9-10; 12; 13Psalm 96

He is a king – sovereign – majestic – regal – royal –God


uniquely dissimilar

Who or what in heaven was like God –

There was an exaltedness – a separateness of God from everything else in Heaven

He is not like us – not in any way shape or form

He is different – separate –

I donʼt think these ideas should drive us from God" - but to Him

We need to spend less of our time and effort in our services trying to make God common – and show Him to be very uncommon

I donʼt think we are in any danger in the American Church of over emphasizing Godʼs otherness – Godʼs separateness from us

After reading Revelation 4&5 – I have a hard time picturing God being please with pep-rally style worship gatherings

- I didnʼt hear the 24 elders or the 4 living creatures running around heaven chanting – “God is rad – Heʼs my dad”

- Or as one preacher said – he went to heaven and had a nice playful time with Jesus in the sea of glass before the throne – where he and Jesus splashed water on each other and Jesus eventually dunked him

That is very different than the Apostle Johnʼs experience in Rev 1 with the exalted Christ


Worship should be obviously cross-centered.

Worship should rehearse, remind of and revel in the work of Christ in Salvation

That is exactly why all creation and all heaven erupts in such exuberant praise

- because the only one worthy to take the scroll – that had in it the rest of the book of Revelation – that reveals How God will bring final redemption and ultimate glory to the earth

o was the lamb slain – slaughtered – yet living

§ the crucified and resurrected Christ –

It is a celebration of forgiveness from sin and Godʼs ultimate triumph over sin because of Christ

It is facinating to see some who are retreating from dwelling on the work of Christ as central to our worship.

We almost make it ancillary in our thoughts.

In fact, one Baptist pastor authored a popular book not long ago called, 90 Minutes in Heaven

• where he said he clinically died in a car accident and was transported to heaven.

One of the paragraphs I found most fascinating in the book is where the author indicates that there is a lot of music going on in heaven - but none of it will be about the cross

He states:

As I stood before the gate, I didnʼt think of it, but later I realized that I didnʼt hear such songs as “The Old Rugged Cross” or “The Nail Scarred Hand.” None of the hymns that filled the air were about Jesusʼ sacrifice or death. I heard no sad songs and instinctively knew that there are no sad songs in heaven. Why would there be? All were praises about Christʼs reign as King of Kings and our joyful worship for all he has done for us and how wonderful he is.

Obviously - the vision that this author had is very different - opposite to the vision that John the Apostle had.

- for the author of the book - the cross is a sad, past act that find no place in the throne-room of heaven- for the author of the book of Revelation, the cross,

the slaughtered lamb - and what that slaughter represents causes the entire universe to erupt in

continual praise - the cross, redemption, the cost, the victory gained by it are continually rehearsed in heaven.

CONCLUSIONBut here is the problem – we are not in heaven

- it is one thing to look at heaven and see why they are so focused

- maybe if He showed us Himself like He showed Himself to John – if His glory were physically manifested now – we might respond differently

We canʼt re-create the throne-room scene in its details - thatʼs not what Scripture asks us to do.

But there are some elements of the worship of heaven that should be affecting our worship on earth.

And let me go one step forward - the very elements that should be true of our corporate worship, must first be true of our personal lives if we want to see heaven help our public praise.

Does you life acknowledge the centrality of God because it is singularly directed?

Do your life decisions exalt the authority of God because those decisions are thoroughly biblical?

Does your lifestyle emit the intensity of God, because you respond with passionate God-driven emotions?

Is your attitude about life sobered by the severity of God, because you are full of a profound awe-struck fear of Godʼs greatness?

Do you carry yourself on a regular basis in such a way that you are affected by the majesty of God, impacted by the stunning regality of who God is?

Do you live in a way that comprehends the transcendence of God - so you base your living in a very unique and dissimilar way than the norms of the world?

Could someone examine your life, your speech, your decisions, your character, your love, your emotions, your anxieties, your confidence and see that you are steeped in rehearsing Godʼs redemption through Christ?

If heaven is to affect our worship, it must first impact our life.

Next week we will take a closer look at what the Bible itself says about the subject of worship to give us deeper categories from which to see our life and our gatherings.
