Healthy Food, Healthy Habits



For kindergarten activities.

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Healthy Food, Healthy HabitsName: _________________________________________________1. Do you know which ones are healthy foods? Circle the healthy ones and tell their names to the teacher.

2. We put all food into different groups. Do you know which food goes in which group? Put a big cross on the foods that are in the wrong group.

Which is your favorite food group? Write its name in the blank space below.

3. Eating healthy food is only one part of being healthy. We also need to try make good habits, and do healthy activities. Can you match the name of the activities to the pictures? After that, show the teacher which are healthy and which are not healthy.

You can also act out the different activities with the class, show the teacher!

4. Follow the doctors instructions and fil in the vowel sounds! Then color the unhealthy food that you think tastes very good dont eat it all the time!
