Healthy Directions Feb/Mar 2012



A Canadian Natural Health Magazine Enrich and Empower Your Life!

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February / March 2012 • Enrich and Empower Your Life • FREE!

Ways to ReduceYour Tax Bill





Fabulous, Quick Tips for Better

HeartHealthAid and Prevent




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HEART HEALTHAid and Prevention

6 HEART HEALTH A Naturopathic Approach

31 SATURATED FATAn Essential Part of the Diet

34 FLAX SEEDCardiovascular Support

WEALTH HEALTHMoney and Saving Tips


PET PERKSBetter Health for Your Pet

20 JOINT DISEASEAid and Prevention

DIABETES Stop the Highs & Lows

22 FIND BLOOD SUGAR BALANCEAvoid the Ups and Downs

27 DIABETIC NEUROPATHY Natural Strategies

TRAVEL & EXPLORELocal and Exotic Adventure

18 ECO TOURINGCosta Rica

NATURAL BEAUTYBeauty from the Inside Out




In This Issue: 20

FOOD PASSIONSIgniting the Senses


Blueberry, Watermelon and Walnut Salad with ChickenWalnut-Blueberry Oatmeal Energy Bites

13 GO NUTS FOR NUTS A Healthy Choice for the Heart


Mushroom, Artichoke &Spinach LasagnaPumpkin Soup with ShrimpQuinoa Stuffed Peppers

15 ORGANIC MEATHealthy for You and the Environment

HEALTHY STARTSJoin the Journey to Better Health

26 ENZYME DEFICIENCY The Missing Link for Health & Wellnesss

28 NATUROPATHY Food, Mood and Health

30 HOMEOPATHYHow to Stop a Racing Heart

32 HEALTH BITES Snack Solutions for the 9 to 5 Worker





Healthy Directions February/March 2012 3

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Healthy Directions is dedicated to offeringinspiring health and lifestyle information

to enrich and empower your life.

February/March 2012Vol. 13 No. 1

EditorCharleen Wyman

Advertising Sales:Jon Cousins


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Healthy Directions Magazine

Editorial:Written contributions and photos are welcome.

However, all content is subject to editorial review.


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Healthy Directions


Healthy Directions is an independent journal produced by Cousins Publishing,

six times a year in Canada. All content is copyrighted by Cousins Publishing. ISSN 1488-6308

Important: Always seek the opinion of your medical or naturopathic doctor before starting

any complementary health program. Any information contained herein is intended towards

that purpose; thus “Healthy Directions” and its contributing writers will not be held

liable should this advice not be followed.


Yours in health and happiness,

4 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

Contributing WritersEric Muradov, ND,

Laura Stix, ND,

Jodi Koberinski, Executive Director,

Organic Council of Ontario,

Sherri-Anne Clarke, BSc(Hons.), ND,

Judith Finlayson, Timothy Chan,

Mairlyn Smith,

Franco Cavaleri, BSc, Nutritional Biochemist,

Sandrine Briatte, B.Sc.

Lorna Vanderhaeghe, MS,

Jerry Zeifman,

Benna Lun BScH ND,

Chanel Cressman, BSc ND,

Raisa Weisspapir, HD, DHMS, MD (Europe),

Jillian Murphy, ND,

Sherri- Anne Clarke, ND andKin Yan Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC

I’m going to share with you a few of the monsters

I was hiding while talking to my dietitian about my

monitoring and diet plan for gestational diabetes.

Maybe, you hide them too when it comes to your

health and health issues.

I'm not obese, haven't gained too much

weight during the pregnancy, but I am 38 with a

high genetic tendency for type 2 diabetes in my

family, two factors which put me at higher risk.

The first monster is resistance. (I don't want

to test seven times a day. There's nothing really

wrong with me. I already eat healthy foods. I like

the food I eat and don't want to change.) You can beat this one. Get started.

Monitoring results helps you make modest changes or additions that can add up to

a big difference. See it as an opportunity to experience new foods and flavours to

feel better. Often, you can still eat the foods you love.

Monitoring blood sugar levels is complicated. The second monster is defeat.

(When I'm following my diet, I'm losing weight. When I slip, I'm putting

myself/and or baby at risk. Doing the blood test is like repeating the same test

everyday, which can feel like it’s one you can never pass and can lead to feelings of

failure or wanting to quit.) It takes time to figure out, but you will! Gradual

improvements get you to the goal. If you take a break, it’s okay, start again.

Seek dietary advice to avoid giving in to cravings or getting stuck in a

monotonous diet with a lack of variety. Explore natural approaches to managing

your health condition including exercise, meditation and natural products. It’s my

genuine hope this issue offers you some inspiration and options to enrich, improve

and empower your life! And, every once in a while eat the cookie, guilt free! Try

the recipe for the Walnut-Blueberry Oatmeal Energy Bites on page 13.

Charleen Wyman, BA Journalism, BA English

Editor, Healthy

E d i t o r ’s N o t e


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Healthy Directions February/March 2012 5


Sherri-anne Clarke, BSc(Hons.), ND is a naturopath

practicing in the Burlington community. She has a general

family practice with a special focus on women's health, pain

management, weight management, anxiety/depression, and

digestive concerns. For more information: e-mail:, visit: or call

(905) 592-2277.

Chanel Cressman, BSc ND is a licenced naturopathic

doctor with a private practice in Kitchener called Sage

Naturopathic Clinic. Chanel has a strong interest in

women’s and pediatric health. She has additional

training as a Doula and is a member of the Pediatric

Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Visit: or call: 519-573-6700.

Eric muradov, ND is a licenced naturopathic doctor with

a private practice in Edmonton. He runs a general medical

practice and has a special interest in Multiple Sclerosis. He

has been published and has lectured on Alternative

Medicine and MS. Visit: or call


Lorna Vanderhaeghe, MS, is Canada's leading women's

health expert and has been researching nutritional

medicine for over 30 years. With degrees in nutrition and

biochemistry, she is the author of eleven books including

A Smart Woman’s Guide to Hormones and A SmartWoman’s Guide to Weight Loss. Her website: has over 4,000 pages of helpful

nutrition information.

Solutions onHealth & Wellness

In 2004, TIME Magazine ran an astonishing article about chronic in�ammation and how it was the common root of just about every chronic condition or disease. �is article noted Chronic in�ammation causes a

wide variety of disorders, from stroke to arthritis to diabetes to heart disease.In�ammation arises from more than physical trauma and repetitive motions. �e body is constantly assaulted by dangerous toxins that alter and poison the vital �uid that surrounds our cells and keeps them healthy, resulting in in�ammation, pain and disease.A discovery that has been around for thousands of years may be the answer. �e healing properties of the Nopal Cactus also known as the prickly pear cactus has recently come to light.Research has recently discovered that the Nopal cactus fruit contains anti-in�ammatory and antioxidant properties, thanks to a rare and potent nutrient called betalains. Nopal cactus fruit contains the most concentrated amount of betalains found in nature. As well the Nopal Cactus fruit has been used for centuries by ancient cultures for nutrition and well - being. It has been shown to have true metabolic e�ect reducing serum glucose levels and balancing blood sugars. If you have in�ammation, pain or su�er from a chronic condition you will want to include Betalain antioxidants in your wellness plan.�e healing properties of the Nopal Cactus have been relied on for centuries by ancient cultures, and they are now available in Nopal Red Cactus juice by Natural Balance. Each 34 oz bottle of Nopal Red Cactus Juice brims with the health bene�ts of 100% Pure juice from the Fruit of the Nopal cactus.

Roy Kiss C.N. Certified Nutritionist

Reduce Inflammationand Balance your

blood sugar?

Info call Natural Balanceat 1.800.667.2011.

Available at your local health store.


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raisa Weisspapir is a homeopathic doctor specializing

in pediatrics and general family health problems. She is

a member of the Homeopathic Medical Council of

Canada and the American Academy of Environmental

Medicine. Weisspapir is a European trained medical

doctor with over 20 years of medical experience. She

welcomes your questions by e-mail at: or call (416) 227-1485.

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6 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

Today, the Carlson line has


A Naturopathic Approach to

Heart Health


STRESSPsychological stress is a major cardiovascular disease risk

factor; so, do your best to reduce your day to day stress. Check

out the “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” book series by Richard

Carlson; it’s filled with great tips and tricks for beating stress.

Also, adding in a daily vitamin b-complex and some vitamin C,

can help reduce stress levels, as well as homocysteine levels in

the blood (an independent heart disease risk factor).

BLOOD PRESSUREWhen it comes to reducing blood pressure, weight loss and

exercise are crucially important. I like to see patients from a

dietary point of view add in a few “prescription foods” to reduce

blood pressure. Onions and garlic are classic foods that are well

known to aid the cardiovascular system through blood pressure

reduction. Pure pomegranate juice has been clinically studied and

has shown modest reductions in blood pressure with daily

consumption, in addition to a few other heart related benefits due

to its anti-oxidant functions. Daily consumption of celery in

animal models reduces blood pressure and the human dose

roughly translates to four to six ribs of celery per day.

CHOLESTEROLIn addition to exercise and weight loss, manipulating the diet

is fundamental for maintaining healthy blood cholesterol levels.

Therapeutic use of olive oil mildly lowers LDL “bad cholesterol”

and triglycerides (fat in the blood) and increases the HDL-

cholesterol level. So try and get 2 tablespoons of raw extra virgin

olive oil per day. Raw, unprocessed nuts and seeds should be

eaten daily as the arginine content helps dilate blood vessels,

while the unsaturated fat content can favourably alter cholesterol

levels. Raw walnuts are particularly helpful; so, aim for 6 whole

or 12 walnut halves minimum per day. Finally, fibre can be used

to bind cholesterol in the bowel to ensure it will be pulled from

the body. I’ve become recently keen on prescribing ground chia

seed which has appreciable protein and omega-3 content in

addition to its major fibre load. I ask patients to use 2 tablespoons

of ground chia added to 2 cups of warm water in the morning

before breakfast to ensure better bowel movements and lower

cholesterol. And of course, restricting dietary cholesterol and

saturated fat intake (particularly sources that have been cooked or

processed and therefore oxidized) will certainly help prevent

elevations in blood cholesterol and plaque formation.

By Eric Muradov, ND

Maintaining a healthy heart is one of the best ways to

ensure fruitful, fun and satisfying years today and tomorrow.

Promoting optimum heart health is greatly about reducing or

eliminating as many of the modifiable heart disease risk factors

as possible through diet and lifestyle changes. Adding

supplements can also promote the wellbeing of your heart.

Through a comprehensive natural approach, one can

intelligently avert preventable heart related conditions. The

central risk factors to address are: exercise, stress, blood

pressure and cholesterol.

EXERCISEIt’s no surprise that because the heart is a muscle, regular

exercise can strengthen the heart so it works less to pump more.

Accordingly, the Canadian Cardiovascular Society recommends

30 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise on most, if

not all days of the week as a way to prevent cardiovascular

disease, as well as reduce diabetes risk, blood pressure and to

increase HDL “the good cholesterol.”. If you’re new to exercise,

I often recommend 15 – 20 min of brisk walking as a great place

for many of my patients to start. Check with your ND or MD to

make sure you’re ready for vigorous exercise.

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888-234-5656 | ®

Carlson is passionate about heart health because they know how important cardiovascular health is. From Carlson’s beginning, their product lines have centered on healthy nutrients including the most complete line of natural-source vitamin E products to help support cardiovascular health. Today, the Carlson line has grown to also include antioxidants, fi sh oils and special formulas, each carefully formulated to support heart health.

Support Heart Health

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Carlson is passionate about heart health because they know how important cardiovascular health is. From Carlson’s beginning, their product lines have centered on healthy nutrients including their product lines have centered on healthy nutrients including the most complete line of natural-source vitamin E products to help support cardiovascular health. Today, the Carlson line has grown to also include antioxidants, fi sh oils and special formulas, each carefully formulated to support heart health.

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GENERAL DIETARY GUIDELINESNumerous population studies have demonstrated that a

higher intake of dietary antioxidants reduces the risk of heart

disease; so, it’s best to emphasize fruits and overemphasize

vegetables on a daily basis to ensure a broad spectrum of

nutrients. Also, everyone knows omega-3s are helpful for heart

health. But how? It seems that fish oil’s constituents EPA and

DHA have little effect on cholesterol levels but lower triglyceride

levels, as well as reduce platelet stickiness, improve blood and

oxygen supply to heart and exert a mild blood pressure lowering

effect. Consume wild salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel at

least a few times per week if not daily. Finally, consumption of

1 – 2 glasses of red wine per day can reduce heart disease risk

because the alcohol itself at this dosage reduces blood pressure

while the constituent resveratrol seems to stop the oxidation of

cholesterol which is involved in the formation of plaques.

HEART HEALTHY SUPPLEMENTSFish oil – in addition to the benefits mentioned above, taking

fish oil supplements is associated with 32% reduction in death

from cardiovascular causes even if you already have

cardiovascular disease and 23% reduction in overall mortality.

For these reasons (among others) I often recommend fish oil so

that patients are getting about 2g of combined EPA and DHA

where the content of EPA is a bit higher. Because fish oil can thin

the blood, it’s best not to be combined with a blood thinner before

consulting with your ND or MD.

CoQ10 – this naturally occurring substance is involved in

energy production around the body. In the context of heart health

using CoQ10 can be twofold: firstly, it can help to reduce blood

pressure (by about 11mm systolic and 7mm diastolic) increasing

the elasticity of blood vessels at a dose of around 120mg per day.

Secondly, CoQ10 can offset the “achiness” induced by some

statin drugs.

Pantethine – is a variation of the active form of vitamin B5.

Multiple trials have confirmed that pantethine administration can

greatly reduce total cholesterol, while raising HDL cholesterol

within about 4 months. I love to use pantethine with my patients

after we’ve done extensive dietary and lifestyle modifications

and still need some assistance with cholesterol. There is some

evidence that pantethine can thin the blood, so it’s best not to mix

with blood thinning medications.

Taking care of your heart involves a comprehensive diet and

lifestyle approach that eliminates a broad spectrum of risk factors

that impact the health of the circulatory system. Although not

mentioned above, smoking cessation and diabetes control are

also extremely important areas you may need to address with

your healthcare provider. By considering stress, exercise, blood

pressure, cholesterol, diet and potentially using cleverly chosen

supplements, you can set yourself up for optimal cardiac health in

the future. It’s been said that only time can mend a broken heart.

However, natural medicine can prevent the heart from needing to

be mended.

Eric Muradov, ND is a licenced naturopathic doctor with a privatepractice in Edmonton. He runs a general medical practice and has aspecial interest in Multiple Sclerosis. He has been published and haslectured on Alternative Medicine and MS. Visit: www.drericmuradov.comor call 780 482 2788.

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10 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

The holiday decorations are all packed away, the New Year's

resolutions made, and spring is around the corner. Before you know

it, tax season will be here. Before you start filing your taxes, here are

10 ways that may help you reduce your tax bill and may even land

you a refund.

For Individuals

1. PLAN AHEADMake sure to gather your receipts and NETFILE code, register

for My Account, and sign up for direct deposit before April 30.

Submitting your income tax and benefit return before the tax-filing

deadline means you can avoid having to pay late-filing penalties.

2. TAX-FREE SAVINGS ACCOUNT A tax-free savings account (TFSA) is one great way to save

money, since you don't pay tax on any income you earn from

investments in your TFSA.

3. REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANAny income you earn in a registered retirement savings plan

(RRSP) is exempt from tax, as long as the funds stay in the plan.

RRSPs help you save for your retirement and get a break at tax time


4. PUBLIC TRANSIT TAX CREDITIf you or someone in your family is a regular user of public

transit then you may be able to claim a non-refundable tax credit

based on the cost of eligible transit passes.

5. PENSION INCOME SPLITTINGIf you are receiving income from a pension, you can split up to

50% of eligible pension income with your spouse or common-law

partner to reduce the taxes you pay.

6. STUDENTSAre you still in school? Students can claim the tuition,

education, and textbook amounts. Have you graduated recently? You

may be eligible to claim the interest you paid on your student loans.

7. CHILD CARE EXPENSESFor those who have children, you may be able to claim child

care expenses that you or your spouse or common-law partner paid

so that either of you could work, do research, or go to school.

8. HOME BUYER'S TAX CREDITIf you're a first-time home buyer you may be eligible to claim

$5000 on the purchase of your new home, which can save you up to



Ten Ways to Reduce Your Tax Bill

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For the Self-Employed

9. HIRING AN APPRENTICEDid your business employ an

apprentice? A salary paid to an employee

registered in a prescribed trade in the first

two years of his or her apprenticeship

contract qualifies for a non-refundable tax

credit for the employer.


Did your business (which is not mainly

a child care services business) create

licensed child care spaces for the children of

your employees? If so, you may be eligible

for an investment tax credit for the child care

spaces you created.

More tips on how best to prepare your 2011income tax and benefit return can be foundonline at

Saving in Retirement

You've put in your fair share of time at

work and now you can enjoy the fruits of

your labour in retirement. Perhaps you've

decided to keep working for a bit longer so

that you can afford your retirement dreams.

Whether you're receiving income from a

pension or you're still working, there are

several ways you can stretch your dollar

both during tax season and throughout the

entire year. Here's a small sampling:

Many promotions have been designed

specifically for seniors. Special discounts

are available at restaurants, stores and

businesses, even if only on a weekly or

monthly basis.

You may be able to split your eligible

pension income with your spouse or

common-law partner, allocating up to 50%

of your pension to him or her.

For those of you who have decided to

keep working, keep in mind that there have

been changes made to the Canada Pension

Plan (CPP). For those 65 or younger you

must make CPP contributions; after 65 you

can elect to stop contributing. If you do not

make this election, contributions will be

continued to the age of 70.

More information on this topic is available onlineat

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12 Healthy Directions February/March 2012



1/4 cup lime juice1/4 cup olive oil2 tbsp honey1/2 tsp salt1/4 tsp ground black pepperSalad:

2 cups seedless watermelon, cubed1 cup fresh blueberries1 large yellow bell pepper, cut in bite-size pieces6 cups mixed baby greens4 4 oz (125 g) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves,

grilled or sautéed until cooked through

DIRECTIONSPreheat oven to 350°F (180°C).

On a baking sheet, spread walnuts in one layer. Bake untiljust toasted and aromatic, about 8 minutes. Remove and let cool.

Vinaigrette: in a small bowl, whisk together lime juice, oil,honey, salt and pepper.

Salad: in a medium size bowl, combine watermelon,blueberries, walnuts and bell pepper. Add half of the vinaigrette;toss to coat. In a large bowl, toss greens with remainingvinaigrette.

Divide greens among four plates, and top with fruit andwalnut mixture. Slice each chicken breast diagonally and servewith the salad. Makes 4 servings.

Tip: make a double recipe of the vinaigrette, and use half ofit for marinating the chicken before grilling. Discard anyvinaigrette used for marinating. Source:


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Healthy Directions February/March 2012 13

What if you knew that those delectable nuts – that you have

been trying to avoid since the over-indulgent seasonal festivities –

are a super food not to be feared? While you still won’t live forever

crunching away on nutty goodness, research shows they do offer

various health benefits that help to promote longevity. Nut

consumption is related to a decreased incidence of cardiovascular

disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

They have a stunning nutrient profile: rich in sources of healthy

unsaturated fats in addition to several non-fat constituents such as

plant protein, fiber, vitamins (eg: niacin, vitamin E), minerals (eg:

copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium), plant sterols (AKA

“cholesterol lowering constituents”) and phytochemicals.

But, nuts are energy-dense, high-fat foods and, typically, the

consumption of high calorie food is associated with weight gain and

obesity. So it seems logical that nut consumption should equate to a

larger waistline. Not so! Even researchers were surprised to observe

that this calorically dense food does not add inches to the waistline

as would be expected. In fact, nut consumers tend to be leaner than

those who do not regularly consume nuts.

Various trials involving nut consumption reveal that daily nut

intake results in either: weight loss, no weight gain, or (rarely) less

weight gain than predicted from the additional energy intake. Why?

A few reasons: the high protein and fiber content in nuts, combined

with the hormones released due to the crunchy chewing, stimulates

a sense of fullness which may result in eating less calories from

other foods; studies also suggest that nut consumption may boost

metabolism and thereby increase energy loss.

What else should make you nutty for nuts? Their wonderful

nutrients can decrease inflammation in the body, increase

antioxidants in the blood (gram for gram, many nuts are on par with

broccoli and tomatoes!), prevent atherosclerosis, decrease total

cholesterol, decrease “bad” cholesterol, and reduce the rise in blood

sugar after eating carbohydrates. What’s not to love?

Laura Stix, BSc(Hons), CCHt, ND practices family medicine in Guelph andWaterloo, Ontario. As a Certified FirstLine Therapy Practitioner andClinical Hypnotherapist she develops personalized lifestyle medicineprograms, addressing body and mind wellness. Visit to quit smoking? Visit

WALNUT-BLUEBERRY OATMEAL ENERGY BITESINGREDIENTS1 cup California walnuts pieces, toasted1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour1 cup uncooked oatmeal, regular or quick-cooking1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut1/3 cup maple sugar1 tsp ground cinnamon1/8 tsp ground cardamom1/4 tsp salt1/2 cup dried blueberries1/4 cup maple syrup3 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp butter1 tsp baking soda2 tbsp boiling water

DIRECTIONSPreheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Line cookie sheets withparchment paper, set aside. In a large mixing bowl, combinewalnuts, flour, oatmeal, coconut, maple sugar, cinnamon,cardamom and salt. Stir with a fork or whisk until completelymixed. Add blueberries and stir to combine.

In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the maplesyrup, olive oil and butter. Stir until the butter melts. In a smallbowl, add baking soda to the boiling water and stir to dissolve.Add to the syrup mixture and stir to blend; it will become verybubbly. Pour into the dry ingredients and stir vigorously to combine.

Using a tablespoon and your hands, scoop pieces of doughand press them into walnut-sized balls. On the prepared cookiesheets, place dough about 2 inches apart (5 cm). With yourfingers or the palm of your hand, flatten each ball slightly into apuck shape.

Bake 10 - 12 minutes, until the cookies have spread slightlyand are golden brown around the edges. Cool 5 minutes on thepan, then transfer cookies to a rack to cool completely. Store inan airtight container. Makes 24 cookies.

TOASTING WALNUTSBaking: Preheat oven to

350°F. Arrange walnuts on acookie sheet in a single layer.Bake 8 to 10 minutes, checkingfrequently.

Go Nutsfor Nuts!

By Laura Stix, ND

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14 Healthy Directions February/March 2012


Mushroom & Artichoke LasagnaDIRECTIONS

In a skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring, untilsoftened, about 3 minutes. Add mushrooms and garlic and cook, stirring, untilmushrooms begin to release their liquid. Stir in artichokes and wine and bring to aboil. Cook, stirring, until liquid reduces slightly, for 1 to 2 minutes. Set aside.

Cover bottom of slow cooker stoneware with 4 noodles, breaking to fit wherenecessary. Spread with half of the ricotta, half of the mushroom mixture, half of thespinach, one-third each of the mozzarella and Parmesan. Repeat. Arrange finallayer of noodles over cheeses. Pour any liquid remaining from mushroom mixtureover noodles. If top still seems dry, sprinkle with a little vegetable broth or water.Sprinkle with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan. Cover and cook on Low for 6hours or on High for 3 hours, until hot and bubbly.

Unlike many recipes for lasagna, this one is not terribly saucy. As a result, thenoodles on the top layer tend to dry out. Leave a small amount of the cooking liquidfrom the mushroom mixture behind in the pan, after adding to the slow cooker. Pourthat over the top layer of noodles, particularly around the edges, where they aremost likely to dry out. If it still seems dry, drizzle with a little olive oil.

Requirements: one large (minimum 5quart) oval slow cooker, greased.

INGREDIENTS2 tbsp butter1 onion, finely chopped1 lb mushrooms, trimmed and sliced4 cloves garlic, minced31⁄2 cups quartered artichoke hearts, packedin water, drained, or thawed if frozen3⁄4 cup dry white wine or vegetable broth12 oven-ready lasagna noodles21⁄2 cups ricotta cheese2 cups baby spinach21⁄2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese1⁄2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheeseExtra virgin olive oil, optional

Slow Cook andSavour!

I love the unusual combination of flavours in this lasagna, which reminds me of a Provençal gratin.

Excerpted from The 150 Best Slow Cooker Recipes, Second Edition by Judith Finlayson

© 2011 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Organically Grown,Close to Home

“Quite simply, Yorkshire Valley Farms chickens look better at the grocers and tastes better on your plate. That speaks directly to the care taken at the farm.”

Taw k Shehata, Chef, Locavore & Organic Advocate

Chicken HariraRecipe by Tawfi k Shehata, Chef, Locavore & Organic Advocate

2 whole Yorkshire Valley Farms chickens, each cut into 8 (2 legs, 2 thighs, breasts cut in half with wings still attached) 1 stick cinnamon plus 2 tsps ground 2 tsp ground turmeric 2 tsp sweet paprika vegetable oil as needed 2 medium cooking onions, diced 2 medium carrots, peeled and diced 4 ribs celery, diced 6 cloves garlic, chopped 1 pinch saffron threads, if available 1½ piece fresh ginger, peeled and grated 4 Tbsp tomato paste 2 cans (28oz) organic diced tomatoes ¾ cup dried chick peas, soaked overnight, cooked in fresh salted water and drained 3 eggs beaten with juice from ½ of a large lemon, plus extra lemon wedges to serve ¼ bunch fresh parsley, leaves picked and chopped 12 sprigs fresh cilantro, leaves picked and chopped kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 12 pieces medjool dates


paprika, and a few pinches of black pepper. Do not add salt to the marinade as this will cause the chicken to dry out.

the other ingredients.

sear until a deep golden brown, this may have to be done in batches. Remove chicken and set aside.

slightly coloured, about 15 minutes.

chicken. Turn heat up to medium-high. Bring up to a gentle boil, add a gener-ous pinch of salt, stir, cover and transfer to 350°F preheated oven for 1 hour.

and discard.

direction at a consistent rate so the eggs form long strands.

dates and lemon wedges on the side.

Serves 6 (with leftovers)


By Jodi Koberinski,Executive Director,Organic Council of Ontario

The top three reasons people choose organic are

environment, taste, and health.

Organic livestock products are fundamentally different

from their “mainstream” counterparts in significant ways. The

same care and attention that go into raising your organic

vegetables are given to grains and pastures that feed organic

chicken, cattle, pigs, and other livestock. Soil is made healthy

using organic fertility methods, and no synthetic fertilizers,

pesticides or herbicides are permitted in organic feed


Mainstream livestock feed contains GMOs, could contain

pesticide and herbicide residue, and can also contain waste

from other livestock streams. For example the “litter” or waste

from the chicken barn floor is worked into cattle feed.

We protect more land and water resources when we

choose organic livestock products. It takes 2- 4 acres per year

to feed one dairy cow. Organically-raised animals must also

have outdoor access, weather permitting, and have access to

sunlight and fresh air year round.

Organic producers take extra steps to protect animal

health and ultimately consumer health. No antibiotic use is

permitted in organic products. Antibiotics are used in

mainstream agriculture to lower costs of production and speed

growth. The administration of antibiotics for growth is

partially responsible for the low meat prices reflected today in

North America – but this comes at a cost.

According to the OMAFRA website, “non-therapeutic

use of antibiotics in agriculture leads to the development of

antibiotic resistance... Antibiotic resistance limits treatment

options, delays recovery and costs more. (World HealthOrganization, 2003).” Choosing organic chicken is a great

way to say “NO” to antibiotic overuse.

Scientists report that hormone residues found in meat can

disrupt the consumer's hormone balance, cause

developmental problems, interfere with the reproductive

system, and even lead to the development of cancer. Children

and pregnant women are most susceptible to these negative

health effects. Healthy soils, healthy feed, healthy animals

lead to healthful food products. It just makes sense!

The Health Benefits of

Organic Meat

HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 12:32 PM Page 15

16 Healthy Directions February/March 2012


DIRECTIONSCut orange and yellow peppers in half lengthwise

and remove core and seeds. Trim a thin slice off the bottomof each to allow them to lie flat. In the casserole dish,microwave peppers, covered, on high for 3 minutes, oruntil tender-crisp. Let cool to room temperature, covered.Drain and pat dry.

Prepare he stuffing. In a large skillet, over mediumheat, brown ground beef until no pink remains. Add onion,red pepper, mushrooms, rosemary and thyme; cook,stirring, until onions are translucent, about 3 minutes. Addchopped tomato and zucchini and cook, stirring, for 5minutes. Stir in quinoa, salt and pepper.

In the casserole dish, arrange tomato slices and addwine. Set each pepper half, cut side up, on a tomato slice.Fill each pepper half with the beef mixture, mounding thestuffing. Cover and bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes,or until bell peppers are fork-tender. Uncover, top withSwiss cheese and bake, uncovered, for 5 minutes more, oruntil cheese is melted.

Large (approx. 5 quart) slow cookerBlender or food processor

INGREDIENTS3 leeks, white part only, cleaned and coarsely chopped1 tbsp oil6 cups peeled pumpkin, cut into 2-inch cubes4 cups chicken or vegetable broth1 tsp saltFreshly ground black pepperZest and juice of 1 limePinch cayenne pepper1 cup heavy or whipping (35%) cream8 oz cooked salad shrimp 6 to 8 cherry tomatoes, halved2 tbsp toasted pumpkin seeds, optionalFinely chopped chives or cilantro leavesExtra virgin olive oil, optional

Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C)10-cup (2.5 L) covered casserole dish

INGREDIENTS1 large orange bell pepper1 large yellow bell pepper1 tomato, sliced into four thick slices1/4 cup dry white wine1 cup shredded Swiss cheese


QUINOASTUFFED PEPPERSSTUFFING8 oz extra-lean ground beef, turkey or chicken1/2 small onion, chopped1/2 red bell pepper, chopped1 cup sliced mushrooms1 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme1 tomato, chopped1 small zucchini, chopped1 cup cooked quinoa1/4 tsp salt1/4 tsp freshly ground blackpepper

Excerpted from“The 150 BestSlow Cooker

Recipes, SecondEdition” by

Judith Finlayson

© 2011 RobertRose Inc. Reprinted withpermission. Allrights reserved.

Excerpted from “The Best Gluten-Free Family Cookbook” by Donna Washburn & Heather Butt © 2005 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.



In fact we are so confident of the


F H c m Human growth hormone was first d b o a R n n ( w a to regenerate itself to its 25 year-old b

L g b d to in our early adult years.

M a disease that is treatable and preventablea a d in blood glucose and pressure tod

Since then, only the l

Now a

Also with the state


Continued use


the blood at the same levels HGH existed i

A s m

DIRECTIONSIn slow cooker stoneware, combine leeks and oil. Stir well. Cover

and cook on High for 1 hour, until leeks are softened. Add pumpkin,broth, salt, and black pepper to taste. Cover and cook on Low for 6hours or on High for 3 hours, until pumpkin is tender.

Transfer to a blender or food processor fitted with metal blade, inbatches, or use an immersion blender, and purée.

If serving hot, return soup to slow cooker, add lime zest and juice,cayenne, cream and shrimp and cook on High for 20 minutes, untilshrimp are heated through. If serving cold, combine ingredients in alarge bowl and chill thoroughly.

When ready to serve, ladle soup into individual bowls and garnishwith cherry tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, if using, and chives or cilantro.

HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 12:32 PM Page 16

New! DoctorRecommended The Reverse Aging Miracle


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From the landmark book Grow Young withHGH comes the most powerful, over-the-counter health supplement in the history ofman. Human growth hormone was first discovered in 1920 and has long been thoughtby the medical community to be necessaryonly to stimulate the body to full adult sizeand therefore unnecessary past the age of 20.Recent studies, however, have overturned thisnotion completely, discovering instead that thenatural decline of Human Growth Hormone(HGH), from ages 21 to 61 (the average age atwhich there is only a trace left in the body)and is the reason why the body ages and failsto regenerate itself to its 25 year-old biological age.

Like a picked flower cut from the source, wegradually wilt physically and mentally andbecome vulnerable to a host of degenerativediseases, that we simply weren’t susceptible to in our early adult years.

Modern medical science now regards aging asa disease that is treatable and preventableand that “aging”, the disease, is actually a compilation of variousdiseases and pathologies, like a risein blood glucose and pressure todiabetes, skin wrinkling and so on.

There is a receptor site in almost every cell in the human body for HGH, so its regenerative and healing effects are verycomprehensive.

Growth Hormone first synthesized in 1985under the Reagan Orphan drug act, to treatdwarfism, was quickly recognized to stopaging in its tracks and reverse it to a remarkable degree. Since then, only the lucky and the rich have had access to it at the cost of $10,000 US per year.

The next big breakthrough was to come in 1997 when a group of doctors and scientists,developed an all-natural source product whichwould cause your own natural HGH to bereleased again and do all the remarkablethings it did for you in your 20’s. Now available to every adult for about the price of a coffee and donut a day.

The new HGH releasers are winning convertsfrom the synthetic HGH users as well, sinceGHR is just as effective (for anti-aging) is oral instead of self-injectable and is veryaffordable.

GHR is a natural releaser, has no known sideeffects, unlike the synthetic version and has noknown drug interactions. Progressive doctors admit that this is thedirection medicine is going, to get the body toheal itself instead of employing drugs. GHR is truly a revolutionary paradigm shift inmedicine and, like any modern leapfrogadvance, many others will be left in the dustholding their limited, or useless drugs andremedies.

It is now thought that HGH is so comprehen-sive in its healing and regenerative powersthat it is today, where the computer industrywas twenty years ago, that it will displace somany prescription and non-prescription drugsand health remedies that it is staggering tothink of.

The president of BIE Health Products, statedin a recent interview,“I’ve been waiting forthese products since the 70’s”. We knew theywould come, if only we could stay healthy and live long enough to see them! If you wantto stay on top of your game, physically andmentally as you age, this product is a boon,especially for the highly skilled professionalswho have made large investments in their education, and experience. Also with the stateof the health care system in Canada whichappears to be going into serious decline, it’smore important than ever to take pro-activesteps to safeguard your health. Continued useof GHR will make a radical difference in yourhealth. HGH is particularly helpful to theelderly who, given a choice, would rather stayindependent in their own home, strong, healthyand alert enough to manage their own affairs,exercise and stay involved in their communi-ties. Frank, age 85, walks two miles a day, plays golf, belongs to a dance club for seniors, had a girl friend again and doesn’t need Viagara, passed his drivers test and is hardly ever home when we call - GHR delivers.

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GHR is available now, just in time for the aging Baby Boomers and everyone else from age 30 to 90 who doesn’t want to age but would rather stay young, beautiful and healthy all of the time.

in the blood at the same levels HGH existed in the blood when we were 25 years old.

All of these aging symptoms can bestopped and rolled back by maintaining Growth Hormone levels

HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 12:32 PM Page 17

18 Healthy Directions February/March 2012


Costa Rica

Costa Rica is the perfect backdrop for an eco-adventure.

Regardless of ability, preference or budget, the region offers

something for all types of travellers. It has fantastic tourism

infrastructure, ideal for both novice and experienced globetrotters.

For the adrenaline junkies, there are countless activities

including waterfall rappeling, horseback riding, canyon trekking,

river rafting, mountain biking, ziplining, diving, snorkelling and

surfing. For the foodies, Costa Rica serves delicious coffee, a

multitude of fresh fruit and tasty seafood. Those in search of serenity

and relaxation can snuggle up with a book on one of many beautiful


Costa Rica is also recognized for its rainforest and exotic and

colourful wildlife. It hosts approximately 850 species of birds, more

than 220 species of reptiles and 160 types of amphibians. Among the

most popular are monkeys, frogs, turtles, sloths, whales and


As one of the world’s most infamous eco-tourism destinations,

Costa Rica provides travellers with a wide variety of

environmentally friendly activities. Whether you’re an animal lover,

tree hugger, nature enthusiast or have a green thumb, there’s no

shortage of Earth-friendly activities.

COSTA RICA QUESTThis action-packed nine-day tour of Costa Rica's highlights is

perfect for the adventurer who wants to explore the region's

diversity. Travellers get their adrenaline pumping with a variety of

optional activities including rafting, waterfall-rappeling, horseback

riding, biking and ziplining. Follow a trail to the base of a waterfall,

melt away in thermal springs of Arenal Volcano, search for the

elusive quetzal bird in the cloud forest, or bliss out on a beach.

G Adventures' CEOs (Chief Experience Officer) will help travellers findthe secluded spots only the locals know. For more information pleasecontact Timothy Chan at G Adventures: 416-260-0999 x 1353; or visit:

By Timothy Chan

HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 12:32 PM Page 18

Healthy Directions February/March 2012 19

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20 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

Health is a choice; it depends on all the little choices we make

daily. Diet, nutrition, activity level, breeding or genetics and

emotional state all play significant roles in your dog’s health. Every

choice you make effects these influences in small or big ways. No

matter how small these influences may be they can add up in

multiples to a significant positive or negative result.

The control you have over your companion pet’s health starts

from the time you decide on a breed that suits your lifestyle to the

food and live nutritional supplements fed daily. A breed that does

not fit into your life simply makes for a dog with underlying anxiety

and lack of emotional and physical fulfillment. This sets the stage

for disease as much as lack of quality nutrition can.

Some cases of disease are purely genetic but even most of these

can be mitigated in part or in full with proper nutrition and healthy

lifestyle and this includes joint disease. Most of us surrender to the

misconception that there’s little we can do about treating joint

disease and intercepting hip dysplasia. However, nutritional and

nutraceutical research has advanced so far today that nutrient-based

treatments can offer therapeutic and preventive results that are as

powerful, and in many cases, more effective than drug.

It’s logical that a large breed like a Great Dane will be more

vulnerable to hip and joint degeneration than a Chihuahua might be.

However, we can use key nutrient-based compounds that are

scientifically documented to activate collagen production and keep

it active in the hip and other joints of that Great Dane. You can play

an active role that reduces the rate of wear and damage that could

otherwise progress prematurely.

SUPPLYING THE RIGHT FORM OF CHONDROITINSupplying the right form of chondroitin, for example, earlier in

life rather than later, prompts the chondrocytes in the joint tissues to

stay ‘ON’ and work at full potential. These chondrocytes are the

worker cells of the cartilage tissue building collagen as it wears to

keep joints youthful and functioning. Oxidation and nitric oxide

elevation can interfere with the ability for these cells to utilize

glucosamine to rebuild worn joint tissue. If these chondrocytes shut

down, no amount of supplemental glucosamine will be converted

into collagen.

Even small degrees of inactivity can amount to joint recovery

rates one step behind the daily pace. Crude chondroitin cannot keep

these cells in the ‘ON’ position; but supplementation with lower

molecular weight chondroitin can. Antioxidant supplements like

grape seed extract can join to add to the effects of this chondroitin

protecting and preserving these worker cells; so, cartilage is

maintained even in advanced age. In their functional state, these

chondrocytes repair daily keeping up with your pet’s life pace.

GENETIC POTENTIALWe all have built in genetic potential for disease just like our

pets do. We all also have codes that are designed to maintain health

and vigor. The way these genes are expressed or biologically

interpreted depends on the chemistry they are bathed in. The foods

we eat, the antioxidants we supplement, the lifestyles we engage in,

the toxins we allow into our life and the stress we are influenced by

all manipulate this chemistry in each of the cells.

By Franco Cavaleri, BSc, Nutritional Biochemist

PET PERKS Preventing Joint Disease in Your Dog

HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 4:03 PM Page 20

Find the complete line at select Veterinarians, pet supply, and health food stores.


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Vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, natural fi bres, antioxidants and toxin blockers to improve immune system, energy, digestion, and protect tissues and health

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORSToday we are exposed to more environmental pollution and

oxidation than ever before. In order to allow our cells and those

of our companion animals to function according to natural design

we have to meet this incremental oxidation with a higher

antioxidant level. Fortunately our cells and those of our

companion’s have the capacity to manufacture endogenous

antioxidants but these internally produced antioxidants are not

enough to meet the unnaturally elevated environmental assault. In

addition, as we and our companion animal’s age, this internal

antioxidant production declines to make oral supplementation

even more valuable for seniors.

If we remain complacent doing nothing about these internal

changes and external forces, inflammation simply increases

unchallenged with age. In this vulnerable state joints break down

prematurely, those worker cells of the joints - the chondrocytes-

slow down, energy is compromised, mobility is restricted and the

mind is blanketed by a cloud. Age and the aged state of mind and

body are not about a number or time. Age is a state of health that

is independent of time.

A supplement formulation that includes the right type,

quantity and proportion of the extracts of boswellia serrata and

grapeseed, vitamin C, low molecular weight chondroitin,

glucosamine, and MSM can help regulate inflammation and

maintain the chondrocyte in the ON position. Add a properly

formulated Omega-3 supplement to the daily intake and this

inflammatory regulation is further enhanced to improve again on

that biological age. Prevention is the best cure; your dogs’ health

is in your hands.

Franco Cavaleri, BSc NB Nutraceutical Biochemist, is a graduate ofUBC, who majored in Nutritional Science and Biochemistry. He has beenthe recipient of several awards Canadian Health Industry including nineformulation awards and is a bestseller author of a book derived from histhesis: POTENTIAL WITHIN–A Guide to Nutritional Empowerment.Franco is also the author of; YOUR DOGS HEALTH which providesdetailed scientific references for the science and dietary choices discussedin this article.

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22 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

We are constantly reminded not to indulge in the sweetness of

sugar (carbohydrate), less we end up overweight or having problems

with diabetes in the long run. Unfortunately, we often forget that

sugar plays an essential role: it's our vital fuel. Its regulation in the

bloodstream feeds all our cells with a constant energy supply. So, we

can’t just put it aside. But which carbohydrates should we focus on?

THE HUMAN BODY: A REMARKABLE MACHINEThe energy that fuels our cells is created from the food we eat

by means of biochemical and mechanical processes. During the

digestive process, enzymes attack and break down food into more

simple elements that are easier to assimilate: amylase (an enzyme

found in saliva and the pancreatic juice) breaks down large sugar

chains, like starch; glucosidase (an intestinal enzyme) comes into

play in the last stage of carbohydrate transformation, which finally

allows our body to use the glucose as an energy source.

Other processes then take care of regulating its

intake by cells: insulin and glucagon (hormones

produced by the pancreas) will thus come to

modulate glycemia (blood sugar levels).

In general, blood sugar levels vary very

little for healthy people during a single day.

Following a balanced meal, there is a slight

variation that may last for 2 hours. But

following a heavy meal, this variation spikes

and drops a lot more. Have you ever experienced

an energy drop or felt like dozing away after a

heavy meal? You might have thought it was your

digestion going slowly. That was not the case. In truth,

that was you blood sugar playing tricks on you.

FOODS AND THEIR GLYCEMIC INDEXThe Glycemic Index of food (GI) represents its impact on blood

sugar levels. Food is rated on a 0 to 100 scale according to how fast

it increases glucose in blood. Foods with a high GI are quickly

transformed and can increase blood sugar levels fast. On the other

hand, low GI food is digested more slowly, allowing consistent

blood sugar levels. This limits cravings and favours healthy

intellectual and physical activity.

Here’s a helpful point to remember. Food with a high GI will

have it lowered if associated with lower GI food. For example, a

slice of white bread with a GI of 100 associated with peanut butter,

having a GI of 40, will end up with a GI of 70.

By Sandrine Briatte, B.Sc.

Avoid the Ups and Downs

Find Blood Sugar Balance

LOW GI(55 or less)

Oat bran bread, al dente pastas, chickpeas, lentils, white beans, green

vegetables, unsweetened corn, green peas, oat flakes, muesli with no added sugar, grainbead, milk and yogurt, raisins, dry apricots,

dark chocolate, raw carrots

AVERAGE GI (56 to 69)

Boiled potatoes, oat, pop corn, brown rice,basmati rice, semolina, crescent rolls,

bananas, honey

HIGH GI(70 or more)

Mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, French fries, short-grain rice, corn flakes,

crackers, rice cake, baguette, white bread, white bagels, cooked carrots, soft drinks

HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 4:03 PM Page 22

HOW DO YOU GET DIABETES?There are mainly two types of diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the insulin producing cells of the pancreas

are destroyed. It is mostly known to appear at youth and is not related to eating habits. Type 2 diabetes has

nothing to do with insulin shortage, but the inability to deal with glucose appropriately. It is more pernicious

and often appears with age.

During our lives, there can be some food imbalances. Following a meal high on carbohydrates or fat,

the body has to break down a lot of food with high glycemic index, which releases too much glucose in the

bloodstream. The pancreas then produces insulin that holds onto its cell receptors and lets glucose go into

the cells. This stabilizes blood sugar levels.

The more often these food imbalances occur, the more badly the body reacts to all this rough treatment.

The pancreas continues producing insulin to manage the blood sugar levels, but it doesn’t act as well as it

used to on its receptors: this leads to insulin resistance. Despite the insulin, glucose does not flow into cells

as much and starts building up in the bloodstream (hyperglycemia). The body then tries to compensate by

producing more insulin… for nothing. After a while, pancreatic cells wear out and glucose intolerance sets

in. This results is type 2 diabetes.

FRESH AND RAW FOODS, VEGETABLES, ACIDIC FOODS AND FIBREHow do you favour the right carbohydrates? There are several points to consider, but simply keeping

some of them in mind will improve your quality of life. The more food is cooked or processed, the higher

their GI becomes. Pastas are a good example: at Al dente, carbohydrates break down slowly and are to be

favoured. Overcook them and their GI increases dramatically.

Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals and dietary fibres. It is recommended to pick those of

bright colours (sweet peppers, carrots...). The GI for vegetables is usually low, with a few exceptions, like

potatoes and cooked carrots. Best choices: green beans have lots of carbohydrates that are both complex and

slow (GI 30); a cup of Brussels sprouts has over 4 g of fibre and a fair quantity of thioctic acid, a powerful

sulfurated antioxidant capable of lowering blood sugar levels; raw onions have allyl propyl disulfide, a

compound which can increase available free insulin.

Acidic food, especially vinegars (as well as some fruits like grapefruit and lemon), help prevent blood

sugar levels from rising up too fast. Taken a few minutes before meals, studies show that it can lower blood

sugar levels by 30%. Eating a grapefruit at the beginning of a meal seems to have the same effect.

Furthermore, adding acidic ingredients to food, like vinaigrette, tends to lower its GI. For example, potatoes

(high GI) can become healthier if served cold, in a salad, with salad dressing.

Fibres are already well known for helping the bowels work properly, but they also help bringing blood

sugar to normal levels: they delay, if not reduce, the absorption of carbohydrates without provoking

hypoglycemia. Soluble fibre supplements (flaxseed, oat seed, fenugreek, psyllium…) on their part reduce

the increase in blood sugar levels after a meal.

DIABETES FIGHTING FOODS AND SUPPLEMENTSSome plants also do wonders: ginseng root lowers blood sugar levels, especially after meals; green tea,

rich in catechin, improves insulin sensitivity and reduces risks of diabetes; alfalfa is also traditionally used

to prevent hyperglycemia.

Amongst nutritional supplements, some are worth mentioning. Recent studies have put forward algae,

like brown algae extracts, because of their impact on carbohydrate assimilation as beneficial. Some of them

are even capable of modulating blood sugar levels by inhibiting the enzyme activity responsible for digesting

carbohydrates. In short, they eliminate excess sugar naturally without letting it enter the bloodstream. A real

winning supplement if you think about regulating your blood sugar levels while providing a feeling of

fullness. Biotin plays an important part in carbohydrate metabolism and is known for its hypoglycemic

effect. Some trace elements have positive effects on sugar assimilation: chromium increases the number of

receptors for insulin and potentiates its action; manganese modulates the action of insulin; zinc acts on the

synthesis and delivery of insulin and improves the insulin sensitivity of cells; as for magnesium, its

hypoglycemic effect cannot be ignored.

Sandrine Briatte, B.Sc. Biochemistry, M.Sc. Biology, is a scientific director in research and development of naturalhealth products. She currently works at Virage Santé in Quebec and offers her expertise by providing training forcustomers. For more information: or call 1-800-463-0944

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24 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

By Lorna Vanderhaeghe, MS

If weight loss were as simple as reducing calories and running

the treadmill we would all be thin. There are many factors

contributing to our expanding waist line and that is why diets

generally don’t work. Most dieters gain all the weight they have lost

and more within 60 days of stopping the diet. Weight loss can be

effortless when we make small diet adjustments and add a few

nutritional supplements that work fast.

FOOD THAT FIGHTS FATEat protein at every meal and eat only protein for breakfast - an

egg, a chicken breast, a protein shake, protein powder in yogurt for

example. To make it simple the piece of protein should be the size

of your palm.

Stop eating all white foods – white bread, white pasta, white

sugar, white flour, white potatoes. If you have a doughy belly then

stop eating all grains too. Women lose weight fast when they

eliminate grains from their diet – sometimes several pounds a week.

Grains are starches that convert into sugars.

Don’t drink fruit juice. You would never sit down and eat 8

apples at a time but when you drink a glass of apple juice you drink

the sugar and water of 8 apples without the fiber. Fruit juice disrupts

blood sugar.

Eat dark green vegetables at lunch and dinner with a palm sized

piece of protein. Eat a snack in between and make sure it is protein

(like a piece of cheese). Get a large ziplock freezer bag and fill it

every morning with sugar snap peas, broccoli, celery sticks, carrots

and more. Eat vegetables throughout the day – your blood sugar will

be balanced and you will never feel hungry.

Drink water flavored with ginger or fresh lemon. Drink herbal

teas throughout the day. Add two clinically researched nutritional

supplements to super charge weight loss and bust belly fat.

CLA WITH GREEN TEA EXTRACTConjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid supplement that

literally melts fat. In a 90-day, double-blind, randomized, placebo-

controlled study published in 2000 in the Journal of Nutrition, CLA

users experienced fat loss with an average weight reduction of seven

pounds and an increase in lean muscle. There was a 20 percent

decrease in body fat. CLA also stops fat from coming back once

dieting stops. Incredibly, CLA has also been found to help with

weight loss even if people don't change the food they eat. In June

2009, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported on 45

postmenopausal women who were obese and who had type-2

diabetes. They took 8,000 mg of CLA per day with food for 16

weeks. The women were told not to diet or exercise any differently

during the trial. The researchers found that CLA significantly

reduced the women's body mass index (BMI) and resulted in a four-

pound weight loss.


DiscoverCLA, Green

Tea andChirositol

Three Steps to



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Healthy Directions February/March 2012 25

GREEN TEA ENHANCES FAT LOSSOne study revealed that participants who took green tea

extract capsules daily increased their fat burning without

accelerating their heart rate. The capsules safely melted fat away.

A 2010 study in the Journal of the American College of Nutritioninvolved 35 obese subjects with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic

syndrome is the name for a group of factors that increase risk of

heart disease, stroke and diabetes; these factors include a large

waistline, low "good" HDL cholesterol, as well as high blood

pressure, high triglycerides (blood fats) and high blood sugar

levels. At the end of eight weeks, the green tea group experienced

significant decreases in body weight compared to the control

group. Do not use de-caffeinated green tea as it is the caffeine

along with the other constituents of the green tea that effectively

enhances fat-burning, thus improving fat loss. Look for a

supplement with the combination of CLA and green tea extract.

Both are approved by Health Canada for weight loss.

TAKE CLA ALONG WITH CHIROSITOLBelly fat is a stubborn problem. No end of sit-ups and

crunches make it disappear. We know there is a connection

between our expanding waistlines and our hormones. The main

hormone contributing to belly fat is insulin. Insulin is a powerful

hormone that, when in excess, also causes an elevation in

circulating male hormones in women, causing male facial hair

growth and acne too. In men, elevated insulin results in a beer

belly and breasts.

Elevated insulin promotes weight gain, high cholesterol,

diabetes and excess belly fat. Skin tags are an early sign of pre-

diabetes. Thankfully, busting belly fat and normalizing insulin just

got easier. The nutrient chirositol (pronounced "kur-au-sitol"),

researched in over 30 studies at the Virginia Medical School,

works for prediabetes and Type-2 diabetes. Chirositol has also

been shown to reduce appetite and improve our happy hormone

serotonin, which halts sugar cravings and controls appetite. But

where chirositol really shines is in fighting belly fat in both men

and women. Combine the fat burning diet, CLA and green tea

extract along with chirositol and weight loss will be effortless.

Lorna Vanderhaeghe, MS, is Canada's leading women's health expert. With Degrees in nutrition and biochemistry,she is the author of 11 books including, “A SmartWoman’s Guide to Weight Loss.”Visit:

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26 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

My so called initiation into the world of natural health began a

little over 20 years ago when I went from doctor to doctor

complaining of digestive distress every time I ate. Something as

simple as eating turned out to be a dreaded and sometimes torturous

event. After many appointments I ended up at a live cell

microscopist and left with a bottle of digestive enzymes. Much to

my disbelief within the first few meals the pain was gone! I simply

could not believe that a chronic issue that had been plaguing me for

years disappeared with a few digestive enzymes.

Most people don’t consider enzymes. There is no question that

probiotics, essential fatty acids, herbs, mushrooms and green

superfoods all play an important role in the wellness puzzle, but

what if many of the issues bothering people today were caused by

chronic enzyme deficiency in the body? Something as simple as an

enzyme imbalance in the body may be the cause of certain disease

states. Consider this quotation, “By 1982 some 1,400 diseases, each

due to a defect in a single gene had been described in medical

literature . . . For most of the diseases, the biochemical basis is still

unknown. For approximately 200 of them, the disease is known to

be due to a deficiency or malnutrition of a single enzyme.” These

are the words of Arthur Kornberg from his book For the Love ofEnzymes. He was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in

1959. Most people don’t realize enzyme therapy can help for issues

such as acid reflux, candida, inflammation, blood sugar issues and

allergies to name a few.

Enzymes are often referred to as the “sparks of life.” They are

a class of proteins that act as catalysts for all chemical reactions in

the body. Without them we simply could not function. There are

thousands of known enzymes and hundreds more that have not yet

been discovered. Digestive enzymes are created by the body in order

to break down the food we eat into smaller units in order to ensure

optimal nutrient assimilation and utilization, while metabolic

enzymes oversee thousands of biochemical reactions in the body

from energy production to detoxification. All cells in the body

produce metabolic enzymes for almost every function in the body.

Both digestive and metabolic enzymes are fundamental for health.

I often hear people say that they do not need digestive enzymes.

The truth of the matter is that most people are deficient in digestive

enzymes and start borrowing from their metabolic stores. As we age

our ability to produce digestive enzymes in the pancreas, stomach

and small intestine decreases. Foods are not as enzymatically rich as

they once were (soil depletion) and our diets have changed

significantly to include much more cooked and processed foods.

Digestive enzymes play a crucial role not only in aiding the

digestive process, but more importantly in preventing enzyme


Enzymes are therapeutic and supportive when taken on an

empty stomach away from meals. Taking various plant-based

enzymes that can work in varying pH’s can have a positive effect on

metabolic function. A high potency protease formula can for

example provide support for the immune system by breaking down

undigested protein. They have the ability to be absorbed in the blood

where they bind to a large protein called Alpha II macroglobulin and

are then able to break down viruses, fungal forms such as candida,

bacteria and parasites.

In cancer therapy proteolytic enzymes have the ability to digest

the protective membrane known as fibrin around cancer cells

thereby allowing the immune system to identity and destroy them.

Certain proteolytic enzyme formulas containing Serratiopeptidase

for example are effective in improving circulation, speeding tissue

repair, alleviating joint discomfort, supporting cardiovascular

health, relieving respiratory complaints and reducing fibrin in

damaged capillaries thereby improving circulation.

Taking an enzyme formula that contains the highest

potency of lipases can help to improve hormonal imbalances, high

cholesterol, dry skin, weight gain, gallbladder and liver distress.

Lastly a high potency amylase formula may help address issues of

sinus congestion, allergies, fatigue, blood sugar imbalance and

frequent headaches. Everyday we should contribute to our depleted

enzyme bank accounts, making us all the richer by optimizing our

physiological functions and overall health.

The Missing Link for Health and Wellness

Enzyme Deficiency By Jerry Zeifman

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Healthy Directions February/March 2012 27

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By Benna Lun BScH ND

Some people experience it as tingling or burning; for others, it

manifests as numbness or pain that may interfere with daily

activities. Diabetic neuropathy is damage to nerves caused by high

blood sugar that occurs in more than half of diabetics. You may have

initially noticed it in your fingertips and toes, but it can also impair

nerve transmission to your organs, including your bladder, heart and

stomach. A healthy diet and regular exercise are key to keeping

blood sugar levels under control, but other natural strategies are

available to lower blood sugar and alleviate diabetic symptoms

including neuropathy.

STRESS MANAGEMENT AND MASSAGE THERAPYAs if sending your blood pressure sky-rocketing wasn’t enough,

stress can also have the same effect on your blood sugar. Many

people report that minor daily annoyances such as not being able to

find your keys in the morning and poor time management are major

contributors to stress, so make it a priority to organize your home

and your schedule. Proper nutrition and good quality sleep will also

change the way you perceive stress and allow you to cope more

effectively with any curveballs thrown your way. Try breathing

exercises, journaling, meditation, and visualization to relieve stress

and keep you calm and collected in even the toughest situations.

Poor blood circulation, neuropathy, and high blood sugar

combine to form the ideal conditions for developing skin ulcers, and

aggressive wounds and infections. Massage therapy improves blood

circulation, nerve sensation, and lowers blood sugar and stress.

CINNAMON AND VITAMIN B12Skip the bun but keep the cinnamon – less than a teaspoon per

day has been shown to lower blood sugar and improve insulin

sensitivity. Sprinkle this delectable spice onto your morning cereal,

blend it into smoothies, or stir it into your favorite hot beverage. If

the flavour provides too much tickle for your tastebuds, ask your

local supplement supplier about cinnamon capsules.

Not only does vitamin B12 help with neuropathy, it’s also used

to boost energy levels, lower heart disease risk, and quash stress.

Supplements are available, but talk to your medical doctor or

naturopath about B12 injections.

ALPHA LIPOIC ACIDAlpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant especially well-

documented for the treatment and prevention of diabetic neuropathy,

and is an approved medical therapy for this condition in Germany.

Additionally, it has been shown to protect the insulin-producing cells

of the pancreas and lower blood sugar, and may improve cholesterol

levels. Incorporating these simple solutions into your diabetes

management plan will give you greater control over stubbornly high

blood sugar levels and help to improve the symptoms and

complications of chronic diabetes. Always remember to check your

blood sugars frequently when implementing new blood sugar-

lowering strategies.

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28 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

A Dietary Approach to Better Health

Food, Mood and Health

The phrase ‘what you eat is what you are’ has never been more

true. Scientists today are continuing to show various connections

between our food and everything from our bowel habits, to our brain

function, to our skin health. A recent review on food and our mood,

highlights how our daily diet choices can impact our quality of life

Mood disorders are becoming one of the fastest rising conditions

worldwide, with depression ranking one of the highest.

Mood disorders are often linked to obesity, insulin intolerance,

and other metabolic diseases. By regulating glucose and insulin

levels in the body, we can help stabilize our mood while getting

metabolic benefits. Who wouldn’t want to feel better, lose a few

unneeded pounds, decrease their risk of cardiovascular events, and

prevent diabetes all at the same time?

DIETARY STRATEGIESSo how do we regulate our glucose levels to enjoy all these

benefits? Consider these dietary strategies. Enjoy a snack every 3-4

hours. This will help manage your body’s ‘stress response’, decrease

cravings and weight gain, and increase your energy. Avoid

carbohydrate-only meals. These calories not only turn into sugar

right away, but induce insulin resistance and can depress your

overall mood. Never forget to include greens. Vegetables and the

fiber they provide ,improves performance and mood; effects that can

last up to 11 days later. Include a form of protein in every snack and

meal. Proteins are the building blocks for our neurotransmitters, our

enzymes, our chemical messengers and our cells. The structure and

function of our brain, as well as our glucose tolerance, depends on

these nutrients.

MAKE A MOVE TO KEEP YOUR MOOD HIGHExercise can be one of the most difficult habits to fall back into.

Close to half of all Canadians report being physically inactive. It’s

no wonder that obesity is an epidemic and that depression rates are

skyrocketing. Exercise is vital for maintaining a healthy weight, a

healthy body, and a healthy perspective on life.

Exercise directly impacts our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal

axis (HPA axis) affecting the production of cortisol, insulin, and

thyroid hormones. Cortisol is directly related to feelings of anxiety

and depression and our thyroid function impacts our metabolism and

feelings of fatigue. Therefore, by being active, you can actually

change your own brain chemistry and feel better while doing it!

Adding exercise to your day, takes more than just an idea. To

make an effective change, you’ve got to make exercise a routine.

Exercise has to become a lifestyle choice which includes work,

sport, and recreation. When looking to add exercise to your lifestyle,

remember to include both structured and unstructured exercise. This

can include a 20-minute workout 3x/week, as well as making a pack

to yourself to park your car away from the doors of your building so

you have to walk 30 seconds extra each day. Make an after-dinner

walk part of your night; you might find yourself breathing better,

connecting with your partner better, and sleeping better.

CONTROL YOUR CRAVINGSWhen our blood sugar levels are imbalanced, we get cravings.

Different foods will alter our blood sugar levels at different rates.

Certain foods can cause our blood sugar levels to spike and

subsequently fall, leaving us feeling tired, hungry, and craving

carbohydrates and sugary foods. Whenever we have a craving, our

body sends out a multitude of neurotransmitters. These

neurotransmitters strongly impact our behaviours and feelings

causing addictive patterns. These patterns can become ingrained in

us, working faster and stronger each time we experience a craving.

HOW TO MINIMIZE CRAVINGSInclude protein in every meal and snack. Protein has a low

glycemic index which means it is broken down slowly in the body,

releasing energy continuously. Adding protein will help to stabilize

your blood sugar levels and prevent you from entering the

“starvation mode” which leaves us cravings carbs and sugary foods.

Proteins sources include beans, legumes lentils, nuts, seeds, eggs,

and animal proteins. You can also consider purchasing a protein

powder to add to drinks and food. Have something to eat every 3-4

hours. Consuming several small meals throughout the day helps to

regular blood sugar levels and decreases cravings.

By Chanel Cressman, BSc ND

HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 4:03 PM Page 28

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Healthy Directions February/March 2012 29

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Avoid carbohydrate only

meals. These meals not only spike

the blood sugar and leave you

hungry soon after, but they also

dampen the central nervous

system decreasing your desire for

physical activity and dampening

your mood.

Bump up the fiber intake.

Fiber helps to keep you feeling

full longer and slows the release

of nutrients into the blood stream,

helping to normalize your sugar


Eat your veggies. Vegetables

not only provide you with

important nutrients do everything

from regular bodily functions to

fighting cancer, they also help

regular your metabolism,

decreasing your cravings.

Eat good fats. Include

omega-3 fats in your diet. These

help reduce cholesterol, fill you

up, and help regulate your blood

sugar decreasing your cravings.

Drink 2 glasses of water

before meals and carry a water

bottle with you during the day to

ensure you are drinking about 2L

of water everyday.

Often times when we think

we’re hungry, we are actually

thirsty. Since our bodies are over

50% water, we need to drink a lot to

keep our cells functioning properly.

Most people are dehydrated and

only consume coffee, tea, and pop.

These fluids dehydrate the body

inhibiting our cells ability to

function properly.

References:1) Lytle, M. The Food for Mood Diet: ALiterature Review, Highlight of Principles,and Initial Study Design. NaturopathicDoctor News and Review. 2011; 7(4):9-11.2) Statistics Canada. Canadian CommunityHealth Survey. 2005. 3) Grieb, L. Therapeutic Exercise. [classnotes] 2009.

Chanel Cressman, BSc ND is alicenced naturopathic doctor with aprivate practice in Kitchener calledSage Naturopathic Clinic. Chanelhas a strong interest in women’s andpediatric health. She has additionaltraining as a Doula and is a memberof the Pediatric Association ofNaturopathic Physicians.

HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 4:03 PM Page 29

30 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

Normally we do not perceive our heartbeat. Sometimes a short

spell of strong heart beats (palpitations) can be a normal reaction to

fear, heavy exercise or excitement. Have you ever felt your heart

pounding when you see someone you have a crush on? You have

probably experienced at least once, skipped beats or felt like your

heart is jumping out of your chest before an exam, presentation, or

due to excitement when your favourite hockey team wins a game.

However in some cases, palpitations can be a sign of an underlying

problem like heart disease, anaemia or a thyroid condition.

COMMON CAUSES OF PALPITATIONS• Peri-menopause and menopause

• Heavy physical exercise especially in hot weather

• Anxiety, stress and fear, lack of good sleep

• Excessive consumption of coffee and tea (black or green)

• Food allergy and sensitivity

• Overfull stomach, flatulence, and constipation

• Cigarette smoking is a major cause of palpitations due to the

stimulating effect of nicotine on the electrical conducting system

within the heart

• Insufficient level of magnesium, especially during pregnancy

• Overactive thyroid, low levels of oxygen in your blood

• Medications such as thyroid pills, asthma drugs, beta blockers

• Heart disease

WHAT CAN I DO TO PREVENT PALPITATIONS? The heart is a fascinating organ. It sustains our life, yet we often

take it for granted because we know it beats automatically using

electrical impulses. In order to prevent palpitations, it is important to

consider your general state of health, the level of your stress, your

reactions to the environment and life situations. If it is necessary,

your health care specialist will help to make some corrections in

your life-style and your diet to rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit.

Decrease your stress level (learn about deep breathing and/or

relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi, or meditation). Smile!

Exercise (ask your doctor before you start exercising). Avoid

common stimulants like smoking, caffeine, and alcohol.

HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINEAccording to the nature of your personality, the origin of

palpitations and other symptoms, a homeopathic doctor will select

special treatment for each person individually. Homeopathy is a

great help for balancing your emotional and physical health.

Remember, your general emotions, your spirit and your physical

state have a direct influence on your heart!

PALPITATION DIETTry to follow a simple diet of natural foods, with emphasis on

fresh fruits, and raw or lightly cooked vegetables, and fish. New

research shows that eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts

help protect the heart and prevent diabetes. Magnesium-rich foods

such as whole grains, nuts, and many fruits and vegetables are

excellent dietary additions for healthy heart.

This information is not to be a substitute for any professional medical advice.For more information visit:

By Raisa Weisspapir, Homeopath, MD (Europe)

How to Stop a

Racing Heart


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Healthy Directions February/March 2012 31

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An Essential Part of the Diet

Saturated FatSaturated fat = BAD. Or does it? Is it possible that saturated fat

may be good for us? We have all been taught that saturated fat is

responsible for the increasing incidence of heart disease in our

country, one of the biggest killers of both men and women today. It

is a common understanding, a given, the zeitgeist of 20th century

North America. So, why am I questioning that belief now? Why

would I challenge such a forceful nutritional precept?

Believe it or not, I’m not the first one to question the idea. In

fact, I’m pretty slow on the uptake! There has been ample

information available, for decades, showing that saturated fat is not

to be feared. That it is, in fact, a necessary and beneficial component

of the diet.

If that is the case, how have we become so misled? Saturated fat

comes from animals and tropical plants: meat, fish, dairy, eggs, palm

and coconut oils. Prior to the 20th century, animal fat was a major

component of our diet. In 1913 a researcher by the name of Ancel

Keys published The 6 Country Study, demonstrating a correlation

between high cholesterol consumption and increased incidence of

heart disease. He later published The 7 Country Study, further

supporting his findings. His study was preceded by research on

rabbits fed high cholesterol diets. The Framingham Heart Studyfollowed. Both supported the hypothesis. We were hooked on the

idea that increased cholesterol → increased atherosclerosis →increased coronary artery disease and increased rates of mortality (in

other words, if we eat more cholesterol we are more likely to die).

This became known as The Lipid Hypothesis. Based on The LipidHypothesis, medical doctors began to recommend a “heart healthy”

low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet.

Mary Enig is just one of the many reputable scientists who have

been refuting the low fat-high carb theory of “healthy eating” since

the 70s. She has argued that cholesterol does not cause coronary

heart disease. She has shown on numerous occasions that there is no

data, whatsoever; to support the idea that saturated fat is bad for us.

CASE IN POINTThe study on rabbits fed cholesterol was bogus. Rabbits are

herbivores. We are not. Cholesterol may clog the artery of a rabbit

but it does not clog the arteries of healthy omnivores.

The 6 Country Study, omitted data from 16 other countries that

would have complicated Keys’ results. Had he included the data

from all 22 countries studied, Keys would not have been able to

create a direct correlation between cholesterol consumption and rate

of heart disease. In fact, the countries with the highest dietary

saturated fat consumption had the lowest incidence of heart disease.

The 30 year follow-up of The Framingham Heart Study found

there could be no link between high or low cholesterol and the

incidence of heart disease. The data showed that for every 1% mg/dl

decrease in cholesterol levels per year there was an 11% increase in

all-cause mortality.

NECESSARY FOR HEALTH Saturated fat is necessary for the health of cell membranes, the

regulation of hormones, the protection of the liver, lungs, and

optimal functioning of the immune system. Saturated fats, such as

coconut oil and butter, can improve overall health and body

composition. 99% of our evolutionary history has been spent eating

a diet of meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds and berries. We need to return

to our Hunter-Gatherer Diet (also called The Paleo Diet or ThePrimal Blueprint).

Jillian Murphy is a registered, licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine,practicing at The Live Well Centre in Kingston, Ontario. Jillian is aprofessor at St. Lawrence College and author of the popular blog "Yippie!".

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32 Healthy Directions February/March 2012


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Most of us snack at some point during the day. Eating a small snack gives us energy; lets us take a break to hang out with co-workers,

and may even help with mood. Snacking can also be used as tool for weight loss, if done properly! Unfortunately, many of us reach for a

bag of chips, or that yummy looking piece of chocolate. This leads to increasing your weight, and leaving you groggier than before. It is

important to observe a few snacking rules, in order to get the most out of your mini-meal.

1. BALANCE YOUR SNACK WITH PROTEIN, FAT AND FIBER.This will curb your hunger in the long run, as well as boost your energy throughout the day. Try carrots combined with hummus, an

apple with a piece of cheese, or yogurt and berries. Also, stock up on nutritious bars.

2. MAKE SURE TO SPACE OUT YOUR SNACKING.Eat between your meals, and do not leave longer than 2 to 3 hours between meals without snacking. If you snack at the appropriate

times, you are less likely to become hungry, and reach for an unhealthy snack.

3. DON’T KEEP FOODS HIGH IN UNHEALTHY FAT, AND CARBOHYDRATES, IN YOUR HOUSE! Most people snack from 3pm, until bed time. This is usually because they are not very hungry during work hours, or they are very busy,

and don’t think to snack. If you fall into this category, beware, and have a look at your cupboards. Do you see chips, chocolate, and ice

cream? If you do, they are sabotaging your weight loss goals.

4. PREPARE YOUR SNACKS, THE DAY BEFORE. If you have snacks on hand, like carrots and hummus, you are less likely to buy a snack lacking nutrient value, during the day.

5. KEEP A STASH OF PROTEIN BARS IN YOUR WORK DRAWER.This will come in handy when someone brings in birthday cake, or doughnuts. Make sure that you are satiated with some protein and

fiber, because it will help curb your craving for those sweets. Now, it will be easier to resist temptation.

Clarke is a naturopath practicing in the Burlington community. She has a general family practice with a special focus in women's health, painmanagement, and digestive concerns.

By Sherri- Anne Clarke, ND

Snack Solutions forthe 9 to 5 Worker

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Healthy Directions February/March 2012 33


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HDFeb-Mar2012_HealthyDirectionsTemplate 12-01-23 4:03 PM Page 33

34 Healthy Directions February/March 2012

By Kin Yan Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC

The Health Benefits of

Flax Seed

Flax Seed

for HeartHealth

Flaxseeds are highly nutritious seeds containing essential fatty

acids known as omega-3, and are also rich in dietary fiber, and trace

minerals. Flaxseeds contain a special phytonutrient known as

lignans, which are also phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are a group

of chemicals found in plants that can act like the hormone estrogen,

and have shown to have antioxidant properties. Lignans can also be

found in whole grain cereals, rye, legumes, seeds and nuts, berries,

vegetables and fruits. Flaxseed lignans have health benefits for

cardiovascular disease, and weight loss.

CARDIOVASCULAR SUPPORTLignans have shown positive results in the treatment of

cardiovascular disease. An article from the Journal of ClinicalEndocrinology & Metabolism in 2002 reported that plant lignans

reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving blood

cholesterol lipid levels. In the study, postmenopausal women were

given ground flaxseeds versus a wheat-based supplement for

control. They found that flaxseed supplementation reduced lipid

profiles while the wheat base control did not. Another study from

The American Society for Nutritional Sciences in 2002 also found

similar results in 939 postmenopausal women. A high intake of plant

lignans decreases cholesterol lipid levels, which decrease

cardiovascular risk.

OTHER HEALTH BENEFITSDietary phytoestrogens also have a beneficial role in combating

obesity and diabetes. The American Journal of Clinical Nutritionpublished an article in 2002 that discovered plant lignans and

isoflavones (phytoestrogen found in soy beans) improved glucose

control and insulin resistance. The study also reported that test

subjects experienced decreased body weight, blood lipid levels, and

insulin resistance, further supporting its beneficial effects on obesity

and diabetes. As with all supplements, it is important to always

check with a physician, as there can be interactions with various


References:1) Miriam J. J. de Kleijn, et al. Dietary Intake of Phytoestrogens Is Associated with aFavorable Metabolic Cardiovascular Risk Profile in Postmenopausal U.S. Women:The Framingham Study. 2002 The American Society for Nutritional Sciences J. Nutr.132:276-282, 2002.2) Sam J Bhathena and Manuel T Velasquez. Beneficial role of dietary phytoestrogensin obesity and diabetes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 76, No. 6, 1191-1201, December 2002

Kin Yan Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC completed his NaturopathicDoctor program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. He hasalso received additional special training in clinical oncology and is amember of the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Kinspecializes in cancer treatment and chronic degenerative conditions.

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36 Healthy Directions December/January 2012

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