Healthy beverages in our workplace What we can do to improve the health and wellbeing of staff Date:...


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Healthy beveragesin our workplace

What we can do to improve the health and wellbeing of


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How to use this presentation template This template has been created by the Health Promotion Agency, Wellington to accompany the guidelines on ‘Providing healthier beverage options in your workplace’. It can be used by anyone responsible for workplace wellness.

Use the template to create a presentation for management and staff to gain their support to improve the quality of drinks in your workplace. There are also blank slides where you can insert your own content.

Delete this instructions page once you have finished tailoring the template. The template and guidelines are free and available from

Dec 2014


Employees spend 60% of their waking hours at work.

Healthy staff are more productive and have less absenteeism.

Sugary drinks are a main source of sugar for New Zealand adults,

and contribute to weight gain and health problems.


Sugar is present in many drinks …

energy drinks

fruit juices and cordials

soft (fizzy) drinks

sports drinks

flavoured milks.

Encouraging staff to choose no and low-sugar drinks is an

easy way to improve the health of our staff.

Water is the best choice.

Other options are:

tea or coffee

unflavoured milk

diet or zero sugar drinks.

Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know?

How to make the change?1 Identify key staff to be champions.

2 Do a stock-take of what drinks are supplied in our workplace.

3 Establish a policy.

4 Raise awareness with staff.

5 Make the changes.

6 Sustain the changes and celebrate success.

Practical ideas

Make water and glasses or cups more accessible to our staff.

Reduce size and range of sugary drinks available in our

workplace (cafeteria or vending machines). Replace them with

sugar-free and low-sugar drinks.

Remove advertising of sugary drinks.

Provide water and other sugar-free drinks at staff meetings and


Next steps

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