Health Panel Seeks Sweeping Changes in Fertility Therapy


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  • 8/19/2019 Health Panel Seeks Sweeping Changes in Fertility Therapy


    Health Panel Seeks Sweeping Changes In

    Fertility Therapy

    An influential panel of the New York State Health Department is urging sweeping changes in the

    regulation of new fertility technologies, including more steps to reduce the incidence of multiple


     ¶ n a report being issued today, the panel said doctors pro!iding infertility treatments must think 

    more about the babies born as a result and a!oid treatments that are more likely to produce so"

    called high"order multiple births "" pregnancies of three, four or more babies who are far more

     prone to de!astating problems like retardation and blindness.

     ¶ Doctors should talk with patients in ad!ance about the possible need to abort one or morefetuses in a high"order multiple pregnancy, the panel said. f an abortion is not an option for the

     patient, it added, doctor and patient should consider other treatments, e!en if the chances of

     pregnancy are reduced.

     ¶ #he panel, the New York State #ask $orce on %ife and the %aw, said that many women are

    inade&uately informed about the risks of fertility treatments and that couples are often not told

    enough about the costs of such therapies and their generally low chances of success.

     ¶ #he therapies include drugs to induce the o!aries to produce eggs, the transfer of embryos

    fertili'ed in the laboratory directly into the womb and artificial insemination. (ith suchtechni&ues, a child can be born with three biological parents "" a man who pro!ides sperm, a

    woman who pro!ides an egg and a woman who carries and deli!ers the child.

     ¶ #he panel re)ected calls for legislation mandating health insurance to co!er such therapies

     because it found **no persuasi!e reason for gi!ing** them special legal priority, gi!en that the

    +nited States does not pay for e!eryone*s health care.

     ¶ ndependent eperts who ha!e followed the drafting of the report praised it, particularly its

    emphasis on the well"being of children born through the new techni&ues. #hey predicted it would

     be a model for regulation around the country.

     ¶ #he -"member panel, made up of doctors, lawyers, ethicists, members of the clergy and

    others, has had unusual influence since its creation in /012. ts recommendations are not binding,

    e!en in New York, but earlier recommendations ha!e become part of state laws and +nited

    States Supreme 3ourt decisions on defining death, withholding and withdrawing life support,

    organ transplantation and other issues of medical ethics.[IarIar][DstIaa][TptTpt][TtiWst][TprTpr][IewTpi][TmpIra][DstIaa][TptTpt][TtiWst][TprTpr][IewTpi][TmpIra][IarIar]

  • 8/19/2019 Health Panel Seeks Sweeping Changes in Fertility Therapy


     ¶ Dr. 4arbara A. De4uono, the New York State Health 3ommissioner, said in an inter!iew she

    would immediately take steps toward implementing the recommendations, starting with

    re!iewing processes used to inform patients of all risks of the reproducti!e technologies.

     ¶ **#he technology is ad!ancing faster than go!ernment officials, religious leaders and medical

    ethicists can keep up with,** Dr. De4uono said, **and therefore many of the thorny ethical issues

    are being played out in the courts.**

     ¶ #he panel said its main focus was to recommend **laws that promote clarity about parental

    rights and responsibilities that protect the stability of the parent"child relationship.**

     ¶ Among the recommendations that the panel made in addressing an array of issues were5

     ¶ 67stablishing the woman who gi!es birth as the child*s legal mother, e!en if it was concei!ed

    from an egg donated by another woman.

     ¶ 68e&uiring doctors to tell women if procedures are eperimental.

     ¶ 6Not making embryos from donor sperm and eggs without the eplicit permission of the

    indi!iduals who intend the embryos for their own use.

     ¶ 63onducting research to determine the odds of consanguinity.

     ¶ #he panel said physicians offering fertility treatment are not ethically obliged to treat e!eryone

    who seeks help. 4ut it said doctors who use psychological screening of potential patients should

    recogni'e that such testing is often prone to mistake and abuse and should insure that similarstandards for such screening are applied to all patients.

     ¶ Dr. De4uono said that if a dispute arose between a birth mother and the woman who donated

    the egg from which the child was concei!ed, **the burden would be on the genetic mother to

     pro!e in courts why an eception should be made.**[DBADBA][TtiTti][TpsTps][AtrAtr][EtwEtw][RdtRdt][NmeNme][CrtCrt][TpsBis][DDsDDs][DBADBA][TtiTti][TpsTps][AtrAtr][EtwEtw][RdtRdt][NmeNme][CrtCrt][TpsBis][DDsDDs]

  • 8/19/2019 Health Panel Seeks Sweeping Changes in Fertility Therapy


    9encari :esehatan ;anel ;erubahan 9enyapu Dalam #erapi :esuburan

    Sebuah panel berpengaruh dari New York State Departemen :esehatan mendesak perubahan

     besar dalam regulasi teknologi fertilitas baru, termasuk langkah"langkah lebih banyak untukmengurangi ke)adian kelahiran kembar.

     ¶ Dalam sebuah laporan yang dikeluarkan hari ini, panel kata dokter memberikan perawatan

    kesuburan harus berpikir lebih tentang bayi yang lahir sebagai akibat dan menghindari pengobatan yang lebih mungkin menghasilkan apa yang disebut high"order kelahiran kembar "

    kehamilan tiga, empat atau lebih bayi yang )auh lebih rentan terhadap masalah seperti

    keterbelakangan menghancurkan dan kebutaan.

     ¶ Dokter harus berbicara dengan pasien di muka tentang kebutuhan yang mungkin untukmembatalkan satu atau lebih )anin pada kehamilan beberapa high"order, panel mengatakan.

  • 8/19/2019 Health Panel Seeks Sweeping Changes in Fertility Therapy

