Health Impacts of Triclosan



An overview of the health impacts of triclosan

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  • Triclosan:Connecting the dots into meaningful actionMadeline PeytonMPH 632December, 3 2013

  • What is triclosan?

    Sounds fine, whats the big deal?

    Yikes. Well, now what?

  • HormonePearce, EN and Braverman , LW. 2009. Environmental pollutants and the thyroid. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 23:801-813

  • Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) 2009. Opinion of Triclosan. Jan 21, 2009. European Commission

  • Calafat A, X Ye, LY Wong, JA Reidy, LL Needham. 2008. Urinary Concentrations of Triclosan in the U.S. Population: 2003-2004. EHP 116(3)303-307

  • Triclosan has health risks (endocrine, antibacterial resistance, concentration levels)

  • ReferencesCalafat A, X Ye, LY Wong, JA Reidy, LL Needham. 2008. Urinary Concentrations of Triclosan in the U.S. Population: 2003-2004. EHP 116(3)303-307.

    Cullinan, M., Palmer, J., Carle, A., West, M., & Seymour, G. (2012). Long term use of triclosan toothpaste and thyroid function. The Science Of The Total Environment, 41675-79. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.11.063Pearce, EN and Braverman , LW. 2009. Environmental pollutants and the thyroid. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 23:801-813.

    Rodricks, J. V., Swenberg, J. A., Borzelleca, J. F., Maronpot, R. R., & Shipp, A. M. (2010). Triclosan: A critical review of the experimental data and development of margins of safety for consumer products. Critical Reviews In Toxicology, 40(5), 422-484. doi:10.3109/10408441003667514

    Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) 2009. Opinion of Triclosan. Jan 21, 2009. European Commission

    United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2010 March). Triclosan Fact Sheet.Retrieved From the Environmental Protection Agency website: images: Google images
