Health benefits of green tea


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Health Benefits of Green Tea

Tea, being the most consumed drink apart from water is being cultivated since

years. The cultivation of this drink began years ago in India and China. There are

three main varieties of tea that are widely available. They are green, black and the

oolong type. They are classified as above because depending on the way they

have been processed.

Green tea is said to give out major health benefits as it contains high amounts of

antioxidants and polyphenols. The antioxidants fight free radicals that are

responsible for cell death, contribute to the aging process and other health

problems such as cancer and heart diseases. Thus, consuming green tea can prove

to be a great way to prevent such severe illnesses. There are also other health

problems that can be prevented.


Various population based studies that involved people from different places,

culture and diet revealed that the antioxidants taken in with the consumption of

green tea helps prevent atherosclerosis or even coronary artery diseases.


The polyphenols contained in Green Tea help prevent cancer. A study revealed

that these polyphenols help kill the cancerous cells and prevent them from

growing. Thus, the consumption of green tea will help prevent and fight cancer.


Green Tea is observed to have a great effect on Type 1 Diabetes. When consumed

regularly, it will help prevent one from getting the type 1 Diabetes or help lower

the effects in someone who is already suffering with it.

Weight Loss:

It has been a long time since Green Tea has been contributing to various weight

loss plans. It has been a great way to contribute and lat the plan work effectively.

Green tea is said to increase ones metabolism and thus contribute in burning fat.

The intake of green tea and caffeine helps tremendously in reducing ones weight

and also to maintain weight in moderately obese people. It is said that that

catechins present in green tea help in enhancing weight loss in the body.

High Cholesterol:

During various studies, it was found that people who consumed green tea on a

regular basis had comparatively low cholesterol levels than the ones who

preferred not to drink this beverage. It helps raise the HDL levels i.e. the “good”

cholesterol levels.

Liver Diseases

Liver diseases can also be prevented by simply consuming enough amounts of

green tea. It protects the liver from being damaged by the toxic substances

contained in alcohol. The polyphenol, known as the catechin in green tea helps

fight viral hepatitis that is caused in the liver.

Other Uses

Green Tea can also help prevent dental cavity and protect your overall oral

health. There are assumptions and a few studies that are trying to prove that

green tea has a great effect on arthritis as well. It may help prevent inflammation

and slow the process of breaking of cartilages.

We have thus seen the various benefits that can be obtained by simply consuming

this beverage. Keep all those soft and aerated drinks away. You can try Green Tea

and help it make you live a better and healthier life.
