Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


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  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


    Welcome to 2013! I am so thankful to God for all the

    blessings He bestowed on us in 2012 and even more

    excited about the more glorious victories and

    successes in store for us this year.

    This is such an amazing year; it's a new beginning and

    a new level of glory that's replete with God's

    extraordinary anointing, unprecedented favour and

    manifold blessings. The best part is that it's all for

    you, and available to you in every area of your life!

    The opening scripture is a prophetic description of

    the Lord Jesus Christ and the new creation in Him;

    and Isaiah emphatically notes that they are for signs

    and for wonders. How true! When He was on earth,

    the Lord Jesus performed awesome miracles that

    people of His day marvelled at. His disciples wrought

    even more amazing miracles.

    Isaiah 61:3 (God's Word Version) describes the

    children of God as...Oaks of Righteousness, the

    Plantings of the LORD, so that he might display

    his glory. We are God's righteous ones holy,

    blameless and qualified to partake of the inheritance

    of the saints in Christ Jesus. No wonder the Apostle

    T H li gSch l M ga ehe ea n oo a zin


    Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for

    signs and for wonders... (Isaiah 8:18).Paul delightfully exclaimed in Colossians 1:12:

    Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath

    made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance

    of the saints in light!

    God has qualified us to experience the great and

    glorious benefits of the Kingdom; therefore, we can't

    be disadvantaged. God has perfected everything that

    concerns you, even before the year commenced.

    Therefore, speak forth what you want to see into

    existence. Make something beautiful out of any

    negative situation. You and your loved ones can live

    in divine health everyday of this year; and if sickness

    comes knocking, you can produce health in your

    body by calling forth health right out of the sickness.

    The word'Oaks of Righteousness' in Isaiah 61 describes

    our strength, beauty and glory. Now is the time to

    show forth all God has put inside you, that His glory,

    beauty and strength may be displayed through you.

    You'll march on prosperously because you're so

    blessed and glorified by Christ; and ...The

    mountains and the hills shall break forth before

    you into singing, and all the trees of the field

    shall claptheirhands, (Isaiah 55:12). Hallelujah!

  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


    T H li gSch l M ga ehe ea n oo a zin


    I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis,

    osteoarthritis and Mediterranean fever. I attended

    the Healing School Summer Session in 2012 and I

    received my healing. Now, I walk unaided, lift my

    hands and also lift objects easily; all these I couldn't

    do before. Praise the Lord!- Grace Dib from Canada. Grace Dib

    2013 Autumn Session

    Many across the globe have had their lives restored; many

    others received salvation; and many more, by extension, have

    taken the message of divine health to their world and spreadthe light of the gospel all from the anointing they received at

    the Healing School.

    The Autumn Session of the Healing School with Pastor Chris

    comes up in March 2013, in Johannesburg, South Africa. It's

    another opportunity for men, women and children who are

    afflicted with diverse health conditions to receive an awesome

    touch of the Holy Spirit in a special way, with extraordinary


  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


    in l a iTheHeal g Schoo M gaz ne


    I su f fered f rom

    osteoarthritis, gout,

    hypertension, diabetes, as

    well as numbness in my

    legs and fingers. I

    attended the Healing

    School Summer session in

    2012 and now I ' m

    completely healed! I'm

    doing well, I can eat sea

    food and I now walk

    without any aid because

    the numbness is all gone.

    Hallelujah!- N

    from Canada.

    eville Dixon

    Neville Dixon

    I was diagnosed with B-cell

    lymphoma, as well as

    Hepatitis B infection. Today,

    I give God all the praise

    because I received a miracle

    when I attended the Healing

    School Summer Session in

    2012. I'm completely healed!

    Now I walk without any aid

    and I'm living daily in divine

    health. Hallelujah! -

    Elizabeth Obasuyi from


    Elizabeth Obasuyi

    Registration for the Healing School Autumn Session is ongoing. You can also participate in this

    upcoming session in the following ways:

    by inviting someone for the session by giving towards the session

    by praying for the session.

    2013 Healing School Autumn Session ... a time and place to be divinely impacted and blessed. Get


  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


    I have a sister who, at a time, was very sick and confused. Then, I heard

    about the Healing School; and with faith in my heart that she would

    receive a miracle, I took her there,he adds.

    His sister, Bitseat, was diagnosed with systemic lupus - a disease that can be

    severely debilitating and potentially fatal. Lupus is a widespread and chronic

    autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the body's own

    tissues and organs, including the joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, brain, blood, and

    skin. It can cause fever and tiredness, joint and muscle pain, inflammation and

    skin rashes.

    Bitseat had symptoms such as rashes on her skin, swellings and an unusual

    darkening of her skin. She couldn't do anything by herself, including bathing

    and feeding. She also couldn't communicate properly and was mentally


    Brother Demissew narrates, When we attended the first class at the

    Healing School, I felt God's anointing so strongly and the Holy Spirit

    communicated to me that I should start partnering with the Healing

    School. I immediately got the partnership details and I sowed my first

    seed right away! When Pastor Chris prayed for my sister, she got healed

    and was wholly restored!

    Bitseat, speaking by herself of her miraculous healing, joyfully testifies, After

    Pastor Chris ministered to me at the Healing School, I began to

    recognize things and took my bath myself that same day! Now I can

    communicate very well and do whatever I want to do; no more

    Brother Demissew Dejenie's story started with a simple step of faith; a s

    that has propelled him into a life of joy and unending victories!

    "I first came across Pastor Chris on TV and right there I

    noticed the move of God in his life,he notes.

    T H li gSch l M ga ehe ea n oo a zin


  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


    medicine, no more worries for me because I'm completely healed!She was totally transformed by the

    power of God!

    Bitseat's miracle bolstered up her brother's faith in the power of God and he was greatly inspired to help

    make the healing his sister received available to others around the world by committing himself to

    partnership with the Healing School.

    Indeed, her testimony is touching lives! From Zambia, a man named Emmanuel watched Bitseat's story on

    the Healing School's TV programme,Enter the Healing School with Pastor Chrisand had this to say:I was especially moved by the miracle of Bitseat, who was brought to the Healing School by her

    brother. I was totally moved by her transformation she'd changed from a totally confused and

    almost mentally disabled person to a very lovely, active and beautiful lady; that was wonderful! I

    really praised God for that miracle and that of many others whose lives have been restored through

    the Healing School!

    Partnership with the Healing School has unleashed a wave of blessings in the life and family of Brother

    Demissew. Not only is he a partner, but his wife and other members of his family are partners also; and they

    have an unending stream of miracles and testimonies to show for it!

    He wraps up his story with these inspirational words:After attending the Healing School with my

    sister, I received an impartation of the anointing from Pastor and since then, I only experience the

    victorious life! Before I came in contact with the Healing School, I was only aware of healing; but

    after I came in contact with the Healing School and the man of God, Pastor Chris, I became

    conscious of divine health. It became a reality to me. I took that anointing to my home; my wife, my

    children and my entire family don't get sick! This healing anointing also extends to my staff; when

    they feel any symptoms of sickness, I just lay my hands on them. We listen to Pastor Chris' teaching

    and our lives are continually transformed, and we partner big with the Healing School.

    Partnership works! Become a partner of the Healing School today to experience this victorious life

    in Christ!

    For information on how to partner with the Healing School, please visit our website:


    in l a iTheHeal g Schoo M gaz ne


  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


    God's dream for His children is for them to consistently make progress and excel in all lifes endeavours,

    and go from glory to glory. Thus, He expects you, as a Christian, to be increasingly fruitful and

    productive in your physical and spiritual life. Your progress can be measured at various stages in life; it

    might not necessarily be in terms of financial gains but a constant growth, improvement and


    By virtue of the God-life in you, youre fashioned to lead a life of perpetual glory; theres always a

    greater level for you to attain! You ought to enjoy vibrancy in your health, marriage or business always;

    not vibrancy at one time and at some other time, a crunch. Neither should you be healthy in your youth

    and then burdened by infirmities in your old age. Youre created to make constant progress on all fronts

    in your health, job, relationship, academics, for this is God's plan for you.

    Thank you dear heavenly Father, for granting me the ability to be successful and remain a success at all

    times. My path is that of ever increasing glory. Im marked for victory and I set out each day with the

    assurance that every challenge that comes my way will definitely culminate in my victory and


    I'm a wonder to my world. My path is as the shining light, which shines brighter and brighter unto the

    perfect day; thus, my health shines forth, brighter and brighter with every new day.

    My life is an unending stream of success, effectiveness, excellence, prosperity and productiveness. I

    dont wane with age; rather my strength is daily renewed like that of an eagle! I'm in Zion - the city of our

    God- here I increasingly flourish like a tree planted by rivers of water, bearing fruit in and out of season,

    and whatsoever I do prospers(Psalm 1:3). Hallelujah!

    I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance or limitation life may present; rather, I move forward

    and make progress in and out of season experiencing times of harvest and abundance of God's

    blessings all year round! Nothing can hinder me, for ... Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the

    world! I have the right attitude and the outcome of my daily life is clear proof of the life of God in my

    spirit. I declare that grace to constantly make progress is at work in my life and I reign in Christ Jesus

    always! Amen.


    T H li gSch l M ga ehe ea n oo a zin


    But the path of the just is as the shining light,

    that shineth more and more unto the

    perfect day (Proverbs 4:18).

  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


    While the eyes are amazingly intricate and resilient, there

    is only so much abuse they can take. Over the course of

    many years, simple day-to-day actions and negligence of

    some precautionary measures can damage the eyes. Here

    are some dangers to avoid:

    Ultraviolet Exposure

    Sunglasses are much more than "cool shades." They're

    protective barriers that cut down exposure to ultraviolet

    (UV) light, a portion of the sun's rays that can cause eye

    diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

    Ophthalmologists recommend that you protect your

    eyes whenever you're in the sun long enough to get a

    suntan or sunburn. Wearing a brimmed hat cuts sunlight

    exposure to your eyes by about half. Sunglasses will

    further boost your protection. The sun's rays can also

    give off reflection from water, sand, and snow, so it's

    advisable to wear sunglasses in addition to a wide-

    brimmed hat.

    You can get good UV blocking even with inexpensive

    sunglasses. Recommendations are that no more than 30

    percent of sunlight should reach your eyes. In bright

    places, such as the beach, it might be better to wear

    sunglasses with a transmission factor of only 10 percent.

    Keep in mind too that overly dark glasses with no UV

    blocking give you no protection whatsoever. In fact, they

    increase your risk of eye damage because they dilate your

    pupils. That lets more light in without blocking the

    harmful UV rays.

    Here are a few points to keep in mind when you're buying

    sunglasses:Lens colour has no bearing on level of UV protection.

    Polarized lenses are not necessary for UV protection,

    but they do cut glare from reflective surfaces.

    Sunglasses that are darker on top and gradually clearing

    toward the bottom don't shield your eyes well enough

    when you're out in the open sunlight, such as at the beach.

    Test non-prescription sunglasses for distortion by

    holding them a few inches in front of your eyes. Look

    through the glasses to focus on some rectangular shape,

    such as a window frame. Move the glasses slowly from

    side to side, then up and down. If straight lines looksquiggly, the lenses are of poor quality.

    Be sure the sunglasses feel comfortable; otherwise, you

    won't want to wear them for long periods of time.

    Be sure the sunglasses are labelled as providing

    protection from ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B (UVA and

    UVB) radiation.

    Remember that price is not a good indicator of

    sunglasses' protective quality. Some very expensive

    designer sunglasses do not provide very good protection

    against the sun.

    in l a iTheHeal g Schoo M gaz ne


    The eyes are the organs with which we view the world and they are widely referred

    to as our windows to the soul. Thus, the eyes are one of the special senses

    we possess that help us perceive the world around us.

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  • 7/29/2019 Healing School Magazine January 2013 Edition


    If you want to make Jesus Christ theLord of your life, then say this prayerwith all your heart and believe it:

    O Lord God, I come to you in theName of Jesus. I believe that JesusChrist is the Son of the living God. Ibelieve that God raised Him from thedead and I confess with my mouth thatJesus Christ is the Lord of my life fromtoday. I receive by faith, remission ofsins for my soul, and right now, in theName of Jesus Christ, I receive eternallife into my spirit. I am born again!!!

    If you've just given your life to Christ,please send an email to info@healing-school.org or log on to www.enterthehealingschool.org/ salvation/

    God bless you.

    send your comments or feedback to the

    e al i n g S c h o o l , l o g o n t o

    ww.enterthehealingschool.orgor send an

    ail toinfo@healing-school.org


    It has always been an awesome experience for me to see people from different countries and racereceive real miracles during Healing School activities. I have also been blessed on severaoccasions by watching the man of God Pastor Chris minister to people with different needs an

    listening to their testimonies while watching Enter the Healing School programmes with PastoChris on television and the internet, this motivated me to attend the Healing School. Thank yoPastor Chris for providing us with a place of hope in the Healing School!

    Joyce MalisaUnited Kingdom

    I've been a regular follower of the Healing School programme in my local Church, on television

    and on the internet. Watching Healing School programmes has given me a different mindset, and

    inspired me to get more involved in the activities in God's kingdom, and fortified my faith. In

    2009, I received healing from a medical condition I had from the Night of Bliss programme in

    Canada, I have received so much grace from your healing ministry. My spiritual life has also been

    built up as I've been attending Christ Embassy Church since then.

    Carol NewtonCanada



    I remain grateful for the opportunity provided by the Healing School to be in partnership withPastor Chris in service to God and humanity. Being a partner with the Healing School has been great source of blessing to my life and that of my family. God has kept us in perfect health andstrength; He has also made financial blessings to abound towards me. Truly, God has made my lifa blessing to those around me and to the world at large; all these are as a result of my partnershipwith the Healing School. I thank God for bringing my beloved Pastor Chris to my world.

    Mairo Richard


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    Christ Embassy Healing School303 Pretoria AvenueCnr. Harley and Braam Fisher,Randburg, GuatengP. O. Box 323,Randburg 2125


    Christ Embassy Healing School21/23 Ize Iyamu Road,Ikeja, LagosP. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, Lagos

    Tel: +234 8086 844 103-4

    +27 11 326 2467, +27 11 787 2350,

    +27 799 675 852, +27 799 675 853

    UNITED KINGDOMChrist Embassy InternationalLoveworld Conference CenterCheriton High StreetFolkestoneKentCT19 4QJ

    Tel: +44(0)1303 270 970

    Fax:+44(0)1303 274 372

    U S AChrist Embassy Houston12400 Westheimer RoadHouston, Texas. 77077

    Tel: +1 281 759 5111+1 281 759 6218

    Christ Embassy International,

    USA200 E Arrowhead Drive, #W-3Charlotte, NC 28213

    Tel: +1 972-255-1787+1 704-780-4970

    CANADAChrist Embassy Healing School600 Clayson Rd, North York, ToDivision, Ontario M9M 2G6,Ca

    Tel: +1 647 704 9512+1 647 341 9091+1 416 746 5080