Healing 3 Holistic Healing


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  • 8/9/2019 Healing 3 Holistic Healing




    outside of the Church have become

    disillusioned with modern medicine and

    are now exploring alternative therapies.

    There is no absolute one response to this

    subject; some therapies are beneficial

    and others clearly biblically forbidden. It

    seems that holistic healing is not a New

    Age invention but a lost witness of the



    One of the tenets of the new age

    movement is holism the whole is

    greater than the sum of its parts. Holism

    views human beings as a complete

    entity of body, mind (soul) and spirit.

    This is perfectly a biblical perspective as

    described in the Word: May your whole

    spirit, soul and body be kept blameless

    at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    (1 Thes 5:23). Yet, it is much neglected

    in the approach of modern medicine

    which separates the human body, soul

    and spirit.

    Sadly the Church has done the

    same in separating the soul and body

    from the spirit. The Church is often

    mostly concerned with salvation and

    spiritual care. Other human needs are

    outsourced to the medical doctor (body)

    or to the psychologist (soul / mind). This

    is not a biblical view which considers

    human beings as an integrated whole in

    the image of God.

    Our holistic needs in body, soul and

    spirit do not vanish because we ignore

    them. If they are not met in the Church,

    people may seek a New Age experience.

    Could it be that the Church has sold its

    holistic healing birthright to the New Age


    Holistic HealingThe Church should

    function as a healing


    By Stanley Arumugam

  • 8/9/2019 Healing 3 Holistic Healing


    2009 NOVEMBER TODAY 53

    The New Age healing movement is

    renowned for its open mindedness.

    This is a space of non-judgment where

    wisdom from different sources is

    considered in an integrated manner.

    People are treated with care and

    compassion; not processed in clinical

    lines either in the doctors waiting room

    or in dogmatic church prayer lines.

    Sadly many local churches have lost

    their mandate as a healing community.

    Searching and needy people are

    coming to the church with the hope of

    finding healing for body, soul and spirit,

    and often only experience a clinical

    spirituality. The church is not just a place

    for preaching but also of discipleship,

    pastoral care, teaching and service; a

    place where the family of God is lived



    Many believers are disillusioned and

    harmed spiritually and physically through

    quick fix formula healings. Sound biblical

    teaching on health and healing must

    be provided. The local church must be

    a place where biblical principles and

    lifestyle issues are clearly addressed

    and people are encouraged to seek out

    with wisdom the healing ministry of the

    local church and other agents of healing

    in the wider community.

    At the centre of our understanding

    of health and healing is the recognition

    that Jesus Christ is ultimately the Lord

    of Healing. As we recognise Christ as our

    Healer, we recognise that His healing

    should not be limited to the physical

    only but is for our whole being. Our

    ultimate healing is the restoration of our

    relationship with God through salvation.


    The woman with the issue of blood

    healed by Jesus is a great illustration

    of holistic healing. She was ill for 12

    years with a haemorrhaging disease.

    (Matt 9:20-22) By the time she heard

    of Jesus, she was a deeply desperate

    woman. The Bible says she had tried

    different alternatives available to her

    in her Jewish context. She tried doctors

    and other alternative healers practicing

    customary healing. In desperation she

    explored all available options.

    In the process of her

    prolonged illness, this woman

    not only experienced the pain

    and discomfort of her physical

    condition. Over time she also

    experienced the scourge of

    social and religious isolation.

    In a Jewish context she was

    marginalised first as a woman, then by

    virtue of Levitical prescriptions which

    considered her condition unholy and

    grounds for social exclusion. Here was

    a lonely woman who lost all her money,

    dignity, sense of community and also felt

    rejected by God.

    When she came to Jesus in the

    pressing crowd she believed, based on

    her Jewish teaching, that if she could

    only touch the hem of a Rabbis garment

    she would be healed. She clearly had

    a desperate faith but was wrongly

    informed, not knowing that this Rabbi

    was the Son of God. As she touches

    Jesus she is physically healed. Jesus

    responds to her physical healing by

    calling her out of the crowd and restoring

    her social dignity as a woman and a

    child of God. Amidst the consternation

    of His disciples and other followers, He

    opens the door to her holistic healing of

    body, mind and soul. She joins Him, not

    as the beneficiary of a miracle worker,

    but a redeemed disciple of Christ.

    Holistic healing is not a

    New Age invention but a

    lost witness of the Church.

    The woman with the issue

    of blood teaches us several

    lessons about biblical healing:

    1. Its holistic including body,

    soul and spirit. Sometimes we come

    to God with a deep need in one or

    more of these areas. Ultimately

    God is concerned about our whole

    wellbeing. Health is not just an

    eradication of illness. We can have

    perfectly groomed bodies but lack

    spiritual wellbeing. Similarly we can

    have spiritual sense but lack common

    sense in being good stewards of our

    bodies or entertain distorted thinking

    about God, ourselves, health and


    2. In community healing is not

    a private, mystical experience. God

    performs His healing work in the

    context of community. Almost half

    of the healing accounts of Jesus

    are attributed to the faith of those

    around the sick person; friends,

    father, mother, brother and sister. Our

    healing restores us as whole beings

    and also serves as a testament of

    Gods healing grace. Our healing is

    not only for our good but for the glory

    of God as a sign of hope to others.

    3. In partnership God works in

    and through human agency. Healing

    is not a self help endeavour. In

    our healing journey we are invited to

    participate with and depend on others

    who care about us. God can and does

    work through friends, family, pastors,

    doctors, psychologists and alternative


    4. Towards God our healing is not

    an end in itself but brings us back

    to God. Its a visible demonstration

    of the ultimate nature of God as

    Healer. It is also a reminder of Gods

    redemptive work and restoration.

    One day we will need no healing, until

    then God gives us glimpses of our

    inheritance in Him.
