HEAD OF CAMPUS HEAD OF ACADEMY · HEAD OF CAMPUS Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Dear Parents / Guardians,...


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183 - 191 Caroline Springs BoulevardCaroline Springs VIC 3023Subscribe:Subscribe: http://aiacsc.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

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23 June 201723 June 2017



The Australian International Academy of Education declaresand affirms that school programs and teaching practicesembrace the following important principles:

Mr S. Salman AMAcademy Director General – Email: aia@aia.vic.edu.au

HEAD OF CAMPUSAssalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear Parents / Guardians,

We have completed our first semester at the new site, andthanks to the whole school community, our students aremaking very good progress. Semester 1 reports are completeand will be distributed to parents on the last day of Term 2– Friday 23 June, 2017. Parents should collect Semester 1reports from Form teachers between 1.45 - 2.10 pm. Duringthe holidays, parents should take the time to speak to their childregarding Semester 1 reports and discuss ways of improving. Itis important that students realise that there is always room forimprovement and consistent approach to home study is usuallykey to resolving issues in the future. Teachers will also speakto their students about ways of improving their knowledge andskills.

We wish all our students, parents and staff Eid Mubarak andan enjoyable break. We hope to see you all back for Term 3 onMonday 17 July, 2017.


26 - 30 June: CSC Office closed3 - 14 July: CSC Office open for parents from 9.00 am –3.00 pm

Student Pickup Reminder:

The Melton City Council and Police are monitoring traffic andparking before and after school. According to my observations,the vast majority of our parents are following traffic rules and areconsiderate of other road users. However, I believe our schoolcommunity can improve in the following areas to assist withtraffic flow:

• The promotion of peace, harmony and understandingthrough intercultural interactions.

• All Australians have equal rights before the law. Wereject any form(s) of discrimination based on race,religion or sex.

• The rule of law and the respect of the rights ofothers.

• The values of fairness, openness, sharing and givinga hand, looking after neighbours, tolerance,understanding and acceptance.

• People are free to choose and practice their religions.But we reject those who preach violence and hatredin the name of any religion.

• The right of individuals to enjoy the freedom ofspeech, expression and association. But we rejectverbal and written abuses and transgressions againstothers under the cover of freedom of speech andexpression.

• The Australian system of democratically electedgovernments and councils is the best that serve theinterest of all Australians.

• All parking should be in allocated spaces and asshort as possible to allow other parents to use thesame parking spot.


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I have noticed that some parents are parking near the shoppingcentre and walking to campus for 3 minutes. This is a very goodoption to keep in mind. It is in everyone’s interest that we obeytraffic laws and be considerate and respectful to all other roadusers.

After the dismissal bell:

Year 6 - 10 students can leave school grounds without aparent/guardian.Year Prep - 5 students must leave school grounds with aparent/guardian, or with and older sibling in Year 6-10.

Privacy and social networking websites:

Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and othersare great ways to share your thoughts and keep in touch withfriends and family, but it's important to consider who else mightbe able to see what you post and what impact you haveon the persons which their photo was published. Sometimesparents take photos during school functions and these photosmay have your child along with his or her friends. We requestthat unless there is permission given by a parent then otherchildren’s images must not be published online or in any otherplace by any one of our parents and students.

Term Dates for Students 2017:

TERM 1: 2 February - 31 MarchTERM 2: 18 April - 23 JuneTERM 3: 17 July - 22 SeptemberTERM 4: 9 October - 8 December

Wassalam Alaikum Wr. Wb.K. ErdalHead of Campus


Ms D. Hamaway - Main OfficeMs A. Kahteran - Main OfficeForm Teacher of your child, or one of the followingcoordinators.Mr K. Soueid - Year 6 – 10 Student ManagementMs T. Lavcanski - Year 2B – 5 Student ManagementMs C. Zuniga - Year Prep – 2A Student ManagementMs D. Souki - Student Wellbeing Officer & First Aid


Campus staff could be contacted via email:csc@aia.vic.edu.au or phone 83725446


2 February, 2017: Preps’ first day3 February, 2017: Year 1 – 10 first day at the newcampus16 February: Parent Information Function (6 - 7.30 pm)13-24 February: Year 1-5 Boys Swimming Program

27 Feb – 1 March: Girls Year 5 Camp1 – 3 March: Boys Year 5 Camp29 March: Parent - Teacher - Student Conference31 March: Last day of Term 1 (Students dismissed atnormal time)18 (Tuesday) April: First day of Term 220 April: School Photographs9-11 May: NAPLAN tests for year levels 3, 5, 7 and 915 May-23 June: 2018 scholarship applications openingand closing dates26 May – 2 June: Year 10 Examinations29 May: Ramadan timetable commences. Studentsdismissed at 2.10 pm5 June: Report Writing Day (No students at school)23 June: Last day of term 2. Report distribution1.30-2.10pm (Early dismissal due to Ramadan).26 June (tbc): Eid-al-Fitr (Campus closed 26 & 27 Junetbc)17 July: First day of Term 323-25 August: Year 7 Camp (Girls at Adanac Rec, Boysat Lady Northcote)5 – 8 September: Year 9 Camp (Boys at Forest Edge,Girls at the Summit)1 September: Eid-Ul-Adha (tbc)20 September: Parent-Teacher-Student Conference22 September: Last day of Term 39 October: First day of Term 49 - 20 October: Year 1-5 Girls Swimming Program6 November: Curriculum Day (No students at school)29 November: Report Writing Day (No students atschool)1 December: Prep (2018 students) Orientation Day - No2017 Preps at school7 December: Student Awards Presentation (9.00 - 11am)8 December: Last day of Term 4 & Report distribution(2.30 pm – until dismissal)21 December 2017 - 7 January 2018: Campus isclosed8 January 2018: Campus office is open


8.15 – 8.30 am: Recommended time of arrival forstudents.8.30 am: Morning assembly and classes start.

Students are supervised by yard duty teachers during recess,lunchtime, and before school from 8.15 am until assembly.Students must be collected within 15 minutes after thedismissal time.

STEM Education at AIA Caroline SpringsCampus

It is with great pleasure and anticipation that we will offer ourYear 8 students the STEM program in Term 3. So much hasbeen written and spoken about STEM education in recentyears; how it can improve our maths and science results, ourjob prospects for the future, develop innovation and

• Please do not double park and ask your child to getinto your car. This is dangerous, illegal and notconsiderate of cars behind you.

• If there is no parking spot, then you must continue todrive and find one on another street.


problem-solving skills, stimulate learning and improve academicknowledge and skills in the disciplines of science, technology,engineering (design and technologies) and maths.

So, what is STEM?

STEM is short for Science Technology EngineeringMathematics. STEM education has become the focus ofconsiderable political, industry and media commentary. TheDepartment of Education’s ‘Focus 2016’ document states thatfor high expectations of success for every student in everyschool we should ‘emphasise instruction in science,technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).’ ‘Ouremployers are increasingly looking for workers who are creativeproblem solvers, innovative and critical thinkers, and able to usenew technologies.’

Why do we need STEM Education?

The focus of this program is for our students to be ‘innovative,motivated and inspired’.

The program will have an emphasis on critical and creativethinking skills. Students in this course will be immersed inproblem-solving tasks. To be successful in this program,students must ‘think outside the box’ to solve highly complexchallenges. They must also demonstrate leadership,understanding, persistence, resilience and the ability to acceptother student’s opinions.

Our STEM program will include an engineering component,where students will be creating fascinating products. Studentswill use a range of technologies, including 3D modelling, anda range of materials through the use of 3D design. This willinclude a thorough plan (inquire and analyse), prepare (developand design), create and evaluate process designed to providestudents with ‘real-world’ problems to solve.

What will STEM education look like at AIACaroline Springs Campus?

Our program will cover two main projects:

Mode of delivery

There are three main models for delivery: a single class, multipleclasses with subject overlap, and separate classes for eachlearning area, but each model focused on the common projectand its outcomes. Classes will utilise our science lab, I.T. Lab,art room, and school grounds.

Who will be involved in the Term 3 project?

Further information about the Australian Curriculum STEMconnection can be found via the link below:


STEM Team – Ms Hanan Ahmed, Ms. Rania Saleh andMs. Mariam Assafiri

Ramadan ReflectionMuslims around the world celebrate the holy month ofRamadan in many different ways.

Year 1 students learnt about the celebrations in Egypt, Lebanonand Pakistan. They made Fanoos/ "?????Ramadan lanternand decorated their classes. Year 3 students learnt a Hadithabout the importance of the Suhur meal (a meal Muslims eatbefore dawn to prepare themselves to fast). It is said that Anas(May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger ofAllah (?) said, "Eat Suhur (predawn meal). Surely, there is ablessing in Suhur" [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Furthermore, Year3 and 4 made a ‘good deed treasure box’ to rejoice their goodachievement during the month of Ramadan. The Ramadancalendar activity encourages students to use their time andeffort to help others and to improve their daily habits. Finally, wediscussed the importance of the night of power “Lailatu AlQadr”by analysing Quran verses and Prophet Muhammad’s (peacebe upon him) statements.

We wish this month will bring happiness and improve ourstudents’ Islamic character by being patient, generous, kindand disciplined. Ramadan Mubarak.

Ms. Nour Awari – Arabic and R.E. Teacher

• Term 3: Redesign of the school playground and‘Welcome Garden’ at the front of the school.

• Term 4: Design of a school sustainability centre.

• Single classes are structured in one of three ways:one teacher leading the major learning area, withsupport from teachers of the two other learningareas.

• Multiple classes: Two teachers covering two of thelearning areas together as a team, with additionalclasses for the third learning area.

• Separate classes: One teacher covering one of thelearning areas, with support from two teachers of theother learning areas.

• Extra-curricular activities ‘Whole School Approach’including, and not limited to, National Tree Day onthe 28th July, National Science Week 12-20thAugust, Enviro-Week in 10-16th September.

• Students: Year 8 students will participate in STEMeducation as single classes. Some lessons will bedoubled in length and run fortnightly to allow longersession times.

• Teachers: Sciences (Ms Hanan Ahmed),Technology & Engineering: (Ms Mariam Assafiri),Maths (Ms Rania Saleh)

• Organisations:- Environmental Education – Melton City Council- Federation University, Ballarat – Faculty of

Science and Technology, ‘STEM for schools’- CSIRO sustainable future ‘Education and

Outreach Program’Cool Australia organisation & Planet Ark ‘Learn forlife’


CSC Art ConnectionIn the Arts, making connections to a variety of artists, their artworks and their influences in the history component engagesstudents to inquire. It also encourages students to explorewhy art is created and debated in the classroom, as well asdiscussed through the media in newspapers, Snapchat, andlocal and public galleries.

Throughout Term 2, Middle Years (6 - 10) students haveexplored units of work that connect people to a place, meand my world, popular culture, contemporary and indigenousculture, using traditional materials to incorporate the elementsand principles of designing and constructing art.

Students at the primary level (Prep - Year 5) have been makingconnections to their surroundings through ICT and Media Arts,with assistance and support from teachers, Ms Tania, MsOmina Ms Cansu and Ms Sara. Students created mind maps,characters, storyboards, photographed images, made soundeffects and YouTube clips to demonstrate their creative input.This has enabled our students to engage and experiment withICT and digital media and broaden their understanding ofdifferent mediums in the arts.

Celebrating the Art connection, on display in the school mainfoyer are art pieces created by Year 4, Year 5 and Year 9students. A collaborative artwork made of three-dimensionalflowers in tissue and crepe paper in the form of a mosque, isa clear indicator that the month of Ramadan is upon us. Thispiece inspired by Ms Zawat and her group of Year 5 studentswas beautifully executed.

Art can be found everywhere at our campus; the ceiling isflooded with bold colourful lanterns created by Year 4 studentsin one of their art sessions. These artworks make a statementand radiate a positive vibe in the main entrance. When the lightshines through them, they are a welcome sight. A special thankyou to Mr Ahmed and Ms Nelly for hanging these delightfulpieces.

The banner that reads Ramadan Mubarak in brush script typewas painted in an Art Club session with assistance from Year9 students and Ms Nour with her Arabic calligraphy. This piecewelcomes in the month of worship and celebrations.

Lastly, the collaborative mural that hangs in the school yardwas a tribute to Harmony Day celebrations at our campuswith a special thank you to many students from all levels thatassisted with the conceptual drawings, images and painting ofthis piece. This was completed during the later part of Term 1.Wow.

Vera Duvcevski – Arts Teacher/Coordinator

Year 5 Science Project – States of MatterStudying states of matter in Science has given the Year 5students an opportunity to:

The Year 5 students, independently made decisions regardinghow to investigate states of matter and carry out aninvestigation in the laboratory. The students chose anexperiment or demonstration that explored the classificationof substances according to their observable properties andbehaviours. They accurately conveyed their information in anexplanation, clearly outlining the sequence of events.

During the presentations, the Year 5 students spoke confidentlyand knowledgeably when discussing their experiment/demonstration. The audience listened with wonderment andasked relevant questions to clarify understandings.

Congratulations to the Year 5 students on applying the learnerprofiles in order to achieve great results.

Ms Zawat Souki – Year 5 Classroom Teacher

Year 7 English DebateTerm 2 has been very eventful for the Year 7 students inEnglish. Students were divided up into groups of four and weregiven two weeks to research, practise and prepare for an officialstyle debate – their prompt being ‘Does Australia Treat AsylumSeekers Too Harshly?’

As this debate closely followed the rules of the VictorianDebaters Association, Year 8, 9 and 10 students were alsoinvolved in the process, acting as chairpersons, timekeepersand adjudicators.

Year 7 students thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this process,which not only helped them gain a deeper understanding of theprominent issue in society, but also build on their collaboration,

• use scientific knowledge gained to identify questions,acquire new knowledge, explain scientificphenomena

• understand the characteristic features of states ofmatter

• engage and explore in science demonstrations andexperiments.


research and communication skills; so much so, that anotherdebate will take place in Term 4.

I would like to commend all students for their engagement andinvolvement throughout the unit as the end result was verypleasing.

Ms Lamia – Year 7 English Teacher

I enjoyed working on a formal debate for the first time, andI will definitely consider experiencing it again. It was fun tocollaborate on rebuttals and compose main arguments. Thewhole team worked very hard together and each individualplayed a vital role in the debate. All in all, the debate was agreat learning experience for my friends and I. Batrisyia Khairil– Year 7

Courage to Care WorkshopsOn Monday 8th May, the Year 9 and 10 students attended anexcursion at Sunshine West Secondary College. There was aprogram there called ‘Courage to Care’. We started the dayby watching a short documentary based on an event calledthe Holocaust. We learnt about what happened during theHolocaust and people’s experiences. Shortly after the video, wewere introduced to a man who had actually experienced theHolocaust when he was younger. He explained to us the wayJews and other minorities were treated during this time andthe way him and his family needed to survive. After, we weredivided into groups and taken to some showcases where therewas information about other parts of the world where genocidehad occurred. We were also shown people in history that werebrave enough to be ‘upstanders’ and stand up for the victims.

Personally, I think that it was a good experience and taught meabout being an upstander and respecting others. It also taughtme that you should be careful of what you say to others.

Suweda Shuriye – Year 9

On Friday 2nd June, the school’s senior captaincy teamorganised their own ‘Courage to Care’ workshop targetingbullying and discrimination. The aim was to encourage treatingone another with kindness and maintaining a safe schoolenvironment. We went through a series of presentations andvideos and I came to realise that growing up, kindness amongsteach other is taught as one of the most vital values forinteracting. However, with age, comes big egos and importantreputations to uphold and we forget all of our childhoodteachings. It was important that the school representativesorganised this workshop to remind other students of theseriousness of these issues and the power our words have. It istime to stop bullying and be upstanders.

Isra Elsheikh – Year 9

Community Notices

Caroline Springs Hockey Club

Come and join us in playing hockey with Caroline SpringsHockey Club. This is a program designed for children tolearn about hockey while playing in a weekly round robincompetition. Children will be taught skill development,basic game awareness and sportsmanship throughoutthe program. Our terrific Thursday night program involvessessions run by excellent coaches and umpires. Hockeysticks will be provided for loan.

Age Range: 5-12 years of ageWhere: Springside Recreation Reserve, Pitch 2,Lancefield Drive, Caroline SpringsTime: 4:15-5:15pmSeason dates: Thursday nights during Term 3 (Thursday20th July until Thursday 21st September 2017)

Caroline Springs Hockey Club Fee: $35 for 10 weeksof hockey (price includes a coloured t-shirt)Hockey Victoria Registration Fee: One off payment of$37.50 for children under 10 years of age or $50 forchildren over 10 years of age (payable directly to HockeyVictoria)

For all online Hockey Victoria Registration forms andCaroline Springs Hockey Club membership forms go toour website. Look under ‘Sections Information’ and then‘U12 Springers Series’.


For more information please call us on 0415 112 742 oremail Melissa at juniors@carolinespringshockey.com

Disclaimer: Australian International Academy CarolineSprings Campus is in no way affiliated with the CarolineSprings Hockey Club. Any grievances relating to theproducts and/or services offered by Caroline SpringsHockey Club must be referred to Caroline SpringsHockey Club.

Al Fursan Kids Horse Riding School

• Beginner classes

• Entry age 7-15 years old

• Adult class available

• Certified horse riding course


Contact: Sherif Ahmed 0404 556 482info@alfursan.com.au

Location:Melton Equestrian AcademyCoburns Rd, Toolern Vale 3337 Victoria

Disclaimer: Australian International Academy CarolineSprings Campus is in no way affiliated with the Al FursanKids Horse Riding School. Any grievances relating to theproducts and/or services offered by Al Fursan Kids HorseRiding School must be referred to Al Fursan Kids HorseRiding School.

• Classes on Saturdays/Sundays

• Class duration minimum 2 hours and maximum6 hours

• Class cost $120 per person

• Certified trainers

• Fully insured facility and riders

• Classes starting 8th July, 2017

