Hazeldean times april may issue 10



Hazeldean Times April May Issue 10

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info@sablehomes.co.za April/May 2014011 244 8380 Issue 10

Do you know your tenant?Want to protect your investment?Sabreal can offer you the following: Tenant placement through comprehensive tenant screening Unit maintenance Regular unit inspections Competitive rates

Sandy: 011 510 9735 | sandy.vanstaden@sabreal.co.zattt dddd bbbb llll

Retreat for aged soon to be a health haven

Top: An artist’s impression of The Retreat’s frail care facility.

It is of utmost importance that your purchase in a retirement estate includes the assurance of proper healthcare as years progress and ailments increase.

“We can announce with great pleasure that construction

commenced, after initial delays were experienced,” says Philip Potgieter, Managing Director of Sable Homes, the developer of the prestigious Retreat at Hazeldean retirement estate.

The groundworks started at the end of March 2014, with construction to be completed by the end of 2014. The centre is being built adjacent to the existing clubhouse at The Retreat and will be connected to the clubhouse. An extension of the clubhouse, with staff quarters, storage space for equipment and more is also currently under construction.

The 1800m² building, which is being constructed by Sable Homes’ newly formed construction team, will be a 52-bed frail care facility with a mixture of rooms ranging from private rooms to communal wards. Once the facility has been built, the healthcare provider will apply to have a

It will be a fully operational facility, compliant with the Older Person’s Act of 2006 and featuring a nurse’s station, dining room, recovery-, treatment- and therapy rooms. Emergency care will be linked directly to an ambulance service. Provision has been made for undercover ambulance parking next to the clubhouse extension which is currently under construction.

The medical services at The Retreat are currently being managed by Aldem Healthcare and they will also be running the frail care centre once it is operational. They

live by their motto “Absolutely no compromise on quality” and subsequently they meet the registration criteria of all relevant governmental departments on a continuous basis.

As an added measure, a healthcare committee, made up of Retreat residents, the developer, as well as Aldem, have been set up to monitor and ensure the quality of the healthcare services at The Retreat remain of the highest standards.

Home-based care is currently offered at The Retreat and residents who require admission to a frail care centre can, in the interim, make use of Aldem’s other frail care centre in Pretoria, De Groenkloof. Residents of The Retreat will receive priority for admission to the Retreat’s frail care centre, but non-resident individuals can also make use of the services provided at the centre.

124 units, both apartments and homes, have been completed at The Retreat to date, Phase 5 is nearly sold out and Phase 6 will be launching soon. Upon completion, the estate will consist of 616 units in 16 phases. The luxurious Retreat Clubhouse consists of a lounge, ladies bar, bridge room, library, fully equipped gym with 3 heated indoor swimming pools, and more. A dining area will be built along with future phases. The success of The Retreat thus far indicates a great need in Pretoria East for superior quality retirement units.

The Retreat frail care centre will be ready for occupation early in 2015.

For more information on The Retreat, contact Annamarie on 082 741 7766, Berdine on 082 444 4434 or visit www. retreat.co.za

Below: The groundworks have begun and services are being installed for the buildingof the much-anticipated frail care facility atThe Retreat at Hazeldean.

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 2

Residensiële Konstruksie NuusSable Homes verwelkom vir Muller Brink in ons span.Muller is aangestel as Assistent Projekbestuurder in Hazeldean. Met verkope wat tans vlot verloop in die node en verskeie nuwe ontwikkelings wat beplan word vir die afsienbare toekoms, gaan die Sable span baie besig wees.

Nog ‘n brokkie goeie nuus is dat Sable Homes onlangs hul eie konstruksie span, onder leiding van MC Luus, op die been gebring het. Hulle het reeds die grensmuur by die Hazeldean verkoopskantoor voltooi en is tans besig met die uitbreiding van die Retreat se klubhuis, sowel as Die Retreat se verswakte sorg sentrum.

Die konstruksie- en verkoopsterugvoering ten tyde van die druk van die koerant was as volg:

Erwe in Die Meadows is nou uitverkoop, met 114 voltooide huise, 37 huise tans onder konstruksie, 5 planne goedgekeur en ‘n verdere 7 planne ingedien vir goedkeuring.

By Die Ridge is daar reeds 54 erwe verkoop, daar is tans 11 voltooide huise en ‘n verdere 7 huise tans onder konstruksie.

Fase 5 van Die Retreat Huise is reeds 95% verkoop en die installering van die dienste is tans onderweg. Konstruksie sal begin gedurende Mei 2014. In Fase 4 is daar 14 voltooide huise, 4 tans onder konstruksie en ‘n verdere 4 wat binnekort gebou gaan word.

Daar is 4 Retreat Woonstelle steeds beskikbaar.

In Fase 1 van Die Oukraal Huise is 16 eenhede reeds

van Staden, the new General Manager of Sabreal and improvements in the overall management of the Hazeldean Node is already visible.

maintenance team in Hazeldean, but since it has cleared, the team has been working extra hard to keep our node as beautiful as ever.

Our team is looking at various ways to improve our service offering in the node, including the acquisition of new equipment, introducing new technologies into our day to day operations and much more. Sabreal strives towards service excellence, so if you need any assistance with facilities management please contact Sandy van Staden on 011 510 9735 or send an email tosandyvanstaden@sabreal.co.za.Visit www.sabreal.co.za for more.

Links: Een van die huise tans onder konstruk-sie in Die Ridge.Bo: Een van die huise nou onder konstruksie in Oukraal Huise Fase 2; ‘n Voltooide huis in die 1ste fase van Oukraal Huise.Regs Bo: Elsie Kleynhans, een van die

afslag kompetitisie in HazeldeanRegs Onder: Die pragtige landskap in Die Meadows.

News from Sabreal

Top: The Sabreal A-team, as they are jok-ingly called.

voltooi en 1 eenheid moet nog gebou word. In Fase 2 is die dienste en grensmure voltooi en 7 huise is nou onder konstruksie. Fase 3 verkoop tans en 5 eenhede is reeds verkoop.

Vir meer inligting besoek www.sablehomes.co.za



COMPETITIONCongratulations to our latest levy competition


Elsie Kleynhans from The Retreat

&Mr Eysele from The Meadows

Stand a chance to be one of two lucky owners to receive R5000 of their levy account!


17 APRIL 2014

Only for registered owners in The Ridge, The Meadows, The Retreat, Oukraal Houses and

the Hazelmeadow estates.

*Competition rules apply.

info@sablehomes.co.zafor more information

brought to you by

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 3

By Jean Jonker

“If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.” - Maurice Maeterlinck.

It’s funny how the tiniest creatures summon up immense fear in humans. Have you ever seen a 6 foot gentleman run away screaming at the sight of a little bee? Well I have and there is a good reason. The hard working bees only have 1 thing on their minds; protect the hive. A single

Apiphobia - fear of bees, is a very common phobia and is an often misplaced fear rooting from the fear of the more aggressive wasps called Spheksophobi.

A bee only stings under 2 conditions: To protect the colony or when frightened. 2 weeks ago we found out exactly how protective these little creatures are. Our maintenance team was busy clearing the perimeters and came across 2 hives in the columns of the perimeter walls. The swarms defended their colony by stinging our Nodal Manager over 80 times. We rushed him to the hospital to receive medical attential, but luckily he had no complications.

Luckily for us our local beekeeper, Mr. Van Leyleveld (affectionately know as Oom AC), rushed to the scene and safely removed the bees. Getting stung by a bee is

important bees are and what a crucial role they play in our ecosystem.

These under-appreciated workers pollinate 80 percent of

Hazel’s Nature Nookeverything we eat. Losing them could affect not only dietary staples such as apples, broccoli, strawberries, nuts, asparagus, blueberries and cucumbers, but may threaten our beef and dairy industries.

Here are a few reasons why we need to protect bees:

Bees are pollinators vital to our food chain. A third of the food we eat would not be available but for bees.Bees, like other insects, are part of the food chain.The social life of the honey bee colony provides a controversial start to thinking about the structure of societies.The tools which have evolved on the limbs and mouthparts of bees are neat examples of adaptation and engineering.The harvest from honey bees of honey, pollen, wax and propolis has nutritional-, craft-, manufacturing-, and medical applications.Pollination by bees is important for genetic sustainability. Genes that have evolved in other animals are important to our future too.

How do bees make honey?

Bees take nectar, which is a sweet, sticky substance

and mixes it with enzymes from glands in their mouths. This nectar/enzyme mix is stored in hexagonal wax honeycomb until the water content has been reduced to around 17%. When this level is reached, the cell is capped over with a thin layer of wax to seal it until the bees need

it. This capping indicates to the beekeeper that the honey can be harvested. For the school swot: Sucrose (nectar) + inverters (bee enzyme) = fructose + glucose = honey.

Perfectly edible honey was found in the tombs of the Pharaohs, over 3000 years old. How’s that for ‘Best before dates’. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, believed in honey as the great golden healer. “Honey causes heat, cleans sores and ulcers, softens hard ulcers of the lips and heals carbuncles and running sores,” he wrote.

Here are a few reasons why honey is good for you:

Sore throats and coughs

ability to soothe sore throats and kill the bacteria that causes the infection. Honey has strong antibacterial properties and provides temporary pain relief.

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April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 4

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Wounds, cuts and burns

antiseptic. It inhibits the growth of bacteria and therefore helps keep wounds clean and free from infection. After gently cleaning the wound with warm water and mild soap, apply a layer of honey on a dressing before covering the wound. An extra dressing or bandage will contain any leaking honey. Change every 24 hours. Honey is also effective for cuts and burns - it reduces pain and swelling, and promotes healing. Simply dab some honey on the affected area.

Hay feverDo you suffer from hay fever? Eating honey that is local to your area (and has not been blended with honey from other areas) can help boost your immune system and reduce your hay fever symptoms. Why local honey? The local honey contains very tiny amounts of pollen found in your area. These tiny amounts of pollen are not enough to trigger the allergic reaction when you ingest the local honey, but they do help your body to build up a tolerance to the pollen.

Digestive healthHoney has a mild laxative effect which can help combat constipation and bloating. It is also rich in friendly bacteria which acts as a probiotic and keeps the digestive and immune system healthy. For a homemade digestion aid, try tea with honey and lemon. Honey may also be effective in

the treatment of ulcers - take 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey on an empty stomach (half an hour before a meal) up to 3 times a day to provide pain relief and assist in healing.

HangoversHave you had too much to drink? Honey is a great way to help the body deal with the toxic effects of a hangover, scientists say. The fructose in honey helps the body break down alcohol into harmless by-products. Honey also contains powerful antioxidant properties that can neutralise the harmful effects of alchohol. Enjoy 2 tablespoons of honey on its own, or on toast.

Healthy skinHoney is great for your skin as it locks in moisture. If you suffer from dry skin, put some honey on your skin, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Legend has it that Cleopatra bathed in milk and honey to preserve her youth and beauty. Run a warm bath and add 1 cup of milk and 1/2 a cup of honey. If you like, you can add a few drops of essential oil (rose, jasmine and lavender are great choices). Honey’s antibacterial properties are also great for acne. Treat spots on your skin by applying raw honey

after 20 minutes.

Mosquito bitesHoney can help reduce the itch and irritation of mosquito bites. Dab a little bit of raw honey right on the bite. Honey’s anti-microbial properties will also help to prevent infection.

Athletic performanceHoney can boost athletes’ performance and endurance levels and reduce muscle fatigue. This is thanks to the perfect combination of glucose and fructose in honey. The glucose is absorbed quickly by the body and gives an immediate energy boost, whereas the fructose is absorbed more slowly, thus providing sustained energy. This combo also helps regulate blood sugar levels. Honey has also

Take a spoonful of honey before your workout.

Please note that honey is a very healthy food, but not for everybody! Honey is natural and considered harmless for adults. But paediatricians strongly caution against feeding honey to children under 1 year old.

“Do not let babies eat honey”, states foodsafety.org, a website of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “That’s because of the risk of botulism. The spores of the botulism bacteria are found in dust and soil that may make their way into honey. Infants do not have a developed immune system to defend against infection,” says Jatinder Bhatia, MD, a Georgia Neonatalist who heads the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Nutrition.

So when you come across these hard workers, remember

a new home.

Did you know?

Over 90 million chocolate easter bunnies are produced each year over the easter period.

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 5


4 bed, 3 bath, 3 garage home.TV room, study, pajama lounge, dining room. Patio, with built-in braai, large garden with pool.

The Ridge R4.8 mil


Occupation by June 2014. 3 bed, 2 bath house with doublegarage & servants quarters. Openplan living area with dining room.Kitchen with scullery.

The Meadows R1.94 mil

2 bed, 2 bath house with 1 garage - R1.96 milSituated next to green area. House with walled-in garden, open plan kitchen & lounge.2 bed, 2 bath house with 1 garage - R1.55 milWell planned house - north-facing bedrooms, main bed with dressingroom and en-suite bathroom, open plan kitchen with scullery, spacious living area.

2 bed, 2 bath house with 1 garage - R2.1 mil2 patio’s with walled-in garden. Very spacious open plan kitchen with scullery, lounge & dining room.

1 bed, 1 bath (MES) - R1 320 000. Spacious open plan living area with kitchen & scullery, 1 garage.1 bed, 1 bath (MES) north-facing apartment - R1 mil. Spacious living area and well-equipped kitchen, ground floor.

The Retreat Retirement Estate

Annamarie: 082 741 7766 Berdine: 082 444 4434www.sablehomes.co.za

4 bed, 2 bath home with largekitchen, lounge, dining room andtv room. Double garage & servants quarters.

The Meadows R2.02 mil

Modern loft apartment for theyoung professional.Kitchen, 1 bath & covered carport.

Oukraal Apartments R650 000

Beautiful family home with open plan kitchen.4 bed, 2 bath with double garage. Lounge, study, guest toilet & patio with large garden.

The Meadows R2.56 mil

Resales Available

ANNAMARIE 082 741 7766BERDINE 082 444 4434











Ridge Road


r Lak



Hans St




To Witbank

Silver Lakes

Graham Road

Lynnwood Road






Atterbury RoadTo Johannesburg

To Polokwane

To Pretoria

Old Bronkhorstspruit road


April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 6

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 7

Focus on ContiPartner HazeldeanRauties Tyres (Pty) Ltd has been in operation for over 7 years. They started with the SupaQuick in Bryanston. Their main focus has always been their relationships with customers, when the relationship is in place, the correct quality, price and service will follow naturally. They mainly supply leading brand name tyres at highly competitive prices. They only use state of the art equipment, which enables them to serve the high performance market they are passionate about. They have access to a range of

brakes and mag wheels.

About 3 years ago the owner, Martin Rautenbach, came

the Hazeldean Square Shopping Centre. He was excited

customers could have the convenience to go shopping for their groceries, go to the gym, or enjoy lunch at one of

learnt a lot from the SupaQuick branch in Bryanston, and

them the opportunity to design a very comfortable and beautiful customer area, where clients can watch their cars being worked on.

Continental is a wonderful brand to represent. The German quality makes an amazing difference to a vehicle. Continental tyres have a low rolling resistance, which

stopping distances. They also stock a variety of other tyre brands such as Bridgestone, Firestone, Pirelli and Michelin.

Their branch manager, Alc, has a very friendly customer approach. His focus on his clients’ needs are phenomonal

Do check your tyre pressures when tyres are cold. Don’t bleed the tyres (letting pressure out) when they are hot.

Do get an accurate tyre pressure gauge. Don’t rely on the gauge at the garage - a lot of them are inaccurate.

Do have tyres inspected if you have a tyre with a lower pressure than the others - you will almost certainly

Do use vehicle manufacturers’ recommended tyre

manufacturer’s recommended tyre pressure.

Do check tyre pressure before going on a long trip, and reset to the recommended pressures for the full load. After the trip, reduce to those recommended for normal driving conditions.

Do use valve caps to protect the valve core.

Do have your vehicle’s wheel alignment checked if you know that you have hit a pothole or the curb. Don’t climb curbs to park your car - this is one of the greatest causes incorrect wheel alignment

Do have the wheels balanced when you feel even the slightest vibration on the steering. Don’t just balance the fronts - balance all of them.

Do inspect for remaining tread on a tyre. Don’t drive with smooth tyres, the tread grooves have to process water.

Do have wheel alignment checked when you see irregular wear on the tyres.

Do rotate tyres in line with the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation - they will last longer. Certain car models have different tyres front and rear. Under those circumstances it may not be possible to rotate tyres, other than across an axle.

Do inspect your tyres every second week for damage and objects that may be penetrating the tyre. Don’t pull nails out of the tyre treads - go to a dealer who will repair the tyre correctly.

Do have a “combination plug/patch repair” for punctures. Don’t use plug repairs - they are temporary, only designed to get you home.

Do use tyres that are in good condition. Don’t risk your life, and those of other road users on tyres that are ‘suspect’. Take the advice of professionals as to whether a tyre is suitable for continued use, even after repair.

Do have a spare wheel in good condition. Don’t have a spare that is substandard - you never know when you will need it.

Do replace tyres with those that are approved for the


Do have snap-in valves replaced when new tyres are

for only one tread life.

Do reduce vehicle speeds when it starts to rain, there will be a lot of road grime on the surface that will make the roads very slippery.

Do reduce vehicle speeds on gravel roads, particularly if there are sharp rocks and stones on the surface - you will get shoulder damage on tyres.

and he leads his staff by example. ContiPartner Hazeldean’s wheel alignment machine is top of the range, with the manufacturer thereof also supplying BMW as well as Mercedes-Benz. The high-tech balancer enables

time around.Contact ContiPartner Hazeldean on 012 809 3921 or send an email to contisilver@mweb.co.za.

Do’s and Don’ts to protect your tyres

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 8

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 9

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 10

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 11

Curro Kollege Atletiek Deur Louise Werner

Curro Kollege het onlangs Interhoër gehou en ons het koning gekraai oor ons mededingers van ander skole. As wenners van die F-Bond skuif ons volgende jaar na die E-Bond. Baie geluk aan al ons atlete wat deelgeneem het!

Victor Ludorum: Ahren SmithVictrix Ludorum : Eileen du Toit

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 12

Curro Hazeldean Primêr Telbord deur Mari Theron

Tennis:Baie geluk aan Isabella Kruger, Kholo Montsi, Roné van Wyk en Megan Barnard wat elkeen ‘n plek gekry het in die Gauteng-Noord Laerskole span.

Atletiek:Die atletiekseisoen het op ‘n hoë noot geëindig. Ons is baie dankbaar en nederig trots op dit wat ons atlete en afrigters bereik het. Die Gautengse kampioenskappe het oor 2 dae gestrek en dag 2 het moeilike omstandighede ingehou vir al die atlete, tog kan ons met trots die volgende

0/9: Jeanine Badenhorst - 80m 1ste plek Isabella Kruger - 60m 3de plek, 80m 4de plek0/11: Christoff Nieuwoudt - VS 5de plek0/12: Charlize Eilerd - 75mH 5de plek, 150mH 5de plek, VS 8ste plek Zoë Kruger - G/S 8ste plek, Diskus 5de plek Matt Lombaard - 75mH 6de plek

Skaak:2 van ons spanne gaan op 11 en 12 April 2014 aan die Curro 7’s Streekskampioenskappe deelneem.

Uitslae buite skoolverband:Swem:Werner Deyer neem aan die Lake Heritage Ope Water Uitdaging in Krugersdorp deel en swem 3/4 myl (1.2km). Hy het ook die Midmar Myl (1.6km) suksesvol voltooi.

Stoei:Hunter Ansell is die 2013 wenner van die Tuks Toewydingsbeker. Hy het ook ‘n silwer medalje tydens die Nico Visser Toernooi vir 0/11, 38-40kg verwerf en ‘n

silwer medalje tydens die Tuks Ope, 0/11, 36-39kg.

Judo:Garrick Rees het tydens die ‘Regional Rankings’ sowel as die Mashekane Spele, goue medaljes verower. Hy is ook verkies tot die Noord-Gauteng span.

Moderne Dans:Anriëtte Botha slaag die ‘Imperial Society for Teachers’ met ‘n onderskeiding.

Karate:Christo Olivier neem aan die Eagles Karate Uitdaging deel. Hy het ‘n 3de plek in Kata en Kumite, 10-11 jaar, Oranje belt, behaal. Joshua Mouton het tydens die ISKF Gauteng-Noord Provinsiale Karate Uitdaging die volgende plekke behaal: 1ste plek Kumite, 3de plek Sanbon Kumite en 3de plek Kata, 6-7 jaar, Geel belt.

Perderuiters:Die volgende Curro Perderuiters het tydens die SANESA Kompetisie Rosette gewen:Marli van der Walt - 1ste Dressage, 4de EquitationYamila van Wyk - 4de EquitationCarla Peterson - 10de ToonspringReinhardt Lubbe - 4de DressageLa-Cherise Kuypers: 3de ToonspringAmor le Roux - 5de ToonspringMika Theron - 4de ToonspringMignon Schnebel - 1ste plek Saddle Seat Performance, 2de plek Saddle Seat EquitationMarion Schnebel - 1ste plek Saddle Seat Equitation, 2de plek Saddle Seat Performance

Viool:Catherine Stiff is gekies om as solis saam met die Rand Symphony Orkes op te tree gedurende Mei/Junie.

Musiek:Trinity College London uitslae (Klavier):Kayla van Rooyen Vlak 3 - Inleiding met onder- skeidingMia Velleman Vlak 3 - Inleiding met onder- skeidingHeinrich Louw Vlak 3 - Inleiding met merieteJuanika Cronje Vlak 3 - Inleiding met merieteSuzelle Eilerd Vlak 3 - Inleiding met merieteDirk Visser Vlak 3 - Inleiding met merieteMignon Schnebel Vlak 3 - Inleiding met merieteRoné van Wyk Vlak 1 - Graad 3 met merietePieter Louw Vlak 1 - Graad 1 met merieteCarla van der Berg Vlak1 - Graad 1 met merieteMichelle Cronje Vlak 1 - Graad 1 met meriete

Senior Koor:Einde Mei is die hoogtepunt van ons koorjaar met die ATKV Applous kompetisie asook die Pretoria Eisteddfod.

ATKV Redenaars:Baie geluk aan die volgende redenaars wat die skool tydens die Gauteng uitdunrondtes op Durbanville 10 en 11 Mei gaan verteenwoordig:Gr1-3: Marone Carstens, Anriëtte Botha, Marli Geyser, Kyra Kruger en Gideon Smith.Gr 4-5: Megan Carstens, Sebastian van Schoor, Rene Geyser, Kelda Smith en Gabrielle Raath.Gr 6-7: Matt Lombaard, Sharle Labuschagne, Tayla Goosen, Benita du Plessis en Michelle Cronje.

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 13

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 14

Of the remaining 7 undeveloped stands in the Hazeldean

or investor/end user.

park, with a size of 4,671m², would be ideal for a Company Head, or for a developer to design a multi-use building

storey building of 3,736m² can be built on this stand, with all services installed by Abland.

ranging between 100m² and 550m². Options on the 1st building of approximately 1,600m² have already been signed.

Occupation will be 01 April 2015.

don’t wait, phone Louis Swart on 082 900 9977 now!

Did you know?24.8 is the median age of women when they give birth for the first time. Don’t forgeT mothers day on 11 May!

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 15

April/May 2014 www.hazeldeannode.co.za 16

events calender sudoku challenge11-12 April Rapunzel - Kids - at The Irene Village Theatre23 April - 02 June Time Warp at Barnyard Theatre, Parkview26 April - 17 May Fried Autumn Art Fair at the Fried Contemporary Gallery, Pretoria18 May - 22 May Othello at Brooklyn Theatre

05 April Droomkind - die Storie van Josef - at the SA State Theatre08 April Exile - Drama - at the SA State Theatre09 April CH2 & Soweto String Quartet at the Atterbury Theatre11 April Barry Hilton - The way I see it - at the Atterbury Theatre11 April Latin Quarter - Instrumental Music - at the Centurion Theatre13 April Radio Kalahari Orkes at the Atterbury Theatre14 April Tree 63 live at the Atterbury Theatre16 April Chris Chameleon - Drie Vriende - at the Centurion Theatre17 April Die hoe sê wat sê wie nou weer - Drama- at the Atterbury Theatre18 April Corlea - Divas - at the Atterbury Theatre20 April Easter Lunch at Farm Inn20 April Easter Egg Hunt - Kids - at Cedar Junction24 April Die Heuwels Fantasties at Atterbury Theatre25 April Helena Hettema Dinner & Show at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana01 May Fijnwyn Food & Wine Festival at Shokran, Pretoria East01 May Adam Tas at the Atterbury Theatre03 May Amanda Strydom - Vuur Gevang - at the Atterbury Theatre06 May Curro Carnival at Curro Hazeldean Primary School11 May Mother’s Day Lunch at Shokran11 May Arno Carstens & Francois van Coke - 20 Years of SA Rock - at the Barnyard Theatre Parkview15 May Heinz Winckler - Dinner & Show at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana22 May Bobby van Jaarsveld at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana23 May Crown of the Russian Ballet at the SA State Theatre24 May Nataniel In Concert at the Aula Theatre29 May Lianie May - Dinner & Show at Die Blou Hond @ Casa Toscana

Did you know?Eggs are associated with Easter because they are a symbol of starting new life.