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SMOKINGWhat is smoking:

Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Most commonly the substance is the dried leaves of the plant which have been rolled into a small square of rice paper tobacco create a small, round cylinder called a "cigarette". Smoking is primarily practiced as a route of administration for recreational drug use because the combustion of the dried plant leaves vaporizes and delivers active substances into the lungs where they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and reach bodily tissue. In the case of cigarette smoking these substances are contained in a mixture of aerosol particles and gasses and include the pharmacologically active alkaloid nicotine; the vaporization creates heated aerosol and gas to form that allows inhalation and deep penetration into the lungs where absorption into the bloodstream of the active substances occurs

What is in one cigaretteIn one cigarette there are over 4000 chemicals.Here are some:Acetone : Found in nail polishArsenic : Commonly known as rat poisonCadmium : Active component in battery acid

Nicotine : Insecticide and highly addictive substance

Carbon Monoxide : Gas released from car exhausts Methanol : Component of rocket fuelPolonium 210 : A radioactive element (carcinogenic)Naphthalene : Moth RepellentButane : Lighter fuelDTT : Harmful InsecticideUrethane : Carcinogenic Substance

Smoking while Pregnant

Bleeding during pregnancy Detachment of Placenta Premature Birth Low birth weight (200

grams less) Congenital Defects such

cleft palate Still birth or death in week

after being born Asthma & other smoking

related disease

Hazards of smoking :

Diseases : Premature Wrinkles Heart Problems Cancer Chronic Bronchitis Multiple organ failure Leukemia (blood cancer) Emphysema All type of cancers (Lungs, liver,

throat, esophageal , pancreatic , Breast , stomach , kidney etc)




“a medicine or other substance which has a

physiological effect when ingested or otherwise

introduced into the body.”

Drug Abuse

Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with

methods which are harmful to themselves or others, and is a form

of substance related disorder. The habitual taking of illegal drugs.

Using Drugs:There are many ways of using drugs.

Orally : That means they are put into mouth & swallowed. Eg. Pills

Smoked : That means the drug is burned & then the smoke is inhaled by the user through pipes, bong, cigar or cigarette.

Vaporized : This means the drug is heated up until it turns into vapor, and then the vapor is breathed in.

Sub lingually : This means that the is absorbed through the vein under the person’s tongue.

Bacally : This means that the drug is absorbed through a person’s cheek

Intravenous : Also known as IV-meaning this drug is injected through a person’s vein

Intramuscular : Also know as IM – meaning this drug is injected into a person’s muscle using needle

Insufflated : Means this drug is snorted through person nose




Anti psychotic Antipsychotic (also known as neuroleptics or major tranquilizer) are a

class of drugs used to manage psychosis (including delusions , hallucinations or disordered thought ) in particular in bipolar disorder & increasing being used in management of non psychotic disorder (ATC code N05A)

The word neuroleptic originates from the Greek word vepov neuron (nerve) and anwic lepsis (seizure)

Antipsychotic dependence typically appears as the patient’s body begin to develop a tolerance to medication. Physical dependence may take form of an overuse or a desire for medication beyond the prescribed dosage.

Withdrawals from antipsychotic medication can occur when the medicine is discontinued or reduced . Withdrawals symptoms commonly include nausea , restlessness & insomania

Example of these types of drugs used illegally are Quetiapine (84.9 %) , olanzapine (17.8%) , risperidone (24.7%) , aripiprazole (20.5%) , ziprasidone (8.1%) and asenapine (2.9%)

Depressant (Downers) A depressant is a drug that lowers neurotransmission level , which is to

depress or reduce arousal or stimulant in various areas of the brain. Depressant are widely used throughout the world as prescription medicines

and as illicit substance. When used often include alaxia , pain relief , sedation and cognitive memory impairment as well as in some instance euphoria, disassociation muscle relaxation, lower blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory depression and anti convulsant effects and even complete anesthesia or death at high doses.

Signs of antidepressant: convulsions , talkativeness , violent thoughts and actions , mood swings , panic attacks , hallucinations , insomnia memory problems , tremors , increased risk of suicide

Withdrawal symptoms includes suicidal thoughts , depression , panic attacks , vivid dreaming , urination , confused thinking , tremors & memory problems.

Examples : Alcohol , barbiturates (used to get relief from migraines) , cannabis (used for muscle relaxation , sedation) , polydrugs (combined multiple depressants , overdose can lead to suicide )

Hallucinogens The hallucinogens is a psychoactive agent which can cause hallucinations and

other substantial subjective changes in thoughts , emotions , & consciousness. The hallucinogens are divided into 3 groups. Psycho active : These produce an altered state of consciousness and perception , it

usually leads users to believe he or is having an intense spiritual experience , as it produces distorted sense of time and can tremendously distort reality. Most well know psycho active drug is LSD

Dissociative : They are used to warp sights & sounds as well as produce feeling of dissociation and detachment from the body or environment. These types of hallucinogens also produce a euphoric high , out of body experiences , induce altered state of thinking , synesthesia (the crossover of senses like hearing colors and seeing sounds) and dreamlike visions.

The dissociation is caused by blocking and reducing signals to the conscious mind from rest of the brain. PCP (Angel dust) , DXM and Ketamine are a few example of this type

Deliriants : These induce a sense of delirium (an intense state of confusion).These delirium causes the user of being stupor (a zombie like state ) and causes great confusion. Benadryl and dramamine falls under this category of hallucinogens

Signs of hallucinogens addiction & effects

Signs of addiction & dependence

Change in state of mindAnxiety Mood Swings Dilated pupils Rapid eye movement Increase or decrease of

appetiteEuphoria Increased heart rate Depression Speech difficulty Change in personality

Hallucinogen effects Analgesia (inability to feel pain) Hypothermia Memory loss Blurred vision Seizures Hallucinations Paranoia Violence Coma Respiratory failure Stroke suicidal tendencies Death

Stimulant(Uppers) Stimulant are psychoactive drugs that induce temporary improvements

in either mental or physical function or both These can cause enhanced alertness , wakefulness, endurance ,

increased heart rate & blood pressure and locomotion among others. Due to their characteristic “up” feeling stimulants are occasionally referred as to uppers .

It is capable of improving mood & relieving anxiety and induce the feeling of euphoria.

These causes loss of appetite , insomnia , increased heart rate. The abuse of this drug in larger doses especially through injection or snorting puts an even greater strain on body . The stress on heart can be fatal.

Other long term side effect includes permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain , liver , kidney and lung damage, destruction of tissues in nose if sniffed , brain damage etc.

Types of famous stimulant include:Cocaine , nicotine , meth , caffeine , amphetamine etc
