HAYA Part 2. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Every religion has an innate character. The character of...


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HAYAPart 2

The Prophet (pbuh) said:

“Every religion has an innate character.

The character of Islam is Haya”(Abu Dawud)


It is a seat belt for our thoughts

What does Haya do?

Saves us in case of “accidents”

What does Haya do?

• Controls our “Hawa”

• “Hawa” means inner desires

“From the words of the previous prophets that people still find are: ‘If you feel no Haya, then do as you wish’”


Role of HAYA in our lives

HAYA makes us different from animals …

…. controls our animal instincts

HAYA makes us

Good Mannered

HAYA stops us from …

Making a FOOL of ourselves in public

HAYA makes us feel guilty when we do something wrong

HAYA makes us say – “I’m Sorry”

HAYA calms us down in anger


HAYA Controls our impulsive thoughts


HAYA makes our relationships pleasant and friendly

The Prophet (PBUH) said

Haya does not produce but goodness(Bukhari & Muslim)

HAYA stops us from showing offOURSELVES …

…and our STUFF…

…. And our Piety!

HAYA makes us “The Best of Creation”

Surely We created The human being in the best of mould.{Surah At-Tin 95: Verse 4}
