Have you ever played a game of cards?. Not playing cards,


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Have you ever played a game of


Not playing cards,

An ancient card game,

Round Table

The Grey Griffins never knew how serious this game was, they only ever played it as a fun, fiction, card game

Max• Rich• Divorced parents• Age 10• Grey Griffin

Harley• Strong• Brave• Age 10• Grey Griffin


Natalia • Strict• Reinforcer• Note taker• Mystery solver• Age 10• Grey Griffin

Ernie• Junk food-aholich• Coward• Wimp• Age 10• Grey Giffin

The Grey Giffins

Avalon, Minnesota • Small town

• Dense forest• Home of the Grey Griffins

When Max finds a magical book in his grandmothers attic

while trying to run away from the slayer goblin, a very deadly dark fairy, he finds a glowing book

Codex Spiritus

The book talks to him,And Max said what the book said,And the lock came undone and it came open

And out jumps a cat,And she calls herself



Fairy - shape shifter

The spriggin, which Max named Sprig, asked Max to release a creature from the book,a harmless shadow

Max released the shadow,And the shadow almost killed Max

Max decides to tell the rest of the Grey Griffins, but when Max, Harley and Ernie slept in their tree house one night in the woods, they wake up to find the Codex Spiritus open, and the magic creatures in the book released

After a long time passes, and the forest growing ever darker, the Grey Griffins continue to solve what’s going on

And they find out that the Shadow King, Oberon, wants the Codex Spiritus

Morgan LaFey, King Author’s sister, the Dark Witch, also wants it

And Ray, a former friend of Max, has been consumed by the dark magic of the Shadow King

Steals the Codex Spiritus

And Iver, the man who taught the Grey Griffins about Round Table, is missing

But not before he mentioned the Catacombs to Max an Harley

And Max receives a letter

The Grey Griffins’ are Templars

Max is a direct descendent of King Author

The Grey Griffins plot a plan to sneak back into the forest to take the book back from Ray, and Natalia comes prepared with iron, because fairies hate iron, and they are walking right into a fairy filled forest

They find Ray on top of a fairy hill

Harley beats Ray up

Using an iron ring

And max steals back the Codex Spiritus

And they run through a portal and out into the streets, where they notice Morgan LaFey and one of their school teachers, Dr. Blackstone eating dinner

The Grey Griffins dedicate Ernie to eavesdrop on the two and listen to their conversation

This is where Ernie becomes braver in the story and mans up

Ernie finds out that Dr. Blackstone is working with Morgan LaFey

Max makes another plan for Harley and Natalia to investigate their teachers house, and Harley sees that he has kobolds, a fairy immune to iron, guarding a dead Iver

And he overhears about something about a church and catacombs

And then Sprig comes back to remind Max that he needs the jewel before any evil gets it

Titania’s Jewel is in the Catacombs

Underneath the Chapel in the Mist

The four kids ride their bikes to the chapel as fast as they could pedal, but it was to late

The church was taken down because Morgan LaFey already figured it out

But the Grey Griffins didn’t give up

they run into a sign near a well“The Road to Heaven or the Road to Hell,Trust the Vows and Descend the Well.”

When they go down the well they find a pile of gold and a pirate ship

A Milestone Heavy or a Needless Eye,Remember your Vow or you Will Die

So they walk out of the room, not touching anything, because they do not need anything in the room

Siege Perilous

“The Three Templar Tests,” Max stated,“Obedience, Greed and Purity

The Grey Griffins knew that if the wrong person sat down, they would all die, so they all agreed that Max will go

But as Max sits down, he remembers all his sins in life, and the Grey Griffins shortly regret everything as the statues start moving

But the floor started rising like an elevator, and they see a light coming down, and when they reach the top, whishing they were already dead, they see Iver still alive

But the Jewel is still missing

Iver takes them over to a portal, right above the fairy hill in the woods, where they see Morgan LaFey with Titania’s Jewel

And Oberon’s Gate, the way for Oberon to come into the human world, is opening

And the four jump through because Iver is to crippled to fight, and Max thinks of a plan

Natalia and Harley are going to push the bodyguard off a cliff

Ernie runs in with the Codex Spiritus looking like Max And Max runs in to get the jewel

But the bodyguard turns into a werewolf, and Natalia and Harley are only saved by a mysterious gunshot

The Templar Knights of modern day

And a life form comes from the sky, an angel, who starts attacking Morgan LaFey

And Ray jumps out

Pins Max to the ground

And puts a knife to his neck

When Harley tackles Ray to the ground before he can kill Max

And before anyone can react, Max runs through the battlefield of fairies and Templars, and heads to the jewel

And he takes it

And Oberon’s Gate starts to close, and the fairies stop coming, letting the Templars kill the rest off

All the while, Morgan LaFey starts to lose her powers, and the angel finally brings her down, but only for now


And all the Templars left, the forest and everything else went back to normal, and the angel came down

It was a different teacher, Ms. Heen.

Matt PrellPeriod 3 Reading

She tells them they still have school the next day, but she will not be their teacher

And that their journey is up to them now

Derek Benz & J.S. Lewis

The Revenge of the Shadow King

You’ll never do greatness, be a hero, or lead a good life if you never step up and fulfill your destiny’s set path
