Harshad Mehta Case


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  • 8/16/2019 Harshad Mehta Case



    Introduction and Research Methodology


    Various scams, scandals and stigmas have surfaced in the recent years. These may not all be

    attributable to the antics and bungling of politicians, but they have been facilitated largely

     because of the vitiated atmosphere that the politicians and the political system have created in the


    The “Securities Scam” refers to a diversion of funds to the tune of Rs. 5,000 crores from the

     baning system to various stocbroers in a series of transactions !primarily in "overnmentsecurities# during the period $pril %&&% to 'ay %&&(.

    )There*s this theory about the ne+t fool around the corner,) says G.V. Ramakrishna. )ut -e may

    not have an ine+haustible supply of fools, the men -ho are left holding the can -hen there*s

    nobody at all to pay a higher price.)

    $s the rapidly breaing scandal in the finance marets and the share baaar spreads, the

    Securities and /+change oard of ndia chairman*s comment appears to be right on target.

    1ith one modification2 people lie stocbroer 3arshad 'ehta don*t need an ine+haustible

    supply of fools. 4ust adeuate -ill do. This, and the added advantage of being at the right place atthe right time -ith the right game plan, could only be a -inning combination.

    t -as. 6or him, and anybody associated -ith him. ut no- that the game has come unstuc, it is

     becoming clear that the flamboyant 789year9old 'ehta, a fast9taling, fast9dealing high9roller is

    at the centre of the biggest financial and insider trading scam ever in the country*s history.

    The money involved in the past one year alone could be as much as Rs :,000 crore or more,

    taen from bans in various -ays to play the booming stoc9marets.%

    1 http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/securities-scam-harshad-mehta-throws-banking-

    system-stock-markets-into-turmoil/1/306969.html visited on 3 pril !" #016 at #.1$



  • 8/16/2019 Harshad Mehta Case


    1! O"#ECTI$E O% THE &TUD'

    The research pro;ect has been carried out -ith the follo-ing ob;ectives2

    The basic ob;ective behind carrying out this research pro;ect is to study about securities

    scam -ith reference to 3arshad 'ehta scam  To no- about causes of the scam and its impact on ndian economy.


    The uality and value of research depends upon the proper and particular methodology adopted

    for the completion of research -or.

  • 8/16/2019 Harshad Mehta Case





    3arshad Shantilal 'ehta -as born on (& 4uly in a "u;arati 4ain family of modest means.

    6ather 2 'r Shantilal 'ehta, a small businessman

    'oved from small to-n Raipur to find his future in 'umbai

    6irst ;ob as dispatch cler in the >e- ndia $ssurance

    1ored -ith stoc broers and soon managed to get a broers? card

    Soon started his o-n venture2 "ro- 'ore Research and $sset 'anagement @ompany

  • 8/16/2019 Harshad Mehta Case


    3e -as later charged -ith 8( criminal offenses and more than :00 civil action suits -ere filed

    against him

    3e died in (00( of a massive heart attac in a ;ail in Thane, -ith many litigations still pending

    against him.

    !! O$ER$IE+ O% THE &CAM

    This scam can be categoried as a @apital 'aret scam in -hich it is done by manipulating the

    facts in order to attain enormous profits. There -ere D different aspects of this scam2

    Civersion of 6unds

    ntra9day Trading

    Ese of Ready 6or-ard!R6# to maintain S

  • 8/16/2019 Harshad Mehta Case


    Taing advantages of the loopholes in the baning system, 3arshad and his associates triggered a

    securities scam diverting funds to the tune of Rs D000 @r. from the bans to stocbroers from

    $pril %&&% to 'ay %&&(. 3e caused the steep rise in the Stoc maret inde+ in the year %&&( by

     bidding at a premium for many shares.

    Some of the stocs -hich -ere highly invested in by 3arshad 'ehta -ere2


    $pollo Tyres


    Tata ron and Steel @o. !TS@B#





    Ready for-ard is actually a sort of a short term loan !typically %5 days or less# usually from one ban to another. Enlie other loans, it is actually a secured loan -ith "overnment securities

     bacing it up. n essence, it?s lie one ban selling its securities to another -ith a promise of

     buying it bac at a pre9determined price.

    n early %&&0s, ans in ndia had to maintain a fi+ed ratio of their deposits in the form of

    "overnment securitiesFbonds -hich -as governed by the statutory liuidity ratio !S

  • 8/16/2019 Harshad Mehta Case


     by selling the bonds. The -hole process of byying and selling the bonds -as taen care of by

     broers and only they ne- the t-o parties -hich -ere involved. ndividual bans did not have

    any idea as to -ho the other party in the -hole transaction -as.

    The -hole process can be described in 7 phases2

    Settlement Arocess

    Aayment cheues

    Cispensing of securities


    The normal settlement process in government securities is that the transacting bans mae

     payments and deliver the securities directly to each other. Curing the scam, ho-ever, the bans

    or at least some bans adopted an alternative settlement process -hich -as similar to the process

    used for settling transactions in the stoc maret.

    n this settlement process, deliveries of securities and payments are made through the broer.

    That is, the seller hands over the securities to the broer -ho passes them on to the buyer, -hile

    the buyer gives the cheue to the broer -ho then maes the payment to the seller.

    n this settlement process, the buyer and the seller may not even no- -hom they have traded

    -ith, both being no-n only to the broer.

    There -ere t-o important reasons -hy the broer intermediated settlement began to be used in

    the government securities marets2

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    The broers instead of merely bringing buyers and sellers together started taing positions in the

    maret. n other -ords, they started trading on their o-n account, and in a sense became maret

    maers in some securities thereby imparting greater liuidity to the marets.

    1hen a ban -anted to conceal the fact that it -as doing an R6 deal, the broer came in handy.

    The broer provided contract notes for this purpose -ith fictitious counter parties, but arrangedfor the actual settlement to tae place -ith the correct counter party.


    $ broer intermediated settlement allo-ed the broer to lay his hands on the cheue as it -ent

    from one ban to another through him. The hurdle no- -as to find a -ay of crediting the cheue

    to his account though it -as dra-n in favor of a ban and -as crossed account payee. $s it

    happens, it is purely a matter of baning custom that an account payee cheue is paid only to the

     payee mentioned on the cheue. n fact, e+ceptions -ere being made to this norm, -ell before

    the scam came to light.

    Arivileged !corporate# customers -ere routinely allo-ed to credit account payee cheues in

    favour of a ban into their o-n accounts to avoid clearing delays, thereby reducing the interest

    lost on the amount.>ormally, if a customer obtains a cheue in his o-n favour and deposits it

    into his o-n account, it may tae a day or t-o for the cheue to be cleared and for the funds to

     become available to the customer. $t %5G interest, the interest loss on a clearing delay of t-o

    days for a Rs. %00 crores cheue is about Rs. H lahs.

    Bn the other hand, -hen bans mae payments to each other by -riting cheues on their account

    -ith the R, these cheues are cleared on the same day.

    The practice -hich thus emerged -as that a customer -ould obtain a cheue dra-n on the R

    favoring not himself but his ban. The ban -ould get the money and credit his account the same


    The broers ased the bans to give the cheues in their o-n name claiming that they -ill pay to

    the other party on their o-n. The practice thus emerged -as that the broer -ould obtain a

    cheue dra-n on the R favouring not himself but his ban and the ban -ould get the money

    and transfer it to the broer account on the same day. This helped the broers to get the money as

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    soon as the transaction is made -hich could further be used to be channelled into the stoc



    3ere the broers used their credibility to persuade the bans to part -ith the cheues -ithout

    actually receiving the securities -ith the promise that they -ill get the securities the ne+t day

    -ith a %5G interest for one day. an officials -ere bribed to accomplish this tas as this -as

    illegal on the part of the bans to let go of their money -ithout any assurance. This -as 3arshad

    'ehta and his associates -ere able to use the money of the bans -hich -as eventually used for

    speculating in the stoc maret.

    !3 "AN4 RECEIPT&

    $nother instrument used in this scam -as the ban receipt !R#. n an R6 deal, securities -ere

    not moved bac and forth in actuality. nstead, the borro-er, -ho is the seller of securities, gave

    the buyer of the securities a R.

    n practice, borro-ing ban gives a an Receipt !R# instead of delivering the actual securities

    to the lender. an receipts serve three functions = 

    t confirms the sale of securities

    Aromises to deliver the securities to the buyer. t states that the securities are held by the seller in

    trust for the buyer.

    $cts as a receipt for the received money by the selling ban

    $ R means that the issuer holds the securities in trust for the buyer, but there is a possibility

    that the issuer may not have the securities at all. 6ollo-ing are the reasons for a ban to issue aR -hich is not baced by actual securities = 

    $ ban may also short sell securities, i.e. ban -ill sell securities it doesn?t have.

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    This -ill be done if the ban anticipates fall in prices. an buys securities at lo-er prices -hen

    they fall in value and discharges the R.

    an may do an R6 deal and issue a fae R !not baced by securities# if bans simply -ant an

    unsecured loan , -here a lending ban -ould be under the impression that it?s dealing -ith a

    secured loan but in reality it?s advancing an unsecured loan. Though, lenders should have taen

    measures to protect themselves .

    Curing the scam, broers -ere so perfect in the art of using fae Rs and obtained unsecured

    loans from various bans. They managed to persuade little no-n ban s lie the an of Iarad

    !BI# and the metropolitan @ooperative an !'@# to issue Rs and then these Rs -ereused to do R6 deals -ith other bans. This -ay several large bans made huge unsecured loans

    to these bans and thus it created money for the broers.

    !5 CONTRO) &'&TEM&

    There -as a complete breado-n of the control system -ithin the commercial bans and that of

    R. 6ollo-ing features are involved in the internal control system2

    1henever an R6 deal is done by using Rs rather than actual securities, the lending ban has to

    contend -ith the possibility that it may be maing an unsecured loan. This reuires assigning

    credit limit to the borro-er by assessing the credit-orthiness of the borro-er.

    The different aspects of securities transactions of a ban are carried out by different persons


    t is becoming increasingly clear that despite the intensive efforts by several investigating

    agencies, it -ould be impossible to trace all the money s-indled from the bans. $t this stage -e

    can only con;ecture about -here the money has gone and -hat part of the misappropriated

    amount -ould be recovered.

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    maginary companies created.

    ought the shares of o-n company by himself causing Sense+ up.

    Aurchased 3uge amount of shares of a targeted company lie $@@ .

    @aused false bull run.

    @reated fae Rs, or Rs not baced by any government securities.

    llegally issue of R by small ban.

    1ithout verification, bans lie “Vi;aya an” issued the cheue.

    Recommendation to purchase particular shares on his o-n -ebsite.




    $fter the 3arshad 'ehta scandal -as e+posed, $pril, %&&(, the situation in share maret -as that

    of utter chaos. The first impact of the scam -as a steep fall in the share prices. The inde+ fell

    from D500 to (500 representing a loss of Rs. %00,000 crores in maret capitaliation. 3o-ever,

    the ma;or damage to the stoc maret did not stop here. Since the accused -ere active broers in

    the stoc marets, they had traded a large number of shares during the previous year. $ll theseshares became tainted and -orthless and could not be used in the maret. This -as a great loss to

    the innocent investor -ho had bought these shares much before the scandal -as e+posed.


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    There -as a lot of media coverage on the scam and the political parties left no opportunity in

    criticiing the government for it. The government -as under immense pressure and its

    liberaliation policies -ere severely criticied. t -as also believed that 3arshad 'ehta and his

    accomplices -ere behind framing of these policies. n the end the government had to put the

    liberaliation plans on hold. S/ had to postpone the sanctioning of private sector mutual funds.

    mplementation of some aspects of the >arasimham @ommittee recommendations on the

     baning system had to be delayed. The much taled about entry of foreign pension funds and

    mutual funds became more remote than ever. The /uro9issues planned by several ndian

    companies -ere delayed since the ability of ndian companies to raise euity capital in -orld

    marets -as severely compromised.

     (( IMPACT ON THE "AN4&

    6ae ban receipts !R# -hich -ere an integral part of the e+ecution of the -hole scam landed

    the bans involved in a tight spot. These R -ere declared void and public money -as at stae.

    $t least ten prominent bans -ere involved in thisJ some of them being S, Standard @harteredand a subsidiary of R. The scam could have been checed in time -ith proper policies and

    verifications. The government, the R and the commercial bans are as much accountable as

    the broers for the scam. The broers -ere encouraged by the bans to divert funds from the

     baning system to the stoc maret. The R too stood indicted because despite no-ledge

    about bans over9stepping the boundaries demarcating their arena of operations, it failed to

    chec them. Some of the prominent individuals -ho -ere penalied -ere I. '. 'argabandhu,

    @'C of the E@B an !$rrested and saced# and V. 'ahadevan, one of the 'C the State an

    of ndia !Suspended#


    $s discussed, the government -as under immense pressure from media and opposition to tae

    concrete steps to bring ;ustice to the people and also to ensure that the loopholes in the system

    -hich caused such scam -ere closed so that such scams -ould not recur. $s a first step by the

    government, the case -as handed over to @entral ureau of nvestigation and the 4oint

    Aarliamentary @ommittee !4A@#. Then a special court -as set up to facilitate speedy trial. The

    special court declared an ordinance for the attached the properties of all individuals accused in

    the scam. 6urther, all transactions done by the accused after 'arch 7%, %&&% -ere considered

    void. To reform the system further, the government banned R6 deals and slo-ed do-n the

    liberaliation process.

    (0 PO)IC' MEA&URE&

  • 8/16/2019 Harshad Mehta Case


    The government, the R and the commercial bans -ere as much accountable as the broers for 

    this scam. The broers -ere encouraged by the bans to invest their funds in the stoc maret in

     place of investing in the baning system. The R -as also responsible for this scam because

    despite no-ledge about bans over9stepping the boundaries demarcating their arena of

    operations, it failed to reign them in. R didn?t tae any action against the commercial bans.

    The looting -as done -ith full no-ledge of the very individuals appointed by the government

    -ho -ere responsible to guard against such a possibility. So the 3arshad 'ehta?s scam could

    have been detected earlier if either of the above !commercial bans, R or government# parties

    not encourage the broers to invest in the stoc maret.


     Discover the guilty

    This tas -as assigned to the @entral ureau of nvestigation !@# and to the 4oint

    Aarliamentary @ommittee !4A@#. $ special court -as set up to facilitate speedy trial.

    Transactions became void 

    The government set up a special court and promulgated an ordinance -ith several draconian

     provisions to deal -ith the scam. Sections !7# and !D# of the ordinance attached the properties of

    all individuals accused in the scam and also voided all transactions that had at any stage been

    routed through them after 'arch 7%, %&&%.

     Recover the money

    Arovisions of the Brdinance for attachment of property and voiding of transactions -ith the

    conseuent creation of )tainted) shares -ere attempts in this direction

     Reform the system

    The government*s response so far, banning of R6 deals and going slo- on liberaliation. The

    main motive behind punishing the offenders is more to prevent future offenders to not to try this

    type of scam. The government must ensure that not only the obviously guilty !the broers# but

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    also the not so obviously guilty !the ban e+ecutives, the bureaucrats and perhaps the politicians#

    are identified and brought to boo. These types of investigations are not only very time

    consuming but also very e+pensive.

    3.7 ROL OF !"I #T$I%&L I!!'!(

    The S/ -as set up in early %&HH as a non statutory body under an administrative arrangement

    and -as subseuently upgraded as a fully autonomous body on %(th of $pril %&&(

    The t-o ob;ective s mandated in the S/ $ct are

    nvestor protection

    Brderly development of capital maret

    (5 #UD*EMENT

    3e -as later charged -ith 8( criminal offenses and more than :00 civil action suits -ere filed

    against him. y the time he died , 'ehta had been convicted in only one of the many cases filed

    against him. 3e died in (00( of a massive heart attac in a ;ail in Thane, -ith many litigations

    still pending against him.

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    @orporate "overnance is the value frame-or, ethical frame-or and moral frame-or -ithin

    -hich businesses mae decisions .1hen large sums of money are involved, greed causes people

    to become unethical. There -as a total lac of transparency in the money maret. rregularities of 

    all ind -ere so common that no suspicion aroused even by highly irregular transactions. This is

    the ideal environment for a scam to germinate and gro- to alarming proportions. The most

    constructive response to the scam -ould be in the arena of reforms of the financial system. n our 

    vie-, the origins of the scam lie in over9regulation of our marets. The regulations in the money

    marets -ere such that thoroughly legitimate and essential transactions could not be put through

    openly, but had to be disguised and camouflaged. The role of the broers and of some of the

     bans as maret maers -as not recognied and they could perform these important and useful

    functions only by subterfuge. The payment and clearance system -as so antiuated and

    cumbersome that totally indefensible methods had to be adopted to achieve speedy funds

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    transfers. The net result of all these -as a total lac of transparency in the operations in the

    money maret. rregularities of all inds -ere so common that no suspicions -ere aroused even

     by highly irregular transactions. The situation -as an ideal environment for a scam to germinate

    and gro- to alarming proportions. 1e -ould even argue that some of the control systems in the

     bans broe do-n because they had been deliberately allo-ed to -eaen by both the commercial

     bans as -ell as the R in order to facilitate normal transactions in violation of the R




    K http2FFen.-iipedia.orgF-iiF3arshadL'ehta

    K http2FF---.bullrider.inFharshad9mehta9stoc9scamF

    K http2FFinvestmentpar.blogspot.comF(008F0(Fharshad9mehta9scam9%&&(.html

    K http2FF---.scribd.comFdocF%8((8(%5F3arshad9'ehta9Scam

    K http2FF-ii.ans-ers.comFMF@anLyouLgiveLtheLdetailsLaboutLtheL3arshadL'ehtaLsca m

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    K http2FF---.authorstream.comFAresentationFpratmL%H9DH:(:89harshad9mehta9and9etan9


    K http2FF---.slideserve.comFAAT6ilesFinsightsLinvestingL;ul0HL(&5D(L7(D(D.ppt
