Harry and Molly


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  • 8/14/2019 Harry and Molly



    Harry was your average water frog and lived in a canal that ran through a

    beautiful valley at the foot of some very high majestic mountains. His

    particular home was on a farm that had several cows, chickens, pigs and

    various other animals that go with a farm. Harry liked the farm because with

    it came an abundance of food, namely in the form of flies and other insects

    that provided him and his friends with an endless bounty of food. Harry hadseveral friends around and life was good. He had one particular friend whose

    name had been Eddy. Eddy and harry had been friends since they were

    tadpoles. Unfortunately Eddys luck ran out last year when he was caught

    and eaten by a local water snake named Henry. Henry really wasnt a bad

    snake, he just did what snakes do and that day he happened upon Eddy and

    made a feast of him.

    Harry, understood that Henry didnt eat Eddy out of malice but that didnt

    make him like Henry. In fact he disliked that snake intensely, all snakes for

    that matter. But he and the rest of the frogs watched intensely for him.

    Even the fish in the canal disliked the snakes and would warn the frogcommunity if they spotted any of them.

    Miss Ellie was the mother fish of the area and had a school of small fish

    always with her. She was always on the lookout for anything that could pose

    a danger to her charges. Miss Ellie liked Harry, he never bothered her or

    teased the children just to watch them scatter.

    Today was the late day of spring and the weather was quite warm, the sky

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    was clear with a few clouds scattered about. A soft gentle breeze blew from

    the south across canal. Harry lay on his back with his legs crossed and

    chewed on a blade of grass that he held in his hand as one would normally

    hold a cigarette. He watched the blue sky and thought what a wonderful day

    it was.

    I hope nothing happens to spoil it, He quietly said to himself. Suddenly

    there was movement beside him and Henry came slithering by in a great

    hurry. Harry cursed himself for not being more alert. But Henry wasnt after

    him, Henry was on the run from something.

    Better run, Henry hissed as he dove in the canal and started to swim

    away. Theyre coming.

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    Harry didnt need to be warned twice, he didnt even look back as he sprang

    to his feet. With a huge push from his legs he leapt into the air and landed in

    the water with a large splash. Henry the snake had swam to the other side of

    canal and disappeared into the shore grass along the edge.

    Harry slowly swam back to the surface and peeked through the water to

    see what had frightened Henry. What he saw did not frighten him as it did

    Henry, it was only the farmers children. Molly, the oldest at about ten years

    old and her younger brother Benny. He was around eight or nine, with large

    blue eyes and a shock of curly golden hair. Molly was taller with sea green

    eyes and strawberry blond hair. She also had a liberal amount of freckles

    scattered over her face. Molly's hair was long and fell about her shoulders in

    a loose cloud of activity. This time Molly carried a net and a large bucket with

    a lid. Harry did not like this, it meant she was going to take some of the

    water animals with her. None ever seemed to return if she took them to the

    house. Molly had always been nice to him as she had caught him several times

    but always turned him loose after a few minutes. Benny had never caught

    anything yet but she did let him hold Harry a couple of times. Harry still

    winced at the feeling of being squeezed tightly before Molly made him turnhim loose.

    Whats going on? Harry heard a voice beside him, it was Fenton from Miss

    Ellies school.

    Hey, Harry said, Fenton, what are you doing here? Shouldnt you be with

    Miss Ellie?

    I sneaked out for a bit, he said, they will never miss me.

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    Fenton was one of the local minnows, no more than two and one half inches

    long and was always a flurry of motion. It seemed that anything happening,

    questionable or exciting Fenton would be mixed up in it.

    Before Fenton and Harry could look back up at what was happening on shore

    there was a loud swooshing noise. They both felt themselves being being

    lifted out of the water in a large net and being unceremoniously dumped in a

    half full bucket of water.

    Oh no, caught, they both shouted as they fell into the bucket with a

    splash and the lid slammed shut with a loud clank.

    Molly nor Benny heard them yell as neither of them spoke frog or fish.

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    What Harry and Fenton had no way of knowing was that Molly had been given

    a rather large aquarium and now needed aquatic animals to fill it up with. The

    only thing they knew that they were being bashed around in a cold dark

    bucket of water as the two children ran back to the house.

    The aquarium was quite large and comfortable for the both of them but it

    would take a bit of getting used to. Molly had her father put the aquarium in

    her room since it was hers and her project, no matter how much Benny

    wanted to help.

    Molly up-ended the bucket and out fell Fenton and Harry into their new home

    with a loud Ker-splash. One end of the aquarium had a shore line of sand,

    mud and rocks that was above the level of the water. The rest was under

    water with a large circulating pump at the that end. Fenton and Harry knew

    nothing about pumps and other such mechanical contrivances, for the most

    part it was all a mystery to them. Harry thought the pump assemblies looked

    a bit like some of the devices he saw at the weirs on the canal only much


    Harry was disoriented to say the least, he swam to the shore stumbled out

    onto the sand. He sat on the sand and looked about.

    Is this to be my new home? He asked aloud. Molly did not answer as shestill did not speak frog or fish, even after carrying him and Fenton all the

    way from the canal. Molly sat the bucket down and looked back at her new

    pets. She then reached in and tried to scoop up Harry. Fenton saw this and

    let out a shriek and swam away to the farthest corner of the pool. Harry did

    not want to be picked up and backed away until he was cornered in the the

    aquarium. Harry had been captured by Molly before and she had never hurt

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    him and always turned him loose later. However this time he had a feeling

    that this place was going to be his, and Fentons new home. Harry felt Mollys

    hands gently close around him and lift him from the tank.

    Molly picked up Harry with her right hand and sat him on the palm of her left

    hand. Harry was free now but he had no desire to jump, there was nowhere to

    go. Even if he survived the long jump to the hard floor how would he get back

    to the canal? And what about Fenton? He sat there and looked into Mollys

    eyes. They were still the same sea green he remembered from when she had

    caught him a year ago.


    Molly stroked harrys head and looked into his large yellow eyes. For a frogHarry was quite good looking with large eyes, a wide head and a mouth that

    seemed to curl up at the ends. This gave the impression that he was smiling

    at Molly.

    This is your new home, she quietly said, you will be safe here and I will

    watch over you and your fishy friend.

    Thats nice, Harry answered in a slow, quiet croak. He could understand

    Molly and her brother when they spoke but they could not understand him or

    Fenton. Molly was holding Harry close to her face and examining ever detail of


    I shall call you Harry, she said. He could feel her warm breath on him as

    she spoke and he detected a hint of mint.

    Well, youve got the name right, Harry said. Molly did not answer but got

    a curious look on her face as though she thought Harry was trying to talk to


    Why dont you kiss him? Benny said as he ran into his sisters room. He

    might turn into a prince.

    Kiss him? Ugh, thats gross, she said, Id get warts on my lips.

    Thats not true, Benny said, Uncle Al says thats all a lie, he kissed

    frogs when he was a kid and nothing happened.Have you taken a good look at Uncle Als face? she asked as she sat

    Harry back in the tank on the sand. She then slid a screen cover over the

    aquarium tank.

    Escape is going to be impossible, Harry said to Fenton as he dove into the


    Oh, Benny said, mom told me to tell you get cleaned up, dinner will be

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    ready in a few minutes.

    Well, Fenton said as Molly and her brother left the room and closed the

    door behind them. What do we do now?

    Theres nothing we can do at the moment. Harry said as he climbed up on

    a rock and looked around. But I think she could almost understand what I

    was saying.

    I thought so too, Fenton answered.

    I must work on that, Harry quietly said.


    The time passed quickly for Fenton and Harry, Molly fed them well and

    always told them stories about what was going on. Two months had passedand the house hold was in an uproar as Mollys aunt was getting married. The

    wedding was to take place at the farm and there would be a lot of people

    about. Benny came in occasionally to look at Mollys pets and tease her about

    kissing the frog.

    Hes not just a frog, Molly would say and then she would hold Harry to her

    cheek then let him ride on her shoulder. Sometimes she would keep him out

    of tank for an hour or more. Harry would always come back with great

    stories for Fenton.

    Late summer rolled around and the wedding time arrived, people came in

    from all over. There were relatives that Molly never knew she had, but she

    was sure she did not want any of them in her room where Harry and Fenton


    Some of aunties new husbands relatives are downright weird, she

    whispered to Harry, Im going to lock my door while they are here.

    Molly did not see her pets the rest of the day as the wedding party drug on

    and on. She had left them plenty of food in case she couldnt get back until

    after dark. The reception continued well into the night after the bride and

    groom had left. Nearly everyone had achieved a noticeable level of

    intoxication. Benny had went to sleep on the couch and Molly helped him to hisroom. Benny did not sneak any drinks, he was just young and tired. Molly

    pulled the covers up around Benny and said good night. She then returned

    down stairs to see what was going on. Molly was dressed in a white gown and

    was quite pretty but the dress was soiled in a few places from being hugged

    by relatives and having drinks spilled on it. Her mum and dad were asleep on

    the couch leaning on each other as every one else seemed to be on their way

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    to sleep.

    Well, Ive had it, she said, Im going to bed. Then a thought crossed her

    mind. No one will know, she scooped up a full glass of champagne and

    tasted it.

    This tastes good, she said and then drank the entire glass. Molly tried

    several of them and after the third one she decided it best if she went to

    her room.


    Harry knew that something was wrong when the light in Mollys room came

    on. Harry was wide awake and watched as she entered the room. Molly

    seemed to be quite giddy and would break out in giggles every little bit. Sheweaved a little bit as she scooped up Harry held him to her cheek. Harry

    noticed that she seemed a bit rougher with him and her breath did not have

    the minty smell it normally had.

    So, Molly said as she looked into Harrys great yellow eyes, my brother

    says you will turn into a prince if I kiss you. Well, lets just see.

    Molly put Harry to her lips and although Harry knew about kissing, it was

    something humans and many animals did to show affection. (yes, even frogs)

    But Harry wasnt sure whether she was going to kiss him or eat him. Molly

    appeared to not be herself tonight and it was making Harry nervous as he

    had no experience with alcohol.

    It was to late now to do anything and he had no idea what he would have

    done anyway. Molly put Harry to her lips and Harry put his hands against her

    lips to prevent her from swallowing him. She gave him a wet slobbery kiss

    and suddenly the room filled with white light. There was an explosion of

    silence. Harry fell to the floor with a splat. Almost immediately he was

    covered with a shower of white cloth. Inside the cloth something was moving

    and there crawling away from the gown was a beautiful frog about the same

    size as Harry.

    Molly? Harry said as he reached out and took her hand.Harry? She said with a dazed look on her face, what just happened?

    Molly looked around at her dress and then at her body, the effects of the

    champagne hadnt seemed to have carried through the transformation. Also

    she was able to understand and speak frog, and fish.

    Im a frog, Molly said with astonishment, and Im naked.

    Of course, Harry answered, we dont wear clothes.

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    Molly was in a total state, hopping about trying to cover herself with her

    hands. Soon she got a hold on part of her dress and wrapped it around her

    body. It took the better part of the night to get her calmed down and decide

    what to do. They had tried kissing and it had no effect although they enjoyed

    it and tried many times. It had became obvious that they would have to seek

    outside help. With a bit of coaching Harry taught Molly how to jump properly

    and they hopped onto the table to say good bye to Fenton.


    In a few minutes they had explained what had happened. Fenton looked sadly

    at the two of them on the table outside the tank.When you get back to the canal, Fenton said, tell Miss Ellie what has

    happened and ask her about the mermaids. They live higher upstream where

    the canal starts at the great lake. The mermaids know magic, they may be

    able to help. I wish I could go with with you but I fear I cant live outside the

    water long enough to make it to the canal.

    I will leave a note, Molly said, I just hope Benny understands.

    Molly found a scrap of paper on the desk and a short pencil, Harry helped

    her hold the pen and she scrawled a note telling Benny to please take the fish

    back to the canal and set him free.

    Molly hugged the tank as Fenton pushed himself against the glass.

    Good-bye, she whispered as she and Harry walked hand in hand to the

    edge of the table. They both jumped and landed on Mollys gown that lay

    crumpled on the floor. The landing was soft and they stealthily went out the

    door that Molly had conveniently forgotten to latch. Hand in hand they picked

    their way through the sleeping guests and made it out into the cool morning


    Harry and Molly lost no time getting to the canal and diving in. Even with

    great haste it was past daybreak when they dove in the water. There were

    various insects on the water including lots of mosquitos. Harry was startingto enjoy breakfast, his tongue darting in and out in a rapid motion. Molly,

    however seemed reluctant to try. But with some urging from Harry she tried

    it and found the insects quite tasty. The morning sun was rising and Harry

    found a warm spot on the bank, he and Molly sat and enjoyed the warm rays

    beating down on them. In the sunlight Mollys features became quite

    apparent. By frog standards she was very beautiful with large soft yellow

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    eyes and a mouth that curled up at the ends, even a bit more than Harrys.

    In a few minutes Miss Ellie swam up with her usual school and Harry

    explained what had happened and where Fenton was.

    I left a note for my brother, Molly said, I think he will return him.

    I hope so, Miss Ellie said irritably, you should not have taken him in the

    first place.

    Molly sat in silence and pulled herself tighter to Harry.


    There are mermaids that live by the great lake, Miss Ellie said, Whether

    they can help you or not I dont know, but they would know who can if there is

    such a person.Harry and Molly thanked Miss Ellie, she and her school turned and swam


    I dont think she likes me, Molly said.

    Thats probably because you took Fenton from her school, Harry quietly


    Sorry, Molly quietly said as tears welled up in her large yellow eyes.

    Its quite all right, Harry said as he pulled her tightly to him, some things

    were meant to happen. Besides I think Fenton will find his way home.

    Harry and Molly sat for a good while on the banks discussing their upcoming

    trip. It would be dangerous but it would be the only way they could unravel

    this mystery and turn Molly back into a human.

    Molly? Harry said, looking into her eyes.

    Yes? She answered.

    Shall we try that kissing thing again? he said, I rather enjoyed that.

    Molly said nothing as a large smile came over her face and she moved her

    lips closer to his.

    In a few minutes they decided it was time to start and they dove back into

    the canal. Side by side they swam toward the lake so very far away.

    You know, Harry said, its going to be up stream all the way.Not as long as we are together, Molly answered as she took his hand in

    hers and they swam in rhythm toward their destiny.

    Perhaps, Molly thought, it wouldnt be to terrible if I have to stay a frog



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    Harry and Molly swam together until the sun was high in the sky. The canal

    flowed to the east from one of the lakes high in the western mountains. Soon

    they approached a large weir system that diverted some of the water to

    another canal that went north. Harry and Molly climbed out of the canal and

    rested on the bank. The caught a few lies and had a great lunch together.

    They walked, and hopped around the control mechanism as the water was to

    turbulent to try to swim in.

    The two of them crawled out onto the concrete divider and perched on a

    large control wheel that was fitted on a vertical threaded shaft. Harry had

    no idea what the device was but Molly knew.Its a control wheel, Molly said, when turned it raises or lowers a valve

    that controls the water flow.

    Harry only nodded as he only understood part of what she said, he was sure

    that if he saw it he would understand. But he did know that to get close to

    the gate he could be sucked into it and send off in another direction.

    After resting a few minutes longer and eating a few more mosquitos (which

    there seemed to be an abundance of) they dove back into the water and

    continued their journey upstream They did notice by late afternoon that the

    water was getting somewhat cooler. By tomorrow after noon they should be

    close where the canal went into the mountainous area.

    So far they had not encountered any hostile opposition, they had saw a few

    snakes along the way but they were pretty much safe from them. This time

    of year the snakes generally only ate field mice. Apparently they tasted

    better and were easier to catch.

    Suddenly they were surrounded by large frogs, these frogs were more like

    toads. In fact, Harry thought they must be toads but he hadnt saw any that

    big before. Molly was frightened and stayed very close to Harry.

    You will come with us, the lead toad said. We will take you to our king.

    But we dont want to see your king, Harry said, we are travellers andjust passing through.

    That does not matter, the huge ugly toad said as the the others closed in

    around them. You will come with us by force if need be.


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    The lead toad was an ugly brute that looked more like a troll with a bad case

    of warts than any type of frog.

    Ouch, Molly said, as one of the toads poked her with a sharp stick he was

    carrying. She moved closer to Harry and wondered what was going to happen


    Move, the toad said that had poked her, do not dispute the leader.

    All of them were on the surface of the water and the leader turned and

    started to swim upstream. There was nothing Molly and Harry could do but

    follow. Any time they slowed down they would get a poke from the stick from

    the grossly ugly toad behind them. There were enough of them that escape

    was not possible.After nearly an hour the leader took them to a rocky area on the southern

    bank. There had been some sort of machinery located there in the past but

    had long since been removed and filled with rocks and boulders of various


    Harry and Molly were directed into a lagoon like area that had a lot of plant

    life growing on the surface, including some very large lilly pads. On the

    biggest pad there sat the biggest and most ugly toad of the entire bunch.

    So, what have you brought me, Snarf? The giant toad on the lilly pad

    croaked in a deep bull frog voice.

    Snarf? Molly thought, the lead toads name is Snarf? She thought it

    would have been funny if she hadnt sensed that they may be in great


    Two who say they are travellers, your highness Snarf answered in his

    baritone voice.

    Travellers, you say, the king said, his voice deep and resonant. I am King

    Warticus. No one travels though here with out my consent, and I do not give

    my consent lightly.

    Where do they get these names? Molly thought, but she also thought that

    the situation was becoming more dire by the moment.A toll, he said in a great booming voice that shook the pads around him

    and caused Snarf and the others to cower in fear.


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    It was about this time that Molly noticed the king had a silver crown, only it

    wasnt a crown but a silver thimble. Her mother had one like it at home.

    How did he get a thimble and how did he convince everyone it was a

    crown? Molly thought as she looked at the sewing thimble perched atop the

    head of the ugliest toad she had ever seen. Actually he was probably no more

    ugly than other toads she had seen but when she was human she took little

    notice of it.

    King Warticus ranted on for a good bit about his greatness, mainly because

    he had fought fire dragons to attain the crown he wore. Harry and Molly both

    realised that the King was barking mad which made their situation even more


    What would you have us do? Harry asked as they looked up at thedemented king who raged on, shaking the whole lilly pad.

    Do? He shouted, what would I have you do? I will have you pay a toll.

    He looked down at them with his great black eyes bulging insanely from his

    head. Even for a toad his eyes threatened to leave their sockets.

    Take them to the dungeon, he continued, his head shook in an

    uncontrollable spasm. I will decide later what toll they must pay.

    All of the toads gathered around and forced them into a small tunnel that

    ran upward out of the water but was closed off. They pushed a rock over the

    underwater opening and effectively sealed them in.

    Well, Molly said as they climbed up out of the water, now what?

    We wait, a voice in the darkness said.

    Who else is here? Harry asked, looking around in the darkness.

    I am Nimbus, the voice answered, Im a newt.

    Hello, Molly answered, Im Molly and this is Harry, were water frogs from


    Wait a moment, Nimbus said, there is some sort of moss that grows

    here and gives off light, you will be able to see shortly. Not real well but at

    least enough to get around.

    Sure enough in a few minutes their eyes adjusted and they could see Nimbusand each other.

    Now, Harry asked, do you know anything about this King Warticus?

    Only that he is mad as a hatter, Nimbus answered.


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    Where did he get that thimble? Molly asked.

    Thimble? Harry asked, looking at her.

    Oh sorry, Molly continued, they are a common item around our house.

    Evidently he has gotten one from somewhere and claims it to be a crown.

    You live with humans? Nimbus asked, his black eyes shining in the subdued


    Yes, Harry quickly replied, we were pets, Molly more so than me.

    Molly took the cue from Harry and nodded her head in agreement.

    So, Nimbus said, the crown is just an ordinary human article. I suppose

    the rest of it was all a lie also.

    That may be true, Molly said, but how do we get out of here?

    I dont know, Nimbus answered, Ive only been here less than a day and Ihavent saw anyway out.

    We could try to force the rock from the entrance, Harry said.

    But then we would have to fight the toads, Molly said.

    I dont think we are ready to do battle with them, Nimbus said, anyway,

    what does he want from you guys?

    Toll, Harry answered, but he hasnt decided what yet.

    Same thing he said to me, Nimbus replied. Only on the way in here I

    heard the guards say that he may trade us to the snakes.

    What has the snakes got that he would want? Molly asked with a frown on

    her face.

    I dont know, Nimbus answered, payoff perhaps, so they will leave him

    and his toads alone.

    Possibly, Harry said, all the more reason we need to escape.

    The three of them surveyed the area and looked for openings or loose

    rocks they could shift and probably make a way to the surface. The toads

    were more than a match for them in the water, but on the ground they were

    just lumbering beast that they could easily out manoeuvre. They had finally

    given up after they had searched every bit of the cave for a loose area they

    could shift.Look, Harry said, if we can get out of the entrance and get on dry land

    we can easily escape them. Maybe just go straight up the bank from the



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    The three of them made there way underwater to the entrance surveyed

    the stone that the toads had rolled in front of the door. They listened closely

    but did not hear anything on the other side. Harry looked at the other two

    and motioned for them to help him push. They had been able to wedge

    themselves under one side and push the stone back in the direction it had

    came. In a few minutes of stress and strain they felt the boulder shift.

    Slowly they shoved it until there was just enough room for them to squeeze

    out. quietly they pushed the boulder back in its original position. slowly they

    swam up to the surface and hopped out onto the rocks above the water line.

    The day had turned to night and it was very quiet, only the running water and

    the occasional call of a lonely frog broke the stillness.

    Nimbus said goodby and thanks to Harry and Molly, he had other places togo and he was already late. Harry and Molly set off up stream to put as much

    distance as they could between them and that crazy king toad with a thimble

    on his head. They finally got far enough away to where they felt it was safe

    and returned to the canal. They both burrowed into the soft mud together at

    the waters edge and went to sleep for the night.

    They awoke the next morning to the sun shining on them and the roar of

    King Warticus throwing a tantrum in the distance. They both swam upstream

    long enough to get the mud off, staying close to the shore in case Snarf and

    his cohorts showed up. After a good distance had been put behind them

    swam ashore amongst the grass. This stirred up many mosquitos and they

    buzzed into flight.

    Oh my, Harry said, breakfast.

    Harry and Molly had a feast and them climbed higher on the bank and

    enjoyed the sun. The Canal was taking on a more incline and the water

    running faster. Soon it would be to fast to swim in and most of the travel

    would be on foot.

    Harry and Molly sat side by side, she was holding his hand and leaning her

    head on his shoulder. They both were basking in the morning sun.

    Shouldnt I tell people I was once a human? she asked.I dont think it matters, Harry answered, but it will turn into long

    explanations that few if any will believe.


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    Harry and Molly continued their trek up stream toward the large lake that

    fed the canal. The going had became slower and there were fewer and fewer

    places they could actually swim. The water had became colder and although it

    wasnt cold enough to effect them yet it did seem to make them more

    sluggish. The wildlife that lived in the water became less and less and food

    was becoming scarcer. They did find that by moving small rocks in the canal

    bed they could find certain food types living under them. The canal was now a

    fast moving stream and was covered with trees that grew close to the edge

    of the water. Molly and Harry rested in a small area where the sunlight

    penetrated the dense forest.This feels good, Molly said as she and Harry sat in the warm sunlight. Do

    you think we can be to the lake by nightfall?

    I think so, he answered, if we dont have an incident of some sort.

    The two of them sat huddled together in the warm sunlight for few more

    minutes before it was time to move on.

    Why are you helping me? Molly asked, I captured you and your friend and

    put you in a tank. You could have just hopped away and I wouldnt have blamed

    you if you did.

    Harry had gotten to his feet and extended his hand to Molly who readily took

    and rose to stand beside him.

    Because I like you, he answered with a smile on his face, you were

    always kind to me and Fenton. There is no reason for me to dislike you.

    Molly gulped once and her eyes started to glisten with tears. She threw her

    arms around Harry and hugged him tightly.

    I like you too, she whispered.

    The two of them continued their journey along side the stream. The way

    was getting more difficult as they proceeded. They had to climb over slippery

    rocks and over branches that lay in their way.

    After a good while they approached a waterfall where the stream camecrashing down like thunder. The fall was not all that tall actually, however to

    the two frogs it seemed quite high. Alongside the water fall was an area of

    rough slippery rocks that would be difficult to climb. They thought that

    climbing the rocks would be faster and safer than venturing into the woods

    to go around.

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    They had made it half way up alongside the waterfall, slowly picking their

    way along the rocks. Harry was above Molly most of the time gently putting

    her feet in Harrys footsteps. Harry was better at being a frog than Molly

    and his footing was better. They had approached a wider area and Molly

    moved up alongside Harry. He extended his hand to her but when she reached

    to take it she slipped.

    Molly shouted long scream that Harry could barely hear over the falling


    Molly, Harry yelled as Molly fell back and struck a rock on the way down

    and bounced out into the waterfall. Harry watched in horror as Molly vanished

    into the crashing water. Harry fought the urge to dive in, first he must seewhere she was going to come out. After a few seconds, which seemed like

    forever he saw the limp body of Molly floating away in the still water at the

    bottom the falls.

    Please let her be alright, Harry said as he dived off the rock he was on

    and splashed into the water very close to Molly.

    Harry had one arm around Molly and was swimming toward the closest

    shore. He pulled her up on a flat rock out of the water. Harry laid Molly on her

    back cradled her head in his arms. He had no idea what to do, she was

    breathing ok but but her eyes were closed and mouth partly open.

    Please be ok, Harry whispered as he gently stroked her head and then

    bent down and kissed her on the lips. Mollys eyes snapped open and she

    gasped in a large breath. She sat up and coughed out a bit of water and

    started to breathe smooth again.

    Youre ok, Harry said as he grabbed her and hugged her tightly. I was so

    afraid I had lost you.

    Molly looked into Harrys eyes and saw a love there that she had not noticed

    before. She hugged Harry tightly afraid to let go she whispered.

    Thank you Harry, thank you so much.

    How do you feel? He asked.My right hip hurts, she replied, where I struck that rock when I fell.

    Harry had a concerned look on his face as he put his hand on her hip.

    It doesnt feel broken, He said, can you raise your leg.

    Molly slowly raised her leg and and harry smiled as they both realised that it

    was just a bad bruise.

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    Molly had a bad limp when she stood up and the pain shot through her hip

    when she tried to walk.

    We better stay here for a while, Harry said as he held her to keep her

    from falling.

    They made there way back away from the rocks where the bank was soft

    and muddy. Harry hollowed out a small area for them and Molly sat down in

    soft mud.

    That feels good, Molly said as the soft mud flowed around her bruised hip.

    Harry lay down beside her and let the mud flow over them both. Harry pulled

    her close and only their heads were visible as they looked at the sky

    overhead. It was late afternoon and darkness would soon be upon them.Harry spotted some flying insects coming their direction and hoped they

    would come a bit closer. Soon he was able to catch one, his tongue was so

    fast it was not even visible. But instead of swallowing it he raised his hand

    out of the mud and shook it clean, he then took the insect between his

    fingers and touched it to Mollys mouth.

    Open up, he quietly said as Molly crossed her eyes to look at the large bug

    Harry had offered her.

    Oh, you shouldnt have, she said as Harry smiled and dropped the bug into

    her open mouth.

    Thanks, she continued as she spoke around the insect she was trying to

    swallow. They caught several more bugs and had a nice meal as the forest

    grew darker and darker. They talked for a good while before sleep started to

    overcome them and they dozed off for the night.

    Morning came and the two frogs were still asleep until the woods were alive

    noise. There were birds of all sorts and along with chirping crickets and all

    sorts other wildlife.

    How do you feel? Harry asked as he and Molly raised up and shook the

    mud from themselves.

    Much better, Molly answered, my hip is still a bit sore though.The two of them dove into the water for a quick swim and get cleaned up.

    The sun shined brightly through the trees and it was going to be a wonderful

    day, as long as they didnt get captured. This time they would be more

    careful around the rocky waterfall.


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    The climb to the top was slow and away from the waterfall. Mollys hip still

    hurt some and she had to rest for several times during the climb. Harry took

    his time and helped her all he could.

    Finally they reached the top and before them stretched out a large lake.

    Harry and Molly climbed up and sat on an old log that had washed up against

    the shore.

    This is a beautiful place, Molly said, perhaps we should stay here.

    It is nice, Harry said, but you do want to change back, dont you?

    Im not sure anymore, Molly said, I like you and I like being here. and

    being a frog isnt so bad.Harry took Mollys hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

    You dont have a girlfriend somewhere, do you? Molly asked as she looked

    into Harry large yellow eyes. Those eyes had always fascinated her, even

    when she was a human.

    No, harry answered, Ellen used to run around with me and Eddy but after

    he got eaten she started going with another guy named philip. She really like

    Eddy but we sort of drifted apart with Eddy gone.

    Sorry to hear that, she said as she leaned against Harry.

    Yes, harry replied, Thanks, but things happen as they are meant to.

    How's that hip doing?

    It hurts some, and its still pretty sore, she answered.

    Let me see, harry said. Molly struggled to her feet beside Harry who

    remained sitting.

    Its swollen a bit, Harry continued as he put his hand on hip joint. Is this

    pretty sore right here?

    Yes, Molly replied, dont push to hard on it.

    Harry gently massaged the damaged area, the skin was bruised where she

    had struck the rock but not broken, that was a good sign.

    I think, Harry said, that all you need now is time and it will get better.Can you swim ok?

    It will be slow, she answered.

    When we get in the water, Harry said, you can put your arm around me

    and we can swim together and you wont use that leg. That will give it a rest

    and in a couple of days you will be as good as new.

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    Harry and Molly hopped off the log into the cold lake water, it was

    refreshing and felt good on her hip. She put her arm around Harry and

    paddled with her good leg and free arm. Together they made good time.

    Where are we going to? she asked.

    I think Ellie said that we should find a marker in the middle of the lake,

    Harry answered. Suddenly there was a flurry of activity and a large vicious

    head appeared next to them. It was some sort large fish with a row of razor

    sharp teeth. The mouth clamped down on Harry and wrenched him away from

    Molly. Harry had no more than slipped from her grip as the whole area was

    alive with fish of all types attacking the large one that had Harry in its grip.Harry, Molly screamed as the predators mouth opened and Harry started

    to slowly fall toward the bottom. Molly forgot all about her injuries as she

    dove to catch Harry. In a few seconds she had him in her grip and was pulling

    him toward the shore. Harry was not moving and blood was oozing from

    several places on his body.

    Slowly Molly pulled Harry ashore as her hip protested with a blaze of pain.

    She was openly weeping as she lay Harry on the sand on his back.

    Please dont die, Harry, she quietly sobbed as she put her hands on his

    injuries to try to stop the leakage. Please be ok.

    Suddenly the water split open and a Mermaid appeared, she flipped herself

    out of the water and landed next to Harry and Molly. She was about six

    inches tall which made a bit taller than Molly when she was standing. She had

    an iridescent silver blue tail from the waist down. From there up she had

    white flawless skin and golden hair, her eyes were deep blue. her hair and

    eyes sparkled in the morning sunlight.

    Without a second look at Molly she put her hands on Harrys stomach and

    said a few words that Molly did not understand.

    Hell be ok, wont he? Molly sobbed as she wrung her hands.

    The Mermaid leaned back from Harry and sat coiled beside him. She lookedup at Molly and smiled exposing a beautiful set of teeth.

    Why dont we let him tell you? She said in a soft, almost hypnotic voice.

    Suddenly Harrys eyes popped open and he took a deep breath.

    Oh Harry, Molly cried as she kneeled down and put her arms around his

    neck and hugged him tightly.

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    Easy, the mermaid said as she lay her hand on Mollys shoulder, let him

    breath for a moment.

    Molly released her grip on Harry and gently lay his head back on the sand,

    her tears were streaming down her nose and dripping into Harrys face.

    Molly? Harry weakly said, what happened ?

    We got attacked, Molly said, by this big fish, at least I think it was a

    fish. He bit you and I thought you were dead. Oh Harry I was so scared, I

    thought you were dead. I drug you ashore and this mermaid came and saved

    you. Molly was scared and excited and was talking faster than Harry could

    listen.Hell be ok in a few minutes, the mermaid said, I have to go now, the fish

    will not bother you again. He was not from here and has been sent away. Oh,

    and by the way my name is Amy.

    Im sorry, Molly said, I am Molly and this is Harry. Thank you for saving


    I know who you are, Amy said smiling at the both of them, weve had

    news of you both.

    really? Molly said, as Harry raised himself up to the sitting position.

    From who?

    Actually, Amy said, Miss Ellie sent word about what had happened and

    sent some fish to watch over you. They just got here a short while ago and

    just in time apparently.

    But we came to see you, Molly said.

    No, Amy replied, you came to see our queen, which you shall do shortly.

    Just wait here and rest for a bit and some of your friends will come and

    escort you to our castle.

    With that said Amy gave herself a flip and landed in the water,

    disappearing with hardly a ripple.

    Molly stumbled and nearly fell as she sat down beside Harry, her hip wasafire with pain but this is the first she had noticed it since she brought Harry


    Harry and Molly hugged each other tightly, with tears of joy streaming

    streaming from Mollys eyes. The pain in her hip seemed nothing compared to

    the joy of having Harry back, alive and healthy.

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    How is your hip doing? Harry asked as he pushed Molly back far enough to

    look into her eyes.

    It hurts some, she said, but its ok.

    I think we can get the mermaids to fix it for you when we finally get to see

    them. Harry said.

    Dont worry about my hip, Molly said, its you Im worried about. When I

    brought you ashore you had big holes in you and blood was running

    everywhere. I was so scared for you, I couldnt see how you were going to

    live. She hugged him tightly again.

    The mermaid fixed me up, I guess, Harry answered, but who are thesefriends that are supposed to meet us here, I wonder?

    Harry had got his strength back and could stand, once he got to his feet he

    helped Molly to her feet, she could hardly walk on her bad hip now. They went

    to the waters edge and Harry helped Molly set down in the shallow water. This

    made the pain ease up a bit.

    Harry sat behind Molly with his legs stretched out on either side of her and

    his arms around her middle. Molly had her hands resting on his and leaned her

    head back against his chest. It seemed that nothing was as bad as it was a

    little bit ago, they were alive and relatively healthy . They knew that they

    were safe now.

    Molly was starting to doze off a bit in spite of her pain which had eased up a

    lot in the cool water. Just then there was a ripple forming in the lake and

    harry was ready to drag Molly away from the water when a small minnow

    appeared at the surface.

    Fenton? Harry said as Mollys eyes sprang open. How did you get here?

    Hi guys, Fenton said looking at the two of them, You two are hard to

    keep up with.

    Benny set you free? Molly said in an excited voice.

    Yeah, Fenton answered, he came looking for you and found the note. Hethen got a cup and scooped me up and ran down to the canal and threw me in.

    I think they are all looking for you now.

    Molly had a sad feeling as she thought of her mum and dad worried sick

    wondering what had happened to her. But none of that could be helped now.

    How did you get up over the fall? Harry asked.

    Oh, theres a fish ladder on the south side, he said, didnt you guys see

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    No, Harry said as they both looked at Fenton, we must have missed it.

    How did you get away from Miss Ellie? Molly asked.

    I sneaked away again, Fenton said as another minnow swam up beside him.

    This is Fiona, he continued, she came with me.

    Hi, Fiona said in a nearly shrill voice. I just talked to Amy and she said to

    take you guys to the mermaids castle a the other end of the lake. Oh and by

    the way, Im happy to meet you, Fenton has told me so much about you.

    Thanks, Harry said, but it will be slow going, Molly has a hip that is

    pretty badly bruised and we will be slow.

    I thought Amy fixed you guys up? Fenton said.She didnt know about my injury, Molly said. I Was so worried about Harry

    I forgot all about it.

    Oh well, Fiona said, Im sure they will fix you up when you get there.

    There isnt going to be any more of those mean fish around, is there?

    Molly asked.

    Oh no, Fenton said, those are frankenfish, they swim up from the river

    through the spill gates attack the locals but this area has a good defence

    against them. I think that one has been dismembered and eaten by the guard


    I suppose we should get started, Fiona said, are you able to swim?

    I think so, Molly answered as rolled to one side and slipped into the water.

    Harry slipped in alongside of her and she put her arm around him they

    started to swim through the cool lake water.

    Follow us, Fiona said, As she and Fenton started out into the lake. Harry

    and Molly swam slowly behind them, she was barely moving her leg on the

    injured side. Her hip was very painful when she tried move her leg.

    The four of them could not help but notice how clear and clean the lake was,

    not at all like the water farther downstream in the canal. They swam for a

    good while and molly was hoping it wasnt much farther as her hip was now adull ache.

    There it is, Fiona said in her shrill voice, straight ahead.

    Harry and Molly stared intently into dark blue distance and saw some vague

    outlines of a stone castle in the distance. Molly was reminded of some of the

    things people put in their aquarium back home.

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    Harry and Molly swam up to the surface and took a quick deep gulp of fresh

    air. They could stay down for a long time now. Molly couldnt help but notice

    how fresh and clean the water and air was here in the mountains.

    Amy told me they have air pockets in their castle, Fiora said, so you

    wont have to worry about breathing.

    In a few moments they were approaching the castle and several mermaids

    came out to greet them. They were escorted inside where they met the king

    and queen.

    The throne room was great affair with a golden throne that shined in theartificial light given off by the plants. Instead of two separate thrones there

    was only one and it was wide enough that both of them sat upon it. Upon the

    throne sat the king and queen in their regal splendour. He was quite tall with

    light red hair and simple gold crown.

    At least he doesnt have a thimble on his head, Molly whispered to Harry

    who only smiled.

    A thimble? The king said as the queen put her hand on his arm. The queen

    was tall also and had beautiful long blond hair and light skin with green eyes

    that glowed in the light.

    So youve had a run in with old king Warticus, have you? The king

    continued. I am King Arnold and this is Queen Ann, we rule the mermaid

    kingdom and nearly all of this lake.

    Yes, the queen said as she looked down at them. We also have a

    daughter swimming around here somewhere, her name is Wendy.

    Now, King Arnold continued, tell us how you happen to know about Old

    King Warticus?

    Everyone sat in silence as Harry and Molly related their story of how they

    came to meet old King Warticus and Snarf.

    King Arnold leaned back and roared with laughter.Barking mad, the king said, hes pretty harmless so far but we may have

    to do something with him if he keeps this up.

    Is there something wrong with your leg? The queen asked as she saw

    Molly rubbing her hip. The two of them explained what had happened coming

    up the waterfall. Queen Ann sent for a healer and in a few minutes two

    mermaids arrived to work on Molly.

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    After a few minutes of the mermaids working over Molly with a laying on of

    hands and muttering a few incantations she was as good as new. The two

    mermaids bowed to the king and queen and disappeared in a flip of their tails.

    You two probably are ready for some fresh air, The king said, let us go

    to the upper throne room. With that said he rose to his full height along

    with his queen and started to swim upward. In less than a minute they were

    in a room that was filled with air and only several feet of water on the floor.

    The plants that grow here, Queen Ann said, give off air and light, we

    trap the air in here for people who cannot stay under water forever.This beautiful, Molly said, as her and Harry looked around at the art work

    that stood above the water level. Fenton and Fiona obviously could not come

    out of the water but admired the throne room as they swam close to the


    Harry and Molly climbed out of the water and sat on the edge of a stone

    step that was right at the edge of the water. King Arnold and Queen Ann

    stayed in the water and with a slight movement of their tails it looked as

    though they were standing in front of them.

    There is not much we can do for you, Queen Ann said sadly. It was frog

    magic that made you this way so it will have to be frog magic that will undo


    Where can we find this frog magic? Harry asked.

    You will have to go to the frog kingdom, King Arnold said, It is in another

    lake far to the west of here. I would send a guide with you but we cannot live

    out of the water for extended periods of time.

    We can make you a map, the queen said, but you are welcome to stay

    here as long as you like, but I suppose you are eager to become a human


    Molly had frown cross her face and she squeezed Harrys hand. Harrylooked at her and smiled.

    Ill miss you, he said.

    If I go back I will take you with me, she replied.

    Anyway, Queen Ann said, you must decide because I think the change will

    work only do one time.

    I really dont know, Molly quietly said as looked at all of them.

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    Suddenly the water broke open a splash and showered everyone. It was

    Wendy and two of her friends. Wendy was about half the height of her

    mother and had flame red hair. Her two friends had fair skin and very long

    hair. One was jet black with blue eyes and the other was a strawberry blonde

    with hair to her waist. She had blue eyes with a touch green. Molly was

    reminded of what she looked like when she was human.

    Wendy was a flurry of red hair that seemed to engulf her entire body as

    she swung it around to get the water from it. Mermaid hair is unusual as itseems to be dry as soon as they leave the water. They only have to shake

    the water from it and it looks like it was never wet at all.

    Wendy, her mother said, will you please be a bit more cautious, you are

    throwing water every where.

    And, the king said, this is, of course Wendy, our daughter and these two

    are her friends. The dark haired one is Penelope and the blonde is Melissa.

    They all smiled at Harry and Molly as Wendy leapt out of the water and sat

    beside Molly.

    Hi, Wendy said as she smiled at Molly, her oversized blue eyes sparkling in

    the light. They tell me you are from the human world, whats it like there?

    Ive always wanted to go but everyone says it to dangerous.

    Please Wendy, the queen said, control your self,

    Im sorry, mum, Wendy said, its just Ive never met anybody that has

    been to the human world before, this is so exciting.

    She has not exactly just been there, she is actually a human, the queen

    said as the other two mermaids swam in closer and looked at Molly with


    Youre really a human? Wendy said as her mouth fell open and she put her

    hand over her heart and leaned back.Yes, she said, it was through an accident that I got changed to a frog.

    Harry and Molly sat quietly and told the story of how her and Harry had met

    she became a frog. Fenton and Fiora swam lazily about the room and looked

    at the artwork. At the end of their tale Penelope and Melissa let out a loud


    That is so romantic, Penelope said in a misty far away voice.

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    Yes, melissa quietly agreed. King Arnold quietly rolled his eyes while Queen

    Ann only shook her head and said.

    Girls please.


    Wendy seemed to be in constant state of brushing her long red hair back

    from her face. Her body was smooth and very light, not fish white like Fenton

    and Fiora. She seemed to have a slight bronze tint to it and from the waist

    down she was a fish, of course. Her fine scales were an iridescent green with

    a wide flat tail. Wendy would swing her head around to clear the hair from her

    face and long red hair would be in a cloud of activity as it settled down

    around her shoulders an back.

    My mother would kill for hair like that, Molly thought to herself.

    Why dont you take them over to the chart house, the queen said, andintroduce them to Magnus. He can get them a map to the frogs kingdom.

    Yes, Wendy answered in an excited tone, come, follow me. We can be

    there in a few minutes.

    Wendy did a magnificent flip off the step and landed in the water with

    hardly a ripple. Molly and Harry dove in behind them and they all swam out of

    the room, Fenton and Fiona were right behind them.

    I wish we could go with you, Penelope said, but there is to much dry land,

    I dont think we could make it.

    It would be nice to have someone along, Molly said.

    In a few minutes they were going in a large stone building with an old

    merman leaning over a huge stone table. Every once in awhile he would quietly

    rise up and swim over the table looking at the maps that lie before him.

    Excuse me, Wendy said as they all swam into the large room.

    The old merman looked up and recognised Wendy. He smiled immediately

    through his old white beard.

    Wendy, He said, What are you and your friends doing down here? And

    you have brought a couple of frogs and two fish along, I see.

    Its the frogs, Wendy said, They are the reason we came. She, I mean

    Molly was a human but got changed into a frog and now Harrys, thats Harry,is trying to help her get to the frog kingdom so she can become a human


    And you need a map, he answered, my name is Magnus, he said,

    extending a hand.

    Molly and Harry both shook his hand while Wendy continued to talk about

    Harry and Mollys arrival.

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    Harry and Molly talked to Magnus for a good bit with Wendy constantly

    interrupting. Penelope and Melissa were watching and listening wide eyed with

    excitement. After a few minutes Magnus told them to wait there while he

    went and got them some charts.

    This is going to be so exciting, Melissa said, I wish we were going with


    Molly only smiled as Fenton and Fiora swam around them. the more Molly

    was around Harry and the water world the less she wanted to return. Here

    she had good friends and Harry was wonderful to her, and she thought itwould be nice to visit the frog kingdom anyway. Since her and Harry were

    both frogs and neither of them had ever been to the frog kingdom. Wendy

    and her two friends swan up to Molly and Wendy put her hand on Mollys


    Whats it like to be a human? Wendy asked as she looked at Molly with her

    oversized blue eyes.

    Its ok, I guess, Molly answered, it is certainly different. We have

    machines that do most of the work for us.

    How about make up? Penelope asked, her eyes wide with excitement, and

    all those things that girls do?

    Those are things grownups do, Molly answered, I wasnt old enough to

    know about such things.

    The three girls got a look of sadness on their faces and Molly couldnt help

    but feel she had saw Wendy before, but where? It was somewhere in the

    human world. Suddenly it struck her like a flash, she looked up at Wendy with

    a startled expression.

    Whats wrong? Wendy asked.

    You look like a mermaid I saw in the human world, Molly answered, she is

    in a cartoon world and makes movies.Was her name Ariel? Wendy asked.

    Yes, Molly replied, yes it was. But how did you know?

    One of the campers left a book here last year when they left and we found

    it. Wendy said.

    We thought it was a story about Wendy, Melissa said.

    Oh please, Wendy said, can you tell us about Ariel?

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    Molly started to explain everything about the cartoon princess and almost

    said that she wasnt real, but only a drawn cartoon. Suddenly she realised

    that such news might upset Wendy and her friends. Besides here she was a

    frog in a lake full of mermaids and this was certainly real enough. Perhaps

    the story of Ariel and all her friends were real also.

    Wendy and her two friends watched with wide eyes and moving their tails

    slowly as they stayed suspended in the water. Molly and Harry sat perched on

    the chart table telling them the story of their hero Ariel. Several other

    Mermaids and fish had gathered about and were listening intently.In a few minutes the story was interrupted by Magnus returning with an

    armload of charts that he placed on the table in front of Harry and Molly.

    Sounds like I am missing a good story, he said as everyone swam in a

    little closer.

    I was telling them about Princess Ariel, Molly said as Magnus rolled out

    one of the charts.

    It was ever so good, Wendy said, when can you finish the story?

    Oh, Molly said, this is a story that can never be finished, there are new

    adventures every day.

    Ok everybody, Magnus said, you all can tell stories later, right now we

    need to plot you a course to the frog kingdom.

    Harry and Molly stared at the chart as wendy and her two friends hovered

    over them. Fenton and Fiona along with several other mermaids swam

    overhead. Magnus explained the direction they must take into the western

    lake. Getting across the river would be the most dangerous area as it was

    where the Frankenfish lived. There was a long tract of dry land bordered by

    by a heavy forest that another small river ran through that fed the lake.

    They were to travel up the river to the frog lake, but that took them though

    the fairy realm.Fairies, Molly said, they have fairies here also?

    Of course, Magnus said, we dont see them often because no one likes to

    cross the dry area. In fact you guys may want to carry water with you.

    Are the fairies friendly? Molly asked as he looked at the map.

    Fairies are always friendly, Magnus said, but whether they will help you

    along the way is unknown.

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    There must be a better way across this dry area, Harry quietly said to

    himself as he looked at the chart.


    Soon they had figured out where they had to go, getting there was the

    problem. The mermaids were not much help, never having been out of their


    Do you know the name of the frogs home? Molly asked as she looked at

    the map alongside Harry.I think its just frog lake, Magnus replied.

    Now that you mention it, Harry said, what is the name of this lake?

    This is mermaid lake, Wendy said, even the humans call it that when

    they come up camping.

    They all studied the map and once Harry and Molly had it memorised Magnus

    rolled up the charts and returned them to their proper places. The two of

    them had no idea when they were going to leave but they thought tomorrow

    would be a good day. Until them a nice soft muddy place to sleep would be


    Wendy and her friends stayed close by and listened anxiously to everything

    Harry and Molly said. Molly told some more stories about Ariel and all the

    mermaid children listened intently. She thought it was a good thing she had

    saw all the movies so she had plenty of material to keep the children


    The day finally came to an end with Harry and Molly curling up together on

    the shore. The mermaids had all returned to their deep water homes and the

    lake became smooth and quiet.

    Does she ever stop talking? Harry whispered to Molly as held each other

    tightly.Ariel? Molly answered smiling at Harry, I dont think so. Ive never known

    anyone to talk so much and so fast.

    Theyre good kids, Harry said, but I think they are driving the queen


    Harry and Molly help each other and drifted of into a nights sleep

    The next morning they awoke to the sun shining though the leaves on the

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    trees an reflecting off the water in silver sparkles. The activity of the woods

    was quiet noisy as birds of all types were calling to one another.

    I wonder, Harry thought, maybe the birds can carry us over the dry

    area. He would run it by Molly and get her opinion.


    Harry and Molly were soon wide awake and had a breakfast of gnats that

    seemed to be in abundance around the edge of the water.

    I wonder what Mermaids eat, Harry said as he licked his lips clean.

    Perhaps we should ask Wendy.

    Im sure we would get a full days sermon about it from her, Molly said


    Anyway, Harry continued, what do you think about maybe trying to get

    some of the birds to give us a ride across the dry area?I dont know, Molly answered in a surprised voice, do you think they

    would, and dont birds eat frogs?

    Not all of them, he answered, maybe the pigeons or some one that size

    could carry us easily.

    Lets ask the mermaids, Molly said, surely they would know.

    Harry and Molly dove into the water and swam toward the mermaid castle in

    the middle of the lake. It didnt take long until they were surrounded bay

    mermaids, mostly young and a mixture of boys and girls. Word had spread

    about Harry and Molly. Especially Molly who used to be a human and told

    stories of what is was like the human world.

    I wonder where Wendy and her friends are, Molly whispered to Harry. One

    thing about whispering, it doesnt work under water, everyone hears what

    you say.

    They will be here shortly, a young boy said, who was close by. he had a

    shining boyish face with freckles and a shock of strawberry blond hair that

    was cut reasonably short but still floated in water as he moved.

    Yes, an excited girl cut in, the queen insisted she have a good breakfast

    before she left, Penelope and Melissa are with her.

    Are you guys friends with the birds? Harry asked as he looked at peoplegathered around.

    Some of them, the boy answered, who had spoken earlier, And some we


    Yeah, the girl added, her blue eyes sparkling in the morning sun that

    filtered down through the crystal clear lake water. Most of them are nice

    but some will try to eat us.

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    We would like to catch a ride from them, if we can, Molly said.


    You will have to speak with the king and queen about that, another girl


    Are there any other frogs that live her? Molly asked.

    A few, the freckle faced boy said, but not many, Im surprised that they

    havent been up here to see you.

    Wed like to talk to them, if we could, Molly replied.

    Ill see if I can find some of them, another redheaded Mermaid girl said as

    she swam away.

    I suppose, Harry said, we should get on over to the castle and see the

    king and queen.

    Soon they were all swimming toward the castle which was not far away. Byhuman standards the lake itself was not that large, but to the beings that

    lived there it was quite huge. They had nearly arrived when they met Wendy

    and her two friends swimming toward them. In a few minutes they had all

    joined up.

    Hi, Wendy said as she swam up along side Molly. I wanted to come and

    see you sooner but mom made us eat first. Have you decided when youre


    No, Molly answered, not yet but we want to know if we can get some

    birds to maybe carry us across the dry area.

    We may be able to do that, Wendy answered, we have a pigeon friend

    named Homer who might help, but I dont think he could carry both of you.

    You better talk to your father before you ask Homer, Penelope said.

    Yes, Melissa agreed, you remember what happened last time.

    What happened, Harry asked as everyone listened, they were very close

    to the castle now.

    She had Homer give her a ride, Penelope said, and they went way high

    and out over the dry area.

    Yes, Melissa added, and the king was furious, he said if something would

    have happened she could have died before before she got back to the water.It was worth it though, Wendy said, the flight was great, birds are so

    lucky to fly.

    But you were confined to the castle for a week, Melissa said.

    It was still worth it, Wendy retorted.


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    In a few minutes they were inside the castle, all the mermaids had swam

    away except Wendy and her two friends. They escorted Harry and Molly into

    the royal chamber where the king and queen were.

    Well, King Arnold said, welcome back. Did you have a good night?

    Yes, Molly answered, it was wonderful. It is so peaceful up here.

    Can I get you some breakfast? Queen Ann asked.

    No, Molly answered, we ate before we swam over.

    Have you decided when you are leaving? the king asked, as he looked at

    the two of them.

    Soon, Harry answered, but first we would like to ask you a question.

    And what might that be? The king said as he looked at Queen Ann and

    them back at Harry and Molly.A ride, Molly said, Harry seems to think we may be able to catch a ride

    with some of the birds to get across the dry area.

    King Arnold only stared at them for a few seconds and then looked at

    Wendy, who flushed a red color and looked at the floor, her hands clasped

    together at her waist.

    I suppose that would be ok, the king answered, but you understand the

    dangers of flight? You could be dropped, injured or stranded. Im sure that

    Wendy could help you talk to the birds about it.

    Wendy smiled and looked up at her father.

    Thank you father, she quietly whispered.

    Just dont get any crazy ideas about going with them, the king said as he

    looked straight into his daughters eyes.

    Of course not, Wendy laughingly said as swam up and hugged her father

    and kissed him on the cheek.

    In a few minutes they all said good bye to the King and Queen and swam

    outside to join all those who were waiting, including several frogs. They were

    soon joined by Fenton and Fiona and swam of into the distance.

    You know, of course, the queen said, Wendy and her friends are probably

    going with them.Yes, I know, he answered with a sigh, but what can I do?

    Nothing, she answered as she hugged him tightly, she is so much like



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    Soon they were at the far side of the lake and the mermaids leapt out of

    the water onto the sandy shore. Harry and Molly joined them along with

    several other frogs. They had introduced themselves to the family of frogs

    that had joined them. They could tell them nothing of importance as they had

    never left the lake, nor had they ever had anything to do with the frog

    kingdom. They enjoyed where they lived and got along well with the other

    inhabitants of the lake.

    Now, Wendy said, if I can contact Homer we will see what we can do.

    She put her pinkie finger from each hand in the corners of her mouth gave

    out with piercing whistle that echoed through the forest.

    Nearly everyone covered their ears and a few gave out with an audible


    Hey, of the girls said, warn us next time you that.

    Sorry, Wendy quietly said as he looked to the sky. In a few minutes there

    was a motion in the trees not far from shore. They all watched as a greypigeon flew into view and landed close to Wendy.

    Wendy, the pigeon said high pitched raspy voice, how are you?

    Great, Wendy said as she hugged him around the neck. He, in turn wrapped

    his wings around her.

    Sorry about getting you in trouble last time, He said, I thought I best

    stay away for awhile.

    Its ok, she answered, but we need your help, this is Harry and Molly and

    we need to get them to the frog kingdom. Homer looked at the two frogs and

    smiled at them. This is most difficult for birds because there beaks are solid

    and one has to look behind the beak to see the smile.

    Homer listened intently as they all explained what had happened.

    A human, Homer said, you used to be a human? My grandfather worked

    with humans, he was a messenger during one of their wars. They treated him

    well and even made him a hero. They gave him some sort of medal that is still

    in his old nest inside the humans house.

    Really? Molly said, Id like to see it sometime.

    Im sure I can show it to you, he answered, but for now how many of you

    need a ride?

    Five of us, Wendy said before anyone else could speak.


    Five of us? Harry and Molly said as they looked at each other and then

    back at Wendy whos bright red hair was blowing softly in the wind.

    Of course, Wendy replied, you two, Penelope, Melissa and myself. That

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    makes five.

    But your father said-, Molly started to say.

    Oh yes, Wendy interrupted, I know what he said, but this is the

    adventure of a lifetime and were not going to miss out on it.

    OK, Homer said, drawing out the phrase in long syllable. Where, exactly

    do you want to go?

    To the frog kingdom, Molly said, we need to see the king about reversing

    this spell that I am under.

    Or not, Her and Harry both whispered silently to each other.

    I cant take you to the kingdom because we cant land there, Homer said,

    it is forbidden for birds to land there because so many birds have eaten the

    frogs. It has became their sanctuary. I can drop you of by the fairies realm

    and you can swim up stream the frog kingdom, you will be safe with the


    That sounds good, Harry said, Will there be enough water for the threemermaids to swim all the way?

    Yes, Homer answered, the river is not that big but there is plenty of

    water. We can probably be there in a couple of hours.

    How soon can we leave? Molly asked.

    I think I can have a crew together in about an hour,Homer answered.

    Everyone agreed that would be good and Homer flew away to find his

    friends. Harry and Molly sat on the beach and told the rest of the group what

    it was like to be a human while they waited.

    I want to see if the frog king can turn me into a human, Wendy said as

    she tossed a small pebble into water.

    Really, Penelope said, you want to be a human?

    Not permanent, she answered, just for a little bit. I want to see what it

    is like.

    Its not a great as it sounds, Molly said, Im not all that sure I want to go


    Then why are we going to the frog kingdom? Melissa asked.



    Because its an adventure, silly, Wendy laughingly said as she pushed on

    Melissas shoulder, causing her to tip over sideways and splash into the lake.

    Melissa popped back up to the surface and with both hands splashed water

    toward Wendy. Unfortunately she missed Wendy and the water splashed onto


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    Hey, Penelope shouted as she dove into the water. Both girls were

    giggling and splashing about when Wendy dove in and joined then. Soon

    everyone there was involved including some of the frogs. Harry and Molly sat

    on the shore and watched everyone play in the water. In a few minutes they

    had all settled back down and came back ashore.

    Youre serious, Wendy said to Molly as she sat next to her. Her tail

    stretched out and lay in the water. You dont want to become a human


    Im not sure, Molly answered, This is such a nice place and I like being

    with harry. But I do want to know what happened and change back if I want


    Maybe, Wendy said, they can change Harry into a human also.

    Harry and Molly looked at each other and then at Wendy, everyone sat in

    silence waiting for Molly to say some thing. Penelope sat next Harry as He

    sat very close to Molly. Melissa sat behind Molly and all the others weregathered in close. Some of the frogs and other mermaids sat in the water

    near by. Several young girls lay on the edge of the shore with their elbows in

    the sand and their heads resting their hands, their tails stretched out in the

    water behind them slowly moving in the water.

    I think it has turned into a quest, Molly said, the corners of her mouth

    curling up into a smile.

    Yes, Wendy said excitedly, not just an adventure but a quest. This is

    going to be so exciting.

    Not as exciting as it is going to be around here, Melissa said, as she put

    her hand on Wendys shoulder and leaned close to her. When your father

    finds out you have gone.

    I dont think our folks are going to be all that excited about us leaving

    either, Penelope said.

    Well, Wendy said, its to late now, here comes Homer with his friends.


    If this works out for us, Wendy said, we will be back before they even

    know weve left.Everyone was watching the sky as a flock of birds came flying closer and

    closer. Soon they had all landed near by with Homer landing in front of

    Wendy. Homer was taller than Wendy when he stood up straight, but not by

    much and the mermaids could not stand to their full height outside the

    water. There were two rather large birds that Molly immediately recognised

    as young eagles, apparently they were friends of Homer. There were many

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    other birds along for the adventure including many bluebirds. They fly with

    them and watch over the operation in case anything went wrong.

    Homer introduced all of the flock to everyone and neither Molly nor Harry

    could remember all those names. The ones they did remember were the two

    eagles whose name was Odin and Thor. Odin would carry Harry and Molly and

    Thor would carry the three mermaids. None of them on the ground had ever

    flown before except Wendy. Molly had, as a human flown on an airplane once

    but she doubted that it would be anything like riding on the back of a eagle.

    Odin spoke everyone first and his voice was deep resonated similar to an

    echo. He explained that he and Thor were out fishing for Frankenfish when

    Homer came by and asked for a favor.

    Frankenfish? Molly said, you eat Frankenfish?

    Yes, Thor said, his voice deep with an echo chamber quality to it, Homer

    tells us of lake that you want to go to west of here.

    Weve heard of it, Odin interjected, but weve never been there. We willgladly take you there.

    That way we will have new fishing waters, Thor added. Everyones heads

    were turning back and forth from Odin to Thor as the generally both spoke


    Frankenfish a really disliked by everyone in the water world, Homer said,

    the frog kingdom and the fairies realm will probably be glad to have you.

    Anyway, Odin said, when you get on my back come up forward of my

    wings and sort get under the feathers a bit and hang on. Dont get to high in

    the slipstream, if you get blown off I will try to catch you with my feet, but I

    cant guarantee I wont puncture you with a talon.

    This didnt make Harry feel good, remembering being bitten by a

    Frankenfish earlier.


    Are we ready? Wendy asked. Everyone looked around and nodded in


    Ok, Odin said, as he lowered his neck down to the ground, Climb on,Harry and Molly both gave a jump and landed on Odins back. They made

    there way to the area just in front of his wings. Molly was amazed at the

    softness of Odins feathers.

    Oh that tickles, Odin said with a shudder as Molly and Harry parted his

    feathers and crawled closer to his skin.

    The three mermaids had a much harder time getting on Thor as they had no

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    legs and feet to climb with. But with the help of Homer and the other

    mermaids they managed to get aboard. In a few minutes they were ready for

    take off.

    Are we all ready? Thor asked.

    Yes, everyone answered.

    Then let the adventure begin, Wendy shouted as the two eagles started

    to flap their wings. In a few seconds they were in the air and they felt ground

    give away and they were gaining altitude. Molly and Harry hugged each other

    tightly and although the take off was a bit rough, once they were in the air it

    became very smooth and Odin only moved his wings occasionally and mostly

    just glided.

    How are you guys doing back there? Odin asked as he banked a little to

    the left and they could see the land far below.

    Great, Molly said, this is wonderful.

    They looked over and saw the three mermaids sitting on Thor, Wendy was infront of Melissa and Penelope. She had her head up and her arms out facing

    into the wind. It looked as though she was trying to fly as her long red hair

    blew back in the wind. The two behind her huddled closer to Thor but their

    hair still blew back into the wind.

    Look at Wendy, Molly said as she leaned against Harry.

    I hope she doesnt fall off, Harry said as they looked at the country side


    I think she has flown more than we were told, Molly said as they both

    became a bit braver raised up farther and looked around.


    The view was magnificent although they had to squint because their eyes

    were large and not designed for looking into the high wind. They marvelled at

    how great it was to be able to look around and see for what appeared to be

    forever. They were many other birds of varying species flying with them.

    Molly couldnt help notice how great the bluebirds looked in flight swooped and

    dived. Homer and a couple of other pidgins flew close to Thor. Molly

    suspected that may be because they thought Wendy might fall off.The flight went for on for nearly an hour when Odin finally said.

    There it is, the lake where we will drop you off.

    Where? Harry said as he stretched his head up and looked into the


    You will see it pretty soon, Odin said, Our eyes are the best in the bird

    world. We can see for miles.

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    Molly and Harry both strained their eyes to look off into the horizon. Molly

    noticed that the Mermaids were staring into the distance also.

    There it is, they heard Wendy shout as she pointed off in the distance.

    Are we the only blind ones here? Harry said as he and Molly stared into

    the distance.

    Wait, Molly said excitedly, I think I see it, She moved her head against

    Harrys and pointed off at the horizon. See the bit of blue in the distance?

    Yes, Harry said, I think I do.

    Odin and Thor had stopped flapping their wings and went into a slow glide

    toward the lake. All of the other birds stayed alongside.

    Im not going to land Odin said, I will slow down get close to the water and

    when I say jump you guys dive for the water.

    In a few minutes they were close to the water and Thor was along side on

    their left. They both made a sharp bank to the left and yelled, jump.

    Harry and molly let go of Odins feathers and made a leap into the air. Bothof them made a beautiful dive side by side into the lake. The three mermaids

    did the same. They were a magnificent sight with their tails straight and they

    long hair trailing out behind them. Harry and Molly landed in the water with a

    smooth splash but the three mermaids disappeared into the water with

    hardly a ripple.

    Soon they had gathered at the surface with the birds circling close by in

    case there was any trouble with the Frankenfish.

    Ive changed my mind, Wendy said, I want to be an eagle.


    Where shall we go? Molly asked as they looked around the lake. They were

    a good ways from shore but they could see some trees and rocks in the


    Lets go there, Wendy said, pointing toward the distant rocky shore

    where the trees hung over the edge of the water. It will give us some

    protection in case there are some bad things in the water.

    Everyone struck out for the shore, the mermaids were excellent swimmers

    and just by moving their tails they could attain a great speed. Harry and Mollywere very good also, being frogs they could easily keep up with the

    mermaids. In short order they arrived at the shore with no problems.

    Harry and Molly leapt out of the water and sat on a large rock that was

    partially submerged in the water. In a few seconds they were all out of the

    water and setting on the rock in the warm sunshine.

    That was really great, Penelope said, I could really get addicted to

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    Yes, Wendy agreed, Homer used to take me up lots of times until we got


    I thought you had flown before, Molly said, we were watching you from

    Odins back and you looked like someone who had been in the air fairly often.

    When you were human? Melissa asked, did you fly a lot?

    Once, Molly answered, we went to visit my grand mum and we flew in a

    large airplane. It wasnt the same, and not near as much fun.

    By the way, Wendy said, what do we do now?

    According to the maps, Harry said, we need to go upstream past a

    water fall and then we will be in the frog kingdom.

    What of this Fairy realm? Penelope asked.

    I think it starts right here at this tree line, Molly answered.

    I wonder where the Fairies are? Melissa said as everyone looked around.

    I wonder where Homer is, Wendy said, he wasnt with us when we flewinto the lake area.

    I bet he probably went to meet the fairies, Molly said.

    Or, Wendy replied, he went ahead to the frog kingdom.

    Suddenly there were several sparkling gold lights appearing around them,

    the fairies had arrived.


    The small gold sparkles danced around them and appeared to be made of a

    glowing dust. it was impossible to tell how many there were. After a few

    moments the sparkling dust coalesced into four fairies.

    Hi, they all said in a high pitched voiced. Welcome to the Enchanted

    Forest, home of the fairies.

    Hello, Harry said as they looked at the four fairies that had just landed in

    front of them. This is Molly and I am Harry, the others are Wendy, Penelope

    and Melissa. Each of the mermaids smiled and raised her hand as Harry

    mentioned her name.

    yes, the fairy closest to Harry said, we know who you are. Homer told us

    and explained why you are here. I am Stardust and this is my friend Meteor,we are sky fairies. These other two are Raindrop and her friend cloudy, they

    are water fairies.

    Were so glad to meet you, the others said in unison then broke out in


    Sorry about that, Stardust said, we all seem to talk at the same time

    when we get excited.

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    The fairies seemed most excited about the mermaids and hovered around

    the three girls. They had seen lots of frogs since they lived right next to the

    frog kingdom but this was the first mermaids that had ever saw.

    May I touch your skin? Raindrop asked Wendy.

    Of course, Wendy replied, may I touch your wings?

    Raindrops wings were soft and felt like silk to Wendy. Raindrop gently

    touched Wendys tail and was amazed at the fine soft scales that seemed to

    stay wet even though they had been out of the water for a good bit. There

    was little difference in the hair except that the mermaids hair seemed to dry

    a bit faster than the fairies.

    I suppose, Stardust said, that we should escort you to the castle. You all

    can swim with Raindrop and Cloudy. We will meet you there.

    Swim, Wendy said, you swim as well as fly?

    Of course, Cloudy said as he got to his feet, were water fairies you

    know.The three mermaids dove in the water along with Molly and Harry. Raindrop

    and Cloudy joined them, they were all about the same size and were about

    equal in swimming ability.


    The two fairies were excellent swimmers and reminded Molly of the

    professional athletes on a much smaller scale. Their wings were folded back

    against their body and were hardly visible at all in the water. Mostly their

    hands and arms were at their side and they moved much the same as the


    Penelope, Melissa and Wendy could not help but show off a bit because in

    the water there were none better than the mermaids. They would do loops

    and swirls then pop out of the water and dive back in with hardly a ripple.

    Thats ok, Raindrop said, smiling at Cloudy, they still cant fly.

    And they are not nearly as good looking, Cloudy added as he smiled and

    swam close to Raindrop.

    And we are neither, Harry said as he smiled at Molly.

    As far as looks go there were little difference in the mermaids and theFairies except the fairies had legs. Both had flawless skin and long hair that