HARRISON ON PLANNED PARENTHOOD 04 ...storage.cloversites.com/gloriadeilutheranchurch2/...Satan will...


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“It is the deadly hatred with which Satan attacks Christ. It is the thirst for a vengeance against Christ, which Satan cannot satisfy. It is the anxiety before Christ the judge. It is the rage of the fatally wounded beast.” — Rev. Hermann Sasse’s sermon on the Fourth Sunday after Trinity, 1942

Tuesday morning, the Center for Medical Progress released another video exposing Planned Parenthood and the evil and immense pain that occur inside its clinics. The video is graphic. Little arms and legs are ripped from tiny bodies. They are callously referred to as “specimens,” sold at a price.

Jesus warned us about this. He reminded us that the devil would be hard at work, seeking to devour hearts and minds. He told us the world would try to silence His Word of life, and that His truth would be shunned. Satan will stop at nothing to rage at Christ, even if it means murdering the tiniest of people and selling their bodies for profit.

But God is not silent. He has a word for us, too. He comforts us in the knowledge that the devil’s attempts are desperate and futile, for Jesus came to save people, regardless of their size. He reminds us that He has “overcome the world” (John 16:33) and “came that [we] may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). His point? Satan is fighting a losing battle, and he knows it.

So also, we pray, is Planned Parenthood. Its leadership can make excuses and attempt to justify its actions, complain that the videos are edited or that the Center for Medical Progress isn’t a legitimate organization. The chatter doesn’t matter. In Christ, the tide has already turned. God is not silent. He will not allow Satan to prevail.

Continued on Page 2


August 2015 | Volume 22 | Issue 8

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and Academy | Davie, Florida

Te Deum


Seminarian Spotlight


Birthdays and Anniversaries




Bible Studies













Even now, He is causing young people to rise up, no longer content to let this genocide continue. His Church is standing up, too, as congregations and individuals show mercy to those who suffer the emotional pain of an abortion and come alongside moms and babies in financial and spiritual need. LCMS Life Ministry carries on its joyful work as well, supporting crisis pregnancy centers, providing educational life materials, teaching youth about chastity and working closely with our friends at Lutherans For Life and the National Pro-Life Religious Council.

Satan will roar for a time, but his evil, murderous ways won’t last. Sasse reminds us, “Before the power of Jesus the unbridled power of Satan has to stop,” for Jesus “takes the dominion of the world away from Satan.

“Satan cannot overpower us,” Sasse continues. “He cannot stand before this Lord Jesus. That’s why he rages.” Be comforted. Pray boldly. Speak bravely. Defend life. Act courageously. Let your frustration and disgust be turned to prayer and action on behalf of our littlest neighbors, for Satan cannot win, and God is not silent.

By Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison President The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

LCMS DENOUNCES PLANNED PARENTHOOD Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We logged on to the Internet and Facebook yesterday only to be hit with a sickening story: undercover video footage seemingly implicating Planned Parenthood in the sale of the body parts of aborted children.

In the video, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discusses how she adjusts abortion procedures to procure certain parts of a child’s body, even as she notes that “we’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver.”

Listen long enough, if you can handle it, and you’ll hear her suggest that such items could eventually be listed on a Planned Parenthood “menu” for affiliate organizations to purchase for a price.

Later in the day, Planned Parenthood released a “nothing to see here” kind of statement, asserting that the discussion was merely one revolving around a patient’s right to donate tissue, as with any medical procedure. But why does Nucatola then mention the costs of body parts (“Thirty to one hundred dollars,” she says)?

Lord, have mercy.

If what Nucatola says is, in fact, the truth, we as Christians cannot allow this story to go untold or be buried by the media. We simply cannot remain silent while the reprehensible act of killing a child in the womb is made even worse by selling portions of that child’s dismembered body simply because there is a market for them.

Continued on Next Page


Speaking up about the shameful act of killing children — as well as harvesting their body parts — may be uncomfortable. We may lose friends and create awkward tension at work. Our professors may mock us, and our family may roll their eyes at us. If that is the case, so be it. Because as Lutherans, as Christians, we are for life, no matter the cost.

As Lutherans, we confess that every life has value, that it has worth, that it matters … from the moment of conception until natural death occurs. We confess that what Nucatola calls “17-weekers” are actually children — with beating hearts and little moving fingers and toes.

We confess that even the tiniest of humans are just that — regardless of what scientific term the culture uses to make them seem like something less. We confess that they are created in the image and likeness of our Lord Himself. And we confess that because of Him, their hearts and lungs and livers matter, no matter how small they might be.

We also admit our own failings in this regard. Where we have failed to speak and act for life, we repent. Where we have not cared for mothers in crisis-pregnancy situations, we ask for forgiveness. Where we have thought more of ourselves than giving to an organization that can assist those moms and babies, we are sorry. Where we have been apathetic to this pandemic of death, we grieve.

But we are not without hope, because our Lord is for life too.

He is so pro-life, in fact, that He has given His own life for us, even as He has laid it down for these tiniest of children. Where their short lives are taken, He offers up His willingly. Where their little bodies are sold, He gives His freely to us at His holy table for the forgiveness of our sins.

Today let us confess life with renewed vigor — to our friends over supper, through letters to the editor of our local paper, by writing our congressmen, in tweets and emails to Planned Parenthood, on our Facebook pages.

Let us pray that our Lord would bring an end to abortion altogether and that He would stop the horrible sale of infant bodies.

And let us pray that He would forgive us, renew us and bolster us to make a good confession in season and out of season: one that is always, no matter what, for life.

Rev. Bart Day, executive director Life and Health Ministries LCMS Office of National Mission



Operation Barnabas is the LCMS’ network of care to our nation’s military members, families and veterans. We reach out to all branches of the military with a special emphasis on our Reserve members and their families. For more information, go to www.lcms.org/OperationBarnabas


By: Alexander Blanken

“For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. Through Him then let us offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name.” (Hebrews 13:14-16) Te Deum laudámus: te Dominum confitémur. Te ætérnum Patrem omnis terra venerátur. What does this mean? “We praise You and acknowledge You, O God, to be the Lord.” (LSB 941, Stanza 1) What does it mean to acknowledge God? Jesus says to us, “I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.” (Luke 12:8-9) At first, when we read our Lord’s words, it seems that we must do something to secure our salvation. However, the word homologeó means so much more than to simply acknowledge. The Greek word �μολογέω bears more meaning than our English word: acknowledge.

“Acknowledge”, ὁμολογέω (homologeó) – (a) to agree; (b) to confess; (c) to publicly declare; (d) to praise or celebrate. (Strong, J. (1890). Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Abingdon Press.)

After reading this, you may be asking yourself: Which definition is correct? The answer is: ALL OF THEM. Put simply: In order to agree with Christ (that is, His teachings), to confess Christ crucified, to publicly declare or witness before or men, or to praise or celebrate what God has done; we must be given faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. For all of these things proceed from faith and are evidences of faith. John writes of this, “By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.” (1 John 4:13-15) It is therefore evident that God has granted us faith and Christ now lives within us (Galatians 2:20). It is also evident that this faith has been given to us as a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9). Therefore, when we sing the Te Deum (LSB 941), we are not simply singing a song. We are confessing, by faith, the confession of the Church that has been passed down through time, through the proclamation of his Word. When we sing the Te Deum, we confess with the entire church the testimony of Christ. This is evidenced in Stanza 2: “The band of the apostles in glory sing Your praise; the fellowship of prophets their deathless voices raise. The martyrs of Your kingdom, a great and noble throng, sing with the holy Church throughout all the world this song: “O all majestic Father, Your true and only Son, and Holy Spirit, Comforter forever Three in One!” Continued on Next page



What is this confession? Stanza 3 goes on, “You, Christ, are King of glory, the everlasting Son. Yet You, with boundless love, sought to rescue ev’ry one. You laid aside Your glory, were born of virgin’s womb. Were crucified for us and were placed into a tomb; Then by Your resurrection You won for us reprieve. You opened heaven’s kingdom to all who would believe.” Therefore, when we gather in Church, we are not merely singing. We eat the divine feast of our Savior’s body and blood and we proclaim his death and resurrection until he comes again. We join with the entire host of heaven in singing God’s praise. This is why we say: Preface: “It is truly good, right and salutary that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to You, holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting, who in the multitude of Your saints did surround us with so great a cloud of witnesses that we, rejoicing in their fellowship, may run with patience the race that is set before us and, together with them, may receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. Therefore with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven we laud and magnify Your glorious name, evermore praising You and saying:” Sanctus: “Holy, holy, holy Lord. God of Pow’r and Might. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.” Therefore, we have the comfort of knowing that our God is faithful. He has given to us His Word and it shall never pass away. He has preserved the church and kept His promises to His people, and will never forsake us nor leave us. This is why Higher Things is important. Higher Things is not simply a youth retreat, or a summer camp. Higher Things is our Te Deum. Higher Things is our confession. When our youth hear the Word of the Lord, sing His praises, or receive the sacrament of His body and blood, they are acknowledging Christ, they are confessing their faith along with the entire church; whether it be here at Gloria Dei, or in Las Vegas, or to the ends of the earth. Thanks be to God that he provides for His church and His children; thanks be to God for His holy Word and those who teach it; thanks be to God for the gift of faith; and thanks be to God, who has given us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ! Alleluia! So, we wait with patience for the time to come, praying (Stanza 4): “You sit in splendid glory, enthroned at God’s right hand; upholding the earth and heaven by forces You command. We know that You will come as our Judge that final day; So help Your servants You have redeemed by blood, we pray; May we with saints be numbered where praises never end, in glory everlasting. Amen, O Lord, Amen.”


By: Annie Blanken

The Conference began and ended the same; with a Divine Service, joining all believers together in the presence of God. There was shock and awe at the sound of all our voices singing together, praising our Creator. We sang eight hymns while the entire church body received the Sacraments. From experiencing “Higher Things” first-hand, we know now why our youth are so intent on attending.

Not only did we have Matins in the morning, and Vespers in the afternoon, but we also closed each day with Evening Prayer. Between worshipping and hearing God’s Word, we had the opportunity of choosing Breakaway Sessions, taught by Pastors, Deaconesses, and other talented teachers. We were catechized about such topics as “Science and the Faith”, “Christ in the Old Testament”, “A Lutheran View of Depression”, “Fallen Relationships” and “Addiction and Grace”.

Each night, the youth had a 2-3 hour window of Free Time, which included a variety of fun activities, such as: a Chalk Art Contest, a Talent Show, a trip to the Las Vegas Y.M.C.A. (complete with outdoor pool & slides, indoor basketball court, workout gym, and rock-climbing), karaoke, and laser tag. This was a chance for everyone to let loose and meet new people from other congregations, as well as strengthen relationships within their own youth group.

An influential part of this trip was being able to talk closely with our youth group about the entire experience; the services, the topics discussed in Breakaway Sessions, and in general—life. Each one of our youth go to a different high school, where they have struggles with friends who don’t understand or share their beliefs. When they come to Church on Sunday morning, or attend an event like Higher Things, they’re reminded of the grace of God; that they are never alone, and that God has a plan for their lives.

Thank you for supporting our youth to Higher Things: Te Deum! We greatly appreciate your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial gifts. We’re looking forward to next year in Tennessee!



Busyness is the new black. It’s stylish. We spend an inordinate amount of time comparing how busy we are with everyone else. We compare our schedules, our kid’s schedules, how productive we are and how much we have because of it to everyone around us. And if we don’t do or have what the next guy does or has, we just get busier and produce more so that we can.

This consumes our conversations and thoughts. And this should give us pause: Who is consuming whom, here? Are we the consumer or are we those consumed? It’s no accident that our adversary the devil is described as a lion prowling around seeking to devour us, to consume us. He gives us the liturgy of this world, the liturgy of productivity and consumption. For if he can keep us busy in “muchness” and “manyness,” he can be satisfied.

And this is why the Lord, after finishing all His work of creation, rested on the seventh day. This is why He established the Sabbath day—to give His people rest from all their work. As they rested, He continued to work for them, to satisfy them, to fill them with His gifts—food from heaven by His Word and Promise.

That day came when from our Lord's cross and in His death, He proclaimed, "It is finished" (John 19:30). And so His work of redemption was complete. And so His body rested in the tomb, the belly of the earth. Though He is the Lord God who always works, yet as the Lord rested on the original Sabbath, now Jesus kept the Sabbath by resting in the tomb and rising from the dead to live forever. For this is why He came. This is why He became man: to draw all to Himself so that He could give rest and refreshment to the weary and the heavy laden.

The Sabbath is a gift, not a burden. It is a gift of time free from the liturgy of this world, the liturgy of productivity and consumption. Sabbath is time for rest and refreshment, a time free from anxiety to enjoy the gifts God gives, all of them—His Word, His Promises, His Sacraments, His creation, everything. It is a foretaste of the rest we shall enjoy in heaven.

Sadly for many of us rest has become work. It’s become drudgery. We long for it but we aren’t able to do it because there’s so much to be done and so little time to do it. But really what’s the rush? Why are we so hurried and harried? Have we forgotten that Jesus is raised from the dead and lives forever?

Sabbath is God's gift of time free from all of the anxiety and hurry of this world so that we can rest, be refreshed by the gifts God gives. Society won't do it for us. They are addicted to the liturgy of productivity and consumption. Though we are in the world, we are not of it. We are the people of God, His own children by water and Word, joined to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus lives. And so shall we. So rest in the promise of our Savior that sin, death, and time have not hold on you because Jesus is raised from the dead. Jesus lives. And so shall we, forever.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry http://www.lcms.org/stewardship



It Is God Who Calls Us In spite of our sinful ways, God calls us to be His workers. The Word tells us that Jesus did not pick people from the elite of society. His disciples were peasants, fishermen, and even a tax collector. Certainly God can use anyone He chooses and we need to remember that even though we may not have accomplished worldly significance, broken any records or won any phenomenal awards, God uses and transforms us into workers for His Kingdom. There is no greater honor or privilege than to be chosen by God. In the Gospel, John says, it is Jesus who does the choosing. "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit." John 15:16

Blessings on your Stewardship Journey


Some of us retired (but you don’t have to be) members met for lunch and talk and discovered an exciting new ministry, THE CARD MINISTRY and decided through the use of used greeting cards to create new cards (you need to attend to learn about the “greeting”). Some cards will be used as an evangelistic outreach, others in care and concern and others in “just thinkin’ about you”.

The group meets on the first Tuesday of each month, beginning in September.

The intention is to have “speakers” or “presenters” on many different issues and also to create greeting cards.

If you are unable to attend, please do save “used” cards and place them in “The Card Ministry” basket in the narthex.

Besides all of the above, we enjoyed the time and each other.

“We’ve a message to give to the nations, that the Lord who reigns above has sent us His Son to save us, and show us that God is love”




Things have been really busy over here in St. Louis since I last wrote. Leah's grandmother passed away this last week. Leah really loved her grandmother, and it's been hard for Leah not having any family nearby. Aside from that, Leah has been doing really well at her job at Webster Gardens Lutheran Church. She and I have been talking about starting a church communications consulting firm.

July was a busy month. I recently became a chaplain assistant for the summer. Pr. Kevin Ogle visited us over a weekend and my parents, Dan and April Sessa, visited us for almost a week. Seeing familiar faces is always a blessing for our family. Confessions 1 ended and I earned an A! Confessions 1 covers the creeds, Augsburg Confession and Apology of the Augsburg Confession. In Confessions 2 we have to memorize the first three parts of the Small Catechism.

As far as the kids, we are trying to keep them cool because it is hot hot hot.

Thank you for all your love and prayers,

Sam Sessa Seminarian

Please send correspondence to the Sessa family at: Sam, Leah, Ben and Charlotte Sessa, 27A Founders Way, St. Louis, MO 63105

Dear Gloria Dei Family,

This summer quarter has been much less stressful than the spring quarter. We completed our first abbreviated class on Confessions I, and I received an “A” in the class. Right now we are getting close to wrapping up the whole quarter and completing Confessions II and Hermeneutics. It’s been a great experience to learn with some of our Synod’s best theologians, Dr. Arand and Dr. Voelz.

Melissa is doing well with the babies and Devin Jr. is learning new ways to communicate via grunts and yells. Penny’s vocabulary is increasingly daily and she seems to be starting to try and speak in short sentences. We’re so proud of all the things she’s learning.

Overall it’s been a pretty quiet and restful time for us. I’ve registered for my fall classes and I’ll be taking five great classes that I’m very excited about. As always, keeps us in your prayers. God bless.

The Murphy Family

Please send correspondence to the Murpy family at: Devin, Melissa, Penny and Devin, Jr. Murphy 7C Founders Way, St. Louis, MO 63105



HERE’S WHAT’S COOL IN SUNDAY SCHOOL Our summer session is well under

way and will run each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. through August 30th.

♦One year olds through Kindergarten will meet in Room #32

♦First Grade through Fifth Grade will meet in Room # 18

Students will learn about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as we cover thirteen Bible lessons from the Old and New Testaments. There will be games, crafts, and fun as we discover more about our awesome Triune God.

CAMPUS MINISTRY Gloria Dei Lutheran Church is an official Chapter of LCMS-U! All College~University and Graduate Students…The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Campus Ministry works through LCMS U, an initiative to connect and support Lutheran students as they head off to college and face countless challenges to their biblical worldview, doctrine, ethics and practices. LCMS U also provides a place to connect and encourage parents, congregations and campus ministries as they seek to care for students, so that all can boldly bear witness to Christ on the nation’s college campus. For

more information, go to www.LCMS.org/LCMSU and listen every Wednesday to “Student Union” at www.KFUOam.org Contact Pastor Poulos for more details!



By donating just $80.00, a sponsored child will receive a backpack and food to take home with them every weekend for an entire year. These children are not far away; they are right here in our community at Davie Elementary. And, Yes! You can sponsor more than one child!

Interested? Make checks payable to “Gloria Dei” and designate “Blessings in a Backpack” in the memo section of the check. Checks can be placed in the donation box in the Narthex or in the offering plate.Need more information? Contact JoAnn Schweiger (954) 600-9150

The Student Union is a radio show for college students, as well as all those who work with, love, and care for them. Join us each week as we explore the many and diverse issues that college students face as well as offer ideas and support for everyone engaged in campus ministry in and around the collegiate community.

Wednesdays at 3pm Eastern Time on www.kfuoam.org Host Rev. Marcus Zill is the Director of Campus Ministry & LCMS U. for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS). Learn more about LCMS Campus Ministry at www.lcms.org/lcmsu. Archived shows at www.kfuoam.org


NEWS FROM GLORIA DEI ACADEMY The summer has flown by and very soon we will be entering our 37th year of Christ-centered education! Our Orientation Open House will take place on Sunday, August 16th, and will begin at the 10:30 a.m. Divine Service with the Blessing of the Backpacks. We’re looking forward to our school families having the opportunity to meet our church family as we share lunch and treats following the service. Our school parents will then visit the classrooms for their Parent/Teacher Orientation. The kindergarten through 5th grade will begin school on

Monday, August 17th, and our preschool will begin on Monday, August 24th. Please keep our teachers, staff, students and their families in your prayers as we kick off another school year. We have been busy this summer with various improvement plans throughout our campus. There have been technology updates, painting and repairs, playground updates, and we have done an extensive remodel to classrooms 2, 3 and 4 in our preschool wing. We are grateful for your faithful support and invite you to take a look around to see all the exciting improvements for yourself. Gloria Dei Lutheran Academy offers child care and education beginning at 6 weeks old all the way up through 5th grade. Space is still available in most of our classes so please help spread the word. We have something special to offer students – a quality, Christ-centered education in a loving, Christian environment. Information can be found on our website, www.gloriadeiacademy.org, or interested parents may call the school office at 954-475-8584.

Au g u s t 2 0 1 5 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9am LWML Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open

2 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:30am-Divine Service

3 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm-Investment Committee 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study

4 2pm-Prayer Shawl

5 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm Divine Service 8pm Christianity 102


7 8 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open

9 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:30am-Divine Service

10 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study

11 12 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm Divine Service 8pm Christianity 102

13 14

15 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9am LWML Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open

16 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:30am-Divine Service 12 Noon-Academy Open House / Orientation

17 Gloria Dei Academy First Day of School 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 6:30pm-School Board Meeting 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study

18 6:30pm-Church Council

19 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm Divine Service 8pm Christianity 102

20 21

22 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 10am-LWML Movie

23 8am-Blood Drive 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:30am-Divine Service

24 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study

25 26 9:30am-Joyful Hearts—Women’s Bible Study 10:30am-4pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm Divine Service 8pm Christianity 102

27 28

29 8am-Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open

30 LWML Bake Sale 8am-Divine Service 9:30am-Sunday School 10:30am-Divine Service

31 9:30am-1:30pm Thrift Shop Open 7pm-”A Longer Look at the Lessons” Bible Study

BIRTHDAYS August 2015

Gary Von Alven 8/5

Lisa Cameron 8/9

Melanie Grimmett 8/11

Ethan Josephs 8/11

Barbara Reitsma 8/12

Debbie Dell 8/13

Fran Fletcher 8/16

John Woodrum 8/18

Mark Macioce 8/18

Kelly Watkins 8/18

Casey Gifford 8/19

Wil Gifford 8/19

Alison Rubin 8/21

Millie Paterson 8/22

Wolfgang Heiden 8/23

Alex Harbar III 8/24

Peggy Janzer 8/24

Eleanor Steinberg-Ryan 8/24

Adoline Northrup 8/24

Bob Brave 8/26

Robert Travers 8/26

Emilie Malinowski 8/27

Max Elam 8/27

Charlotte Sessa 8/28

Karem Munsey 8/28

David VanSteenberghe 8/29

Ronald Cusumano 8/29

Jacqueline Bernhardt 8/30

Casey Larsen 8/30

Paulina VanSteenberghe 8/31


Gary and Pat Von Alven 08/04

Decker and Joan Lee 08/07

Ronald and Jennifer Cusumano 08/10

Sam and Donna Croup 08/12

Robert and Elsie Kohler 08/13

Ken and Nancy Hughes 08/14

Harry and Anne Pope 08/15

Stanley and Karen Stenzel-Nowicki 08/15

Ainsworth and Millicent Patterson 08/19

Carl and Wilma Bishop 08/31

In our June 2015 Gloria Dei Congregational meeting, we formally adopted the Rev. David Preus family as our missionaries to the Dominican Republic.

Thousands of miles from grandparents. Food that goes out faster than it goes down. Mosquitos armed with nasty diseases. Subpar education systems. The list goes on and on of things for missionary parents to worry about. Why would anyone put their kids through that? … hardly an invalid question.

Multiply those concerns by six, and you’ll get an idea of what the Preuses are up against. Within a matter of months Rev. David and Jenny Preus and their six children will be moving to the Dominican Republic (DR) as missionaries of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). While it’s not going to be a small feat to uproot Hans, Rebekah, Rolf, Lena, Søren, and Leif from the comfort of Montana to the “locura” of the DR, David and Jenny are listening with great joy to God’s call for them.

David began thinking about international missions after a conversation with Rev. Dan McMiller of the LCMS Office of International Mission. As the pieces fell into place, he was slotted to serve as a theological educator in the DR. There are currently three pastors—Rev. Joel Fritsche, Rev. Willy Gaspar, and Rev. Ted Krey—serving in the country with a fourth, Rev. Sergio Maita, arriving July 31. Only one of these four, Gaspar, is a national or non-missionary pastor.

As is the desire for all countries where LCMS missionary pastors serve, eventually Dominican national pastors should replace the missionaries as the pastors of the Dominican Lutheran church. David’s task will be to form these pastors through teaching seminary courses to eager men of the congregations. David got to meet some of these men during a visit to the DR in April, just three months after he completed missionary orientation in St. Louis, Mo.

While the kids didn’t go with him in the spring, they have already experienced some major changes. For the duration of the support-raising process and the completion of David’s dissertation, the family is staying in a dormitory reserved for missionaries at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Although his in-laws have expressed concern about maintaining stability during the transition, David is pleased that Jenny and him have been able to serve as stabilizers.

Once the family arrives in the DR the role of stabilizer will be needed more than ever, but there will still be plenty to enjoy. As the kids look forward to seeing new animals, David is excited to teach “Dominicans to think about Jesus the way Jesus reveals himself to all people in the Bible.”

So many false teachings as to who Jesus is and what He has done for us need to be cut through. He doesn’t need His mother to serve as a middleman between us and Him. He doesn’t demand nine days of prayer for our deceased loved ones. And He didn’t come to Earth just to be an example of good behavior. Jesus came to do it all. He obeyed the command of His Father to leave the comfort of Heaven, die on the cross, and rise from the dead to save us, worthless sinners.

What Jesus did was excruciating, and now we give thanks for those who are willing to withstand difficulties to share with the world what He did. We thank God for David and Jenny’s readiness to take on the nearly endless list of concerns of missionary parents so that others may spend eternity with Him.

To learn more about the Preuses and help send them to the DR please see their online giving page at lcms.org/preus.

Written by: Daniel Fickenscher | LCMS International Blog


Rev. David and Jenny Preus and their six children will soon move to the Dominican Republic, where David will serve as

a theological educator.



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Did you know? The Dominican Republic was discovered by Christopher Co­lumbus in 1492 on his first journey to the New World.

Make Disciples! In Matthew 28: 18-20, Jesus sent His first missionaries with one simple command: "Make disci­ples!" But He did not leave them without specific instructions on how to do that. How are disci­ples supposed to be made?

First, by baptizing them in the name oftbe Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Sec­ond, by teaching them to hold on to everything Jesus commanded them. And by God ' s grace that ' s what we missionaries do more than 2,000 years later. What a comfort to know that Jesus is with us always and until our journey send!



www.lcm .o rg/preu

iFeliz Dia de Ia Independencia! Dear friends, welcome to our June/July newsletter! With the sizzling summer months ahead we anticipate with thankful hearts the celebration of our nation ' s independence. The Preus family also looks forward to two months of travel through Iowa and Indiana. We pray that God would grant us all safe travels and much happiness along the way. It will be nice to see many of you! We invite all of you to continue following our journey!

The Truth Makes us Free!

As we look forward to this Fourth of July and the celebration of our nation ' independ­ence, we are thankful for the freedom we have to worship the one true God who saves us from our sins. The Dominicans, too, celebrate their day of independence from 22 years of Haitian rule on February 27. The Dominican flag has the distinction of being the only flag in the world with an open Bible on it. If you were able to look closely, you would find it open to Jesus ' words in John 8:29: " And the truth will make you free! " But what is this truth? And what is this freedom?

The truth is not something that may have been true 150 years ago, but now needs to be adjusted to the standards of the day. God ' s Word is truth. I don ' t know what the Dominicans were think­ing when they depicted an open Bible on their national flag, but this Bible was cer1ainly true before our great na­tions were founded and it will be true long after they have passed. And this is the truth that makes us free.

Jesus is not talking about political freedom here. He is talking about a real freedom of conscience that comes from hearing and believing the message that our sins are forgiven for Jesus ' sake and our heavenly Father accepts us as his children. This is our freedom : God accepts you no matter how great your sin, whether you are American or Dominican, whether you are able or disabled. We have this freedom not be­cause of anything we have done for ourselves. Jesus says: " lf the Son sets you free, you are free indeed (John 8:36). We are sons for the sake of the Son, who saved us by His blood and sons abide in the house forever. In this house we are free to live with ,._ our Lord in His kingdom and serve Him in everla ting righteou - °" ness, innocence, and blessedness. This is most certainly true!


Prayer Requests

Give thanks for the work that is already being done in the Dominican Republic by the grace of God.

Pray for the pastors, deacon­esses, and the entire missionary team currently working in the Dominican Republic, along with their families.

Pray for the Preuses as they travel to raise support for their mission work in the Dominican Republic.

Pray for mission and mercy to abound in the Dominican Republic and throughout the world .

Support Our Work

Share this Newsletter with friends and family.

1w;11 https://www.facebook.com/ Preus.Dominican and check out the Latin American facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/ LCMSLAC

Support our mission work financially. (See bottom right.)

Mission and Mercy Mission and mercy go together. Through baptism God made us members of Christ' s body, the church. And now that we belong to one and the same body we show mercy to every­body. Martin Luther commenting on 1 Cor. 10: 16, 17 puts it this way: "This is obvious: if anyone' s foot hurts him, yes even the little toe, the eye at once looks at it the fingers grasp it, the face puckers, the whole body bends over to it, and all are concerned with this small part. Again, once it is cared for all the other parts are benefited' (Ma11in Luther, "The Blessed Sacrament of the Holy and True Body of Christ"). Likewise, in our Dominican churches the body of Christ "bends over' to show mercy towards all those in need!

Reflections from Home ... by Jennifer It's hard to believe spring is past, and we' re already in the middle of summer. The kids are busy learning Spanish, mastering their swimming skills, enjoying VBS, and playing with their new friends at the seminary. I thought this month it would be nice to put the missionary perspective into their words.

Question : ' What is your favorite thing about being a missionary kid so far?

Hans {11): " I' m excited to go to another coun­try and fly on an airplane for the first time."

Rebekah (9): 'That we' re getting to go to a lot of new places and I' m making a lot of new friends."

Rolf (7): " I I ike that we get to move to the Do­minican Republic. And I like all the toads we find in St. Louis. "

Lena (5): " I like swimming lessons and eating strawberries and popsicles. Oh, and learning to ride my bike without training wheels."

S0ren (3): " I like living in our new house.' [S0ren not pictured.]

Leif (I): "Uhsztt Adababa" (indiscernible, but cute baby talk)

jAdios! We are very grateful to God for your prayers, Christian encouragement, and financial support. We invite you to stay with us and follow our journey to the DR. Farewell! In Christ' s love,

Rev. David Preus

To support our work financially, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod P.O. Box 66861 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 Make checks payable to The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod or LCMS. Include

"Preus-Dominican" in the memo line. Gifts can also be given securely online through

the LCMS website at www.lcms.org/preus.


In our June 2015 Gloria Dei Congregational meeting, we formally adopted the Rev. Adam Lehman family as our missionaries to Spain.


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Lehman Family Newsletter

We are on our way to Spain! This letter will keep you updated as we start on the road to overseas mission service.


Photo from our visit to Faith Lutheran Church (Roanoke, IN)

Dear Mission Partner,

Well, another month has flown right by! We have found ourselves traveling into Indiana over the last month, and we were very encouraged by all of the wonderful folks that we met during this trip. The zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was apparent in every place that we were blessed to visit. It is an exciting thing to have met so many new partners in mission that have a genuine joy for proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ crucified to the people of Spain!

We have also been working very hard with our wonderful tutor, Luis, and we seem to be grasping the Spanish language pretty well. It is certainly a lot of work, but we really are enjoying it. And we are also greatly encouraged to sense that we are making some progress! It is indeed a very thrilling notion to think that I will soon be preaching the Gospel in the Spanish language!


Photo fmm our visit to Concordia Lutheran Church (Fort Wayne, IN)

How to Contact and Support Pastor

Lehman Blog:


Follow on Facebook: Like the page

"To Spain, With the Lehman Family"

Email: adam.lehman@lcmsintl.com

Giving Page: www.lcms.org/lehman

You may support my work with a tax­deductible gift on my Giving Page

(listed above), or with a check payable to "The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod." Be sure to include "Lehman­

Spain" on the memo line, and send to:

Mission Central, 40718 Highway E-16

Mapleton, Iowa, 51034

Coming Up Next During the month of July we will be visiting parishes in North Carolina and Tennessee! One of the great blessings of building a network of support has been the great encouragement that we have received from those whom we have visited. We are excited to meet many new partners in NC and TN!

We have also begun the visa process so that we can be cleared to move to Spain! It is a very cumbersome process ... more on that later!

Prayer Requests As always, I would like to thank all of you who have been praying for us. We have received a great sense of peace knowing that so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ have been praying for us during these days of support building and traveling. Please continue to pray for our safety as we remain on the road gathering more partners to support the important work that is to be done with the mission to Spain.

Please also continue to pray for Rev. David and Shelee Warner, who are already in Spain. They have already done a great deal of work to help prepare the way for our journey to Spain. As they continue to settle in, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Please also continue pray for your brothers and sisters in the Lutheran Church over in Spain. We are indeed one Body in Christ Jesus!

And finally, thank you for your continued support. I am humbled that you would take the time to read this newsletter. And I am grateful for your continued support for the mission to Spain!

The Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Adam Lehman



A big thank you from the Gloria Dei Thrift Shop goes to all who have given us donations of clean, usable items. Because of your generosity we have been able to share our proceeds with others. During the past fiscal year (June 2014 - July 2015) we were able to accomplish the following:

Monthly contributions to Gloria Dei Church and Academy:

General Fund -- $400.00

Emergency Fund -- $300.00

Scholarship Fund -- $100.00

Quarterly contributions:

Seminarian Sam Sessa -- $250.00

Seminarian Devin Murphy -- $250.00

Additional one-time donations:

$500.00 -- Rev. Randy Blankschaen, Pensacola, FL who lost his entire library in a flood;

$300.00 -- Mattress for a family in need;

$300.00 -- Pastors’ anniversary lunch (October 2014);

$275.00 -- Gift cards for Thrift Shop volunteers;

$1,000.00 -- Seminary Fund

$325.00 -- Each to Sam Sessa and Devin Murphy; traveling expenses;

$1,000.00 -- Gloria Dei Youth Group -- Higher Things Conferences (2)

$300.00 -- Masinelli Farewell lunch;

$500.00 -- Cheryl Massinilli, Thrift Shop manager, farewell love gift;

$75.00 -- Gloria Dei Academy Yearbook advertisement;

$200.00 -- Davie Elementary School shoe drive;

$200.00 -- Sanctuary paneling;

$1,775.00 -- Cash love gifts to each GD Church and Staff member

In addition to these gifts, we pay for all expenses required for the the upkeep of the Thrift Shop building. Again, thanks. We could not do this without you!

The Thrift Shop Board of Directors



Being a part of a GriefShare grief recovery support group….

“I’ve never been to a support group like this before. I don’t know what to expect.”

Most people quickly feel comfortable and accepted in their GriefShare group. They discover there are others who have the same kind of feelings they do and who understand the hurt they feel and the loss they have experienced. Here is an overview of the GriefShare experience:

You’ll probably feel a little nervous about going to GriefShare the first time. Those feelings go away quickly for most people, usually during the first session they attend. GriefShare is a warm, caring environment designed to help you. What we discuss stays confidential….it is a safe haven for you.

You’ll discover there are people who understand your hurts, emotions, and painful experiences! When someone you love dies, it’s common to feel isolated. In GriefShare, you’ll find that you are not alone, that there are others who understand what you are going through.

You’ll learn helpful, practical information that will help you recover from the pain of grief and loss. The GriefShare DVD videos feature top experts on grief recovery subjects and case studies of people just like you, who have been through the grief experience.

You’ll have the chance to talk about your experiences. It can be very healing to tell others what you are going through. The support group sessions include a time to talk about what you have seen on the DVDs. And while you have the opportunity to tell your story, there’s never pressure for you to do so. And all that is shared, stays confidential within the group.

You’ll have a workbook for personal study and to write down things you’ve learned. The workbook provides opportunites to jot down DVD comments, further study about the grief process and personal reflections about your grief. The weekly journaling questions help you sort through your emotions. You can tear out and carry with you the perforated “Care Cards” for words of encouragement during the lowest points of your day.

You’ll begin to gain acceptance in your loss. It’s sometimes hard to move on in life when you are still dealing with the grief and emptiness that happens after a loved one dies. You’ll learn how to go through a healthy season of grieving, then begin transitioning to emotional and spiritual wholeness. We call this “your journey from mourning to joy.” A “new normal” life is found.

You’ll become part of a “family”. GriefShare group members often tell us that they feel like their group has become a family, that they made new friends and are around people they can relate to.

You’ll discover hope for the future. While things may look bleak now or have been bleak in the past, you’ll learn ways to restore your hope and rebuild your life. Many GriefShare alumni tell us the program helped them move from deep grief to peace and a sense of joy again.

GriefShare at Gloria Dei will meet in the Chapel on Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 6:15 pm with welcome time and registration at 6:00 pm. Registration fee is $ 25.00 which covers the cost of the workbook, Resource Manual, and your Tool Box. Scholarships are available. For more information, give us a call: Judy Herman, Millicent Patterson, Linda Malone, Rachel Klockow or Marian Fowler.

In His Service, the GriefShare Team




Women of Gloria Dei! The LWML District Fall Retreat in St. Pete Beach, FL,

September 25-27, 2015 is around the corner. Registration deadline is August 31st

If you would like to go please see the purple table in the hallway by the narthex (Evangel) or online at

www.flgalwml.com for more information.

Mites- Keep collecting your mites! There are still several mission grants that need to be filled like, Concordia Seminary, (CSL) Food Bank (St. Louis, Missouri), Financial Assistance for Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, IN. Food and Clothing Co-Op to Purchase Food, Trinity/HOPE (Haiti), Church Bus for the Lutheran Church of Nassau (Nassau, Bahamas), Feed My Sheep (Woodstock, GA), Stepping Stone Mission (Duluth, GA), Brevard Rescue Mission at Casa Carol - A Helping Hand (Melbourne, FL), and Muslim Mission Society Development (Orlando, FL). If you are in need of a mite box please see the purple table.

For the 2019 LWML Convention in Birmingham, AL, our Florida-Georgia District is one of the hosting districts. As a fundraiser we are collecting ink jet, laser jet printer cartridges as well as cell phones, digital camera, e-readers, tablets, laptops, etc. For a full list of items we are collecting please see the purple table.

Saturday, August 22nd Movie with Munchies! 2 p.m. Sunday, August 30th Bake Sale September 25-27 Fall District Retreat October 17th Fall Rally at Gloria Dei! (70th Anniversary of the Gold Coast Zone!)

I want to thank you for all the prayers as Marcia Gomulka, Darla Schulte, Bruce Caruso and I traveled to Des Moines for the National Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention. It was up lifting and very enjoyable! We voted to fund $2 million dollars for mission grants for 2015-2017. Please take a look at the highlights on www.lwml.org. Again thank you for keeping LWML in your prayers and keep those mites coming in! Serve the Lord with Gladness! Ps. 100: 2


Gayle Caruso

President LWML, Gloria Dei 23


Please join the women of the

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

Saturday August 15th, 2015 at 9 a.m.—11 a.m

for Breakfast/Bible study

We will meet in the chapel.

All women are invited!

Joyful Hearts Women’s Bible Study Meets on Wednesday

9:30 a.m. in the chapel.

Join us for a new study “Christian Life Today:

Health and Well Being”

All women are welcome!


Wednesday Nights, 8:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. "Christianity 102: Investigating major Bible Teachings!"

Sunday mornings, 9:30 a.m. "Bible Foundations!" Why we believe what we believe!

Monday Night Bible Study meets each Monday in the chapel at 7 p.m.

They are studying “A Longer Look at the Lessons”

Delve deeper into each week's three Scripture readings with “A Longer Look at the Lessons.” This Bible study is based on the lectionary in the Lutheran Service Book, and provides information about the readings and their contexts.

For more information please contact Elaine Carstens 954-587-8394

Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study Every Saturday 8 a.m.in the Fellowship Hall, Followed by Bible Study in Room 32 Hot Breakfast $4.00 For more info contact Bruce Caruso at 954-962-4186


The owners of these businesses and professional services provide this monthly newsletter at no

cost to Gloria Dei families.

Please contact them and make use of their services or products.


7601 SW 39th St. Davie, Florida 33328