Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird History & Background Notes


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Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird

History & Background Notes

Harper Lee- Biographical Information

Work: Reservation clerk for Eastern Airlines in 1950s

Born: 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama

Youngest of 4 children

Parents: Amasa Coleman Lee & Frances Finch Lee

Education: Huntingdon College(1944-1945)

University of Alabama (1945-1949)- studied law

Oxford University- studied one year

Harper Lee- To Kill a Mockingbird

J.B. Lippincott: Publishing company who suggested she rewrite novel

1961: Won Pulitzer Prize for Literature

1960: Published To Kill a Mockingbird

1955-1958: Wrote To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird- real life inspiration

Maycomb= Monroeville, Alabama

Dill= Truman Capote -- wrote In Cold Blood

Fathers’ professions: attorneys

Avid readers: Harper Lee & Scout

Scottsboro Boys Trial= Tom Robinson trial

Civil Rights Movement1954: Brown VS. Board of


Rosa Parks

Civil Rights Movement1955-1956:

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Martin Luther King

Autherine Lucy

University of Alabama

Civil Rights Movement

Little Rock, Arkansas

1957 1960

To Kill a Mockingbird published

Civil Rights Movement


A brave group of men and women, black and white, young and old boarded buses, trains and planes and headed for the deep South to test desegregation.

To Kill a Mockingbird released.

Freedom Riders

Civil Rights Movement


The March on Washington

1964: The Civil Rights Act is passed.

To Kill a Mockingbird- Censorship

Banned for:

- profanity

-“inciting racial conflict”

- use of racial slurs

However, TKAM remains one of the most-taught, best-loved books in high schools.
