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PREFACE I had already published my thoughts on Srimad Bhagavatham ­ Skandham 1 and Skandham 2 in e­book format in August 2014 and September 2014. I had explained in the preface there as to how I got the opportunity of developing some interest in the understanding of this great scripture of ours. It was all because of Swami Krishnatmananda, about whom I had introduced earlier. However, for those who had not read that introduction there, I am reiterating it in the following passage. Skandham 1 deals with the background in which this great scripture was created by Shri Ved Vyas Ji. The role of Narada in making this happen, Kunthi stuti and Bhishma stuti about Sri Hari, birth of Pareekshit, how he got the curse from the son of Saint Sameeksha, Sringhi etc. etc. More important of all these, the elevation of human mind to understand this work has been dealt with eloquently and as to how to go about therein. There are ten chapters in Skandham 2. What are the purposes and qualities of this great scripture have been explained in this Skandham. While the first chapter explains in detail about Sri Hari in His smallest of the smallest and the largest of the largest concepts, from the second chapter onward the dialogues between King Pareekshit and Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi have been dealt with. The most important known as Chatusloki Bhagavatham also comes in this Skandham.


The creation of the Universe and the principles related thereto assume the most important part in Skandham 2. This can be seen at three places in Srimad Bhagavatham. But they are not repetitions. Whatever is described in short during the discourse earlier, are elaborated and detailed subsequently. This is the rule followed in Srimad Bhagavatham. The description of the entire creation work is to impress upon in our minds the basic principle that everything rests on, everything originates from, and everything assimilates in Sri Hari. Skandham 3, through its 33 chapters, give emphasis to the principle known as "Sargaha". The basic elements coming out of the Creator, as the first stage of evolution of life form/Universe, is the "Sargaha". Skandham 2, Chapter 10, Stanza 3, introduces specifically with this concept of "Sargaha". Stanza 3 ­

Bhoothamaathrendriyadhiyaam Janma Sargha Udhaahridhaha Bhrahmano GhunaVaishamyaad Visarghaha Pourushaha Smrithaha

From that Almighty (Brahmanaha) came into being/procreated themselves the natural elements (GhunVaishmyaad) with the basic elements like the five elements, five characteristics, sense organs, Mahath and Ahamkaara etc. (Bhoothamaathrendriyadhiyaam). The origin (Janma) of all the above with the Viraat Swaroopam is known (Udhaahridhaha) as the characteristic "Sarghaha".


Thus Skandham 3 revolves around this concept with Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi setting the background for his discourse in the first Chapter, through the meeting between Vidura and Udhava, and then Maitreya Maharishi, and subsequently taking us to the discussions elaborating the concept of "Sarghaha" in a detailed manner. As mentioned in the preface to Skandham 1, I have not followed any conventional methods while analysing Skandham 3 as well. I have bifurcated the chapters, within this Skandham in segments, suiting the understanding of each topic, for easy grasping. The contents table, accordingly, are not to be understood as the exact chapters in the original text. I have made a humble attempt to present certain concepts from Srimad Bhagavatham, as I understood them. Since the presentation is in English it has its own limitations. However, I have tremendously relied upon the Sanskrit to Malayalam word to word translation work done by learned scholar Shri C.G.Narayanan Embrandri and published by M.N.Ramaswamy Iyer Memorial Edition. Since I am attempting to present word to word meaning and explanation, it would be very voluminous if I publish the entire Skandham in full. Therefore, I have decided to present this work Chapter by Chapter, with the heading Srimad Bhagavatham Skandham 3, Chapter..etc. etc. I am not a scholar nor I have basic training in writing articles. Whatever I have attempted is only for my own interest. However, each of these presentations have been published by me in Speaking Tree site of The Times of India. Since this work is out of


devotion to Sri Hari, I am making it available in ebook form to any one interested in it. Finally, if there are any mistakes in this work, they are exclusively mine, for which I seek pardon.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, Sangameswaran Nurani

e mail ( sangameswarannurani@gmail.com ) (M) 09567109620

SWAMI KRISHNATMANANDA A philanthropist and an erudite scholar, Swami Krishnatmananda, is doing a yeoman service for the uplift of the neglected children of the society, apart from expounding the the Vedic literature and Puranas and Itihasaas to interested people. He has such a zeal and energy, single minded focus, and dedication in whatever work he undertakes as he feels he is only an instrument in the hands of God. He is thus a monk with a mission and vision.

For the sake of occupation he is in­charge of Dayananda Ashram, Olasseri­678551, Palakkad (Kerala). In a country side in Palakkad District of Kerala State, just about 10 kilometers from the town, near Chittoor, there is a place called Olasseri. On the banks of the river Gayatri (which subsequently on the flow further is known as Kannadi river, which again merges


with Bharatha Puzha) in a small piece of uneven land, where Swamiji is presently building the Ashram.

There are 65 children (only boys as at present) from Attappadi hills who are under his care in the Ashram. The age of these boys range from 6 to 17. All of them are studying in different government schools. However, they are housed in the Ashram where the Swamiji is their guardian. They are given excellent food, clothing and education in the Ashram, all with the efforts of Swamiji. With the inspiration and guidance of Swamiji most of the children are outstanding in their respective classes and pass out with flying colours. This is as far as academics are concerned. Apart from this, there are daily routines for them in the Ashram which are strictly adhered to. Starting with prayers in the morning, explanation of our sacred scriptures to them by Swamiji, school studies, cleanliness, hygiene, etc. they are also taught to recite Vedic hymns. Over a period of time most of the students have mastered the Vedic verses and other recitations in Sanskrit as well as in Malayalam. One is astounded to see how these children have picked up these areas of knowledge. And in fact they are as good at it as any other learned professional pundits. Games and play activities are given equal importance as Swamiji feels physical health is the utmost requirement for any growing child. Since there is a river nearby and lots of trees all around, the children get the feeling of closeness to Nature, in which atmosphere they have been brought up in Attappadi hills. Swamiji's aim is to make these children responsible citizens. When they come up of age and occupy responsible positions in the society, he is confident that they will discharge their respective functions with clean minds and devotion. When some of them


become public servants, Swamiji is quite sure that they will perform their duties keeping the suffering sections of the society in mind. This is a social reformation which Swamiji intends bringing about through these children. Apart from these activities in the Ashram, Swamiji goes to various places (permanently in some locations and others on request) giving lectures on Srimad Bhagavatham, Bhagavat Geetha, and any of our scriptures as per the demand of the people as per a fixed schedule. He has such a majestic voice that he does not need a mike to address a small audience. His lectures have helped many in understanding our scriptures properly and I have personally derived the benefits in a very small way his profound and meticulous expounding of our valuable scriptures. The most important viewpoint of Swamiji is that he does not seek any publicity or donations. According to him these are immaterial. The project is important and carrying them out to the satisfaction of the concerned people is his prime task. He is doing it as a passion and not for any name, fame or money. However, since money is also important in such a huge task, if any one gives whatever, he takes it as the blessing of God. According to him, he will continue with his efforts and it is for the God to show the way to strengthen his activities. Listening to his lectures is a treat. By being constantly in touch with his lectures, it opens up one's mind towards clarity of thoughts and proper understanding of the principles advocated behind each and every word in our scriptures. Thus his lectures are not a rhetoric, but they are like attending to lectures in a University. These types of selfless work towards the uplift of the society need to be highlighted as more and more people should be aware that


such work is also happening, though in a small way. That is the reason I have portrayed about Swami Krishnatmananda on my own volition and not on his saying. May God grant Swamiji more and more strength to carry out his mission as society needs plenty of such well meaning persons in our midst. Swamiji's contact number is: 9349012478. He can also be contacted in FaceBook.



This work is dedicated to Swami Krishnatmananda Ji, Dayananda Ashram, Olasseri­678551, Palakkad (Kerala) and the great scholar Shri C.G.Narayanan Embrandri, and the editors and publishers of Srimad Bhagavatham, M.N.Narayanaswamy Iyer Memorial Trust, North Village, Melarkode­678703, Palakkad (Kerala State).









Skandham 3, Chapter 1, Stanzas 1 to 2 (Srimad Bhagavatham)

Continuing the discourse, Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi tells King Preekshit that the questions put forward by him were the same questions once asked to Maitreya Maharshi by Vidhura. He continues:


Stanza 1 Once, Vidhura, who went away, discarding his most prosperous home, to the forests, put forward the similar questions like this to the most knowledgeable Maitreya Maharshi.

(Puraa) Once, (Kshatraa) Vidhura, (Pravishtena) who went away (Thyakthwa) discarding (Ridhimath) his most prosperous

(Swagriham) home (Vanam) to the forests, (Prishtaha Kila) put forward (Ethath) similar questions (Evam) like this

(Bhagavaan) to the most knowledgeable ( Maitreyaha) Maitreya Maharshi.

Shri Suha Uvaacha --

Evmethath Puraa Prishto Maitreyo Bhagavaan Kila Kshathraa Vanam Pravishtena Thyakthwa Swagrahamriddhimath -

Stanza 1 Stanza 2 That Shri Krishna, the Lord of all the worlds, went as your messenger, (referring to the ancestors ­ Pandavaas ­ of Pareekshit), leaving aside the palace of Duryodhana, entered that home (home of Vidhura) on His own accord.


(Ayam Bhagavaan) That Shri Krishna (Akhileswaraha) the Lord of all the worlds (Vaha Mantrakrith) went as your messenger

(Hithwa Pouravendrapuram) leaving aside the palace of Duryodhana (Pravivesa) entered (Yath Vai) that home

(Aathmasaathkritham) on His own accord.

Yadhwa Ayam Mantrakridvo Bhagavaanakhileswaraha Pouravendrapuram Hithwa Pravivesaathmasaathkritham - Stanza 2 Even at the starting point of Skandham 3, three important points are mentioned. (1) The greatness of Vidhura, (2) How prosperous was his home and (3) The degree of detachment Vidhura developed to the extent of even discarding all his fame and going away from such a prosperous home to the far away forests. When Shri Krishna went as the messenger of Pandavaas, He could have easily stayed in the palace of Duryodhana, in the midst of luxury and comfort. But He, on His own accord, preferred to go to the home of Vidhura. This shows the degree of esteem Shri Krishna had in Vidhura as to his devotion, knowledge and wisdom. Thus the greatness of Vidhura is established. Secondly, the prosperity of the home is not connected with the luxuries and comfort. It is related to the quality of persons living there, where even Shri Krishna, on His own accord, can walk in very comfortably. So, where there are such great persons living even in small homes, as against luxurious palaces, such homes are considered far higher in value and sanctity in the eyes of the Lord. Discarding such name and fame, and discarding such precious home, if Vidhura had proceeded to the forests, something serious


must have happened to endow in him such detachment from everything. This again shows the greatness of Vidhura as a personality, who can disassociate from everything at will. When such great personality puts questions to the very knowledgeable person like Maitreya Maharshi, the intensity and content of them must have greater significance and value. When King Pareekshit puts forward similar questions as of those asked by Vidhura, the position of King Pareekshit is also equated with that of Vidhura in the stature of devotion, knowledge, wisdom and his readiness to detach himself from his body, mind and the world. This is the background set right at the beginning of this Skandham, to show the greatness of the subjects discussed hereafter. Presentation of Vidhura in Srimad Bhagavatham: Vidhura has been presented earlier in Chapter 13 of Skandham 1, where he returns to Hasthinapura, after meeting Matreya Maharshi and thereafter Udhava, the closest aid of Shri Krishna, during the course of his long pilgrimage. Vidhura leaves the kingdom when it was ruled by Doryodhana. Fed up with the situation prevailing there, and knowing that the war is going to be imminent, and there will be destructions all around, Vidhura leaves and goes away on long pilgrimage. The circumstances under and the reasons for which he decides to leave the kingdom is now explained in Chapter 1, Skandham 3. When Vidhura returned to the kingdom, the Mahabharata war was over, and even Shri Krishna had departed from this world. He comes to know about all these during his meeting with Udhava and lateron with Udhava. Vidhura was wondering why, Dridharashtra, despite all these happeings still enjoys the comforts and leading a life like that of a dog in the kingdom of Dharmaputra/Yudhistira. He


gets surprised as to the linkage of desires on the part of Dridharashtra inspite of all his sons and other relatives having departed from this world. The profound advices of Vidhura to Dridharashtra are covered between stanzas 1 to 28 in Chapter 13, Skandham 1. I have covered this aspect of Vidhura in detail in Skandham 1 as content No. 19 titled “Who are eligible to give advice to whom ­ Example of Vidhura to Dridharashtra”. Now, Shri Veda Vyas ji takes us back to the situation when Vidhura decides to leave the kingdom ruled by Duryodhana. The connectivity between what have been described earlier, and what is being discussed now, is of paramount importance to understand the subject and the situation we are dealing. Hence this small explanation.




Skandham 3, Chapter 1, Stanza 3 to 5 (Srimad Bhagavatham)

During the discourse of Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi, upon hearing about Vidhura meeting with Maitreya Maharshi, King Pareekshit puts forward the following questions:

Stanza 3:


Hey the Great Saint ! Where did Vidhura had the occasion to meet the greatest saint Maitreya Maharshi ? When they sat together and had conversation ? Please tell us that in detail.

(Prabho) Hey the Great Saint ! (Kuthra) Where did (Kshaththuhu) Vidhura (Asa) had the occasion (Samgamaha) to meet (Bhagavathaa) the greatest saint (Maitreyena) Maitreya Maharshi ? (Kadhaa) When (Saha) they sat together and

(Vaa) had (Samvaadaha) conversation ? (Ethath Naha) Please tell us that (Varnnaya) in detail.

Raja Uvacha

Kathra Kshththurbhagavathaa Maitreyenaasa Samgamaha Madhaa Vaa Saha Samvaadha Ethathvarnnaya Naha Prabho -

Stanza 3 Stanza 4: The questions by the holiest of the holy Vidhura to the great Maitreya Maharshi might not have been for the clarification of insignificant contents. They might have been put forward as the most deserving to be benefited and appreciated by the great men. (Prasnaha) The questions (Amalaathmanaha) by the holiest of the holy (Thasya Vidhurasya) Vidhura (Vareeyasi) to the great (Thasmin) Maitreya Maharshi (Na Hi) might not have been (Alpaarthodhayaha) for the clarification of insignificant

contents. (Saadhuvaadhopabrimhithaha) They might have been put forward as the most deserving to be benefited and

appreciated by the great men.


Na Hyaparththodhayasthasya Vidhurasyaamalaathmanaha Thasmin Vareeyasi Prasnaha Saadhuvaadhopabrimhithaha -Stanza

4 Note: Here, Shri Veda Vyasji implies that when two great minds meet, they are bound to discuss and analyse matters of great importance, which will be beneficial to the people at large as great principles and values. Other great men also understand this and imbibe them accordingly. In other words, such men do not gossip or discuss frivolous things. They keep common good as the main purpose even in their discussions of routine matters. Stanza 5 : Sootha now tells Shounakaas: Thus these questions were put by King Pareekshit accordingly to Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi. The honourable Rishi became very happy and started his discourse to King Pareekshit with the introduction "Please listen".

(Saha) Thus (Evam Prishtaha) these questions were put (Rajgnaa Pareekshithaaha) by King Pareekshit (Ayam Rishivaryaha) accordingly to Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi.

(Bhahuvith) The honourable (Saha) Rishi (Preethaathmaa) became very happy (Prathyaaha) and started his discourse

(Tham) to King Pareekshit (Ithi) with the introduction (Shrooyathaam) "Please listen".

Sootha Uvaacha


Sa Evam Rishivaryooyam Prishto Rajgnaa Pareekshithaa

Prathyaaha Tham Sa Bahuvith Preethaathmaa Shuyathaamithaam - Stanza 5

Through the following 11 stanzas (6 to 16) Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi explains to King Pareekshit the reasons for Vidhura to leave his own home (also the kingdom) because of the deeds of the Kauravaas.





Skandham 3, Chapter 1, Stanzas 6 to 10 (Srimad Bhagavatham)

Continuing the discourse to King Pareekshit, Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi starts explaining the reasons as to why Vidhura was so upset as to leave his home and the kingdom of Kauravaas. On Each occasion when the non righteous things were done by the sons of Dridharashtra with his full consent, Vidhura had counselled against such actions in the presence of all other ministers and seniors of Kuruvamsa. On one occasion when he was specifically called to the King's assembly by Dridharashtra for his advice Vidhura was insulted by Duryodhana in full view of all the seniors present there including Dridharshtra, who did not resist his sons. The sequence of events of the wrong actions done by Kauravas, despite Vidhura's advice, have been beautifully explained. Each word and each context has


lot of philosophical content and value and if we analyse them they themselves shall form into chapters and chapters. Every stanza has an interrelation with the ensuing one and that is why each stanza says "Yadha" ­ meaning "thereafter ".

Stanza 6: The King Dridharashtra, who had no eye sight (both inner and outer sights) nourishing his sons, who were the followers of heinous paths, through the non righteous methods, burnt the sons of his younger brother, who had no one else, in the house of wax, by making them enter into it ­ when this happened, thereafter;

(Raja) The King Dridharashtra, (Vinashtadrishtihi) who had no eye sight - both inner and outer sights - (Pushnnan) nourishing (Swasuthaan) his sons, (Asaadhoon) who were the followers of heinous paths, ((Adharmena) through the non righteous methods,

(Dhadhaaha) burnt (Suthaan) the sons (Yavishtasya) of his younger (Braathuhu) brother, (Vibhandhoon) who had no one

else, (Lakshaabhavena) in the house of wax (Pravesya) by making them enter into it - (Yadha Thu) when this happened,


Yadhaa Thu Raja Swasuthaanasaadhoon Pushannanadharmena Vinashtadrishiti

Brathuryavishtasya Suthaan Vibhandhoon Pravesya Laakshaabhavane Dhadhaaha - Stanza 6

Stanza 7:

The King did not prevent the heinous act of his son when he dragged Panchaali by holding her hair in the assembly of men; that


Panchaali, who is the wife of his own sons, and in reality the queen in the Kuru Kingdom in which the rightful king is supposed to be Dharmaputhra; that Panchaali whose saffron application on her chest got washed out because of her flowing tears; when this happened, thereafter;

(Nripaha) The King (Na Vaarayaamaasa) did not prevent

(Garhyam) the heinous (Suthakarma) act of his son (Kesaabhimarsam) when he dragged Panchaali by holding her hair

(Sabhaayaam) in the assembly of men; that Panchaali, (Snushaayaaha) who is the wife of his own sons; that Panchaali (Kurudevadevyaaha) in reality is the queen in the Kuru Kingdom in which the rightful king is supposed to be Dharmaputhra; that Panchaali whose (Kuchakumkumaani) saffron application on her chest (Haranthyaaha) got washed out because of (Swaasraihi) her flowing tears; (Yadhaa) when this happened, thereafter;

Yadhaa Sabhaayaam Kurudevadevyaaha Kesaabhimarsam Suthakarma Garhyam

Na Vaarayaamaasa Nripaha Snushaayaaha Swaasraihi Haranthyaaha Kuchakumkumaani - Stanza 7

Stanza 8: In the game of chess ­ gambling ­, who got defeated through non righteous methods ­ of Kauravaas ­, he who is pious, firmly rooted on truth alone, who, as per the predetermined arrangement requested for his rightful place after returning from the stay in the forest, that Yudhistira was not given any right by that King who was immersed in the darkness of desires; When this happened, thereafter,


(Dhyoothe Thu) In the game of chess - gambling -, (Jithasya) who got defeated (Adharmena) through non righteous methods

- of Kauravaas -, (Saadhoho) he who is pious, (Sathyaavalambhasya) firmly rooted on truth alone, who,

(Samayena) as per the predetermined arrangement (Yaachathaha) requested for his (Daayam) rightful place

(Vanaagathasya) after returning from the stay in the forest, (Ajaathasathroho) that Yudhishtira (Na Adhaath) was not given any right by that King (Thamaha Jishaanaha) who was immersed

in the darkness of desires, (Yath) when this happened, thereafter;

Dhyoothe Thwadharmena Jithasya Saadhoho

Sathyavalambasya Vanaagathasya Na Yaachatho Adhaath Samyene Dhaayam

Thamo Jushaano Yadhajaathasathroho - Stanza 8

Stanza 9: Upon being deputed by the sons of Kunthi, the Jagadguru Shri Krishna, expressed those words in the assembly of the Kaurava Kingdom, which were like the showering nectar for the benefit of all the humans, but those were not honoured/respected by Dridharashtra, who had lost even little bit of good things; when that happened, still thereafter;

(Paarthaprahithaha) Uponn being deputed by the sons of Kunthi, (jagdguruhu Krishnaha) the Jagadguru Shri Krishna, (Jagaatha)

expressed (Yaani) those words (Sabhaayaam) in the assembly of the Kaurava Kingdom, (Amrithaayanaani) which were like the

showering nectar for the benefit of (Pumsaam) all the humans, but (Thaani) those (Na Urumene) were not honoured/respected


(Raja) by Dridharashtra, (Kshathapunyalesaha) who had lost even little bit of good things; (Yadhaa Cha) when that

happened, still thereafter;

Yadhaa Cha Paarthaprahithaha Sabhaayaam Jagadguruhu Yaani Jagaatha Krishnaha Na Thaani Pumsaam Amrithaayanaani

Raajorumene Kshathapunyalesaha - Stanza 9

Stanza 10: On being specifically requisitioned to be present in the Kaurava Assembly in connection with matters of governance of the Kingdom, when he was asked for advice on these matters by his elder brother King Dridharashtra, ­ when this happened, thereafter ­ the greatest among all the ministers, Vidhura, presented himself and expressed his views and advices to the King. These famous words of Vidhura are discussed among all the rules and their ministers as "the words of Vidhura".

(Upahoothaha) On being specifically requisitioned to be present (Bhavanam) in the Kaurava Assembly (Manthraaya) in connection

with matters of governance of the Kingdom, (Prishtaha Kila) when he was asked for advice on these matters (Poorvajena) by his elder brother King Dridharashtra, (Yadha Atha) - when this happened, thereafter - (Manthradrisaam) the greatest among all the ministers, (Vareeyaan) Vidhura, (Pravishtaha) presented

himself and (Aha) expressed his views and advises (Tham) to the King. (Yath) These famous words of Vidhura are

(Vadhanthi) discussed among all the (Manthrinaha) rulers and their ministers as (Vaidhurikam) "the words of Vidhura".


Yadopahootho Bhavanam Pravishto Manthraaya Prishtaha Kila Poorvajena

Athaaha Tham Manthradrisam Vareeyan Yanmanthrino Vaidhurikam Vadhanthi - Stanza 10

What follows, hereafter, is the profound advices of Vidhura addressed to Dridharashtra in the presence of all people present in the Assembly. These are covered in the ensuing three stanzas.




Skandham 3, Chapter 1, Stanzas 11 to 13 (Srimad Bhagavatham)

Upon being called by Dridharashtra to the King's assembly for specific advice on matters of administering the kingdom, in the presence of all the ministers, relatives of the King and all the men present there, Vidhura goes on to explain his matured advice to the King. Stanza 11: Please return to Yudhishtira, who is enduring all your unbearable misdeeds upon him, his rightful share. Bhimasena, along with his younger brothers, is hissing with anger like a cobra snake, because of your torturous misdeeds. You are also extremely scared of that cobra snake.


(Prathiyachcha) Please return to (Ajaathashathoroho) Yudhishtira, who is (Thithikshathaha) enduring all (Thava) your (Dhurvishaham) unbearable misdeeds (Aaghaha) upon him, his

(Dhaayam) rightful share. (Vrikodharaahi) Bhimasena, (Sahaanujaha) along with his younger brothers, (Swasan) is hissing (Rushaa) with anger like a cobra snake, (Yathra) because of your

torturous misdeeds. (Thwam Alam) You are also (Bhibheshi) extremely scared of (Yath) that cobra snake.

Ajaathasathroho Prathiyachcha Daayam Thithikshtho Dhurvishaham Thavaaghaha

Sahaanujo Yathra Vrikodharaahi Swasan Rushaa Yaththwamalam Bibheshi - Stanza 11

Stanza 12: That Sri Krishna, who is worthy of worship by all, who is the embodiment of all the qualities (Gunaas) and endowed with all the good things, and always in the company of all the Devas of the other worlds and the Devas of the earth, had owned the sons of Kunthi. Such Srikrishna, who is the best in all the Yadavaas, who had won over all the kings and their kings so easily, is residing at His place.

(Mukundhaha) That Sri Kgishna, (Devaha) who is worthy of worship by all, (Bhagavaan) who is the embodiment of all the

qualities - Gunaas - and endowed with all the good things, (Sakshithidevadevaha) and always in the company of all the

Devas of the other worlds and the Devas of the earth, (Griheethavaan) had owned ((Paarthaan Thu) the sons of Kunthi.

(Yadudevadevaha) Such Srikrishna, who is the best in all the Yadavaas, (Vinirjithaaseshanridevadevaha) who had won over all


the kings and their kings so easily, (Aasthe) is (Swapuryaam) residing at His place.

Paarthaamsthu Devo Bhagavaan Mukundho

Griheethavaan Sakshithidevadevaha Aasthe Swapuryaam Yaudevadevo

Vinirjithaaseshanridevadevaha - Stanza 12

Stanza 13: The one ­ aiming at Durdoyana ­ who had nurtured anger against such a Purusha, is the curse which has entered into this house/Kingdom. He is totally away in his thinking from/about Shri Krishna, and such Duryodhana is exactly opposite of all the prosperity. You, as a King, is nourishing him with the inclination of and attachment as your own son. You must discard this curse instantly for the welfare of your own dynasty and keeping the prosperity/welfare of the people at large.

(Saha Eshaha) The one - aiming at Durdoyana - (Purushadwid)

who had nurtured anger against such a Purusha, (Aasthe) is the (Doshaha) curse (Grihaan) which has (Pravishtaha) entered

into this house/Kingdom. (Vimukhaha) He is totally away in this thinking (Krishnaath) from/about Shri Krishna (Gathasreehi)

and is exactly opposite of all the prosperity. (Thwam) You, as a King, (Pushnaasi) is nourishing (Yam) him (Apathyamathyaa) with the inclination of and attachment as your own son. (Thyaja) You

must discard (Asaivam) this curse (Aasu) instantly (Kulakausalaaya) for the welfare of your own dynasty and

keeping the prosperity/welfare of the people at large.

Sa Esha Doshaha Purushadvidaasthe Grihaan Pravishto Yamapathyamathya


Pushnaasi Krishnaadvimukho Gathasreehi Thyajaaswasaivam Kulakausalaaya - Stanza 13

Note: My analysis about what Vidhura told Dridharashtra through the above are:

1. He is telling Dridharashtra that he had tortured Pandava family so much that already Bheemasena, along with his younger brothers are seething in anger. The expression of younger brothers is important, as this has excluded Yudhishtira, the eldest. Vidhura's intent is that only because of Yudhishtira's patience, his brothers are kept contained. But Dridharashtra, by not returning the promised right to Yudhishtira, is forcing Yudishtira to break his patience.

2. He also adds that, in his heart of heart, Dridharashtra is in fact

so scared of Bheemasena. It is better not to pretend bravery but hand over the rights to Yudhishtira. By doing this act the enmity will tide over and peace will prevail. Dridharashtra, as a King, is missing this opportunity to bring peace to the kingdom.

3. His comparison of Bheemasena with cobra snake is also

profound. By nature snakes do not attack others. They do so only if they are subjected to torture and in this case, (of not honouring the promise of returning the rights to Yudhishtira) Dridharashtra has exceeded all limits. Vidhura had been cautioning the King time and again about the tortures he was inflicting upon the Pandavaas over a period of time.

4. Vidhura is also warning Dridhrashtra that one should not take

it easy about Shri Krishna just because He is in his own place. He had already owned Pandava family as His own and He will


protect them at all costs against the injustice. (Owning up means that the righteousness is on the side of Pandavaas and Shri Krishna represents righteousness. He cannot be at any other place than that of ensuring righteousness). Sri Krishna is all powerful and He alone is enough to annihilate the entire Kaurava army and the Kauravaas.

5. Vidhura tells Dridharashtra to disown his son Duryodhana,

who is a curse to the family and the Kingdom, who is the root cause of all the problems. He forewarns him that his attachment to such a son itself is a sin, and the rule of law for the protection of the kingdom and the people at large need the disowning of such a person, be it the King's son or anyone for that matter.

6. Duryodhana is such a person who is blinded by his anger

towards Shri Krishna and because of that attitude is inflicting the danger to the entire kingdom. Shri Krishna is worth worshiping and adored and not to be fought/hated against. He is telling Dridharashtra that there may not be any opportunity again to reverse the happenings, if this one is lost. He is telling Dridharashtra to pave the way for peace and for that purpose the hurdle of Duryodhana is to be discarded.




Skandham 3, Chapter 1, Stanzas 14 to 16 (Srimad Bhagavatham)


Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi delivering the discourse to King Pareekshit had explained, through the previous stanzas, what Vidhura had advised Dridharashtra in the King's assembly on specifically being asked for such an advice and on being requested to come to the assembly on the King's orders. Vidhura had been telling the King only the right ways of administration of the Kingdom. Due to the attachment of the King towards an adamant son, who is not keeping the welfare of the kingdom and its people, the King is not able to take any positive decision. Instead he sides with his son and perpetuates misdeeds and tortures over the Pandavaas, despite knowing the fact that the righteousness is on the sides of the Pandavaas and Shri Krishna is standing by them in order to protect the righteousness. Vidhura ultimately tells Dridharashtra to discard his son for the welfare of the Kingdom, for which there is no reaction from him. Upon listening to the frank and truthful advices of Vidhura, Duryodhana gets angry and what happens thereafter is described through the following stanzas.

Stanza 14: At that time, seated in the company of Karna, Dussasana, Shakuni etc., by that Duryodhana, seething in anger, manifesting it through his shivering lips, Vidhura was disrespected; that Vidhura who always aspired the common good, and who thus honestly advised the King in the interest of the kingdom (to discard the venom known as Duryodhana).

(Thathra) At that time, (Sakarnaanujasoubhalena) seated in the company of Karna, Dussasana, Shakuni etc., (Suyodhanena)

by that Duryodhana (Pravridhakopaspurithaadharena) seething in anger, manifesting it through his shivering lips, (Kshathaa)


Vidhura (Asathkrithaha) was disrespected, (Sathsprihaneeyaseelaha) who always aspired the common good, (Ithi Oochivaan) and who thus honestly advised the king in the

interest of the kingdom.

Ithyoochivaan Thathra Suyodhanena Pravridhakopaspurithaadharena

Asathkrithaha Sathsprihaneeyaseelaha Kshathaa Sakarnaanujasoubhalena - Stanza 14

Stanza 15: Now the following are Durdhoyadhana's words: Who called this lowliest son of a maid over here? He has been nourished by the food of this Kingdom, but has turned against the very same Kingdom, and firmly rooted in the welfare of our enemies. Let him be driven out of this Kingdom immediately taking with him only his life.

(Kaha) Who (Upajuuhaava) called (Enam Jihmam) this useless

(Daasyaaha Sutham) son of a maid (Athra) over here? (Thasmin) He has been (Pushtaha) nourished by (Yah Balinaa Eva) the food of this Kingdom, but has (Pratheepaha) turned against the very same Kingdom, and (Aasthe) firmly rooted

(Parakrithe) in the welfare of our enemies. (Nirvaasyathaam) Let him be driven out (Puraath) of this Kingdom (Aasu) immediately (Swasaanaha) taking with him only his life.

Ka Enamathropajoohaava Jihmam

Daasyaaha Sutham Yadbalinaiva Pushtaha Thasmin Pratheepaha Parakrithya Aasthe

Nirvaasyathaamaasu Puraath Swasaanaha - Stanza 15


Stanza 16: In front of his brother, King Dridharaashtra, despite being thus showered by the sharpest arrows hitting his ears and thus getting wounded at most sensitive areas, he, Vidhura, was relieved of all his pains. Deeply honouring the Maayaa Shakti of the Lord, he deposited his bow at the entrance gate of the Palace and departed for pilgrimage on his own.

(Braathuhu Puraha) In front of his brother, King Dridharaashtra,

despite being (Iththam) thus (Athyulbanakarnnabaanaihi) showered by the sharpest arrows (Thaadithaha Api) hitting his ears and thus getting wounded (Marmmasu) at most sensitive

areas, (Saha) he, Vidhura, (Gathavyathaha) was relieved of all his pains. (Uru) Deeply (Maanayaanaha) honouring (Maayaam)

the Maayaa Shakti (special powers of Vishnu) of the Lord, (Dhanuhu Nidhaaya) he deposited his bow (Dwaari) at the entrance gate of the Palace and (Ayaath) departed for

pilgrimage (Swayam) on his own.

Sa Ithamathyulbanakarnnabaanaihi Brathuhu Puro Marmmasu Thaadithaha Api Swayam Dharnurdwaari Nidhaaya Maayaam

Gathayathaha Ayyath Uru Maanayaanaha - Stanza 16

Note: Vidhura had to face immense dishonour and disrespect in the assembly of the King. In fact he was specifically called by the King for advice on administrative matters. When Vidhura explained his views openly, the King did not respond. However, Durdhyodhana got angry and humiliated Vidhura. Knowing that the Kauravaas are entangled in their own selfish motives, far away from focus on Sri


Krishna, Vidhura was sure that the war could not be avoided. He did not want the Kauravaas to feel that he was fighting on the side of Shri Krishna, as he was till then a Minister in their Kingdom. In fact Vidhura knew that there was no need for anyone to take side with Shri Krishna as, the course of annihilation of Kauravaas was already decided. Thus, the war was going to be only mechanical as the event had to happen and the Kauravaas had already been finished by Shri Krishna. So, he prayed to the Mayaa Shakti of Shri Krishna. Vidhura decides to go on a long pilgrimage so that he need not witness the annihilation of his own people, which was sure to happen. He discards his home and the kingdom. He leaves his bow at the gate of the palace to give a message to Kauravaas that he is not taking up arms against Kauravaas.




Skandham 3, Chapter 1, Stanza 17 to 24 (Srimad Bhagavatham)

Through the following stanzas, Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi describes to King Pareekshit the details of the travelogue of Vidhura to various holy places till he meets Udhava, one of the closest aids of Shri Krishna, on the banks of Yamuna.

Stanza 17: Vidhura left his kingdom of Hasthinapura. He attributed this to the indirect blessings of the Kauravaas. He started visiting the sacred places in each and every location, where there existed the


manifestations of Shriman Narayana in different forms and shapes on this earth. He did it for the purpose of attaining His blessings. Thus he moved around visiting such places one by one.

(Saha) Vidhura (Nirgathaha) left his (Gajaahwaath) kingdom of Hasthinapura.

He attributed this to the (Kaurava Punyalabdhaha) indirect

blessings of the Kauravaas.

He started visiting (Padhaani) the sacred places (Yaani) in each and every location, where (Swadhishithaha) there existed the manifestations (Theerthapathaha) of Shriman Narayana

(Sahasramurthihi) in different forms and shapes (Urvyaam) on this earth.

He (Punyachikeershayaa) did it for the purpose of attaining His


Thus he (Anwaakramath) moved around visiting such places one by one.

Sa Nirgathaha Kauravapunyalabdho

Gajaahwayaaththeerthapadhaha Padhaani Anwaakramaath Punyachikeershayorvyaam

Swadhishtitho Yaani Sahasramurthihi - Stanza 17

Stanza 18: He traveled alone to various sacred places and temples located in places such as:


Towns, sacred small forests, mountains and ancient temples, and to such other holy locations and temples; which were surrounded by beautiful rivers and lakes filled with clear water; and which were divinely decorated with different statues of Gods and Goddesses.

He (Chachaara) traveled (Ananyaha) alone to (Theerthaayathaneshu) various sacred places and temples located

in places such as:

(Pureshu) Towns, (Punnyopavanaadrikunjjeshu) sacred small forests, mountains and ancient temples, and

(Theerthaayathaneshu) to such other holy locations and temples;

which were surrounded by (Sarithsarassu) beautiful rivers and lakes (Apamkathoyeshu) filled with clear water;

and which (Samalamkritheshu) were divinely decorated

(Ananthalinghaihi) with different statues of Gods and Goddesses.

Pureshu Punyopavanaadrikunjjeshu Apamkathoyeshu Sarithsarassu

Ananthalinghaihi Samalamkritheshu Chachaara Theerthaayathaneshvananya - Stanza 18

Stanza 19:


Vidhura roamed around the earth, undertaking all those prescribed disciplines which shall make Lord Vishnu pleased, and he became a person: leading a life routine with the greatest of disciplines; taking bath at every holy river and lake; sleeping always on the floor; not caring for the comfort of his body; dressing like a vagabond; and not being able to be recognized by his own people.

Vidhura (Paryatan) roamed around (Gaam) the earth, (Chere) undertaking (Vrathaani) all those prescribed disciplines

(Harithoshanaani) which shall make Lord Vishnu pleased, and he became a person:

(Medhyavivikthavrithihi) leading a life routine with the greatest of disciplines; (Sadhaapluthaha) taking bath at every holy river and lake; (Adhaha sayanaha) sleeping always on the floor;

(Avadhoothaha) not caring for the comfort of his body; (Avadhoothaveshaha) dressing like a vagabond; and

(Alakshithaha) not being able to be recognized by (Swaihi) his own people.

Gaam Paryatan Medhyavivikthavrithihi

Sadhaapluthaha Adhaha Sayanaha Avadhoothaha Alakshithaha Swairadhoothavesho

Vrathaani Chere Harithoshanaani - Stanza 19

Stanza 20: During the course of the flow of time he circled around like this on the entire part of the earth known as Bharatham, and by the time he


reached Prabaasa Theertha (Name of the celebrated place of pilgrimage on the west coast near Dwaraka), by that time, Dharmaputra in the company of Shri Krishna, had started ruling this earth with the strength of his single army and with his single flag.

(Yaavath) During the course of (Kaalena) the flow of time he (Vrajan) circled around (Iththam) like this (Bhaaratham Varsham Eva) on the entire part of the earth known as

Bhaaratham, and (Yaavath) by the time (Gathavaan) he reached (Prabaasam) Prabaasa Theertha, (Thaavath) by that time, (Paarthaha) Dharmaputra (Ajithena) in the company of Shri Krishna, had (Sasaasa) started ruling (Kshithim) this

earth (Ekachakraam) with the strength of his single army and (Ekaathapathraam) with his single flag.

Iththam Vrajan Bhaarathameva Varsham Kaalena yaavath Gathavaan Prabhaasam Thaavachchasaasa Kshithimekachakraam

Ekaathapathraamajithena Paarthaha - Stanza 20

Stanza 21: Vidhura heard at this place about the annihilation of all his relatives on account of the war among themselves. This (annihilation) can be compared to the description of the burning out of the entire forest by the fire created by the rubbing of two bamboos. Thereafter, saddened and keeping absolute silence, he started moving towards the Saraswathi river, aiming to reach each and every point of its source.


Vidhura (Susraava) heard (Atha Thathra) at this place (Suhridvinishtim) about the annihilation of all his relatives on account of the (Samspardhdhayaa) war among themselves.

This (annihilation) can be compared to the description of the

(Yatha Dagdham) burning out of the entire (Vanam) forest by the fire created (Venujavahnisamsrayam) by the rubbing of


(Atha) Thereafter, (Anusochan) saddened and (Thooshneem) keeping absolute silence, he (Iyaaya) started moving towards (Saraswatheem) the Saraswathi river, (Prathyak) aiming to

reach each and every point of its source.

Thathraatha Susraava Suhridvinishtim Vanam Yatha Venujavahnisamsrayam

Samspardhdhayaa Dagdhdhamathaanusochan Saraswatheem Prathyaghiyaaya Thooshneem - Stanza 21

Stanza 22: In that Saraswathi river, he prayed at all the places of worship connected with Thritha, Usanas, Manu, Prithu; then Agni, Asitha, Vayu, Sudaasa, Cows, Guhaa, Shraadha Deva.

(Thasyaam) In that Saraswathi river, (Saha) he (Aasisheva) prayed (Yath Theertham) all the places of worship connected

with (Thrithasya) Thritha, (Usanasaha) Usanas, (Manoho Cha) Manu, (Prithoho Atha) Prithu; then

(Agnehe) Agni, (Asithasya) Asitha, (Vaayoho) Vayu, (Sudaasasya) Sudaasa, ((Guhasya) Guha, (Shraadhadevasya)

Shraadha Deva.


Thasyaam Thrithasyosanaso Manoscha Prithorathaagnerasithasya Vaayoho

Theertham Sudhaasasya Gavaam Guhasya Yachchraaddhadevasya Sa Aasisheve - Stanza 22

Stanza 23: He worshiped some other temples of Shri Mahavishnu on this earth, which were in plenty. They were such as to enable in one the constant remembrance of Shri Krishna. They were also such which were constructed by our greatest Rishis and Devas. Those temples were fully adorned with Sudarshana Chakra and other characteristics related to Maha Vishnu.

He worshiped (Anyaani Cha) some other (Vishnoho) temples of Shri Mahavishnu (Iha) on this earth, (Naanaayathanaani) which were in plenty. They were such as to (Yaddharsanaath) enable in one the (Krishnam Anusmaranthi) constant remembrance of Shri

Krishna. They were also such which (Krithaani) were constructed by our (Dwijadevadevaihi) greatest Rishis and Devas. Those (Prathyamgamukhyankhithamandiraani) temples were fully adorned with Sudarshana Chakra and other characteristics related

to Maha Vishnu.

Anyaani Cheha Dwijadevadevaihi Krithaani Naanaayathanaani Vishnoho Prathyamgamukhyaankhithamandiraani

Yaddharsanaath Krishnamanusmaranthi - Stanza 23

Stanza 24:


Thereafter, he crossed over the prosperous places like Sauraashtra Kingdom, Souveeram, Mathsyam and then again the places in Kurajaangala. Over the course of some period, he reached the banks of Yamuna. There he saw the most devoted person Udhava who happened to reach that place.

(Thathaha Thu) Thereafter, (Athivrajya) he crossed over (Ridhdham) the prosperous places like (Suraashtram) Saurashtra Kingdom, (Souveeramathsyaan) Souveeram, Mathsyam and then

again the (Kurujaamgalaan Cha) places in Kurajaangala. (Kaalena) Over the course of some period, (Upethya) he

reached the (Yamunaam) banks of Yamuna. (Thaavath) There (Dadarsa) he saw the (Bhagavatham) most devoted person (Udhavam) Udhava (Thathra) who happened to reach that


Thathasthvathivrajya Suraashtramridhdham Souveeramathsyaan Kurujaamgalaamscha

Kaalena Thaavathyamunaamupethya Thathrodhdhavam Bhaagavatham dadarsa - Stanza 24

Hereafter, the subsequent stanzas deal with the discussions both of them had on the banks of Yamuna.




Skandham 3, Chapter 1, Stanza 25 to 41 (Srimad Bhagavatham)


During the course of a long pilgrimage undertaken by Vidhura, he reaches the banks of the Yamuna River. There he happened to meet Udhava. Through the following stanzas, Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi describes to King Pareekshit the details about the meeting between Vidhura and Udhava. Vidhura enquires about the welfare of Balarama and Shri Krishna in one sloka ­ Stanza 26 ­, about all the Yadavas through the slokas 27 to 35 ­ Stanza 27­35, and about Pandavas through the slokas 36 to 40. It is not merely list of names Vidhura presents before Udhava, but the characteristic and background of each one of them has been described in poetic beauty and content. Stanza 25: By the time Vidhura met Udhava, after undertaking a long pilgrimage, Vidhura had become a person with total calmness and had achieved total serenity. Udhava was the famous old disciple of Guru Brihaspathi, and the true follower of Shri Vasudeva. As Vidhura met Udhava, he embraced Udhava strongly with lot of love and affection. Thereafter, he enquired with him the welfare matters of his own people who are under the protection of Shri Vasudeva.

By the time (Saha) Vidhura met Udhava, after undertaking a

long pilgrimage, Vidhura (Prasaantham) had become a person with total calmness and had achieved total serenity. Udhava was (Pratheetham) the famous (Praakthanayam) old disciple of (Brihaspathe) Guru Brihaspathi, and the (Vasudevaanucharam)

true follower of Shri Vasudeva. As Vidhura met Udhava, (Aalingya) he embraced Udhava (Gaadam) strongly (Pranayena) with lot of love and affection. Thereafter, he (Aprichchtha)


enquired with him the (Badhram) welfare matters of (Swaanaam) his own people (Bhagavat Prajaanaam) who are

under the protection of Shri Vasudeva.

Sa Vaasudevaanucharam Prasaantham Brihaspathehe Praakthanayam Pratheetham

Aalingya Gaadam Pranayena Badhram Swaanaamaprichchath Bhagavathprajaanaam - Stanza 25

Stanza 26: Are these two Bhagavans, ­ meaning Shri Krishna and Balaraama ­, who look at every opportunity to ensure the welfare of this earth, doing good in the home of Soorasena ? They, who are the repository of all the sources, have manifested on this earth in order to uphold the request of Lord Brahma, who sprouted out of Sriman Narayan's own naval.

(Kachchith Aasaathe) Are (Purushou) these two Bhagavans, - meaning Shri Krishna and Balaraama - , who (Krithakshnaou)

look at every opportunity (Vidhaaya) to ensure (Kusalam) the welfare (Urvyaaha) of this earth, (Kusalam) doing good

(Sooragehe) in the home of Soorasena ? They, (Puraanou) who are the repository of all sources, (Avatheernou) have

manifested (Iha) on this earth (Swanaabhyapaadmaanuvrithyaa Kila) in order to uphold the request of Lord Brahma, who

sprouted out of Sriman Narayan's own naval.

Kachchith Puraanou Purushou Swanaabhya- paadmaanuvrithyeha Kilaavatheernou Aasaatha Urvyaaha Kusalam Vidhaya

Krithakshnaou Kusalam Sooragehe - Stanza 27


Stanza 27 : Hey friend ! Is that honourable Vasudeva, who is the true friend of our Kuru dynasty, doing fine? He is that kind person who is famous for always satisfying, like a father, all the requirements of his sisters and also their husbands !

(Amga) Hey Friend ! Is (Saha) that (Bhaamaha) honourable (Sourihi) Vasudeva, who is the (Paramaha) true (Suhrith)

friend of (Naha) our (Kuroonaam) Kuru dynasty, (Kachchith Aasthe) doing (Sukham) fine ? (Yaha) He is (Varenyaha) that kind person (Vai) who is famous for always (Dhadhaathi)

satisfying, (Pithrevath) like a father, (Varaan) all the requirements of (Swasre"naam) his sisters and

(Varatharpanena) also their husbands !

Kachchith Kuroonaam Paramaha Suhrinno Bhaamaha Sa Aasthe Sukhamamga Sourihi Yo Vai Swasre"naam Pithrevadhdhadhaathi

Varaan Varenyo Varatharpanena - Stanza 27

Stanza 28 : Hey Friend ! Is Pradyumna, the courageous chief of the army of the Yadavas, doing good ? He, who was Kamadeva in his previous birth, was sought as her son by Rukmini Devi by worshiping the Brahmins, and with their blessings, begot him as her son through Shri Krishna !

(Amga) Hey Friend ! Is (Pradymnaha) Pradyumna, (Veeraha)

the courageous (Varoothaadhipathi) chief of the army of (Yadhoonaam) the Yadavas, (Kachchith Aasthe) doing

(Sukham) good? (Yam) He, (Smaram) who was Kaamadeva


(Aaadisargge) in his previous birth, was sought as her son (Rukhminee) by Rukhmini Devi by (Aaraadhya) worshiping the

(Vipraan) Brahmins, and with their blessings, (Abhilebhe) begot him as her son (Bhagavathaha) through Shri Krishna !

Kachchidvaroothaadhipathiryadhoonaam Pradyumna Aasthe Sukhamga Veeraha

Yam Rukhminee Bhagavathaha Abhilebhe Aaraadhya Vipraan Smaramaadhisargge - Stanza 28

Stanza 29 : Is that Ugrasena, the chief of Saathwathaas, Vrishnis, Dhaasaarhaas etc. doing good, who stood away without having any inclination for the throne of the King, and who was made the King by that Bhagavan whose eyes are like the beautiful red lotus ?

(Saha) Is that Ugrasena, (Adhipaha) the chief of

(Saathwathavrishnibhojadhaasaarhakaanaam) Saathwathaas, Vrishnees, Dhaasaarhaas etc., (Kaschith Aasthe) doing

(Sukham) good, (Parihrithya) who stood (Dooraath) away (Nripaasanaasaam) without having any inclination for the throne of the King, and (Yam) who (Abhyashinchath) was made the King by that Bhagavan, (Sathapathranethraha) whose eyes are like

the beautiful red lotus ?

Kachchith Sukham Swaathwathavrishnibhoja- dhaasaarhakaanaamadhipaha Sa Aasthe Yamabhyashinchath sathapathranethro

Nripaasanaasaam Parihrithya Dhooraath - Stanza 29 Stanza 30 :


Hey the compassionate one ! Is Samban doing good, who is Shri Krishna’s equal in all respects and his son, and who is the frontrunner among all the courageous ones ? That Samban was Subramanya Swami in his previous life, through the pregnancy of Shri Parvati, and who was born to the most pious Jambavati. (Soumya) Hey the compassionate one ! Is (Saambaha) Saamban

(Kachchith Aasthe) doing (Saadhu) good, who is (Harehe) Shri Krishna’s (Sadrikshaha) equal in all respects and (Suthaha) his son, and who is (Agraneehi) the front runner (Rathinaam) among all the courageous ones ? (Yaha) That Saamban was

(Devam Guham) Subramanya Swami in (Agre) his previous life, (Drithaha) through the pregnancy (Ambikayaa) of Shri

Parvathi, and (Yam) who (Asutha) was born to the (Vrathaadyaa) most pious (Jaambavathi) Jaambavathi.

Kachchidhdharehe Soumya Suthaha Sadriksha­ Aasthe Agranee Rathinaam Saadhu Saambaha Asootha Yam Jaambavathee Vrathaadyaa

Devam Guham Yombikaya Drithaha Agre ­ Stanza 30

Stanza 31 : Is that Saathyaki doing good, who from that Arjuna mastered the art of secret warfare of the bow and arrow, who with the total devotion to Shri Krishna attained so easily that impossible path of identity with Him which was not even possible for Yogis ?

Is (Saha Yuyudhaanaha) that Saathyaki (Kachchid Aasthe) doing (Kshemam) good, (Yaha) who (Phaalgunaath) from that Arjuna (Labdhadhanoorahasyaha) mastered the art of secret warfare of the bow and arrow , (Adhokshajasevaya Eva) who


with the total devotion to Shri Krishna (Lebhe) attained (Anjhasaa) so easily that impossible (Thadeeyaam Gathim) path of identity with Him which was (Duraapaam) not even possible

(Yathibhihi) for Yogis.

Kshemam Sa Kchchidyuyudhaana Aasthe Yaha Phaalgunaallabdhadhanoorahasyaha

Lebhe Anjhasaadhokshajasevayaiva Gathim Thadeeyaam Yathibhirdhuraapaam - Stanza 31

Stanza 32 : Is the cleanest and the scholarly Akrura doing good, who is a scholar and who is obedient to Bhagavan ? That Akrura who, because of his determined and pure devotion rolled around at all sand dunes on which places Sri Krishna’s foot prints were made.

Is the (Anameevaha) cleanest and the (Buhaha) scholarly (Swaphalkaputhraha) Akroora (Kachchit Aasthe) doing (Swasthi) good, who is a scholar and (Bhagavatprapannaha) who is obidient

to Bhagavan ? (Yaha) That Akroora who, (Premavibhinnadhairyaha) because of his determined and pure

devotion (Acheshtatha) rolled around (Krishnapaadhaankithamaarghapaamsushu) at all sand dunes on

which places Sri Krishna’s foot prints were made.

Kachchidbudhaha Swasthyanameeva Aasthe Swaphalkaputhro Bhagavatprapannaha

Yaha Krishnapaadhaankithamaarghapaamsushu Acheshtatha Premavibhinnadhairyaha - Stanza 32


Stanza 33 : Is Devaki, the daughter of Bhoja Devaka, and like the Deva Matha Aditi, who got Vishnu as her son, doing fine ? She held Bhagavan in her pregnancy as the content of Vedas arising out of observation of all the Yagnas.

Is (Devakabhojaputhrayaaha) Devaki, the daughter of Bhoja Devaka, and (Deva Mathuhu Iva) like the Deva Matha Aditi,

(Vishnuprajaayaaha) who got Vishnu as her son, (Sivam Kachchith) doing fine ? (Yaa Vai) She Dadhaara) held

(Devam) Bhagavan (Swagarbhena) in her pregnancy (Artham) as the content of (Thrayee Yathaa) Vedas (Yagnavithaanam)

arising out of observation of all the Yagnas.

Kachchit Sivam Devakabhojaputhryaa Vishnuprajaaya Iva Devamaathuhu

Yaa Vai Swagharbhena Dadhaara Devam Thrayee Yathaa Yajghnavithaanamartham - Stanza 33

Stanza 34 : Is your Anirudha doing fine, who is the embodiment of all the six good qualities and who fulfils the desires of the worshipers ? ­ that Airudha, as determined by the Vedas, is considered as the base Deva of the fourth characteristic ­ intelligence ­ and the one who initiates the mind and the source of the world of sound.

Is (Vaha Yaha) your (Anirudhaha) Anirudha (Apiswith Aasthe) doing (Sukham) fine, (Yam) who (Bhagavan) is the


embodiment of all the six good qualities and who (Kaama Dukhaha) fulfils the desires of (Saathwathaam) the worshipers ? - that Anirudha, (Aamanthi Sma Ha) as determined by the Vedas, (Satwathureeyatatwam) is considered as the base Deva of the fourth characteristic - intelligence - and (Manomayam) the one who initiates the mind and (Sabdayonim) the source of

the world of sound.

Apiswidhaasthe Bhagavan Sukham Vo Yaha Saathwathaam Kaamadhukhaha Aniruddhaha

Yamaamananthi Sma Ha Sabdhayoonim Manoomayam Sathwathureeyathaththwam - Stanza 34

Stanza 35: Hey the compassionate one ! Do all the others who, with single minded devotion and are the systematic followers of Shri Krishna, who ignites the inner consciousness of each self; and Hrideekan ­ the son of Sathyabhaama ­ Chaarudeshnan ­ Gadhan etc., do well ?

(Soumya) Hey the compassionate one ! Do (Ye) all the (Anye Cha) others who, (Anannyavrithayaa) with single minded devotion

and (Samanuvrathaha) are the systematic followers of (Nijaathmadaivam) Shri Krishna, who ignites the inner

consciousness of each self; and (Hridheekasathyaathmajachaarudheshnagadhaadhayaha)

Hrideekan - the son of Sathyabhaama - Chaarudeshnan - Gadhan etc., (Apiswith Swasthi Charanthi) do well ?

Apiswidhanye Cha Nijaathmadaivam Ananyavrithyaa Samanuvrithaa ye

Hridheekasathyaathmajachaarudheshna- gadhaadhayaha Swasthi Charanthi Soumya - Stanza 35


Stanza 36 : Does Dharmaputra rule his kingdom, along with his two arms of Arjuna and Krishna through the righteous ways sustaining the principles of righteousness ? All the wealth of the kingdom retrieved by Dharmaputra now due to the victory, were confiscated earlier by Duryodhana in the king’s assembly.

Does (Dharmaha) Dharmaputra rule his kingdom, (Swadhorbhyaam) along with his two arms

(Vijayaachyuthaabhyaam) of Arjuna and Krishna (Dharmena) through the righteous ways (Api Paripaathi) sustaining

(Sethum) the principles of righteousness ? (Saamraajyalakshmyaa) All the wealth of the kingdom retrieved

by Dharmaputra (Vijayaanuvrithyaa) now due to the victory, were (Athapyatha) confiscated earlier (Duryodhanaha) by

Duryodhana (Yathsabhaayaam) in the king’s assembly.

Api Swadhorbhyaam Vijayaachyuthaabhyaam Dharmena Dharmaha Paripaathi Sethum

Dhuryodhanaha Athapyatha Yathsabhaayaam Saamraajyalakshmyaa Vijayaanuvriththyaa - Stanza 36

Stanza 37 : Has Bheemasena discarded now his cobra­like powerful reaction generated in him due to his long standing retaliatory anger against injustice inflicted upon by others ?


Even the war zone would not have had the strength to bear his powerful trampling of feet by the way he had wonderfully fought the war through the power and rules of his Club fight !

Has (Bheemaha) Bheemasena (Vyamunjchath Kim Vaa) discarded now his (Ahivath) cobra-like (Athyamarshee)

powerful reaction generated in him due to (Deerghathamam) his long standing (Akham) retaliatory anger (Krithaakheshu)

against injustice inflicted upon by others ?

Even the (Ranabhoohu) war zone (Na Sehe) would not have had the strength to bear (Charathaha) his powerful trampling

(Angkripaatham) of feet by the way (Yasya) he had (Vichithram) wonderfully fought the war through the power and

(Maargham) rules of his (Gadhaayaaha) Club fight !

Kim Vaa Krithaakheshwakhamathyamarshee Bheemaha Ahidhdheerkhathamam Vyamunjchath

Yasyaangkripaatham Ranabhoorna Sehe Maargham Gadhaayaascharatho Vichithram - Stanza 37

Stanza 38: The famous Gandeevi must have outshined in the midst of all the courageous warriors, even after the extinction of all the enemies ! Lora Parameswara, assuming the garb of a hunter due to His special powers, was enjoying Himself when Arjuna showered arrows on Him so much so that He was fully covered with the rows of arrows because of which He could not been seen from outside !


The (Yasodhaaha) famous (Gandeevadanvaa) Gandeevi (Kachchith Aasthe) must have outshined (Rathayoothapaanaam)

in the midst of all the courageous warriors, even (Uparathaariha) after the extinction of all the enemies !

(Girisaha) Lord Parameswara, (Maayaakiraathaha) assuming the

garb of a hunter due to His special powers, (Thuthosha) was enjoying Himself when Arjuna showered arrows on Him so much so that (Yachcharakootagoodaha) He was fully covered with the rows of arrows (Alakshithaha) because of which He could not

been from outside !

Kachchidyasodha Rathayoothapaanaam Gandeevadanvoparathaariraasthe Alakshitho Yachcharakootagoodo

Maayaakiraatho Girisasthuthosha - Stanza 38

Stanza 39 : Are Nakula and Sahadeva ­ born to Yugma ­ enjoying themselves? They had grown up as Kunthi’s sons and protected by Kunthi’s own sons in such a way as the eyelids protect the eyes. The way they retrieved the right of their kingdom in the war from the hands of the enemies resembled like two Garudas snatching the Amrit ­ nectar ­ from the mouth of Indra.

Are (Yamou) Nakula and Sahadeva - born to Yugma - (Uthaswith Remaathe) enjoying themselves ? They had grown up

(Prithaayaha) (Thanayou) as Kunthi’s sons and (Vrithou) protected (Paarthaihi) by Kunthi’s own sons (Iva) in such a

way as the (Pakshamibihi) eyelids protect (Akshinee) the eyes.


(Udhdhaya) The way they retrieved (Swariktham) the right of

their kingdom (Mridhe) in the war (Paraath) from the hands of the enemies (Iva) resembled like (Suparnou) two Garudas

snatching the Amrit - nectar - (Vajrivakthraath) from the mouth of Indra.

Yamaavuthaswiththanayou Prithaayaha

Paarthairvrithou Pakshmabhirakshineeva Remetha Udhdhaaya Mridhe Swarikhtham

Paraath Suparnnaviva Vajrivakthraath - Stanza 39

Stanza 40 : The Rajarshi King Pandu, who had lot of valour and who was the most courageous, conquered all the four directions with his powerful bow alone as his help. Oh what a wonder ! But Kunthi leading her life only for the sake of her children is even far more greater. Note: Here Vidhura is not enquiring about Kunthi. He concludes that there is nothing to be asked about her as, despite having lost her very good husband, Kunthi leading her life only for the sake of her children is a matter of wonder and far more greater than any name and fame. (Thena Rajarshivaryena) The Rajrshi King Pandu, (Eka Veeraha)

who had lot of valour and (Adhirathaha) who was the most courageous (Vijigye) conquered (Chathasraha) all the four

(Kakubaha) directions with (Yaha Thu) his (Dhanurdwitheeyaha) powerful bow alone as his help. (Aho) Oh


what a wonder ! (Pritha Api) But Kunthi (Dhriyathe) leading her life only (Arbhakaarthe) for the sake of her children is even

(Vinaa Api) far more greater.

Aho Pritha Api Dhriyathe Arbhakaarthe Rajarshivaryena Vinaapi Thena

Yasthwekaveeraha Adhirathaha Vijigye Dhanurdwitheeyaha Kakubaschathasraha - Stanza 40

Stanza 41 : Hey, the compassionate one ! That person who directed all misdeeds upon his departed brother, by troubling his children, and that person who obeyed in more than required manner his own children, who drove out a well­wisher brother like me from my own place, and is now leading a miserable life. I deeply regret his life condition. Note: Vidhura was pitying the condition in which Dridharashtra had placed himself, all on account of self created issues and weak or no decision as a King. (Sumya) Hey, the compassionate one ! (Yaha) That person who

directed all misdeeds upon (Parethaaya) his departed (Brathre) brother, (Vidhudhruhe) by troubling his children, and (Yena) that person who (Samanuvrathena) obeyed in

more than required manner, (Swaputhraan) his own children, who (Niryaapithaha) drove me out a (Suhrith) well -wisher brother

like (Aham) me (Swapuryaa) from my own place, and is now (Adhahapathantham) leading a miserable life. I (Anusoche)

deeply regret (Tham) his life condition.


Sumyaanusoche Thamadhahapathantham Braathre Parethaaya Vidhudhruhe Yaha Niryaapitho Yena Suhrith Swapuryaa

Aham Swaputhraan Samanuvrathena - Stanza 41

Thus ending his enquiries about people and events with Udhava, he goes on further to state his own position in the subsequent stanzas.




Skandham 3, Chapter 1, Stanzas 42 to 45 (Srimad Bhagavatham)

These stanzas are the conclusive portion of Chapter 1. Vidhura enquires with Udhava the welfare of Sri Krishna, Balarama, Yadavas and Pandavas. Thereafter he explains his own position through these stanzas. Thus Shri Sukha Brahma Rishi continues his discourse to King Pareekshit. Stanza 42 :


With the blessings of Shri Krishna Bhagavan, who surprises the eyes of the people, on account of the perceptions of the people, and who is the source of everything in this world and looking at His greatness, distancing myself from the past achievements, without being able to be recognized by others, I am travelling here.

(Prasaadhaath) With the blessings (Harehe) of Shri Krishna

Bhagavan, who (Chaalayathaha) surprises (Drisaha) the eyes of the people, (Marthyavidambanena) on account of the perceptions of (Nrinaam) the people, (Vidhaathuhu) and who is the source of everything in this world and (Pasyan) looking at (Padhaveem) His greatness, (Gathavismayaha) distancing myself from the

past achievements, (Naanyoopalakshyaha) without being able to be recognized by others, (Saha Aham) I am (Charaami)

travelling (Athra) here.

Saha Aham Harermarththyavidambanena Driso Nrinaam Chaalayatho Vidhathuhu

Naanyopalakshyaha Padhaveem Prasaadaath Charaami Pasyan Gadhavismayaha Athra - Stanza 42

Stanza 43 : Shri Krishna Bhagavan is ever ready, ever willing and ever capable to mitigate the sorrows of those surrenders unto Him, by eliminating all those kings who get wavered from the right path because on their knowledge, wealth and wrong thinking, and who with the help of their army shake the world repeatedly. However, in the case of Kauravas’ wrong deeds, He had definitely tolerated their atrocities for some time.


Note: Vidhura expresses his feelings because of the immense atrocities inflicted upon others by Kauravas for a long time. He feels Shri Krishna could have, if He wanted, eliminated the Kauravaas much early so that Pandavas need not have gone to the forests. Again when He came as Pandavas ambassador to the court of Kaurava King he had to undergo disrespect. Had He taken action earlier this also could have avoided. He explains the reasons, through the following two stanzas, as to why Bhagavan takes action as per His own timing. (Bhagavan) Shri Krishna Bhagavan (Eesaha) is ever ready, ever willing and ever capable (Prapannarthijiheershaya) to mitigate

the sorrows of those surrenders unto Him, (Vadhaath) by eliminating (Nripaanaam) all those kings who get wavered from the right path (Thrimadhothpathaanaam) because on their knowledge, wealth and wrong thinking, and who (Chamoobhihi) with the help of their army (Chaalayathaam) shake (Maheem)

the world (Muhuhu) repeatedly. However, in the case of (Kuroonaam) Kauravas’ (Akham Noonam) wrong deeds, He had definitely (Vyupekshatha) tolerated their atrocities for some


Noonam Nripaanaam Thrimadhothpathaanaam Maheem Muhuschaalayathaam Chamoobhihi

Vadhaath Prapannarththijiheershayeso Vyupaikshathaakham Bhagavan Kuroonaam - Stanza 43

Stanza 44 : He who has no birth, happens to take birth for annihilating the non righteous ones. He who has nothing to do as such on His own, happens to do certain actions for the purpose of instilling good and


righteous conduct on people. Otherwise, why The One who is beyond all characteristics of Nature has to assume for whom the physical body, and even more has to undertake certain actions ? (Ajasya) He who has no birth, (Janma) happens to take birth for (Uthpathanaasanaaya) annihilating the non righteous ones.

(Akarthuhu) He who has nothing to do as such on His own, (Karmaani) happens to do certain actions (Grahanaaya) for the

purpose of instilling good and righteous conduct (Pumsaam) on people. (Anyaatha) Otherwise, why The One who (Paraha) is beyond (Gunaanaam) all characteristics of Nature has to assume (Kaha Nanu) (Dehayogam) for whom the physical body, and

(Utha) even more (Arhathi) has to undertake (Karmathanthram) certain actions ?

Ajasya Janmothpathanaasanaaya

Karmmaannyakarthurguhanaaya Pumsaam Nanwanyathaa Kaha Arhathi Dehayogam

Paro Gunaanaamutha Karmathanthram - Stanza 44

Stanza 45 : Hey the closest friend ­ Udhava ­ ! Please explain to me in detail the pastimes of That One who has in fact no birth, who is worth praising, and who was born in the Yadava dynasty for the sake of those and all other demi Gods protecting His creations, who surrender unto Him, follow His established order and are firmly rooted in HIM.


(Sakhe) Hey the closest friend - Udhava - ! (Keethaya) Please explain to me in detail the pastimes of (Thasya Ajasya) (Vaarthaam) That One who has in fact no birth, (Theerthakeerthehe) who is worth praising, and (Jaathasya) who was born (Yadushu) in the Yadava dynasty (Arthaaya) for the sake of those and (Prapannaakhilalokapaanaam) all other demi Gods protecting His creations, who surrender unto Him, follow (Swe) His (Anusaasane) established order (Avasthithaanaam) and are firmly rooted in HIM.

Thasya Prapannakhilalokapaanaam Avasthithaanamanusaasane Swe

Arthaaya Jaathasya Yadhushwajasya Vaarthaam Sakhe Keethaya Theerththakeerththehe - Stanza 45 Conclusion of Chapter 1: The purpose of birth and actions by That Almighty is to protect those involved ever in righteous actions and to annihilate from the root the non righteousness. Therefore, He knows what is to be done at what time and at which place and in which manner. He does not have carelessness or want of attention on these matters. The devoted Vidhura now only wants to listen about Him in detail, Who is so kind and Who cannot be perceived by ordinary thinking.



