Happy Halloween! Monday October 31, 2016wkman.weebly.com/uploads/5/6/6/2/56620237/week_10... ·...


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Happy Halloween! Monday October 31, 2016

Need: Notebook, Warm Up/Current Event, TURN IN ANALOGIES

Warm Up: What do you think the President does?


Warm Up/Expectations

Good Things

Teacher Notes- What does the President do?

Student Activity- The Electoral College

Quarter 2- Expectations• Warm Ups

• Due every FRIDAY!!!• Elaborate! As we share answers, ADD to your

warm up!• Be sure to write ABSENT days you are not here

• Current Events• SUMMARY- tell the full story! Use 4-6 sentences!• REFLECTION- How do you relate? What’s your

opinion? What do you think?

• “I believe police officers should be trained to use non-life-threatening tactics to disarm suspects. Local governments should do all that they can to ensure training and access to weapons like Tasers and rubber bullets that will disarm and not kill. They should also face severe punishments if they are found to be abusing their power as an officer.”

What do you think the President does?

Good things

EQ: How is the President elected and what role does he/she play in our government?• Requirements to be President:

• Must be 35 years old

• A natural born citizen

• Have lived in the US for 14 years

• What is the President’s job?• Head of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH

• Defend the Constitution

• Enforce the laws of the country

• Make sure the government runs smoothly

• What power does the President have?• Make treaties with other countries

• Establishes trade agreements with other countries

• Commands the armed forces

Student Activity: The Electoral CollegeRead the Article and Answer the Questions using the reading

and map

Popular Vote or Electoral College?

• Read the article “Should we elect the President by Popular Vote?”

• Write down your opinion and give support for your argument.

• I believe we should elect the President using ___________________ because:


Whatever you are, be a good one!

- Abraham Lincoln

It’s already November?!?!?! Tuesday Nov. 1Agenda:

• Warm Up: What does this political cartoon mean?

• Good things

• History of Political Parties

• BrainPop: Republicans vs. Democrats

Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

Anti-Federalists (Jefferson) Federalists (Hamilton)

What were the beliefs of America’s earliest political parties?

The History of Political Parties in the US

1678: England

The Roman Catholics were plotting to kill King Charles II so he dissolved Parliament

Supporters of KCII: Abhorrers

New Parliament Supporters: Petitioners

Abhorrers= Tories-want a strong King

Petitioners = Whigs-want regular people

to have more say

1796- Development of US Gov’t

Hamilton and Madison: Federalists- wanted a strong

central government

Jefferson: Anti-Federalists-wanted individual rights

Anti-Federalists become Democratic-


Planters, Farmers, and Artisans (skilled

workers)- Want gov’t to stay out of their


1820s: A. Jackson is D-R but Anti-Jackson

supporters with former Federalists formed the

Republican Party.

1860s: Lincoln is a Republican fighting for

gov’t control over slavery

Southern Democrats wanted free trade


Republicans mostly oppose gov’t assistance

Democrats support gov’t aide

Republicans and Democrats

Republicans Democrats

Under the Jefferson vs. Hamilton chart, create a t-chart like below. As we watch BrainPop, add information to each political party’s chart.

Where do you stand?

• Glue the quiz on the Student Side

• Answer the questions based on YOUR beliefs

• Star the 5 topics that are MOST important to YOU

• Would you be considered a Democrat or a Republican?


Whatever you are, be a good one!

- Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday November 2nd- BEAT MARTIN!!!

Warm Up:

What are the major issues that the US faces in this election?


Warm Up

Good Things

• 2016 Election: Who are the candidates and where do they stand on important issues?

What are the issues?

Who is running for President?

• Republican Candidate- Trump

• Background: • born in NY• Started as a real-estate developer• Built Trump Tower, hotels, resorts, casinos, and

golf courses• Ran for President in 1999 but quit

• Main issue- Immigration and the WALL

• Green Party Candidate- Dr. Jill Stein• Background:

• Born in Chicago• Med School Professor at Harvard• Town government official in Mass.

• Main Issue: Environment

• Democratic Candidate- Clinton

• Background• Born in Chicago• Studied law- fought for the Children’s Defense

Fund• First Lady 1992-2000• US Senator• Secretary of State

• Main Issue- taxes on the wealthy and breaks for middle class

• Libertarian Candidate: Gary Johnson• Background

• Born in North Dakota• Governor of New Mexico

• Main Issue- the American working class

The Issues

• The Economy: national debt, minimum wage, taxes, trade

• Immigration: people moving to the United States from around the world- currently the US allows an estimated 675,000 immigrants in each year

• Environment: climate change, government regulations of emissions (air and water pollution)

• ISIS: what actions should the US take against the terrorist group

• US role in the World: aid to countries including food, water, medicine- military helping establish democracy

• Guns: ban on certain weapons, stipulations to own guns

Issues Facts Trump Clinton What I think:





US Role in the World


Agree or Disagree?

• The US should ban all Muslim immigrants from entering the US until ISIS is contained.

• The wealthiest Americans should pay higher taxes to fund our nation.
