Happy Christmas and New Year - North Sydney …...Remember these tips: • Get up and walk around as...


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lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au

If you’ve bought tickets to the New Year’s Eve Family Fun Night at the pool, entry will be via Alfred Street South this year. You can bring in alcohol but no glass. There will be bag checks at Paul Street prior to entry. Please note unopened alcohol may be carried on the street but cannot be opened or consumed. There will be plenty of games and activities for all ages and of course you’ll be able to enjoy the 9pm fireworks from the pool grandstand! Tickets have sold out.

There are a number of vantage points in North Sydney where you can get a great view of the fireworks and the festivities on the harbour foreshore.

There will be alcohol and parking restrictions in place, as well as road closures and managed access to some of the vantage points. Please visit Council’s website to download a copy of the resident information brochures that highlights these restrictions and changes.


All the staff would like to wish you a

Happy Christmas and New YearPlease see back page for our hours of operation over the Christmas and New Year period.

FROM THE FACILITY MANAGEMENT AND STAFFHello and a very warm welcome to the North Sydney Olympic Pool and Lane 9 Gym newsletter. The weather has suddenly warmed up and summer is finally here. It’s time to slip, slop and slap on the sunscreen and come down for a refreshing swim. The pools are looking extremely inviting!

A lot has been happening here at North Sydney Olympic Pool this year. We celebrated the pool’s 80th birthday and hosted the launch of the Commonwealth Games. There have also been some staff changes with four new lifeguards - Alice, Andy, Claudio and Fab - looking after you in the Pool. You may also have noticed some new friendly faces in reception with Lucia and Dominique now part of the team.

We are always excited to bring you LapTimes and would like to thank all our staff, North Sydney Council staff, the Badger Swim School, Swim Clubs and customers who have made it possible and provided valuable input.

We would also like to thank all our fabulous patrons who come here for a wide variety of reasons - to swim, learn to swim, exercise, or just relax. Without your continued support, we would not be able to provide the services we do at one of the best pools in the world. So thank you everyone, we look forward to seeing you in the new year.

We also welcome customer feedback, so please do not hesitate to talk to any of our friendly staff. We hope you enjoy our newsletter as much as we enjoy bringing it to you.

From all the staff here at North Sydney Olympic Pool and Lane 9 Gymnasium, we wish all our customers a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.

Yours in health, Cosi

Please note, if you’re attending the pool during the day on the 31 December (the pool is open until 4.30pm), you will need to enter through the managed access tent at Fitzroy Street.

lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au

OPTUS SWIMMING DOLPHINS LAUNCHWe were thrilled to host a launch by Swimming Australia and Optus of a new national junior participation swim program, Optus Junior Dolphins, at the Pool in October.

Five-time Olympic gold medallist Ian Thorpe and 2016 Rio Olympic medallists, Emma

McKeon and Madi Wilson, were all on hand to help launch the new program and lead a group of very excited children through the very first clinic.

The program was created to encourage children to have fun with their friends while improving their swimming

without the pressures of serious training and competitions. The program gives children the chance to learn new skills and develop personally through games and swimming activities.

For more information on this incredible program, head to juniordolphins.com.au


FESTIVE SEASONDuring the festive season, we have beautiful weather and more time to spend with our loved ones. But while you enjoy the finer things in life, remember you can still try to remain fit and healthy over summer. Here are our top tips to get you through the silly season:

1. Acceptance – During this time of celebration, we are all going to be surrounded by temptations, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Allow yourself to have a few more drinks and extra nibbles, but moderation is the key.

2. Make a pact – Ask a friend or family member to agree to a new year training plan to get into after Christmas. Plan for two gym or swim sessions a week and start to cut back on alcohol and Christmas treats.

3. Mathematics – Eat more calories than you burn off in a day, and you will put on fat and vice versa, it’s simple maths. It’s likely most of us will succumb to excessive consumption over Christmas, so balance it out with an extra trip to the gym or swim some more lengths in the pool to counteract it.

4. Remember these tips:

• Get up and walk around as often as possible – set your alarm to go off every hour so you stand up and move your body.

• Go easy on the alcohol

• Sleep is important – aim for at least seven hours a night.

• Don’t stress and take time out to relax

• Eat fresh fruit and vegetables

• Engage your brain

• Think before you eat and practice mindfulness

Have fun!!! Here’s to a happy and healthy holiday season.

LET’S CELEBRATEWe love our staff here at North Sydney Olympic Pool - they do an amazing job of looking after everyone while still achieving great feats outside of work. Here’s what some of our staff have been up to while not at the pool…

Lifeguard Cristina competed in her first ever ocean swim and won her age group female division in the Bondi to Bronte 2.4km Ocean Swim. We are so proud of Cristina - what an amazing achievement, congratulations!

Once again all our permanent lifeguard staff recently completed our annual lifeguard update training. We are always striving to do the best we can and make sure we keep learning, so congratulations to our staff!

HOLIDAY CHEERTo get you in the holiday spirit, here are some awful jokes to give you a giggle, courtesy of fantastic Christmas Crackers:

• How do snails keep their shells shiny?

• What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?

• What starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T?

A Teapot


They use snail vanish….

lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au

Happy Australia DayThank you Australia, for being an amazing place to live! Help us celebrate Australia Day in style by joining in the fun at North Sydney Olympic Pool where you can watch all the festivities on the harbour foreshore.

From 11am to 2pm, we will be having a Family Fun Day full of activities for the whole family. Entertainment will include face painting, roaming entertainment and inflatable pool equipment. Normal entry fees apply ($7.80 adult/$3.90 child).

North Sydney Council will also be hosting a special Australia Day Event in Bradfield Park from 10am to 4pm. BBQ by the Bridge will celebrate Australia’s diversity through a traditional Aussie BBQ with a multicultural twist. A variety of stalls will serve delicious barbecued cuisines from around the world.

There will be opportunities to get up close with some Australian native animals, learn some circus skills or simply enjoy the view. Tasty live music will be provided by The Beans, Salsa Kingz, Geoff Bull & The Finer Cuts and My Sauce Good.



HEAT AND EXERCISE IN SUMMERStay safe during the summer months and remember to be careful in the hot weather. Whether you’re running, swimming or walking, always take care when the temperature rises. Exercising in heat puts extra stress on your body and both the air temperature and the exercise will increase your core body temperature. To stop the heat from melting your workouts, remember these tips:

1. Watch the temperature – pay attention to the weather forecasts and any heat alerts. Know what the temperature is expected to be for the duration of your planned exercise training.

2. Hydrate – keep hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids (preferably water) before, during and after exercising. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks, these will only promote fluid loss. Staying hydrated will help your body to sweat and cool down - don’t wait until you are thirsty to have a drink.

3. Exercise smarter, not harder – remember to workout outside during the cooler parts of the day, preferably when the sun’s rays are at a minimum, early in the morning or evening. Decrease your work out intensity and duration when the temperature or humidity is high. High humidity levels can add even more stress to your body and push up your body temperature as sweat won’t evaporate from your skin as easily. If possible, exercise in a shaded area or do a water workout in the pool.

4. Know your fitness level – if you are not

that fit or new to exercise, be extra careful as your body may have a lower tolerance to the heat. Remember to take frequent breaks and reduce the intensity of the activity.

5. Ease into it – allow your body time to adapt to the increase in temperature. If you are used to exercising in cooler conditions, take it easy. As your body adapts to the heat over the course of one to two weeks, gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts.

6. Dress the part – wear minimal amounts of clothing to facilitate cooling by evaporation. Remember it’s not sweating that cools the body down, but the evaporation of sweat into the atmosphere. Wear lightweight, loose-fitting and light-coloured clothing in breathable fabrics like cotton. You may also want to try the specially designed “hi tech” gym wear. If exercising outside, don’t forget a hat.

7. Wear sunscreen – always wear sunscreen and slip, slop, slap before going outside. Sunburn increases the risk of skin cancer

and also decreases the body’s ability to cool itself. It’s so important to protect our skin even on cloudy days.

8. Back up plan – if you were intending to go for a run, but are concerned about the heat and humidity, stay indoors and workout in the gym. You can even swim in the indoor pool to avoid the heat.

9. Medical risks – be aware and understand your medical risks. Certain conditions or medications can increase your risk of heat-related illness. If you are concerned or unsure, talk to your doctor prior to undertaking any exercise in the heat.

10. Team up – if possible exercise with a friend, it’s safer and can be more fun and motivating.

Fitness tips do not change much over the years... Cosi’s favourite fitness tip is to continue to exercise no matter what time of the year it is. With a bit of planning and a few sun safety precautions, your exercise routine doesn’t need to be sidelined when the heat is on - stay safe and have fun!

lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au

If you are looking for a new challenge and are sick of travelling up the black line, why not compete in an ocean swim? There are several upcoming oceans swims across New South Wales for you to choose from. If you would like more information, check out the flyer stand at reception or visit oceanswim.com


17 Balmoral, Vladswim Balmoral Challenge, 2km or 1.5km swim

18 Queenscliff, Swim for Saxon, 5km or 10km swim

18 Wollongong, Basin 2 Beach Ocean Swim, 2km or 800m swim


2 Yamba, Yamba Ocean Swim, 2km, 700m or 150m Dash for Cash swim

8 Gerringong, Captain Christie Classic, 1.8km swim

8 Newport,Pool to Peak Swims, 800m or 2km

8 North Bondi,The Roughwater Ocean Swim, 1km or 2km

15 Avalon, Avalon Beach Surf Swim, 1km or 1.5km

15 Tathra, Wharf to Wave, Far South Coast, 600m or 1.2km swims

21 Penrith, Bridge 2 Bridge Swim, 3km or 5km

22 Mona Vale, Warriewood to Mona Vale Ocean Swim, 2.2km

26 Newcastle Harbour, Australia Day Harbour Swim, 700m or 1.4k

29 Palm Beach to Whale Beach, The Big Swim, 2.8km, or The Little Big Swim, 1km


5 Manly, Cole Classic, 1km, 2km or 5km swim

5 South Maroubra, Clear Water Classic, 2.5km, 1km or 400m swim

12 North Bondi, North Bondi Classic Ocean Swim, 1km or 2km

18 Malabar, Murray Rose Malabar Magic, 1km or 2.4km swim

26 Bondi Beach, Bluewater Challenge, 2.1km, 1km or 500m swim


Exercise Type - Strength | Targets - Quadriceps, Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings

If you are looking for a great strength training exercise, this is for you.

Squats are a wonderful exercise because they engage almost the whole body in one movement. Many people may believe it is only a leg exercise but it is actually one of the best exercises to get that strong and lean abdomen we all want. Squats strengthen your lower and upper body as well as your core and lower back muscles.

So here is a step-by-step guide to performing the perfect squat using a barbell and squat rack.

• Start with bar at armpit height on the rack

• Grasp bar with a closed overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart

• Duck under the bar and place it on the soft part between your neck and the top of your shoulder blades. Stand up and take a step back from the rack

• Feet should be roughly hip-width apart with your toes slightly turned outwards

• Keep the core tight and elongated throughout all parts of the lift while keeping the chest proud

• Keep the head up and look straight forward

• Sit back and down into the squat, focusing on putting the weight on the heels

• Stop when the thigh is past parallel to the ground, keeping a good straight posture in the lower back

• Always track your knees to make sure they don’t go over the line of the foot

• From the bottom of the squat stand up with the bar following the same path as on the way down

• Stand tall at the top of the squat

The correct squat technique should be applied to all squatting exercises, the only exception being the distance between the feet. Controlled movements should always be applied and remember when you are using free weights, YOU are controlling them, not the other way around. If you require any tips and tricks regarding technique, don’t hesitate to ask one of the gym staff. Happy squatting!

For any assistance on squats or any other exercise, please talk to your friendly Lane 9 Gym staff. They are there to assist and help you in any way possible.

NSW OCEAN SWIMS Dec 2016 - Feb 2017

BADGER SWIM SCHOOLDid you know that a child under the age of four is 14 times more likely to die in a swimming pool than in an automobile accident? You may think you are supervising your children, but here is a scary fact - a parent is usually nearby when a child drowns. Drowning is preventable. Remember to always supervise your children at the pool, make swim lessons a priority, do a first aid course and make swim-time safe and fun.

As our last term of the year comes to an end, we have begun taking bookings for Term 1, 2017, and the

school holiday program. Book now to avoid disappointment as classes are filling fast.

Remember that when you come to the pool for lessons, everyone entering will still need to pay the pool entry fee: spectators $2.50, children aged five and over $3.90. children under five are free of charge.

To book, please phone the swim school office on 9966 1551, speak to reception or email us at badgerswimschool@bigpond.com Please check the website for more details badgerswimschool.com





lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au

KEEP WATCHAs it gets busier with the warmer weather, we need to remind everyone to keep watch over children at all times.

North Sydney Olympic Pool is part of Royal Life Saving Australia’s Keep Watch water safety awareness program. The aim of the program is to improve children’s safety at public swimming pool facilities by improving parental supervision.

Customers sometimes assume that because professional lifeguards and swim teachers are on duty, parents do not need to be as vigilant in watching their children as they usually would be. This is not the case.

Royal Life Saving, together with the North Sydney Olympic Pool, are reminding all parents, guardians and carers that they must supervise their children at public pools.

Lifeguards are not babysitters. A lifeguard’s role at North Sydney Olympic Pool is to oversee the safe operation of all pools, surrounds and ensure all patrons can safely enjoy their time at the Centre. We urge all parents and carers to take a more active role in supervising their children when visiting. This also means not dropping children off at the Centre when they have swimming lessons - parents must accompany them. It is also important to always obey the lifeguard’s instructions and follow the advice of the signs around the pool. Parents are reminded to be vigilant and to keep watch over children at all times.


1 Children (under 10) are not allowed entry to the facility unless under active supervision of a person aged 16 years or older.

2 For children aged under five-years-old, a parent or guardian must be in the water and within arms reach of the child at all times.

3 For children aged five to 10-years-old, constant active supervision is required so be prepared to get wet and enter the water with this age group.

4 For 11 to 14-year-olds, it is recommended that a parent check up on their child by physically being in the same area of the pool.

5 Parents and guardians should actively supervise their children at all times and be ready for action, including unexpected entry to the pool.

More information on the Keep Watch program is available at reception and on the Royal Life Saving Society website.

DEEP AQUA IS BACKOur Deep Aqua classes have returned for the summer season. Classes are held in the outdoor 50m pool on the following days and times:

Monday 8am | Tuesday 7pm | Thursday 8am | Thursday 7pm

Deep water aerobics is exactly what the name implies – training in water deep enough to avoid contact with the bottom of the pool, while keeping your head above the water’s surface. In other words, it’s an exercise routine while your body is suspended in water.

Deep Aqua is a fun and enjoyable class that uses the resistance of the deep water to build strength. There is no impact on the joints and it is suitable for all fitness levels.

By replicating weight-bearing exercise in the non-weight bearing environment of deep water, you will feel all the benefits of exercise without

the stresses imposed on the body by land-based, weight-bearing exercise.

This means you can still improve your fitness even while recovering from an injury.

So why not give it a go?


We also welcome Wendy, our new Aqua instructor. Wendy is a newly-qualified Aqua Aerobics instructor with a passion for all aspects of health and fitness. She will be teaching the Thursday night Deep Aqua class.

Please make Wendy feel at home and we are thrilled to welcome her to our team.

lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au


THE FIRST DAY OF CLIMBING - Londorossi Gate to Shira camp 1

Eight months of training, endless nights of talking about it, watching every YouTube video ever made about it and getting advice from everyone that has not done it. Next stop - Kilimanjaro. We meet the head guide Florence and his team. There are 37 people in total. We set off on an easy two-hour track and are totally blown away, the porters are running the trail with our 20kg bags balanced on their heads. Five of the porters are girls. They have to run so they can set up the camp before we get there.

DAY 2 - Shira 1 to Shira 2

What a night! I slept well.

The guides take everyone’s pulse, percentage of oxygen in the blood and give us our briefing for the day. Today’s track group leaves the camp and starts to climb for an hour, then we hit the Shira Plateau and it’s nice slow walking for a few hours. The highlight of today’s journey is the Shira cathedral. It’s a 250 metre climb but when you reach the top it’s absolutely stunning. You’re perched at the pinnacle with steep drops either side and an uninterrupted view of the world below. We push on and an hour and a half later I can see the camp already set up - fantastic. The feet are sore and this is only day two. Overnight the temperature drops to -5ºC. I’m thinking two days down, six days to go, how hard can it be?

DAY 3 of the climb - Shira 2 to Moir Hut

Today we climb from 3850 metres to 4200 metres, have lunch and then an afternoon acclimatisation walk to Lent hills at 4700 metres. Man, that’s 850 metres of climbing, multiply that by our body weight, and that’s a lot of work.

I have turned off the head so it’s all about today, or better still, it’s all about the next 15 minutes. Fantastic! It works! Just smashed a 3.5 hour walk all uphill and feel as strong as an ox.

After lunch we have an acclimatisation walk which takes three hours and again it’s straight uphill to Lent Hills - 4700m. The day is done, it’s dinner time.

DAY 4 of climb - Moir Hut to Lava Tower

It’s 11.30am and we have hit Lava Tower. Tough, tough, tough. The head runs through all the scenarios, just be positive, 15 steps, 15 steps, 15 steps.

We are on our afternoon acclimatisation walk, 4600m to 4950m, from Lava Tower to Arrow Glacier. At this altitude it’s really hard going, you can walk all you like in Sydney and be as fit as a fiddle, but altitude can knock the hell out of you. We have made it through the day and are starting to see all the signs of altitude sickness in our group.

DAY 5 of climb Lava Tower to Karanga

This section involves climbing. Funny, in my early thirties I had a job which involved climbing and had no fear of heights at all, but now there has

been a total reverse.

We come to “kissing rock” and man this is really scary. The porters cannot help, here it’s all up to you. Your arms are spread out as far as they can reach, your face is planted firmly against the rock and you traverse a 1.5 metre section with nothing below you.

We have reached the top of the Barranco wall and it’s only taken 1.5 hours.

Now we only have the afternoon walk to do.

DAY 6 - Karanga to Barafu

Ok this is the really short day because tomorrow we attempt the summit. The three and a half hour walk starts at 8am so we can then rest before being woken up at 11pm to start walking again. So I have firmly planted in my mind this will be easy. It’s like an athlete having a taper period before the main event. I can’t believe this is all uphill, strange thing to say when you’re climbing a mountain, but man every other day there are small sections that flatten out and you get a bit of relief.

We have finally reached Barafu and it is just bedlam, there are people everywhere, more people then I’ve seen since we started. People coming down from the mountain and groups arriving preparing for tomorrow. Even though we have completed the worst three hours of the trip so far, we are in good spirits, even excited.

DAY 7 - The Climb up Kili

This is officially the longest and most painful day on earth. It’s 12am on the dot and our crew lines up, one guide in front and four behind. It’s pitch black, you look up and there are four or five teams already in front of you. No one is talking, it has become deadly serious and we set the slowest pace you could imagine.

Hour six and the body and mind are in a constant battle. Now I can only make one minute at a time before I have to stop. Thirty minutes later

by Kim Hewitt, a Lane 9 Staff member, instructor and Personal Trainer

lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au

we turn the corner and there is the top of Africa. The coolest and one of the nicest things that has ever happened to me, and the whole crew waited for me.

Big hugs from all of them and congratulations, we made it. Time for photos and then I somehow have to start the decent.

DAY 8 - The Descent from Kili to Millennium Camp

People have told me that once you have made it, it’s easy to come down because you’re so excited. Well, that’s not me and how wrong different opinions can be. I did not even consider the fact that you’re working on 10% oxygen and everything would be hurting, and they have squeezed every inch of energy I have out. When we got into camp the boys all gave us big hugs. We all put in and tipped the support crew.

DAY 9 - Millennium Camp to Mweka Gate

Ok everyone is happy and in their minds it’s all done and dusted, a nice and easy six hour day. The High camp is 3950m and the Mweka Gate is 1640m, so that’s 2.3 km all downhill, yes all downhill. The sign says 13.5 km and six hours. Now you don’t have to be Einstein to work it out, it’s going to be a killer.

We finally make the end of the trail, I have never been so happy.

That night, safely back at our hotel, we all sat down to the farewell supper. It was like a scene from the Vikings, a long table, lots of wine and laughter.

Ok it’s time to go to sleep, and once again I think to myself, this has been the best holiday ever.

Before his Kilimanjaro climb, Kim went on safari and spotted lots of native wildlife, including Lions and elephants

lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au

at North Sydney Olympic Pool

at North Sydney Olympic Pool

As a valued com

munity facility, N

orth Sydney Olym

pic Pool

this year will host a num

ber of local sw


ing carnivals during the sum

mer m



mencing early Feb

ruary and concluding in March the

50m p

ool will b

e used by local schools for their swim


carnivals on pre-arranged dates. O

n these days the outdoor p

ool will b

e closed to the general pub

lic from 9am

- 3pm



ately). The 25m indoor p

ool and Lane 9 gym w

ill b

e open as usual throughout the p


North Sydney C

ouncil regrets any inconvenience caused to its regular sw


ers during this period.

As a valued com

munity facility, N

orth Sydney Olym

pic Pool

this year will host a num

ber of local sw


ing carnivals during the sum

mer m



mencing early Feb

ruary and concluding in March the

50m p

ool will b

e used by local schools for their swim


carnivals on pre-arranged dates. O

n these days the outdoor p

ool will b

e closed to the general pub

lic from 9am

- 3pm



ately). The 25m indoor p

ool and Lane 9 gym w

ill b

e open as usual throughout the p


North Sydney C

ouncil regrets any inconvenience caused to its regular sw


ers during this period.

For more inform

ation visit N

orth Sydney’s web

site w



or call 02 9955 2309

For more inform

ation visit N

orth Sydney’s web

site w



or call 02 9955 2309

Term 1, 2017

Term 1, 2017

The 25m p

ool and Lane 9 gym w

ill be op

en for business as usual.

The 25m p

ool and Lane 9 gym w

ill be op

en for business as usual.

For more inform

ation visit N

orth Sydney’s web

site w



or call 02 9955 2309

For more inform

ation visit N

orth Sydney’s web

site w



or call 02 9955 2309











Thursday 2 February

9am - 3p


Friday 3 February

9am - 2p


Monday 13 Feb


- 3pm

Tuesday 14 February


- 3pm


Wednesday 15 Feb


- 3pm

Thursday 16 February

9am - 3p


Friday 17 February

9am - 3p


Monday 20 Feb


- 3pm

Tuesday 21 February

9am - 3p


Wednesday 22 Feb


- 3pm

Thursday 23 February

9am - 3p


Friday 24 February

9am - 3p


Wednesday 1 M


- 3pm

* Reduced time



Tuesday 7 February


- 9.30pm

Saturday 25 February


- 9pm

Tuesday 28 February


- 9.30pm











Thursday 2 February

9am - 3p


Friday 3 February

9am - 2p


Monday 13 Feb


- 3pm

Tuesday 14 February


- 3pm


Wednesday 15 Feb


- 3pm

Thursday 16 February

9am - 3p


Friday 17 February

9am - 3p


Monday 20 Feb


- 3pm

Tuesday 21 February

9am - 3p


Wednesday 22 Feb


- 3pm

Thursday 23 February

9am - 3p


Friday 24 February

9am - 3p


Wednesday 1 M


- 3pm

* Reduced time



Tuesday 7 February


- 9.30pm

Saturday 25 February


- 9pm

Tuesday 28 February


- 9.30pm






LS 2017SC





ALS 2017

lapt imes Summer 2016 www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au


From 1 December 2016, parking fees and time restrictions will now apply on public holidays in the following streets. Please ensure you pay at the parking meter if you are visiting the area on a public holiday:

Alfred Street South between Olympic Drive to Burton Street

Burton Street between Alfred Street South and Broughton Street

Fitzroy Street between Alfred Street South to Broughton Street. On the north side only.

For more information visit www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au/meters or phone Council on 9936 8100.


Monday to Friday - 5.30am to 9pm ||| Saturday, Sunday and public holidays - 7am to 7pm ||| Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday

A managed facility of North Sydney Council
