HAP Chapter 5 Review Game. Epithelial Tissues Connective Tissues Nervous and Muscular TissueMisc. 1...


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HAPChapter 5 Review Game

Epithelial Epithelial TissuesTissues

Connective Tissues

Nervous and

Muscular Tissue


1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point

2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points

3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points

4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points

5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points

The non-living layer that connects epithelial

tissues to connective tissue.

1 point Check

What is the basement membrane?

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The three types of cellular epithelial cells.

2 points Check

What is squamous, cuboidal, and


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This type of epithelial cell will often have cillia or


3 points Check

What is columnar cells?

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This type of epithelial tissue gets flattened as it moves towards the


4 points Check

What is stratified squamous?

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This single epithelial layer is found primarily in the respiratory system and

produces mucous linings that trap dust and microorganisms.

5 points Check

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What is psuedostratified columnar epithelial?

The most rigid type of connective tissue.

1 point Check

What is bone tissue?

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Three types of cartilage and where they are


2 points Check

What are hyaline (end of bones), elastic (ears),

fibrocartilage (meniscus and spinal column?

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The three types of “cytes” found in

connective tissue.

3 points Check

What are chondrocytes, adipocytes, and


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The three types of fibers that can be turned into

connective tissue.

4 points Check

What are collagenous, elastic, and reticular


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Five things that connective tissues do

for the body.

5 points Check

What are bind structures, provide support and protection, serve as framework, fill spaces, store fat, produce blood cells,

prevent infections, repair tissue damage?

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The three types of muscle tissues.

1 point Check

What is skeletal, smooth, and cardiac?

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These tiny perpendicular cross markings make up skeletal muscle tissue.

2 points Check

What are striations?

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Describe each muscle tissue type as voluntary or involuntary and give

a location for each.

3 points Check

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What are skeletal (voluntary / biceps),

smooth (involuntary / stomach), cardiac

(involuntary / heart)?

Where neurons pass their signals to (3 total).

4 points Check

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What are other neurons, muscles, and glands?

The three functions of neuroglial cells.

5 points Check

What are support and bind, phagocytosis, and

supply nutrients?

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The basic categories of tissues.

1 point Check

What are epithelial, connective, muscular,

and nervous?

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The difference between simple and stratified.

2 points Check

What is simple (one layer of cells) and stratified

(multiple layers of cells)?

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The three types of exocrine glands and how they function.

3 points Check

What are merocrine (diffusion), apocrine (cell portions), and

holocrine (cell portions that lyse)?

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The three types of connective tissue cells

and what they do.

4 points Check

What are fibroblasts (produce fibers), macrophages

(scavengers), mast cells (release histamine and


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The types of connective tissue and where they

are located.

5 points Check

What are loose (under skin), adipose (surrounds

organs), dense (ligaments), cartilage (end of bones), bone and blood?

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