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Vol. XIII. JULY, 1932. No. 49.




THE pathogenic problem of choreic and athetotic syndromes is far from beingfinished. A strictly striatal origin seems to be rendered doubtful on boththeoretical and factual grounds; and it is the meritorious work of S. A. K.Wilson that has replaced the study of this complex type of involuntarymovement on a physiological basis.

As a result of his researches, Wilson assigns to choreo-athetosis thevalidity of a syndrome connected not with unchanging lesions of a fixedapparatus but due to involvement of a system in which the cerebral cortexis one of the nodal points. This conception permits the integration, in onephysiopathological totality, of choreo-athetoses from lesions of the cerebellarpeduncles, of the thalamostriatal apparatus, and finally from thoseaccompanying frontoparietal lesions to which he has given special attention.Wilson's hypothesis has been accepted by some writers and rejected byothers. It is open to discussion not solely in respect of its anatomicalbasis; nevertheless every careful clinicoanatomical observation deserves to be'documented and pondered over. The following observation furnishes supportto the views of Wilson because of the extent of the frontoparietal lesionscontrasted with the preservation of the cerebellothalamic system. It is not,however, a pure case; the involvement of the neostriatum is of importance.The extreme acuity of the case, which evolved in 36 hours and culminatedin death, confers on it an exceptional clinical character.


Rah . . . , male, age 28, cabinetmaker, enjoyed normal health to the age of 20.During his term of military service he contracted an acute and serious


polyarthritis, complicated by a systolic murmur at the apex. The affectionseemed to disappear spontaneously, and from 21 to 25 he appeared healthyenough. A relapse occurred in 1927, the joints of the legs, especially the ankles,being concerned. He lay in bed for three months, then resumed his trade.On February 16, 1930, at home after work, he felt violent pains in his head

and was nauseated and fatigued. His tongue was coated. The headache waslocalized mainly above the eyes and over the forehead; a degree of photophobiawas experienced. All the limbs ached, but no paralysis was present. Pulse-rate110; temp. 38.60 C.During the night his brother found him groaning, rolling about the bed,

muttering unintelligible words, the prey to unceasing agitation, and recognisingno one. By way of answer to questions he put his hands to his forehead. Hekept beating his head against the bed, threw himself about, and knocked hisleft arm against the wall till it was covered with bruises. There was no complaintof diplopia; involuntary micturition occurred. At 3 a.m. the temperature was39-10. The motor agitation became ever more violent, necessitating his removalto hospital at about 4 a.m. On admission his temperature was 40.20, his pulse110; respiration was quick and shallow.He was seen by us on the morning of February 17. Thin, and covered with

ecchymoses, he was in the grip of clown-like movements recalling certaintheatrical attitudes of hysteria but more abrupt and rapid than we have everseen. From the time of his admission two attendants had been watching himand holding him down, for the movements were violent enough to toss him on tothe floor. Mattresses were arranged against the wall to diminish the risk ofinjury. His face was flushed, his eyeballs turned up at intervals, his glancechanging so that it was impossible to catch his eye. It was doubtful if herecognised us. The head was seized with movements of hyperextension as helay on the bed, accompanied by extension of the trunk in an arc de cercle, whilethe arms were raised. From time to time champing and opening movements ofthe jaws occurred, and movements of swallowing, accompanied by grimaceslike those of athetosis. He made no cries, emitting only raucous guttural sounds.Occasionally a little blood trickled on the lips, from biting of the tongue orfriction movements. The opisthotonic contractions were often lateral, theopposite leg crossing in semiflexion the leg of the side to which he was turning.During this time the arms were elevated violently, fingers extended, forearmsin hyperpronation; such movements were nearly always bilateral and more orless symmetrical. The posture would be maintained for several minutes, thenthe muscles would relax, the limbs would sink to the bed; and after repose ofsome minutes another series would commence. In the lower limbs, themovements often consisted of uni- or bilateral extension with adduction, eversionof the feet, and extension of the great toes. The abdomen would retract, andit was not rare to observe the bladder empty itself spontaneously. Apart fromthe big movements of the upper limbs, held in the air like the sails of a windmill,grasping movements of the hands also were noted, and appeared to be voluntary.Objects seized in the hands were held with persistence. Occasionally, one of thearms came alongside the body and rotated inwards. The diaphragm took partin some movement-complexes. At other times the limbs were at rest whiletrunk and shoulders were the seat of bizarre contortions recalling the movementsof Huntington's chorea.Dominating the whole clinical picture were the amplitude, range, and violence

of the movements, their asynclironicity, arrhythmia, and tendency to becomegeneralized.



Examination was difficult because the patient violently withdrew any limbthat was touched. This action set free a whole series of coarse movementsnecessitating his being immediately held to prevent his falling. Liquid wasrefused; sometimes he could be made to swallow a mouthful, but he choked andcoughed, without return through the nostrils. He tried to bite those who werehelping him to drink. The neck was stiff, but it could be rather easily made 'torelax, and there was no rigidity comparable to that of meningitis. Put on hisfeet, the patient was thrown down by the increasing violence of the movements.He could nevertheless maintain the erect posture, but the effort was interruptedby sudden loss of control of the limbs, and down he would go again. Walkingwas dominated by such involuntary acts.The plantar reflex was indifferent on the two sides; the abdominals could not

be tested. The pupils reacted to light. Tendon reflexes appeared feeble but weredifficult to examine.In the presence of this clinical syndrome we naturally thought of a

superacute chorea whose violence we had never seen equalled even in theencephalitis of pregnant women. The motor disorder however was verydifferent from that of Sydenham's chorea, in which the movements are morelimited, milder, more selective and less brutal than in our case. Carefulenquiry elicited no toxic cause. Blood urea and nitrogen turned out to benormal. Blood-sugar was down a little (071); in the urine was neitheracetone, sugar, nor albumen, and no casts. The blood count gave 9,700whites, with a lymphocytosis of 46 per cent. Blood cultures were made byDr. Wittebroodt. A lumbar puncture could not be thought of unless underan anaesthetic. We were surprised at the rapidity with which quietdeveloped. Six minutes after the commencement of the anaesthesia theclown-like movements had all disappeared, leaving only the diaphragmaticcontractions, the extensor movements of the legs and those of jaws and neck.These too vanished as the sleep became deeper. Babinski's sign was neverpresent. By lumbar puncture performed with care at three different levelsa heemorrhagic fluid was got in all three tubes. It proved to be free oforganisms.

Narcosis was prolonged in order to inject 500 c.c. physiological saline,and awakening was extremely slow. The motor disturbances returned in acertain order. First came the movements of mastication, protrusion oftongue, torsion movements of the neck, elevation of one shoulder, then more

violent spasms of extension and elevation of the limbs. Only after two hoursdid all come back as before the ansesthesia, yet were less violent. Towardsevening the patient was less agitated, but remained unconscious. Thetendon reflexes were abolished in all four limbs, without Babinski's sign.During the night he became comatose and died towards morning.

To summarize: a young man who had had several attacks of acutepolyarthritis, but none for three years, suddenly developed a superacutechorea terminating fatally in 36 hours.

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The illness commenced with fever. It was not ureemic. Examinationof different viscera revealed no trace of exogenous poison. Blood cultureswere negative. In view of the antecedents an acute rheumatic encephalitismight be postulated, but only these antecedents could be adduced in favourof the speculation.


The autopsy was made 18 hours after death, the brain havinghardened by formalin in situ. Lungs, intestines, heart and livernormal. The spleen was twice the normal size and very friable.


FiG. 1. Macroscopic ap]earance cf tl.e hLair.

kidneys showed signs of degeneration and the capsule was more adherentthan usual. Some myocardial degeneration was found, with petechial spotson the left side of the intraventricular septum. The valves were all normal,as were aorta and coronaries.

Macroscopic appearances.-The anterior two-thirds of the cerebralhemispheres were covered by a kind of hawmorrhagic sheet (without lesion orfracture of the cranium). This h2emorrhagic meningeal infiltration wasmost pronounced over the frontal poles and the rolandic areas (fig. 1). Itwas also well marked over the ascending parietal gyri, the superior parietavl



and the supramarginal. It was much less intense over temporal andoccipital regions. On the base, a vast haemorrhagic sheet extended across theinterpedunculo-chiasmatic space and insinuated itself past the hippocampusto the corpus callosum and anteriorly into the interhemispheric fissure. Aseries of vertico-transverse sections showed that the haemorrhagic lesions ofthe brain were confined almost exclusively to the cerebral cortex and certainof the central ganglia.

The first section, through the genu of the corpus callosum, showed ahamorrhagic infiltration of the head of the caudate nucleus, which stoppedat the margin of the external capsule (fig. 2).

Fic. 2. Vertico-transverse section showing hwinorrhagic infiltration of thecortex and of first anterior part ofjthe caudate nucleuis, white matter being


A second section passing a little in front of the anterior limb of theinternal capsule showed the same hwemorrhagic lesion affecting frontalcortex, insula, claustrum and the upper two-thirds of the putamen. Thebody of the caudate nucleus was also much implicated. The anterior divisionof the optic thalamus, the infundibulotuberal region, the internal andexternal capsules, the hippocampus and the temporal pole were not involved.

A third section passing by the genu of the internal capsule, the posteriorpart of the putamen and the anterior part of the red nuclei, showed similar



haemorrhagic lesions in the insula, ascending parietal, the paracentral lobulesand limbic convolutions. The posterior part of the putamen, globuspallidus, posterior limb of internal capsule, locus niger and regio subthalamicawere unaffected.

A fourth section passing behind the pes pedunculi, and 3 mm. in frontof the splenium of the corpus callosum, showed that the paracentral lobules,superior and ascending parietal, and the praecuneus were much involved.The angular gyrus was slightly implicated. In the neighbourhood of thesylvian fissure the left inferior parietal was affected, but not the right.


Fia. 3. Inifarcted appearance of thecaudate nucleus (NissI).

Fic. 4. a Fissural hmlnoorhage alonig theouter border of the putamen.

The morbid process was thus almost entirely himorrhagic, and limitedto grey matter. The maximal lesions were in the anterior segment of theneostriatum, symmetrically on the two sides. The head of the caudatenucleus and the anterior part of the putamen presented an infarctedappearance (fig. 3). It looked like a hTcmorrhagic softening without rigoroussymmetry; analogous bilateral haemorrhages involved the frontoparietalcortex. The external capsule escaped, but a linear sheet of hamorrhage layalong the outer surface of the putamnen, reproducing the ' cerebralhtemorrhage of Charcot.' It did not involve the white matter but developedat the expense of the putameni (fig. 4). The claustrum was well outside thislesion.



Histop)athology.-A variable aspect was found in the corpus striatum;sometimes only a simple extravasation of red blood corpuscles in theperiv'ascular spaces (fig. 5), sometimes a large extra-adventitial ring (fig. 6).In the latter circumstances, adjoining nervous tissue was necrosed (fig. 7).In sections stained by the method of Loyez a third type of perivascular lesion


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Fiu(. 3. Siimiple extravasation in thespace of Virc1how witliout involve-meiit of extra-ad ventitial parenchyma

(Bielscho sky).

was found, in which haemorrhage was of minor significance; the vessel wassurrounded by a pale aureole, staining less deeply than neighbouring greymatter and with scanty hoemorrhagic effusion (fig. 7). Every grade of lesionwas found in proportion to the amount of haemorrhage and necrosis.


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I >Fu. 6. P travasctlar necrosis with hawznorrhauic

'corona' (Nissl).

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lIG. 7. Simple para-ascular niecrosis (Bielscliowsky).


These lesions were seen in the caudate nucleus and to a less extent inthe frontal cortex, in particular at the level of the first frontal, where involve-ment was most severe. Perivascular punctiform htemorrhages were foundin all the layers of the cortex, but those most implicated were the fourth,fifth, and sixth (fig. 8). In the cortex the necrotic foci were less numerous


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FIG. S. Paracapillary h'emorrhage in layers2-6 of the frontal cortex, with cellular FIG. 9. Paracapillary bwmorrhages of

necroses (Bielschowsky). subcortical white matter and of theinnermost layer of the cortex; slightchanges in cellular architecture (Nissl).

than in the corpus striatum. Cellular architectonic was little modified(fig. 9). In the vicinity of the intracortical haTmorrhages the ganglion-cellswere abnormally loaded with lipo-pigment. A certain number showedkaryolysis and tigrolysis, not specially typical. Yet at certain spots,particularly at the foot of the sulci, plaques of ischtemic necrosis, well known



in cerebral arteriosclerosis, were characteristically present (fig. 10). Nolaminal destruction of any important and systematized kind was noted.

In addition, the molecular layer of the cortex showed a large numberof pigmentary inclusions, also pigment lying free or enclosed in neuroglialand, in particular, microglial elemients (fig. 11). In the neighbourhood of

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{#I(,. 10. Intracortical ischtSico)ecrosis (Nissl).

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FI(: 1 1. Lipopigmenxtary infiltrationof subpial motor cell,s azidl of micro-glial elements of the molecular layerin the vicinity of an intracortical

htemorrhagic focus (Nissl).

the haemorrhagic regions this pigmenltary impregnation of the molecularlayer continued over a wide extent.

The white matter of the convolutions was as a rule normal. Hunt hadto be made over the whole extent of a section to find minute apoplectic foci.At one place, however, in the white matter of the mesial aspect ofthe superior frontal, we found an area of necrosis accompanied byperivascular demyelinization round an axial vessel for a distance of several


millimetres (fig 12). This type of demyelinization is exactly comparable towhat is currently seen in cases of postvaccinial encephalitis and we directparticular attention to the fact. In our case it was rare, since we discoveredit in one place only.

The whole of the cerebral convexity in the vicinity of the superiorlongitudinal sinus was covered by a haemorrhagic leptomeninx infiltrated withblood and penetrating into the sulci. A similar haemorrhagic meningeal statewas the sole lesion observed in connexion with the cerebellum. Its greymatter, white matter, dentate and roof nuclei were intact, as were pons andmedulla. No appreciable changes were seen in peripheral nerves.

t1XFia. 12. Pei ivascular demyeliniza.tion in the white matter (Loyez).

Thus histopathological examination disclosed no more than a haemorr-hagic diapedesis in relation to small vessels, without inflammatory reactionl,involving the grey matter of cortex and neostriatum. The diapedesis wassometimes replaced by a process of occlusion with perivascular necrosis, orby simple demyelinization without thrombosis or h2emorrhagic infiltration.

PHYSIOPATHOLOGY.In view of the negative results of blood culture and of biological

examination, it is difficult to interpret the case from a physiopathologicalstandpoint. Whether the toxi-infective cause be rheumatic or not, it hadwithout doubt determined a venous stasis over a wide area of the meningo-cephalic network, entailing the haemorrhagic diapedeses already described.Nowhere in the brain were lesions of vascular walls found which could explain

B 2



mechanically the appearance of thrombotic or infarctive phenomena inadjoining tissues corresponding to vascular distributions; and in this respectour case supports present-day theories on the origin of cerebral softenings.It seems less and less probable that these are caused by anatomical ischaemia.The researches of Gilaea and Cobb, of Wolff and Lennox and others, haveshown that inadequate oxygenation, resulting from the stasis, is the causeof distention of vascular walls. The distension is soon followed byparenchymatous cedema with extravasation of erythrocytes and rapidcellular necrosis. This cedema blocks secondarily the blood current comingfrom neighbouring capillary networks at low pressure. In our case somegeneral cause has induced the distention, which was soon succeeded by theeruption of reds into the arachnoid cisterns, the spaces of Virchow-Robin,extra-adventitial spaces, and even into the cerebral tissues themselves. Atcertain spots it has been complicated by extensive thromboses of smallarteries and veins. Insufficient oxygenation also accounts for the presenceof necrotic zones whose topography has already been mentioned.

The elective localization of the morbid processes is no less surprising, forthe cortico-neostriatal distribution of the haemorrhages cannot be explainedby anatomical arrangements of the cerebral circulation, so far at least aspresent knowledge takes us. If the fissural haemorrhage of the externalcapsule corresponds to a classical localization, the involvement of the cortico-subcortical grey matter with escape of the white eludes interpretation. Thecapillary network of the cortex has no terminals and is continuous on theone hand with that of the pia mater (Pfeiffer), and on the other with thatof the basal ganglia (Cobb) across the centrum ovale. Then why do we notfind the same haemorrhagic diapedeses in the centrum ovale, where they areseen with the greatest frequency in other affections? It would appear weare here dealing with a toxi-infective agent having a special predilection forthe cortico-neostriatal grey matter.


Has this case any light to throw on the pathology and physiopathologyof the choreic syndrome, which are far from being settled despite recent workof much interest ? In 1930 Lhermitte and Pagniez published an importantpaper in which they divided acute chorea into two main types: (1) aninflammatory type, analogous to choreic encephalitis, and (2) a degenerativetype characterized by diffuse cerebral lesions associated with marked modifi-cations of the vascular network, distinct from those of inflammatoryprocesses. Their own observa' Ion belonged to the second class. The lesionswere above all vascular an' neuronal. Vasodilatation with pericapillaryhaemorrhages was seen, throrliboses, vascular ruptures, pronounced changesof cellular architecture with acute ganglionic lesions. The lesions were



diffuse, but Lhermitte and Pagniez mention the particularly severe involve-ment of dentate nuclei, putamino-caudate segments of the corpus striatum,and of the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum.

A similar distinctiveness is less apparent in the recent case of vanGehuchten combining the inflammatory formula of acute chorea and thedegenerative type. In opposition to Lhermitte and Pagniez-who do notreject the idea of two different etiologies for the two types of lesions whichthey have differentiated-van Gehuchten believes that ' when an infectionis superacute and entails rapid death, the lesions found at autopsy are of adefinite infective type (vascular congestion, infiltration, infective nodules,cellular chromatolysis, commencing satellitosis); but when the infection ismore diluted . . . a degenerative stage follows the first inflammatorystage; during it inflammatory reactions become progressively less, todisappear in certain cases even when neural degeneration follows.' Infectiveforms are always speedily fatal, from a few days to one or two weeks, whereasthe degenerative forms evolve over a period of one or two months.

The case which is here described evolved in 36 hours and belongs to thedegenerative type, but it does not fit in well with van Gehuchten's interestinginterpretations. Apart from the type of lesions, their topography has to beconsidered. In the case of Lhermitte and Pagniez, they were mainlydentato-cerebellar fnd putamino-caudate; in that of van Gehuchten,thalamo-putamino-caudate. This latter topography, with more or lessdefinite involvement of the cerebral cortex, is met with in the majority ofreported cases. Our case substantiates in part the conclusions of 'vanGehuchten, that ' lesions of putamen, caudate, optic thalamus, complicatedperhaps by changes in the cerebral cortex, are alone indispensable for thedevelopment of choreic symptoms.' We say ' in part,' for the opticthalamus was ntrmal, while the cortex was involved just as heavily as theneostriatum.

In progressive cases of the type of Sydenham's chorea it is very difficultto say which are the parts first affected and responsible for thechoreic syndrome. Diffuse infections lend themselves very badly to topicaldifferentiation. Only by the critical study of numerous cases with limitedlocalization will it be possible one day to specify the lesions whose incidencedetermines choreic liberation. No other purpose has been in view in thepublication of this case.


1 WILSON, Modern Problems in Neurology, 1928, 208-235.2 PFEIFFER, Angioarchitektonik der Hirnrinde, 1928.3 COBB, Arch. of Neurol. and Psychiat., 1931, xxv, 274.4 LHERMITTE and PAGNIEZ, L'Ence'phale, 1930, xxv, 24.5 VAN GESucHTEN, Revue neurol., 1931, xxxviii, 490.

