HallMUNC 2019 Background Guide Crisis Committee...Topic B- Government institution of Republic vs...


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HallMUNC 2019 Background Guide

Crisis Committee

Topic A- The Rise of Banking Families and Their

Consolidation of Power

Topic B- Government institution of Republic vs


Chair: John Moses

Undersecretary: Ryan Callahan

Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the Calvert Hall Model United Nations Conference!

My name is John Moses and I am incredibly excited to be your

chair for the Signoria of Florence Crisis Committee as we

determine the future of the Great Republic of Florence. Get

ready for a great day full of conflict, debate, and surprises!

I am a Senior at Calvert Hall, and have had the privilege to serve

as the secretary general of the Calvert Hall Model United

Nations team. I have competed at several competitions including

the Baltimore Area Model United Nations

Conference, Centennial High School Model United Nations

Conference, and John’s Hopkins Model United Nations

Conference. My main focus is specifically on crisis committees

as I have been awarded best delegate in Crisis at each of these

competitions, and now I am very excited to be a chair for this


In this committee, you will need a comprehensive understanding

of the Florentine Republic, as well as your characters role in

this. You must also understand the banking wars of the time, so

you know it ways not an actual war, but rather a grasp for power

between the three great banks of the time: Medici, Albizzi, and

the Pazzi.


John Moses

Secretary General

Calvert Hall Model United Nations

Delegate Biographies

Cosimo de’ Medici: After his father Giovanni’s death in

1429,he was appointed head of the Medici Family. His power

stemmed from his wealth as a banker and he had an incredibly

large influence in politics. Although he didn’t often hold office,

his wealth gave him the position to choose who was given office


Rinaldo degli Albizzi: An italian nobleman appointed to leader

of his family’s oligarchy after the death of Uzzano in 1431. He

was a main opponent of the Medici family. He worked very hard

to try and depose the Medici as the most influential family in

Florence. Gave small regard to the Pazzi, but worked for his

own personal gain and the gain of his family

Andrea de Pazzi: The leader of an extremely influential

banking family throughout the middle ages. Opposes the Medici

family and worked hard to gain power in Florence through the

his wealth. Worked with Albizzi only because of mutual enemy,

but only for personal gain. He would turn on Albizzi for the rise

of the Pazzi

Francesco Salviati Riario: An influential priest in Pisa and is

being considered, at this time by the pope to become the new

archbishop of Pisa. The Medici family opposed his possible

appointment as archbishop as he favors the Pazzi.

Baldassarre Cossa: Regarded as an anti-pope by many. He was

disposed in 1415 because of many various crimes he committed.

The medici freed him by paying a ransom to Germany. Has

returned back to florence after the bail and is attempting to

regain power.

Luca degli Albizzi: He is the brother of Rinaldo degli Albizzi

and he is second in command of the bank. Though there is a

strain in their relationship because Luca is a friend and supporter

of Cosimo because he believes the Albizzi bank will benefit if

they work with the Medici not against.

Piero de Medici: He is the son of Cosimo de Medici and works

very hard to prove himself in the Medici bank as he is next in

line to run it. He is married to Lucrezia even though they marry

in 1944 the fast pace of this committee will overtake that year so

he will be married to her during the committee.

Antonio Pierozzi: Influential dominican friar and supported by

the Medici over Riario for Archbishop of Florence or Pisa as

long as Riario does not become an archbishop. (Becomes a saint

after death interesting fact)

Jacopo de Pazzi: Son of Andrea de Pazzi and works with his

father to depose the Medici. Unlike his father he does not trust

the Albizzi and believes that the Pazzi should working against

the Albizzi, so they do not gain more power than the Pazzi after

they, hopefully, depose the Medici.

Contessina de Medici: Wife of Cosimo de Medici and is very

good friends with Palla di Onofrio Strozzi even though Palla is

not a supporter of the Medici bank. She works hard to support

the Medici bank and keep it thriving.

Palla di Onofrio Strozzi: The Head of the Strozzi Bank. One of

the richest men in Florence at the time, but did have much care

for immense political power worked very closely with RInaldo

degli Albizzi to oppose Cosimo de Medici. Friends with

Contessina de Medici, but does not support the Medici bank.

Priori Arte dei Giudici e Notai (Maggiori): Representative of

the Major guild of judges, lawyers and notaries. Loyalties lie

wherever is deemed necessary to push goals of a just society or

that benefits the guild.

Lucrezia de Medici: Married to Piero di Medici and works with

him to help the medici bank. She is very influential and knows

Luca degli Albizzi very well.

Priori Arte dei Vaiai e Pellicciai (Maggiori): Representative of

the Major guild of skinners and fur traders. Loyalties lie

wherever it is necessary to push the goals of trade in Florence.

Supports whatever allows more trade and benefits the guild.

Filippo Brunelleschi: He is a famous florentine architect and

works very closely with Cosimo de Medici. He is famous for the

building of the Dome on the cathedral, but the Dome has not

been completed yet due to the lack of funds and a workforce.

Priori Arte dei Calzolai (Minore): Representative of the minor

guild of shoemakers. Huge supporter of a republic, and supports

anyone who supports a true republic. Also supports anyone who

keeps work open and supports the poorer people in the

Florentine community.

Priori Arte della Seta (Maggiori): Representative of the major

guild of silk weavers and merchants. Huge supporters of foreign

trade and supports anyone who pushes for more foreign trade.

Supports Venice for their market’s access to silk.

Priori Arte dei Beccai (Minore): Representative of the minor

guild of Butchers and graziers. Supports a true republic and any

supporters of the impoverished in Florence. Also supports a

limit on large foreign trade of food or any trade that harms the


Topic A Background

We are starting this committee following the Death of Giovanni

di Bicci de Medici, the founder of the Medici bank. Three

families were fighting for Power in Florence during this time

period: The Albizzi, Pazzi, and the Medici. Even though not

everyone ways a member of these families every person had a

certain preference towards a certain family. Depending on who

someone supported meant that they were able to rise to the top

in Florence in terms of power that meant it would benefit the

supporters as well.

Support also came from many of the surrounding Countries

including: the Papal States, the Duchy of Milan, and the

Republic of Florence. Many people leaned towards different

countries for support as all three of those states are enemies. The

Rise and Fall of each of these states are what lead to the rise and

fall of the banking families as well. So, all in all wherever your

loyalties lie will correlate to your own rise and fall in Florence.

Topic B Background

Government is a huge issue in Florence at this time. Many

people have Problems with families like the Medici because

they were wool farmers and had no connections to any royal

blood. So, that is why there were a few areas of thought.

Monarchy/oligarchy- Some people believed that royal blood

should decided who gets to rule. Many families including some

banking families, like the Albizzi, support the idea of an elite

group of people ruling Florence.

Republic- Some people believed in the idea of allowing anyone

to be able to be a part of the Signoria. That includes many of the

Priori because many of them come from the basic populous, but

are given power. One example is the Medici family who rose

from lowly wool merchants.

The fate of Florence's government basically lies in the hands of

the Signoria as many of the surrounding nations support either

the royal blood system or the republic system. Example: Milan

supports the royal blood system and Venice supports a Republic

in Florence.


The Signoria of Florence was a council in Florence that

ruled from 1115 to 1532 A.D.The head of the signoria was the

Gonfaloniere. Once chosen to be a part of the council, the

council members were expected to move into the Palazzo della

Signoria. Here they enjoyed a steady pay and servants to take

care of them.

The 7 major guilds that members of the signoria were picked

from were Arte dei Giudici e Notai, Arte di Calimala, Arte della

Lana, Arte del Cambio, Arte della Seta, Arte dei Medici e

Speziali, Arte dei Vaiai e Pellicciai.

The Arte dei Giudici Guild was the guild of judges, lawyers and

notaries, which was founded in 1197. The Arte di Calimala was

the guild of merchants and dyers of foreign clothe, they were

founded in 1190. The Arte della Lana was the guild of wool

manufacturers and merchants, this guild was officially founded

in 1192. The Arte del Cambio was the guild of bankers and was

formally founded by 1197. The Arte della Seta was the guild of

Silk weavers and was officially founded in 1192. The Arte dei

Medici e Speziali was the guild of Physicians and pharmacists,

this guild was formally founded in 1197. Finally, there was the

Arte dei Vaiai e Pellicciai which was the guild of furriers and

skinners, they were founded in 1197.

The signoria was not the only council in Florence. The signoria

were required to consult the councils together known as the

Collegi. This consisted of the Dodici Buonomini, a council

which consisted of 12 members, and the Sedici Gonfaloniere,

which consisted of 16 people. Other councils did exist for war,

commerce and security but, were only summoned in times of

need for those actions.

The signoria of Florence came about because of a rebellion in

1115 against the Margraviate of Tuscany. After they were

successful they formed a commune that later came into being the

council of the Republic of Florence.

Florence flourished in the 12th century, but this ended when

Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa invaded the Italian peninsula

and Florence was subjugated under the holy roman empire.

Once Emperor Henry the 5th died though, they were able to gain

back much of the lost independence of their city state.

The war between two major factions, the Ghibellines and the

Guelphs raged throughout the centuries of Florence. The

Ghibellines being supportive of the nobles and the Guelphs

being populist. In 1244 the rule of Florence was changed from

the Ghibellines to the Guelphs. Throughout their fighting, events

like a great fire that almost burned down the entire city occurred.