Hall of fame 2010... · In 1976, Edward Jenner was a doctor living in England and he noticed that...


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Hall of fame THE HALL OF FAME

A photograph or cartoon drawing hall of fame

of people in history who have made a positive

contribution to science. This section will

contain background information and some

interesting facts to make the scientists more

human and less boring


When visitors click on the hall of fame icon

they should get transported to a cartoon hall of

fame. There will be characteure drawings on

the wall of these famous people in history, it

would be great if their eyes were moving or

something there was something animated

about these images. Nancy can draw the

images but she would need input from you as

to how you would want them in flash format?

Hey welcome to the hall of fame. I’d like you to meet some of my friends. You might have heard of some of them - they’re quite

famous you know! Click on their pictures to find out who discovered antibiotics because he was really MESSY and who deliberately gave

a small boy a deadly disease to test his theory!!! Go on, have a look.

I imagine these to be in either B&W or coloured

characteur format. They would be either talking

to each other or their eyes would be moving

around the screen as if following something.

Hey welcome to the hall of fame. I’d like you to meet some of my friends. You might have heard of some of them - they’re quite

famous you know! Click on their pictures to find out who discovered antibiotics because he was really MESSY and who deliberately gave

a small boy a deadly disease to test his theory!!! Go on, have a look.

In the 1700s smallpox was the most deadly human disease killing 1000s of people every year. In 1976, Edward Jenner was a doctor living in England and he noticed that milkmaids seemed to not get the disease. On closer inspection, he noticed that only milkmaids who caught the harmless infection cowpox from their cows did not die from smallpox. Could it be possible that if you caught cowpox first them somehow your body could fight smallpox? He decided to test his theory .... on a 10 year old boy! He vaccinated him with cowpox and then exposed him to smallpox. Lucky for the boy, Jenner was "right". He did not contract smallpox. The smallpox vaccine was the first successful vaccine ever to be developed and remains the only effective preventive treatment for the deadly smallpox disease. Thanks to Jenner’s discovery, the World Health Organisation declared smallpox an eradicated disease in 1980. It is the ONLY disease to be completely eradicated from earth in the past two centuries!!!

Smallpox virus
