Hakuyo 2013 PDF Brochure · 2013. 4. 4. · 1 We are now at the dawning of Hakuyo, the most...


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The White Generation

The most peaceful era of the last 60,000 years



Is there anything you can do? Please, do something and don’t leave me,

I love you so much!


“Is there anything you can do? Please, do something and don’t leave me, I love you so much!”

Mom, Dad,

I was told that some day, because of what you

did, a great wind would sweep the surface of

the planet. I was also told, that all your

computers, all your precious high priced

sophisticated toys that you value so much, will

be destroyed.

And then, I was told about money, about greed,

selfishness and arrogance, about envy, about

poverty and misery, about hatred, about wars,

about hunger, about all these reasons why

people fight and die.

I was also told about these great winds,

hurricanes and cyclones, about these massive

rains and massive earthquakes, these massive

floods and tsunamis all around the world, all

those things that nature is throwing at us.


And then, like if it was not scary enough, I was

told about all these ecological, biological and

nuclear threats and possible disasters. No

wonder that some people say that one-day the

sky may fall on us, that one day, it will be total

chaos on earth, that there will be massive


Hopefully, you will still be there for me.

Is there anything you can do? Please, do something and don’t leave me, I love you so much!


“Raise up young generations”


We are now at the dawning of Hakuyo, the most peaceful era since the apparition of man on earth. For some, it will be Makyo!

Daniel 1:1-3 1"At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people, everyone whose name is found written in the book, will be delivered. 2Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

Makkyo is approaching 1“ First, a great wind will sweep the surface of the earth. Only minutes will pass before the first wave of the kill shots. 2Although this first wave of kill shots will not cause any death, all fine and sophisticated electronics will be destroyed. 3Airplanes will fall from the sky; cars, trains, buses will be stopped in their tracks. 4All your transportation, all your communication tools, equipment and systems will now be useless. 5When this happen, you will be standing only 24 hours away from the second wave of the now fatal kill shots. 6The south hemisphere of the earth will be hit first.


7All tropical and subtropical areas, located beneath 30 degrees of the north latitude, will also be affected. 8Blood will flow, bones will pile up and the entire south hemisphere will be destroyed by fire.9For 49 days, it will be total chaos and total darkness on earth. 10Extreme winds and extreme fires will sweep the surface of the earth and, 1on the 49th day, no more; a new era of peace will start that will endure for 10800 years. ”

Rise up young ones 1Young ones, 2Sleeping generation of the world, 3rise up! 4Before the dawning of the new era, now is the time for you to rise and start walking. 5Your time has already begun. 6It belongs to you, young ones, and younger generations, to open the door to the next world. 7There is nobody else to confound Makkyo and build the New World. 8Therefore, all my expectations! 9Although it is very unfathomable that you were born in this chaotic world, 10it is now up to you, by your resolution, faith and courage, to meet my expectations. 11Facing Makyo is your now solemn destiny, a destiny of such importance that it cannot be avoided by any of you. 12Therefore, a long time ago, I provided you with hidden powers, now long forgotten and much stronger than you can imagine. 13It is now time for you, to look unto yourself and to unveil them. 14Open your wings now and face the World!



“Tendo’s Sanpo, the ultimate protection against all possible life threatening events and disasters”

Although from a scientific point of view that most doomsday scenario are mostly unlikely for the near future, there are worldwide signs all over the planet indicating that earth and mankind are now experiencing major changes, a major shift in civilizations is about to happen.

Since the origins of man, many societies especially have been ruled by religious and spiritual belief and all over the world, for years and years, the Apocalypse has been predicted.

It doesn’t take a nuclear physicist or a spiritual leader to predict that one day, this earth is going to die. All planets die one day and, when


this will happen, if there are still men on earth, they will also die. This will be the end of the world, as we know it but certainly not the end of the universe. New planets are born everyday and the universe is still in expansion.

But, what about a possible global disaster that may happen in our days that could means the near extinction of man on earth?

History, science, studies and researches teach us that in the past, entire highly developed populations and civilizations suddenly disappeared from the surface of the planet on behalf of natural disasters. Entire species disappeared from the surface of the planet in a very short time period, even in minutes and all of this, without any warning.

If this happen in the past, why can it not happen today?


Laum is

LAUM is control, omniscience and omnipotence.

The entire universe was created by LAUM in the days of Yin and Yang and still expands through the universal natural laws governing the five elements of the Wu Xing, the four seasons and the heavenly body.

LAUM presides over 9,600 million souls and rewards everyone according to its merits or demerits his righteousness or wrongdoing.

LAUM has sovereign authority, over all of its creation, the ultimate command on life and death, which is exerted according to the universal natural law of retribution.

Hakuyo is

Hakuyo is Eden,

Hakuyo is the White Generation that started one hundred years ago

Hakuyo will last no less than 10,800 years.

Its inhabitants are limited to those wonderful people of pure mind who have endowed Sanpo. As a result, the new world will be filled with honest, bright, kind and vigorous people.

Hakuyo is enlightenment. It is Hakuyo when you realize the truth.

Tendo is

Tendo is The Heavenly Way

If a man could get Tendo, he will never fail to be saved from Makkyo

And come back to Home where Laum is waiting for us, and obtain the right to live in next exquisite Paradise in Hakuyo.

It is impossible to search for the truth right now. Before Hakuyo, your faith will be tested. Your faith will be tested until right before Makkyo.

And then, it will be too late.

Preach Tendo with the depth of your faith.

“Thank you So much!”

Tendo World Ottawa Ikuka Tendan ON, Canada K1N 6G3


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