Haiti: After the Earthquake R ebuilding will take years and plenty of help CBS Video: Haiti's...


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Haiti: After the EarthquakeRebuilding will take years and plenty of help CBS Video: Haiti's Long Road



* Architecture for Humanity brings global design and building experience as well disaster-relief design and building expertise to the partnership. Its disaster relief work in the Gulf Coast and Sri Lanka produced replicable models for effective reconstruction of devastated communities. * The Bezos Family Foundation brings its commitment to education, its belief in students as leaders, and a challenge grant designed specifically to rebuild schools in Haiti. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $500,000 ($2,500 matching limit per school). * Global Nomads Group will tap its global network of 2,000 schools to connect students and educators across the world with students and educators in Haiti via their videoconferencing programs.

Four major activities:WidgetChores for Haiti Fundraising

WeekendPublic Service AnnouncementCommunity and Service Day

·2k walk/run·Flower sale·PSA videos competition·Drive-thru for Haiti

How can we help?

Now that we're aware and care, are we ready to act? http://


BMS Webpage Fundraising Widget

Teams of Advisory groups oversee different activities:

Engelhardt BMS Drive-thru for Haiti (money)

B. Jax BMS Flowers for Haiti Sale

D. Jax BMS Chores for Haiti

Jordan BMS Drive-thru for Haiti (stuff)

Kelley BMS Drive-thru for Haiti (money)

Kimble BMS Drive-thru for Haiti (stuff)

Landis BMS Chores for Haiti

Ludovico BMS 2K walk/run for Haiti

Maier Press Corps/PSA Video contest

Miller BMS 2K walk/run for Haiti

Mroz Press Corps/PSA Video contest

BMS Drive-thru for HaitiDrive-thru on Remington and make donations of

items or money on May 21. Advisory groups collect the items or money, organize it, count it, advertise it, etc.

Choose what items will be collected--remember we are collecting for students/children!

BMS Flowers for Haiti SaleAdvisory will organize a sale of annuals on May

21 on Remington

BMS Chores for HaitiAdvisory groups will organize a "pledge drive"

where students will pledge (or line up) chores to do over that weekend. All money earned doing those chores will go to our Haiti relief efforts.

BMS 2K walk/run for HaitiAdvisories will organize a 2K walk/run to be held

on the morning of May 21. You will need to figure out the route,

entry fee, how to advertise, etc.BMS Public Service Announcements

Each Advisory group will produce one (or two if they choose) two-minute videos reminding the public of the devastation in Haiti and what they can do to help (hint: donate and participate in BMS's activities, plus what else?)

BMS Press CorpsGet reports from all Advisory Groups and help

coordinate all publicity.

PSA Video on Movie Maker- don’t forget about Haiti, what you can do, what’s happening now, etc...


"Moving Day" --Relocation Effort

Examples of good products:

Black Plague videoHaiti: Nation in


Other Resources:

"We are the World 25 for Haiti"


Student created film: Haiti fundraising project (from YouTube)

Viewed in Humanities classes

Helping Haiti PSA from TeacherTube

Monday, April 26 Advisory

Each group will work on their activities as follows:

1. PSA Video - don’t forget about Haiti, what you can do, what’s happening now, etc.2. Fundraising activity (see list) organization3. An “advertisement” for the school announcements designed to generate interest in the activity (may also be used in the elementary/high schools?)4. A flyer advertising your activity that can be displayed in schools, sent home, or used in local businesses5. Updates for the Bexley Rebuilds wiki-actual updates must be done from home, can plan in Advisory6. Share information with the “press corps” for releases to local news agencies

Happy Earth Day!

