H ISTORY OF L ATIN A MERICA. C OLONIZING L ATIN A MERICA Lasted for over four hundred years, from...


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Lasted for over four hundred years, from 1492 to 1898

Two motivations:1. Trade2. Spread of the

Catholic faith through indigenous conversions

Spanish Set up four Viceroyalties:

1. New Spain2. New Granada 3. Peru4. La Plata


Penninsulares (men born in Spain)

Creoles (Spaniards born in Latin America)

Mestizos (mixed European & Indian ancestry)

Mulattos (mixed European & African ancestry)

Indians (of little economic value)

Africans (majority enslaved)


based on the ideas of “Mercantilism”• Africans & American Indians used as slave

labor• Lands are used for natural resources


1. Inspired by Enlightenment ideas

2. Creole discontent

3. Motivated by the “successful” American and French Revolutions.

4. Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal in fighting in other wars (the Napoleonic Wars)

5. Economic policies benefited Europeans at the expense of the native Latin Americans


Creole Discontent

Inspiration of American & French Revolutions

Declaration of Independence, 1776

Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the

Citizen, 1789

Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal In Fighting Napoleonic


Latin American Revolutions

Toussaint L’OuvetureLeads a Revolution

in Haiti(1804)

Haiti French colonyDate of Independence: 1804Independence Leaders: Toussiant-Louverture (former slave) Jean-Jaques Dessalines (Toussaint’s

general)Haitian Independence:

1791: slave revolt1801: Toussaint seized 2/3 of Haiti (frees slaves)1802: French troops arrive & agreement made to stop revolution1804: Dessalines starts revolution again and declares independence

MEXICO Spanish colonyDate of Independence:Independence Leaders: Miguel Hidalgo (priest/revolutionary leader) José María Morelos (priest/revolutionary

leader) Agustín de Iturbide (Mexican general)

Mexican Independence: 1810: Hidalgo leads Mexican mestizos &

Indians in revolt 1811: Hidalgo captured & killed, Morelos

assumes leadership 1815: Morelos killed 1820: Iturbide names himself emperor 1823: Mexico becomes a republic

The “Muscle” of the RevolutionBolivar coming

from the North.

José de St. Martín and Bernard O’Higgins cross the

Andes Mountains.

Bolivar & San Martin Fight for Independence

Spanish colonyDate of Independence: 1816

Independence Leaders: Jose de San Martin (Spanish military officer)

Argentiaian Independence: 1816= Creole colonist rebel & seize government 1816= Martin declares independence


Spanish colonyDate of Independence: 1817

Independence Leaders: Jose de San Martin Bernardo O’Higgins (military officer)

Chile Independence: 1817= San Martin leads his army across the Andes into Chile 1817= Joins forces with O’Higgins and defeat the Spanish and declare independence


Simón Bolivar:

The “Brains”of theRevolution Creole leader of

the revolutions in Venezuela.

Spent time in Europe and the newly-independent United States.

Spanish colonyDate of Independence: 1821/1822Independence Leaders: Simon Bolivar (Venezuelan - Creole/military general)

Gran Columbia Independence: 1811= Venezuela declares independence 1811-1821= Revolts against Spanish 1821= Bolivar wins independence 1821= Rebellion goes to Columbia, Ecuador,

& Panama 1822= Bolivar elected president; the new nation

called Gran Columbia established

Venezuela, Columbia, and Panama

Bolivar’s Accomplishment

Spanish colonyDate of Independence: 1824

Independence Leaders: Jose de San Martin Simon Bolivar

Peruvian Independence: 1821= San Martin takes army to Lima, Peru

to drive out the remaining Spanish1822= San Martin joins Bolivar/combines

army 1822= San Martin leaves for Europe1822= Carries rebellion to Columbia,

Ecuador, and Panama

1822= Bolivar defeats Spanish at Battle of Ayacucho


Simón Bolivar Meets José de San Martin

Spanish colonyDate of Independence: 1825Independence Leaders: Simon BolivarBolivian Independence: 1824= Bolivar drives out the remaining Spanish

from Peru1825= Upper Peru separates and names itself Bolivia (after Simon Bolivar)


Bolivar’s Failure

After uniting Venezuela, Columbia, & Ecuador into Gran Columbia, he left to help free the rest of Latin America

He died a year later, with his goal of uniting all of South America unfulfilled!

Brazil Freed from Portugal

The Portuguese royal family escaped Napoleon by fleeing to Brazil.

Pedro I set up a new, independent kingdom in 1821 when his father returned to Portugal.

Pedro II assumed full power after Pedro I abdicated his throne.